Compare commits


No commits in common. "no-masters" and "publishing-is-coding" have entirely different histories.

128 changed files with 590077 additions and 1398 deletions

.gitignore vendored
View File

@ -1 +0,0 @@

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ image: alpine:latest
stage: deploy
- echo 'Deploying...'
- echo 'Nothing to do...'
- public

View File

@ -631,8 +631,8 @@ to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
state the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
Blog del perro
Copyright (C) 2023 perro
{one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.}
Copyright (C) {year} {name of author}
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
@ -652,7 +652,7 @@ Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
If the program does terminal interaction, make it output a short
notice like this when it starts in an interactive mode: Copyright (C) 2023 perro
{project} Copyright (C) {year} {fullname}
This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.

View File

@ -1,13 +1,34 @@
# Blog del perro
# Publishing is Coding: Change My Mind
[![pipeline status](](
[![pipeline status](](
### License
## Donations
🌮 Donate for some tacos with [ETH](
:dog: Donate for some dog food with [DOGE](
:beer: Donate for some beers with [PayPal](
## Related links (Spanish)
Taller de Edición Digital (Digital Publishing Workshop): [](
_Edición digital como metodología para una edición global_ (_Digital Publishing as Methodology for Global Publishing_): [](
Pecas, herramientas editoriales (Pecas, publishing tools): [](
Blog: [](
## License
### Text
The texts and the images are under [Licencia Editorial Abierta y Libre (LEAL)](
“Licencia Editorial Abierta y Libre” is translated to “Open and Free Publishing
License.” “LEAL” is the acronym but also means “loyal” in Spanish.
### Code
The code is under [GPLv3](
### TODO
* RSS feed from JSON
* Reading options (font family, font size...)
* URL analizer for adding or filtrer tags (https://.../?tag=a&tag=b)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# encoding: UTF-8
# coding: UTF-8
require 'date'
require 'fileutils'
require File.realdirpath(__FILE__).gsub(/build.*$/, '') + "template/site/main_lang.rb"
# Displays message when something goes wrong
def check condition, err_msg
if condition then puts err_msg + ' For help use -h or --help.'; abort end
# To the root directory
Dir.chdir(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../..')
# Variables
locale = ''
content = []
template_dir = 'config/template/site/'
# Displays help
if ARGV[0] =~ /-h/
puts "create-indexes-feeds generates the index and feed file for each language."
puts "\nUse:"
puts " create-indexes-feeds"
# Formats date in RFC 2822
def format_date date
raw_date = date.gsub(/[\/:]/, ',').gsub(/[\s+|[A-Za-zÁÉÍÓÚÜáéíóúü]+]/, '').split(',')
raw_date = raw_date.reject{|e| e.empty?}
par_date =[0].to_i, raw_date[1].to_i, raw_date[2].to_i,
raw_date[3].to_i, raw_date[4].to_i, raw_date[5].to_i,[-6..-6] +[-4..-4])
return par_date.rfc2822
# Itinerates each locale
Dir.glob('content/html/*').each do |local|
locale = local.split('/').last
content = []
rss = []
# Gets the metadata of each post
Dir.glob(local + '/*').each do |f|
if File.basename(f) =~ /^\d+/
file = f.split('/').last
title =
.gsub(/\n/, '')
date =
.gsub(/\n/, '')
.gsub(/^.*?#{$template_lang[locale]['published']}\s+([^<]+?)<.*$/, '\1')
.gsub(/\s*\|\s*/, '')
if title != '' && title !~ /DOCTYPE/
content.push(' <div class="post">' + "\n" +
' <p><a href="' + file + '">' + file.gsub(/_.*$/, '').to_i.to_s + '. ' + title + '</a></p>' + "\n" +
' <p>[' + $template_lang[locale]['published'] + ' ' + date + ']</p>' + "\n" +
' </div>')
# Inverse posts order from the newest to the oldest
# Creates the items for RSS feed
content.each do |c|
title = c.split('">').last.split('</a>').first
link = '' + locale + '/' + c.split('href="').last.split('"').first
date = format_date(c.split('[').last.split(']').first)
rss.push(' <item>' + "\n" +
' <title>' + title + '</title>' + "\n" +
' <link>' + link + '</link>' + "\n" +
' <pubDate>' + date + '</pubDate>' + "\n" +
' <guid isPermaLink="false">guid' + title.split('.')[0] + '</guid>' + "\n" +
' </item>')
# Cleans and adds headers and footer for index
content.unshift( + 'header.html'))
content.unshift( + 'head.html'))
content.push( + 'footer.html'))
content = content.join("\n").gsub(/\n\n/, "\n")
# Replaces some strings for index
content = content.gsub('@file', 'index.html')
content = content.gsub('@locale', locale)
content = content.gsub('@title', $template_lang[locale]['main'])
content = content.gsub('@links', $template_lang[locale]['links'])
content = content.gsub('@about', $template_lang[locale]['about'])
content = content.gsub('@contact', $template_lang[locale]['contact'])
content = content.gsub('@fork', $template_lang[locale]['fork'])
content = content.gsub('@donate', $template_lang[locale]['donate'])
content = content.gsub('@copyfarleft', $template_lang[locale]['copyfarleft'])
content = content.gsub('@copyleft', $template_lang[locale]['copyleft'])
content = content.gsub('@license1', $template_lang[locale]['license1'])
content = content.gsub('@license2', $template_lang[locale]['license2'])
content = content.gsub('@build', $template_lang[locale]['build'])
content = content.gsub('@date','%Y/%m/%d, %H:%M'))
# Creates index
file = + '/index.html', 'w:utf-8')
file.puts content
# Cleans and add header and footer for RSS
rss.unshift( + 'head.xml'))
rss.push( + 'foot.xml'))
rss = rss.join("\n").gsub(/\n\n/, "\n")
# Replaces some strings for RSS
rss = rss.gsub('@locale', locale)
rss = rss.gsub('@date', format_date('%Y/%m/%d, %H:%M')))
# Creates RSS
file = + '/feed/' + locale + '/rss.xml', 'w:utf-8')
file.puts rss

old/config/build/md2pot Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# encoding: UTF-8
# coding: UTF-8
require 'fileutils'
# Displays message when something goes wrong
def check condition, err_msg
if condition then puts err_msg + ' For help use -h or --help.'; abort end
# To the root directory
Dir.chdir(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../..')
# Variables
name = 'Nika Zhenya <>'
pot_dir = 'content/pot/'
md_dir = 'content/md/'
md = ''
md_clean = []
md_path = ''
js = ''
js_path = ''
pot = ''
pot_clean = ''
pot_path = ''
# Displays help
if ARGV[0] =~ /-h/
puts "md2pot generates a pot file from a md file."
puts "\nUse:"
puts " md2pot [md file] [option]"
puts "\nOption:"
puts " -j Joins to an existing pot file."
puts "\nExamples:"
puts " md2pot"
puts " md2pot -j"
puts "\nThe md file has to be in '#{md_dir}' and the pot file is going to be stored in '#{pot_dir}'."
# Checks if the user gave the path to the file
check(ARGV[0] == nil, "ERROR: File is required.")
# Cleans path
md_path = md_dir + File.basename(ARGV[0])
# Checks if the file exists
check(File.exist?(md_path) == false, "ERROR: File doesn't exist.")
# Gets the content and create an array where each element is a md text block
md ="\n\n").reject{|c| c.empty?}
# Cleans md with special attention to lists
md.each do |block|
if block.strip =~ /^[\*\-\+]\s+/ || block.strip =~ /^\d+\.\s+/
block.gsub!("\n", '\n' + " \\\n")
block.gsub!("\n", " \\\n")
md_clean.push('_("' + block.gsub('"', '\"') + '")')
# Creates a temporary js file
js_path = md_dir + File.basename(md_path, '.*') + '.js'
js =, 'w:UTF-8')
js.puts md_clean
# Creates pot file based in js file
pot_path = pot_dir + File.basename(md_path, '.*') + '.pot'
system("xgettext #{js_path} #{ARGV[1] != nil ? '-j' : ''} --language=JavaScript --from-code=UTF-8 -o #{pot_path}")
# Cleans pot file
pot_clean ="\n")[5..-1].join("\n")
pot_clean.gsub!(/\n"\s/, "\n" + '"')
pot_clean.gsub!(/"Language.*?\n/, '')
pot_clean.gsub!(/"PO-Revision-Date:.*?\n/, '')
pot_clean.gsub!('"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: ', '"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: ' + name)
pot_clean.gsub!('PACKAGE VERSION', File.basename(md_path, '.*') + ' 1.0')
pot_clean.gsub!('FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>', name)
pot_clean.gsub!('charset=CHARSET', 'charset=UTF-8')
pot =, 'w:UTF-8')
pot.puts pot_clean
# Removes temporary js file

old/config/build/pos2htmls Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# encoding: UTF-8
# coding: UTF-8
require 'simple_po_parser'
require 'fileutils'
require 'time'
require File.realdirpath(__FILE__).gsub(/build.*$/, '') + "template/site/main_lang.rb"
# Displays message when something goes wrong
def check condition, err_msg
if condition then puts err_msg + ' For help use -h or --help.'; abort end
# To the root directory
Dir.chdir(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../..')
# Variables
po_dir = 'content/po/'
po_path = ''
html_dir = 'content/html/'
html_name = ''
html_tmp = ''
md_name = ''
template_dir = 'config/template/site/'
# Displays help
if ARGV[0] =~ /-h/
puts "pos2htmls generates html files from pos files."
puts "\nUse:"
puts " pos2htmls [po file]"
puts "\nExamples:"
puts " pos2htmls file.po"
puts "\nAll locales are converted to HTML."
puts "\nThe po file has to be in '#{po_dir}*' and the html files are going to be stored in '#{html_dir}', where '*' are the locales folders."
# Checks if the user gave the path to the file
check(ARGV[0] == nil, "ERROR: File is required.")
# Cleans path
po_path = po_dir + 'en/' + File.basename(ARGV[0])
html_name = File.basename(ARGV[0], '.*') + '.html'
# Checks if the file exists
check(File.exist?(po_path) == false, "ERROR: File doesn't exist.")
# Creates each HTML file
Dir.glob(po_dir + '*/*.po').each do |po|
if File.basename(po) == File.basename(po_path)
hash = {
'locale' => po.gsub(po_dir, '').split('/')[0],
'file' => html_name,
'title' => '',
'content' => []
# Extracts the translations
SimplePoParser.parse(po)[1..-1].each do |e|
translation = e[:msgstr]
if translation.class == Array
translation = translation.join('')
hash['content'].push(translation + "\n\n")
hash['content'].map!{|l| l.gsub('\\n', "\n")}
# Creates locale folder if it doesn't exists
if ! + hash['locale'])
Dir.mkdir(html_dir + hash['locale'])
Dir.chdir(html_dir + hash['locale'])
# Creates a temporary MD file
md_name = File.basename(hash['file'], '.*') + '.md'
file =, 'w:utf-8')
file.puts hash['content']
# Creates a temporary HTML file
puts "Creating #{html_dir + hash['locale'] + '/' + html_name}…"
system("pc-pandog -i #{md_name} -o #{html_name}")
# Gets the title
hash['title'] =
.gsub(/\n/, '')
.gsub(/<style>[^<]*?<\/style>/, '')
.gsub(/<[^<]*?>/, '')
# Cleans headers and footers and adds new headers and footers
html_tmp =\n/)[8..-3]
html_tmp = html_tmp.unshift('../../../' + template_dir + 'header.html'))
html_tmp = html_tmp.unshift('../../../' + template_dir + 'head.html'))
if hash['file'] =~ /^\d+/
html_tmp = html_tmp.push(' <script type="text/javascript" src="../../../hashover/comments.php"></script>')
html_tmp = html_tmp.push('../../../' + template_dir + 'footer.html'))
# Some unnecessary cleaning
html_tmp ={|l| l.gsub(/\s{8}/, ' ')}
html_tmp = html_tmp.join("\n").gsub(/\n\n/, "\n")
# Replaces string according the file, the date and the location
html_tmp = html_tmp.gsub('@locale', hash['locale'])
html_tmp = html_tmp.gsub('@title', hash['title'])
html_tmp = html_tmp.gsub('@file', hash['file'])
html_tmp = html_tmp.gsub('@links', $template_lang[hash['locale']]['links'])
html_tmp = html_tmp.gsub('@about', $template_lang[hash['locale']]['about'])
html_tmp = html_tmp.gsub('@contact', $template_lang[hash['locale']]['contact'])
html_tmp = html_tmp.gsub('@fork', $template_lang[hash['locale']]['fork'])
html_tmp = html_tmp.gsub('@donate', $template_lang[hash['locale']]['donate'])
html_tmp = html_tmp.gsub('@copyfarleft', $template_lang[hash['locale']]['copyfarleft'])
html_tmp = html_tmp.gsub('@copyleft', $template_lang[hash['locale']]['copyleft'])
html_tmp = html_tmp.gsub('@license1', $template_lang[hash['locale']]['license1'])
html_tmp = html_tmp.gsub('@license2', $template_lang[hash['locale']]['license2'])
html_tmp = html_tmp.gsub('@published', $template_lang[hash['locale']]['published'])
html_tmp = html_tmp.gsub('@build', $template_lang[hash['locale']]['build'])
html_tmp = html_tmp.gsub('@date','%Y/%m/%d, %H:%M'))
# Save the data
file =, 'w:utf-8')
file.puts html_tmp

old/config/build/pot2pos Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# encoding: UTF-8
# coding: UTF-8
require 'fileutils'
# Displays message when something goes wrong
def check condition, err_msg
if condition then puts err_msg + ' For help use -h or --help.'; abort end
# To the root directory
Dir.chdir(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../..')
# Variables
pot_dir = 'content/pot/'
pot_path = ''
po_dir = 'content/po/'
po_name = ''
locales = ['en', 'es']
# Displays help
if ARGV[0] =~ /-h/
puts "pot2pos generates po files from a pot file."
puts "\nUse:"
puts " pot2pos [pot file] [option]"
puts "\nOption:"
puts " -m Merges to an existing po file."
puts "\nExamples:"
puts " pot2pos file.pot"
puts " pot2pos file.pot -m"
puts "\nCurrent supported locales:"
puts " " + locales.join("\n ")
puts "\nThe pot file has to be in '#{pot_dir}' and the po files are going to be stored in '#{po_dir}*', where '*' are the locales folders."
# Checks if the user gave the path to the file
check(ARGV[0] == nil, "ERROR: File is required.")
# Cleans path
pot_path = pot_dir + File.basename(ARGV[0])
po_name = File.basename(ARGV[0], '.*') + '.po'
# Checks if the file exists
check(File.exist?(pot_path) == false, "ERROR: File doesn't exist.")
# Creates locale directory if need it
locales.each do |l|
if File.exist?(po_dir + l) == false
Dir.mkdir(po_dir + l)
# Creates or merges po files
locales.each do |l|
if ARGV[1] == nil
system("msginit --input=#{pot_path} --locale=#{l} --no-translator --output=#{po_dir + l}/#{po_name}")
system("msgmerge --update #{po_dir + l}/#{po_name} #{pot_path}")

View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@

View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
<p class="left no-indent">@copyfarleft <a href="../../../content/html/@locale/_fork.html">@license1 (<span class="smallcap">LEAL</span>)</a>.</p>
<p class="left no-indent">@copyleft <a target="_blank" href="">@license2 (<span class="smallcap">GPL</span>v3)</a>.</p>
<p class="left no-indent">@build @date.</p>
<p class="left no-indent"><span class="smallcap"><a target="_blank" href="">RSS</a></span> | <a href="../../../content/html/en/@file"><span class="versalita">EN</span></a> | <a href="../../../content/html/es/@file"><span class="versalita">ES</span></a></p>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="@locale">
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<meta name="application-name" content="Publishing is Coding: Change My Mind">
<meta name="description" content="Blog about free culture, free software and free publishing.">
<meta name="keywords" content="publishing, blog, book, ebook, methodology, foss, libre-software, format, markdown, html, epub, pdf, mobi, latex, tex, culture, free culture, philosophy">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, user-scalable=0">
<link rel="shortcut icon" href="../../../icon.png">
<link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" href="" title="Publishing is Coding: Change My Mind">
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="../../../css/styles.css">
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="../../../css/extra.css">
<script type="application/javascript" src="../../../js/functions.js"></script>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<rss version="2.0" xmlns:atom="">
<atom:link href="" rel="self" type="application/rss+xml" />
<title>Publishing is Coding: Change My Mind</title>
<description>Blog about free culture, free software and free publishing.</description>
<managingEditor> (Nika Zhenya)</managingEditor>
<title>Publishing is Coding: Change My Mind</title>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
<h1><a href="">Publishing is Coding: Change My Mind</a></h1>
<a href="../../../content/html/@locale/_links.html">@links</a> |
<a href="../../../content/html/@locale/_about.html">@about</a> |
<a href="../../../content/html/@locale/_contact.html">@contact</a> |
<a href="../../../content/html/@locale/_fork.html">@fork</a> |
<a href="../../../content/html/@locale/_donate.html">@donate</a>
<div id="controllers">
<a onclick="zoom(true)">+</a>
<a onclick="zoom(false)"></a>
<a onclick="mode(this)">N</a>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
$template_lang = {
'en' => {
'main' => 'Publishing is Coding: Change My Mind',
'links' => 'Links',
'about' => 'About',
'contact' => 'Contact',
'fork' => 'Fork',
'donate' => 'Donate',
'copyfarleft' => 'Texts and images are under',
'copyleft' => 'Code is under',
'license1' => 'Open and Free Publishing License',
'license2' => '<span class="smallcap">GNU</span> General Public License',
'build' => 'Last build of this page:',
'published' => 'Published:',
'es' => {
'main' => 'Publishing is Coding: Change My Mind',
'links' => 'Enlaces',
'about' => 'Acerca',
'contact' => 'Contacto',
'fork' => 'Bifurca',
'donate' => 'Dona',
'copyfarleft' => 'Los textos y las imágenes están bajo',
'copyleft' => 'El código está bajo',
'license1' => 'Licencia Editorial Abierta y Libre',
'license2' => 'Licencia Pública General de <span class="smallcap">GNU</span>',
'build' => 'Última modificación de esta página:',
'published' => 'Publicado:',

View File

@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<title>From Publishing with Free Software to Free Publishing</title>
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<meta name="application-name" content="Publishing is Coding: Change My Mind">
<meta name="description" content="Blog about free culture, free software and free publishing.">
<meta name="keywords" content="publishing, blog, book, ebook, methodology, foss, libre-software, format, markdown, html, epub, pdf, mobi, latex, tex, culture, free culture, philosophy">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, user-scalable=0">
<link rel="shortcut icon" href="../../../icon.png">
<link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" href="" title="Publishing is Coding: Change My Mind">
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="../../../css/styles.css">
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="../../../css/extra.css">
<script type="application/javascript" src="../../../js/functions.js"></script>
<h1><a href="">Publishing is Coding: Change My Mind</a></h1>
<nav> <p> <a href="../../../content/html/en/_links.html">Links</a> | <a href="../../../content/html/en/_about.html">About</a> | <a href="../../../content/html/en/_contact.html">Contact</a> | <a href="../../../content/html/en/_fork.html">Fork</a> | <a href="../../../content/html/en/_donate.html">Donate</a> </p>
<div id="controllers">
<a onclick="zoom(true)">+</a>
<a onclick="zoom(false)"></a>
<a onclick="mode(this)">N</a>
<h1 id="from-publishing-with-free-software-to-free-publishing">From Publishing with Free Software to Free Publishing</h1>
<blockquote class="published">
<p>Published: 2019/03/20, 13:00 | <a href=""><span class="smallcap">PDF</span></a> | <a href=""><span class="smallcap">Booklet</span></a></p>
<p>This blog is about “free publishing” but, what does that mean? The term “free” isn't only problematic in English. Maybe more in other languages because of the confusion between “free as in beer” and “free as in speech.” But by itself the concept of freedom is so ambiguous than even in Philosophy we are very careful in its use. Even though it is a problem, I like that the term doesn't have a clear definition—in the end, how free could we be if freedom is well defined?</p>
<p>Some years ago, when I started to work hand-in-hand with Programando Libreros and Hacklib, I realized that we weren't just doing publishing with free software. We are doing free publishing. So I attempted to define it in <a href="">a post</a> but it doesn't convince me anymore.</p>
<p>The term was floating around until December, 2018. At Contracorriente—yearly fanzine fair celebrated in Xalapa, Mexico—Hacklib and I were invited to give a talk about publishing and free software. Between all of us we made a poster of everything we talked about that day.</p>
<img src="../../../img/p001_i001.jpg" alt="Poster made at Contracorriente, nice, isn't it?"/>
Poster made at Contracorriente, nice, isn't it?
<p>The poster was very helpful because in a simple Venn diagram we were able to distinguish several intersections of activities that involve our work. Here is a more readable version:</p>
<img src="../../../img/p001_i002_en.png" alt="Venn diagram of publishing, free software and politics."/>
Venn diagram of publishing, free software and politics.
<p>So I'm not gonna define publishing, free software or politics—it is my fucking blog so I can write whatever I want xD and you can <a href="">duckduckgo</a> it without a satisfactory answer. As you can see, there are at least two very familiar intersections: cultural policies and hacktivism. I dunno how it is in your country, but in Mexico we have very strong cultural policies for publishing—or at least that is what publishers <i>think</i> and are comfortable with it, no matter that most of the time they go against open access and readers rights.</p>
<p>“Hacktivism” is a fuzzy term, but it could be clear if we realized that code as property is not the only way we can define it. Actually it is very problematic because property isn't a natural right, but one that is produced by our societies and protected by our states—yeah, individuality isn't the foundation of rights and laws, but a construction of the self produced society. So, do I have to mention that property rights isn't as fair as we would like?</p>
<p>Between publishing and free software we get “publishing with free software.” What does that imply? It is the act of publishing using software that accomplishes the famous—infamous?—<a href="">four freedoms</a>. For people that use software as a tool, this means that, first, we aren't forced to pay anything in order to use software. Second, we have access to the code and do whatever we want with it. Third—and for me the most important—we can be part of a community, instead of treated as a consumer.</p>
<p>It sounds great, doesn't it? But we have a little problem: the freedom only applies to software. As a publisher you can benefit from free software and that doesn't mean you have to free your work. Penguin Random House—the Google of publishing—one day could decide to use TeX or Pandoc, saving tons of money and at the same time keep the monopoly of publishing.</p>
<p>Stallman saw the problem with manuals published by O'Reilly and he proposed the <span class="smallcap">GNU</span> Free Documentation License. But by doing so he trickly distinguished <a href="">different kinds of works</a>. It is interesting to see texts as functional works, matter of opinion or aesthetics but in the publishing industry nobody gives a fuck about that. The distinctions work great between writers and readers, but it doesn't problematize the fact that publishers are the ones who decide the path of almost all of our text-centered culture.</p>
<p>In my opinion, that's dangerous at least. So I prefer another tricky distinction. Big publishers and their mimetic branch—the so called “indie” publishing—only cares about two things: sales and reputation. They want to live <i>well</i> and get social recognition from the <i>good</i> books they publish. If one day software communities develop some desktop publishing or typesetting easy-to-use and suitable for all their <i>professional</i> needs, we would see how “suddenly” the publishing industry embraces free software.</p>
<p>So, why don't we distinguish published works by their funding and sense of community? If what you publish has public funding—for your knowledge, in Mexico practically all publishing has this kind of funding—it would be fair to release the files and leave hard copies for sale: we already paid for that. This is a very common argument among supporters of open access in science, but we can go beyond that. No matter if the work relies on functionality, matter of opinion or aesthetics; whether its a scientific paper, a philosophy essay or a novel and it has public funding, we have already paid for access, come on!</p>
<p>You can still sell publications and go to Messe Frankfurt, Guadalajara International Book Fair or Beijing Book Fair: it is just doing business with the <i>bare minium</i> of social and political awareness. Why do you want more money from us if we've already given it to you?—and you receive almost all of the profits, leaving the authors with just the satisfaction of seeing her work published…</p>
<p>The sense of community goes here. In a world where one of the main problems is artificial scarcity—paywalls instead of actual walls—we need to apply <a href="">copyleft</a> or, even better, <a href="">copyfarleft</a> licenses in our published works. They aren't the solution, but they are a support to maintain the freedom and the access in publishing.</p>
<p>As it goes, we need free tools but also free works. I already have the tools but lack the permission to publish some books that I really like. I don't want that happen to you with my work. So we need a publishing ecosystem where we have access to all files of a particular edition—our “source code” and “binary files”—and also to the tools—the free software—so we can improve, as a community, the quality and the access of works and its required skills. Who doesn't want that?</p>
<p>With these political strains, free software tools and publishing as a way of living as a publisher, writer and reader, free publishing is a pathway. With Programando Libreros and Hacklib we use free software, we invest time in activism and we work in publishing: <i>we do free publishing, what about you?</i></p>
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<h1 id="fuck-books-if-and-only-if">Fuck Books, If and only If…</h1>
<blockquote class="published">
<p>Published: 2019/04/15, 12:00</p>
<p>I always try to be very clear about something: books nowadays, by themselves, are just production leftovers. Yeah, we have built an industry in order to made them. But, would you be able to publish by your own?</p>
<p>Probably not. It is almost sure you lack of something: you don't seize the machines supposedly needed; you don't enjoy the skills; you don't carry the acknowledge or you don't possess the networking. You don't own anything.</p>
<p>We have reach the production capacity to publish in a couple hours what in the past took centuries. That is amazing… and scary. What are we publishing now? <i>Why are we producing that much?</i> Our reading capacity haven't improve at the same rhythm—maybe we have been losing some of that ability.</p>
<p>We are more people now, but it is a contemporary supposition that each person needs a book. We have public libraries. They used to be a great idea. Now they are one of the few places where people can go and enjoy without paying a penny. The last standing point of a world before its global monetization. And sometimes not even that, because they are behind a wall: paid subscriptions or universities ids; or because most of us prefer coffee shops, public libraries are for poor, creepy and old people, right?</p>
<p>And we are praising books as a holly product of our culture. Even though what we really do is supporting a consumer good. You don't made them, you don't read them: you just buy and put them in a bookshelf. You don't own them, you don't even look what is inside: you just buy and leave them in your Amazon account. You are a consumer and that makes you think yourself as a supporter of our culture.</p>
<p>As publishers we made everything about books: fairs, workshops, meetups, study degrees and marketing. As publishers we want to sell you the next best-seller, the newest book format: “the future of reading.” Even though what we really want is your money. We know you don't read. We know you don't want books that would blow the bubble where you live. We know you just want be entertained. We know you are craving to talk about how much books you have “read.” We just want you to keep buying and buying. Who cares about you.</p>
<p>Before all that shit happened to publishing, books were a rare and difficult product to make. From them we could see the complexity of our world: its means of production, its structure and its struggles. Publishers were kill because they wanted to offer you something really important to read. Now publishers are awarded with trips, grants or fancy dinners. Most publishers aren't a treat anymore. Instead, they are the managers of public debate; i.e., what we can say, think or feel.</p>
<p>Most books nowadays only show how the main bits of our world have been displaced as another good in the marketplace. We see paper, we see ink, we see fonts and we see code. After that first look, we start to realize that our books are mainly a gear of a machinery of global consumption.</p>
<p>Only at this point, we can clearly see the chain of exploitation needed to achieve that kind of productivity. <i>Who or what benefits from it?</i> Authors can't made a living anymore. People involved in books production—printers, proof readers, designers, publishers and so on—barely earn a living wage. A lot of trees and resources have been use for profits.</p>
<p>Again, we have reach the production capacity to publish in a couple hours what in the past took centuries, <i>where did all that wealth go?</i> Not to our pockets, we always have to pay in order to produce or own books.</p>
<p>So, what makes you love books that probably you won't read? If and only if publishing is what it is now and we don't want to change it, well: fuck books.</p>
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<h1 id="dont-come-with-those-tales">Don't Come with Those Tales</h1>
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<p>Published: 2019/05/05, 20:00</p>
<p>I love books. I love them so much that I even decided to make a living from them—probably a very bad career decision. But I can't idealize that love.</p>
<p>During school and university I was taught that I should love books. Actually, some teachers made me clear that it was the only way I could get my bachelor's degree. Because books are the main freedom and knowledge device in our shitty world, right? Not loving books is like the will to stay in a cave—hello, Plato. Not celebrating its greatness is just one step to support antidemocratic regimes. And while I was learning to love books, of course I also learned to respect its “creators” and the industry than made it happened.</p>
<p>I don't think it is casual that the development of what we mean by book is independent from the developments of capitalism and what we understand by author. Maybe correlation; maybe intersection; but definitely they aren't separate stories.</p>
<p>Let's start with a common place: the invention of printing. Yeah, it is an arbitrary and problematic start. We could say that books and authors goes far before that. But what we have in that particularly place in history is the standardization and massification of a practice. It didn't happen from day to night, but little by little all the methodological and technical diversity became more homogeneous. And with that, we were able to made books not as luxurious or institutional commodities, but as objects of everyday use.</p>
<p>And not just books, but printed text in general. Before the invention of printing, we could barely see text in our surroundings. What surprise me about printing it is not the capacity of production that we reached, but how that technology normalized the existence of text in our daily basis.</p>
<p>Newspapers first and now social media relies on that normalization to generate the idea of an “universal” public debate—I don't know if it is actually “public” if almost all popular newspapers and social media platforms are own by corporations and its criteria; but let's pretend it is a minor issue. And public debate supposedly incentivizes democracy.</p>
<p>Before Enlightenment the owners of printed text realized its freedom potential. Most churches and kingdoms tried to control it. The Protestant Church first and then the Enlightenment and emerging capitalist enterprises hijacked the control of public debate; specifically who owns the means of printed text production, who decides the languages worthy to print and who sets its main reader.</p>
<p>Maybe it is a bad analogy but printed text in newspapers, books and journals were so fascinating like nowadays is digital “content” over the Internet. But what I mean is that there were many people who tried to have that control and power. And most of them failed and keep failing.</p>
<p>So during 18th century books started to have another meaning. They ceased to be mainly devices of God's or authority's word to be <i>a</i> device of freedom of speech. Thanks to the firsts emerging capitalists we got means for secular thinking. Acts of censorship became evident acts of political restriction instead of acts against sinners.</p>
<p>The invention of printing created so big demand of printed text that it actually generated the publishing industry. Self-publishing to satisfy internal institutional demand opened the place to an industry for new citizens readers. A luxury and religious object became a commodity in the “free” market.</p>
<p>While printed text surpassed almost all restrictions, freedom of speech rised hand-to-hand freedom of enterprise—the debate between Free Software Movement and Open Source Initiative relies in an old and more general debate: how much freedom can we grant in order to secure freedom? But it also developed other freedom that was fastened by religious or political authorities: the freedom to be identify as an author.</p>
<p>How we understand authorship in our days depends in a process where the notion of author became more closed to the idea of “creator.” And it is actually a very interesting semantic transfer. <i>In one way</i> the invention of printing mechanized and improved a practice that it was believed to be done with God's help. Trithemius got so horrified that printing wasn't welcome. But with new Spirits—freedoms of enterprise and speech—what was seen even as a demonic invention became one of the main technologies that still defines and reproduces the idea of humanity.</p>
<p>This opened the opportunity to independent authors. Printed text wasn't anymore a matter of God's or authority's word but a secular and ephemeral Human's word. The massification of publishing also opened the gates for less relevant and easy-to-read printed texts; but for the incipient publishing industry it didn't matter: it was a way to catch more profits and consumers.</p>
<p>Not only that, it reproduced the ideas that were around over and over again. Yes, it growth the diversity of ideas but it also repeated speeches that safeguard the state of things. How much books have been a device of freedom and how much they have been a device of ideological reproduction? That is a good question that we have to answer.</p>
<p>So authors without religious or political authority found a way to sneak their names in printed text. It wasn't yet a function of property—I don't like the word “function,” but I will use it anyways—but a function of attribution: they wanted to publicly be know as the human who wrote those texts. No God, no authority, no institution, but a person of flesh and bone.</p>
<p>But that also meant regular powerless people started to be authors. Without backup of God or King, who the fucks are you, little peasant? Publishers—a.k.a. printers in those years—took advantage. The fascination to saw a newspaper article about books you wrote is similar to see a Wikipedia article about you. You don't gain directly anything, only reputation. It relies on you to made it profitable.</p>
<p>During 18th century, authorship became a function of <i>individual</i> attribution, but not a function of property. So I think this is were the notion of “creator” came out as an ace in the hole. In Germany we can track one of the first robust attempts to empower this new kind of powerless independent author.</p>
<p>German Romanticism developed something that goes back to the Renaissance: humans can also <i>create</i> things. Sometimes we forget that Christianity has been also a very messy set of beliefs. The attempt to made a consistent, uniform and rationalized set of beliefs goes back in the diversity of religious practices. So you could accept that printing text lost its directly connection to God's word while you could argue some kind of inspiration beyond our corporeal world. And you don't have to rationalize it: you can't prove it, you just feel it and know it.</p>
<p>So german writers used that as foundations for independent authorship. No God's or authority's word, no institution, but a person inspired by things beyond our world. The notion of “creation” has a very strong religious and metaphysical backgrounds that we can't just ignore them: act of creation means the capacity to bring to this world something that it doesn't belong to it. The relationship between authorship and text turned out so imminent that even nowadays we don't have any fucking idea why we accept as common sense that authors have a superior and inalienable bond to its works.</p>
<p>Before the expansionism of German Romanticism's notion of author, writers were seen more as producers that sold their work to the owners of means of production. So while the invention of printing facilitated a new kind of secular and independent author, <i>in other hand</i> it summoned Authorship Fog: “Whenever you cast another Book spell, if Spirits of Printing are in the command zone or on the battlefield, create a 1/1 white Author creature token with flying and indestructible.” As material as a printed card we made magic to grant authors a creative function: the ability to “produce from nothing” and a bond that never changes or dies.</p>
<p>Authors as creators is a cool metaphor, who doesn't want to have some divine powers? In the abstract discussion about the relationship between authors, texts and freedom of speech, it is just a perfect fit. You don't have to rely in anything material to grasp all of them as an unique phenomena. But in the concrete facts of printed texts and the publishers abuses to authors you go beyond attribution. You are not just linking an object to a subject. Instead, you are grating property relationships between subject and an object.</p>
<p>And property means nothing if you can't exploit it. At the beginning of publishing industry and during all 18th century, publishers took advantage of this new kind of “property.” The invention of the author as a property function was the rise of new legislation. Germans and French jurists translated this speech to laws.</p>
<p>I won't talk about the history of moral rights. Instead I want to highlight how this gave a supposedly ethical, political and legal justification of the <i>individualization</i> of cultural commodities. Authorship began to be associated inalienably to individuals and <i>a</i> book started to mean <i>a</i> reader. But not only that, the possibilities of intellectual freedom were reduced to <i>a</i> particular device: printed text.</p>
<p>More freedom translated to the need of more and more printed material. More freedom implied the requirement of bigger and bigger publishing industry. More freedom entailed the expansionism of cultural capitalism. Books switched to commodities and authors became its owners. Moral rights were never about the freedom of readers, but who was the owner of that commodities.</p>
<p>Books stopped to be sources of oral and local public debate and became private devices for an “universal” public debate: the Enlightenment. Authorship put attribution in secondary place so individual ownership could become its synonymous. A book for several readers and an author as an id for an intellectual movement or institution became irrelevant against a book as property for a particular reader—as material—and author—as speech.</p>
<p>And we are sitting here reading all this shit without taking to account that ones of the main wins of our neoliberal world is that we have been talking about objects, individuals and production of wealth. Who the fucks are the subjects who made all this publishing shit possible? Where the fucks are the communities that in several ways make possible the rise of authors? For fuck sake, why aren't we talking about the hidden costs of the maintenance of means of production?</p>
<p>We aren't books and we aren't its authors. We aren't those individuals who everybody are gonna relate to the books we are working on and, of course, we lack of sense of community. We aren't the ones who enjoy all that wealth generated by books production but for sure we are the ones who made all that possible. <i>We are neglecting ourselves</i>.</p>
<p>So don't come with those tales about the greatness of books for our culture, the need of authorship to transfer wealth or to give attribution and how important for our lives is the publishing production.</p>
<p>Did you know that books have been mainly devices of ideological reproduction or at least mainly devices for cultural capitalism—most best-selling books aren't critical thinking books that free our minds, but text books with its hidden curriculum and self-help and erotic books that keep reproducing basic exploitable stereotypes?</p>
<p>Did you realize that authorship haven't been the best way to transfer wealth or give attribution—even worst than before authors now have to paid in order to be published and they practically lose all their rights?</p>
<p>Did you see how we are still worry about production no matter what—it doesn't matter that it would imply bigger chains of free labor or, as I prefer to say: chains of exploitation and “intellectual” slavery, because in order to be an scholar or a writer you have to embrace publishing industry and maybe even cultural capitalism?</p>
<p>Please, don't come with those tales, we already reached more fertile fields that can generate way better stories.</p>
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<h1 id="who-backup-whom">Who Backup Whom?</h1>
<blockquote class="published">
<p>Published: 2019/07/04, 11:00</p>
<p>Among publishers and readers is common to heard about “digital copies.” This implies that ebooks tend to be seen as backups of printed books. How the former became a copy of the original—even tough you first need a digital file in order to print—goes something like this:</p>
<p>Digital files (<span class="smallcap">DF</span>s) with appropriate maintenance could have higher probabilities to last longer that its material peer.</p>
<p>Physical files (<span class="smallcap">PF</span>s) are limited due geopolitical issues, like cultural policies updates, or due random events, like environment changes or accidents.</p>
<p><i>Therefore</i>, <span class="smallcap">DF</span>s are backups of <span class="smallcap">PF</span>s because <i>in theory</i> its dependence is just technical.</p>
<p>The famous digital copies arise as a right of private copy. What if one day our printed books get ban or burn? Or maybe some rain or coffee spill could fuck our books collection. Who knows, <span class="smallcap">DF</span>s seem more reliable.</p>
<p>But there are a couple suppositions in this argument. (1) The technology behind <span class="smallcap">DF</span>s in one way or the other will always make data flow. Maybe this is because (2) one characteristic—part of its “nature”—of information is that nobody can stop its spread. This could also implies that (3) hackers can always destroy any kind of digital rights management system.</p>
<p>Certainly some dudes are gonna be able to hack the locks but at a high cost: every time each <a href="">cipher</a> is revealed, another more complex is on the way—<em>Barlow <a href="">dixit</a></em>. We cannot trust that our digital infrastructure would be designed with the idea of free share in mind… Also, how can we probe information wants to be free without relying in its “nature” or making it some kind of autonomous subject?</p>
<p>Besides those issues, the dynamic between copies and originals creates an hierarchical order. Every <span class="smallcap">DF</span> is in a secondary position because it is a copy. In a world full of things, materiality is and important feature for commons and goods; for several people <span class="smallcap">PF</span>s are gonna be preferred because, well, you can grasp them.</p>
<p>Ebook market shows that the hierarchy is at least shading. For some readers <span class="smallcap">DF</span>s are now in the top of the pyramid. We could say so by the follow argument:</p>
<p><span class="smallcap">DF</span>s are way more flexible and easy to share.</p>
<p><span class="smallcap">PF</span>s are very rigid and not easy to access.</p>
<p><i>Therefore</i>, <span class="smallcap">DF</span>s are more suitable for use than <span class="smallcap">PF</span>s.</p>
<p>Suddenly, <span class="smallcap">PF</span>s become hard copies that are gonna store data as it was published. Its information is in disposition to be extracted and processed if need it.</p>
<p>Yeah, we also have a couple assumptions here. Again (1) we rely on the stability of our digital infrastructure that it would allow us to have access to <span class="smallcap">DF</span>s no matter how old they are. (2) Reader's priorities are over files use—if not merely consumption—not on its preservation and reproduction (<span class="smallcap">P&#38;R</span>). (3) The argument presume that backups are motionless information, where bookshelves are fridges for later-to-use books.</p>
<p>The optimism about our digital infrastructure is too damn high. Commonly we see it as a technology that give us access to zillions of files and not as a <span class="smallcap">P&#38;R</span> machinery. This could be problematic because some times file formats intended for use aren't the most suitable for <span class="smallcap">P&#38;R</span>. For example, the use of <span class="smallcap">PDF</span>s as some kind of ebook. Giving to much importance to reader's priorities could lead us to a situation where the only way to process data is by extracting it again from hard copies. When we do that we also have another headache: fixes on the content have to be add to the last available hard copy edition. But, can you guess where are all the fixes? Probably not. Maybe we should start to think about backups as some sort of <i>rolling update</i>.</p>
<img src="../../../img/p004_i001.jpg" alt="Programando Libreros while she scans books which DFs are not suitable for P&#38;R or are simply nonexistent; can you see how it is not necessary to have a fucking nice scanner?"/>
Programando Libreros while she scans books which <span class="smallcap">DF</span>s are not suitable for <span class="smallcap">P&#38;R</span> or are simply nonexistent; can you see how it is not necessary to have a fucking nice scanner?
<p>As we imagine—and started to live in—scenarios of highly controlled data transfer, we have to picture a situation where for some reason our electric power is off or running low. In that context all the strengths of <span class="smallcap">DF</span>s become pointless. They may not be accessible. They may not spread. Right now for us is hard to imagine. Generation after generation the storaged <span class="smallcap">DF</span>s in <span class="smallcap">HDD</span>s would be inherit with the hope of being used again. But over time those devices with our cultural heritage would become rare objects without any apparent utility.</p>
<p>The aspects of <span class="smallcap">DF</span>s that made us see the fragility of <span class="smallcap">PF</span>s would disappear in its concealment. Can we still talk about information if it is on a potential stage—we know data is there, but it is inaccessible because we don't have means for view them? Or does information already implies technical resources for its access—i.e. there is not information without a subject with technical skills to extract, process and use the data?</p>
<p>When we usually talk about information we already suppose it is there, but many times it is not accessible. So the idea of potential information could be counterintuitive. If information isn't actual we just consider that it doesn't exist, not that it is on some potential stage.</p>
<p>As our technology is developing we assume that we would always have <i>the possibility</i> of better ways to extract or understand data. Thus, that there are bigger chances to get new kinds of information—and take profit from it. Preservation of data relies between those possibilities, as we usually backup files with the idea that we could need to go back again.</p>
<p>Our world become more complex by new things forthcoming to us, most of the times as new characteristics of things we already know. Preservation policies implies an epistemic optimism and not only a desire to keep alive or incorrupt our heritage. We wouldn't backup data if we don't already believe we could need it in a future where we can still use it.</p>
<p>With this exercise it could be clear a potentially paradox of <span class="smallcap">DF</span>s. More accessibility tends to require more technical infrastructure. This could imply major technical dependence that subordinate accessibility of information to the disposition of technical means. <i>Therefore</i>, we achieve a situation where more accessibility is equal to more technical infrastructure and—as we experience nowadays—dependence.</p>
<p>Open access to knowledge involves at least some minimum technical means. Without that, we can't really talk about accessibility of information. Contemporary open access possibilities are restricted to an already technical dependence because we give a lot of attention in the flexibility that <span class="smallcap">DF</span>s offer us for <i>its use</i>. In a world without electric power, this kind of accessibility becomes narrow and an useless effort.</p>
<img src="../../../img/p004_i002.jpg" alt="Programando Libreros and Hacklib while they work on a project intended to P&#38;R old Latin American SciFi books; sometimes a V-shape scanner is required when books are very fragile."/>
Programando Libreros and Hacklib while they work on a project intended to <span class="smallcap">P&#38;R</span> old Latin American SciFi books; sometimes a V-shape scanner is required when books are very fragile.
<p>So, <i>who backup whom?</i> In our actual world, where geopolitics and technical means restricts flow of data and people at the same time it defends internet access as a human right—some sort of neo-Enlightenment discourse—<span class="smallcap">DF</span>s are lifesavers in a condition where we don't have more ways to move around or scape—not only from border to border, but also on cyberspace: it is becoming a common place the need to sign up and give your identity in order to use web services. Let's not forget that open access of data can be a course of action to improve as community but also a method to perpetuate social conditions.</p>
<p>Not a lot of people are as privilege as us when we talk about access to technical means. Even more concerning, there are hommies with disabilities that made very hard for them to access information albeit they have those means. Isn't it funny that our ideas as file contents can move more “freely” than us—your memes can reach web platform where you are not allow to sign in?</p>
<p>I desire more technological developments for freedom of <span class="smallcap">P&#38;R</span> and not just for use as enjoyment—no matter is for intellectual or consumption purposes. I want us to be free. But sometimes use of data, <span class="smallcap">P&#38;R</span> of information and people mobility freedoms don't get along.</p>
<p>With <span class="smallcap">DF</span>s we achieve more independence in file use because once it is save, it could spread. It doesn't matter we have religious or political barriers; the battle take place mainly in technical grounds. But this doesn't made <span class="smallcap">DF</span>s more autonomous in its <span class="smallcap">P&#38;R</span>. Neither implies we can archive personal or community freedoms. They are objects. <i>They are tools</i> and whoever use them better, whoever owns them, would have more power.</p>
<p>With <span class="smallcap">PF</span>s we can have more <span class="smallcap">P&#38;R</span> freedom. We can do whatever we want with them: extract their data, process it and let it free. But only if we are their owners. Often that is not the case, so <span class="smallcap">PF</span>s tend to have more restricted access for its use. And, again, this doesn't mean we can be free. There is not any cause and effect relationship between what object made possible and how subjects want to be free. They are tools, they are not master or slaves, just means for whoever use them… but for which ends?</p>
<p>We need <span class="smallcap">DF</span>s and <span class="smallcap">PF</span>s as backups and as everyday objects of use. The act of backup is a dynamic category. Backed up files are not inert and they aren't only substrates waiting to be use. Sometimes we are going to use <span class="smallcap">PF</span>s because <span class="smallcap">DF</span>s have been corrupted or its technical infrastructure has been shut down. In other occasions we would use <span class="smallcap">DF</span>s when <span class="smallcap">PF</span>s have been destroyed or restricted.</p>
<img src="../../../img/p004_i003.jpg" alt="Due restricted access to PFs, sometimes it is necessary a portable V-shape scanner; this model allows us to handle damaged books while we can also storage it in a backpack."/>
Due restricted access to <span class="smallcap">PF</span>s, sometimes it is necessary a portable V-shape scanner; this model allows us to handle damaged books while we can also storage it in a backpack.
<p>So the struggle about backups—and all that shit about “freedom” on <span class="smallcap">FOSS</span> communities—it is not only around the “incorporeal” realm of information. Nor on the technical means that made digital data possible. Neither in the laws that transform production into property. We have others battle fronts against the monopoly of the cyberspace—or as Lingel <a href="">says</a>: the gentrification of the internet.</p>
<p>It is not just about software, hardware, privacy, information or laws. It is about us: how we build communities and how technology constitutes us as subjects. <i>We need more theory</i>. But a very diversified one because being on internet it is not the same for an scholar, a publisher, a woman, a kid, a refugee, a non-white, a poor or an old lady. This space it isn't neutral nor homogeneous nor two-dimensional. It has wires, it has servers, it has exploited employees, it has buildings, <i>it has power</i> and it has, well, all that things the “real world” has. Not because you use a device to access means that you can always decide if you are online or not: you are always online as an user as a consumer or as data.</p>
<p><i>Who backup whom?</i> As internet is changing us as printed text did, backed up files aren't storages of data, but <i>the memory of our world</i>. Is it still a good idea to leave the work of <span class="smallcap">P&#38;R</span> to a couple hardware and software companies? Are we now allow to say that the act of backup implies files but something else too?</p>
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<h1 id="how-it-is-made-master-research-thesis">How It Is Made: Master Research Thesis</h1>
<blockquote class="published">
<p>Published: 2020/02/15, 13:00 | <a href=""><span class="smallcap">PDF</span></a> | <a href=""><span class="smallcap">Booklet</span></a></p>
<p>Uff, after six months of writing, reviewing, deleting, yelling and almost giving up, I finally finished the Master's research thesis. You can check it out <a href="">here</a>.</p>
<p>The thesis is about intellectual property, commons and cultural and philosophical production. I completed the Master's of Philosophy at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (<span class="smallcap">UNAM</span>). This research was written in Spanish and it consists of almost 27K words and ~100 pages.</p>
<p>Since the beginning, I decided not to write it with a text processor such as <a href="">LibreOffice</a> nor Microsoft Office. I made that decision because:</p>
<p>Office software was designed for a particular kind of work, not for research purposes.</p>
<p>Bibliography managing or reviewing the writing could be very very messy.</p>
<p>I needed several outputs which would require heavy clean up if I wrote the research in <span class="smallcap">ODT</span> or <span class="smallcap">DOCX</span> formats.</p>
<p>I wanted to see how far I could go by just using <a href="">Markdown</a>, a terminal and <a href=""><span class="smallcap">FOSS</span></a>.</p>
<p>In general the thesis is actually an automated repository where you can see everything—including the entire bibliography, the site and the writing history. The research uses a <a href="">rolling release</a> model—“the concept of frequently delivering updates.” The methodology is based on automated and multiformat standardized publishing, or as I like to call it: branched publishing.</p>
<p>This isn't the space to discuss the method, but these are some general ideas:</p>
<p>We have some inputs which are our working files.</p>
<p>We need several outputs which would be our ready-to-ship files.</p>
<p>We want automation so we only focus on writing and editing, instead of losing our time in formatting or having nightmares with layout design.</p>
<p>In order to be successful, it's necessary to avoid any kind of <a href=""><span class="smallcap">WYSIWYG</span></a> and <a href="">Desktop Publishing</a> approaches. Instead, branched publishing employs <a href=""><span class="smallcap">WYSIGYM</span></a> and typesetting systems.</p>
<p>So let's start!</p>
<h2 id="inputs">Inputs</h2>
<p>I have two main input files: the content of the research and the bibliography. I used Markdown for the content. I decided to use <a href="">BibLaTeX</a> for the bibliography.</p>
<h3 id="markdown">Markdown</h3>
<p>Why Markdown? Because it is:</p>
<p>easy to read, write and edit</p>
<p>easy to process</p>
<p>a lightweight format</p>
<p>a plain and open format</p>
<p>Markdown format was intended for blog writing. So “vanilla” Markdown isn't enough for research or scholarly writing. And I'm not a fan of <a href="">Pandoc's Markdown</a>.</p>
<p>Don't get me wrong, <a href="">Pandoc</a> <i>is</i> the Swiss knife for document conversion, its name suits it perfectly. But for the type of publishing I do, Pandoc is part of the automation process and not for inputs or outputs. I use Pandoc as a middleman for some formats as it helps me save a lot of time.</p>
<p>For inputs and output formats I think Pandoc is a great general purpose tool, but not enough for a fussy publisher like this <i>perro</i>. Plus, I love scripting so I prefer to employ my time on that instead of configuring Pandoc's outputs—it helps me learn more. So in this publishing process, Pandoc is used when I haven't resolved something or I'm too lazy to do it, <span class="smallcap">LOL</span>.</p>
<p>Unlike text processing formats as <span class="smallcap">ODT</span> or <span class="smallcap">DOCX</span>, <span class="smallcap">MD</span> is very easy to customize. You don't need to install plugins, rather you just generate more syntax!</p>
<p>So <a href="">Pecas' Markdown</a> was the base format for the content. The additional syntax was for citing the bibliography by its id.</p>
<img src="../../../img/p005_i001.png" alt="The research in its original MD input."/>
The research in its original <span class="smallcap">MD</span> input.
<h3 id="biblatex">BibLaTeX</h3>
<p>Formatting a bibliography is one of the main headaches for many researchers. It requires a lot of time and energy to learn how to quote and cite. And no matter how much experience one may have, the references or the bibliography usually have typos.</p>
<p>I know it by experience. Most of our clients' bibliographies are a huge mess. But 99.99% percent of the time it's because they do it manually… So I decided to avoid that hell.</p>
<p>They are several alternatives for bibliography formatting and the most common one is BibLaTeX, the successor of <a href="">BibTeX</a>. With this type of format you can arrange your bibliography as an object notation. Here is a sample of an entry:</p>
<pre class="">
<code class="code-line-1">@book{proudhon1862a,</code><code class="code-line-2"> author = {Proudhon, Pierre J.},</code><code class="code-line-3"> date = {1862},</code><code class="code-line-4"> file = {:recursos/proudhon1862a.pdf:PDF},</code><code class="code-line-5"> keywords = {prio2,read},</code><code class="code-line-6"> publisher = {Office de publicité},</code><code class="code-line-7"> title = {Les Majorats littéraires},</code><code class="code-line-8"> url = {},</code><code class="code-line-9">}</code>
<p>At the beginning of the entry you indicate its type and id. Each entry has an array of key-value pairs. Depending on the type of reference, there are some mandatory keys. If you need more, you can just add them in. This could be very difficult to edit directly because <span class="smallcap">PDF</span> compilation doesn't tolerate syntax errors. For comfort, you can use some <span class="smallcap">GUI</span> like <a href="">JabRef</a>. With this software you can easily generate, edit or delete bibliographic entries as if they were rows in a spreadsheet.</p>
<p>So I have two types of input formats: <span class="smallcap">BIB</span> for bibliography and <span class="smallcap">MD</span> for content. I make cross-references by generating some additional syntax that invokes bibliographic entries by their id. It sounds complicated, but for writing purposes it's just something like this:</p>
<p>@textcite[someone2020a] states… Now I am paraphrasing someone so I would cite her at the end @parencite[someone2020a].</p>
<p>When the bibliography is processed I get something like this:</p>
<p>Someone (2020) states… Now I am paraphrasing someone so I would cite her at the end (Someone, 2020).</p>
<p>This syntax is based on LaTeX textual and parenthetical citations styles for <a href="">BibLaTeX</a>. The at sign (<code>@</code>) is the character I use at the beginning of any additional syntax for Pecas' Markdown. For processing purposes I could use any other kind of syntax. But for writing and editing tasks I found the at sign to be very accessible and easy to find.</p>
<p>The example was very simple and doesn't fully explore the point of doing this. By using ids:</p>
<p>I don't have to worry if the bibliographic entries change.</p>
<p>I don't have to learn any citation style.</p>
<p>I don't have to write the bibliography section, it is done automatically!</p>
<p>I <i>always</i> get the correct structure.</p>
<p>In a further section I explain how this process is possible. The main idea is that with some scripts these two inputs became one, a Markdown file with an added bibliography, ready for automation processes.</p>
<h2 id="outputs">Outputs</h2>
<p>I hate <span class="smallcap">PDF</span> as the only research output, because most of the time I made a general reading on screen and, if I wanted a more detailed reading, with notes and shit, I prefer to print it. It isn't comfortable to read a <span class="smallcap">PDF</span> on screen and most of the time printed <span class="smallcap">HTML</span> or ebooks are aesthetically unpleasant. That's why I decided to deliver different formats, so readers can pick what they like best.</p>
<p>Seeing how publishing is becoming more and more centralized, unfortunately the deployment of <span class="smallcap">MOBI</span> formats for Kindle readers is recommendable—by the way, <span class="smallcap">FUCK</span> Amazon, they steal from writers and publishers; use Amazon only if the text isn't in another source. I don't like proprietary software as Kindlegen, but it is the only <i>legal</i> way to deploy <span class="smallcap">MOBI</span> files. I hope that little by little Kindle readers at least start to hack their devices. Right now Amazon is the shit people use, but remember: if you don't have it, you don't own it. Look what happened with <a href="">books in Microsoft Store</a></p>
<p>What took the cake was a petition from my tutor. He wanted an editable file he could use easily. Long ago Microsoft monopolized ewriting, so the easiest solution is to provide a <span class="smallcap">DOCX</span> file. I would prefer to use <span class="smallcap">ODT</span> format but I have seen how some people don't know how to open it. My tutor isn't part of that group, but for the outputs it's good to think not only in what we need but in what we could need. People barely read research, if it isn't accessible in what they already know, they won't read.</p>
<p>So, the following outputs are:</p>
<p><span class="smallcap">EPUB</span> as standard ebook format.</p>
<p><span class="smallcap">MOBI</span> for Kindle readers.</p>
<p><span class="smallcap">PDF</span> for printing.</p>
<p><span class="smallcap">HTML</span> for web surfers.</p>
<p><span class="smallcap">DOCX</span> as editable file.</p>
<h3 id="ebooks">Ebooks</h3>
<img src="../../../img/p005_i002.png" alt="The research in its EPUB output."/>
The research in its <span class="smallcap">EPUB</span> output.
<p>I don't use Pandoc for ebooks, instead I use a publishing tool we are developing: <a href="">Pecas</a>. “Pecas” means “freckles,” but in this context it's in honor of a pinto dog from my childhood.</p>
<p>Pecas allows me to deploy <span class="smallcap">EPUB</span> and <span class="smallcap">MOBI</span> formats from <span class="smallcap">MD</span> plus document statistics, file validations and easy metadata handling. Each Pecas project can be heavily customized since it allows Ruby, Python or shell scripts. The main objective behind this is the ability to remake ebooks from recipes. Therefore, the outputs are disposable in order to save space and because you don't need them all the time and shouldn't edit final formats!</p>
<p>Pecas is rolling release software with <span class="smallcap">GNU</span> General Public License, so it's open, free and <i>libre</i> program. For a couple months Pecas has been unmaintained because this year we are going to start all over again, with cleaner code, easier installation and a bunch of new features—I hope, we need <a href="">your support</a>.</p>
<h3 id="pdf">PDF</h3>
<p>For <span class="smallcap">PDF</span> output I rely on LaTeX and LuaLaTeX. Why? Just because it is what I'm used to. I don't have any particular argument against other frameworks or engines inside the TeX family. It's a world I still have to dig more into.</p>
<p>Why don't I use desktop publishing instead, like InDesign or Scribus? Outside of its own workflow, desktop publishing is hard to automate and maintain. This approach is great if you just want a <span class="smallcap">PDF</span> output or if you desire to work with a <span class="smallcap">GUI</span>. For file longevity and automated and multiformat standardized publishing, desktop publishing simply isn't the best option.</p>
<p>Why don't I just export a <span class="smallcap">PDF</span> from the <span class="smallcap">DOCX</span> file? I work in publishing, I still have some respect for my eyes…</p>
<p>Anyway, for this output I use Pandoc as a middleman. I could have managed the conversion from <span class="smallcap">MD</span> to <span class="smallcap">TEX</span> format with scripts, but I was lazy. So, Pandoc converts <span class="smallcap">MD</span> to <span class="smallcap">TEX</span> and LuaLaTeX compiles it into a <span class="smallcap">PDF</span>. I don't use both programs explicitly, instead I wrote a script in order to automate this process. In a further section I explain this.</p>
<img src="../../../img/p005_i003.png" alt="The research in its PDF output; I don't like justified text, it's bad for your eyes."/>
The research in its <span class="smallcap">PDF</span> output; I don't like justified text, it's bad for your eyes.
<h3 id="html">HTML</h3>
<p>The <span class="smallcap">EPUB</span> format is actually a bunch of compressed <span class="smallcap">HTML</span> files plus metadata and a table of contents. So there is no reason to avoid a <span class="smallcap">HTML</span> output. I already have it by converting the <span class="smallcap">MD</span> with Pecas. I don't think someone is gonna read 27K words in a web browser, but you never know. It could work for a quick look.</p>
<h3 id="docx">DOCX</h3>
<p>This output doesn't have anything special. I didn't customize its styles. I just use Pandoc via another script. Remember, this file is for editing so its layout doesn't really matter.</p>
<h2 id="writing">Writing</h2>
<p>Besides the publishing method used in this research, I want to comment on some particularities about the influence of the technical setup over the writing.</p>
<h3 id="text-editors">Text Editors</h3>
<p>I never use word processors, so writing this thesis wasn't an exception. Instead, I prefer to use text editors. Between them I have a particular taste for the most minimalist ones like <a href="">Vim</a> or <a href="">Gedit</a>.</p>
<p>Vim is a terminal text editor. I use it on a regular basis—sorry <a href="">Emacs</a> folks. I write almost everything, including this thesis, with Vim because of its minimalist interface. No fucking buttons, no distractions, just me and the black-screen terminal.</p>
<p>Gedit is a <span class="smallcap">GUI</span> text editor and I use it mainly for <a href="">RegEx</a> or searches. In this project I utilized it for quick references to the bibliography. I like JabRef as a bibliography manager, but for getting the ids I just need access to the raw <span class="smallcap">BIB</span> file. Gedit was a good companion for that particular job because its lack of “buttonware”—the annoying tendency to put buttons everywhere.</p>
<h3 id="citations">Citations</h3>
<p>I want the research to be as accessible as possible. I didn't want to use a complicated citation style. That's why I only used parenthetical and textual citations.</p>
<p>This could be an issue for many scholars. But when I see typos in their complex citations and quotations, I don't have any empathy. If you are gonna add complexity to your work, the least you can do is to do it right. And let's be honest, most scholars add complexity because they want to make themselves look good—i.e. they conform with formation rules for research texts in order to be part of a community or “gain” some objectivity.</p>
<h3 id="block-quotations">Block Quotations</h3>
<p>You are not going to see any block quotes in the research. This isn't only because of accessibility—some people can't distinguish these types of quotes—but the ways in which the bibliography was handled.</p>
<p>One of the main purposes for block quotations is to provide a first and extended hand of what point a writer is making. But sometimes it's also used as text filling. In a common way to do research in Philosophy, the output tends to be a “final” paper. That text is the research plus the bibliography. This format doesn't allow to embed any other files, like papers, websites, books or data bases. If you want to provide some literal information, quotes and block quotes are the way to go.</p>
<p>Because this thesis is actually an automated repository, it contains all the references used for the research. It has a bibliography, but also each quoted work for backup and educational purposes. Why would I use block quotes if you could easily check the files? Even better, you could use some search function or go over all the data for validation purposes.</p>
<p>Moreover, the university doesn't allow long submission. I agree with that, I think we have other technical capabilities that allow us to be more synthetic. By putting aside block quotes, I had more space for the actual research.</p>
<p>Take it or leave it, research as repository and not as a file gives us more possibilities for accessibility, portability and openness.</p>
<h3 id="footnotes">Footnotes</h3>
<p>Oh, the footnotes! Such a beautiful technique for displaying side text. It works great, it permits metawriting and so on. But it works as expected if the output you are thinking of is, firstly, a file and secondly, a text with fixed layout. In other types of outputs, footnotes can be a nightmare.</p>
<p>I have the conviction that most footnotes can be incorporated into the text. This is due to three personal experiences. During my undergraduate and graduate studies, as a Philosophy student we had to read a lot of fucking critical editions, which tend to have their “critical” notes as footnotes. For these types of text I get it, people don't want to confuse their words for someone else's, less if it's between a philosophical authority and a contemporary philosopher—take note that it's a personal taste and not a mandate. But this is a shitty Master's research thesis, not a critical edition.</p>
<p>I used to hate footnotes, now I just dislike them. Part of my job is to review, extract and fix other peoples' footnotes. I can bet you that half of the time footnotes aren't properly displayed or they are missing. Commonly this is not a software error. Sometimes it's because people do them manually. But I won't blame publishers nor designers for their mistakes. The way things are developing in publishing, most of the time the issue is the lack of time. We are being pushed to publish books as fast as we can and one of the side effects of that is the loss of quality. Bibliography, footnotes and block quotes are the easiest way to find out how much care has gone into a text.</p>
<p>I do blame some authors for this mess. I repeat, it is just a personal experience, but in my work I have seen that most authors put footnotes in the following situations:</p>
<p>They want to add shit but not to rewrite shit.</p>
<p>They aren't very good writers or they are in a hurry, so footnotes are the way to go.</p>
<p>They think that by adding footnotes, block quotes or references they can “earn” objectivity.</p>
<p>I think the thesis needs more rewriting, I could have written things in a more comprehensive way, but I was done—writing philosophy is not my thing, I prefer to speak or program (!) it. That is why I took my time on the review process—ask my tutor about that, <span class="smallcap">LMFAO</span>. It would have been easier for me to just add footnotes, but it would have been harder for you to read that shit. Besides that, footnotes take more space than rewriting.</p>
<p>So, with respect to the reader and in agreement with the text extension of my university, I decided not to use footnotes.</p>
<h2 id="programming">Programming</h2>
<p>As you can see, I had to write some scripts and use third party software in order to have a thesis as an automated repository. It sounds difficult or perhaps like nonsense, but, doesn't Philosophy have that kind of reputation, anyway? >:)</p>
<h3 id="md-tools">MD Tools</h3>
<p>The first challenges I had were:</p>
<p>I needed to know exactly how many pages I had written.</p>
<p>I wanted an easier way to beautify <span class="smallcap">MD</span> format.</p>
<p>I had to make some quality checks in my writing.</p>
<p>Thus, I decided to develop some programs for these tasks: <a href=""><code>texte</code></a>, <a href=""><code>texti</code></a> and <a href=""><code>textu</code></a>, respectively.</p>
<p>These programs are actually Ruby scripts that I put on my <code>/usr/local/bin</code> directory. You can do the same, but I wouldn't recommended it. Right now in Programando <span class="smallcap">LIBRE</span>ros we are refactoring all that shit so they can be shipped as a Ruby gem. So I recommend waiting.</p>
<p>With <code>texte</code> I am able to know the number of lines, characters, characters without spaces, words and three different page sizes: by every 1.800 characters with spaces, by every 250 words and an average of both—you can set other lengths for page sizes.</p>
<p>The <span class="smallcap">MD</span> beautifier is <code>texti</code>. For the moment it only works well with paragraphs. It was good enough for me, my issue was with the disparate length of lines—yeah, I don't use line wrap.</p>
<img src="../../../img/p005_i004.png" alt="texti sample help display."/>
<code>texti</code> sample help display.
<p>I also tried to avoid some typical mistakes while using quotation marks or brackets: sometimes we forget to close them. So <code>textu</code> is for this quality check.</p>
<p>These three programs were very helpful for my writing, that is why we decided to continue in its development as a Ruby gem. For our work and personal projects, <span class="smallcap">MD</span> is our main format, so we are obligated to provide tools that help writers and publishers also using Markdown.</p>
<h3 id="baby-biber">Baby Biber</h3>
<p>If you are into TeX family, you probably know <a href="">Biber</a>, the bibliography processing program. With Biber we are able to compile bibliographic entries of BibLaTeX in <span class="smallcap">PDF</span> outputs and carry out checks or clean ups.</p>
<p>I started to have issues with the references because our publishing method implies the deployment of outputs in separate processes from the same inputs, in this case <span class="smallcap">MD</span> and <span class="smallcap">BIB</span> formats. With Biber I was able to add the bibliographic entries but only for <span class="smallcap">PDF</span>.</p>
<p>The solution I came to was the addition of references in <span class="smallcap">MD</span> before any other process. In doing this, I merged the inputs in one <span class="smallcap">MD</span> file. This new file is used for the deployment of all the outputs.</p>
<p>This solution implies the use of Biber as a clean up tool and the development of a program that processes bibliographic entries of BibLaTeX inside Markdown files. <a href="">Baby Biber</a> is this program. I wanted to honor Biber and make clear that this program is still in its baby stages.</p>
<p>What does Baby Biber do?</p>
<p>It generates a new <span class="smallcap">MD</span> file with references and bibliography.</p>
<p>It adds references if the original <span class="smallcap">MD</span> file calls to <code>@textcite</code> or <code>@parencite</code> with a correct BibLaTeX id.</p>
<p>It adds the bibliography to the end of the document according to the called references.</p>
<p>One headache with references and bibliography styles is how to customize them. With Pandoc you can use <a href=""><code>pandoc-citeproc</code></a> which allows you to select any style written in <a href="">Citation Style Language (<span class="smallcap">CSL</span>)</a>. These styles are in <span class="smallcap">XML</span> and it is a serious thing: you should apply these standards. You can check different <span class="smallcap">CSL</span> citation styles in its <a href="">official repo</a>.</p>
<p>Baby Biber doesn't support <span class="smallcap">CSL</span>! Instead, it uses <a href=""><span class="smallcap">YAML</span></a> format for <a href="">its configuration</a>. This is because of two issues:</p>
<p>I didn't take the time to read how to implement <span class="smallcap">CSL</span> citation styles.</p>
<p>My University allows me to use any kind of citation style as long as it has uniformity and displays the information in a clear manner.</p>
<p>So, yeah, I have a huge debt here. And maybe it will stay like that. The new version of Pecas will implement and improve the work done by Baby Biber—I hope.</p>
<img src="../../../img/p005_i005.png" alt="Baby Biber sample config file."/>
Baby Biber sample config file.
<h3 id="pdf-exporter">PDF exporter</h3>
<p>The last script I wrote is for the automation of <span class="smallcap">PDF</span> compilation with LuaLaTeX and Biber (optionally).</p>
<p>I don't like the default layouts of Pandoc and I could have read the docs in order to change that behavior, but I decided to experiment a bit. The new version of Pecas will implement <span class="smallcap">PDF</span> outputs, so I wanted to play around a little with the formatting, as I did with Baby Biber. Besides, I needed a quick program for <span class="smallcap">PDF</span> outputs because we publish sometimes <a href="">fanzines</a>.</p>
<p>So, <a href=""><code>export-pdf</code></a> is the experiment. It uses Pandoc to convert <span class="smallcap">MD</span> to <span class="smallcap">TEX</span> files. Then it does some clean up and injects the template. Finally, it compiles the <span class="smallcap">PDF</span> with LuaLaTeX and Biber—if you want to add the bibliographic entries this way. It also exports a <span class="smallcap">PDF</span> booklet with <code>pdfbook2</code>, but I don't deploy it in this repo because the <span class="smallcap">PDF</span> is letter size, too large for a booklet.</p>
<p>I have a huge debt here that I won't pay. It is cool to have a program for <span class="smallcap">PDF</span> outputs that I understand, but I still want to experiment with <a href="">ConTeXt</a>.</p>
<p>I think ConTeXt could be a useful tool while using <span class="smallcap">XML</span> files for <span class="smallcap">PDF</span> outputs. I defend Markdown as input format for writers and publishers, but for automation <span class="smallcap">XML</span> format is way better. For the new version of Pecas I have been thinking about the possibility of using <span class="smallcap">XML</span> for any kind of standard output like <span class="smallcap">EPUB</span>, <span class="smallcap">PDF</span> or <span class="smallcap">JATS</span>. I have problems with <span class="smallcap">TEX</span> format because it generates an additional format just for one output, why would I allow it if <span class="smallcap">XML</span> can provide me with at least three outputs?</p>
<img src="../../../img/p005_i006.png" alt="export-pdf Ruby code."/>
<code>export-pdf</code> Ruby code.
<h3 id="third-parties">Third parties</h3>
<p>I already mentioned the third party software I used for this repo:</p>
<p>Vim as a main text editor.</p>
<p>Gedit as a side text editor.</p>
<p>JabRef as a bibliography manager.</p>
<p>Pandoc as a document converter.</p>
<p>LuaLaTeX as a <span class="smallcap">PDF</span> engine.</p>
<p>Biber as a bibliography cleaner.</p>
<p>The tools I developed and this software are all <span class="smallcap">FOSS</span>, so you can use them if you want without paying or asking for permission—and without warranty xD</p>
<h2 id="deployment">Deployment</h2>
<p>There is a fundamental design issue in this research as automated repository: I should have put all the scripts in one place. At the beginning of the research I thought it would be easier to place each script side by side its input or output. Over time I realized that it wasn't a good idea.</p>
<p>The good thing is that there is one script that works as a <a href="">wrapper</a>. You don't really have to know anything about it. You just write the research in Markdown, fill the BibLaTeX bibliography and any time you want or your server is configured, call that script.</p>
<p>This is a simplified listing showing the places of each script, inputs and outputs inside the repo:</p>
<pre class="">
<code class="code-line-1">.</code><code class="code-line-2">├─ [01] bibliografia</code><code class="code-line-3">│   ├─ [02] bibliografia.bib</code><code class="code-line-4">│   ├─ [03] bibliografia.html</code><code class="code-line-5">│   ├─ [04]</code><code class="code-line-6">│   ├─ [05] config.yaml</code><code class="code-line-7">│   └─ [06] recursos</code><code class="code-line-8">├─ [07] index.html</code><code class="code-line-9">└─ [08] tesis</code><code class="code-line-10"> ├─ [09] docx</code><code class="code-line-11"> │   ├─ [10] generate</code><code class="code-line-12"> │   └─ [11] tesis.docx</code><code class="code-line-13"> ├─ [12] ebooks</code><code class="code-line-14"> │   ├─ [13] generate</code><code class="code-line-15"> │   └─ [14] out</code><code class="code-line-16"> │   ├─ [15]</code><code class="code-line-17"> │   ├─ [16] meta-data.yaml</code><code class="code-line-18"> │   ├─ [17] tesis.epub</code><code class="code-line-19"> │   └─ [18]</code><code class="code-line-20"> ├─ [19] generate-all</code><code class="code-line-21"> ├─ [20] html</code><code class="code-line-22"> │ ├─ [21] generate</code><code class="code-line-23"> │ └─ [22] tesis.html</code><code class="code-line-24"> ├─ [23] md</code><code class="code-line-25"> │   ├─ [24] add-bib</code><code class="code-line-26"> │   ├─ [25]</code><code class="code-line-27"> │   └─ [26]</code><code class="code-line-28"> └─ [27] pdf</code><code class="code-line-29"> ├─ [28] generate</code><code class="code-line-30"> └─ [29] tesis.pdf</code>
<h3 id="bibliography-pathway">Bibliography pathway</h3>
<p>Even with a simplified view you can see how this repo is a fucking mess. The bibliography [01] and the thesis [08] are the main directories in this repo. As a sibling you have the website [07].</p>
<p>The bibliography directory isn't part of the automation process. I worked on the <span class="smallcap">BIB</span> file [02] in different moments than my writing. I exported it to <span class="smallcap">HTML</span> [03] every time I used JabRef. This <span class="smallcap">HTML</span> is for queries from the browser. Over there it's also a simple script [04] to clean the bibliography with Biber and the configuration file [05] for Baby Biber. Are you a data hoarder? There is an special directory [06] for you with all the works used for this research ;)</p>
<h3 id="engine-on">Engine on</h3>
<p>In the thesis directory [08] is where everything moves smoothly when you call to <code>generate-all</code> [19], the wrapper that turns on the engine!</p>
<p>The wrapper does the following steps:</p>
<p>It adds the bibliography [24] to the original <span class="smallcap">MD</span> file [25], leaving a new file [26] to act as input.</p>
<p>It generates [21] the <span class="smallcap">HTML</span> output [22].</p>
<p>It compiles [28] the <span class="smallcap">PDF</span> output [29].</p>
<p>It generates [13] the <span class="smallcap">EPUB</span> [17] and <span class="smallcap">MOBI</span> [18] according to their metadata [16] and Pecas config file [15].</p>
<p>It exports [10] the <span class="smallcap">MD</span> to <span class="smallcap">DOCX</span> [11].</p>
<p>It moves the analytics to its correct directory.</p>
<p>It refreshes the modification date in the index [07].</p>
<p>It puts the new rolling release' hash in the index.</p>
<p>It puts the <span class="smallcap">MD5</span> checksum of all outputs in the index.</p>
<p>And that's it. The process of developing a thesis as a automate repository allows me to just worry about three things:</p>
<p>Write the research.</p>
<p>Manage the bibliography.</p>
<p>Deploy all outputs automatically.</p>
<h3 id="the-legal-stuff">The legal stuff</h3>
<p>That's how it works, but we still have to talk about how the thesis can <i>legally</i> be used…</p>
<p>This research was paid for by every Mexican through taxation. The National Council of Science and Technology (abbreviated Conacyt) granted me a scholarship to study a Master's in Philosophy at <span class="smallcap">UNAM</span>—yeah, American and British folks, more likely than not, we get paid here for our graduate studies.</p>
<p>This scholarship is a problematic privilege. So the least I can do in return is to liberate everything that was paid for by my homies and give free workshops and advice. I repeat: it is <i>the least</i> we can do. I disagree with using this privilege to live a lavish or party lifestyle only to then drop-out. In a country with many crises, scholarships are granted to improve your communities, not only you.</p>
<p>In general, I have the conviction that if you are a researcher or a graduate student and you already get paid—it doesn't matter if it's a salary or a scholarship, it doesn't matter if you are in a public or private university, it doesn't matter if you get the money from public or private administrations—you have a commitment with your community, with our species and with our planet. If you wanna talk about free labor and exploitation—which does happen—please look at the bottom. In this shitty world you are on the upper levels of this <a href="">nonsense pyramid</a>.</p>
<p>As a researcher, scientist, philosopher, theorist, artist and so on, you have an obligation to help other people. You can still feed your ego and believe you are the shit or the next <span class="smallcap">AAA</span> thinker, philosopher or artist. These two things doesn't overlap—but it's still annoying.</p>
<p>That is why this research has a <a href="">copyfarleft</a> license for its content and a copyleft license for its code. Actually, it's the same licensing scheme of <a href="">this blog</a>.</p>
<p>With <a href="">Open and Free Publishing License</a> (abbreviated <span class="smallcap">LEAL</span>, that also means “loyal” in Spanish) you are free to use, copy, reedit, modify, share or sell any of this content under the following conditions:</p>
<p>Anything produced with this content must be under some type of <span class="smallcap">LEAL</span>.</p>
<p>All files—editable or final formats—must be publicly accessible.</p>
<p>The content usage cannot imply defamation, exploitation or surveillance.</p>
<p>You could remove my name and put yours, it's permmited. You could even modify the content and write that I <span class="smallcap">LOVE</span> intellectual property: there isn't a technical solution to avoid such defamation. But <span class="smallcap">MD5</span> checksum shows if the files were modify by others. Even if the files differs by one bit, the <span class="smallcap">MD5</span> checksum is gonna be different.</p>
<p>Copyfarleft is the way—but not the solution—that suits our context and our possibilities of freedom. Don't come here with your liberal and individualistic notion of freedom—like the dudes from <span id="weblate">Weblate</span> that kicked this blog out because its content license “is not free,” even though they say the code, but not the content, should use a “free” license, like the fucking <span class="smallcap">GPL</span> this blog has for its code. This type of liberal freedom doesn't work in a place where no State or corporation can warrant us a minimum set of individual freedoms, as it happens in Asia, Africa and the other America—Latin America and the America that isn't portrayed in the “American Dream” adds.</p>
<h2 id="last-thoughts">Last thoughts</h2>
<p>As a thesis works with a hypothesis, the technical and legal pathway of this research works with the possibility of having a thesis as an automated repository, instead of a thesis as a file. In the end, the possibility became a fact, but in a limited way.</p>
<p>I think that the idea of a thesis as a automated repo is doable and could be a better way for research deployment rather than uploading a single file. But this implementation contained many leaks that made it unsuitable for escalation.</p>
<p>Further work is necessary to be able to ship this as a standard practice. This technique could also be applied for automation and uniformity among publications, like papers in a journal or a book collection. The required labor isn't too much, and <i>maybe</i> it's something I would engage with during a PhD. But for right now, this is all that I can offer!</p>
<p>Thanks to <a href="">@hacklib</a> for pushing me to write this post and, again, thanks to my <span class="smallcap">S.O.</span> for persuading me to study a Master's degree and for reviewing this post. Thanks to my tutor, Mel and Gaby for their academic support. I can't forget to give thanks to <a href="">Colima Hacklab</a>, <a href="">Rancho Electrónico</a> and <a href="">Miau Telegram Group</a> for their technical support. And also thanks to all the people and organizations I mentioned in the acknowledgment section of the research!</p>
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<p class="left no-indent">Texts and images are under <a href="../../../content/html/en/_fork.html">Open and Free Publishing License (<span class="smallcap">LEAL</span>)</a>.</p>
<p class="left no-indent">Code is under <a target="_blank" href=""><span class="smallcap">GNU</span> General Public License (<span class="smallcap">GPL</span>v3)</a>.</p>
<p class="left no-indent">Last build of this page: 2020/02/20, 10:23.</p>
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<h1 id="the-copyleft-pandemic">The Copyleft Pandemic</h1>
<blockquote class="published">
<p>Published: 2020/04/08, 6:00</p>
<p>It seems that we needed a global pandemic for publishers to finally give open access. I guess we should say… thanks?</p>
<p>In my opinion it was a good <span class="smallcap">PR</span> maneuver, who doesn't like companies when they do <i>good</i>? This pandemic has shown its capacity to fortify public and private institutions, no matter how poorly they have done their job and how these new policies are normalizing surveillance. But who cares, I can barely make a living publishing books and I have never been involved in government work.</p>
<p>An interesting side effect about this “kind” and <i>temporal</i> openness is about authorship. One of the most relevant arguments in favor of intellectual property (<span class="smallcap">IP</span>) is the defense of authors' rights to make a living with their work. The utilitarian and labor justifications of <span class="smallcap">IP</span> are very clear in that sense. For the former, <span class="smallcap">IP</span> laws confer an incentive for cultural production and, thus, for the so-called creation of wealth. For the latter, author's “labour of his body, and the work of his hands, we may say, are properly his.”</p>
<p>But also in personal-based justifications the author is a primordial subject for <span class="smallcap">IP</span> laws. Actually, this justification wouldn't exist if the author didn't have an intimate and qualitatively distinctive relationship with her own work. Without some metaphysics or theological conceptions about cultural production, this special relation is difficult to prove—but that is another story.</p>
<img src="../../../img/p006_i001_en.jpg" alt="Locke and Hegel drinking tea while discussing several topics on Nothingland…"/>
Locke and Hegel drinking tea while discussing several topics on Nothingland…
<p>From copyfight, copyleft and copyfarleft movements, a lot of people have argued that this argument hides the fact that most authors can't make a living, whereas publishers and distributors profit a lot. Some critics claim governments should give more power to “creators” instead of allowing “reproducers” to do whatever they want. I am not a fan of this way of doing things because I don't think anyone should have more power—including authors—but than to distribute, and also because in my world government is synonymous with corruption and death. But diversity of opinions is important, I just hope not all governments are like that.</p>
<p>So between copyright, copyfight, copyleft and copyfarleft defenders there is usually a mysterious assent about producer relevance. The disagreement comes with how this overview about cultural production is or should translate into policies, legislation and political organization.</p>
<p>In times of emergency and crisis we are seeing how easily it is to “pause” those discussions and laws—or fast track <a href="">other ones</a>. On the side of governments this again shows how copyright and authors' rights aren't natural laws nor are they grounded beyond our political and economic systems. From the side of copyright defenders, this phenomena makes it clear that authorship is an argument that doesn't rely on the actual producers, cultural phenomena or world issues… And it also shows that there are <a href="">librarians</a> and <a href="">researchers</a> fighting in favor of public interests; <span class="smallcap">AKA</span>, how important libraries and open access are today and how they can't be replaced by (online) bookstores or subscription-based research.</p>
<p>I find it very pretentious that <a href="">some authors</a> and <a href="">some publishers</a> didn't agree with this <i>temporal</i> openness of their work. But let's not miss the point: this global pandemic has shown how easily it is for publishers and distributors to opt for openness or paywalls—who cares about the authors?… So next time you defend copyright as authors' rights to make a living, think twice, only few have been able to earn a livelihood, and while you think you are helping them, you are actually making third parties richer.</p>
<p>In the end the copyright holders are not the only ones who defend their interests by addressing the importance of people—in their case the authors, but more generally and secularly the producers. The copyleft holders—a kind of “cool” copyright holder that hacked copyright laws—also defends their interest in a similar way, but instead of authors, they talk about users and instead of profits, they supposedly defend freedom.</p>
<p>There is a huge difference between each of them, but I just want to denote how they talk about people in order to defend their interests. I wouldn't put them in the same sack if it wasn't because of these two issues.</p>
<p>Some copyleft holders were so annoying in defending Stallman. <i>Dudes</i>, at least from here we don't reduce the free software movement to one person, no matter if he's the founder or how smart or important he is or was. Criticizing his actions wasn't synonymous with throwing away what this movement has done—what we have done!—, as a lot of you tried to mitigate the issue: “Oh, but he is not the movement, we shouldn't have made a big issue about that.” His and your attitude is the fucking issue. Together you have made it very clear how narrow both views are. Stallman fucked it up and was behaving very immaturely by thinking the movement is or was thanks to him—we also have our own stories about his behavior—, why don't we just accept that?</p>
<p>But I don't really care about him. For me and the people I work with, the free software movement is a wildcard that joins efforts related to technology, politics and culture for better worlds. Nevertheless, the <span class="smallcap">FSF</span>, the <span class="smallcap">OSI</span>, <span class="smallcap">CC</span>, and other big copyleft institutions don't seem to realize that a plurality of worlds implies a diversity of conceptions about freedom. And even worse, they have made a very common mistake when we talk about freedom: they forgot that “freedom wants to be free.”</p>
<p>Instead, they have tried to give formal definitions of software freedom. Don't get me wrong, definitions are a good way to plan and understand a phenomenon. But besides its formality, it is problematic to bind others to your own definitions, mainly when you say the movement is about and for them.</p>
<p>Among all concepts, freedom is actually very tricky to define. How can you delimit an idea in a definition when the concept itself claims the inability of, perhaps, any restraint? It is not that freedom can't be defined—I am actually assuming a definition of freedom—, but about how general and static it could be. If the world changes, if people change, if the world is actually an array of worlds and if people sometimes behave one way or the other, of course the notion of freedom is gonna vary.</p>
<p>With freedom's different meanings we could try to reduce its diversity so it could be embedded in any context or we could try something else. I dunno, maybe we could make software freedom an interoperable concept that fits each of our worlds or we could just stop trying to get a common principle.</p>
<p>The copyleft institutions I mentioned and many other companies that are proud to support the copyleft movement tend to be blind about this. I am talking from my experiences, my battles and my struggles when I decided to use copyfarleft licenses in most parts of my work. Instead of receiving support from institutional representatives, I first received warnings: “That freedom you are talking about isn't freedom.” Afterwards, when I sought infrastructure support, I got refusals: “You are invited to use our code in your server, but we can't provide you hosting because your licenses aren't free.” Dawgs, if I could, I wouldn't look for your help in the first place, duh.</p>
<p>Thanks to a lot of Latin American hackers and pirates, I am little by little building my and our own infrastructure. But I know this help is actually a privilege: for many years I couldn't execute many projects or ideas only because I didn't have access to the technology or tuition. And even worse, I wasn't able to look to a wider and more complex horizon without all this learning.</p>
<p>(There is a pedagogical deficiency in the free software movement that makes people think that writing documentation and praising self-taught learning is enough. From my point of view, it is more about the production of a self-image in how a hacker or a pirate <i>should be</i>. Plus, it's fucking scary when you realize how manly, hierarchical and meritocratic this movement could be).</p>
<p>According to copyleft folks, my notion of software freedom isn't free because copyfarleft licenses prevents <i>people</i> from using software. This is a very common criticism of any copyfarleft license. And it is also a very paradoxical one.</p>
<p>Between the free software movement and open source initiative, there has been a disagreement about who ought to inherit the same type of license, like the General Public License. For the free software movement, this clause ensures that software will always be free. According to the open source initiative, this clause is actually a counter-freedom because it doesn't allow people to decide which license to use and it also isn't very attractive for enterprise entrepreneurship. Let's not forget that the institutions of both sides agree that the market is essential for technology development.</p>
<p>Free software supporters tend to vanish the discussion by declaring that open source defenders don't understand the social implication of this hereditary clause or that they have different interests and ways to change technology development. So it's kind of paradoxical that these folks see the anti-capitalist clause of copyfarleft licenses as a counter-freedom. Or they don't understand its implications nor perceive that copyfarleft doesn't talk about technology development in its insolation, but in its relationship with politics, society and economy.</p>
<p>I won't defend copyfarleft against those criticisms. First, I don't think I should defend anything because I am not saying everyone should grasp our notion of freedom. Second, I have a strong opinion against the usual legal reductionism among this debate. Third, I think we should focus on the ways we can work together, instead of paying attention to what could divide us. Finally, I don't think these criticisms are wrong, but incomplete: the definition of software freedom has inherited the philosophical problem of how we define and what the definition of freedom implies.</p>
<p>That doesn't mean I don't care about this discussion. Actually, it's a topic I'm very familiar with. Copyright has locked me out with paywalls for technology and knowledge access, while copyleft has kept me away with “licensewalls” with the same effects. So let's take a moment to see how free the freedom is that the copyleft institutions are preaching.</p>
<p>According to <i>Open Source Software &#38; The Department of Defense</i> (<span class="smallcap">DoD</span>), The <span class="smallcap">U.S. DoD</span> is one of the biggest consumers of open source. To put it in perspective, all tactical vehicles of the <span class="smallcap">U.S.</span> Army employs at least one piece of open source software in its programming. Other examples are <i>the use</i> of Android to direct airstrikes or <i>the use</i> of Linux for the ground stations that operates military drones like the Predator and Reaper.</p>
<img src="../../../img/p006_i002_en.png" alt="Reaper drones incorrectly bombarding civilians in Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Syria and Yemen in order to deliver U.S. DoD notion of freedom."/>
Reaper drones incorrectly bombarding civilians in Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Syria and Yemen in order to deliver <span class="smallcap">U.S. DoD</span> notion of freedom.
<p>Before you argue that this is a problem about open source software and not free software, you should check out the <span class="smallcap">DoD</span> <a href=""><span class="smallcap">FAQ</span> section</a>. There, they define open source software as “software for which the human-readable source code is available for use, study, re-use, modification, enhancement, and re-distribution by the users of that software.” Does that sound familiar? Of course!, they include <span class="smallcap">GPL</span> as an open software license and they even rule that “an open source software license must also meet the <span class="smallcap">GNU</span> Free Software Definition.”</p>
<p>This report was published in 2016 by the Center for a New American Security (<span class="smallcap">CNAS</span>), a right-wing think tank which <a href="">mission and agenda</a> is “designed to shape the choices of leaders in the <span class="smallcap">U.S.</span> government, the private sector, and society to advance <span class="smallcap">U.S.</span> interests and strategy.”</p>
<p>I found this report after I read about how the <span class="smallcap">U.S.</span> Army <a href="">scrapped</a> one billion dollars for its “Iron Dome” after Israel refused to share key codes. I found it interesting that even the so-called most powerful army in the world was disabled by copyright laws—a potential resource for asymmetric warfare. To my surprise, this isn't an anomaly.</p>
<p>The intention of <span class="smallcap">CNAS</span> report is to convince <span class="smallcap">DoD</span> to adopt more open source software because its “generally better than their proprietary counterparts […] because they can <i>take advantage</i> of the <i>brainpower</i> of larger teams, which leads to faster innovation, higher quality, and superior security for <i>a fraction of the cost</i>.” This report has its origins by the “justifiably” concern “about the erosion of <span class="smallcap">U.S.</span> military technical superiority.”</p>
<p>Who would think that this could happen to free and open source software (<span class="smallcap">FOSS</span>)? Well, all of us from this part of the world have been saying that the type of freedom endorsed by many copyleft institutions is too wide, counterproductive for its own objectives and, of course, inapplicable for our context because that liberal notion of software freedom relies on strong institutions and the capacity of own property or capitalize knowledge. The same ones which have been trying to explain that the economic models they try to “teach” us don't work or we doubt them because of their side effects. Crowdfunding isn't easy here because our cultural production is heavily dependent on government aids and policies, instead of the private or public sectors. And donations aren't a good idea because of the hidden interests they could have and the economic dependence they generate.</p>
<p>But I guess it has to burst their bubble in order to get the point across. For example, the Epstein controversial donations to <span class="smallcap">MIT</span> Media Lab and his friendship with some folks of <span class="smallcap">CC</span>; or the use of open source software by the <span class="smallcap">U.S.</span> Immigration and Customs Enforcement. While for decades <span class="smallcap">FOSS</span> has been a mechanism to facilitate the murder of “Global South” citizens; a tool for Chinese labor exploitation denounced by the anti-996 movement; a licensewall for technological and knowledge access for people who can't afford infrastructure and the learning it triggers, even though the code is “free” <i>to use</i>; or a police of software freedom that denies Latin America and other regions their right to self-determinate its freedom, its software policies and its economic models.</p>
<p>Those copyleft institutions that care so much about “user freedoms” actually haven't been explicit about how <span class="smallcap">FOSS</span> is helping shape a world where a lot of us don't fit in. It had to be right-wing think tanks, the ones that declare the relevance of <span class="smallcap">FOSS</span> for warfare, intelligence, security and authoritarian regimes, while these institutions have been making many efforts in justifying its way of understanding cultural production as a commodification of its political capacity. They have shown that in their pursuit of government and corporate adoption of <span class="smallcap">FOSS</span>, when it favors their interests, they talk about “software user freedoms” but actually refer to “freedom of use software,” no matter who the user is or what it has been used for.</p>
<p>There is a sort of cognitive dissonance that influences many copyleft supporters to treat others—those who just want some aid—harshly by the argument over which license or product is free or not. But in the meantime, they don't defy, and some of them even embrace, the adoption of <span class="smallcap">FOSS</span> for any kind of corporation, it doesn't matter if it exploits its employees, surveils its users, helps to undermine democratic institutions or is part of a killing machine.</p>
<p>In my opinion, the term “use” is one of the key concepts that dilutes political capacity of <span class="smallcap">FOSS</span> into the aestheticization of its activity. The spine of software freedom relies in its four freedoms: the freedoms of <i>run</i>, <i>study</i>, <i>redistribute</i> and <i>improve</i> the program. Even though Stallman, his followers, the <span class="smallcap">FSF</span>, the <span class="smallcap">OSI</span>, <span class="smallcap">CC</span> and so on always indicate the relevance of “user freedoms,” these four freedoms aren't directly related to users. Instead, they are four different use cases.</p>
<p>The difference isn't a minor thing. A <i>use case</i> neutralizes and reifies the subject of the action. In its dilution the interest of the subject becomes irrelevant. The four freedoms don't ban the use of a program for selfish, slayer or authoritarian uses. Neither do they encourage them. By the romantic idea of a common good, it is easy to think that the freedoms of run, study, redistribute and improve a program are synonymous with a mechanism that improves welfare and democracy. But because these four freedoms don't relate to any user interest and instead talk about the interest of using software and the adoption of an “open” cultural production, it hides the fact that the freedom of use sometimes goes against and uses subjects.</p>
<p>So the argument that copyfarleft denies people the use of software only makes sense between two misconceptions. First, the personification of institutions—like the ones that feed authoritarian regimes, perpetuate labor exploitation or surveil its users—and their policies that sometimes restrict freedom or access <i>to people</i>. Second, the assumption that freedoms over software use cases is equal to the freedom of its users.</p>
<p>Actually, if your “open” economic model requires software use cases freedoms over users freedoms, we are far beyond the typical discussions about cultural production. I find it very hard to defend my support of freedom if my work enables some uses that could go against others' freedoms. This is of course a freedom dilemma related to the <a href="">paradox of tolerance</a>. But my main conflict is when copyleft supporters boast about their defense of users freedoms while they micromanage others' software freedom definitions and, in the meantime, they turn their backs to the gray, dark or red areas of what is implicit in the freedom they safeguard. Or they don't care about us or their privileges don't allow them to have empathy.</p>
<p>Since the <i><span class="smallcap">GNU</span> Manifesto</i> the relevance of industry among software developers is clear. I don't have a reply that could calm them down. It is becoming more clear that technology isn't just a broker that can be used or abused. Technology, or at least its development, is a kind of political praxis. The inability of legislation for law enforcement and the possibility of new technologies to hold and help the <i>statu quo</i> express this political capacity of information and communications technologies.</p>
<p>So as copyleft hacked copyright law, with copyfarleft we could help disarticulate structural power or we could induce civil disobedience. By prohibiting our work from being used by military, police or oligarchic institutions, we could force them to stop <i>taking advantage</i> and increase their maintenance costs. They could even reach a point where they couldn't operate anymore or at least they couldn't be as affective as our communities.</p>
<p>I know it sounds like a utopia because in practice we need the effort of a lot of people involved in technology development. But we already did it once: we used copyright law against itself and we introduced a new model of workforce distribution and means of production. We could again use copyright for our benefit, but now against the structures of power that surveils, exploits and kills people. These institutions need our “brainpower,” we can try by refusing their <i>use</i>. Some explorations could be software licenses that explicitly ban surveillance, exploitation or murder.</p>
<p>We could also make it difficult for them to thieve our technology development and deny access to our communication networks. Nowadays <span class="smallcap">FOSS</span> distribution models have confused open economy with gift economy. Another think tank—Centre of Economics and Foreign Policy Studies—published a report—<i>Digital Open Source Intelligence Security: A Primer</i>—where it states that open sources constitutes “at least 90%” of all intelligence activities. That includes our published open production and the open standards we develop for transparency. It is why end-to-end encryption is important and why we should extend its use instead of allowing governments to ban it.</p>
<p>Copyleft could be a global pandemic if we don't go against its incorporation inside virulent technologies of destruction. We need more organization so that the software we are developing is “free as in social freedom, not only as in free individual.”</p>
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<p>Hi, I am a <i>perro</i>-publisher—what a surprise, right? I am from Mexico and, as you can see, English is not my first language. But whatever. My educational background is in Philosophy, specifically Philosophy of Culture. My studies focus on intellectual property—mainly copyright—, free culture, free software and, of course, free publishing. If you still need a name, call me Perro.</p>
<p>This blog is about publishing and coding. But its approach <i>isn't</i> on techniques that makes great code. Actually my programming skills are kind of narrow. I have the following opinions. (a) If you use a computer to publish, no matter their output, <i>publishing is coding</i>. (b) Publishing it is not just about developing software or skills, it is also a tradition, a profession, an art but also a <i>method</i>. (c) To be able to visualize that, we have to talk about how publishing implies and affects how we do culture. (d) If we don't criticize and <i>self-criticize</i> our work, we are lost.</p>
<p>In other terms, this blog is about what surrounds and what the foundations of publishing are supposed to be. Yeah, of course you are gonna find technical writing. However, it is just because in these days the spine of publishing talks with zeros and ones. So, let's start to think about what publishing is nowadays!</p>
<p>Some last words. I have to admit I don't feel comfortable writing in English. I find it unfair that we, people from non-English spoken worlds, have to use this language in order to be noticed. It makes me feel bad that we are constantly translating what other people are saying while just a few homies translate Spanish to English. So I at least decided to have a bilingual blog. Sometimes I write in English while I translate to Spanish, so I can improve this skill —also: thanks <span class="smallcap">S.O.</span> for helping me improve the English version xoxo.</p>
<p>That's not enough and it doesn't invite collaboration. So this blog uses <code>po</code> files for its contents and <a href="">Pecas Markdown</a> for its syntax. You can always collaborate in the translation or edition of any language. <s><a href="">The easiest way is through Weblate. Don't you want to use that?</a></s> Just contact me.</p>
<p>That's all folks! And don't forget: fuck adds. Fuck spam. And fuck proprietary culture. Freedom to the moon!</p>
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<p>[Published: 2020/04/08, 6:00]</p>
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<p><a href="005_hiim-master.html">5. How It Is Made: Master Research Thesis</a></p>
<p>[Published: 2020/02/15, 13:00]</p>
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<p>[Published: 2019/07/04, 11:00]</p>
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<p>[Published: 2019/05/05, 20:00]</p>
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<p><a href="002_fuck-books.html">2. Fuck Books, If and only If…</a></p>
<p>[Published: 2019/04/15, 12:00]</p>
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<p><a href="001_free-publishing.html">1. From Publishing with Free Software to Free Publishing</a></p>
<p>[Published: 2019/03/20, 13:00]</p>
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<h1 id="de-la-edicion-con-software-libre-a-la-edicion-libre">De la edición con <i>software</i> libre a la edición libre</h1>
<blockquote class="published">
<p>Publicado: 2019/03/20, 13:00 | <a href=""><span class="smallcap">PDF</span></a> | <a href=""><span class="smallcap">Folleto</span></a></p>
<p>Este <i>blog</i> es acerca de «edición libre» pero ¿qué quiere decir eso? El término «libre» no es tan problemático en nuestra lengua como en el inglés. En ese idioma existe una confusión entre «<i>free</i>» como «barra libre» y como «libre discurso». Sin embargo, eso no elimina el hecho de que el concepto de libertad es tan ambiguo que incluso en Filosofía tratamos de usarlo con cuidado. Aunque sea un problema, prefiero que el término no tenga una definición clara; al final, ¿qué tan libres podríamos ser si la libertad fuese bien definida?</p>
<p>Hace unos años, cuando empecé a trabajar codo a codo con Programando Libreros y Hacklib, me di cuenta que no solo estábamos editando con <i>software</i> libre. Estamos haciendo edición libre. Así que intenté definirla en <a href="">una publicación</a> que ya no me convence.</p>
<p>El término siguió flotando alrededor hasta diciembre del 2018. Durante el Contracorriente —feria anual de <i>fanzine</i> celebrado en Xalapa, México— Hacklib y yo fuimos invitados a dar una charla sobre edición y <i>software</i> libre. Entre todos hicimos una cartulina de lo que hablamos aquel día.</p>
<img src="../../../img/p001_i001.jpg" alt="Cartulina hecha en el Contracorriente, ¿chigona, cierto?"/>
Cartulina hecha en el Contracorriente, ¿chigona, cierto?
<p>La cartulina nos fue de mucha ayuda porque con un simple diagrama de Venn pudimos distinguir varias intersecciones de actividades que implican nuestro trabajo. Aquí está una versión más legible:</p>
<img src="../../../img/p001_i002_es.png" alt="Diagrama de Venn sobre edición, software libre y política."/>
Diagrama de Venn sobre edición, <i>software</i> libre y política.
<p>Así que no voy a definir qué es la edición, el <i>software</i> libre o la política —es mi perro <i>blog</i> así que puedo escribir lo que quiera xD y siempre puedes usar <a href="">el pato</a> aunque sin respuesta satisfactoria—. Como puedes ver, existen al menos dos intersecciones muy familiares: las políticas culturales y el hacktivismo. No sé cómo sea en tu país pero en México tenemos fuertes políticas en pos de la publicación —o al menos eso es lo que los editores <i>piensan</i> y están cómodos con ello, sin importar que la mayoría del tiempo es en detrimento del acceso abierto y de los derechos de los lectores—.</p>
<p>«Hacktivismo» es un término difuso, pero es un poco más claro si nos damos cuenta que el código como propiedad no es la única forma en el que podemos definirlo. En realidad es una cuestión muy problemática porque la propiedad no es un derecho natural, sino uno producido en nuestras sociedades y resguardado por los Estados —sí, la individualidad no es el fundamento de los derechos y las leyes, sino una construcción de la sociedad que a su vez se produce a sí misma—. Entonces, ¿tengo que mencionar que los derechos de propiedad no son tan justos como nos gustarían?</p>
<p>Entre la edición y el <i>software</i> libre tenemos la «edición con <i>software</i> libre». ¿Qué implica esto? Se trata de la acción de publicar usando <i>software</i> que cumple con las famosas —¿infames?— <a href="">cuatro libertades</a>. Para las personas que usan al <i>software</i> como herramienta esto quiere decir que, en primer lugar, no estamos forzados a pagar para poder usarlo. Segundo, tenemos acceso al código para poder hacer lo que queramos con él. Tercero —y lo más importante para mí—, podemos ser parte de una comunidad en lugar de ser tratados como un consumidor.</p>
<p>¿Suena fantástico, cierto? Pero tenemos un problemita: la libertad solo aplica al <i>software</i>. Como editor puedes beneficiarte del <i>software</i> libre sin tener que liberar tu trabajo. Penguin Random House —el Google de la edición— un día podría decidir usar TeX o Pandoc con lo que se ahorraría un montón de dinero al mismo tiempo que mantiene el monopolio en la edición.</p>
<p>Stallman vio este problema con los manuales publicados por O'Reilly y propuso la Licencia de documentación libre de <span class="smallcap">GNU</span>. Pero al hacerlo de manera truculenta distinguió <a href="">diferentes tipos de obra</a>. Es interesante ver al texto como función, cuestión de opinión o estética, pero en la industria editorial a todos les vale un comino. La distinción es muy buena entre escritores y lectores, pero no problematiza el hecho de que son los editores quienes deciden el rumbo de casi toda nuestra cultura texto-céntrica.</p>
<p>En mi opinión, esto es al menos peligroso. Así que prefiero otra distinción truculenta. Las grandes editoriales y su rama mimética —autodenominados edición «independiente»— solo les importan dos cosas: la venta y la reputación. Quieren vivir <i>bien</i> y obtener el reconocimiento social por haber publicado <i>buenos</i> libros. Si un día las comunidades de <i>software</i> libre desarrollan maquetadores o sistemas de composición tipográfica fáciles de usar y aptos para sus necesidades profesionales, vamos a ver una «repentina» migración de la industria editorial al <i>software</i> libre.</p>
<p>Así que, ¿por qué no distinguimos las obras publicadas según su financiamiento y sentido de comunidad? Si tu publicas con recursos públicos —para tu conocimiento, en México casi todo lo que se publica tiene ese tipo de financiamiento—, sería justo que liberaras los archivos y dejaras los impresos para la venta: ya pagamos por ellos. Este es un argumento muy común entre los que defienden el acceso abierto en la ciencia, pero podemos ir más lejos. No importa que tu trabajo se sustente en la funcionalidad, la opinión o la estética; si es un artículo científico, un ensayo filosófico o una novela y tiene financiamiento público, ¡venga!, ya hemos pagado por su acceso!</p>
<p>Todavía puedes vender publicaciones e ir a la Feria de Fráncfort, la Feria Internacional del Libro de Guadalajara o la Feria del Libro de Beijing: es solo hacer negocios con un <i>mínimo</i> de conciencia social y política. ¿Por que quieres más dinero de nosotros si ya te lo dimos? —y además te llevas casi todas las ganancias y dejas a las autoras con la mera satisfacción de ver publicada su obra—…</p>
<p>Aquí cabe el sentido de comunidad. En un mundo donde uno de los principales problemas es la escasez artificial —muros de pago en lugar de paredes reales—, nuestros trabajos publicados necesitan licencias de <a href=""><i>copyleft</i></a> o, mejor aún, de <a href=""><i>copyfarleft</i></a>. No son la solución, pero es un soporte que ayuda a mantener la libertad y el acceso en la edición.</p>
<p>Con ese estado de las cosas, necesitamos herramientas libres pero también ediciones libres. Ya cuento con las herramientas pero carezco del permiso de publicar algunos libros que me gustan mucho. No quiero que te pase eso con mi trabajo. Por eso necesitamos un ecosistema donde tengamos acceso a todos los archivos de una edición —nuestro «código abierto» y «binarios»— y a las herramientas —el <i>software</i> libre— para poder mejorar, como comunidad, la calidad y el acceso de las obras y las habilidades necesarias. ¿Quién no quiere eso?</p>
<p>Con estas tensiones políticas, las herramientas que nos provee el <i>software</i> libre y la edición como sustento de vida como editor, escritor y lector, la edición libre es un camino. Con Programando Libreros y Hacklib usamos <i>software</i> libre, invertimos tiempo en activismo así como trabajamos en la edición: <i>hacemos edición libre, ¿y tú?</i></p>
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<p class="left no-indent">Última modificación de esta página: 2020/02/13, 18:33.</p>
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<h1 id="a-la-mierda-los-libros-si-y-solo-si">A la mierda los libros, si y solo si…</h1>
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<p>Publicado: 2019/04/15, 12:00 | <a href=""><span class="smallcap">PDF</span></a> | <a href=""><span class="smallcap">Folleto</span></a></p>
<p>Siempre intento ser muy claro acerca de algo: los libros en nuestros días, por sí mismos, solo son un producto de sobra. Sí, hemos construido una industria para hacerlos. Pero ¿tienes la capacidad de publicar con tus propios medios?</p>
<p>Lo más probable es que no. Casi seguro es que te falta algo: no son tuyas las máquinas que según se requieren; no cuentas con las habilidades; no tienes el conocimiento o no posees los contactos. Nada te pertenece.</p>
<p>Hemos alcanzado la capacidad de producción para publicar en un par de horas lo que en el pasado tomó siglos. Eso es sorprendente… y espeluznante. ¿Qué estamos publicando ahora? <i>¿Por qué estamos produciendo tanto?</i> Nuestra capacidad de lectura no ha mejorado al mismo ritmo —quizá hemos estado perdiendo esa habilidad—.</p>
<p>Ahora somos más personas, pero es una suposición contemporánea que cada persona requiere un ejemplar. Tenemos librerías públicas. Estas solían ser una gran idea. Ahora es de los pocos espacios donde las personas pueden ir y disfrutar sin tener que pagar un centavo. El último bastión de un mundo antes de su monetización global. Y algunas veces ni siquiera eso, debido a que están detrás de un muro: pago de suscripciones o credenciales universitarias; o porque la mayoría de nosotros preferimos las cafeterías, las bibliotecas públicas son para personas pobres, raras o viejas, ¿cierto?</p>
<p>Y nos la pasamos alabando los libros cual si fueran sagrados productos de nuestra cultura. Aunque en realidad lo que hacemos es apoyar un bien de consumo. Tú no los haces, tú no los lees: solo los compras y los pones en un librero. Tú no eres su propietario ni siquiera miras lo que hay adentro: solo compras y los dejas en tu cuenta de Amazon. Eres un consumidor y eso hace pensarte a ti mismo como alguien que apoya a nuestra cultura.</p>
<p>Como editores hacemos del libro el centro de todo: ferias, talleres, reuniones, grados universitarios y publicidad. Como editores queremos venderte el siguiente <i>best-seller</i>, el formato de libro más reciente: «el futuro de la lectura». Aunque en realidad lo que queremos es tu dinero. Nosotros sabemos que no lees. Nosotros estamos al tanto de que no quieres libros que van a explotar la burbuja en la que vives. Nosotros tenemos conocimiento de que solo quieres entretenerte. Nosotros entendemos que ansías decir cuántos libros has «leído». Solo queremos que nos estés comprando y comprando. No nos importas.</p>
<p>Antes de que pasara toda esta mierda en la edición, los libros eran un producto raro y de difícil producción. A partir de ellos podíamos ver la complejidad de nuestro mundo: sus medios de producción, su estructura y sus conflictos. Editores fueron asesinados porque quisieron ofrecerte algo muy importante que leer. Ahora los editores son premiados con viajes, apoyos económicos o cenas pomposas. La mayoría de los editores dejaron de ser una amenaza. En su lugar, son los gerentes del debate público; es decir, lo que puedes decir, pensar o sentir.</p>
<p>En nuestros días la mayoría de los libros solo muestran cómo los pilares de nuestro mundo han sido desplazados como otro bien a disposición del mercado. Vemos el papel, vemos la tinta, vemos las fuentes y vemos el código. Y después de esta primera mirada, empezamos a darnos cuenta que nuestros libros son principalmente un engrane de la maquinaria del consumo global.</p>
<p>Solo hasta este punto de manera clara podemos observar la cadena de explotación necesaria para alcanzar este tipo de productividad. <i>¿Quién o qué se beneficia de ello?</i> Los autores ya no pueden vivir de eso. Las personas involucradas en la producción de libros —impresores, correctores de pruebas, diseñadores, editores y más— con trabajos ganan un salario mínimo. Muchos árboles y recursos han sido utilizados para obtener ganancias.</p>
<p>De nuevo, hemos alcanzado la capacidad de producción para publicar en un par de horas lo que en el pasado tomó siglos, <i>¿dónde quedó toda esa riqueza?</i> En nuestros bolsillos no, siempre hemos tenido que pagar para poder producir libros o tenerlos.</p>
<p>Entonces, ¿qué hace que quieras los libros que tal vez nunca leerás? Si y solo si la edición es lo que ahora es y no queremos hacer nada para cambiarlo, bueno: a la mierda los libros.</p>
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<h1 id="no-vengas-con-esos-cuentos">No vengas con esos cuentos</h1>
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<p>Publicado: 2019/05/05, 20:00 | <a href=""><span class="smallcap">PDF</span></a> | <a href=""><span class="smallcap">Folleto</span></a></p>
<p>Amo los libros. Los amo tanto que incluso decidí dedicarme a ello —quizá fue una pésima decisión profesional—. Pero no puedo idealizar ese amor.</p>
<p>Durante la escuela y la universidad me enseñaron que debía amar los libros. De hecho, algunos maestros me dejaron muy en claro que era el único medio para obtener mi grado. Porque los libros son el principal dispositivo de liberación y conocimiento en este mundo de mierda, ¿cierto? No amar los libros es como de manera voluntaria permanecer en una cueva —hola, Platón—. No celebrar su magnificencia es solo un paso para apoyar regímenes totalitarios. Y mientras aprendí a amar los libros, por supuesto también aprendí a respetar a sus «creadores» y la industria que los hace posible.</p>
<p>No pienso que sea casualidad que la gestación de lo que ahora son los libros para nosotros sea independiente de los desarrollos del capitalismo y de lo que entendemos por autor. Quizá correlación; quizá intersección; pero en definitiva no se trata de historias independientes.</p>
<p>Empecemos con un lugar común: la invención de la imprenta. Sí, es un comienzo arbitrario y problemático. Podríamos decir que los libros y los autores datan mucho antes que eso. Pero lo que tenemos en este momento particular de la historia es la estandarización y la masificación de una práctica. No pasó de la noche a la mañana, sino que poco a poco toda la diversidad metodológica y técnica se homogenizó. Y con ello fuimos capaces de hacer libros no como un bien de lujo o institucional sino como un objeto cotidiano.</p>
<p>Y no solo libros, sino en general el texto impreso. Antes de la invención de la imprenta con trabajos podíamos ver texto a nuestro alrededor. Lo que me sorprende acerca de la imprenta no es la capacidad de producción que ha alcanzado, sino cómo esta tecnología normalizó la existencia del texto en nuestra cotidianidad.</p>
<p>Primero los periódicos y ahora las redes sociales dependen de esta normalización que genera la idea de un debate público «universal» —no sé si en realidad es «público» cuando casi todos los periódicos y redes sociales populares son propiedad de corporaciones y sus criterios; pero pretendamos que es un problema menor—. Y el debate público supuestamente incentiva la democracia.</p>
<p>Antes de la Ilustración los propietarios del texto impreso se dieron cuenta de su potencial de liberación. La mayoría de las iglesias y reinos trataron de controlarlo. Primero la iglesia protestante y luego la Ilustración y las emergentes empresas capitalistas despojaron el control del debate público; en específico quién es el propietario de los medios de producción de texto impreso, quién decide las lenguas que valen la pena imprimir y quién decide su principal público lector.</p>
<p>A lo mejor es una mala analogía pero el texto impreso en periódicos, libros y revistas era tan fascinante como en nuestros días es el «contenido» digital en internet. A lo que me refiero es que hubo muchas personas que intentaron tener ese control y poder. Y la mayoría fallaron y continúan fracasando.</p>
<p>Así que durante el siglo <span class="smallcap">XVIII</span> los libros empezaron a tener otro significado. Estos cesaron de ser los principales dispositivos para la palabra de Dios o de la autoridad para ser <i>un</i> dispositivo para la libertad de expresión. Gracias a los primeros capitalistas emergentes obtuvimos los medios para un pensamiento secular. Los actos de censura se convirtieron en evidentes actos de coacción política en lugar de acciones en contra de pecadores.</p>
<p>La invención de la imprenta creó una gran demanda de texto impreso hasta el punto de generar la industria editorial. La autopublicación que satisfacía la demanda interna institucional abrió su lugar a una industria para el nuevo ciudadano lector. Un objeto de lujo y religioso pasó a ser un bien en el «libre» mercado.</p>
<p>Mientras que el texto impreso superó casi todas las restricciones, la libertad de expresión emergió codo a codo con la libertad de empresa —el debate entre el movimiento del <i>software</i> libre y la iniciativa del código abierto yace en un viejo y más general debate: ¿cuánta libertad podemos garantizar con el fin de resguardarla?—. Pero también desarrolló otra libertad que se encontraba sujeta a las autoridades religiosas y políticas: la libertad de ser identificado como un autor.</p>
<p>La manera en como ahora entendemos la autoría depende de un proceso donde la noción de autor se aproximó a la idea de «creador». De hecho es un interesante traslado semántico. <i>Por un lado</i> la invención de la imprenta mecanizó y mejoró una practica que se creía ser hecha con la ayuda de Dios. Trithemius se horrorizó a tal grado que la imprenta no fue bienvenida. Pero con nuevos espíritus —las libertades de empresa y de expresión— lo que antes se veía como una invención demoniaca se tornó en una de las principales tecnologías que todavía define y reproduce la idea de humanidad.</p>
<p>Esto abrió la oportunidad para los autores independientes. El texto impreso ya no era un asunto de la palabra de Dios o de la autoridad sino una secular y efímera palabra humana. La masificación de la publicación también abrió las puertas para textos impresos menos relevantes y de fácil lectura; sin embargo, esto no importó para la incipiente industria editorial: era una manera de obtener más ganancias y consumidores.</p>
<p>Y no solo eso, una y otra vez reprodujo ideas que estaban alrededor. Sí, aumentó la diversidad de ideas pero también repitió discursos que salvaguardan el estado de las cosas. ¿Cuántos libros han sido un dispositivo de liberación y cuántos han sido un dispositivo de reproducción ideológica? Es una buena pregunta que tenemos que contestar.</p>
<p>Así que los autores sin autoridad religiosa o política encontraron una manera de colar sus nombres en el texto impreso. Aún no era una función de propiedad —no me gusta la palabra «función», pero de todas maneras la emplearé— sino una función de atribución: ellos querían que públicamente se les reconociera como el humano que escribió esos textos. No Dios, no una autoridad, no una institución, sino una persona de carne y hueso.</p>
<p>No obstante, también significó que personas promedio y sin poder empezaron a ser autores. Sin el apoyo de Dios o el rey, ¿quién chingados eres tú, pinche peón? Los editores —conocidos en ese tiempo como impresores— tomaron ventaja. La fascinación de ver un artículo de periódico sobre tu libro era similar a ver un artículo de la Wikipedia sobre ti. De manera directa no obtienes nada, solo reputación. Dependerá de ti que lo hagas rentable.</p>
<p>Durante el siglo <span class="smallcap">XVIII</span> la autoría se convirtió en una función de atribución <i>individual</i>, pero no una función de propiedad. Así que pienso que la noción de «autor» vino como un as bajo la manga. En Alemania podemos rastrear uno de los primeros intentos robustos de empoderar a este nuevo y frágil tipo de autor independiente.</p>
<p>El Romanticismo alemán desarrolló algo que data del Renacimiento: los humanos también pueden <i>crear</i> cosas. A veces olvidamos que el cristianismo ha sido una maraña de creencias. El intento de hacer un conjunto de creencias consistente, uniforme y racionalizado se debe a la diversidad de prácticas religiosas. Por eso uno podía aceptar que el texto impreso perdió su conexión directa con la palabra de Dios al mismo tiempo que se podía argumentar alguna especie de inspiración que va más allá de nuestro mundo. Y no hay por qué racionalizarlo: no se puede comprobar, solo sentirlo y saberlo.</p>
<p>Así que los escritores alemanes usaron esto para fundamentar la autoría independiente. No más la palabra de Dios o de la autoridad, no más institución, sino una persona inspirada por cosas que trascienden este mundo. La noción de «creación» tiene fuertes connotaciones religiosas y metafísicas que no podemos ignorar: el acto de creación significa la capacidad de traer a este mundo algo que no le pertenece. La relación entra la autoría y el texto se hizo tan inmanente que incluso en nuestro días no tenemos pinche idea del porqué aceptamos como sentido común que los autores tengan un vínculo superior e inalienable con su trabajo.</p>
<p>Antes de la expansión de la noción de autor del Romanticismo alemán, los escritores eran vistos como productores que vendían su trabajo a los propietarios de los medios de producción. Así que mientras la invención de la imprenta facilitó un nuevo tipo de autor secular e independiente, <i>por otro lado</i> invocó la Niebla Autoral: «Siempre que lances otro hechizo de Libro, si los Espíritus de la Imprenta están en la zona de mando o en el campo de batalla, crea una ficha de criatura indestructible Autor blanca 1/1 con la habilidad de volar». Tan material como una carta, hicimos magia para garantizarle a los autores una función creativa: la habilidad de «producir de la nada» y un vínculo que nunca cambia o muere.</p>
<p>Los autores como creadores es una metáfora chida, ¿quién no quiere tener algunos poderes divinos? Calza a la perfección en la discusión abstracta acerca de la relación entre autores, textos y libertad de expresión. No se tiene que depender de nada material para cogerlos como un único fenómeno. Pero en los hechos concretos de la impresión de textos y los abusos por parte de los editores hacia los autores se va más allá de la atribución. No solo se está haciendo un nexo entre un objeto y un sujeto. En su lugar, se garantiza una relación de propiedad entre un sujeto y un objeto.</p>
<p>Y la propiedad no significa nada si no puede explotarse. Al inicio de la industria editorial y durante todo el siglo <span class="smallcap">XVIII</span>, los editores tomaron ventaja de este nuevo tipo de «propiedad». La invención del autor como una función de propiedad fue el surgimiento de una nueva legislación. Juristas alemanes y franceses tradujeron este discurso a leyes.</p>
<p>No voy a hablar sobre la historia de los derechos morales. En su lugar quiero resaltar cómo esto concedió una supuesta justificación ética, política y jurídica a la <i>individualización</i> de los bienes culturales. La autoría empezó a ser asociada de manera inalienable a individuos y <i>un</i> libro empezó a entenderse como <i>un</i> lector. Y no solo eso, las posibilidades de liberación intelectual fueron reducidas a <i>un</i> dispositivo en particular: el texto impreso.</p>
<p>Una mayor libertad se tradujo en la necesidad de más y más material impreso. Una mayor libertad implicó la necesidad de una industria editorial cada vez más grande. Una mayor libertad supuso la expansión del capitalismo cultural. Los libros se convirtieron en bienes y los autores en sus propietarios. Los derechos morales nunca fueron para la libertad de los lectores sino para ver quién era el propietario de esos bienes.</p>
<p>Los libros dejaron de ser una fuente oral y local del debate público para tornarse en dispositivos privados para el debate público «universal»: la Ilustración. La autoría puso la atribución en un segundo plano para que la apropiación individual fuese su sinónimo. Un libro para varios lectores y un autor para identificar movimientos intelectuales o instituciones se volvieron irrelevantes a comparación de los libros como una propiedad para lectores —como materia— o autores —como discurso— en particular.</p>
<p>Y aquí estamos sentados leyendo toda esta mierda sin ni siquiera tomar en cuenta que uno de los principales triunfos de nuestro mundo neoliberal es que hemos estado hablando de objetos, individuos y producción de riqueza. ¿A quién chingados le importan los sujetos que hicieron posible toda esta mierda editorial? ¿Dónde chingados están las comunidades que de muchas maneras posibilitaron el surgimiento de los autores? Chingado, ¿por qué no estamos hablando de los costos ocultos que implica el mantenimiento de los modos de producción?</p>
<p>No somos libros ni sus autores. No somos aquellos individuos que todo mundo va a relacionar con los libros que estamos trabajando y, por supuesto, carecemos de sentido de comunidad. No somos los que disfrutamos la riqueza generada por la producción de libros pero seguro somos los que hacemos todo eso posible. <i>Nos estamos negando a nosotros mismos</i>.</p>
<p>Así que no vengas con esos cuentos sobre la grandeza de los libros para nuestra cultura, la necesidad de la autoría para transferir la riqueza o dar atribución y cuán importante es para nuestras vidas la producción de publicaciones.</p>
<p>¿Sabías que los libros han sido principalmente dispositivos de reproducción ideológica o al menos el principal dispositivo del capitalismo cultural —la mayoría de los libros que se venden no son de pensamiento crítico que liberan nuestras mentes, sino libros de texto con su currículo oculto y libros de autoayuda o eróticos que continúan reproduciendo básicos estereotipos explotables—?</p>
<p>¿No te das cuenta que la autoría no ha sido el mejor medio para transferir la riqueza o dar atribución —incluso peor que antes ahora los autores tienen que pagar para poder ser publicados mientras que en la práctica han perdido todos sus derechos—?</p>
<p>¿No ves que nos seguimos preocupando por la producción sin importar qué —no importa que pueda implicar mayores cadenas de trabajo gratuito o, como prefiero decirlo: cadenas de explotación y de esclavitud «intelectual», porque para poder ser académico o escritor tienes que abrazar a la industria editorial y quizá incluso al capitalismo cultural—?</p>
<p>Por favor, no vengas con esos cuentos, ya hemos llegado a campos más fértiles que pueden producir mejores historias.</p>
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<h1 id="quien-respalda-a-quien">¿Quién respalda a quién?</h1>
<blockquote class="published">
<p>Publicado: 2019/07/04, 11:00 | <a href=""><span class="smallcap">PDF</span></a> | <a href=""><span class="smallcap">Folleto</span></a></p>
<p>Entre editores y lectores es común escuchar sobre las «copias digitales». Esto implica que los libros electrónicos tienden a verse como respaldos de los libros impresos. La manera en como el primero se convierte en una copia del original —aunque primero necesites un archivo digital para poder imprimir— es algo similar a lo siguiente:</p>
<p>Los archivos digitales (<span class="smallcap">AD</span>) con un apropiado mantenimiento pueden tener mayores probabilidades de durar más que su correlato material.</p>
<p>Los archivos físicos (<span class="smallcap">AF</span>) están constreñidos por cuestiones geopolíticas, como las modificaciones en las políticas culturales, o por eventos aleatorios, como los cambios en el medio ambiente o los accidentes.</p>
<p><i>Por lo tanto</i>, los <span class="smallcap">AD</span> son el respaldo de los <span class="smallcap">AF</span> porque <i>en teoría</i> su dependencia solo es técnica.</p>
<p>La famosa copia digital emerge como un derecho a la copia privada. ¿Qué tal si un día nuestros impresos son censurados o quemados? O quizá una lluvia o un derrame de café puede chingar nuestra colección de libros. Quién sabe, los <span class="smallcap">AD</span> parecen ser más confiables.</p>
<p>Pero hay un par de suposiciones en este argumento. (1) La tecnología detrás de los <span class="smallcap">AD</span> de una manera u otra siempre hará que los datos fluyan. Tal vez esto se debe a que (2) una característica —parte de su «naturaleza»— de la información es que nadie puede detener su propagación. Esto puede implicar que (3) los <i>hackers</i> siempre pueden destruir cualquier tipo de sistema de gestión de derechos digitales.</p>
<p>Sin duda algunas personas van a poder <i>hackear</i> las cerraduras pero a un costo muy alto: cada vez que un <a href="">algoritmo criptográfico</a> es revelado, otro más complejo ya viene en camino —<em>Barlow <a href="">dixit</a></em>—. No podemos confiar en la idea de que nuestra infraestructura digital será diseñada para compartir libremente… Además, ¿cómo se puede probar que la información quiere ser libre sin recaer en su «naturaleza» o tornarla en alguna clase de sujeto autónomo?</p>
<p>Por otra parte, la dinámica entre las copias y los originales genera un orden jerárquico. Cada <span class="smallcap">AD</span> se encuentra en una posición secundaria porque es una copia. En un mundo lleno de cosas, la materialidad es una característica relevante para los bienes comunes y las mercancías; muchas personas van a preferir los <span class="smallcap">AF</span> ya que, bueno, puedes asirlos.</p>
<p>El mercado de los libros electrónicos muestra que esta jerarquía al menos se está matizando. Para ciertos lectores los <span class="smallcap">AD</span> ahora están en la cúspide de la pirámide. Se puede señalar este fenómeno con el siguiente argumento:</p>
<p>Los <span class="smallcap">AD</span> son mucho más flexibles y sencillos de compartir.</p>
<p>Los <span class="smallcap">AF</span> son muy rígidos y no hay facilidad para su acceso.</p>
<p><i>Por lo tanto</i>, los <span class="smallcap">AD</span> son más convenientes que los <span class="smallcap">AF</span>.</p>
<p>De repente los <span class="smallcap">AF</span> mutan en las copias duras donde los datos serán guardados tal cual fueron publicados. Si se requiere, su información está a disposición para la extracción y el procesamiento.</p>
<p>Sí, aquí también tenemos un par de suposiciones. De nuevo (1) confiamos en la estabilidad de nuestra infraestructura digital que nos permitirá tener acceso a nuestros <span class="smallcap">AD</span> sin importar que tan viejos estén. (2) La prioridad de los lectores es sobre el uso de los archivos —si no su mero consumo— y no su preservación y reproducción (<span class="smallcap">P&#38;R</span>). (3) El argumento asume que los respaldos son información inmóvil, donde los estantes son refrigeradores para los libros que después se usarán.</p>
<p>El optimismo respecto a nuestra infraestructura digital es muy alto. Por lo general la vemos como una tecnología que nos da acceso a chorrocientos archivos y no como una maquinaria para la <span class="smallcap">P&#38;R</span>. Esto puede ser problemático porque en ciertos casos los formatos de archivos que fueron diseñados para su uso común no son los más adecuados para su <span class="smallcap">P&#38;R</span>. Como ejemplo tenemos el uso de <span class="smallcap">PDF</span> a modo de libros electrónicos. Si le damos mucha importancia a la prioridad de los lectores, como consecuencia podemos llegar a una situación donde la única manera de procesar los datos es el retorno a su extracción a partir de las copias duras. Cuando lo llevamos a cabo de esa manera tenemos otro dolor de cabeza: las correcciones del contenido tienen que ser añadidas a la última edición disponible en copia dura. Pero ¿puedes adivinar dónde están todas estas correcciones? Lo más seguro es que no. A lo mejor deberíamos por empezar a pensar los respaldos como algún tipo de <i>actualización continua</i>.</p>
<img src="../../../img/p004_i001.jpg" alt="Programando Libreros mientras escanea libros cuyos AD no son aptos para la P&#38;R o simplemente no existen; ¿ves cómo no es necesario tener un pinche escáner bueno?"/>
Programando Libreros mientras escanea libros cuyos <span class="smallcap">AD</span> no son aptos para la <span class="smallcap">P&#38;R</span> o simplemente no existen; ¿ves cómo no es necesario tener un pinche escáner bueno?
<p>Tal como imaginas —y comenzamos a vivir en— escenarios con un alto control en la transferencia de datos, podemos fantasear con una situación donde por alguna razón nuestras fuentes de energía eléctrica no están disponibles o tienen poco abastecimiento. En este contexto todas las fortalezas de los <span class="smallcap">AD</span> pierden sentido. A lo mejor no serán accesibles. Quizá no podrán propagarse. Por el momento es difícil de concebir. Generación tras generación los <span class="smallcap">AD</span> guardados en discos duros mutarán en una herencia que hace patente la esperanza de volver a usarlos de nuevo. Pero con el tiempo estos dispositivos, que contienen nuestro patrimonio cultural, se convertirán en objetos extraños sin utilidad aparente.</p>
<p>Las características de los <span class="smallcap">AD</span> que nos hacen ver la fragilidad de los <span class="smallcap">AF</span> van a desaparecer en su ocultamiento. ¿Aún podemos hablar de información si esta es potencial —sabemos que los datos están ahí, pero son inaccesibles ya que no tenemos los medios para verlos—? ¿O acaso la información ya implica los recursos técnicos para su acceso —es decir, no existe la información sin un sujeto con las capacidades técnicas para extraer, procesar y usar los datos—?</p>
<p>Cuando por lo común hablamos sobre la información, ya suponemos que está ahí pero en varias ocasiones no es accesible. Así que la idea de información potencial podría ser contraintuitiva. Si la información no está en acto, de manera llana consideramos que es inexistente, no que se encuentra en algún estado potencial.</p>
<p>A la par que nuestra tecnología está en desarrollo, nosotros asumimos que siempre habrá <i>la posibilidad</i> de dar con mejores maneras para extraer e interpretar los datos; y, por ello, que existen más oportunidades de cosechar nuevos tipos de información —y de obtener ganancias con ello—. La preservación de los datos yace entre estas posibilidades debido a que casi siempre respaldamos archivos con la idea de que los podríamos necesitar de nuevo.</p>
<p>Nuestro mundo se vuelve más complejo por las nuevas cosas que están a nuestra disposición, en muchos casos como nuevas características de cosas que ya conocemos. Las políticas de preservación implican un optimismo epistémico y no solo un anhelo de mantener nuestro patrimonio vivo o incorrupto. No respaldaríamos datos si antes no creyéramos que podríamos necesitarlos en un futuro donde aún podemos utilizarlos.</p>
<p>Con este ejercicio se puede ver con claridad una posible paradoja de los <span class="smallcap">AD</span>. Para tener más acceso se tiende a requerir una mayor infraestructura técnica. Esto puede implicar una mayor dependencia tecnológica que subordina la accesibilidad de la información a la disposición de los medios técnicos. <i>Por lo tanto</i>, nos encontramos con una situación donde una mayor accesibilidad es proporcional a una mayor infraestructura tecnológica y —tal como lo vemos en nuestros días— dependencia.</p>
<p>El acceso abierto al conocimiento supone al menos unos requerimientos técnicos mínimos. Sin ello no podemos en realidad hablar de accesibilidad de la información. Las posibilidades del acceso abierto contemporáneo están restringidas a una dependencia tecnológica ya existente porque le prestamos más atención a la flexibilidad que los <span class="smallcap">AD</span> nos ofrecen para <i>su uso</i>. En un mundo sin fuentes de energía eléctrica este tipo de acceso se vuelve estrecho y un esfuerzo inútil.</p>
<img src="../../../img/p004_i002.jpg" alt="Programando Libreros y Hacklib mientras trabajan en un proyecto cuyo objetivo es la P&#38;R de libros viejos de ciencia ficción latinoamericana; en ciertas ocasiones un escáner en forma de V es necesario cuando los libros son muy frágiles."/>
Programando Libreros y Hacklib mientras trabajan en un proyecto cuyo objetivo es la <span class="smallcap">P&#38;R</span> de libros viejos de ciencia ficción latinoamericana; en ciertas ocasiones un escáner en forma de V es necesario cuando los libros son muy frágiles.
<p>Así que, <i>¿quién respalda a quién?</i> En nuestro mundo, donde la geopolítica y los medios técnicos restringen el flujo de los datos y las personas al mismo tiempo que defiende al acceso a internet como un derecho humano —un tipo de discurso neoilustrado—, los <span class="smallcap">AD</span> son el salvavidas en una situación donde no tenemos otras formas de movernos alrededor o de escapar —no solo de frontera en frontera, sino también en el ciberespacio: se está volviendo un lugar común la necesidad de inscripción y de cesión de tu identidad con el fin de usar servicios <i>web</i>—. Vale la pena recordar que el acceso abierto a los datos puede ser un camino para mejorar como comunidad pero también podría constituirse en un método para perpetuar las condiciones sociales.</p>
<p>No muchas personas tienen el privilegio que gozamos cuando hablamos sobre el acceso a los medios técnicos. Incluso de manera más desconcertante hay compas con incapacidades que les complican el acceso a la información aunque cuenten con los medios. ¿Acaso no es gracioso que nuestras ideas vertidas en un archivo puedan moverse de manera más «libre» que nosotros —tus memes pueden llegar a plataformas <i>web</i> donde tu presencia no está autorizada—?</p>
<p>Deseo más desarrollos tecnológicos en pos de la libertad de la <span class="smallcap">P&#38;R</span> y no solo de su uso como goce —no importa si es con fines intelectuales o de consumo—. Quiero que seamos libres. Pero en algunos casos las libertades sobre el uso de datos, la <span class="smallcap">P&#38;R</span> de la información y la movilidad de las personas no se llevan bien.</p>
<p>Con los <span class="smallcap">AD</span> obtenemos una mayor independencia en el uso de los archivos porque una vez que han sido guardados, pueden propagarse. No importan las barreras políticas o religiosas; la batalla toma lugar principalmente en el campo técnico. Pero esto no le da a los <span class="smallcap">AD</span> una mayor autonomía en su <span class="smallcap">P&#38;R</span>. Tampoco implica que podamos obtener libertades personales o comunitarias. Los <span class="smallcap">AD</span> son objetos. <i>Los <span class="smallcap">AD</span> son herramientas</i> y cualquiera que los use mejor, cualquiera que sea su dueño, tendrá más poder.</p>
<p>Con los <span class="smallcap">AF</span> cabe la oportunidad de que tengamos más libertad para su <span class="smallcap">P&#38;R</span>. Podemos hacer cualquier cosa que queramos con ellos: extraer sus datos, procesarlos y liberarlos. Pero solo si somos sus propietarios. En muchos casos no es el caso, así que los <span class="smallcap">AF</span> tienden a tener un acceso más restringido para su uso. Y, de nueva cuenta, esto no implica que podamos ser libres. No existe una relación causa y efecto entre lo que un objeto hace posible y la manera en como un sujeto quiere ser libre. Los <span class="smallcap">AF</span> son herramientas, no son amos ni esclavos, solo un medio para cualquiera que los use… pero ¿con qué fines?</p>
<p>Necesitamos los <span class="smallcap">AD</span> y a los <span class="smallcap">AF</span> como respaldos y como objetos de uso diario. El acto de respaldar es una categoría dinámica. Los archivos respaldados no son inertes ni son sustratos que esperan ser usados. En algunos casos vamos a usar los <span class="smallcap">AF</span> porque los <span class="smallcap">AD</span> han sido corrompidos o su infraestructura tecnológica ha sido suspendida. En otras ocasiones vamos a usar los <span class="smallcap">AD</span> cuando los <span class="smallcap">AF</span> han sido destruidos o restringidos.</p>
<img src="../../../img/p004_i003.jpg" alt="Debido a la restricción en el acceso a los AF, a veces es necesario un escáner portable en forma de V; este modelo nos permite manejar libros deteriorados así como podemos guardarlo en una mochila."/>
Debido a la restricción en el acceso a los <span class="smallcap">AF</span>, a veces es necesario un escáner portable en forma de V; este modelo nos permite manejar libros deteriorados así como podemos guardarlo en una mochila.
<p>Así que la lucha en relación con los respaldos —y a toda esa mierda acerca de la «libertad» en las comunidades del <i>software</i> libre y del código abierto— no es solo en torno al reino «incorpóreo» de la información. Tampoco sobre los medios técnicos que posibilitan los datos digitales. Ni mucho menos respecto a las leyes que transforman la producción en propiedad. Tenemos otros frentes de batalla en contra del monopolio del ciberespacio —o como Lingel <a href="">dice</a>: la gentrificación del internet.</p>
<p>No es solo acera del <i>software</i>, del <i>hardware</i>, de la privacidad, de la información o de las leyes. Se trata de nosotros: sobre cómo construimos comunidades y cómo la tecnología nos constituye como sujetos. <i>Necesitamos más teoría</i>. Pero una diversificada porque estar en internet no es lo mismo para un académico, un editor, una mujer, un niño, un refugiado, una persona no-blanca, un pobre o una anciana. Este espacio no es neutral ni homogéneo ni bidimensional. Se compone de cables, posee servidores, implica la explotación laboral, se conserva en edificios, <i>tiene poder</i> y, bueno, goza de todas las cosas del «mundo real». Que uses un dispositivo para su acceso no significa que en cualquier momento puedes decidir si estás conectado o no: siempre estás en línea sea como usuario, como consumidor o como dato.</p>
<p><i>¿Quién respalda a quién?</i> Así como el internet nos está cambiando tal cual lo hizo la imprenta, lo archivos respaldados no son datos guardados sino <i>la memoria de nuestro mundo</i>. ¿Aún es buena idea dejar el trabajo de su <span class="smallcap">P&#38;R</span> a un par de compañías de <i>hardware</i> y de <i>software</i>? ¿Podemos ya decir que el acto de respaldar implica archivos pero también algo más?</p>
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<h1 id="como-esta-hecha-tesis-de-maestria">Cómo está hecha: tesis de Maestría</h1>
<blockquote class="published">
<p>Publicado: 2020/02/15, 13:00 | <a href=""><span class="smallcap">PDF</span></a> | <a href=""><span class="smallcap">Folleto</span></a></p>
<p>Uff, después de seis meses de estar escribiendo, revisando, suprimiendo, gritando y casi darme por vencido, por fin he concluido la tesis de investigación de la Maestría. Puedes verla <a href="">aquí</a>.</p>
<p>La tesis es sobre propiedad intelectual, bienes comunes y producción cultural y filosófica. La Maestría en Filosofía la realicé en la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (<span class="smallcap">UNAM</span>). Esta investigación consiste en aproximadamente veintisiete mil palabras y casi cien páginas.</p>
<p>Desde el principio decidí que no la escribiría usando procesadores de textos como <a href="">LibreOffice</a> ni Microsoft Office. Esta decisión es debido a que:</p>
<p>El <i>software</i> de ofimática fue diseñado para un tipo de trabajo en particular, no para fines de investigación.</p>
<p>El manejo bibliográfico y la revisión de la redacción puede ser muy pero muy engorroso.</p>
<p>Necesitaba diversas salidas, lo que hubiera implicado una labor fuerte de formateo si hubiera escrito la investigación en formatos <span class="smallcap">ODT</span> o <span class="smallcap">DOCX</span>.</p>
<p>Quería ver qué tan lejos podía llegar con el puro uso de <a href="">Markdown</a>, una terminal y <a href=""><span class="smallcap">FOSS</span></a>.</p>
<p>De manera general la tesis en realidad es un repositorio automatizado donde puedes verlo todo —incluyendo la bibliografía entera, el sitio y la historia de escritura—. Esta investigación usó un modelo de <a href="">liberación continua</a> —«un concepto de lanzamiento frecuente de actualizaciones»—. La metodología consiste en edición estandarizada, automatizada y multiformato, o como prefiero denominarla: edición ramificada.</p>
<p>Este no es el espacio para discutir el método, pero estas son algunas ideas generales:</p>
<p>Tenemos algunos datos de entrada que son nuestros archivos de trabajo.</p>
<p>Necesitamos diversas salidas que serán nuestros archivos listos para distribuir.</p>
<p>Queremos automatizar para solo concentrarnos en escribir y editar, en lugar de perder nuestro tiempo con el formato o tener pesadillas con la maquetación.</p>
<p>Para tener éxito es necesario evitar cualquier tipo de enfoques <a href=""><span class="smallcap">MYSIWYG</span></a> o de <a href="">publicación de escritorio</a>. En su lugar, la edición ramificada emplea el enfoque <a href=""><span class="smallcap">MYSIGYM</span></a> y sistemas de composición tipográfica.</p>
<p>¡Así que empecemos!</p>
<h2 id="datos-de-entrada">Datos de entrada</h2>
<p>Cuento con dos archivos principales como datos de entrada: el contenido de la investigación y la bibliografía. Para el contenido usé Markdown. Para la bibliografía decidí usar <a href="">BibLaTeX</a>.</p>
<h3 id="markdown">Markdown</h3>
<p>¿Por qué Markdown? Debido a que es:</p>
<p>fácil de leer, escribir y editar</p>
<p>fácil de procesar</p>
<p>un formato ligero</p>
<p>un formato abierto y de texto plano</p>
<p>El formato Markdown fue planteado para la escritura de <i>blogs</i>. Así que la versión «<i>vanilla</i>» de Markdown no es suficiente para la escritura de investigación o académica. Además no soy fan de <a href="">Pandoc Markdown</a>.</p>
<p>No lo tomes a mal, <a href="">Pandoc</a> <i>es</i> la navaja suiza para la conversión de documentos, su nombre le queda a la perfección. Pero para el tipo de edición que llevo a cabo, Pandoc es parte del proceso de automatización y no para los datos de entrada o las salidas. Pandoc lo uso como intermediario para algunos formatos ya que me ayuda a ahorrar mucho tiempo.</p>
<p>Para los datos de entrada y los formatos de salida pienso que Pandoc es una gran herramienta de propósito general, pero no satisface las necesidades de un editor quisquilloso como este perro. Además, amo el <i>scripting</i> así que prefiero emplear mi tiempo en eso en lugar de configurar las salidas de Pandoc —me permite aprender más—. Así que para este proceso de publicación usé Pandoc cuando no había resuelto algo o fui muy flojo para hacerlo, <span class="smallcap">LOL</span>.</p>
<p>A diferencia de los formatos de texto procesado como <span class="smallcap">ODT</span> o <span class="smallcap">DOCX</span>, <span class="smallcap">MD</span> es muy fácil de personalizar. No necesitas instalar <i>plugins</i>, ¡solo tienes que generar más sintaxis!</p>
<p>Así que <a href="">Pecas Markdown</a> fue el formato base para el contenido. La sintaxis adicional fue para citar la bibliografía según su identificador.</p>
<img src="../../../img/p005_i001.png" alt="La investigación en su dato de entrada original en MD."/>
La investigación en su dato de entrada original en <span class="smallcap">MD</span>.
<h3 id="biblatex">BibLaTeX</h3>
<p>El formateo de bibliografía es uno de los mayores dolores de cabeza para muchos investigadores. El aprendizaje de cómo citar y referenciar requiere de mucho tiempo y energía. Y no importa cuánta experiencia se tenga, las referencias o la bibliografía usualmente tienen erratas.</p>
<p>Lo sé por experiencia. Mucha de la bibliografía de nuestros clientes son un enorme desmadre. Pero el 99.99% de las veces es debido a que lo hacen de manera manual… Así que decidí evadir ese infierno.</p>
<p>Existen diversas alternativas para el manejo bibliográfico y la más común es BibLaTeX, el sucesor de <a href="">BibTeX</a>. Con este tipo de formato puedes gestionar tu bibliografía como una notación de objetos. Esta es una muestra de una ficha:</p>
<pre class="">
<code class="code-line-1">@book{proudhon1862a,</code><code class="code-line-2"> author = {Proudhon, Pierre J.},</code><code class="code-line-3"> date = {1862},</code><code class="code-line-4"> file = {:recursos/proudhon1862a.pdf:PDF},</code><code class="code-line-5"> keywords = {prio2,read},</code><code class="code-line-6"> publisher = {Office de publicité},</code><code class="code-line-7"> title = {Les Majorats littéraires},</code><code class="code-line-8"> url = {},</code><code class="code-line-9">}</code>
<p>Al principio de la ficha indicas su tipo y su identificador. Cada una tiene un conjunto de pares llave-valor. Según el tipo de referencia, hay algunas llaves necesarias. Si necesitas más, solo basta con que las añadas. Esto podría ser muy difícil de editar directamente porque la compilación a <span class="smallcap">PDF</span> no tolera errores en la sintaxis. Por comodidad puedes usar una interfaz gráfica como <a href="">JabRef</a>. Con este <i>software</i> de manera muy sencilla puedes generar, editar o eliminar fichas bibliográficas cual si fueran filas en una hoja de cálculo.</p>
<p>Así que tengo dos tipos de formatos para los datos de entrada: <span class="smallcap">BIB</span> para la bibliografía y <span class="smallcap">MD</span> para el contenido. Las referencias cruzadas las llevé a cabo al generar sintaxis adicional que invoca a la ficha bibliográfica a partir de su identificador. Esto suena complicado, pero para fines de redacción es únicamente algo como esto:</p>
<p>@textcite[alguien2020a] dice… Ahora estoy parafraseando a alguien, así que la citaré al final @parencite[alguien2020a].</p>
<p>Cuando la bibliografía es procesada, tengo algo como esto:</p>
<p>Alguien (2020) dice… Ahora estoy parafraseando a alguien, así que la citaré al final (Alguien, 2020).</p>
<p>Esta sintaxis está basada en los estilos de citas textuales y parentéticos de LaTeX para <a href="">BibLaTeX</a>. La arroba (<code>@</code>) es un carácter que empleo al inicio de cualquier sintaxis adicional de Pecas Markdown. Para propósitos de procesamiento podría usar cualquier otro tipo de sintaxis. Pero para las tareas de redacción y edición me he percatado que la arroba es muy accesible y fácil de localizar.</p>
<p>El ejemplo fue muy sencillo y no demuestra por completo el punto de hacer esto. Al usar identificadores:</p>
<p>No tengo que preocuparme de que la ficha bibliográfica cambie.</p>
<p>No tengo que aprender ningún estilo de citas.</p>
<p>No tengo que escribir la sección de la bibliografía, ¡se genera automáticamente!</p>
<p><i>Siempre</i> tengo la estructura correcta.</p>
<p>Más adelante explico cómo es posible este proceso. La idea principal es que con un par de <i>scripts</i> estos dos datos de entrada se convierten en uno, un archivo Markdown con la bibliografía añadida, listo para el proceso de automatización.</p>
<h2 id="archivos-de-salida">Archivos de salida</h2>
<p>Me molesta que el <span class="smallcap">PDF</span> sea el único archivo de salida para la investigación, la mayoría del tiempo realizo una lectura general en la pantalla y, si quiero ahondar en detalles, con notas y chingaderas, prefiero imprimirla. No es muy cómodo leer un <span class="smallcap">PDF</span> en la pantalla y casi sin excepción la impresión de <span class="smallcap">HTML</span> o de libros electrónicos es estéticamente desagradable. Esos son los motivos por los que decidí proporcionar diferentes formatos para que los lectores puedan escoger el que más le convenga.</p>
<p>A como la edición se está centralizado cada vez más, desafortunadamente es recomendable suministrar el formato <span class="smallcap">MOBI</span> para los lectores con Kindle —por cierto, <span class="smallcap">A LA MIERDA</span> Amazon, le roba a escritores y editores; úsalo solo si el texto no está en otra fuente—. No me agrada el <i>software</i> propietario como Kindlegen, pero es el único medio <i>legal</i> para proveer archivos <span class="smallcap">MOBI</span>. Ojalá poco a poco los lectores con Kindle al menos empiecen a <i>hackear</i> sus dispositivos. Por el momento Amazon es la mierda que usa la gente, pero recuerda: si no lo tienes, no te pertenece. Mira lo que le pasó a los <a href="">libros en la Microsoft Store</a></p>
<p>La cereza del pastel fue una petición de mi tutor. El quería un archivo editable que le fuera fácil de usar. Mucho tiempo atrás Microsoft monopolizó la escritura digital, así que la solución más sencilla fue la distribución de un archivo <span class="smallcap">DOCX</span>. En lo personal hubiera preferido usar el formato <span class="smallcap">ODT</span> pero he visto cuántas personas desconocen cómo abrirlo. Mi tutor no es parte de ese grupo, pero para los archivos de salida es buena idea pensar no solo en lo que necesitamos, sino en lo que podríamos requerir. Las personas a duras penas leen investigaciones, si no es accesible en lo que ya conocen, no leerán nada.</p>
<p>Así que los archivos de salida son:</p>
<p><span class="smallcap">EPUB</span> como libro electrónico estándar.</p>
<p><span class="smallcap">MOBI</span> para lectores con Kindle.</p>
<p><span class="smallcap">PDF</span> para impresión.</p>
<p><span class="smallcap">HTML</span> para internautas.</p>
<p><span class="smallcap">DOCX</span> como archivo editable.</p>
<h3 id="libros-electronicos">Libros electrónicos</h3>
<img src="../../../img/p005_i002.png" alt="La investigación en su salida EPUB."/>
La investigación en su salida <span class="smallcap">EPUB</span>.
<p>No usé Pandoc para los libros electrónicos, en su lugar empleé la herramienta editorial que estamos desarrollando: <a href="">Pecas</a>. En este contexto «Pecas» es en honor a un perro pintito de mi infancia.</p>
<p>Pecas me permite generar formatos <span class="smallcap">EPUB</span> y <span class="smallcap">MOBI</span> a partir de un <span class="smallcap">MD</span>, además de realizar estadísticas del documento, validación de archivos y manejo sencillo de metadatos. Cada proyecto de Pecas puede ser fuertemente personalizado porque permite <i>scripts</i> de Ruby, Python y Shell de Unix. El objetivo principal detrás de ello es la capacidad de rehacer libros electrónicos a partir de recetas. Por lo tanto, los archivos de salida son desechables con el fin de ahorrar espacio y porque ¡no los necesitas todo el tiempo ni deberías hacer ediciones sobre los formatos finales!</p>
<p>Pecas es <i>software</i> en liberación continua con Licencia Pública General de <span class="smallcap">GNU</span>, así que es gratuito, abierto y libre. Desde hace meses Pecas no ha estado en mantenimiento porque este año vamos a empezar de nuevo, con código más limpio, con maneras más sencillas de instalarlo y con muchas nuevas características —eso espero, necesitamos <a href="">tu apoyo</a>—.</p>
<h3 id="pdf">PDF</h3>
<p>Para la salida <span class="smallcap">PDF</span> me fío de LaTeX y LuaLaTeX. ¿Por qué? Simplemente por costumbre. No cuento con algún argumento en particular en contra de otros <i>frameworks</i> o motores dentro de la familia TeX. Se trata de un mundo que aún tengo que indagar más.</p>
<p>¿Por qué no usé publicación de escritorio en su lugar, como InDesign o Scribus? Afuera de su propio flujo de trabajo, la publicación de escritorio es difícil de automatizar y mantener. Esta aproximación es estupenda si solo quieres una salida <span class="smallcap">PDF</span> o si deseas trabajar con una interfaz gráfica. Para la conservación de los archivos y para una edición estandarizada, automatizada y multiformato, la publicación de escritorio sencillamente no es la mejor opción.</p>
<p>¿Por qué no solo exporté el <span class="smallcap">PDF</span> a partir del archivo <span class="smallcap">DOCX</span>? Mi campo de trabajo es la edición, aún le tengo respeto a mis ojos…</p>
<p>Como sea, para esta salida usé Pandoc como intermediario. Podría haber realizado la conversión de <span class="smallcap">MD</span> a formato <span class="smallcap">TEX</span> con <i>scripts</i>, pero fui flojo. Así que Pandoc convierte el <span class="smallcap">MD</span> a <span class="smallcap">TEX</span> y LuaLaTeX lo compila a <span class="smallcap">PDF</span>. No uso ambos programas de manera explícita, en su lugar escribí un <i>script</i> que automatiza este proceso. Más adelante explico cómo es posible.</p>
<img src="../../../img/p005_i003.png" alt="La investigación en su salida PDF; no me agrada el texto justificado, es dañino para nuestros ojos."/>
La investigación en su salida <span class="smallcap">PDF</span>; no me agrada el texto justificado, es dañino para nuestros ojos.
<h3 id="html">HTML</h3>
<p>El formato <span class="smallcap">EPUB</span> en realidad consiste en un conjunto de archivos <span class="smallcap">HTML</span> comprimidos más metadatos y una tabla de contenidos. Así que no hay motivo para evadir una salida <span class="smallcap">HTML</span>. Ya cuento con esta al convertir el <span class="smallcap">MD</span> con Pecas. No creo que alguien vaya a leer casi veintisiete mil palabras en un explorador <i>web</i>, pero uno nunca sabe. Este formato podría servir para dar un vistazo.</p>
<h3 id="docx">DOCX</h3>
<p>Esta salida no tiene nada en especial. No personalicé sus estilos. Solo usé Pandoc mediante otro <i>script</i>. Recuerda, este archivo es para editar, así que su maquetación no es relevante.</p>
<h2 id="redaccion">Redacción</h2>
<p>Además del método de publicación empleado en esta investigación, quiero hacer unos comentarios particulares sobre la influencia de la disposición técnica sobre la escritura.</p>
<h3 id="editores-de-texto">Editores de texto</h3>
<p>Nunca uso procesadores de texto, así que la escritura de esta tesis no fue la excepción. En su lugar prefiero el empleo de editores de texto. Entre estos tengo un gusto particular por los más minimalistas como <a href="">Vim</a> o <a href="">Gedit</a>.</p>
<p>Vim es un editor de texto para la terminal. Lo uso de manera regular —lo siento, compas de <a href="">Emacs</a>—. Casi todo lo escribo con Vim, incluyendo esta tesis, debido a su interfaz minimalista. No hay pinches botones, no tengo distracciones, solo soy yo y una terminal con fondo negro.</p>
<p>Gedit es un editor de texto con interfaz gráfica y principalmente lo uso para <a href="">expresiones regulares</a> o búsquedas. En este proyecto lo empleé para vistazos rápidos a la bibliografía. Me encanta JabRef como gestor bibliográfico, pero para obtener los identificadores solo necesito acceso directo al archivo <span class="smallcap">BIB</span>. Gedit fue un buen acompañante para esta labor en particular por su carencia de «<i>buttonware</i>» —esa fastidiosa tendencia de poner botones por todos lados—.</p>
<h3 id="citas">Citas</h3>
<p>Quiero que la investigación sea lo más accesible posible. No quise usar un sistema complicado de estilos de cita. Por ello únicamente usé citas parentéticas o textuales.</p>
<p>Esto podría ser un problema para varios académicos. Pero cuando veo erratas en sus rebuscadas citas y referencias, no puedo tener ninguna empatía. Si vas a añadir complejidad a tu trabajo, lo mínimo que puedes hacer es ejecutarlo de manera correcta. Y seamos honestos, la mayoría de los académicos agregan complejidad porque quieren verse chingones —es decir, se conforman con las reglas de formación para textos de investigación con la finalidad de ser parte de una comunidad o de «ganar» algo de objetividad—.</p>
<h3 id="bloques-de-cita">Bloques de cita</h3>
<p>En la investigación no vas a encontrar ni un bloque de cita. Esto no es solo por accesibilidad —algunas personas no pueden distinguir este tipo de citas—, sino también por la manera en como se gestionó la bibliografía.</p>
<p>Uno de los motivos principales para los bloques de cita es el ofrecimiento extendido y de primera mano de lo dicho por un escritor. Pero de manera ocasional también se usan para rellenar cuartillas. En la manera común de hacer filosofía, los archivos de salida tienden a ser un artículo «definitivo». Este texto se compone por la investigación más la bibliografía. Este formato no permite embeber otro tipo de archivos como más artículos, sitios <i>web</i>, libros o bases de datos. Si lo que deseas es el suministro de información literal, las citas y los bloques de cita son el medio para llevarlo a cabo.</p>
<p>Debido a que esta tesis en realidad es un repositorio automatizado, contiene todas las referencias usadas para la investigación. Tiene la bibliografía, pero también cada trabajo citado para fines pedagógicos y de conservación. ¿Por qué habría de emplear bloques de cita si fácilmente puedes acceder a los archivos? Aun mejor, podrías utilizar alguna función de búsqueda o ir sobre todos los datos con la intención de validar información.</p>
<p>Además la universidad no permite la entrega de textos amplios. Concuerdo con ello, considero que tenemos otras capacidades técnicas que nos permiten ser más sintéticos. Al poner a un lado los bloques de cita, tuve más espacio para la investigación.</p>
<p>Tómalo o déjalo, la investigación como repositorio y no como archivo nos da mayores posibilidades de accesibilidad, portabilidad y apertura.</p>
<h3 id="notas-al-pie">Notas al pie</h3>
<p>¡Oh, las notas al pie! Qué técnica tan más hermosa para mostrar texto secundario. Funciona de manera maravillosa, permite la metaescritura y más. Pero solo funciona como se espera si la salida que estás pensando es, primero que nada, un archivo y, de manera secundaria, un texto con formación fija. Con otro tipo de salidas las notas al pie pueden ser una pesadilla.</p>
<p>Tengo la convicción de que casi todas las notas al pie pueden incorporarse al texto. Esto es por tres experiencias personales. En los estudios universitarios como estudiante de filosofía tenemos que leer un chingo de ediciones críticas, las cuales tienden a implementar sus notas «críticas» al pie. Para este tipo de textos lo entiendo, a las personas no les gusta que confundan sus palabras con las de otro, menos si es entre una autoridad filosófica y un filósofo contemporáneo —tomen nota: es un gusto personal, no un mandato—. Pero esta es una pirruchenta tesis de investigación de Maestría, no una edición crítica.</p>
<p>Solía odiar las notas al pie, ahora solo me desagradan. Parte de mi trabajo consiste en revisar, extraer y enmendar notas al pie de otras personas. Puedo apostar que la mitad de las veces las notas al pie no están presentadas de la manera correcta o están desaparecidas. Por lo general no se trata de un error de <i>software</i>. En algunas ocasiones es porque las personas las elaboran de manera manual. Pero no voy a culpar a editores o diseñadores por sus errores. Por el modo en como las cosas se están gestando en la edición, la mayoría de las veces es por falta de tiempo. Nos están presionando para publicar libros tan rápido como podamos y uno de los daños colaterales es la pérdida de calidad. De la manera más sencilla en la bibliografía, las notas al pie y los bloques de cita puede observarse qué tanto cuidado se le ha dado a un texto.</p>
<p>Sí culpo a algunos autores por este desastre. Vuelvo a repetir, esto es solo una experiencia personal; sin embargo, en mi trabajo he visto que la mayoría de los autores colocan notas al pie en las siguientes situaciones:</p>
<p>Quieren agregar más chingaderas pero no quieren reescribir ni mierda.</p>
<p>No son buenos escritores o están en apuros, por lo que las notas al pie son el camino a seguir.</p>
<p>Piensan que por la adición de notas al pie, bloques de cita o referencias podrán «obtener» objetividad.</p>
<p>En mi opinión la tesis necesita más reescritura, pude haber redactado de una manera mas comprensiva, pero ya estaba hasta el colmo —escribir filosofía no es lo mío, prefiero hablarla o programarla (!)—. Por ello me tomé mi tiempo en su revisión —pregúntenle a mi tutor sobre ello, <span class="smallcap">LMFAO</span>—. Para mí hubiera sido más sencillo solo añadir notas al pie, pero para ti habría sido más embrollo leer esa chingadera. Aparte de eso, las notas al pie ocupan más espacio que la reescritura.</p>
<p>Así que por respeto al lector y en acuerdo con la extensión del texto establecido por mi universidad, decidí no usar notas al pie.</p>
<h2 id="programacion">Programación</h2>
<p>Como puedes observar, tuve que escribir algunos <i>scripts</i> y usar <i>software</i> de terceros para tener una tesis como un repositorio automatizado. Se escucha complicado o quizá como un sin-sentido, pero ¿acaso la filosofía no tiene la misma reputación? >:)</p>
<h3 id="herramientas-md">Herramientas MD</h3>
<p>Los primeros desafíos que tuve fueron:</p>
<p>Necesitaba saber con exactitud cuántas páginas llevaba escritas.</p>
<p>Quería una manera simple de embellecer el formato <span class="smallcap">MD</span>.</p>
<p>Tenía que hacer controles de calidad en mi redacción.</p>
<p>En consecuencia, decidí desarrollar algunos programas para estas tareas: <a href=""><code>texte</code></a>, <a href=""><code>texti</code></a> y <a href=""><code>textu</code></a>, respectivamente.</p>
<p>Estos programas en realidad son <i>scripts</i> de Ruby que coloqué en mi directorio <code>/usr/local/bin</code>. Tú puedes hacer lo mismo pero lo desaconsejo. Ahora mismo en Programando <span class="smallcap">LIBRE</span>ros estamos refactorizando toda esa basura para que pueda ser despachada como una gema de Ruby. Así que recomendaría que esperaras.</p>
<p>Con <code>texte</code> puedo saber cuántas líneas, caracteres, caracteres sin espacios y palabras tiene un archivo, además de conocer tres tipos de tamaños de cuartilla: cada mil ochocientos caracteres con espacios, cada docientas cincuentas palabras y un promedio de ambas —puedes establecer otros tamaños—.</p>
<p>El embellecedor de <span class="smallcap">MD</span> es <code>texti</code>. Por el momento solo funciona bien con párrafos. Esto es suficiente para mí porque mi problema fue con las longitudes dispares de líneas —sí, no uso ajuste de línea—.</p>
<img src="../../../img/p005_i004.png" alt="Impresión de la ayuda de texti."/>
Impresión de la ayuda de <code>texti</code>.
<p>También intenté evadir típicos errores al usar comillas o paréntesis: en algunas ocasiones olvidamos cerrarlos. Así que <code>textu</code> fue para este control de calidad.</p>
<p>Estos tres programas fueron de mucha ayuda para mi escritura, por ello decidimos continuar con su desarrollo como una gema de Ruby. Para nuestro trabajo o proyectos personales, <span class="smallcap">MD</span> es nuestro formato principal, así que tenemos la obligación de proveer de herramientas que ayuden a escritores y editores que también usen Markdown.</p>
<h3 id="baby-biber">Baby Biber</h3>
<p>Si conoces la familia TeX, con seguridad sabes de <a href="">Biber</a>, el programa de procesamiento bibliográfico. Con Biber puedes compilar las fichas bibliográficas de BibLaTeX en salidas <span class="smallcap">PDF</span> así como hacer verificaciones y limpiezas.</p>
<p>Las referencias empezaron a ser un problema porque nuestro método de publicación implica el desdoblamiento de salidas en procesos independientes desde los mismos datos de entrada, en este caso los formatos <span class="smallcap">MD</span> y <span class="smallcap">BIB</span>. Con Biber puedo añadir las fichas bibliográficas pero solo al <span class="smallcap">PDF</span>.</p>
<p>La solución que llevé a cabo fue la adición de referencias en el <span class="smallcap">MD</span> antes de cualquier otro proceso. Así se unen los datos de entrada en un archivo <span class="smallcap">MD</span>. Este nuevo fichero se utiliza para despachar todas las salidas.</p>
<p>Esta solución implica el uso de Biber como herramienta de limpieza y el desarrollo de un programa que procese las fichas bibliográficas de BibLaTeX dentro de archivos <span class="smallcap">MD</span>. <a href="">Baby Biber</a> es este programa. Con este nombre quise honrar a Biber y poner en claro que este programa está en sus fases iniciales.</p>
<p>¿Qué hace Baby Biber?</p>
<p>Genera un nuevo archivo <span class="smallcap">MD</span> con las referencias y la bibliografía.</p>
<p>Añade las referencias si el <span class="smallcap">MD</span> original llama a <code>@textcite</code> o <code>@parencite</code> con un identificador correcto de BibLaTeX.</p>
<p>Añade la bibliografía al final del documento según las referencias invocadas.</p>
<p>La personalización de los estilos bibliográficos y de referencias es un dolor de cabeza. Con Pandoc puedes usar <a href=""><code>pandoc-citeproc</code></a>, lo cual te permite seleccionar cualquier estilo compuesto en <a href="">Citation Style Language (<span class="smallcap">CSL</span>)</a>. Estos estilos están en <span class="smallcap">XML</span> y son de armas tomar: deberías aplicarlo como estándar. Puedes revisar diferentes estilos de citas <span class="smallcap">CSL</span> en su <a href="">repositorio oficial</a>.</p>
<p>¡Baby Biber no soporta <span class="smallcap">CSL</span>! En su lugar usa el formato <a href=""><span class="smallcap">YAML</span></a> para <a href="">su configuración</a>. Esto se debe a dos cuestiones:</p>
<p>No me tomé el tiempo para leer cómo implementar los estilos de cita <span class="smallcap">CSL</span>.</p>
<p>Mi universidad me permite usar cualquier tipo de estilo de cita siempre y cuando tenga uniformidad y muestre la información de manera clara.</p>
<p>Así que, sí, aquí tengo una gran deuda. Y es probable que así se quede. La nueva versión de Pecas implementará y mejorará el trabajo hecho por Baby Biber —eso espero—.</p>
<img src="../../../img/p005_i005.png" alt="Archivo de configuración de muestra de Baby Biber."/>
Archivo de configuración de muestra de Baby Biber.
<h3 id="exportador-pdf">Exportador PDF</h3>
<p>El último <i>script</i> que escribí fue para automatizar la compilación de <span class="smallcap">PDF</span> con LuaLaTeX y Biber (opcional).</p>
<p>No me gusta la plantilla por defecto de Pandoc y podría haber leído la documentación para cambiar este comportamiento, pero decidí experimentar un poco. La nueva versión de Pecas permitirá salidas <span class="smallcap">PDF</span> así que quise juguetear con el formateo, como lo hice con Baby Biber. Además, necesitaba con urgencia un programa para salidas <span class="smallcap">PDF</span> porque a veces publicamos <a href=""><i>fanzines</i></a>.</p>
<p>Entonces, <a href=""><code>export-pdf</code></a> es este experimento. Este usa Pandoc para convertir archivos <span class="smallcap">MD</span> a <span class="smallcap">TEX</span>. A continuación hace una limpieza e inyecta la plantilla. Por último, compila el <span class="smallcap">PDF</span> con LuaLaTeX y Biber —si quieres añadir las fichas bibliográficas de esta manera—. También exporta un folleto <span class="smallcap">PDF</span> con <code>pdfbook2</code>, lo cual no implementé en este repositorio porque el <span class="smallcap">PDF</span> es de tamaño carta, muy grande para un folleto.</p>
<p>Tengo una enorme deuda que no voy a pagar. Es muy chido tener un programa para salidas <span class="smallcap">PDF</span> cuyo funcionamiento entiendo, pero todavía quiero experimentar con <a href="">ConTeXt</a>.</p>
<p>Pienso que ConTeXt podría ser una herramienta muy útil en el uso de archivos <span class="smallcap">XML</span> para salidas <span class="smallcap">PDF</span>. Mi postura es la defensa de Markdown como formato de entrada para escritores y editores, pero para automatización el <span class="smallcap">XML</span> es superior. Para la nueva versión de Pecas he estado pensando en la posibilidad de usar <span class="smallcap">XML</span> para cualquier tipo de salida estándar como <span class="smallcap">EPUB</span>, <span class="smallcap">PDF</span> o <span class="smallcap">JATS</span>. Mi problema con los archivos <span class="smallcap">TEX</span> es que se trata de un formato adicional para una sola salida, ¿por qué lo permitiría si el <span class="smallcap">XML</span> puede suministrarme al menos tres?</p>
<img src="../../../img/p005_i006.png" alt="Código de Ruby de export-pdf."/>
Código de Ruby de <code>export-pdf</code>.
<h3 id="software-de-terceros"><i>Software</i> de terceros</h3>
<p>Ya mencioné los programas de terceros que utilizo en este repositorio:</p>
<p>Vim como editor de texto principal.</p>
<p>Gedit como editor de texto secundario.</p>
<p>JabRef como gestor bibliográfico.</p>
<p>Pandoc como conversor de documentos.</p>
<p>LuaLaTeX como motor compilador de <span class="smallcap">PDF</span>.</p>
<p>Biber como limpiador bibliográfico.</p>
<p>Todas las herramientas que desarrollé y estos programas son <span class="smallcap">FOSS</span>, por lo que puedes usarlos si quieres y sin tener que pagar o pedir permiso —y sin garantía xD—.</p>
<h2 id="desarrollo">Desarrollo</h2>
<p>Hay un problema fundamental de diseño para esta investigación como repositorio automatizado: tuve que haber colocado todos los <i>scripts</i> en un solo lugar. Al principio de la investigación pensé que sería más sencillo poner cada <i>script</i> lado a lado a su dato de entrada o archivo de salida. Con el tiempo me di cuenta de que no fue buena idea.</p>
<p>Lo bueno es que hay un <i>script</i> que funciona como <a href=""><i>wrapper</i></a>. En realidad no tienes que saber nada de esto. Únicamente escribes tu investigación en Markdown, llenas tu bibliografía con BibLaTeX y cada vez que quieras, o tu servidor esté configurado, ejecutas este <i>script</i>.</p>
<p>Esta es una lista simplificada que muestra la ubicación de los <i>scripts</i>, sus datos de entrada y sus archivos de salida en el repositorio:</p>
<pre class="">
<code class="code-line-1">.</code><code class="code-line-2">├─ [01] bibliografia</code><code class="code-line-3">│   ├─ [02] bibliografia.bib</code><code class="code-line-4">│   ├─ [03] bibliografia.html</code><code class="code-line-5">│   ├─ [04]</code><code class="code-line-6">│   ├─ [05] config.yaml</code><code class="code-line-7">│   └─ [06] recursos</code><code class="code-line-8">├─ [07] index.html</code><code class="code-line-9">└─ [08] tesis</code><code class="code-line-10"> ├─ [09] docx</code><code class="code-line-11"> │   ├─ [10] generate</code><code class="code-line-12"> │   └─ [11] tesis.docx</code><code class="code-line-13"> ├─ [12] ebooks</code><code class="code-line-14"> │   ├─ [13] generate</code><code class="code-line-15"> │   └─ [14] out</code><code class="code-line-16"> │   ├─ [15]</code><code class="code-line-17"> │   ├─ [16] meta-data.yaml</code><code class="code-line-18"> │   ├─ [17] tesis.epub</code><code class="code-line-19"> │   └─ [18]</code><code class="code-line-20"> ├─ [19] generate-all</code><code class="code-line-21"> ├─ [20] html</code><code class="code-line-22"> │ ├─ [21] generate</code><code class="code-line-23"> │ └─ [22] tesis.html</code><code class="code-line-24"> ├─ [23] md</code><code class="code-line-25"> │   ├─ [24] add-bib</code><code class="code-line-26"> │   ├─ [25]</code><code class="code-line-27"> │   └─ [26]</code><code class="code-line-28"> └─ [27] pdf</code><code class="code-line-29"> ├─ [28] generate</code><code class="code-line-30"> └─ [29] tesis.pdf</code>
<h3 id="senda-de-la-bibliografia">Senda de la bibliografía</h3>
<p>Incluso desde una vista simplificada puedes observar que este repositorio es un desmadre. La bibliografía [01] y la tesis [08] son los directorios principales de este repositorio. Como hermano tienes al sitio [07].</p>
<p>El directorio de la bibliografía no forma parte del proceso de automatización. El archivo <span class="smallcap">BIB</span> [02] lo trabajé en momentos distintos a mi redacción, así como lo exportaba a <span class="smallcap">HTML</span> [03] cada vez que usaba JabRef. Este <span class="smallcap">HTML</span> es para consultas desde el explorador. Ahí mismo hay un simple <i>script</i> [04] para limpiar la bibliografía con Biber y el archivo de configuración [05] para Baby Biber. ¿Eres un acumulador de datos? Existe un directorio [06] especial para ti con todos los trabajos usados para esta investigación ;)</p>
<h3 id="motor-encendido">Motor encendido</h3>
<p>En el directorio de la tesis [08] es donde todo se mueve plácidamente cuando ejecutas <code>generate-all</code> [19], ¡el <i>wrapper</i> que pone al motor en funcionamiento!</p>
<p>Este <i>wrapper</i> lleva a cabo las siguientes tareas:</p>
<p>Añade la bibliografía [24] al archivo <span class="smallcap">MD</span> [25] original, generando un nuevo archivo [26] que funciona como dato de entrada.</p>
<p>Genera [21] la salida <span class="smallcap">HTML</span> [22].</p>
<p>Compila [28] la salida <span class="smallcap">PDF</span> [29].</p>
<p>Genera [13] el <span class="smallcap">EPUB</span> [17] y el <span class="smallcap">MOBI</span> [18] según los metadatos [16] y el archivo de configuración de Pecas [15].</p>
<p>Exporta [10] el <span class="smallcap">MD</span> a <span class="smallcap">DOCX</span> [11].</p>
<p>Mueve la analítica al directorio correcto.</p>
<p>Refresca la fecha de modificación en el index [07].</p>
<p>Imprime el <i>hash</i> de la versión de la liberación continua en el index.</p>
<p>Imprime las sumas de comprobación <span class="smallcap">MD5</span> de todos los archivos de salida en el index.</p>
<p>Y eso es todo. El proceso de desarrollo de una tesis como repositorio automatizado me permite solo preocuparme por tres cosas:</p>
<p>Escribir la investigación.</p>
<p>Gestionar la bibliografía.</p>
<p>Despachar todas las salidas de manera automatizada.</p>
<h3 id="las-cuestiones-legales">Las cuestiones legales</h3>
<p>Así es como está hecho, pero todavía tenemos que hablar sobre cómo <i>legalmente</i> se puede usar esta tesis…</p>
<p>Esta investigación fue pagada con los impuestos de todos los mexicanos. El Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (Conacyt) me otorgó una beca para estudiar una Maestría en Filosofía en la <span class="smallcap">UNAM</span> —así es, compas de otras latitudes, es común que aquí nos paguen por los estudios de posgrado—.</p>
<p>Esta beca es un privilegio problemático. Así que lo mínimo que puedo dar a cambio es la liberación de todo lo que fue pagado por mis compas, así como dar asesorías y talleres gratuitos. Lo repito: es lo <i>mínimo</i> que podemos hacer. Me encuentro en desacuerdo con el empleo de este privilegio para ostentar un estilo de vida abundante o parrandero que culmina con el abandono de los estudios. En un país con tantas crisis, las becas son para mejorar tu comunidad y no solo a ti.</p>
<p>En general tengo la convicción de que si eres un investigador o un estudiante de posgrado y ya recibes un pago —no importa que sea un salario o una beca, que estés en una universidad pública o privada, o que el dinero venga de fondos públicos o privados—, tienes un compromiso con tu comunidad, nuestra especie y nuestro planeta. Si quieres hablar de trabajo gratuito o de explotación —que sí sucede—, por favor mira hacia abajo. En este mundo de mierda estás en los escaños superiores de esta <a href="">pirámide sin sentido</a>.</p>
<p>Como investigador, científico, filósofo, teórico, artista y más, tienes la obligación de ayudar a otras personas. Aún podrías alimentar tu ego y creer que eres la chingonería o el próximo pensador, filósofo o artista categoría <span class="smallcap">AAA</span>. Ambas cuestiones no se sobreponen —aunque no le quita lo fastidioso—.</p>
<p>Por estos motivos esta investigación tiene licencia <a href=""><i>copyfarleft</i></a> para su contenido y licencia <i>copyleft</i> para su código. En realidad se trata del mismo esquema de licenciamiento de <a href="">este <i>blog</i></a>.</p>
<p>Con la <a href="">Licencia Editorial Abierta y Libre (<span class="smallcap">LEAL</span>)</a> eres libre de usar, copiar, reeditar, modificar, distribuir o comercializar bajo las siguientes condiciones:</p>
<p>Los productos derivados o modificados han de heredar algún tipo de <span class="smallcap">LEAL</span>.</p>
<p>Los archivos editables y finales habrán de ser de acceso público.</p>
<p>El contenido no puede implicar difamación, explotación o vigilancia.</p>
<p>Podrías quitar mi nombre y poner el tuyo, está permitido. Incluso podrías modificar el contenido y escribir que <span class="smallcap">AMO</span> la propiedad intelectual: no hay medio técnico que impida semejante difamación. Pero las sumas de comprobación <span class="smallcap">MD5</span> muestran si los archivos fueron modificados por otros. Aunque el archivo difiera por un bit, la suma de comprobación <span class="smallcap">MD5</span> arrojará un resultado distinto.</p>
<p>El <i>copyfarleft</i> es el camino —mas no la solución— que se ajusta a nuestro contexto y nuestras posibilidades de libertad. No vengas aquí con tu noción liberal e individualista de libertad —como los weyes de <span id="weblate">Weblate</span> que expulsaron este <i>blog</i> de su servidor porque la licencia de su contenido «no es libre», sin importar que ellos digan que el código, pero no el contenido, debe usar una licencia «libre», como la pinche <span class="smallcap">GPL</span> que emplea este <i>blog</i> para su código—. Este tipo de libertad liberal no funciona en lugares donde ningún Estado ni corporación puede garantizarnos un conjunto mínimo de libertades individuales, como acontece en Asia, África y la otra América —América Latina y la América que no es retratada en la publicidad del «sueño americano»—.</p>
<h2 id="ultimos-pensamientos">Últimos pensamientos</h2>
<p>Así como una tesis funciona a partir de una hipótesis, el sendero técnico y legal de esta investigación actúa según la posibilidad de obtener una tesis como repositorio automatizado, en lugar de una tesis como archivo. Al final esto fue posible, pero de manera limitada.</p>
<p>Pienso que la idea de una tesis como repositorio automatizado es realizable y podría ser una mejor manera de distribuir el conocimiento en lugar de subir un simple archivo. No obstante, esta implementación contiene muchas fugas que la hacen inadecuada para escalarla.</p>
<p>Más trabajo es necesario para poder desdoblarla como práctica estandarizada. Esta técnica también podría ser aplicada para la automatización y la homologación de publicaciones, como artículos en una revista o una colección de libros. El esfuerzo necesario no es considerable y <i>tal vez</i> lo retome durante el doctorado. Pero por ahora, ¡es todo lo que puedo ofrecer!</p>
<p>Gracias a <a href="">@hacklib</a> por incitarme a escribir esta entrada y, de nueva cuenta, gracias a mi pareja por persuadirme a estudiar la Maestría y por corregir esta publicación en su versión inglesa. Agradezco a mi tutor, a Mel y a Gabi por su apoyo académico. No puedo olvidar dar gracias a <a href="">Colima Hacklab</a>, al <a href="">Rancho Electrónico</a> y al <a href="">grupo Miau</a> por su soporte técnico. ¡Gracias también a todas las personas y organizaciones que menciono en la sección de agradecimientos de la investigación!</p>
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<p class="left no-indent">Los textos y las imágenes están bajo <a href="../../../content/html/es/_fork.html">Licencia Editorial Abierta y Libre (<span class="smallcap">LEAL</span>)</a>.</p>
<p class="left no-indent">El código está bajo <a target="_blank" href="">Licencia Pública General de <span class="smallcap">GNU</span> (<span class="smallcap">GPL</span>v3)</a>.</p>
<p class="left no-indent">Última modificación de esta página: 2020/02/20, 10:23.</p>
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<h1 id="la-pandemia-del-copyleft">La pandemia del <i>copyleft</i></h1>
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<p>Publicado: 2020/04/08, 6:00</p>
<p>Al parecer necesitábamos una pandemia global para que finalmente los editores otorgaran acceso abierto a obras. Supongo que deberíamos decir… ¿gracias?</p>
<p>En mi opinión fue una buena maniobra de relaciones públicas, ¿a quién no le agradan las compañías cuando hacen <i>el bien</i>? Esta pandemia ha evidenciado su capacidad para fortalecer instituciones públicas o privadas, sin importar qué tan pobre han realizado su trabajo o cómo estas nuevas políticas están normalizando la vigilancia. Pero qué importa, con trabajos puedo vivir de la edición de libros y nunca he estado involucrado en trabajo gubernamental.</p>
<p>Un interesante efecto secundario de esta «amable» y <i>temporal</i> apertura es en torno a la autoría. Uno de los argumentos más relevantes a favor de la propiedad intelectual (<span class="smallcap">PI</span>) es la defensa de los derechos de los autores a vivir de su trabajo. Las justificaciones utilitaristas o laboristas de la <span class="smallcap">PI</span> son muy claras en este sentido. Para la primera, las leyes de <span class="smallcap">PI</span> confieren un incentivo para la producción cultural y, por tanto, para la así llamada generación de riqueza. Para la última, los autores y «[e]l trabajo de su cuerpo y la labor producida por sus manos podemos decir que son suyos».</p>
<p>Pero para las justificaciones personalistas también el autor es el sujeto primordial para las leyes de <span class="smallcap">PI</span>. De hecho, esta justificación no existiría si la autoría no tuviera una relación íntima y cualitativamente distinta con su trabajo. Sin algunas concepciones metafísicas o teológicas sobre la producción cultural, esta relación especial sería difícil de probar —pero esa es otra historia—.</p>
<img src="../../../img/p006_i001_es.jpg" alt="Locke y Hegel bebiendo el té mientras discuten diversos temas en Nadalandia…"/>
Locke y Hegel bebiendo el té mientras discuten diversos temas en Nadalandia…
<p>Desde los movimientos del <i>copyfight</i>, <i>copyleft</i> y <i>copyfarleft</i>, mucha gente ha discutido que este argumento oculta el hecho de que la mayoría de los autores no pueden vivir de su trabajo, mientras que los editores y los distribuidores ganan bastante. Algunos críticos demandan que los gobiernos deberían dar más poder a los «creadores» en lugar de permitir que los «reproductores» hagan lo que quieran. No soy fan de esa manera de hacer las cosas porque no pienso que nadie debiera tener más poder —incluyendo a los autores— sino distribuirlo, así como en mi mundo el gobierno es sinónimo de corrupción y muerte. Pero la diversidad de opiniones es importante, solo espero que no todos los gobiernos sean así.</p>
<p>Así que entre los defensores del <i>copyright</i>, <i>copyfight</i>, <i>copyleft</i> y <i>copyfarleft</i> de manera usual hay un misterioso consentimiento acerca de la relevancia del productor. El desacuerdo subyace en cómo este panorama sobre la producción cultural se traduce o debería verterse en políticas, legislaciones u organización política.</p>
<p>En tiempos de emergencia y de crisis estamos viendo qué tan fácil es hacer una «pausa» sobre estas discusiones y leyes —o acelerar <a href="">otras</a>—. Del lado de los gobiernos de nuevo se muestra cómo el <i>copyright</i> y los derechos de autor no son leyes naturales ni se apoyan más allá de los sistemas políticos y económicos. Del lado de los defensores de estos derechos, el fenómeno pone en claro que la autoría es un argumento que no depende de los productores de carne y hueso, el fenómeno cultural y cuestiones globales… Y también evidencia que hay <a href="">bibliotecarios</a> e <a href="">investigadores</a> luchando a favor de intereses públicos; es decir, cuán importantes hoy en día son las bibliotecas y el acceso abierto y cómo no pueden ser resplazados por las librerías (en línea) o la investigación por suscripción.</p>
<p>Me parece muy pretencioso que ciertos <a href="">autores</a> y <a href="">editores</a> no estuvieran de acuerdo con esta apertura <i>temporal</i> de su trabajo. Pero no perdamos el punto: esta pandemia global ha demostrado qué tan sencillo es para los editores y los distribuidores optar por la apertura o los muros de pago —¿a quién le importa los autores?—… Así que la próxima ves que defiendas el <i>copyright</i> o los derechos de los autores a vivir de su trabajo, piénsalo dos veces, solo unos pocos han sido capaces de tener un sustento de vida y, mientras piensas que los estás ayudando, en realidad estás haciendo más ricos a terceros.</p>
<p>Al final los titulares de los derechos reservados no son los únicos que defienden sus intereses al hablar de la importancia de la gente —en su caso los autores, pero de manera más general y secular sobre los productores—. Los titulares de obras con <i>copyleft</i> —una versión «chida» de titulares de derechos que hackearon las leyes de <i>copyright</i>— también defienden sus intereses de manera similar pero, en lugar de autores, hablan sobre los usuarios y, en lugar de ganancias, ellos supuestamente defienden la libertad.</p>
<p>Existe una enorme diferencia entre cada posición, pero solo quiero denotar cómo hablan de la gente para defender sus intereses. No los pondría en el mismo saco si no fuera por dos cuestiones.</p>
<p>Algunos titulares de <i>copyleft</i> fueron muy fastidiosos al defender a Stallman. <i>Weyes</i>, al menos desde aquí no reducimos el movimiento del <i>software</i> libre a una persona, sin importar si es el fundador o cuán inteligente o importante ha sido o alguna vez fue. La crítica a sus acciones no es sinónimo de tirar a la basura lo que este movimiento ha hecho —¡lo que hemos logrado!—, como muchos de ustedes trataron de mitigar el asunto al indicar: «Oh, pero él no es el movimiento, no deberíamos hacer un gran problema sobre ello». Su actitud y la tuya son el pinche problema. Ambas dejan en claro lo estrecho de sus miras. Stallman la cagó y se estaba comportando de una manera muy inmadura al pensar que el movimiento es gracias a él o que alguna vez lo fue —nosotros también tenemos nuestras propias historias sobre su comportamiento—, ¿por qué simplemente no lo aceptamos?</p>
<p>Pero en realidad no me importa. Para mí y las personas con las que trabajo, el movimiento del <i>software</i> libre es un comodín en donde se reúnen los esfuerzos relativos a la tecnología, política y cultura para mejores mundos. Sin embargo, la <span class="smallcap">FSF</span>, la <span class="smallcap">OSI</span>, <span class="smallcap">CC</span> y otras instituciones grandes dentro del <i>copyleft</i> no parecen darse cuenta que una pluralidad de mundos implica una diversidad de concepciones acerca de la libertad. O peor aún, han cometido el común error cuando hablamos acerca de la libertad: olvidan que «la libertad quiere ser libre».</p>
<p>En su lugar, han tratado de dar definiciones formales a la libertad del <i>software</i>. No lo tomes a mal, las definiciones son un buen camino para planear y entender un fenómeno. Pero además de su formalización, es problemático atar a otros a tus propias definiciones, principalmente cuando dices que el movimiento es acerca de ellos y para sus necesidades.</p>
<p>Entre todos los conceptos, la libertad es muy truculenta de definir. ¿Cómo puedes delimitar una idea en una definición cuando el concepto en sí llama a la incapacidad, quizá, de cualquier atadura? No es que la libertad no pueda ser definida —de hecho estoy asumiendo una definición de esta—, sino cuán general y estática puede ser. Si el mundo muta, si las personas cambian, si el mundo es en realidad un conjunto de mundos y si la gente se comporta de una manera y a veces de otra, por supuesto que la noción de libertad va a variar.</p>
<p>Podríamos intentar reducir la diversidad de los diferentes significados de la libertad para que pueda ser empotrado en cualquier contexto o podríamos intentar otra cosa. No lo sé, tal vez podríamos hacer de la libertad del <i>software</i> un concepto interoperativo que se adecúe a cada uno de nuestros mundos o simplemente podríamos dejar de intentar tener un mismo principio.</p>
<p>Las instituciones del <i>copyleft</i> que mencioné y demás compañías que se enorgullecen de apoyar al movimiento tienden a no ver esto. Hablo desde mis experiencias, mis luchas y mis angustias cuando decidí usar licencias <i>copyfarleft</i> en la mayoría de mi trabajo. En lugar de recibir apoyo de los representantes de estas instituciones, primero recibí advertencias: «La libertad de la que hablas no es libertad». Después, cuando busqué su apoyo para infraestructura, obtuve rechazos: «Estás invitado a usar nuestro código en tu servidor, pero no podemos hospedarte porque tus licencias no son libres». Compas, no hubiera buscado su ayuda en primer lugar si pudiera, dah.</p>
<p>Gracias a muchos hackers y piratas latinoamericanos, poco a poco estoy construyendo mi infraestructura junto con las suyas. Pero sé que esta ayuda es más bien un privilegio: por muchos años no pude ejecutar proyectos o ideas solo porque no tenía acceso a la tecnología o a tutores. Y peor aún, no tenía capacidad de observar desde un horizonte más amplio y complejo sin todo este aprendizaje.</p>
<p>(Existe una deficiencia pedagógica en el movimiento del <i>software</i> libre que induce a las personas a pensar que es suficiente con escribir documentación y elogiar el aprendizaje autodidacta. Desde mi punto de vista, es más bien la producción de una autoimagen sobre cómo <i>debe ser</i> un hacker o pirata. Además, da mucho pinche miedo cuando te das cuenta que tan masculino, jerárquico y meritocrático puede llegar a ser este movimiento).</p>
<p>Según los compas del <i>copyleft</i>, mi noción de libertad del <i>software</i> no es libre porque las licencias <i>copyfarleft</i> impiden a <i>las personas</i> usar el <i>software</i>. Esta es una crítica común para cualquier licencia <i>copyfarleft</i>. Y también es una muy paradójica.</p>
<p>Entre el movimiento del <i>software</i> libre y la iniciativa del código abierto ha existido un desacuerdo acerca de si se debería heredar el mismo tipo de licencia, como la Licencia Pública General. Para el movimiento del <i>software</i> libre esta cláusula asegura que el <i>software</i> siempre será libre. Según la iniciativa del código abierto esta cláusula en realidad es una contralibertad porque no permite a las personas decidir el tipo de licencia a usar y debido a que es poco atractiva para el emprendimiento empresarial. No olvidemos que las instituciones de ambos lados asienten con el carácter esencial del mercado para el desarrollo tecnológico.</p>
<p>Las personas que apoyan el movimiento del <i>software</i> libre tienden a desvanecer la discusión al declarar que los defensores del código abierto no entienden las implicaciones sociales de la cláusula hereditaria o que tienen diferentes intereses y maneras de cambiar el desarrollo tecnológico. Así que es un tanto paradójico que estos compas vean la cláusula anticapitalista de las licencias <i>copyfarleft</i> como una contralibertad. O no entienden sus implicaciones o no perciben que el <i>copyfarleft</i> no habla del desarrollo tecnológico en su insolación, sino en sus relaciones políticas, sociales y económicas.</p>
<p>No voy a defender al <i>copyfarleft</i> de este criticismo. Primero, no pienso que he de hacer una defensa porque no estoy diciendo que deberían asir esta noción de libertad. Segundo, tengo una dura opinión en contra del usual reduccionismo jurídico sobre este debate. Tercero, pienso que deberíamos enfocarnos en las maneras en como podemos trabajar en conjunto, en lugar de poner atención a lo que nos divide. Por último, no pienso que esta crítica sea incorrecta sino incompleta: la definición de la libertad del <i>software</i> ha heredado el problema filosófico de cómo definir la libertad y lo que esta definición implica.</p>
<p>Esto no quiere decir que me desinteresa esta discusión. Se trata de un tema que me es familiar. El <i>copyright</i> me ha bloqueado el acceso a la tecnología y el conocimiento con sus muros de pago, mientras que el <i>copyleft</i> con los mismos efectos me ha puesto un embargo con sus «muros de licencias». Así que tomemos un momento para ver qué tan libre es la libertad que predican las instituciones del <i>copyleft</i>.</p>
<p>Según <i>Open Source Software &#38; The Department of Defense</i> (<i>Programas de código abierto y el Departamento de Defensa</i>; <span class="smallcap">DoD</span> por sus siglas en inglés), el <span class="smallcap">DoD</span> estadunidense es uno de los más grandes consumidores de código abierto. Para ponerlo en perspectiva, todos los vehículos tácticos del ejército estadunidense usa al menos un pedazo de <i>software</i> de código abierto en su programación. Otros ejemplos pueden ser <i>el uso</i> de Android para dirigir ataques aéreos o <i>el uso</i> de Linux en las estaciones terrestres que operan los drones militares como el Predator o el Reaper —«<i>predator</i>» de «predador» y «<i>reaper</i>» también quiere decir «parca» en inglés—.</p>
<img src="../../../img/p006_i002_es.png" alt="Drones Reaper bombardeando de manera incorrecta a civiles en Afganistán, Irak, Pakistán, Siria y Yemen para repartir la noción de libertad del Departamento de Defensa de Estados Unidos."/>
Drones Reaper bombardeando de manera incorrecta a civiles en Afganistán, Irak, Pakistán, Siria y Yemen para repartir la noción de libertad del Departamento de Defensa de Estados Unidos.
<p>Antes de que argumentes que este es un problema del <i>software</i> de código abierto y no del <i>software</i> libre, deberías revisar la <a href="">sección de preguntas frecuentes</a> del <span class="smallcap">DoD</span> estadunidense. Ahí ellos definen al <i>software</i> de código abierto como «un programa cuyo código fuente legible por humanos está disponible para su uso, estudio, reuso, modificación, mejoramiento y redistribución por los usuarios de ese programa». ¿Acaso te suena familiar? ¡Por supuesto!, ellos incluyen la <span class="smallcap">GPL</span> como una licencia de <i>software</i> abierto y hasta establecen que «un programa de código abierto también debe satisfacer la definición de <i>software</i> libre del proyecto <span class="smallcap">GNU</span>».</p>
<p>Este reporte fue publicado en 2016 por el Centro para una Nueva Seguridad Americana (<span class="smallcap">CNAS</span>, por sus siglas en inglés), un instituto de investigación de derecha cuya <a href="">misión y agenda</a> está «diseñada para dar forma a las decisiones de los líderes del gobierno estadunidense, el sector privado y la sociedad en pos de los intereses y estrategia de Estados Unidos».</p>
<p>Encontré este reporte después de leer sobre cómo el ejército estadunidense <a href="">dio un pasó atrás</a> al acuerdo por un millardo de dólares para la adquisición de la «Cúpula de Hierro» después de que Israel se rehusó a compartir su código (<a href="">fuente en inglés</a>). Me pareció interesante que incluso el autodenominado ejército más poderoso del mundo quedó deshabilitado por cuestiones de leyes de <i>copyright</i> —un potencial recurso para guerras asimétricas—. Para mi sorpresa, esta no es una anormalidad.</p>
<p>La intención del reporte hecho por el <span class="smallcap">CNAS</span> es convencer al <span class="smallcap">DoD</span> estadunidense ha adoptar más <i>software</i> de código abierto porque «de manera general es mejor que su contraparte propietaria […] debido a que se puede <i>tomar ventaja</i> del <i>poder mental</i> de grandes equipos, lo que conlleva a una innovación más rápida, a una mejor calidad y a una superior seguridad por <i>una fracción del costo</i>». Este reporte tiene sus orígenes en la «justificada» preocupación «acerca de la erosión de la superioridad técnica del ejército de Estados Unidos».</p>
<p>¿Quién habría de pensar que esto le podría ocurrir al <i>software</i> libre o de código abierto (<span class="smallcap">FOSS</span>, por sus siglas en inglés)? Bueno, a todos nosotros que desde esta parte del mundo hemos estado diciendo que el tipo de libertad avalada por muchas instituciones del <i>copyleft</i> es muy amplia, contraproducente para sus propios objetivos y, por supuesto, inaplicable para nuestro contexto, porque esa noción liberal de la libertad del <i>software</i> depende de instituciones con legitimidad y de la capacidad de que cada quien tenga propiedad o pueda capitalizar su conocimiento. Ellos son los mismos que han tratado de explicarnos los modelos económicos que tratan de «enseñarnos» pero que no funcionan aquí o de los que dudamos debido a sus efectos secundarios. El micromecenazgo no es fácil de llevar a cabo aquí porque nuestra producción cultural depende demasiado de apoyos gubernamentales y sus políticas, en lugar de vincularse con los sectores privado o público. Y las donaciones no son buena idea por los intereses ocultos que pueden tener, así como la dependencia económica que generan.</p>
<p>Pero supongo que su burbuja tiene que rasgarse para que entiendan el punto. Por ejemplo, las donaciones controversiales realizadas por Epstein al <span class="smallcap">MIT</span> Media Lab o su amistad con algunas personas de <span class="smallcap">CC</span>; o el uso del <i>software</i> de código abierto por el Servicio de Inmigración y Control de Aduanas de los Estados Unidos. Mientras que por décadas el <span class="smallcap">FOSS</span> ha sido un mecanismo que facilita el asesinato de los ciudadanos del «sur global»; una herramienta para la explotación laboral china denunciada por el movimiento anti-996; un muro de licencias para el acceso a la tecnología y el conocimiento de personas que no pueden costearse infraestructura y el aprendizaje que desata, sin importar que el código es «libre» <i>de usar</i>, o la policía de la libertad del <i>software</i> que niega a América Latina y otras regiones su derecho a autodeterminar su libertad, sus políticas sobre el <i>software</i> y sus modelos económicos.</p>
<p>Esas instituciones del <i>copyleft</i> que tanto les importan las «libertades de los usuarios» en realidad no han sido explícitas acerca de cómo el <span class="smallcap">FOSS</span> está ayudando a dar forma a un mundo donde muchos de nosotros no tenemos cabida. Tuvieron que ser centros de investigación de derecha los que declararon la relevancia del <span class="smallcap">FOSS</span> para el arte de la guerra, la inteligencia, la seguridad y los regímenes autoritarios, mientras que estas instituciones se han esforzado en justificar su comprensión de la producción cultural como la mercantilización de su capacidad política. En su búsqueda para que gobiernos y corporaciones adopten el <span class="smallcap">FOSS</span> han hecho evidente que, cuando favorece a sus intereses, hablan de «libertad de los usuarios de <i>software</i>» aunque más bien se refieran a la «libertad de uso del <i>software</i>», sin importar quién es su usuario ni para qué ha sido usado.</p>
<p>Existe una disonancia cognitiva entre quienes apoyan el <i>copyleft</i> que los hace ser muy duros con otros —los que solo quieren alguna ayuda— bajo el argumento sobre si una licencia o un producto es libre o no. Mientras tanto, no desafían la adopción del <span class="smallcap">FOSS</span> hecha por cualquier corporación, e incluso las acogen, sin importar que explote a sus empleados, vigile a sus usuarios, ayude a dinamitar instituciones democráticas o forme parte de una máquina para matar.</p>
<p>En mi opinión el término «uso» es uno de los conceptos centrales que diluye la capacidad política del <span class="smallcap">FOSS</span> hacia una estetización de su actividad. La espina de las libertades del <i>software</i> recaen en sus cuatro libertades: las de <i>ejecución</i>, <i>estudio</i>, <i>redistribución</i> y <i>mejora</i> del programa de cómputo. Aunque Stallman, sus pupilos, la <span class="smallcap">FSF</span>, la <span class="smallcap">OSI</span>, <span class="smallcap">CC</span> y más siempre indiquen la relevancia de las «libertades del usuario», estas cuatro libertades no están directamente relacionadas a sus usuarios. En su lugar, estas son cuatro distintos casos de uso.</p>
<p>La diferencia no es minúscula. Un <i>caso de uso</i> neutraliza y reifica al sujeto de su acción. Cuando se diluyen sus intereses, el sujeto se vuelve irrelevante. Las cuatro libertades no prohíben que un programa se use de manera egoísta, asesina o autoritaria. Aunque tampoco fomentan esos usos. Mediante la idea romantizada de un bien común es fácil pensar que las libertades de ejecución, estudio, redistribución o mejora de un programa son sinónimos de un mecanismo que aumenta el bienestar y la democracia. Pero debido a que estas cuatro libertades no se relacionan a ningún interés del usuario y en su lugar hablan sobre los intereses de uso de <i>software</i> y la adopción de una producción cultural «abierta», esta oculta el hecho de que la libertad de uso en ciertas ocasiones va en contra de los sujetos, incluso hasta utilizarlos.</p>
<p>Entonces, el argumento que señala cómo el <i>copyfarleft</i> niega a las personas el uso de <i>software</i> solo tiene sentido entre dos equívocos. Primero, la personificación de las instituciones —como aquelas que alimentan regímenes autoritarios, perpetúan la explotación laboral o vigilan a sus usuarios— y sus términos de uso que en ocasiones constriñen la libertad de <i>las personas</i> o el acceso a su tecnología. Segundo, el supuesto de que las libertades sobre los casos de uso es igual a la libertad de sus usuarios.</p>
<p>Más bien, si tu modelo económico «abierto» requiere de las libertades de los casos de uso del <i>software</i> en lugar de las libertades de sus usuarios, estamos ya muy lejos de la típica discusión sobre la producción cultural. Me parece muy difícil defender mi apuesta por la libertad si mi trabajo permite ciertos usos que podrían ir en contra de la libertad de otros. Por supuesto este es un dilema de la libertad relativa a la <a href="">paradoja de la tolerancia</a>. Pero mi principal conflicto es cuando las personas que apoyan el <i>copyleft</i> se jactan sobre su defensa a la libertad de los usuarios mientras hacen <i>micromanagement</i> en torno a las definiciones de la libertad del <i>software</i> de otros y, al mismo tiempo, dan su espalda a las zonas grises, oscuras o rojas sobre las implicaciones de la libertad que tanto procuran. O no les importamos o sus privilegios les impiden tener empatía.</p>
<p>Desde <i>El manifiesto de <span class="smallcap">GNU</span></i> queda clara la relevancia que tiene la industria entre los desarrolladores de <i>software</i>. No cuento con una respuesta que podría tranquilizarlos. Cada vez se está volviendo más claro que la tecnología no es un mero instrumento que pueda ser usado o abusado. La tecnología, o al menos su desarrollo, es un tipo de praxis política. La incapacidad de la legislación para hacer valer las leyes mientras que las posibilidades de las nuevas tecnologías permiten mantener al <i>statu quo</i>, así como recurren a su auxilio, expresan la capacidad política que tienen estas tecnologías de la comunicación y la información.</p>
<p>Así como el <i>copyleft</i> hackeó la ley de <i>copyright</i>, con el <i>copyfarleft</i> podríamos ayudar a desarticular las estructuras del poder o podríamos inducir a la desobediencia civil. Al prohibir que nuestro trabajo sea usado con fines militares, policiacos u oligárquicos, podríamos forzarlos a que dejen de <i>tomar ventaja</i> y a aumentar sus costos de mantenimiento. Estas instituciones podrían incluso alcanzar el punto donde no puedan operar más o les sea imposible ser tan efectivas como nuestras comunidades.</p>
<p>Sé que suena como a una utopía porque en la práctica necesitamos el esfuerzo de muchas personas involucradas en el desarrollo tecnológico. Pero ya lo hicimos una vez: usamos la ley de <i>copyright</i> en contra de sí misma e introducimos un nuevo modelo de distribución de la fuerza de trabajo y los medios de producción. De nueva cuenta podríamos usar el <i>copyright</i> para nuestro beneficio, pero ahora en contra de las estructuras de poder que vigilan, explotan o matan personas. Estas instituciones necesitan nuestro «poder mental», podemos intentar con rehusárselo. Algunas exploraciones podrían ser licencias de <i>software</i> que de manera explícita prohíban la vigilancia, la explotación o el asesinato.</p>
<p>También podríamos dificultarles el robo de nuestro desarrollo tecnológico y negarles el acceso a nuestras redes de comunicación. Hoy en día los modelos de distribución del <span class="smallcap">FOSS</span> han confundido la economía abierta con la economía del regalo. Otro instituto —el Centro de Investigación de Economía y Política Exterior (<span class="smallcap">EDAM</span>, por sus siglas en inglés)— publicó un reporte —<i>Digital Open Source Intelligence Security: A Primer</i> (<i>Inteligencia de seguridad digital con fuentes abiertas: una introducción</i>)— donde indica que las fuentes abiertas constituyen «al menos un 90%» de todas las actividades de inteligencia. Esto incluye nuestra producción publicada de manera abierta y los estándares abiertos que desarrollamos en pos de la transparencia. Por este motivo la encriptación punto a punto es importante y por eso deberíamos extender su uso en lugar de permitir que los gobiernos la prohíban.</p>
<p>El <i>copyleft</i> podría ser una pandemia global si no hacemos algo en contra de su incorporación dentro de las virulentas tecnologías de la destrucción. Necesitamos una mayor organización para que el <i>software</i> que desarrollamos sea «libre como en libertad social y no solo como individuo libre».</p>
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<h1 id="acerca">Acerca</h1>
<p>Hola, soy un perro editor —vaya sorpresa, ¿cierto?—. México es mi lugar de nacimiento. Mi formación académica es en Filosofía, de manera específica en Filosofía de la Cultura. Mis estudios se centran en la propiedad intelectual—principalmente derechos de autor—, la cultura, el <i>software</i> y, por supuesto, la edición libres. Si todavía quieres un nombre, llámame Perro.</p>
<p>Este <i>blog</i> es acerca de edición y código. Pero <i>no</i> se enfoca en las técnicas que hacen posible hacer buen código. En realidad mis habilidades en programación son muy escasas. Tengo las siguientes opiniones. (a) Si estás usando una computadora para hacer publicaciones, sin importar su salida, <i>editar es programar</i>. (b) La edición no solo trata de <i>software</i> y habilidades, también es una tradición, una profesión, un arte así como un <i>método</i>. (c) Para notarlo, tenemos que hablar sobre cómo la edición implica y afecta cómo hacemos cultura. (d) Si no criticamos y <i>autocriticamos</i> nuestra labor, estamos perdidos.</p>
<p>Es decir, este <i>blog</i> es acerca de lo que rodea y lo que se supone que son los fundamentos de la edición. Sí, claro que vas a encontrar tecnicismos. Como sea, es solo porque en estos días la espina dorsal de la edición habla con ceros y unos. Así que ¡empecemos a pensar qué es ahora la edición!</p>
<p>Unas últimas palabras. Este <i>blog</i> está escrito originalmente en inglés y admito que no me siento cómodo al respecto. Me parece injusto que nosotros, personas de mundos no angloparlantes, tenemos que emplear este idioma para ser escuchados por ellos. Me entristece que de manera constante estamos traduciendo lo que otras personas dicen y solo un par de compas traducen del español al inglés. Así que decidí que este <i>blog</i> al menos será bilingüe. A veces lo traduzco del inglés al español, así puedo mejorar esta habilidad —aprovecho para darle gracias a mi pareja por ayudarme a mejorar la versión inglesa xoxo—.</p>
<p>Esto no es suficiente y no llama a la colaboración. Así que este blog usa archivos <code>po</code> para los textos y <a href="">Pecas Markdown</a> para su sintaxis. Siempre puedes colaborar en la traducción o en la edición de cualquier lenguaje. <s><a href="">La manera más sencilla es a través de Weblate. ¿No quieres usarlo?</a></s> Solo contáctame.</p>
<p>¡Eso es todo, compas! Y no lo olviden: a la mierda la publicidad. A la mierda el <i>spam</i>. A la mierda la cultura propietaria. ¡Libertad hasta la luna!</p>
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<p class="left no-indent">Última modificación de esta página: 2020/02/13, 18:24.</p>
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<p><i>Mi servidor</i> en realidad es una cuenta auspiciada por <a href="">Colima Hacklab</a> —¡gracias, cabrones, por hospedar esta cochinada!—. Además este <i>blog</i> y todos los eventos que organizamos sobre edición libre son hechos con trabajo libre.</p>
<p>Así que si nos puedes ayudar a seguir trabajando, ¡eso estaría chingón!</p>
<p class="no-indent vertical-space1">Dona para unos tacos con <a href=""><span class="smallcap">ETH</span></a>.</p>
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<h1 id="enlaces">Enlaces</h1>
<p><a href="">Pecas: herramientas editoriales</a></p>
<p><a href=""><span class="smallcap">TED</span>: taller de edición digital</a></p>
<p><a href=""><i>Edición digital como metodología para una edición global</i></a></p>
<p><a href="">Colima Hacklab</a></p>
<p><a href="">Blog de Mariana Eguaras</a></p>
<p><a href="">Zinenauta</a></p>
<p><a href="">En defensa del <i>software</i> libre</a></p>
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<p><a href="006_copyleft-pandemic.html">6. La pandemia del <i>copyleft</i></a></p>
<p>[Publicado: 2020/04/08, 6:00]</p>
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<p><a href="005_hiim-master.html">5. Cómo está hecha: tesis de Maestría</a></p>
<p>[Publicado: 2020/02/15, 13:00]</p>
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<p><a href="004_backup.html">4. ¿Quién respalda a quién?</a></p>
<p>[Publicado: 2019/07/04, 11:00]</p>
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<p><a href="003_dont-come.html">3. No vengas con esos cuentos</a></p>
<p>[Publicado: 2019/05/05, 20:00]</p>
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<p><a href="002_fuck-books.html">2. A la mierda los libros, si y solo si…</a></p>
<p>[Publicado: 2019/04/15, 12:00]</p>
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<p><a href="001_free-publishing.html">1. De la edición con <i>software</i> libre a la edición libre</a></p>
<p>[Publicado: 2019/03/20, 13:00]</p>
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# From publishing with free software to free publishing
This blog is about “free publishing” but, what does that means?
The term “free” it isn't only problematic in English. May be more
than in others languages because of the confusion between “free as in beer”
and “free as in speech.” But by itself the concept of freedom is so ambiguous
than even in Philosophy we are very careful in its use. Even though it is
a problem, I like that the term doesn't have a clear definition---at the
end, how free could we be if freedom is well defined?
Some years ago, when I started to work hand-in-hand with Programando Libreros
and Hacklib I realized that we weren't just doing publishing with free
software. We are doing free publishing. So I attempted to defined it in
[a post](
but it doesn't convince me anymore.
The term was floating around until December, 2018. At Contracorriente---yearly
fanzine fair celebrated in Xalapa, Mexico---Hacklib and me were invited to give
a talk about publishing and free software. Between all of us we made a poster
of everything we talked that day.
![Poster made at Contracorriente, nice, isn't it?](../../../img/p001_i001.jpg)
The poster was very helpful because in a simple Venn diagram we were
able to distinguish several intersections of activities that involves our work.
Here you have it more readable:
![Venn diagram of publishing, free software and politics](../../../img/p001_i002.png)
So I'm not gonna define what is publishing, free software or politics---it
is my fucking blog so I can write whatever I want xD and you can
[duckduckgo]( it without a
satisfactory answer. But as you can see, there are at least two very familiar
intersections: cultural policies and hacktivism. I dunno how it is in your
country, but in Mexico we have very strong cultural policies for
publishing---or at least that is what publishers _think_ and are comfortable,
not matter that most of the times they go against open access and readers.
“Hacktivism” is a fuzzy term, but it could be clear if we realized that
code as property is not the only way we can define it. Actually it is very
problematic because property isn't a natural right, but one that is produced
by our societies and protected by our states---yeah, individuality isn't the
foundation of rights and laws, but a construction of the self produced society.
So, do I have to mention that property rights isn't as fair as we would want?
Between publishing and free software we get “publishing with free software.”
What does that implies? It is the activity of publishing using software that
accomplish the famous---infamous?---[four freedoms](
For people that use software as a tool, this means that, firstly, we aren't
force to pay anything in order to use software. Secondly, we have access to
the code and do whatever we want with it. Thirdly---and for me the most
important---we can be part of a community, instead of be treated as a consumer.
It sounds great, isn't it? But we have a little problem: the freedom only
applies to software. As publisher you can benefit from free software and that
doesn't mean you have to free your work. Penguin Random House---the
Google of publishing---one day could decided to use TeX or Pandoc, saving
tons of money at the same time they keep the monopoly of publishing.
Stallman saw that problem with the manuals published by O'Reilly and he
proposed the GNU Free Documentation License. But by doing so he trickly
distinguished [different kinds of works](
It is interesting see texts as functionality, matter of opinion or aesthetics
but in the publishing industry nobody cares a fuck about that. The distinctions
works great between writers and readers, but it doesn't problematize the fact
that publishers are the ones who decide the path of almost all our text-centered
In my opinion, that's dangerous at least. So I prefer other tricky distinction.
Big publishers and their mimetic branch---the so called “indie”
publishing---only cares about two things: sells and reputation. They want to
live _well_ and get social recognition from the _good_ books they publish.
If one day the software communities develop some desktop publishing or
typesetting easy-to-use and suitable for all their _professional_ needs,
we would see how “suddenly” publishing industry embraces free software.
So, why don't we distinguish published works by their funding and sense of
community? If what you publishing has public funding---for your knowledge,
in Mexico practically all publishing has this kind of funding---it would be
fair to release the files and leave hard copies for sell: we already pay for
that. This is a very common argument among supporters of open access in science,
but we can go beyond that. Not matter if the work relies on functionality,
matter of opinion or aesthetics; if is a science paper, a philosophy essay or a
novel and it has public funding, we have pay for the access, come on!
You can still sell publications and go to Messe Frankfurt, Guadalajara
International Book Fair or Beijing Book Fair: it is just doing business with
the _bare minium_ of social and political awareness. Why do you want more money
from us if we already gave it to you?---and you get almost all the profits,
leaving the authors with just the satisfaction of seeing her work published…
The sense of community goes here. In a world where one of the main problems is
artificial scarcity---paywalls instead of actual walls---we need to apply
[copyleft]( or, even better,
[copyfarleft]( licenses
in our published works. They aren't the solution, but they are a support to
maintain the freedom and the access in publishing.
As it goes, we need free tools but also free works. I already have the tools
but I lack from permission to publish some books that I really like. I don't
want that happen to you with my work. So we need a publishing ecosystem where
we have access to all files of a particular edition---our source code and
binary files--- and also to the tools---the free software---so we can improve,
as a community, the quality and access of the works. Who doesn't want that?
With these politics strains, free software tools and publishing as a way of
living as a publisher, writer and reader, free publishing is a pathway.
With Programando Libreros and Hacklib we use free software, we invest time in
activism and we work in publishing: _we do free publishing, what about you?_

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@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
# Fuck Books, If and only If…
> @published 2019/04/15, 12:00 {.published}
I always try to be very clear about something: books nowadays,
by themselves, are just production leftovers. Yeah, we have built
an industry in order to made them. But, would you be able to
publish by your own?
Probably not. It is almost sure you lack of something: you don't
seize the machines supposedly needed; you don't enjoy the skills;
you don't carry the acknowledge or you don't possess the networking.
You don't own anything.
We have reach the production capacity to publish in a couple
hours what in the past took centuries. That is amazing… and scary.
What are we publishing now? _Why are we producing that much?_
Our reading capacity haven't improve at the same rhythm ---maybe
we have been losing some of that ability.
We are more people now, but it is a contemporary supposition
that each person needs a book. We have public libraries. They
used to be a great idea. Now they are one of the few places where
people can go and enjoy without paying a penny. The last standing
point of a world before its global monetization. And sometimes
not even that, because they are behind a paywall: paid subscriptions
or universities ids; or because most of us prefer coffee shops,
public libraries are for poor, creepy and old people, right?
And we are praising books as a holly product of our culture.
Even though what we really do is supporting a consumer good.
You don't made them, you don't read them: you just buy and put
them in a bookshelf. You don't own them, you don't even look
what is inside: you just buy and leave them in your Amazon account.
You are a consumer and that makes you think yourself as a supporter
of our culture.
As publishers we made everything about books: fairs, workshops,
meetups, study degrees and marketing. As publishers we want to
sell you the next best-seller, the newest book format: the future
of reading. Even though what we really want is your money. We
know you don't read. We know you don't want books that would
blow the bubble where you live. We know you just want be entertained.
We know you are craving about how much books you have “read.”
We just want you to keep buying and buying. Who cares about you.
Before all that shit happened to publishing, books were a rare
and difficult product to make. From them we could see the complexity
of our world: its means of production, its structure and its
struggles. Publishers were kill because they wanted to offer
you something really important to read. Now publishers are awarded
with trips, grants or fancy dinners. Most publishers aren't a
treat anymore. Instead, they are the managers of public debate;
aka, what we can say, think or feel.
Most books nowadays only show how the main bits of our world
have been displaced as another good in the marketplace. We see
paper, we see ink, we see fonts and we see code. After that first
look, we start to realize that our books are mainly a gear of
a machinery of global consumption.
Only at this point, we can clearly see the chain of exploitation
needed to achieve that kind of productivity. _Who or what benefits
from it?_ Authors can't made a living anymore. People involved
in books production ---printers, proof readers, designers, publishers
and so on--- barely earn a living wage. A lot of trees and resources
have been use for profits.
Again, we have reach the production capacity to publish in a
couple hours what in the past took centuries, _where did that
wealth go?_ Not to our pockets, we always have to pay in order
to produce or own books.
So, what makes you love books that probably you won't read? If
and only if publishing is what it is now and we don't want to
change it, well: fuck books.

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@ -0,0 +1,236 @@
# Don't come with those tales
> @published 2019/05/05, 20:00 {.published}
I love books. I love them so much that I even decided to make
a living from them---probably a very bad career decision. But
I can't idealize that love.
During school and university I was taught that I should love
books. Actually, some teachers made me clear that it was the
only way I could get my bachelor's degree. Because books are
the main freedom and knowledge device in our shitty world, right?
Not loving books is like the will to stay in a cave---hello,
Plato. Not celebrating its greatness is just one step to support
antidemocratic regimes. And while I was learning to love books,
of course I also learn to respect its “creators” and the industry
than made it happened.
I don't think it is casual that the development of what we mean
by book is independent from the developments of capitalism and
what we understand by author. Maybe correlation; maybe intersection;
but definitely not separates stories.
Let's start with a common place: the invention of printing. Yeah,
it is an arbitrary and problematic start. We could say that books
and authors goes far before that. But what we have in that particularly
place in history is the standardization and massification of
a practice. It didn't happen from day to night, but little by
little all the methodological and technical diversity became
more homogeneous. And with that, we were able to made books not
as luxury or institutional commodities, but as objects of everyday
And not just books, but printed text in general. Before the invention
of printing, we could barely see text in our surroundings. What
surprise me about printing it is not the capacity of production
that we reached, but how that technology normalized the existence
of text in our daily basis.
Newspapers first and now social media relies on that normalization
to generate the idea of an “universal” public debate---I don't
know if it is actually “public” if almost all popular newspapers
and social media platforms are own by corporations and its criteria;
but let's pretend it is a minor issue. And public debate supposedly
incentivizes democracy.
Before Enlightenment the owners of printed text realized its
freedom potential. Most churches and kingdoms tried to control
it. The Protestant Church first and then the Enlightenment and
emerging capitalist enterprises hijacked the control of public
debate; specifically who owns the means of printed text production,
who decides the languages worthy to print and who sets its main
Maybe it is a bad analogy but printed text in newspapers, books
and journals were so fascinating like nowadays is digital “content”
over the Internet. But what I mean is that there were many people
who tried to have that control and power. And most of them failed
and keep failing.
So during 18th century books started to have another meaning.
They ceased to be mainly devices of God's or authority's word
to be _a_ device of freedom of speech. Thanks to the firsts emerging
capitalists we got means for secular thinking. Acts of censorship
became evident acts of political restriction instead of acts
against sinners.
The invention of printing created so big demand of printed text
that it actually generated the publishing industry. Self-publishing
to satisfy internal institutional demand opened the place to
an industry for new citizens readers. A luxury and religious
object became a commodity in the “free” market.
While printed text surpassed almost all restrictions, freedom
of speech rised hand-to-hand freedom of enterprise---the debate
between Free Software Movement and Open Source Initiative relies
in an old and more general debate: how much freedom can we grant
in order to secure freedom? But it also developed other freedom
that was fastened by religious or political authorities: the
freedom to be identify as an author.
How we understand authorship in our days depends in a process
where the notion of author became more closed to the idea of
“creator.” And it is actually a very interesting semantic transfer.
_In one way_ the invention of printing mechanized and improved
a practice that it was believed to be done with God's help. Trithemius
got so horrified that printing wasn't welcome. But with new Spirits---freedoms
of enterprise and speech---what was seen even as a demonic invention
became one of the main technologies that still defines and reproduces
the idea of humanity.
This opened the opportunity to independent authors. Printed text
wasn't anymore a matter of God's or authority's word but a secular
and more ephemeral Human's word. The massification of publishing
also opened the gates for less relevant and easy-to-read printed
texts; but for the incipient publishing industry it didn't matter:
it was a way to catch more profits and consumers.
Not only that, it reproduces the ideas that were around over
and over again. Yes, it growth the diversity of ideas but it
also repeated speeches that safeguard the state of things. How
much books have been a device of freedom and how much they have
been a device of ideological reproduction? That is a good question
that we have to answer.
So authors without religious or political authority found a way
to sneak their names in printed text. It wasn't yet a function
of property---I don't like the word “function,” but I will use
it anyways---but a function of attribution: they wanted to publicly
be know as the human who wrote those texts. No God, no authority,
no institution, but a person of flesh and bone.
But that also meant regular powerless people. Without backup
of God or King, who the fucks are you, little peasant? Publishers---a.k.a.
printers in those years---took advantage. The fascination to
saw a newspaper article about books you wrote is similar to see
a Wikipedia article about you. You don't gain directly anything,
only reputation. It relies on you to made it profitable.
During 18th century, authorship became a function of _individual_
attribution, but not a function of property. So I think that
is were the notion of “creator” came out as an ace in the hole.
In Germany we can track one of the first robust attempts to empower
this new kind of powerless independent author.
German Romanticism developed something that goes back to the
Renaissance: humans can also _create_ things. Sometimes we forget
that Christianity has been also a very messy set of beliefs.
The attempt to made a consistent, uniform and rationalized set
of beliefs goes back in the diversity of religious practices.
So you could accept that printing text lost its directly connection
to God's word while you could argue some kind of indirectly inspiration
beyond our corporeal world. And you don't have to rationalize
it: you can't prove it, you just feel it and know it.
So german writers used that as foundations for independent authorship.
No God's or authority's word, no institution, but a person inspired
by things beyond our world. The notion of “creation” has a very
strong religious and metaphysical backgrounds that we can't just
ignore them: act of creation means the capacity to bring to this
world something that it didn't belong to it. The relationship
between authorship and text turned out so imminent that even
nowadays we don't have any fucking idea why we accept as common
sense that authors have a superior and inalienable bond to its
But before the expansionism of German Romanticism notion of author,
writers were seen more as producers that sold their work to the
owners of means of production. So while the invention of printing
facilitated a new kind of secular and independent author, _in
other hand_ it summoned Authorship Fog: “Whenever you cast another
Book spell, if Spirits of Printing is in the command zone or
on the battlefield, create a 1/1 white Author creature token
with flying and indestructible.” As material as a printed card
we made magic to grant authors a creative function: the ability
to “produce from nothing” and a bond that never dies or changes.
Authors as creators is a cool metaphor, who doesn't want to have
some divine powers? In the abstract discussion about the relationship
between authors, texts and freedom of speech, it is just a perfect
fit. You don't have to rely in anything material to grasp all
of them as an unique phenomena. But in the concrete facts of
printed texts and the publishers abuse to authors you go beyond
attribution. You are not just linking an object to a subject.
Instead, you are grating property relationships between subject
and an object.
And property means nothing if you can't exploit it. At the beginning
of publishing industry and during all 18th century, publishers
took advantage of this new kind of “property.” The invention
of the author as a property function was the rise of new legislation.
Germans and French jurists translated this speech to laws.
I won't talk about the history of moral rights. Instead I want
to highlight how this gave a supposedly ethical, political and
legal justification of _the individualization_ of cultural commodities.
Authorship began to be associated inalienably to individuals
and _a_ book started to mean _a_ reader. But not only that, the
possibilities of intellectual freedom were reduced to a particular
device: printed text.
More freedom translated to the need of more and more printed
material. More freedom implied the requirement of bigger and
bigger publishing industry. More freedom entailed the expansionism
of cultural capitalism. Books switched to commodities and authors
became its owners. Moral rights were never about the freedom
of readers, but who was the owner of that commodities.
Books stopped to be sources of oral and local public debate and
became private devices for an “universal” public debate: the
Enlightenment. Authorship put attribution in secondary place
so individual ownership could become its synonymous. A book for
several readers and an author as an id for an intellectual movement
or institution became irrelevant against a book as property for
a particular reader---as material---and author---as speech.
And we are sitting here reading all this shit without taking
to account that ones of the main wins of our neoliberal world
is that we have been talking about objects, individuals and production
of wealth. Who the fucks are the subjects who made all this publishing
shit possible? Where the fucks are the communities that in several
ways make possible the rise of authors? For fuck sake, why aren't
we talking about the hidden costs of the maintenance of means
of production?
We aren't books and we aren't its authors. We aren't those individuals
who everybody are gonna relate to the books we are working on
and, of course, we lack of sense of community. We aren't the
ones who enjoy all that wealth generated by books production
but for sure we are the ones who made all that possible. _We
are neglecting ourselves_.
So don't come with those tales about the greatness of books for
our culture, the need of authorship to transfer wealth or to
give attribution and how important for our lives is the publishing
* Did you know that books have been mainly devices of ideological
reproduction or at least mainly devices for cultural capitalism---most
best-selling books aren't critical thinking books that free
our minds, but text books with its hidden curriculum and
self-help and erotic books that keep reproducing basic exploitable
* Did you realize that authorship haven't been the best way
to transfer wealth or give attribution---even now more than
before authors have to paid in order to be published at the
same time that in the practice they lose all rights?
* Did you see how we keep to be worry about production no matter
what---it doesn't matter that it would imply bigger chains
of free labor or, as I prefer to say: chains of exploitation
and “intellectual” slavery, because in order to be an
scholar you have to embrace publishing industry and maybe
even cultural capitalism?
Please, don't come with those tales, we already reached more
fertile fields that can generate way better stories.

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@ -0,0 +1,222 @@
# Who Backup Whom?
> @published 2019/07/04, 10:00 {.published}
Among publishers and readers is common to heard about “digital
copies.” This implies that ebooks tend to be seen as backups
of printed books. How the former became a copy of the original---even
tough you first need a digital file in order to print---goes
something like this:
1. Digital files (+++DF+++s) with appropriate maintenance could
have higher probabilities to last longer that its material
2. Physical files (+++PF+++s) are limited due geopolitical
issues, like cultural policies updates, or due random events,
like environment changes or accidents.
3. _Therefore_, +++DF+++s are backups of +++PF+++s because _in
theory_ its dependence is just technical.
The famous digital copies arise as a right of private copy. What
if one day our printed books get ban or burn? Or maybe some rain
or coffee spill could fuck our books collection. Who knows, +++DF+++s
seem more reliable.
But there are a couple suppositions in this argument. (1) The
technology behind +++DF+++s in one way or the other will always
make data flow. Maybe this is because (2) one characteristic---part
of its “nature”---of information is that nobody can stop its
spread. This could also implies that (3) hackers can always destroy
any kind of digital rights management system.
Certainly some dudes are gonna be able to hack the locks but
at a high cost: every time each [cipher](
is revealed, another more complex is on the way---_Barlow [dixit](
We cannot trust that our digital infrastructure would be designed
with the idea of free share in mind… Also, how can we probe information
wants to be free without relying in its “nature” or making it
some kind of autonomous subject?
Besides those issues, the dynamic between copies and originals
creates an hierarchical order. Every +++DF+++ is in a secondary
position because it is a copy. In a world full of things, materiality
is and important feature for commons and goods; for several people
+++PF+++s are gonna be preferred because, well, you can grasp
Ebook market shows that the hierarchy is at least shading. For
some readers +++DF+++s are now in the top of the pyramid. We
could say so by the follow argument:
1. +++DF+++s are way more flexible and easy to share.
2. +++PF+++s are very static and not easy to access.
3. _Therefore_, +++DF+++s are more suitable for use than +++PF+++s.
Suddenly, +++PF+++s become hard copies that are gonna store data
as it was published. Its information is in disposition to be
extracted and processed if need it.
Yeah, we also have a couple assumptions here. Again (1) we rely
on the stability of our digital infrastructure that it would
allow us to have access to +++DF+++s no matter how old they are.
(2) Reader's priorities are over files use---if not merely consumption---not
on its preservation and reproduction (+++P&R+++). (3) The argument
presume that backups are motionless information, where bookshelves
are fridges for later-to-use books.
The optimism about our digital infrastructure is too damn high.
Commonly we see it as a technology that give us access to zillions
of files and not as a +++P&R+++ machinery. This could be problematic
because some times file formats intended for use aren't the most
suitable for +++P&R+++. For example, the use of +++PDF+++s as
some kind of ebook. Giving to much importance to reader's priorities
could lead us to a situation where the only way to process data
is by extracting it again from hard copies. When we do that we
also have another headache: fixes on the content have to be add
to the last available hard copy edition. But, can you guess where
are all the fixes? Probably not. Maybe we should start to think
about backups as some sort of _rolling update_.
![Programando Libreros while she scans books which +++DF+++s
are not suitable for +++P&R+++ or are simply nonexistent; can
you see how it is not necessary to have a fucking nice scanner?](../../../img/p004_i001.jpg)
As we imagine---and started to live in---scenarios of highly
controlled data transfer, we have to picture a situation where
for some reason our electric power is off or running low. In
that context all the strengths of +++DF+++s become pointless.
They may not be accessible. They may not spread. Right now for
us is hard to imagine. Generation after generation the storaged
+++DF+++s in +++HDD+++s would be inherit with the hope of being
used again. But over time those devices with our cultural heritage
would become rare objects without any apparent utility.
The aspects of +++DF+++s that made us see the fragility of +++PF+++s
would disappear in its concealment. Can we still talk about information
if it is potential information---we know the data is there, but
it is inaccessible because we don't have the means for view them?
Or does information already implies the technical resources for
its access---i.e. there is not information without a subject
with technical skills to extract, process and use the data?
When we usually talk about information we already suppose is
there, but many times is not accessible. So the idea of potential
information could be counterintuitive. If the information isn't
actual we just consider that it doesn't exist, not that it is
on some potential stage.
As our technology is developing we assume that we would always
have _the possibility_ of better ways to extract or understand
data. Thus, that there are bigger chances to get new kinds of
information---and take a profit from it. Preservation of data
relies between those possibilities, as we usually backup files
with the idea that we could need to go back again.
Our world become more complex by new things forthcoming to us,
most of the times as new characteristics of things we already
know. Preservation policies implies an epistemic optimism and
not only a desire to keep alive or incorrupt our heritage. We
wouldn't backup data if we don't already believe we could need
it in a future where we can still use it.
With this exercise could be clear a potentially paradox of +++DF+++s.
More accessibility tends to require more technical infrastructure.
This could imply major technical dependence that subordinate
accessibility of information to the disposition of technical
means. _Therefore_, we achieve a situation where more accessibility
is equal to more technical infrastructure and---as we experience
Open access to knowledge involves at least some minimum technical
means. Without that, we can't really talk about accessibility
of information. Contemporary open access possibilities are restricted
to an already technical dependence because we give a lot of attention
in the flexibility that +++DF+++s offer us for _its use_. In
a world without electric power, this kind of accessibility becomes
narrow and an useless effort.
![Programando Libreros and Hacklib while they work on a project
intended to +++P&R+++ old Latin American SciFi books; sometimes
a V-shape scanner is required when books are very fragile.](../../../img/p004_i002.jpg)
So, _who backup whom?_ In our actual world, where geopolitics
and technical means restricts flow of data and people at the
same time it defends internet access as a human right---some
sort of neo-Enlightenment discourse---+++DF+++s are lifesavers
in a condition where we don't have more ways to move around or
scape---not only from border to border, but also on cyberspace:
it is becoming a common place the need to sign up and give your
identity in order to use web services. Let's not forget that
open access of data can be a course of action to improve as community
but also a method to perpetuate social conditions.
Not a lot of people are as privilege as us when we talk about
access to technical means. Even more concerning, they are hommies
with disabilities that made very hard for them to access information
albeit they have those means. Isn't it funny that our ideas as
file contents can move more “freely” than us---your memes can
reach web platform where you are not allow to sign in?
I desire more technological developments for freedom of +++P&R+++
and not just for use as enjoyment---no matter is for intellectual
or consumption purposes. I want us to be free. But sometimes
use of data, +++P&R+++ of information and people mobility freedoms
don't get along.
With +++DF+++s we achieve more independence in file use because
once it is save, it could spread. It doesn't matter we have religious
or political barriers; the battle take place mainly in technical
grounds. But this doesn't made +++DF+++s more autonomous in its
+++P&R+++. Neither implies we can archive personal or community
freedoms. They are objects. _They are tools_ and whoever use
them better, whoever owns them, would have more power.
With +++PF+++s we can have more +++P&R+++ accessibility. We can
do whatever we want with them: extract their data, process it
and let it free. But only if we are their owners. Often that
is not the case, so +++PF+++s tend to have more restricted access
for its use. And, again, this doesn't mean we can be free. There
is not any cause and effect between what object made possible
and how subjects want to be free. They are tools, they are not
master or slaves, just means for whoever use them… but for which
We need +++DF+++s and +++PF+++s as backups and as everyday objects
of use. The act of backup is a dynamic category. Backed up files
are not inert and they aren't only a substrate waiting to be
use. Sometimes we are going to use +++PF+++s because +++DF+++s
have been corrupted or its technical infrastructure has been
shut down. In other occasions we would use +++DF+++s when +++PF+++s
have been destroyed or restricted.
![Due restricted access to +++PF+++s, sometimes it is necessary
a portable V-shape scanner; this model allows us to handle damaged
books while we can also storage it in a backpack.](../../../img/p004_i003.jpg)
So the struggle about backups---and all that shit about “freedom”
on +++FOSS+++ communities---it is not only around the “incorporeal”
realm of information. Nor on the technical means that made digital
data possible. Neither in the laws that transform production
into property. We have others battle fronts against the monopoly
of the cyberspace---or as Lingel [says](
the gentrification of the internet.
It is not just about software, hardware, privacy, information
or laws. It is about us: how we build communities and how technology
constitutes us as subjects. _We need more theory_. But a very
diversified one because being on internet it is not the same
for an scholar, a publisher, a woman, a kid, a refugee, a non-white,
a poor or an old person. This space it is not neutral, homogeneous
and two-dimensional. It has wires, it has servers, it has exploited
employees, it has buildings, _it has power_ and it has, well,
all that things the “real world” has. Not because you use a device
to access means that you can always decide if you are online
or not: you are always online as an user as a consumer or as
_Who backup whom?_ As internet is changing us as printed text
did, backed up files it isn't the storage of data, but _the memory
of our world_. Is it still a good idea to leave the work of +++P&R+++
to a couple of hardware and software companies? Are we now allow
to say that the act of backup implies files but something else

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@ -0,0 +1,733 @@
# How It Is Made: Master Research Thesis
> @published 2020/02/13, 20:00 {.published}
Uff, after six months of writing, reviewing, deleting, yelling
and almost giving up, I finally finished the Master's research
thesis. You can check it out [here](
The thesis is about intellectual property, commons and cultural
and philosophical production. I completed the Master's of Philosophy
at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (+++UNAM+++).
This research was written in Spanish and it consists of almost
27K words and ~100 pages.
Since the beginning, I decided not to write it with a text processor
such as LibreOffice nor Microsoft Office. I made that decision
* Office software was designed for a particular kind of work,
not for research purposes.
* Bibliography managing or reviewing the writing could be very very
* I needed several outputs which would require heavy clean up if
I wrote the research in +++ODT+++ or +++DOCX+++ formats.
* I wanted to see how far I could go by just using [Markdown](,
a terminal and [+++FOSS+++](
In general the thesis is actually an automated repository where
you can see everything---including the entire bibliography, the
site and the writing history. The research uses a [rolling release](
model---“the concept of frequently delivering updates.” The methodology
is based on automated and multiformat standardized publishing,
or as I like to call it: branched publishing.
This isn't the space to discuss the method, but these are some
general ideas:
* We have some inputs which are our working files.
* We need several outputs which would be our ready-to-ship files.
* We want automation so we only focus on writing and editing,
instead of losing our time in formatting or having nightmares
with layout design.
In order to be successful, it's necessary to avoid any kind of
[+++WYSIWYG+++]( and [Desktop
approaches. Instead, branched publishing employs [+++WYSIGYM+++](
and typesetting systems.
So let's start!
## Inputs
I have two main input files: the content of the research and
the bibliography. I used Markdown for the content. I decided
to use [BibLaTeX](
for the bibliography.
### Markdown
Why Markdown? Because it is:
* easy to read, write and edit
* easy to process
* a lightweight format
* a plain and open format
Markdown format was intended for blog writing. So “vanilla” Markdown
isn't enough for research or scholarly writing. And I'm not a
fan of [Pandoc's Markdown](
Don't get me wrong, [Pandoc]( _is_ the Swiss
knife for document conversion, its name suits it perfectly. But
for the type of publishing I do, Pandoc is part of the automation
process and not for inputs or outputs. I use Pandoc as a middleman
for some formats as it helps me save a lot of time.
For inputs and output formats I think Pandoc is a great general
purpose tool, but not enough for a fussy publisher like this
_perro_. Plus, I love scripting so I prefer to employ my time
on that instead of configuring Pandoc's outputs---it helps me
learn more. So in this publishing process, Pandoc is used when
I haven't resolved something or I'm too lazy to do it, +++LOL+++.
Unlike text processing formats as +++ODT+++ or +++DOCX+++, +++MD+++
is very easy to customize. You don't need to install plugins,
rather you just generate more syntax!
So [Pecas' Markdown](
was the base format for the content. The additional syntax was
for citing the bibliography by its id.
![The research in its original +++MD+++ input.](../../../img/p005_i001.png)
### BibLaTeX
Formatting a bibliography is one of the main headaches for many
researchers. It requires a lot of time and energy to learn how
to quote and cite. And no matter how much experience one may
have, the references or the bibliography usually have typos.
I know it by experience. Most of our clients' bibliographies
are a huge mess. But 99.99% percent of the time it's because
they do it manually… So I decided to avoid that hell.
They are several alternatives for bibliography formatting and
the most common one is BibLaTeX, the successor of [BibTeX](
With this type of format you can arrange your bibliography as
an object notation. Here is a sample of an entry:
author = {Proudhon, Pierre J.},
date = {1862},
file = {:recursos/proudhon1862a.pdf:PDF},
keywords = {prio2,read},
publisher = {Office de publicité},
title = {Les Majorats littéraires},
url = {},
At the beginning of the entry you indicate its type and id. Each
entry has an array of key-value pairs. Depending on the type
of reference, there are some mandatory keys. If you need more,
you can just add them in. This could be very difficult to edit
directly because +++PDF+++ compilation doesn't tolerate syntax
errors. For comfort, you can use some +++GUI+++ like [JabRef](
With this software you can easily generate, edit or delete bibliographic
entries as if they were rows in a spreadsheet.
So I have two types of input formats: +++BIB+++ for bibliography
and +++MD+++ for content. I make cross-references by generating
some additional syntax that invokes bibliographic entries by
their id. It sounds complicated, but for writing purposes it's
just something like this:
> @textcite[someone2020a] states… Now I am paraphrasing someone
> so I would cite her at the end @parencite[someone2020a].
When the bibliography is processed I get something like this:
> Someone (2020) states… Now I am paraphrasing someone so
> I would cite her at the end (Someone, 2020).
This syntax is based on LaTeX textual and parenthetical citations
styles for [BibLaTeX](
The at sign (`@`) is the character I use at the beginning of
any additional syntax for Pecas' Markdown. For processing purposes
I could use any other kind of syntax. But for writing and editing
tasks I found the at sign to be very accessible and easy to find.
The example was very simple and doesn't fully explore the point
of doing this. By using ids:
* I don't have to worry if the bibliographic entries change.
* I don't have to learn any citation style.
* I don't have to write the bibliography section, it is done
* I _always_ get the correct structure.
In a further section I explain how this process is possible.
The main idea is that with some scripts these two inputs became
one, a Markdown file with an added bibliography, ready for automation
## Outputs
I hate +++PDF+++ as the only research output, because most of
the time I made a general reading on screen and, if I wanted
a more detailed reading, with notes and shit, I prefer to print
it. It isn't comfortable to read a +++PDF+++ on screen and most
of the time printed +++HTML+++ or ebooks are aesthetically unpleasant.
That's why I decided to deliver different formats, so readers
can pick what they like best.
Seeing how publishing is becoming more and more centralized,
unfortunately the deployment of +++MOBI+++ formats for Kindle
readers is recommendable---by the way, +++FUCK+++ Amazon, they
steal from writers and publishers; use Amazon only if the text
isn't in another source. I don't like proprietary software as
Kindlegen, but it is the only _legal_ way to deploy +++MOBI+++
files. I hope that little by little Kindle readers at least start
to hack their devices. Right now Amazon is the shit people use,
but remember: if you don't have it, you don't own it. Look what
happened with [books in Microsoft Store](…
What took the cake was a petition from my tutor. He wanted an
editable file he could use easily. Long ago Microsoft monopolized
ewriting, so the easiest solution is to provide a +++DOCX+++
file. I would prefer to use +++ODT+++ format but I have seen
how some people don't know how to open it. My tutor isn't part
of that group, but for the outputs it's good to think not only
in what we need but in what we could need. People barely read
research, if it isn't accessible in what they already know, they
won't read.
So, the following outputs are:
* +++EPUB+++ as standard ebook format.
* +++MOBI+++ for Kindle readers.
* +++PDF+++ for printing.
* +++HTML+++ for web surfers.
* +++DOCX+++ as editable file.
### Ebooks
![The research in its +++EPUB+++ output.](../../../img/p005_i002.png)
I don't use Pandoc for ebooks, instead I use a publishing tool
we are developing: [Pecas]( “Pecas” means
“freckles,” but in this context it's in honor of a pinto dog
from my childhood.
Pecas allows me to deploy +++EPUB+++ and +++MOBI+++ formats from
+++MD+++ plus document statistics, file validations and easy
metadata handling. Each Pecas project can be heavily customized
since it allows Ruby, Python or shell scripts. The main objective
behind this is the ability to remake ebooks from recipes. Therefore,
the outputs are disposable in order to save space and because
you don't need them all the time and shouldn't edit final formats!
Pecas is rolling release software with +++GNU+++ General Public
License, so it's open, free and _libre_ program. For a couple
months Pecas has been unmaintained because this year we are going
to start all over again, with cleaner code, easier installation
and a bunch of new features---I hope, we need [your support](
### PDF
For +++PDF+++ output I rely on LaTeX and LuaLaTeX. Why? Just
because it is what I'm used to. I don't have any particular argument
against other frameworks or engines inside the TeX family. It's
a world I still have to dig more into.
Why don't I use desktop publishing instead, like InDesign or
Scribus? Outside of its own workflow, desktop publishing is hard
to automate and maintain. This approach is great if you just
want a +++PDF+++ output or if you desire to work with a +++GUI+++.
For file longevity and automated and multiformat standardized
publishing, desktop publishing simply isn't the best option.
Why don't I just export a +++PDF+++ from the +++DOCX+++ file?
I work in publishing, I still have some respect for my eyes…
Anyway, for this output I use Pandoc as a middleman. I could
have managed the conversion from +++MD+++ to +++TEX+++ format
with scripts, but I was lazy. So, Pandoc converts +++MD+++ to
+++TEX+++ and LuaLaTeX compiles it into a +++PDF+++. I don't
use both programs explicitly, instead I wrote a script in order
to automate this process. In a further section I explain this.
![The research in its +++PDF+++ output; I don't like justified text, it's bad for your eyes.](../../../img/p005_i003.png)
### HTML
The +++EPUB+++ format is actually a bunch of compressed +++HTML+++
files plus metadata and a table of contents. So there is no reason
to avoid a +++HTML+++ output. I already have it by converting
the +++MD+++ with Pecas. I don't think someone is gonna read
25K words in a web browser, but you never know. It could work
for a quick look.
### DOCX
This output doesn't have anything special. I didn't customize
its styles. I just use Pandoc via another script. Remember, this
file is for editing so its layout doesn't really matter.
## Writing
Besides the publishing method used in this research, I want to
comment on some particularities about the influence of the technical
setup over the writing.
### Text Editor
I never use word processors, so writing this thesis wasn't an
exception. Instead, I prefer to use text editors. Between them
I have a particular taste for the most minimalist ones like [Vim](
or [Gedit](
Vim is a terminal text editor. I use it on a regular basis---sorry
[Emacs]( folks. I write almost
everything, including this thesis, with Vim because of its minimalist
interface. No fucking buttons, no distractions, just me and the
black-screen terminal.
Gedit is a +++GUI+++ text editor and I use it mainly for [RegEx](
or searches. In this project I utilized it for quick references
to the bibliography. I like JabRef as a bibliography manager,
but for getting the ids I just need access to the raw +++BIB+++
file. Gedit was a good companion for that particular job because
its lack of “buttonware”---the annoying tendency to put buttons
### Citations
I want the research to be as accessible as possible. I didn't
want to use a complicated citation style. That's why I only used
parenthetical and textual citations.
This could be an issue for many scholars. But when I see typos
in their complex citations and quotations, I don't have any empathy.
If you are gonna add complexity to your work, the least you can
do is to do it right. And let's be honest, most scholars add
complexity because they want to make themselves look good---i.e.
they conform with formation rules for research texts in order
to be part of a community or gain some objectivity.
### Block Quotations
You are not going to see any block quotes in the research. This
isn't only because of accessibility---some people can't distinguish
these types of quotes---but the ways in which the bibliography
was handled.
One of the main purposes for block quotations is to provide a
first and extended hand of what point a writer is making. But
sometimes it's also used as text filling. In a common way to
do research in Philosophy, the output tends to be a “final” paper.
That text is the research plus the bibliography. This format
doesn't allow to embed any other files, like papers, websites,
books or data bases. If you want to provide some literal information,
quotes and block quotes are the way to go.
Because this thesis is actually an automated repository, it contains
all the references used for the research. It has a bibliography,
but also each quoted work for backup and educational purposes.
Why would I use block quotes if you could easily check the files?
Even better, you could use some search function or go over all
the data for validation purposes.
Moreover, the university doesn't allow long submission. I agree
with that, I think we have other technical capabilities that
allow us to be more synthetic. By putting aside block quotes,
I had more space for the actual research.
Take it or leave it, research as repository and not as a file
gives us more possibilities for accessibility, portability and
### Footnotes
Oh, the footnotes! Such a beautiful technique for displaying
side text. It works great, it permits metawriting and so on.
But it works as expected if the output you are thinking of is,
firstly, a file and secondly, a text with fixed layout. In other
types of outputs, footnotes can be a nightmare.
I have the conviction that most footnotes can be incorporated
into the text. This is due to three personal experiences. During
my undergraduate and graduate studies, as a Philosophy student
we had to read a lot of fucking critical editions, which tend
to have their “critical” notes as footnotes. For these types
of text I get it, people don't want to confuse their words for
someone else's, less if it's between a philosophical authority
and a contemporary philosopher---take note that it's a personal
taste and not a mandate. But this is a shitty Master's research
thesis, not a critical edition.
I used to hate footnotes, now I just dislike them. Part of my
job is to review, extract and fix other peoples' footnotes. I
can bet you that half of the time footnotes aren't properly displayed
or they are missing. Commonly this is not a software error. Sometimes
it's because people do them manually. But I won't blame publishers
nor designers for their mistakes. The way things are developing
in publishing, most of the time the issue is the lack of time.
We are being pushed to publish books as fast as we can and one
of the side effects of that is the loss of quality. Bibliography,
footnotes and block quotes are the easiest way to find out how
much care has gone into a text.
I do blame some authors for this mess. I repeat, it is just a
personal experience, but in my work I have seen that most authors
put footnotes in the following situations:
* They want to add shit but not to rewrite shit.
* They aren't very good writers or they are in a hurry, so footnotes
are the way to go.
* They think that by adding footnotes, block quotes or references
they can “earn” objectivity.
I think the thesis needs more rewriting, I could have written
things in a more comprehensive way, but I was done---writing
philosophy is not my thing, I prefer to speak or program (!)
it. That is why I took my time on the review process---ask my
tutor about that, +++LMFAO+++. It would have been easier for
me to just add footnotes, but it would have been harder to read
that shit. Besides that, footnotes take more space than rewriting.
So, with respect to the reader and in agreement with the text
extension of my university, I decided not to use footnotes.
## Programming
As you can see, I had to write some scripts and use third party
software in order to have a thesis as an automated repository.
It sounds difficult or perhaps like nonsense, but, doesn't Philosophy
have that kind of reputation, anyway? >:)
### MD Tools
The first challenges I had were:
* I needed to know exactly how many pages I had written.
* I wanted an easier way to beautify +++MD+++ format.
* I had to make some quality checks in my writing.
Thus, I decided to develop some programs for these tasks: [`texte`](,
[`texti`]( and [`textu`](,
These programs are actually Ruby scripts that I put on my `/usr/local/bin`
directory. You can do the same, but I wouldn't recommended it.
Right now in Programando +++LIBRE+++ros we are refactoring all
that shit so they can be shipped as a Ruby gem. So I recommend
With `texte` I am able to know the number of lines, characters,
characters with spaces, words and three different page sizes:
by every 1,800 characters with spaces, by every 250 words and
an average of both---you can set other lengths for page sizes.
The +++MD+++ beautifier is `texti`. For the moment it only works
well with paragraphs. It was good enough for me, my issue was
with the disparate length of lines---yeah, I don't use line wrap.
![`texti` sample help display.](../../../img/p005_i004.png)
I also tried to avoid some typical mistakes while using quotation
marks or brackets: sometimes we forget to close them. So `textu`
is for this quality check.
These three programs were very helpful for my writing, that is
why we decided to continue in its development as a Ruby gem.
For our work and personal projects, +++MD+++ is our main format,
so we are obligated to provide tools that help writers and publishers
also using Markdown.
### Baby Biber
If you are into TeX family, you probably know [Biber](,
the bibliography processing program. With Biber we are able to
compile bibliographic entries of BibLaTeX in +++PDF+++ outputs
and carry out checks or clean ups.
I started to have issues with the references because our publishing
method implies the deployment of outputs in separate processes
from the same inputs, in this case +++MD+++ and +++BIB++ formats.
With Biber I was able to add the bibliographic entries but only
for +++PDF+++.
The solution I came to was the addition of references in +++MD+++
before any other process. In doing this, I merged the inputs
in one +++MD+++ file. This new file is used for the deployment
of all the outputs.
This solution implies the use of Biber as a clean up tool and
the development of a program that processes bibliographic entries
of BibLaTeX inside Markdown files. [Baby Biber](
is this program. I wanted to honor Biber and make clear that
this program is still in its baby stages.
What does Baby Biber do?
* It creates a new +++MD+++ file with references and bibliography.
* It adds references if the original +++MD+++ file calls to @textcite or
@parencite with a correct BibLaTeX id.
* It adds the bibliography to the end of the documents according to the
called references.
One headache with references and bibliography styles is how to
customize them. With Pandoc you can use [`pandoc-citeproc`](
which allows you to select any style written in Citation Style
Language (+++CSL+++). These styles are in +++XML+++ and it is
a serious thing: you should apply these standards. You can check
different +++CSL+++ citation styles in its [official repo](
Baby Biber still doesn't support +++CSL+++! Instead, it uses
[+++YAML+++]( format for [its
configuration]( This is
because of two issues:
1. I didn't take the time to read how to implement +++CSL+++ citation styles.
2. My University allows me to use any kind of citation style as long as
it has uniformity and displays the information in a clear manner.
So, yeah, I have a huge debt here. And maybe it will stay like
that. The new version of Pecas will implement and improve the
work done by Baby Biber---I hope.
![Baby Biber sample config file.](../../../img/p005_i005.png)
### PDF exporter
The last script I wrote is for the automation of +++PDF+++ compilation
with LuaLaTeX and Biber (optionally).
I don't like the default layouts of Pandoc and I could have read
the docs in order to change that behavior, but I decided to experiment
a bit. The new version of Pecas will implement +++PDF+++ outputs,
so I wanted to play around a little with the formatting, as I
did with Baby Biber. Besides, I needed a quick program for +++PDF++
outputs because we publish sometimes [fanzines](
So, [`export-pdf`]( is the
experiment. It uses Pandoc to convert +++MD+++ to +++TEX+++ files.
Then it does some clean up and injects the template. Finally,
it compiles the +++PDF+++ with LuaLaTeX and Biber---if you want
to add the bibliographic entries this way. It also exports a
+++PDF+++ booklet with `pdfbook2`, but I don't deploy it in this
repo because the +++PDF+++ is letter size, too large for a booklet.
I have a huge debt here that I won't pay. It is cool to have
a program for +++PDF+++ outputs that I understand, but I still
want to experiment with [ConTeXt](
I think ConTeXt could be a useful tool while using +++XML+++
files for +++PDF+++ outputs. I defend Markdown as input format
for writers and publishers, but for automation +++XML+++ format
is way better. For the new version of Pecas I have been thinking
about the possibility of using +++XML+++ for any kind of standard
output like +++EPUB+++, +++PDF+++ or +++JATS+++. I have problems
with +++TEX+++ format because it creates an additional format
just for one output, why would I allow it if +++XML+++ can provide
me with at least three outputs?
![`export-pdf` Ruby code.](../../../img/p005_i006.png)
### Third parties
I already mentioned the third party software I used for this
* Vim as a main text editor.
* Gedit as a side text editor.
* JabRef as a bibliography manager.
* Pandoc as a document converter.
* LuaLaTeX as a +++PDF+++ engine.
* Biber as a bibliography cleaner.
The tools I developed and this software are all +++FOSS+++, so
you can use them if you want without paying or asking for permission---and
without warranty xD
## Deployment
There is a fundamental design issue in this research as automated
repository: I should have put all the scripts in one place. At
the beginning of the research I thought it would be easier to
place each script side by side its inputs. Over time I realized
that it wasn't a good idea.
The good thing is that there is one script that works as a [wrapper](
You don't really have to know anything about it. You just write
the research in Markdown, fill the BibLaTeX bibliography and
any time you want or your server is configured, call that script.
This is a simplified listing showing the places of each script,
inputs and outputs inside the repo:
├─ [01] bibliografia
│   ├─ [02] bibliografia.bib
│   ├─ [03] bibliografia.html
│   ├─ [04]
│   ├─ [05] config.yaml
│   └─ [06] recursos
├─ [07] index.html
└─ [08] tesis
├─ [09] docx
│   ├─ [10] generate
│   └─ [11] tesis.docx
├─ [12] ebooks
│   ├─ [13] generate
│   └─ [14] out
│   ├─ [15]
│   ├─ [16] meta-data.yaml
│   ├─ [17] tesis.epub
│   └─ [18]
├─ [19] generate-all
├─ [20] html
│ ├─ [21] generate
│ └─ [22] tesis.html
├─ [23] md
│   ├─ [24] add-bib
│   ├─ [25]
│   └─ [26]
└─ [27] pdf
├─ [28] generate
└─ [29] tesis.pdf
### Bibliography pathway
Even with a simplified view you can see how this repo is a fucking
mess. The bibliography [01] and the thesis [08] are the main
directories in this repo. As a sibling you have the website [07].
The bibliography directory isn't part of the automation process.
I worked on the +++BIB+++ file [02] in different moments than
my writing. I exported it to +++HTML+++ [03] every time I used
JabRef. This +++HTML+++ is for queries from the browser. Over
there it's also a simple script [04] to clean the bibliography
with Biber and the configuration file [05] for Baby Biber. Are
you a data hoarder? There is an special directory [06] for you
with all the works used for this research ;)
### Engine on
In the thesis directory [08] is where everything moves smoothly
when you call to `generate-all` [19], the wrapper that turns
on the engine!
The wrapper does the following steps:
1. It adds the bibliography [24] to the original +++MD+++ file [25],
leaving a new file [26] to act as input.
2. It generates [21] the +++HTML+++ output [22].
3. It compiles [28] the +++PDF+++ output [29].
4. It generates [13] the +++EPUB+++ [17] and +++MOBI+++ [18] according
to their metadata [16] and Pecas config file [15].
5. It exports [10] the +++MD+++ to +++DOCX+++ [11].
6. It moves the analytics to its correct directory.
7. It refreshes the modification date in the index [07].
8. It puts the rolling release hash in the index [07].
9. It puts the +++MD5+++ checksum of all outputs in the index [07].
And that's it. The process of developing a thesis as a automate
repository allows me to just worry about three things:
1. Write the research.
2. Manage the bibliography.
3. Deploy all outputs automatically.
### The legal stuff
That's how it works, but we still have to talk about how the
thesis can _legally_ be used…
This research was paid for by every Mexican through taxation.
The National Council of Science and Technology (abbreviated Conacyt)
granted me a scholarship to study a Master's in Philosophy at
+++UNAM+++---yeah, American and British folks, more likely than
not, we get paid here for our graduate studies.
This scholarship is a problematic privilege. So the least I can
do in return is to liberate everything that was paid for by my
homies and give free workshops and advice. I repeat: it is _the
least_ we can do. I disagree with using this privilege to live
a lavish or party lifestyle only to then drop-out. In a country
with many crises, scholarships are granted to improve your communities,
not only you.
In general, I have the conviction that if you are a researcher
or a graduate student and you already get paid---it doesn't matter
if it's a salary or a scholarship, it doesn't matter if you are
in a public or private university, it doesn't matter if you get
the money from public or private administrations---you have a
commitment with your community, with our species and with our
planet. If you wanna talk about free labor and exploitation---which
does happen---please look at the bottom. In this shitty world
you are on the upper levels of this [nonsense pyramid](
As a researcher, scientist, philosopher, theorist, artist and
so on, you have an obligation to help other people. You can still
feed your ego and believe you are the shit or the next +++AAA+++
thinker, philosopher or artist. These two things doesn't overlap---but
it's still annoying.
That is why this research has a [copyfarleft](
license for its content and a copyleft license for its code.
Actually, it's the same licensing scheme of [this blog](
With Open and Free Publishing License (abbreviated +++LEAL+++,
that also means “loyal” in Spanish) you are free to use, copy,
reedit, modify, share or sell any of this content under the following
* Anything produced with this content must be under some type of +++LEAL+++.
* All files---editable or final formats---must be publicly accessible.
* The content usage cannot imply defamation, exploitation or surveillance.
You could remove my name and put yours, it's permmited. You could
even modify the content and write that I +++LOVE+++ intellectual
property: there isn't a technical solution to avoid such defamation.
But +++MD5+++ checksum shows if the files were modify by others.
Even if the files differs by one bit, the +++MD5+++ checksum
is gonna be different.
Copyfarleft is the way---but not the solution---that suits our
context and our possibilities of freedom. [Don't come here with
your liberal and individualistic notion of freedom---like the
dudes from Weblate that kicked this blog out because its content
license “is not free,” even though they say the code, but not
the content, should use a “free” license, like the fucking +++GPL+++
this blog has for its code]{#weblate}. This type of liberal freedom
doesn't work in a place where no State or corporation can warrant
us a minimum set of individual freedoms, as it happens in Asia,
Africa and the other America---Latin America and the America
that isn't portrayed in the “American Dream” adds.
## Last thoughts
As a thesis works with a hypothesis, the technical and legal
pathway of this research works with the possibility of having
a thesis as an automated repository, instead of a thesis as a
file. In the end, the possibility became a fact, but in a limited
I think that the idea of a thesis as a automated repo is doable
and could be a better way for research deployment rather than
uploading a single file. But this implementation contained many
leaks that made it unsuitable for escalation.
Further work is necessary to be able to ship this as a standard
practice. This technique could also be applied for automation
and uniformity among publications, like papers in a journal or
a book collection. The required labor isn't too much, and _maybe_
it's something I would engage with during a PhD. But for right
now, this is all that I can offer!
Thanks to @hacklib for pushing me to write this post and, again,
thanks to my +++S.O.+++ for persuading me to study a Master's
degree and for reviewing this post. Thanks to my tutor, Programando
+++LIBRE+++ros and Gaby for their academic support. I can't forget
to give thanks to [Colima Hacklab](, [Rancho
Electrónico]( and [Miau Telegram
Group]( for their technical support. And
also thanks to all the people and organizations I mentioned in
the acknowledgment section of the research!

View File

@ -0,0 +1,381 @@
# The Copyleft Pandemic
It seems that we needed a global pandemic for publishers to finally
give open access. I guess we should say… thanks?
In my opinion it was a good +++PR+++ maneuver, who doesn't like
companies when they do _good_? This pandemic has shown its capacity
to fortify public and private institutions, no matter how poorly
they have done their job and how these new policies are normalizing
surveillance. But who cares, I can barely make a living publishing
books and I have never been involved in government work.
An interesting side effect about this “kind” and _temporal_ openness
is about authorship. One of the most relevant arguments in favor
of intellectual property (+++IP+++) is the defense of authors'
rights to make a living with their work. The utilitarian and
labor justifications of +++IP+++ are very clear in that sense.
For the former, +++IP+++ laws confer an incentive for cultural
production and, thus, for the so-called creation of wealth. For
the latter, author's “labour of his body, and the work of his
hands, we may say, are properly his.”
But also in personal-based justifications the author is a primordial
subject for +++IP+++ laws. Actually, this justification wouldn't
exist if the author didn't have an intimate and qualitatively
distinctive relationship with her own work. Without some metaphysics
or theological conceptions about cultural production, this special
relation is difficult to prove---but that is another story.
![Locke and Hegel drinking tea while discussing several topics on Nothingland…](../../../img/p006_i001.png)
From copyfight, copyleft and copyfarleft movements, a lot of
people have argued that this argument hides the fact that most
authors can't make a living, whereas publishers and distributors
profit a lot. Some critics claim governments should give more
power to “creators” instead of allowing “reproducers” to do whatever
they want. I am not a fan of this way of doing things because
I don't think anyone should have more power, including authors,
and also because in my world government is synonymous with corruption
and death. But diversity of opinions is important, I just hope
not all governments are like that.
So between copyright, copyfight, copyleft and copyfarleft defenders
there is usually a mysterious assent about producer relevance.
The disagreement comes with how this overview about cultural
production is or should translate into policies and legislation.
In times of emergency and crisis we are seeing how easily it
is to “pause” those discussions and laws---or fast track [other
On the side of governments this again shows how copyright and
authors' rights aren't natural laws nor are they grounded beyond
our political and economic systems. From the side of copyright
defenders, this phenomena makes it clear that authorship is an
argument that doesn't rely on the actual producers, cultural
phenomena or world issues… And it also shows that there are [librarians](
and [researchers](
fighting in favor of public interests; +++AKA+++, how important
libraries and open access are today and how they can't be replaced
by (online) bookstores or subscription-based research.
I would find it very pretentious if [some authors](
and [some publishers](
didn't agree with this _temporal_ openness of their work. But
let's not miss the point: this global pandemic has shown how
easily it is for publishers and distributors to opt for openness
or paywalls---who cares about the authors?… So next time you
defend copyright as authors' rights to make a living, think twice,
only few have been able to earn a livelihood, and while you think
you are helping them, you are actually making third parties richer.
In the end the copyright holders are not the only ones who defend
their interests by addressing the importance of people---in their
case the authors, but more generally and secularly the producers.
The copyleft holders---a kind of cool copyright holder that hacked
copyright laws---also defends their interest in a similar way,
but instead of authors, they talk about users and instead of
profits, they supposedly defend freedom.
There is a huge difference between each of them, but I just want
to denote how they talk about people in order to defend their
interests. I wouldn't put them in the same sack if it wasn't
because of these two issues.
Some copyleft holders were so annoying in defending Stallman.
_Dudes_, at least from here we don't reduce the free software
movement to one person, no matter if he's the founder or how
smart or important he is or was. Criticizing his actions wasn't
synonymous with throwing away what this movement has done---what
we have done!---, as a lot of you tried to mitigate the issue:
“Oh, but he is not the movement, we shouldn't have made a big
issue about that.” His and your attitude is the fucking issue.
Together you have made it very clear how narrow both views are.
Stallman fucked it up and was behaving very immaturely by thinking
the movement is or was thanks to him---we also have our own stories
about his behavior---, why don't we just accept that?
But I don't really care about him. For me and the people I work
with, the free software movement is a wildcard that joins efforts
related to technology, politics and culture for better worlds.
Nevertheless, the +++FSF+++, the +++OSI+++, +++CC+++, and other
big copyleft institutions don't seem to realize that a plurality
of worlds implies a diversity of conceptions about freedom. And
even worse, they have made a very common mistake when we talk
about freedom: they forgot that “freedom wants to be free.”
Instead, they have tried to give formal definitions of software
freedom. Don't get me wrong, definitions are a good way to plan
and understand a phenomenon. But besides its formality, it is
problematic to bind others to your own definitions, mainly when
you say the movement is about and for them.
Among all concepts, freedom is actually very tricky to define.
How can you delimit a concept in a definition when the concept
itself claims the inability of, perhaps, any restraint? It is
not that freedom can't be defined---I am actually assuming a
definition of freedom---, but about how general and static it
could be. If the world changes, if people change, if the world
is actually an array of worlds and if people sometimes behave
one way or the other, of course the notion of freedom is gonna
With freedom's different meanings we could try to reduce its
diversity so it could be embedded in any context or we could
try something else. I dunno, maybe we could make software freedom
an interoperable concept that fits each of our worlds or we could
just stop trying to get a common principle.
The copyleft institutions I mentioned and many other companies
that are proud to support the copyleft movement tend to be blind
about this. I am talking from my experiences, my battles and
my struggles when I decided to use copyfarleft licenses in most
parts of my work. Instead of receiving support from institutional
representatives, I first received warnings: “That freedom you
are talking about isn't freedom.” Afterwards, when I sought infrastructure
support, I got refusals: “You are invited to use our code in
your server, but we can't provide you hosting because your licenses
aren't free.” Dawgs, if I could, I wouldn't look for your help
in the first place, duh.
Thanks to a lot of Latin American hackers and pirates, I am little
by little building my and our own infrastructure. But I know
this help is actually a privilege: for many years I couldn't
execute many projects or ideas only because I didn't have access
to the technology or tuition. And even worse, I wasn't able to
look to a wider and more complex horizon without all this learning.
(There is a pedagogical deficiency in the free software movement
that makes people think that writing documentation and praising
self-taught learning is enough. From my point of view, it is
more about the production of a self-image in how a hacker or
a pirate _should be_. Plus, it's fucking scary when you realize
how manly, hierarchical and meritocratic this movement tends
to be).
According to copyleft folks, my notion of software freedom isn't
free because copyfarleft licenses prevents _people_ from using
software. This is a very common criticism of any copyfarleft
license. And it is also a very paradoxical one.
Between the free software movement and open source initiative,
there has been a disagreement about who ought to inherit the
same type of license, like the General Public License. For the
free software movement, this clause ensures that software will
always be free. According to the open source initiative, this
clause is actually a counter-freedom because it doesn't allow
people to decide which license to use and it also isn't very
attractive for enterprise entrepreneurship. Let's not forget
that both sides agree that the market is are essential for technology
Free software supporters tend to vanish the discussion by declaring
that open source defenders don't understand the social implication
of this hereditary clause or that they have different interests
and ways to change technology development. So it's kind of paradoxical
that these folks see the anti-capitalist clause of copyfarleft
licenses as a counter-freedom. Or they don't understand its implications
or perceive that copyfarleft doesn't talk about technology
development in its insolation, but in its relationship with politics,
society and economy.
I won't defend copyfarleft against those criticisms. First, I
don't think I should defend anything because I am not saying
everyone should grasp our notion of freedom. Second, I have a
strong opinion against the usual legal reductionism among this
debate. Third, I think we should focus on the ways we can work
together, instead of paying attention to what could divide us.
Finally, I don't think these criticisms are wrong, but incomplete:
the definition of software freedom has inherited the philosophical
problem of how we define and what the definition of freedom implies.
That doesn't mean I don't care about this discussion. Actually,
it's a topic I'm very familiar with. Copyright has locked me
out with paywalls for technology and knowledge access, copyleft
has kept me away with “licensewalls” with the same effects. So
let's take a moment to see how free the freedom is that the copyleft
institutions are preaching.
According to _Open Source Software & The Department of Defense_
(+++DoD+++), The +++U.S. DoD+++ is one of the biggest consumers
of open source. To put it in perspective, all tactical vehicles
of the +++U.S.+++ Army employs at least one piece of open source
software in its programming. Other examples are _the use_ of
Android to direct airstrikes or _the use_ of Linux for the ground
stations that operates military drones like the Predator and
![A Reaper drone [incorrectly bombarding]( civilians in Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Syria and Yemen in order to deliver +++U.S. DoD+++ notion of freedom.](../../../img/p006_i002.png)
Before you argue that this is a problem about open source software
and not free software, you should check out the +++DoD+++ [+++FAQ+++
There, they define open source software as “software for which
the human-readable source code is available for use, study, re-use,
modification, enhancement, and re-distribution by the users of
that software.” Does that sound familiar? Of course!, they include
+++GPL+++ as an open software license and they even rule that
“an open source software license must also meet the +++GNU+++
Free Software Definition.”
This report was published in 2016 by the Center for a New American
Security (+++CNAS+++), a right-wing think tank which [mission
and agenda]( is “designed to shape
the choices of leaders in the +++U.S.+++ government, the private
sector, and society to advance +++U.S.+++ interests and strategy.”
I found this report after I read about how the [+++U.S.+++ Army
scrapped one billion dollars for its “Iron Dome” after Israel
refused to share code](
I found it interesting that even the so-called most powerful
army in the world was disabled by copyright laws---a potential
resource for asymmetric warfare. To my surprise, this isn't an
The intention of +++CNAS+++ report is to convince +++DoD+++ to
adopt more open source software because its “generally better
than their proprietary counterparts […] because they can _take
advantage_ of the brainpower of larger teams, which leads to
faster innovation, higher quality, and superior security for
_a fraction of the cost_.” This report has its origins by the
“justifiably” concern “about the erosion of +++U.S.+++ military
technical superiority.”
Who would think that this could happen to +++FOSS+++? Well, all
of us from this part of the world have been saying that the type
of freedom endorsed by many copyleft institutions is too wide,
counterproductive for its own objectives and, of course, inapplicable
for our context because that liberal notion of software freedom
relies on strong institutions and the capacity of own property
or capitalize knowledge. The same ones which have been trying
to explain that the economic models they try to “teach” us don't
work or we doubt them because of their side effects. Crowdfunding
isn't easy here because our cultural production is heavily dependent
on government aids and policies, instead of the private or public
sectors. And donations aren't a good idea because of the hidden
interests they could have and the economic dependence they generate.
But I guess it has to burst their bubble in order to get the
point across. For example, the Epstein controversial donations
to +++MIT+++ Media Lab and his friendship with some folks of
+++CC+++; or the use of open source software by the +++U.S.+++
Immigration and Customs Enforcement. While for decades +++FOSS+++
has been a mechanism to facilitate the murder of “Global South”
citizens; a tool for Chinese labor exploitation denounced by
the anti-996 movement; a licensewall for technological and knowledge
access for people who can't afford infrastructure and the learning
it triggers, even though the code is “free” _to use_; or a police
of software freedom that denies Latin America and other regions
their right to self-determinate its freedom, its software policies
and its economic models.
Those copyleft institutions that care so much about “user freedoms”
actually haven't been explicit about how +++FOSS+++ is helping
shape a world where a lot of us don't fit in. It had to be right-wing
think tanks, the ones that declare the relevance of +++FOSS+++
for warfare, intelligence, security and authoritarian regimes,
while these institutions have been making many efforts in justifying
its way of understanding cultural production as a commodification
of its political capacity. They have shown that in their pursuit
of government and corporate adoption of +++FOSS+++, when it favors
their interests, they talk about “software user freedoms” but
actually refer to “freedom of use software”, no matter who the
user is or what it has been used for.
There is a sort of cognitive dissonance that influences many
copyleft supporters to treat others harshly, those who just want
some aid in the argument over which license or product is free
or not. But in the meantime, they don't defy, and some of them
even embrace the adoption of +++FOSS+++ for any kind of corporation,
it doesn't matter if it exploits its employees, surveils its
users, helps to undermine democratic institutions or is part
of a killing machine.
In my opinion, the term “use” is one of the key concepts that
dilutes political capacity of +++FOSS+++ into the aestheticization
of its activity. The spine of software freedom relies in its
four freedoms: the freedoms of _run_, _study_, _redistribute_
and _improve_ the program. Even though Stallman, his followers,
the +++FSF+++, the +++OSI+++, +++CC+++ and so on always indicate
the relevance of “user freedoms,” these four freedoms aren't
directly related to users. Instead, they are four different use
The difference isn't a minor thing. A _use case_ neutralizes
and reifies the subject of the action. In its dilution the interest
of the subject becomes irrelevant. The four freedoms don't ban
the use of a program for selfish, slayer or authoritarian uses.
Neither do they encourage them. By the romantic idea of a common
good, it is easy to think that the freedoms of run, study, redistribute
and improve a program are synonymous with a mechanism that improves
welfare and democracy. But because these four freedoms don't
relate to any user interest and instead talk about the interest
of using software and the adoption of an “open” cultural production,
it hides the fact that the freedom of use sometimes goes against
and uses subjects.
So the argument that copyfarleft denies people the use of software
only makes sense between two misconceptions. First, the personification
of institutions---like the ones that feed authoritarian regimes,
perpetuate labor exploitation or surveil its users---with their
policies sometimes restricting freedom or access _to people_.
Second, the assumption that freedoms over software use cases
is equal to the freedom of its users.
Actually, if your “open” economic model requires software use
cases freedoms over users freedoms, we are far beyond the typical
discussions about cultural production. I find it very hard to
defend my support of freedom if my work enables some uses that
could go against others' freedoms. This is of course the freedom
dilemma about the [paradox of tolerance](
But my main conflict is when copyleft supporters boast about
their defense of users freedoms while they micromanage others'
software freedom definitions and, in the meantime, they turn
their backs to the gray, dark or red areas of what is implicit
in the freedom they safeguard. Or they don't care about us or
their privileges don't allow them to have empathy.
Since the _+++GNU+++ Manifesto_ the relevance of industry among
software developers is clear. I don't have a reply that could
calm them down. It is becoming more clear that technology isn't
just a broker that can be used or abused. Technology, or at least
its development, is a kind of political praxis. The inability
of legislation for law enforcement and the possibility of new
technologies to hold and help the _statu quo_ express this political
capacity of information and communications technologies.
So as copyleft hacked copyright law, with copyfarleft we could
help disarticulate structural power or we could induce civil
disobedience. By prohibiting our work from being used by military,
police or oligarchic institutions, we could force them to stop
_taking advantage_ and increase their maintenance costs. They
could even reach a point where they couldn't operate anymore
or at least they couldn't be as affective as our communities.
I know it sounds like a utopia because in practice we need the
effort of a lot of people involved in technology development.
But we already did it once: we used copyright law against itself
and we introduced a new model of workforce distribution and means
of production. We could again use copyright for our benefit,
but now against the structures of power that surveils, exploits
and kills people. These institutions need our “brainpower,” we
can try by refusing their use. Some explorations could be software
licenses that explicitly ban surveillance, exploitation or murder.
We could also make it difficult for them to thieve our technology
development and deny access to our communication networks. Nowadays
+++FOSS+++ distribution models have confused open economy with
gift economy. Another think tank---Centre of Economics and Foreign
Policy Studies---published a report---_Digital Open Source Intelligence
Security: A Primer_---where it states that open sources constitutes
“at least 90%” of all intelligence activities. That includes
our published open production and the open standards we develop
for transparency. It is why end-to-end encryption is important
and why we should extend its use instead of allowing governments
to ban it.
Copyleft could be a global pandemic if we don't go against its
incorporation inside virulent technologies of destruction. We
need more organization so that the software we are developing
is free as in “social freedom,” not only as in “free individual.”

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# About
Hi, I am a dog-publisher---what a surprise, right? I am from
Mexico and, as you can see, English is not my first language.
But whatever. My educational background is on Philosophy, specifically
Philosophy of Culture. My grade studies focus on intellectual
property---mainly copyright---, free culture, free software and,
of course, free publishing. If you still want a name, call me
This blog is about publishing and coding. But it _doesn't_ approach
on techniques that makes great code. Actually my programming
skills are kind of narrow. I have the following opinions. (a)
If you use a computer to publish, not matter their output, _publishing
is coding_. (b) Publishing it is not just about developing software
or skills, it is also a tradition, a profession, an art but also
a _method_. (c) To be able to visualize that, we have to talk
about how publishing implies and affects how we do culture. (d)
If we don't criticize and _self-criticize_ our work, we are lost.
In other terms, this blog is about what surrounds and what is
supposed to be the foundations of publishing. Yeah, of course
you are gonna find technical writing. However, it is just because
on these days the spine of publishing talks with zeros and ones.
So, let start to think what is publishing nowadays!
Some last words. I have to admit I don't feel comfortable writing
in English. I find unfair that we, people from non-English spoken
worlds, have to use this language in order to be noticed. It
makes me feel bad that we are constantly translating what other
persons are saying while just a few homies translate from Spanish
to English. So I decided to have at least a bilingual blog. I
write in English while I translate to Spanish, so I can improve
this skill ---also: thanks +++S.O.+++ for help me to improve
the English version xoxo.
That's not enough and it doesn't invite to collaboration. So
this blog uses `po` files for its contents and [Pecas Markdown](
for its syntax. You can always collaborate in the translation or
edition of any language. The easiest way is through [Weblate](
Don't you want to use that? Just contact me.
That's all folks! And don't forget: fuck adds. Fuck spam. And
fuck proprietary culture. Freedom to the moon!

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# Contact
You can reach me at:
* [Mastodon](
* hi[at]
I even reply to the Nigerian Prince…

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# Donate
_My server_ is actually an account powered by [Colima Hacklab](,
dawgs, for host my crap!. Also this blog and all the free
publishing events that we organize are done with free labor.
So, if you can help us to keep working, that would be fucking
Donate for some tacos with [+++ETH+++](
{.no-indent .vertical-space1}
Donate for some dog food with [+++DOGE+++](
Donate for some beers with [PayPal](

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# Fork
All the content is under Licencia Editorial Abierta y Libre (+++LEAL+++).
You can read it [here](
“Licencia Editorial Abierta y Libre” is translated to “Open and
Free Publishing License.” “+++LEAL+++” is the acronym but also
means “loyal” in Spanish.
With +++LEAL+++ you are free to use, copy, reedit, modify, share
or sell any of this content under the following conditions:
* Anything produced with this content must be under some type of +++LEAL+++.
* All files---editable or final formats---must be on public access.
* The sale can't be the only way to acquire the final product.
* The generated surplus value can't be used for exploitation of labor.
* The content can't be used for +++AI+++ or data mining.
* The use of the content must not harm any collaborator.
Now, you can fork this shit:
* [GitLab](
* [GitHub](
* [My server](

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# Links
* [Pecas: publishing tools](
* [+++TED+++: digital publishing workshop](
* [_Digital Publishing as a Methodology for Global Publishing_](
* [Colima Hacklab](
* [Mariana Eguaras's blog](
* [Zinenauta](
* [In Defense of Free Software](

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msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: 001_free-publishing 1.0\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: Nika Zhenya <>\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-03-20 13:30-0600\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-02-13 18:33-0600\n"
"Last-Translator: Nika Zhenya <>\n"
"Language-Team: English <"
"Language: en\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
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"X-Generator: Poedit 2.3\n"
#: content/md/001_free-publishing.js:1
msgid "# From publishing with free software to free publishing"
msgstr ""
"# From Publishing with Free Software to Free Publishing\n"
"> @published 2019/03/20, 13:00 | [+++PDF+++]("
"pdf/001_free-publishing_en.pdf) | [+++Booklet+++](http://zines.perrotuerto."
"blog/pdf/001_free-publishing_en_imposition.pdf) {.published}"
#: content/md/001_free-publishing.js:2
msgid ""
"This blog is about “free publishing” but, what does that means? The term "
"“free” it isn't only problematic in English. May be more than in others "
"languages because of the confusion between “free as in beer” and “free as in "
"speech.” But by itself the concept of freedom is so ambiguous than even in "
"Philosophy we are very careful in its use. Even though it is a problem, I "
"like that the term doesn't have a clear definition---at the end, how free "
"could we be if freedom is well defined?"
msgstr ""
"This blog is about “free publishing” but, what does that mean? The term "
"“free” isn't only problematic in English. Maybe more in other languages "
"because of the confusion between “free as in beer” and “free as in speech.” "
"But by itself the concept of freedom is so ambiguous than even in Philosophy "
"we are very careful in its use. Even though it is a problem, I like that the "
"term doesn't have a clear definition---in the end, how free could we be if "
"freedom is well defined?"
#: content/md/001_free-publishing.js:9
msgid ""
"Some years ago, when I started to work hand-in-hand with Programando "
"Libreros and Hacklib I realized that we weren't just doing publishing with "
"free software. We are doing free publishing. So I attempted to defined it in "
"[a post]("
"commons/) but it doesn't convince me anymore."
msgstr ""
"Some years ago, when I started to work hand-in-hand with Programando "
"Libreros and Hacklib, I realized that we weren't just doing publishing with "
"free software. We are doing free publishing. So I attempted to define it in "
"[a post]("
"commons/) but it doesn't convince me anymore."
#: content/md/001_free-publishing.js:14
msgid ""
"The term was floating around until December, 2018. At Contracorriente---"
"yearly fanzine fair celebrated in Xalapa, Mexico---Hacklib and me were "
"invited to give a talk about publishing and free software. Between all of us "
"we made a poster of everything we talked that day."
msgstr ""
"The term was floating around until December, 2018. At Contracorriente---"
"yearly fanzine fair celebrated in Xalapa, Mexico---Hacklib and I were "
"invited to give a talk about publishing and free software. Between all of us "
"we made a poster of everything we talked about that day."
#: content/md/001_free-publishing.js:18
msgid ""
"![Poster made at Contracorriente, nice, isn't it?](../../../img/p001_i001."
msgstr ""
"![Poster made at Contracorriente, nice, isn't it?](../../../img/p001_i001."
#: content/md/001_free-publishing.js:19
msgid ""
"The poster was very helpful because in a simple Venn diagram we were able to "
"distinguish several intersections of activities that involves our work. Here "
"you have it more readable:"
msgstr ""
"The poster was very helpful because in a simple Venn diagram we were able to "
"distinguish several intersections of activities that involve our work. Here "
"is a more readable version:"
#: content/md/001_free-publishing.js:22
msgid ""
"![Venn diagram of publishing, free software and politics](../../../img/"
msgstr ""
"![Venn diagram of publishing, free software and politics.](../../../img/"
#: content/md/001_free-publishing.js:23
msgid ""
"So I'm not gonna define what is publishing, free software or politics---it "
"is my fucking blog so I can write whatever I want xD and you can [duckduckgo]"
"( it without a satisfactory "
"answer. But as you can see, there are at least two very familiar "
"intersections: cultural policies and hacktivism. I dunno how it is in your "
"country, but in Mexico we have very strong cultural policies for "
"publishing---or at least that is what publishers _think_ and are "
"comfortable, not matter that most of the times they go against open access "
"and readers. “Hacktivism” is a fuzzy term, but it could be clear if we "
"realized that code as property is not the only way we can define it. "
"Actually it is very problematic because property isn't a natural right, but "
"one that is produced by our societies and protected by our states---yeah, "
"individuality isn't the foundation of rights and laws, but a construction of "
"the self produced society. So, do I have to mention that property rights "
"isn't as fair as we would want?"
msgstr ""
"So I'm not gonna define publishing, free software or politics---it is my "
"fucking blog so I can write whatever I want xD and you can [duckduckgo]"
"( it without a satisfactory "
"answer. As you can see, there are at least two very familiar intersections: "
"cultural policies and hacktivism. I dunno how it is in your country, but in "
"Mexico we have very strong cultural policies for publishing---or at least "
"that is what publishers _think_ and are comfortable with it, no matter that "
"most of the time they go against open access and readers rights.\n"
"“Hacktivism” is a fuzzy term, but it could be clear if we realized that code "
"as property is not the only way we can define it. Actually it is very "
"problematic because property isn't a natural right, but one that is produced "
"by our societies and protected by our states---yeah, individuality isn't the "
"foundation of rights and laws, but a construction of the self produced "
"society. So, do I have to mention that property rights isn't as fair as we "
"would like?"
#: content/md/001_free-publishing.js:37
msgid ""
"Between publishing and free software we get “publishing with free software.” "
"What does that implies? It is the activity of publishing using software that "
"accomplish the famous---infamous?---[four freedoms]("
"wiki/The_Free_Software_Definition). For people that use software as a tool, "
"this means that, firstly, we aren't force to pay anything in order to use "
"software. Secondly, we have access to the code and do whatever we want with "
"it. Thirdly---and for me the most important---we can be part of a community, "
"instead of be treated as a consumer."
msgstr ""
"Between publishing and free software we get “publishing with free software.” "
"What does that imply? It is the act of publishing using software that "
"accomplishes the famous---infamous?---[four freedoms](https://en.wikipedia."
"org/wiki/The_Free_Software_Definition). For people that use software as a "
"tool, this means that, first, we aren't forced to pay anything in order to "
"use software. Second, we have access to the code and do whatever we want "
"with it. Third---and for me the most important---we can be part of a "
"community, instead of treated as a consumer."
#: content/md/001_free-publishing.js:44
msgid ""
"It sounds great, isn't it? But we have a little problem: the freedom only "
"applies to software. As publisher you can benefit from free software and "
"that doesn't mean you have to free your work. Penguin Random House---the "
"Google of publishing---one day could decided to use TeX or Pandoc, saving "
"tons of money at the same time they keep the monopoly of publishing."
msgstr ""
"It sounds great, doesn't it? But we have a little problem: the freedom only "
"applies to software. As a publisher you can benefit from free software and "
"that doesn't mean you have to free your work. Penguin Random House---the "
"Google of publishing---one day could decide to use TeX or Pandoc, saving "
"tons of money and at the same time keep the monopoly of publishing."
#: content/md/001_free-publishing.js:49
msgid ""
"Stallman saw that problem with the manuals published by O'Reilly and he "
"proposed the GNU Free Documentation License. But by doing so he trickly "
"distinguished [different kinds of works]("
"copyright-and-globalization.en.html). It is interesting see texts as "
"functionality, matter of opinion or aesthetics but in the publishing "
"industry nobody cares a fuck about that. The distinctions works great "
"between writers and readers, but it doesn't problematize the fact that "
"publishers are the ones who decide the path of almost all our text-centered "
msgstr ""
"Stallman saw the problem with manuals published by O'Reilly and he proposed "
"the +++GNU+++ Free Documentation License. But by doing so he trickly "
"distinguished [different kinds of works]("
"copyright-and-globalization.en.html). It is interesting to see texts as "
"functional works, matter of opinion or aesthetics but in the publishing "
"industry nobody gives a fuck about that. The distinctions work great between "
"writers and readers, but it doesn't problematize the fact that publishers "
"are the ones who decide the path of almost all of our text-centered culture."
#: content/md/001_free-publishing.js:57
msgid ""
"In my opinion, that's dangerous at least. So I prefer other tricky "
"distinction. Big publishers and their mimetic branch---the so called “indie” "
"publishing---only cares about two things: sells and reputation. They want to "
"live _well_ and get social recognition from the _good_ books they publish. "
"If one day the software communities develop some desktop publishing or "
"typesetting easy-to-use and suitable for all their _professional_ needs, we "
"would see how “suddenly” publishing industry embraces free software."
msgstr ""
"In my opinion, that's dangerous at least. So I prefer another tricky "
"distinction. Big publishers and their mimetic branch---the so called “indie” "
"publishing---only cares about two things: sales and reputation. They want to "
"live _well_ and get social recognition from the _good_ books they publish. "
"If one day software communities develop some desktop publishing or "
"typesetting easy-to-use and suitable for all their _professional_ needs, we "
"would see how “suddenly” the publishing industry embraces free software."
#: content/md/001_free-publishing.js:64
msgid ""
"So, why don't we distinguish published works by their funding and sense of "
"community? If what you publishing has public funding---for your knowledge, "
"in Mexico practically all publishing has this kind of funding---it would be "
"fair to release the files and leave hard copies for sell: we already pay for "
"that. This is a very common argument among supporters of open access in "
"science, but we can go beyond that. Not matter if the work relies on "
"functionality, matter of opinion or aesthetics; if is a science paper, a "
"philosophy essay or a novel and it has public funding, we have pay for the "
"access, come on!"
msgstr ""
"So, why don't we distinguish published works by their funding and sense of "
"community? If what you publish has public funding---for your knowledge, in "
"Mexico practically all publishing has this kind of funding---it would be "
"fair to release the files and leave hard copies for sale: we already paid "
"for that. This is a very common argument among supporters of open access in "
"science, but we can go beyond that. No matter if the work relies on "
"functionality, matter of opinion or aesthetics; whether its a scientific "
"paper, a philosophy essay or a novel and it has public funding, we have "
"already paid for access, come on!"
#: content/md/001_free-publishing.js:72
msgid ""
"You can still sell publications and go to Messe Frankfurt, Guadalajara "
"International Book Fair or Beijing Book Fair: it is just doing business with "
"the _bare minium_ of social and political awareness. Why do you want more "
"money from us if we already gave it to you?---and you get almost all the "
"profits, leaving the authors with just the satisfaction of seeing her work "
msgstr ""
"You can still sell publications and go to Messe Frankfurt, Guadalajara "
"International Book Fair or Beijing Book Fair: it is just doing business with "
"the _bare minium_ of social and political awareness. Why do you want more "
"money from us if we've already given it to you?---and you receive almost all "
"of the profits, leaving the authors with just the satisfaction of seeing her "
"work published…"
#: content/md/001_free-publishing.js:77
msgid ""
"The sense of community goes here. In a world where one of the main problems "
"is artificial scarcity---paywalls instead of actual walls---we need to apply "
"[copyleft]( or, even better, "
"[copyfarleft]( "
"licenses in our published works. They aren't the solution, but they are a "
"support to maintain the freedom and the access in publishing."
msgstr ""
"The sense of community goes here. In a world where one of the main problems "
"is artificial scarcity---paywalls instead of actual walls---we need to apply "
"[copyleft]( or, even better, "
"[copyfarleft]( "
"licenses in our published works. They aren't the solution, but they are a "
"support to maintain the freedom and the access in publishing."
#: content/md/001_free-publishing.js:83
msgid ""
"As it goes, we need free tools but also free works. I already have the tools "
"but I lack from permission to publish some books that I really like. I don't "
"want that happen to you with my work. So we need a publishing ecosystem "
"where we have access to all files of a particular edition---our source code "
"and binary files--- and also to the tools---the free software---so we can "
"improve, as a community, the quality and access of the works. Who doesn't "
"want that?"
msgstr ""
"As it goes, we need free tools but also free works. I already have the tools "
"but lack the permission to publish some books that I really like. I don't "
"want that happen to you with my work. So we need a publishing ecosystem "
"where we have access to all files of a particular edition---our “source "
"code” and “binary files”---and also to the tools---the free software---so we "
"can improve, as a community, the quality and the access of works and its "
"required skills. Who doesn't want that?"
#: content/md/001_free-publishing.js:89
msgid ""
"With these politics strains, free software tools and publishing as a way of "
"living as a publisher, writer and reader, free publishing is a pathway. With "
"Programando Libreros and Hacklib we use free software, we invest time in "
"activism and we work in publishing: _we do free publishing, what about you?_ "
msgstr ""
"With these political strains, free software tools and publishing as a way of "
"living as a publisher, writer and reader, free publishing is a pathway. With "
"Programando Libreros and Hacklib we use free software, we invest time in "
"activism and we work in publishing: _we do free publishing, what about you?_ "

View File

@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: 002_fuck-books 1.0\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: Nika Zhenya <>\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-04-15 11:22-0500\n"
"Last-Translator: Automatically generated\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-04-19 17:40-0500\n"
"Language-Team: none\n"
"Language: en\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
"X-Generator: Poedit 2.2.1\n"
#: content/md/002_fuck-books.js:1
msgid "# Fuck Books, If and only If…"
msgstr "# Fuck Books, If and only If…"
#: content/md/002_fuck-books.js:2
msgid "> @published 2019/04/15, 12:00 {.published}"
msgstr "> @published 2019/04/15, 12:00 {.published}"
#: content/md/002_fuck-books.js:3
msgid ""
"I always try to be very clear about something: books nowadays, by "
"themselves, are just production leftovers. Yeah, we have built an industry "
"in order to made them. But, would you be able to publish by your own?"
msgstr ""
"I always try to be very clear about something: books nowadays, by "
"themselves, are just production leftovers. Yeah, we have built an industry "
"in order to made them. But, would you be able to publish by your own?"
#: content/md/002_fuck-books.js:7
msgid ""
"Probably not. It is almost sure you lack of something: you don't seize the "
"machines supposedly needed; you don't enjoy the skills; you don't carry the "
"acknowledge or you don't possess the networking. You don't own anything."
msgstr ""
"Probably not. It is almost sure you lack of something: you don't seize the "
"machines supposedly needed; you don't enjoy the skills; you don't carry the "
"acknowledge or you don't possess the networking. You don't own anything."
#: content/md/002_fuck-books.js:11
msgid ""
"We have reach the production capacity to publish in a couple hours what in "
"the past took centuries. That is amazing… and scary. What are we publishing "
"now? _Why are we producing that much?_ Our reading capacity haven't improve "
"at the same rhythm ---maybe we have been losing some of that ability."
msgstr ""
"We have reach the production capacity to publish in a couple hours what in "
"the past took centuries. That is amazing… and scary. What are we publishing "
"now? _Why are we producing that much?_ Our reading capacity haven't improve "
"at the same rhythm---maybe we have been losing some of that ability."
#: content/md/002_fuck-books.js:16
msgid ""
"We are more people now, but it is a contemporary supposition that each "
"person needs a book. We have public libraries. They used to be a great idea. "
"Now they are one of the few places where people can go and enjoy without "
"paying a penny. The last standing point of a world before its global "
"monetization. And sometimes not even that, because they are behind a "
"paywall: paid subscriptions or universities ids; or because most of us "
"prefer coffee shops, public libraries are for poor, creepy and old people, "
msgstr ""
"We are more people now, but it is a contemporary supposition that each "
"person needs a book. We have public libraries. They used to be a great idea. "
"Now they are one of the few places where people can go and enjoy without "
"paying a penny. The last standing point of a world before its global "
"monetization. And sometimes not even that, because they are behind a wall: "
"paid subscriptions or universities ids; or because most of us prefer coffee "
"shops, public libraries are for poor, creepy and old people, right?"
#: content/md/002_fuck-books.js:24
msgid ""
"And we are praising books as a holly product of our culture. Even though "
"what we really do is supporting a consumer good. You don't made them, you "
"don't read them: you just buy and put them in a bookshelf. You don't own "
"them, you don't even look what is inside: you just buy and leave them in "
"your Amazon account. You are a consumer and that makes you think yourself as "
"a supporter of our culture."
msgstr ""
"And we are praising books as a holly product of our culture. Even though "
"what we really do is supporting a consumer good. You don't made them, you "
"don't read them: you just buy and put them in a bookshelf. You don't own "
"them, you don't even look what is inside: you just buy and leave them in "
"your Amazon account. You are a consumer and that makes you think yourself as "
"a supporter of our culture."
#: content/md/002_fuck-books.js:31
msgid ""
"As publishers we made everything about books: fairs, workshops, meetups, "
"study degrees and marketing. As publishers we want to sell you the next best-"
"seller, the newest book format: the future of reading. Even though what we "
"really want is your money. We know you don't read. We know you don't want "
"books that would blow the bubble where you live. We know you just want be "
"entertained. We know you are craving about how much books you have “read.” "
"We just want you to keep buying and buying. Who cares about you."
msgstr ""
"As publishers we made everything about books: fairs, workshops, meetups, "
"study degrees and marketing. As publishers we want to sell you the next best-"
"seller, the newest book format: “the future of reading.” Even though what we "
"really want is your money. We know you don't read. We know you don't want "
"books that would blow the bubble where you live. We know you just want be "
"entertained. We know you are craving to talk about how much books you have "
"“read.” We just want you to keep buying and buying. Who cares about you."
#: content/md/002_fuck-books.js:39
msgid ""
"Before all that shit happened to publishing, books were a rare and difficult "
"product to make. From them we could see the complexity of our world: its "
"means of production, its structure and its struggles. Publishers were kill "
"because they wanted to offer you something really important to read. Now "
"publishers are awarded with trips, grants or fancy dinners. Most publishers "
"aren't a treat anymore. Instead, they are the managers of public debate; "
"aka, what we can say, think or feel."
msgstr ""
"Before all that shit happened to publishing, books were a rare and difficult "
"product to make. From them we could see the complexity of our world: its "
"means of production, its structure and its struggles. Publishers were kill "
"because they wanted to offer you something really important to read. Now "
"publishers are awarded with trips, grants or fancy dinners. Most publishers "
"aren't a treat anymore. Instead, they are the managers of public debate; i."
"e., what we can say, think or feel."
#: content/md/002_fuck-books.js:47
msgid ""
"Most books nowadays only show how the main bits of our world have been "
"displaced as another good in the marketplace. We see paper, we see ink, we "
"see fonts and we see code. After that first look, we start to realize that "
"our books are mainly a gear of a machinery of global consumption."
msgstr ""
"Most books nowadays only show how the main bits of our world have been "
"displaced as another good in the marketplace. We see paper, we see ink, we "
"see fonts and we see code. After that first look, we start to realize that "
"our books are mainly a gear of a machinery of global consumption."
#: content/md/002_fuck-books.js:52
msgid ""
"Only at this point, we can clearly see the chain of exploitation needed to "
"achieve that kind of productivity. _Who or what benefits from it?_ Authors "
"can't made a living anymore. People involved in books production ---"
"printers, proof readers, designers, publishers and so on--- barely earn a "
"living wage. A lot of trees and resources have been use for profits."
msgstr ""
"Only at this point, we can clearly see the chain of exploitation needed to "
"achieve that kind of productivity. _Who or what benefits from it?_ Authors "
"can't made a living anymore. People involved in books production---printers, "
"proof readers, designers, publishers and so on---barely earn a living wage. "
"A lot of trees and resources have been use for profits."
#: content/md/002_fuck-books.js:58
msgid ""
"Again, we have reach the production capacity to publish in a couple hours "
"what in the past took centuries, _where did that wealth go?_ Not to our "
"pockets, we always have to pay in order to produce or own books."
msgstr ""
"Again, we have reach the production capacity to publish in a couple hours "
"what in the past took centuries, _where did all that wealth go?_ Not to our "
"pockets, we always have to pay in order to produce or own books."
#: content/md/002_fuck-books.js:62
msgid ""
"So, what makes you love books that probably you won't read? If and only if "
"publishing is what it is now and we don't want to change it, well: fuck "
"books. "
msgstr ""
"So, what makes you love books that probably you won't read? If and only if "
"publishing is what it is now and we don't want to change it, well: fuck "
"books. "

View File

@ -0,0 +1,502 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: 003_dont_come 1.0\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: Nika Zhenya <>\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-05-05 19:38-0500\n"
"Last-Translator: Automatically generated\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-07-04 11:03-0500\n"
"Language-Team: none\n"
"Language: en\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
"X-Generator: Poedit 2.2.1\n"
#: content/md/003_dont_come.js:1
msgid "# Don't come with those tales"
msgstr "# Don't Come with Those Tales"
#: content/md/003_dont_come.js:2
msgid "> @published 2019/05/05, 20:00 {.published}"
msgstr "> @published 2019/05/05, 20:00 {.published}"
#: content/md/003_dont_come.js:3
msgid ""
"I love books. I love them so much that I even decided to make a living from "
"them---probably a very bad career decision. But I can't idealize that love."
msgstr ""
"I love books. I love them so much that I even decided to make a living from "
"them---probably a very bad career decision. But I can't idealize that love."
#: content/md/003_dont_come.js:6
msgid ""
"During school and university I was taught that I should love books. "
"Actually, some teachers made me clear that it was the only way I could get "
"my bachelor's degree. Because books are the main freedom and knowledge "
"device in our shitty world, right? Not loving books is like the will to stay "
"in a cave---hello, Plato. Not celebrating its greatness is just one step to "
"support antidemocratic regimes. And while I was learning to love books, of "
"course I also learn to respect its “creators” and the industry than made it "
msgstr ""
"During school and university I was taught that I should love books. "
"Actually, some teachers made me clear that it was the only way I could get "
"my bachelor's degree. Because books are the main freedom and knowledge "
"device in our shitty world, right? Not loving books is like the will to stay "
"in a cave---hello, Plato. Not celebrating its greatness is just one step to "
"support antidemocratic regimes. And while I was learning to love books, of "
"course I also learned to respect its “creators” and the industry than made "
"it happened."
#: content/md/003_dont_come.js:15
msgid ""
"I don't think it is casual that the development of what we mean by book is "
"independent from the developments of capitalism and what we understand by "
"author. Maybe correlation; maybe intersection; but definitely not separates "
msgstr ""
"I don't think it is casual that the development of what we mean by book is "
"independent from the developments of capitalism and what we understand by "
"author. Maybe correlation; maybe intersection; but definitely they aren't "
"separate stories."
#: content/md/003_dont_come.js:19
msgid ""
"Let's start with a common place: the invention of printing. Yeah, it is an "
"arbitrary and problematic start. We could say that books and authors goes "
"far before that. But what we have in that particularly place in history is "
"the standardization and massification of a practice. It didn't happen from "
"day to night, but little by little all the methodological and technical "
"diversity became more homogeneous. And with that, we were able to made books "
"not as luxury or institutional commodities, but as objects of everyday use."
msgstr ""
"Let's start with a common place: the invention of printing. Yeah, it is an "
"arbitrary and problematic start. We could say that books and authors goes "
"far before that. But what we have in that particularly place in history is "
"the standardization and massification of a practice. It didn't happen from "
"day to night, but little by little all the methodological and technical "
"diversity became more homogeneous. And with that, we were able to made books "
"not as luxurious or institutional commodities, but as objects of everyday "
#: content/md/003_dont_come.js:28
msgid ""
"And not just books, but printed text in general. Before the invention of "
"printing, we could barely see text in our surroundings. What surprise me "
"about printing it is not the capacity of production that we reached, but how "
"that technology normalized the existence of text in our daily basis."
msgstr ""
"And not just books, but printed text in general. Before the invention of "
"printing, we could barely see text in our surroundings. What surprise me "
"about printing it is not the capacity of production that we reached, but how "
"that technology normalized the existence of text in our daily basis."
#: content/md/003_dont_come.js:33
msgid ""
"Newspapers first and now social media relies on that normalization to "
"generate the idea of an “universal” public debate---I don't know if it is "
"actually “public” if almost all popular newspapers and social media "
"platforms are own by corporations and its criteria; but let's pretend it is "
"a minor issue. And public debate supposedly incentivizes democracy."
msgstr ""
"Newspapers first and now social media relies on that normalization to "
"generate the idea of an “universal” public debate---I don't know if it is "
"actually “public” if almost all popular newspapers and social media "
"platforms are own by corporations and its criteria; but let's pretend it is "
"a minor issue. And public debate supposedly incentivizes democracy."
#: content/md/003_dont_come.js:39
msgid ""
"Before Enlightenment the owners of printed text realized its freedom "
"potential. Most churches and kingdoms tried to control it. The Protestant "
"Church first and then the Enlightenment and emerging capitalist enterprises "
"hijacked the control of public debate; specifically who owns the means of "
"printed text production, who decides the languages worthy to print and who "
"sets its main reader."
msgstr ""
"Before Enlightenment the owners of printed text realized its freedom "
"potential. Most churches and kingdoms tried to control it. The Protestant "
"Church first and then the Enlightenment and emerging capitalist enterprises "
"hijacked the control of public debate; specifically who owns the means of "
"printed text production, who decides the languages worthy to print and who "
"sets its main reader."
#: content/md/003_dont_come.js:46
msgid ""
"Maybe it is a bad analogy but printed text in newspapers, books and journals "
"were so fascinating like nowadays is digital “content” over the Internet. "
"But what I mean is that there were many people who tried to have that "
"control and power. And most of them failed and keep failing."
msgstr ""
"Maybe it is a bad analogy but printed text in newspapers, books and journals "
"were so fascinating like nowadays is digital “content” over the Internet. "
"But what I mean is that there were many people who tried to have that "
"control and power. And most of them failed and keep failing."
#: content/md/003_dont_come.js:51
msgid ""
"So during 18th century books started to have another meaning. They ceased to "
"be mainly devices of God's or authority's word to be _a_ device of freedom "
"of speech. Thanks to the firsts emerging capitalists we got means for "
"secular thinking. Acts of censorship became evident acts of political "
"restriction instead of acts against sinners."
msgstr ""
"So during 18th century books started to have another meaning. They ceased to "
"be mainly devices of God's or authority's word to be _a_ device of freedom "
"of speech. Thanks to the firsts emerging capitalists we got means for "
"secular thinking. Acts of censorship became evident acts of political "
"restriction instead of acts against sinners."
#: content/md/003_dont_come.js:57
msgid ""
"The invention of printing created so big demand of printed text that it "
"actually generated the publishing industry. Self-publishing to satisfy "
"internal institutional demand opened the place to an industry for new "
"citizens readers. A luxury and religious object became a commodity in the "
"“free” market."
msgstr ""
"The invention of printing created so big demand of printed text that it "
"actually generated the publishing industry. Self-publishing to satisfy "
"internal institutional demand opened the place to an industry for new "
"citizens readers. A luxury and religious object became a commodity in the "
"“free” market."
#: content/md/003_dont_come.js:62
msgid ""
"While printed text surpassed almost all restrictions, freedom of speech "
"rised hand-to-hand freedom of enterprise---the debate between Free Software "
"Movement and Open Source Initiative relies in an old and more general "
"debate: how much freedom can we grant in order to secure freedom? But it "
"also developed other freedom that was fastened by religious or political "
"authorities: the freedom to be identify as an author."
msgstr ""
"While printed text surpassed almost all restrictions, freedom of speech "
"rised hand-to-hand freedom of enterprise---the debate between Free Software "
"Movement and Open Source Initiative relies in an old and more general "
"debate: how much freedom can we grant in order to secure freedom? But it "
"also developed other freedom that was fastened by religious or political "
"authorities: the freedom to be identify as an author."
#: content/md/003_dont_come.js:69
msgid ""
"How we understand authorship in our days depends in a process where the "
"notion of author became more closed to the idea of “creator.” And it is "
"actually a very interesting semantic transfer. _In one way_ the invention of "
"printing mechanized and improved a practice that it was believed to be done "
"with God's help. Trithemius got so horrified that printing wasn't welcome. "
"But with new Spirits---freedoms of enterprise and speech---what was seen "
"even as a demonic invention became one of the main technologies that still "
"defines and reproduces the idea of humanity."
msgstr ""
"How we understand authorship in our days depends in a process where the "
"notion of author became more closed to the idea of “creator.” And it is "
"actually a very interesting semantic transfer. _In one way_ the invention of "
"printing mechanized and improved a practice that it was believed to be done "
"with God's help. Trithemius got so horrified that printing wasn't welcome. "
"But with new Spirits---freedoms of enterprise and speech---what was seen "
"even as a demonic invention became one of the main technologies that still "
"defines and reproduces the idea of humanity."
#: content/md/003_dont_come.js:78
msgid ""
"This opened the opportunity to independent authors. Printed text wasn't "
"anymore a matter of God's or authority's word but a secular and more "
"ephemeral Human's word. The massification of publishing also opened the "
"gates for less relevant and easy-to-read printed texts; but for the "
"incipient publishing industry it didn't matter: it was a way to catch more "
"profits and consumers."
msgstr ""
"This opened the opportunity to independent authors. Printed text wasn't "
"anymore a matter of God's or authority's word but a secular and ephemeral "
"Human's word. The massification of publishing also opened the gates for less "
"relevant and easy-to-read printed texts; but for the incipient publishing "
"industry it didn't matter: it was a way to catch more profits and consumers."
#: content/md/003_dont_come.js:84
msgid ""
"Not only that, it reproduces the ideas that were around over and over again. "
"Yes, it growth the diversity of ideas but it also repeated speeches that "
"safeguard the state of things. How much books have been a device of freedom "
"and how much they have been a device of ideological reproduction? That is a "
"good question that we have to answer."
msgstr ""
"Not only that, it reproduced the ideas that were around over and over again. "
"Yes, it growth the diversity of ideas but it also repeated speeches that "
"safeguard the state of things. How much books have been a device of freedom "
"and how much they have been a device of ideological reproduction? That is a "
"good question that we have to answer."
#: content/md/003_dont_come.js:90
msgid ""
"So authors without religious or political authority found a way to sneak "
"their names in printed text. It wasn't yet a function of property---I don't "
"like the word “function,” but I will use it anyways---but a function of "
"attribution: they wanted to publicly be know as the human who wrote those "
"texts. No God, no authority, no institution, but a person of flesh and bone."
msgstr ""
"So authors without religious or political authority found a way to sneak "
"their names in printed text. It wasn't yet a function of property---I don't "
"like the word “function,” but I will use it anyways---but a function of "
"attribution: they wanted to publicly be know as the human who wrote those "
"texts. No God, no authority, no institution, but a person of flesh and bone."
#: content/md/003_dont_come.js:96
msgid ""
"But that also meant regular powerless people. Without backup of God or King, "
"who the fucks are you, little peasant? Publishers---a.k.a. printers in those "
"years---took advantage. The fascination to saw a newspaper article about "
"books you wrote is similar to see a Wikipedia article about you. You don't "
"gain directly anything, only reputation. It relies on you to made it "
msgstr ""
"But that also meant regular powerless people started to be authors. Without "
"backup of God or King, who the fucks are you, little peasant? Publishers---a."
"k.a. printers in those years---took advantage. The fascination to saw a "
"newspaper article about books you wrote is similar to see a Wikipedia "
"article about you. You don't gain directly anything, only reputation. It "
"relies on you to made it profitable."
#: content/md/003_dont_come.js:102
msgid ""
"During 18th century, authorship became a function of _individual_ "
"attribution, but not a function of property. So I think that is were the "
"notion of “creator” came out as an ace in the hole. In Germany we can track "
"one of the first robust attempts to empower this new kind of powerless "
"independent author."
msgstr ""
"During 18th century, authorship became a function of _individual_ "
"attribution, but not a function of property. So I think this is were the "
"notion of “creator” came out as an ace in the hole. In Germany we can track "
"one of the first robust attempts to empower this new kind of powerless "
"independent author."
#: content/md/003_dont_come.js:107
msgid ""
"German Romanticism developed something that goes back to the Renaissance: "
"humans can also _create_ things. Sometimes we forget that Christianity has "
"been also a very messy set of beliefs. The attempt to made a consistent, "
"uniform and rationalized set of beliefs goes back in the diversity of "
"religious practices. So you could accept that printing text lost its "
"directly connection to God's word while you could argue some kind of "
"indirectly inspiration beyond our corporeal world. And you don't have to "
"rationalize it: you can't prove it, you just feel it and know it."
msgstr ""
"German Romanticism developed something that goes back to the Renaissance: "
"humans can also _create_ things. Sometimes we forget that Christianity has "
"been also a very messy set of beliefs. The attempt to made a consistent, "
"uniform and rationalized set of beliefs goes back in the diversity of "
"religious practices. So you could accept that printing text lost its "
"directly connection to God's word while you could argue some kind of "
"inspiration beyond our corporeal world. And you don't have to rationalize "
"it: you can't prove it, you just feel it and know it."
#: content/md/003_dont_come.js:116
msgid ""
"So german writers used that as foundations for independent authorship. No "
"God's or authority's word, no institution, but a person inspired by things "
"beyond our world. The notion of “creation” has a very strong religious and "
"metaphysical backgrounds that we can't just ignore them: act of creation "
"means the capacity to bring to this world something that it didn't belong to "
"it. The relationship between authorship and text turned out so imminent that "
"even nowadays we don't have any fucking idea why we accept as common sense "
"that authors have a superior and inalienable bond to its works."
msgstr ""
"So german writers used that as foundations for independent authorship. No "
"God's or authority's word, no institution, but a person inspired by things "
"beyond our world. The notion of “creation” has a very strong religious and "
"metaphysical backgrounds that we can't just ignore them: act of creation "
"means the capacity to bring to this world something that it doesn't belong "
"to it. The relationship between authorship and text turned out so imminent "
"that even nowadays we don't have any fucking idea why we accept as common "
"sense that authors have a superior and inalienable bond to its works."
#: content/md/003_dont_come.js:126
msgid ""
"But before the expansionism of German Romanticism notion of author, writers "
"were seen more as producers that sold their work to the owners of means of "
"production. So while the invention of printing facilitated a new kind of "
"secular and independent author, _in other hand_ it summoned Authorship Fog: "
"“Whenever you cast another Book spell, if Spirits of Printing is in the "
"command zone or on the battlefield, create a 1/1 white Author creature token "
"with flying and indestructible.” As material as a printed card we made magic "
"to grant authors a creative function: the ability to “produce from nothing” "
"and a bond that never dies or changes."
msgstr ""
"Before the expansionism of German Romanticism's notion of author, writers "
"were seen more as producers that sold their work to the owners of means of "
"production. So while the invention of printing facilitated a new kind of "
"secular and independent author, _in other hand_ it summoned Authorship Fog: "
"“Whenever you cast another Book spell, if Spirits of Printing are in the "
"command zone or on the battlefield, create a 1/1 white Author creature token "
"with flying and indestructible.” As material as a printed card we made magic "
"to grant authors a creative function: the ability to “produce from nothing” "
"and a bond that never changes or dies."
#: content/md/003_dont_come.js:136
msgid ""
"Authors as creators is a cool metaphor, who doesn't want to have some divine "
"powers? In the abstract discussion about the relationship between authors, "
"texts and freedom of speech, it is just a perfect fit. You don't have to "
"rely in anything material to grasp all of them as an unique phenomena. But "
"in the concrete facts of printed texts and the publishers abuse to authors "
"you go beyond attribution. You are not just linking an object to a subject. "
"Instead, you are grating property relationships between subject and an "
msgstr ""
"Authors as creators is a cool metaphor, who doesn't want to have some divine "
"powers? In the abstract discussion about the relationship between authors, "
"texts and freedom of speech, it is just a perfect fit. You don't have to "
"rely in anything material to grasp all of them as an unique phenomena. But "
"in the concrete facts of printed texts and the publishers abuses to authors "
"you go beyond attribution. You are not just linking an object to a subject. "
"Instead, you are grating property relationships between subject and an "
#: content/md/003_dont_come.js:145
msgid ""
"And property means nothing if you can't exploit it. At the beginning of "
"publishing industry and during all 18th century, publishers took advantage "
"of this new kind of “property.” The invention of the author as a property "
"function was the rise of new legislation. Germans and French jurists "
"translated this speech to laws."
msgstr ""
"And property means nothing if you can't exploit it. At the beginning of "
"publishing industry and during all 18th century, publishers took advantage "
"of this new kind of “property.” The invention of the author as a property "
"function was the rise of new legislation. Germans and French jurists "
"translated this speech to laws."
#: content/md/003_dont_come.js:150
msgid ""
"I won't talk about the history of moral rights. Instead I want to highlight "
"how this gave a supposedly ethical, political and legal justification of "
"_the individualization_ of cultural commodities. Authorship began to be "
"associated inalienably to individuals and _a_ book started to mean _a_ "
"reader. But not only that, the possibilities of intellectual freedom were "
"reduced to a particular device: printed text."
msgstr ""
"I won't talk about the history of moral rights. Instead I want to highlight "
"how this gave a supposedly ethical, political and legal justification of the "
"_individualization_ of cultural commodities. Authorship began to be "
"associated inalienably to individuals and _a_ book started to mean _a_ "
"reader. But not only that, the possibilities of intellectual freedom were "
"reduced to _a_ particular device: printed text."
#: content/md/003_dont_come.js:157
msgid ""
"More freedom translated to the need of more and more printed material. More "
"freedom implied the requirement of bigger and bigger publishing industry. "
"More freedom entailed the expansionism of cultural capitalism. Books "
"switched to commodities and authors became its owners. Moral rights were "
"never about the freedom of readers, but who was the owner of that "
msgstr ""
"More freedom translated to the need of more and more printed material. More "
"freedom implied the requirement of bigger and bigger publishing industry. "
"More freedom entailed the expansionism of cultural capitalism. Books "
"switched to commodities and authors became its owners. Moral rights were "
"never about the freedom of readers, but who was the owner of that "
#: content/md/003_dont_come.js:163
msgid ""
"Books stopped to be sources of oral and local public debate and became "
"private devices for an “universal” public debate: the Enlightenment. "
"Authorship put attribution in secondary place so individual ownership could "
"become its synonymous. A book for several readers and an author as an id for "
"an intellectual movement or institution became irrelevant against a book as "
"property for a particular reader---as material---and author---as speech."
msgstr ""
"Books stopped to be sources of oral and local public debate and became "
"private devices for an “universal” public debate: the Enlightenment. "
"Authorship put attribution in secondary place so individual ownership could "
"become its synonymous. A book for several readers and an author as an id for "
"an intellectual movement or institution became irrelevant against a book as "
"property for a particular reader---as material---and author---as speech."
#: content/md/003_dont_come.js:170
msgid ""
"And we are sitting here reading all this shit without taking to account that "
"ones of the main wins of our neoliberal world is that we have been talking "
"about objects, individuals and production of wealth. Who the fucks are the "
"subjects who made all this publishing shit possible? Where the fucks are the "
"communities that in several ways make possible the rise of authors? For fuck "
"sake, why aren't we talking about the hidden costs of the maintenance of "
"means of production?"
msgstr ""
"And we are sitting here reading all this shit without taking to account that "
"ones of the main wins of our neoliberal world is that we have been talking "
"about objects, individuals and production of wealth. Who the fucks are the "
"subjects who made all this publishing shit possible? Where the fucks are the "
"communities that in several ways make possible the rise of authors? For fuck "
"sake, why aren't we talking about the hidden costs of the maintenance of "
"means of production?"
#: content/md/003_dont_come.js:178
msgid ""
"We aren't books and we aren't its authors. We aren't those individuals who "
"everybody are gonna relate to the books we are working on and, of course, we "
"lack of sense of community. We aren't the ones who enjoy all that wealth "
"generated by books production but for sure we are the ones who made all that "
"possible. _We are neglecting ourselves_."
msgstr ""
"We aren't books and we aren't its authors. We aren't those individuals who "
"everybody are gonna relate to the books we are working on and, of course, we "
"lack of sense of community. We aren't the ones who enjoy all that wealth "
"generated by books production but for sure we are the ones who made all that "
"possible. _We are neglecting ourselves_."
#: content/md/003_dont_come.js:184
msgid ""
"So don't come with those tales about the greatness of books for our culture, "
"the need of authorship to transfer wealth or to give attribution and how "
"important for our lives is the publishing production."
msgstr ""
"So don't come with those tales about the greatness of books for our culture, "
"the need of authorship to transfer wealth or to give attribution and how "
"important for our lives is the publishing production."
#: content/md/003_dont_come.js:188
msgid ""
"* Did you know that books have been mainly devices of ideological\n"
" reproduction or at least mainly devices for cultural capitalism---most\n"
" best-selling books aren't critical thinking books that free\n"
" our minds, but text books with its hidden curriculum and\n"
" self-help and erotic books that keep reproducing basic exploitable\n"
" stereotypes?\n"
"* Did you realize that authorship haven't been the best way\n"
" to transfer wealth or give attribution---even now more than\n"
" before authors have to paid in order to be published at the\n"
" same time that in the practice they lose all rights?\n"
"* Did you see how we keep to be worry about production no matter\n"
" what---it doesn't matter that it would imply bigger chains\n"
" of free labor or, as I prefer to say: chains of exploitation\n"
" and “intellectual” slavery, because in order to be an\n"
" scholar you have to embrace publishing industry and maybe\n"
" even cultural capitalism?"
msgstr ""
"* Did you know that books have been mainly devices of ideological\n"
" reproduction or at least mainly devices for cultural capitalism---most\n"
" best-selling books aren't critical thinking books that free\n"
" our minds, but text books with its hidden curriculum and\n"
" self-help and erotic books that keep reproducing basic exploitable\n"
" stereotypes?\n"
"* Did you realize that authorship haven't been the best way\n"
" to transfer wealth or give attribution---even worst than\n"
" before authors now have to paid in order to be published and\n"
" they practically lose all their rights?\n"
"* Did you see how we are still worry about production no matter\n"
" what---it doesn't matter that it would imply bigger chains\n"
" of free labor or, as I prefer to say: chains of exploitation\n"
" and “intellectual” slavery, because in order to be an\n"
" scholar or a writer you have to embrace publishing industry and maybe\n"
" even cultural capitalism?"
#: content/md/003_dont_come.js:204
msgid ""
"Please, don't come with those tales, we already reached more fertile fields "
"that can generate way better stories. "
msgstr ""
"Please, don't come with those tales, we already reached more fertile fields "
"that can generate way better stories. "

View File

@ -0,0 +1,477 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: 004_backup 1.0\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: Nika Zhenya <>\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-07-04 07:49-0500\n"
"Last-Translator: Automatically generated\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
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"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-07-04 11:04-0500\n"
"Language-Team: none\n"
"Language: en\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
"X-Generator: Poedit 2.2.1\n"
#: content/md/004_backup.js:1
msgid "# Who Backup Whom?"
msgstr "# Who Backup Whom?"
#: content/md/004_backup.js:2
msgid "> @published 2019/07/04, 10:00 {.published}"
msgstr "> @published 2019/07/04, 11:00 {.published}"
#: content/md/004_backup.js:3
msgid ""
"Among publishers and readers is common to heard about “digital copies.” This "
"implies that ebooks tend to be seen as backups of printed books. How the "
"former became a copy of the original---even tough you first need a digital "
"file in order to print---goes something like this:"
msgstr ""
"Among publishers and readers is common to heard about “digital copies.” This "
"implies that ebooks tend to be seen as backups of printed books. How the "
"former became a copy of the original---even tough you first need a digital "
"file in order to print---goes something like this:"
#: content/md/004_backup.js:8
msgid ""
"1. Digital files (+++DF+++s) with appropriate maintenance could\n"
" have higher probabilities to last longer that its material\n"
" peer.\n"
"2. Physical files (+++PF+++s) are limited due geopolitical\n"
" issues, like cultural policies updates, or due random events,\n"
" like environment changes or accidents.\n"
"3. _Therefore_, +++DF+++s are backups of +++PF+++s because _in\n"
" theory_ its dependence is just technical."
msgstr ""
"1. Digital files (+++DF+++s) with appropriate maintenance could\n"
" have higher probabilities to last longer that its material\n"
" peer.\n"
"2. Physical files (+++PF+++s) are limited due geopolitical\n"
" issues, like cultural policies updates, or due random events,\n"
" like environment changes or accidents.\n"
"3. _Therefore_, +++DF+++s are backups of +++PF+++s because _in\n"
" theory_ its dependence is just technical."
#: content/md/004_backup.js:16
msgid ""
"The famous digital copies arise as a right of private copy. What if one day "
"our printed books get ban or burn? Or maybe some rain or coffee spill could "
"fuck our books collection. Who knows, +++DF+++s seem more reliable."
msgstr ""
"The famous digital copies arise as a right of private copy. What if one day "
"our printed books get ban or burn? Or maybe some rain or coffee spill could "
"fuck our books collection. Who knows, +++DF+++s seem more reliable."
#: content/md/004_backup.js:20
msgid ""
"But there are a couple suppositions in this argument. (1) The technology "
"behind +++DF+++s in one way or the other will always make data flow. Maybe "
"this is because (2) one characteristic---part of its “nature”---of "
"information is that nobody can stop its spread. This could also implies that "
"(3) hackers can always destroy any kind of digital rights management system."
msgstr ""
"But there are a couple suppositions in this argument. (1) The technology "
"behind +++DF+++s in one way or the other will always make data flow. Maybe "
"this is because (2) one characteristic---part of its “nature”---of "
"information is that nobody can stop its spread. This could also implies that "
"(3) hackers can always destroy any kind of digital rights management system."
#: content/md/004_backup.js:26
msgid ""
"Certainly some dudes are gonna be able to hack the locks but at a high cost: "
"every time each [cipher]( is revealed, "
"another more complex is on the way---_Barlow [dixit](https://www.wired."
"com/1994/03/economy-ideas/)_. We cannot trust that our digital "
"infrastructure would be designed with the idea of free share in mind… Also, "
"how can we probe information wants to be free without relying in its "
"“nature” or making it some kind of autonomous subject?"
msgstr ""
"Certainly some dudes are gonna be able to hack the locks but at a high cost: "
"every time each [cipher]( is revealed, "
"another more complex is on the way---*Barlow [dixit](https://www.wired."
"com/1994/03/economy-ideas/)*. We cannot trust that our digital "
"infrastructure would be designed with the idea of free share in mind… Also, "
"how can we probe information wants to be free without relying in its "
"“nature” or making it some kind of autonomous subject?"
#: content/md/004_backup.js:33
msgid ""
"Besides those issues, the dynamic between copies and originals creates an "
"hierarchical order. Every +++DF+++ is in a secondary position because it is "
"a copy. In a world full of things, materiality is and important feature for "
"commons and goods; for several people +++PF+++s are gonna be preferred "
"because, well, you can grasp them."
msgstr ""
"Besides those issues, the dynamic between copies and originals creates an "
"hierarchical order. Every +++DF+++ is in a secondary position because it is "
"a copy. In a world full of things, materiality is and important feature for "
"commons and goods; for several people +++PF+++s are gonna be preferred "
"because, well, you can grasp them."
#: content/md/004_backup.js:39
msgid ""
"Ebook market shows that the hierarchy is at least shading. For some readers +"
"++DF+++s are now in the top of the pyramid. We could say so by the follow "
msgstr ""
"Ebook market shows that the hierarchy is at least shading. For some readers +"
"++DF+++s are now in the top of the pyramid. We could say so by the follow "
#: content/md/004_backup.js:42
msgid ""
"1. +++DF+++s are way more flexible and easy to share.\n"
"2. +++PF+++s are very static and not easy to access.\n"
"3. _Therefore_, +++DF+++s are more suitable for use than +++PF+++s."
msgstr ""
"1. +++DF+++s are way more flexible and easy to share.\n"
"2. +++PF+++s are very rigid and not easy to access.\n"
"3. _Therefore_, +++DF+++s are more suitable for use than +++PF+++s."
#: content/md/004_backup.js:45
msgid ""
"Suddenly, +++PF+++s become hard copies that are gonna store data as it was "
"published. Its information is in disposition to be extracted and processed "
"if need it."
msgstr ""
"Suddenly, +++PF+++s become hard copies that are gonna store data as it was "
"published. Its information is in disposition to be extracted and processed "
"if need it."
#: content/md/004_backup.js:48
msgid ""
"Yeah, we also have a couple assumptions here. Again (1) we rely on the "
"stability of our digital infrastructure that it would allow us to have "
"access to +++DF+++s no matter how old they are. (2) Reader's priorities are "
"over files use---if not merely consumption---not on its preservation and "
"reproduction (+++P&R+++). (3) The argument presume that backups are "
"motionless information, where bookshelves are fridges for later-to-use books."
msgstr ""
"Yeah, we also have a couple assumptions here. Again (1) we rely on the "
"stability of our digital infrastructure that it would allow us to have "
"access to +++DF+++s no matter how old they are. (2) Reader's priorities are "
"over files use---if not merely consumption---not on its preservation and "
"reproduction (+++P&R+++). (3) The argument presume that backups are "
"motionless information, where bookshelves are fridges for later-to-use books."
#: content/md/004_backup.js:55
msgid ""
"The optimism about our digital infrastructure is too damn high. Commonly we "
"see it as a technology that give us access to zillions of files and not as a "
"+++P&R+++ machinery. This could be problematic because some times file "
"formats intended for use aren't the most suitable for +++P&R+++. For "
"example, the use of +++PDF+++s as some kind of ebook. Giving to much "
"importance to reader's priorities could lead us to a situation where the "
"only way to process data is by extracting it again from hard copies. When we "
"do that we also have another headache: fixes on the content have to be add "
"to the last available hard copy edition. But, can you guess where are all "
"the fixes? Probably not. Maybe we should start to think about backups as "
"some sort of _rolling update_."
msgstr ""
"The optimism about our digital infrastructure is too damn high. Commonly we "
"see it as a technology that give us access to zillions of files and not as a "
"+++P&R+++ machinery. This could be problematic because some times file "
"formats intended for use aren't the most suitable for +++P&R+++. For "
"example, the use of +++PDF+++s as some kind of ebook. Giving to much "
"importance to reader's priorities could lead us to a situation where the "
"only way to process data is by extracting it again from hard copies. When we "
"do that we also have another headache: fixes on the content have to be add "
"to the last available hard copy edition. But, can you guess where are all "
"the fixes? Probably not. Maybe we should start to think about backups as "
"some sort of _rolling update_."
#: content/md/004_backup.js:67
msgid ""
"![Programando Libreros while she scans books which +++DF+++s are not "
"suitable for +++P&R+++ or are simply nonexistent; can you see how it is not "
"necessary to have a fucking nice scanner?](../../../img/p004_i001.jpg)"
msgstr ""
"![Programando Libreros while she scans books which +++DF+++s are not "
"suitable for +++P&R+++ or are simply nonexistent; can you see how it is not "
"necessary to have a fucking nice scanner?](../../../img/p004_i001.jpg)"
#: content/md/004_backup.js:70
msgid ""
"As we imagine---and started to live in---scenarios of highly controlled data "
"transfer, we have to picture a situation where for some reason our electric "
"power is off or running low. In that context all the strengths of +++DF+++s "
"become pointless. They may not be accessible. They may not spread. Right now "
"for us is hard to imagine. Generation after generation the storaged +++DF++"
"+s in +++HDD+++s would be inherit with the hope of being used again. But "
"over time those devices with our cultural heritage would become rare objects "
"without any apparent utility."
msgstr ""
"As we imagine---and started to live in---scenarios of highly controlled data "
"transfer, we have to picture a situation where for some reason our electric "
"power is off or running low. In that context all the strengths of +++DF+++s "
"become pointless. They may not be accessible. They may not spread. Right now "
"for us is hard to imagine. Generation after generation the storaged +++DF++"
"+s in +++HDD+++s would be inherit with the hope of being used again. But "
"over time those devices with our cultural heritage would become rare objects "
"without any apparent utility."
#: content/md/004_backup.js:79
msgid ""
"The aspects of +++DF+++s that made us see the fragility of +++PF+++s would "
"disappear in its concealment. Can we still talk about information if it is "
"potential information---we know the data is there, but it is inaccessible "
"because we don't have the means for view them? Or does information already "
"implies the technical resources for its access---i.e. there is not "
"information without a subject with technical skills to extract, process and "
"use the data?"
msgstr ""
"The aspects of +++DF+++s that made us see the fragility of +++PF+++s would "
"disappear in its concealment. Can we still talk about information if it is "
"on a potential stage---we know data is there, but it is inaccessible because "
"we don't have means for view them? Or does information already implies "
"technical resources for its access---i.e. there is not information without a "
"subject with technical skills to extract, process and use the data?"
#: content/md/004_backup.js:86
msgid ""
"When we usually talk about information we already suppose is there, but many "
"times is not accessible. So the idea of potential information could be "
"counterintuitive. If the information isn't actual we just consider that it "
"doesn't exist, not that it is on some potential stage."
msgstr ""
"When we usually talk about information we already suppose it is there, but "
"many times it is not accessible. So the idea of potential information could "
"be counterintuitive. If information isn't actual we just consider that it "
"doesn't exist, not that it is on some potential stage."
#: content/md/004_backup.js:91
msgid ""
"As our technology is developing we assume that we would always have _the "
"possibility_ of better ways to extract or understand data. Thus, that there "
"are bigger chances to get new kinds of information---and take a profit from "
"it. Preservation of data relies between those possibilities, as we usually "
"backup files with the idea that we could need to go back again."
msgstr ""
"As our technology is developing we assume that we would always have _the "
"possibility_ of better ways to extract or understand data. Thus, that there "
"are bigger chances to get new kinds of information---and take profit from "
"it. Preservation of data relies between those possibilities, as we usually "
"backup files with the idea that we could need to go back again."
#: content/md/004_backup.js:97
msgid ""
"Our world become more complex by new things forthcoming to us, most of the "
"times as new characteristics of things we already know. Preservation "
"policies implies an epistemic optimism and not only a desire to keep alive "
"or incorrupt our heritage. We wouldn't backup data if we don't already "
"believe we could need it in a future where we can still use it."
msgstr ""
"Our world become more complex by new things forthcoming to us, most of the "
"times as new characteristics of things we already know. Preservation "
"policies implies an epistemic optimism and not only a desire to keep alive "
"or incorrupt our heritage. We wouldn't backup data if we don't already "
"believe we could need it in a future where we can still use it."
#: content/md/004_backup.js:103
msgid ""
"With this exercise could be clear a potentially paradox of +++DF+++s. More "
"accessibility tends to require more technical infrastructure. This could "
"imply major technical dependence that subordinate accessibility of "
"information to the disposition of technical means. _Therefore_, we achieve a "
"situation where more accessibility is equal to more technical infrastructure "
"and---as we experience nowadays---dependence."
msgstr ""
"With this exercise it could be clear a potentially paradox of +++DF+++s. "
"More accessibility tends to require more technical infrastructure. This "
"could imply major technical dependence that subordinate accessibility of "
"information to the disposition of technical means. _Therefore_, we achieve a "
"situation where more accessibility is equal to more technical infrastructure "
"and---as we experience nowadays---dependence."
#: content/md/004_backup.js:110
msgid ""
"Open access to knowledge involves at least some minimum technical means. "
"Without that, we can't really talk about accessibility of information. "
"Contemporary open access possibilities are restricted to an already "
"technical dependence because we give a lot of attention in the flexibility "
"that +++DF+++s offer us for _its use_. In a world without electric power, "
"this kind of accessibility becomes narrow and an useless effort."
msgstr ""
"Open access to knowledge involves at least some minimum technical means. "
"Without that, we can't really talk about accessibility of information. "
"Contemporary open access possibilities are restricted to an already "
"technical dependence because we give a lot of attention in the flexibility "
"that +++DF+++s offer us for _its use_. In a world without electric power, "
"this kind of accessibility becomes narrow and an useless effort."
#: content/md/004_backup.js:117
msgid ""
"![Programando Libreros and Hacklib while they work on a project intended to +"
"++P&R+++ old Latin American SciFi books; sometimes a V-shape scanner is "
"required when books are very fragile.](../../../img/p004_i002.jpg)"
msgstr ""
"![Programando Libreros and Hacklib while they work on a project intended to +"
"++P&R+++ old Latin American SciFi books; sometimes a V-shape scanner is "
"required when books are very fragile.](../../../img/p004_i002.jpg)"
#: content/md/004_backup.js:120
msgid ""
"So, _who backup whom?_ In our actual world, where geopolitics and technical "
"means restricts flow of data and people at the same time it defends internet "
"access as a human right---some sort of neo-Enlightenment discourse---+++DF++"
"+s are lifesavers in a condition where we don't have more ways to move "
"around or scape---not only from border to border, but also on cyberspace: it "
"is becoming a common place the need to sign up and give your identity in "
"order to use web services. Let's not forget that open access of data can be "
"a course of action to improve as community but also a method to perpetuate "
"social conditions."
msgstr ""
"So, _who backup whom?_ In our actual world, where geopolitics and technical "
"means restricts flow of data and people at the same time it defends internet "
"access as a human right---some sort of neo-Enlightenment discourse---+++DF++"
"+s are lifesavers in a condition where we don't have more ways to move "
"around or scape---not only from border to border, but also on cyberspace: it "
"is becoming a common place the need to sign up and give your identity in "
"order to use web services. Let's not forget that open access of data can be "
"a course of action to improve as community but also a method to perpetuate "
"social conditions."
#: content/md/004_backup.js:130
msgid ""
"Not a lot of people are as privilege as us when we talk about access to "
"technical means. Even more concerning, they are hommies with disabilities "
"that made very hard for them to access information albeit they have those "
"means. Isn't it funny that our ideas as file contents can move more “freely” "
"than us---your memes can reach web platform where you are not allow to sign "
msgstr ""
"Not a lot of people are as privilege as us when we talk about access to "
"technical means. Even more concerning, there are hommies with disabilities "
"that made very hard for them to access information albeit they have those "
"means. Isn't it funny that our ideas as file contents can move more “freely” "
"than us---your memes can reach web platform where you are not allow to sign "
#: content/md/004_backup.js:136
msgid ""
"I desire more technological developments for freedom of +++P&R+++ and not "
"just for use as enjoyment---no matter is for intellectual or consumption "
"purposes. I want us to be free. But sometimes use of data, +++P&R+++ of "
"information and people mobility freedoms don't get along."
msgstr ""
"I desire more technological developments for freedom of +++P&R+++ and not "
"just for use as enjoyment---no matter is for intellectual or consumption "
"purposes. I want us to be free. But sometimes use of data, +++P&R+++ of "
"information and people mobility freedoms don't get along."
#: content/md/004_backup.js:141
msgid ""
"With +++DF+++s we achieve more independence in file use because once it is "
"save, it could spread. It doesn't matter we have religious or political "
"barriers; the battle take place mainly in technical grounds. But this "
"doesn't made +++DF+++s more autonomous in its +++P&R+++. Neither implies we "
"can archive personal or community freedoms. They are objects. _They are "
"tools_ and whoever use them better, whoever owns them, would have more power."
msgstr ""
"With +++DF+++s we achieve more independence in file use because once it is "
"save, it could spread. It doesn't matter we have religious or political "
"barriers; the battle take place mainly in technical grounds. But this "
"doesn't made +++DF+++s more autonomous in its +++P&R+++. Neither implies we "
"can archive personal or community freedoms. They are objects. _They are "
"tools_ and whoever use them better, whoever owns them, would have more power."
#: content/md/004_backup.js:148
msgid ""
"With +++PF+++s we can have more +++P&R+++ accessibility. We can do whatever "
"we want with them: extract their data, process it and let it free. But only "
"if we are their owners. Often that is not the case, so +++PF+++s tend to "
"have more restricted access for its use. And, again, this doesn't mean we "
"can be free. There is not any cause and effect between what object made "
"possible and how subjects want to be free. They are tools, they are not "
"master or slaves, just means for whoever use them… but for which ends?"
msgstr ""
"With +++PF+++s we can have more +++P&R+++ freedom. We can do whatever we "
"want with them: extract their data, process it and let it free. But only if "
"we are their owners. Often that is not the case, so +++PF+++s tend to have "
"more restricted access for its use. And, again, this doesn't mean we can be "
"free. There is not any cause and effect relationship between what object "
"made possible and how subjects want to be free. They are tools, they are not "
"master or slaves, just means for whoever use them… but for which ends?"
#: content/md/004_backup.js:157
msgid ""
"We need +++DF+++s and +++PF+++s as backups and as everyday objects of use. "
"The act of backup is a dynamic category. Backed up files are not inert and "
"they aren't only a substrate waiting to be use. Sometimes we are going to "
"use +++PF+++s because +++DF+++s have been corrupted or its technical "
"infrastructure has been shut down. In other occasions we would use +++DF+++s "
"when +++PF+++s have been destroyed or restricted."
msgstr ""
"We need +++DF+++s and +++PF+++s as backups and as everyday objects of use. "
"The act of backup is a dynamic category. Backed up files are not inert and "
"they aren't only substrates waiting to be use. Sometimes we are going to use "
"+++PF+++s because +++DF+++s have been corrupted or its technical "
"infrastructure has been shut down. In other occasions we would use +++DF+++s "
"when +++PF+++s have been destroyed or restricted."
#: content/md/004_backup.js:164
msgid ""
"![Due restricted access to +++PF+++s, sometimes it is necessary a portable V-"
"shape scanner; this model allows us to handle damaged books while we can "
"also storage it in a backpack.](../../../img/p004_i003.jpg)"
msgstr ""
"![Due restricted access to +++PF+++s, sometimes it is necessary a portable V-"
"shape scanner; this model allows us to handle damaged books while we can "
"also storage it in a backpack.](../../../img/p004_i003.jpg)"
#: content/md/004_backup.js:167
msgid ""
"So the struggle about backups---and all that shit about “freedom” on +++FOSS+"
"++ communities---it is not only around the “incorporeal” realm of "
"information. Nor on the technical means that made digital data possible. "
"Neither in the laws that transform production into property. We have others "
"battle fronts against the monopoly of the cyberspace---or as Lingel [says]"
"( "
"the gentrification of the internet."
msgstr ""
"So the struggle about backups---and all that shit about “freedom” on +++FOSS+"
"++ communities---it is not only around the “incorporeal” realm of "
"information. Nor on the technical means that made digital data possible. "
"Neither in the laws that transform production into property. We have others "
"battle fronts against the monopoly of the cyberspace---or as Lingel [says]"
"( "
"the gentrification of the internet."
#: content/md/004_backup.js:174
msgid ""
"It is not just about software, hardware, privacy, information or laws. It is "
"about us: how we build communities and how technology constitutes us as "
"subjects. _We need more theory_. But a very diversified one because being on "
"internet it is not the same for an scholar, a publisher, a woman, a kid, a "
"refugee, a non-white, a poor or an old person. This space it is not neutral, "
"homogeneous and two-dimensional. It has wires, it has servers, it has "
"exploited employees, it has buildings, _it has power_ and it has, well, all "
"that things the “real world” has. Not because you use a device to access "
"means that you can always decide if you are online or not: you are always "
"online as an user as a consumer or as data."
msgstr ""
"It is not just about software, hardware, privacy, information or laws. It is "
"about us: how we build communities and how technology constitutes us as "
"subjects. _We need more theory_. But a very diversified one because being on "
"internet it is not the same for an scholar, a publisher, a woman, a kid, a "
"refugee, a non-white, a poor or an old lady. This space it isn't neutral nor "
"homogeneous nor two-dimensional. It has wires, it has servers, it has "
"exploited employees, it has buildings, _it has power_ and it has, well, all "
"that things the “real world” has. Not because you use a device to access "
"means that you can always decide if you are online or not: you are always "
"online as an user as a consumer or as data."
#: content/md/004_backup.js:186
msgid ""
"_Who backup whom?_ As internet is changing us as printed text did, backed up "
"files it isn't the storage of data, but _the memory of our world_. Is it "
"still a good idea to leave the work of +++P&R+++ to a couple of hardware and "
"software companies? Are we now allow to say that the act of backup implies "
"files but something else too? "
msgstr ""
"_Who backup whom?_ As internet is changing us as printed text did, backed up "
"files aren't storages of data, but _the memory of our world_. Is it still a "
"good idea to leave the work of +++P&R+++ to a couple hardware and software "
"companies? Are we now allow to say that the act of backup implies files but "
"something else too? "

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -0,0 +1,808 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: 006_copyleft-pandemic 1.0\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: Nika Zhenya <>\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-04-08 00:02-0500\n"
"Last-Translator: Automatically generated\n"
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"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-04-08 11:03-0500\n"
"Language-Team: none\n"
"Language: en\n"
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"X-Generator: Poedit 2.3\n"
#: content/md/006_copyleft-pandemic.js:1
msgid "# The Copyleft Pandemic"
msgstr ""
"# The Copyleft Pandemic\n"
"> @published 2020/04/08, 6:00 {.published}"
#: content/md/006_copyleft-pandemic.js:2
msgid ""
"It seems that we needed a global pandemic for publishers to finally give "
"open access. I guess we should say… thanks?"
msgstr ""
"It seems that we needed a global pandemic for publishers to finally give "
"open access. I guess we should say… thanks?"
#: content/md/006_copyleft-pandemic.js:4
msgid ""
"In my opinion it was a good +++PR+++ maneuver, who doesn't like companies "
"when they do _good_? This pandemic has shown its capacity to fortify public "
"and private institutions, no matter how poorly they have done their job and "
"how these new policies are normalizing surveillance. But who cares, I can "
"barely make a living publishing books and I have never been involved in "
"government work."
msgstr ""
"In my opinion it was a good +++PR+++ maneuver, who doesn't like companies "
"when they do _good_? This pandemic has shown its capacity to fortify public "
"and private institutions, no matter how poorly they have done their job and "
"how these new policies are normalizing surveillance. But who cares, I can "
"barely make a living publishing books and I have never been involved in "
"government work."
#: content/md/006_copyleft-pandemic.js:10
msgid ""
"An interesting side effect about this “kind” and _temporal_ openness is "
"about authorship. One of the most relevant arguments in favor of "
"intellectual property (+++IP+++) is the defense of authors' rights to make a "
"living with their work. The utilitarian and labor justifications of +++IP+++ "
"are very clear in that sense. For the former, +++IP+++ laws confer an "
"incentive for cultural production and, thus, for the so-called creation of "
"wealth. For the latter, author's “labour of his body, and the work of his "
"hands, we may say, are properly his.”"
msgstr ""
"An interesting side effect about this “kind” and _temporal_ openness is "
"about authorship. One of the most relevant arguments in favor of "
"intellectual property (+++IP+++) is the defense of authors' rights to make a "
"living with their work. The utilitarian and labor justifications of +++IP+++ "
"are very clear in that sense. For the former, +++IP+++ laws confer an "
"incentive for cultural production and, thus, for the so-called creation of "
"wealth. For the latter, author's “labour of his body, and the work of his "
"hands, we may say, are properly his.”"
#: content/md/006_copyleft-pandemic.js:19
msgid ""
"But also in personal-based justifications the author is a primordial subject "
"for +++IP+++ laws. Actually, this justification wouldn't exist if the author "
"didn't have an intimate and qualitatively distinctive relationship with her "
"own work. Without some metaphysics or theological conceptions about cultural "
"production, this special relation is difficult to prove---but that is "
"another story."
msgstr ""
"But also in personal-based justifications the author is a primordial subject "
"for +++IP+++ laws. Actually, this justification wouldn't exist if the author "
"didn't have an intimate and qualitatively distinctive relationship with her "
"own work. Without some metaphysics or theological conceptions about cultural "
"production, this special relation is difficult to prove---but that is "
"another story."
#: content/md/006_copyleft-pandemic.js:25
msgid ""
"![Locke and Hegel drinking tea while discussing several topics on "
msgstr ""
"![Locke and Hegel drinking tea while discussing several topics on "
#: content/md/006_copyleft-pandemic.js:26
msgid ""
"From copyfight, copyleft and copyfarleft movements, a lot of people have "
"argued that this argument hides the fact that most authors can't make a "
"living, whereas publishers and distributors profit a lot. Some critics claim "
"governments should give more power to “creators” instead of allowing "
"“reproducers” to do whatever they want. I am not a fan of this way of doing "
"things because I don't think anyone should have more power, including "
"authors, and also because in my world government is synonymous with "
"corruption and death. But diversity of opinions is important, I just hope "
"not all governments are like that."
msgstr ""
"From copyfight, copyleft and copyfarleft movements, a lot of people have "
"argued that this argument hides the fact that most authors can't make a "
"living, whereas publishers and distributors profit a lot. Some critics claim "
"governments should give more power to “creators” instead of allowing "
"“reproducers” to do whatever they want. I am not a fan of this way of doing "
"things because I don't think anyone should have more power---including "
"authors---but than to distribute, and also because in my world government is "
"synonymous with corruption and death. But diversity of opinions is "
"important, I just hope not all governments are like that."
#: content/md/006_copyleft-pandemic.js:36
msgid ""
"So between copyright, copyfight, copyleft and copyfarleft defenders there is "
"usually a mysterious assent about producer relevance. The disagreement comes "
"with how this overview about cultural production is or should translate into "
"policies and legislation."
msgstr ""
"So between copyright, copyfight, copyleft and copyfarleft defenders there is "
"usually a mysterious assent about producer relevance. The disagreement comes "
"with how this overview about cultural production is or should translate into "
"policies, legislation and political organization."
#: content/md/006_copyleft-pandemic.js:40
msgid ""
"In times of emergency and crisis we are seeing how easily it is to “pause” "
"those discussions and laws---or fast track [other ones](https://www."
"against-end-to-end-encryption). On the side of governments this again shows "
"how copyright and authors' rights aren't natural laws nor are they grounded "
"beyond our political and economic systems. From the side of copyright "
"defenders, this phenomena makes it clear that authorship is an argument that "
"doesn't rely on the actual producers, cultural phenomena or world issues… "
"And it also shows that there are [librarians](https://blog.archive."
"emergency-library) and [researchers]("
"story/2020-03-03/covid-19-open-science) fighting in favor of public "
"interests; +++AKA+++, how important libraries and open access are today and "
"how they can't be replaced by (online) bookstores or subscription-based "
msgstr ""
"In times of emergency and crisis we are seeing how easily it is to “pause” "
"those discussions and laws---or fast track [other ones](https://www."
"against-end-to-end-encryption). On the side of governments this again shows "
"how copyright and authors' rights aren't natural laws nor are they grounded "
"beyond our political and economic systems. From the side of copyright "
"defenders, this phenomena makes it clear that authorship is an argument that "
"doesn't rely on the actual producers, cultural phenomena or world issues… "
"And it also shows that there are [librarians](https://blog.archive."
"emergency-library) and [researchers]("
"story/2020-03-03/covid-19-open-science) fighting in favor of public "
"interests; +++AKA+++, how important libraries and open access are today and "
"how they can't be replaced by (online) bookstores or subscription-based "
#: content/md/006_copyleft-pandemic.js:53
msgid ""
"I would find it very pretentious if [some authors](https://www.authorsguild."
"org/industry-advocacy/internet-archives-uncontrolled-digital-lending) and "
"[some publishers]("
"ceo-maria-pallante-on-the-internet-archives-national-emergency-library) "
"didn't agree with this _temporal_ openness of their work. But let's not miss "
"the point: this global pandemic has shown how easily it is for publishers "
"and distributors to opt for openness or paywalls---who cares about the "
"authors?… So next time you defend copyright as authors' rights to make a "
"living, think twice, only few have been able to earn a livelihood, and while "
"you think you are helping them, you are actually making third parties richer."
msgstr ""
"I find it very pretentious that [some authors]("
"industry-advocacy/internet-archives-uncontrolled-digital-lending) and [some "
"maria-pallante-on-the-internet-archives-national-emergency-library) didn't "
"agree with this _temporal_ openness of their work. But let's not miss the "
"point: this global pandemic has shown how easily it is for publishers and "
"distributors to opt for openness or paywalls---who cares about the authors?… "
"So next time you defend copyright as authors' rights to make a living, think "
"twice, only few have been able to earn a livelihood, and while you think you "
"are helping them, you are actually making third parties richer."
#: content/md/006_copyleft-pandemic.js:62
msgid ""
"In the end the copyright holders are not the only ones who defend their "
"interests by addressing the importance of people---in their case the "
"authors, but more generally and secularly the producers. The copyleft "
"holders---a kind of cool copyright holder that hacked copyright laws---also "
"defends their interest in a similar way, but instead of authors, they talk "
"about users and instead of profits, they supposedly defend freedom."
msgstr ""
"In the end the copyright holders are not the only ones who defend their "
"interests by addressing the importance of people---in their case the "
"authors, but more generally and secularly the producers. The copyleft "
"holders---a kind of “cool” copyright holder that hacked copyright laws---"
"also defends their interest in a similar way, but instead of authors, they "
"talk about users and instead of profits, they supposedly defend freedom."
#: content/md/006_copyleft-pandemic.js:69
msgid ""
"There is a huge difference between each of them, but I just want to denote "
"how they talk about people in order to defend their interests. I wouldn't "
"put them in the same sack if it wasn't because of these two issues."
msgstr ""
"There is a huge difference between each of them, but I just want to denote "
"how they talk about people in order to defend their interests. I wouldn't "
"put them in the same sack if it wasn't because of these two issues."
#: content/md/006_copyleft-pandemic.js:73
msgid ""
"Some copyleft holders were so annoying in defending Stallman. _Dudes_, at "
"least from here we don't reduce the free software movement to one person, no "
"matter if he's the founder or how smart or important he is or was. "
"Criticizing his actions wasn't synonymous with throwing away what this "
"movement has done---what we have done!---, as a lot of you tried to mitigate "
"the issue: “Oh, but he is not the movement, we shouldn't have made a big "
"issue about that.” His and your attitude is the fucking issue. Together you "
"have made it very clear how narrow both views are. Stallman fucked it up and "
"was behaving very immaturely by thinking the movement is or was thanks to "
"him---we also have our own stories about his behavior---, why don't we just "
"accept that?"
msgstr ""
"Some copyleft holders were so annoying in defending Stallman. _Dudes_, at "
"least from here we don't reduce the free software movement to one person, no "
"matter if he's the founder or how smart or important he is or was. "
"Criticizing his actions wasn't synonymous with throwing away what this "
"movement has done---what we have done!---, as a lot of you tried to mitigate "
"the issue: “Oh, but he is not the movement, we shouldn't have made a big "
"issue about that.” His and your attitude is the fucking issue. Together you "
"have made it very clear how narrow both views are. Stallman fucked it up and "
"was behaving very immaturely by thinking the movement is or was thanks to "
"him---we also have our own stories about his behavior---, why don't we just "
"accept that?"
#: content/md/006_copyleft-pandemic.js:85
msgid ""
"But I don't really care about him. For me and the people I work with, the "
"free software movement is a wildcard that joins efforts related to "
"technology, politics and culture for better worlds. Nevertheless, the +++FSF+"
"++, the +++OSI+++, +++CC+++, and other big copyleft institutions don't seem "
"to realize that a plurality of worlds implies a diversity of conceptions "
"about freedom. And even worse, they have made a very common mistake when we "
"talk about freedom: they forgot that “freedom wants to be free.”"
msgstr ""
"But I don't really care about him. For me and the people I work with, the "
"free software movement is a wildcard that joins efforts related to "
"technology, politics and culture for better worlds. Nevertheless, the +++FSF+"
"++, the +++OSI+++, +++CC+++, and other big copyleft institutions don't seem "
"to realize that a plurality of worlds implies a diversity of conceptions "
"about freedom. And even worse, they have made a very common mistake when we "
"talk about freedom: they forgot that “freedom wants to be free.”"
#: content/md/006_copyleft-pandemic.js:93
msgid ""
"Instead, they have tried to give formal definitions of software freedom. "
"Don't get me wrong, definitions are a good way to plan and understand a "
"phenomenon. But besides its formality, it is problematic to bind others to "
"your own definitions, mainly when you say the movement is about and for them."
msgstr ""
"Instead, they have tried to give formal definitions of software freedom. "
"Don't get me wrong, definitions are a good way to plan and understand a "
"phenomenon. But besides its formality, it is problematic to bind others to "
"your own definitions, mainly when you say the movement is about and for them."
#: content/md/006_copyleft-pandemic.js:98
msgid ""
"Among all concepts, freedom is actually very tricky to define. How can you "
"delimit a concept in a definition when the concept itself claims the "
"inability of, perhaps, any restraint? It is not that freedom can't be "
"defined---I am actually assuming a definition of freedom---, but about how "
"general and static it could be. If the world changes, if people change, if "
"the world is actually an array of worlds and if people sometimes behave one "
"way or the other, of course the notion of freedom is gonna vary."
msgstr ""
"Among all concepts, freedom is actually very tricky to define. How can you "
"delimit an idea in a definition when the concept itself claims the inability "
"of, perhaps, any restraint? It is not that freedom can't be defined---I am "
"actually assuming a definition of freedom---, but about how general and "
"static it could be. If the world changes, if people change, if the world is "
"actually an array of worlds and if people sometimes behave one way or the "
"other, of course the notion of freedom is gonna vary."
#: content/md/006_copyleft-pandemic.js:107
msgid ""
"With freedom's different meanings we could try to reduce its diversity so it "
"could be embedded in any context or we could try something else. I dunno, "
"maybe we could make software freedom an interoperable concept that fits each "
"of our worlds or we could just stop trying to get a common principle."
msgstr ""
"With freedom's different meanings we could try to reduce its diversity so it "
"could be embedded in any context or we could try something else. I dunno, "
"maybe we could make software freedom an interoperable concept that fits each "
"of our worlds or we could just stop trying to get a common principle."
#: content/md/006_copyleft-pandemic.js:112
msgid ""
"The copyleft institutions I mentioned and many other companies that are "
"proud to support the copyleft movement tend to be blind about this. I am "
"talking from my experiences, my battles and my struggles when I decided to "
"use copyfarleft licenses in most parts of my work. Instead of receiving "
"support from institutional representatives, I first received warnings: “That "
"freedom you are talking about isn't freedom.” Afterwards, when I sought "
"infrastructure support, I got refusals: “You are invited to use our code in "
"your server, but we can't provide you hosting because your licenses aren't "
"free.” Dawgs, if I could, I wouldn't look for your help in the first place, "
msgstr ""
"The copyleft institutions I mentioned and many other companies that are "
"proud to support the copyleft movement tend to be blind about this. I am "
"talking from my experiences, my battles and my struggles when I decided to "
"use copyfarleft licenses in most parts of my work. Instead of receiving "
"support from institutional representatives, I first received warnings: “That "
"freedom you are talking about isn't freedom.” Afterwards, when I sought "
"infrastructure support, I got refusals: “You are invited to use our code in "
"your server, but we can't provide you hosting because your licenses aren't "
"free.” Dawgs, if I could, I wouldn't look for your help in the first place, "
#: content/md/006_copyleft-pandemic.js:123
msgid ""
"Thanks to a lot of Latin American hackers and pirates, I am little by little "
"building my and our own infrastructure. But I know this help is actually a "
"privilege: for many years I couldn't execute many projects or ideas only "
"because I didn't have access to the technology or tuition. And even worse, I "
"wasn't able to look to a wider and more complex horizon without all this "
msgstr ""
"Thanks to a lot of Latin American hackers and pirates, I am little by little "
"building my and our own infrastructure. But I know this help is actually a "
"privilege: for many years I couldn't execute many projects or ideas only "
"because I didn't have access to the technology or tuition. And even worse, I "
"wasn't able to look to a wider and more complex horizon without all this "
#: content/md/006_copyleft-pandemic.js:129
msgid ""
"(There is a pedagogical deficiency in the free software movement that makes "
"people think that writing documentation and praising self-taught learning is "
"enough. From my point of view, it is more about the production of a self-"
"image in how a hacker or a pirate _should be_. Plus, it's fucking scary when "
"you realize how manly, hierarchical and meritocratic this movement tends to "
msgstr ""
"(There is a pedagogical deficiency in the free software movement that makes "
"people think that writing documentation and praising self-taught learning is "
"enough. From my point of view, it is more about the production of a self-"
"image in how a hacker or a pirate _should be_. Plus, it's fucking scary when "
"you realize how manly, hierarchical and meritocratic this movement could be)."
#: content/md/006_copyleft-pandemic.js:136
msgid ""
"According to copyleft folks, my notion of software freedom isn't free "
"because copyfarleft licenses prevents _people_ from using software. This is "
"a very common criticism of any copyfarleft license. And it is also a very "
"paradoxical one."
msgstr ""
"According to copyleft folks, my notion of software freedom isn't free "
"because copyfarleft licenses prevents _people_ from using software. This is "
"a very common criticism of any copyfarleft license. And it is also a very "
"paradoxical one."
#: content/md/006_copyleft-pandemic.js:140
msgid ""
"Between the free software movement and open source initiative, there has "
"been a disagreement about who ought to inherit the same type of license, "
"like the General Public License. For the free software movement, this clause "
"ensures that software will always be free. According to the open source "
"initiative, this clause is actually a counter-freedom because it doesn't "
"allow people to decide which license to use and it also isn't very "
"attractive for enterprise entrepreneurship. Let's not forget that both sides "
"agree that the market is are essential for technology development."
msgstr ""
"Between the free software movement and open source initiative, there has "
"been a disagreement about who ought to inherit the same type of license, "
"like the General Public License. For the free software movement, this clause "
"ensures that software will always be free. According to the open source "
"initiative, this clause is actually a counter-freedom because it doesn't "
"allow people to decide which license to use and it also isn't very "
"attractive for enterprise entrepreneurship. Let's not forget that the "
"institutions of both sides agree that the market is essential for technology "
#: content/md/006_copyleft-pandemic.js:150
msgid ""
"Free software supporters tend to vanish the discussion by declaring that "
"open source defenders don't understand the social implication of this "
"hereditary clause or that they have different interests and ways to change "
"technology development. So it's kind of paradoxical that these folks see the "
"anti-capitalist clause of copyfarleft licenses as a counter-freedom. Or they "
"don't understand its implications or perceive that copyfarleft doesn't talk "
"about technology development in its insolation, but in its relationship with "
"politics, society and economy."
msgstr ""
"Free software supporters tend to vanish the discussion by declaring that "
"open source defenders don't understand the social implication of this "
"hereditary clause or that they have different interests and ways to change "
"technology development. So it's kind of paradoxical that these folks see the "
"anti-capitalist clause of copyfarleft licenses as a counter-freedom. Or they "
"don't understand its implications nor perceive that copyfarleft doesn't talk "
"about technology development in its insolation, but in its relationship with "
"politics, society and economy."
#: content/md/006_copyleft-pandemic.js:160
msgid ""
"I won't defend copyfarleft against those criticisms. First, I don't think I "
"should defend anything because I am not saying everyone should grasp our "
"notion of freedom. Second, I have a strong opinion against the usual legal "
"reductionism among this debate. Third, I think we should focus on the ways "
"we can work together, instead of paying attention to what could divide us. "
"Finally, I don't think these criticisms are wrong, but incomplete: the "
"definition of software freedom has inherited the philosophical problem of "
"how we define and what the definition of freedom implies."
msgstr ""
"I won't defend copyfarleft against those criticisms. First, I don't think I "
"should defend anything because I am not saying everyone should grasp our "
"notion of freedom. Second, I have a strong opinion against the usual legal "
"reductionism among this debate. Third, I think we should focus on the ways "
"we can work together, instead of paying attention to what could divide us. "
"Finally, I don't think these criticisms are wrong, but incomplete: the "
"definition of software freedom has inherited the philosophical problem of "
"how we define and what the definition of freedom implies."
#: content/md/006_copyleft-pandemic.js:169
msgid ""
"That doesn't mean I don't care about this discussion. Actually, it's a topic "
"I'm very familiar with. Copyright has locked me out with paywalls for "
"technology and knowledge access, copyleft has kept me away with "
"“licensewalls” with the same effects. So let's take a moment to see how free "
"the freedom is that the copyleft institutions are preaching."
msgstr ""
"That doesn't mean I don't care about this discussion. Actually, it's a topic "
"I'm very familiar with. Copyright has locked me out with paywalls for "
"technology and knowledge access, while copyleft has kept me away with "
"“licensewalls” with the same effects. So let's take a moment to see how free "
"the freedom is that the copyleft institutions are preaching."
#: content/md/006_copyleft-pandemic.js:175
msgid ""
"According to _Open Source Software & The Department of Defense_ (+++DoD+++), "
"The +++U.S. DoD+++ is one of the biggest consumers of open source. To put it "
"in perspective, all tactical vehicles of the +++U.S.+++ Army employs at "
"least one piece of open source software in its programming. Other examples "
"are _the use_ of Android to direct airstrikes or _the use_ of Linux for the "
"ground stations that operates military drones like the Predator and Reaper."
msgstr ""
"According to _Open Source Software & The Department of Defense_ (+++DoD+++), "
"The +++U.S. DoD+++ is one of the biggest consumers of open source. To put it "
"in perspective, all tactical vehicles of the +++U.S.+++ Army employs at "
"least one piece of open source software in its programming. Other examples "
"are _the use_ of Android to direct airstrikes or _the use_ of Linux for the "
"ground stations that operates military drones like the Predator and Reaper."
#: content/md/006_copyleft-pandemic.js:183
msgid ""
"![A Reaper drone [incorrectly bombarding]("
"news/2019/nov/18/killer-drones-how-many-uav-predator-reaper) civilians in "
"Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Syria and Yemen in order to deliver +++U.S. DoD+"
"++ notion of freedom.](../../../img/p006_i002.png)"
msgstr ""
"![Reaper drones incorrectly bombarding civilians in Afghanistan, Iraq, "
"Pakistan, Syria and Yemen in order to deliver +++U.S. DoD+++ notion of "
#: content/md/006_copyleft-pandemic.js:184
msgid ""
"Before you argue that this is a problem about open source software and not "
"free software, you should check out the +++DoD+++ [+++FAQ+++ section]"
"( There, they define "
"open source software as “software for which the human-readable source code "
"is available for use, study, re-use, modification, enhancement, and re-"
"distribution by the users of that software.” Does that sound familiar? Of "
"course!, they include +++GPL+++ as an open software license and they even "
"rule that “an open source software license must also meet the +++GNU+++ Free "
"Software Definition.”"
msgstr ""
"Before you argue that this is a problem about open source software and not "
"free software, you should check out the +++DoD+++ [+++FAQ+++ section]"
"( There, they define "
"open source software as “software for which the human-readable source code "
"is available for use, study, re-use, modification, enhancement, and re-"
"distribution by the users of that software.” Does that sound familiar? Of "
"course!, they include +++GPL+++ as an open software license and they even "
"rule that “an open source software license must also meet the +++GNU+++ Free "
"Software Definition.”"
#: content/md/006_copyleft-pandemic.js:194
msgid ""
"This report was published in 2016 by the Center for a New American Security "
"(+++CNAS+++), a right-wing think tank which [mission and agenda](https://www."
" is “designed to shape the choices of leaders in the +++U.S."
"+++ government, the private sector, and society to advance +++U.S.+++ "
"interests and strategy.”"
msgstr ""
"This report was published in 2016 by the Center for a New American Security "
"(+++CNAS+++), a right-wing think tank which [mission and agenda](https://www."
" is “designed to shape the choices of leaders in the +++U.S."
"+++ government, the private sector, and society to advance +++U.S.+++ "
"interests and strategy.”"
#: content/md/006_copyleft-pandemic.js:199
msgid ""
"I found this report after I read about how the [+++U.S.+++ Army scrapped one "
"billion dollars for its “Iron Dome” after Israel refused to share code]"
"israel-refuses-to-provide-key-codes). I found it interesting that even the "
"so-called most powerful army in the world was disabled by copyright laws---a "
"potential resource for asymmetric warfare. To my surprise, this isn't an "
msgstr ""
"I found this report after I read about how the +++U.S.+++ Army [scrapped]"
"israel-refuses-to-provide-key-codes) one billion dollars for its “Iron Dome” "
"after Israel refused to share key codes. I found it interesting that even "
"the so-called most powerful army in the world was disabled by copyright "
"laws---a potential resource for asymmetric warfare. To my surprise, this "
"isn't an anomaly."
#: content/md/006_copyleft-pandemic.js:206
msgid ""
"The intention of +++CNAS+++ report is to convince +++DoD+++ to adopt more "
"open source software because its “generally better than their proprietary "
"counterparts […] because they can _take advantage_ of the brainpower of "
"larger teams, which leads to faster innovation, higher quality, and superior "
"security for _a fraction of the cost_.” This report has its origins by the "
"“justifiably” concern “about the erosion of +++U.S.+++ military technical "
msgstr ""
"The intention of +++CNAS+++ report is to convince +++DoD+++ to adopt more "
"open source software because its “generally better than their proprietary "
"counterparts […] because they can _take advantage_ of the _brainpower_ of "
"larger teams, which leads to faster innovation, higher quality, and superior "
"security for _a fraction of the cost_.” This report has its origins by the "
"“justifiably” concern “about the erosion of +++U.S.+++ military technical "
#: content/md/006_copyleft-pandemic.js:214
msgid ""
"Who would think that this could happen to +++FOSS+++? Well, all of us from "
"this part of the world have been saying that the type of freedom endorsed by "
"many copyleft institutions is too wide, counterproductive for its own "
"objectives and, of course, inapplicable for our context because that liberal "
"notion of software freedom relies on strong institutions and the capacity of "
"own property or capitalize knowledge. The same ones which have been trying "
"to explain that the economic models they try to “teach” us don't work or we "
"doubt them because of their side effects. Crowdfunding isn't easy here "
"because our cultural production is heavily dependent on government aids and "
"policies, instead of the private or public sectors. And donations aren't a "
"good idea because of the hidden interests they could have and the economic "
"dependence they generate."
msgstr ""
"Who would think that this could happen to free and open source software (++"
"+FOSS+++)? Well, all of us from this part of the world have been saying that "
"the type of freedom endorsed by many copyleft institutions is too wide, "
"counterproductive for its own objectives and, of course, inapplicable for "
"our context because that liberal notion of software freedom relies on strong "
"institutions and the capacity of own property or capitalize knowledge. The "
"same ones which have been trying to explain that the economic models they "
"try to “teach” us don't work or we doubt them because of their side effects. "
"Crowdfunding isn't easy here because our cultural production is heavily "
"dependent on government aids and policies, instead of the private or public "
"sectors. And donations aren't a good idea because of the hidden interests "
"they could have and the economic dependence they generate."
#: content/md/006_copyleft-pandemic.js:227
msgid ""
"But I guess it has to burst their bubble in order to get the point across. "
"For example, the Epstein controversial donations to +++MIT+++ Media Lab and "
"his friendship with some folks of +++CC+++; or the use of open source "
"software by the +++U.S.+++ Immigration and Customs Enforcement. While for "
"decades +++FOSS+++ has been a mechanism to facilitate the murder of “Global "
"South” citizens; a tool for Chinese labor exploitation denounced by the "
"anti-996 movement; a licensewall for technological and knowledge access for "
"people who can't afford infrastructure and the learning it triggers, even "
"though the code is “free” _to use_; or a police of software freedom that "
"denies Latin America and other regions their right to self-determinate its "
"freedom, its software policies and its economic models."
msgstr ""
"But I guess it has to burst their bubble in order to get the point across. "
"For example, the Epstein controversial donations to +++MIT+++ Media Lab and "
"his friendship with some folks of +++CC+++; or the use of open source "
"software by the +++U.S.+++ Immigration and Customs Enforcement. While for "
"decades +++FOSS+++ has been a mechanism to facilitate the murder of “Global "
"South” citizens; a tool for Chinese labor exploitation denounced by the "
"anti-996 movement; a licensewall for technological and knowledge access for "
"people who can't afford infrastructure and the learning it triggers, even "
"though the code is “free” _to use_; or a police of software freedom that "
"denies Latin America and other regions their right to self-determinate its "
"freedom, its software policies and its economic models."
#: content/md/006_copyleft-pandemic.js:240
msgid ""
"Those copyleft institutions that care so much about “user freedoms” actually "
"haven't been explicit about how +++FOSS+++ is helping shape a world where a "
"lot of us don't fit in. It had to be right-wing think tanks, the ones that "
"declare the relevance of +++FOSS+++ for warfare, intelligence, security and "
"authoritarian regimes, while these institutions have been making many "
"efforts in justifying its way of understanding cultural production as a "
"commodification of its political capacity. They have shown that in their "
"pursuit of government and corporate adoption of +++FOSS+++, when it favors "
"their interests, they talk about “software user freedoms” but actually refer "
"to “freedom of use software”, no matter who the user is or what it has been "
"used for."
msgstr ""
"Those copyleft institutions that care so much about “user freedoms” actually "
"haven't been explicit about how +++FOSS+++ is helping shape a world where a "
"lot of us don't fit in. It had to be right-wing think tanks, the ones that "
"declare the relevance of +++FOSS+++ for warfare, intelligence, security and "
"authoritarian regimes, while these institutions have been making many "
"efforts in justifying its way of understanding cultural production as a "
"commodification of its political capacity. They have shown that in their "
"pursuit of government and corporate adoption of +++FOSS+++, when it favors "
"their interests, they talk about “software user freedoms” but actually refer "
"to “freedom of use software,” no matter who the user is or what it has been "
"used for."
#: content/md/006_copyleft-pandemic.js:252
msgid ""
"There is a sort of cognitive dissonance that influences many copyleft "
"supporters to treat others harshly, those who just want some aid in the "
"argument over which license or product is free or not. But in the meantime, "
"they don't defy, and some of them even embrace the adoption of +++FOSS+++ "
"for any kind of corporation, it doesn't matter if it exploits its employees, "
"surveils its users, helps to undermine democratic institutions or is part of "
"a killing machine."
msgstr ""
"There is a sort of cognitive dissonance that influences many copyleft "
"supporters to treat others---those who just want some aid---harshly by the "
"argument over which license or product is free or not. But in the meantime, "
"they don't defy, and some of them even embrace, the adoption of +++FOSS+++ "
"for any kind of corporation, it doesn't matter if it exploits its employees, "
"surveils its users, helps to undermine democratic institutions or is part of "
"a killing machine."
#: content/md/006_copyleft-pandemic.js:260
msgid ""
"In my opinion, the term “use” is one of the key concepts that dilutes "
"political capacity of +++FOSS+++ into the aestheticization of its activity. "
"The spine of software freedom relies in its four freedoms: the freedoms of "
"_run_, _study_, _redistribute_ and _improve_ the program. Even though "
"Stallman, his followers, the +++FSF+++, the +++OSI+++, +++CC+++ and so on "
"always indicate the relevance of “user freedoms,” these four freedoms aren't "
"directly related to users. Instead, they are four different use cases."
msgstr ""
"In my opinion, the term “use” is one of the key concepts that dilutes "
"political capacity of +++FOSS+++ into the aestheticization of its activity. "
"The spine of software freedom relies in its four freedoms: the freedoms of "
"_run_, _study_, _redistribute_ and _improve_ the program. Even though "
"Stallman, his followers, the +++FSF+++, the +++OSI+++, +++CC+++ and so on "
"always indicate the relevance of “user freedoms,” these four freedoms aren't "
"directly related to users. Instead, they are four different use cases."
#: content/md/006_copyleft-pandemic.js:269
msgid ""
"The difference isn't a minor thing. A _use case_ neutralizes and reifies the "
"subject of the action. In its dilution the interest of the subject becomes "
"irrelevant. The four freedoms don't ban the use of a program for selfish, "
"slayer or authoritarian uses. Neither do they encourage them. By the "
"romantic idea of a common good, it is easy to think that the freedoms of "
"run, study, redistribute and improve a program are synonymous with a "
"mechanism that improves welfare and democracy. But because these four "
"freedoms don't relate to any user interest and instead talk about the "
"interest of using software and the adoption of an “open” cultural "
"production, it hides the fact that the freedom of use sometimes goes against "
"and uses subjects."
msgstr ""
"The difference isn't a minor thing. A _use case_ neutralizes and reifies the "
"subject of the action. In its dilution the interest of the subject becomes "
"irrelevant. The four freedoms don't ban the use of a program for selfish, "
"slayer or authoritarian uses. Neither do they encourage them. By the "
"romantic idea of a common good, it is easy to think that the freedoms of "
"run, study, redistribute and improve a program are synonymous with a "
"mechanism that improves welfare and democracy. But because these four "
"freedoms don't relate to any user interest and instead talk about the "
"interest of using software and the adoption of an “open” cultural "
"production, it hides the fact that the freedom of use sometimes goes against "
"and uses subjects."
#: content/md/006_copyleft-pandemic.js:281
msgid ""
"So the argument that copyfarleft denies people the use of software only "
"makes sense between two misconceptions. First, the personification of "
"institutions---like the ones that feed authoritarian regimes, perpetuate "
"labor exploitation or surveil its users---with their policies sometimes "
"restricting freedom or access _to people_. Second, the assumption that "
"freedoms over software use cases is equal to the freedom of its users."
msgstr ""
"So the argument that copyfarleft denies people the use of software only "
"makes sense between two misconceptions. First, the personification of "
"institutions---like the ones that feed authoritarian regimes, perpetuate "
"labor exploitation or surveil its users---and their policies that sometimes "
"restrict freedom or access _to people_. Second, the assumption that freedoms "
"over software use cases is equal to the freedom of its users."
#: content/md/006_copyleft-pandemic.js:288
msgid ""
"Actually, if your “open” economic model requires software use cases freedoms "
"over users freedoms, we are far beyond the typical discussions about "
"cultural production. I find it very hard to defend my support of freedom if "
"my work enables some uses that could go against others' freedoms. This is of "
"course the freedom dilemma about the [paradox of tolerance](https://en."
" But my main conflict is when "
"copyleft supporters boast about their defense of users freedoms while they "
"micromanage others' software freedom definitions and, in the meantime, they "
"turn their backs to the gray, dark or red areas of what is implicit in the "
"freedom they safeguard. Or they don't care about us or their privileges "
"don't allow them to have empathy."
msgstr ""
"Actually, if your “open” economic model requires software use cases freedoms "
"over users freedoms, we are far beyond the typical discussions about "
"cultural production. I find it very hard to defend my support of freedom if "
"my work enables some uses that could go against others' freedoms. This is of "
"course a freedom dilemma related to the [paradox of tolerance](https://en."
" But my main conflict is when "
"copyleft supporters boast about their defense of users freedoms while they "
"micromanage others' software freedom definitions and, in the meantime, they "
"turn their backs to the gray, dark or red areas of what is implicit in the "
"freedom they safeguard. Or they don't care about us or their privileges "
"don't allow them to have empathy."
#: content/md/006_copyleft-pandemic.js:300
msgid ""
"Since the _+++GNU+++ Manifesto_ the relevance of industry among software "
"developers is clear. I don't have a reply that could calm them down. It is "
"becoming more clear that technology isn't just a broker that can be used or "
"abused. Technology, or at least its development, is a kind of political "
"praxis. The inability of legislation for law enforcement and the possibility "
"of new technologies to hold and help the _statu quo_ express this political "
"capacity of information and communications technologies."
msgstr ""
"Since the _+++GNU+++ Manifesto_ the relevance of industry among software "
"developers is clear. I don't have a reply that could calm them down. It is "
"becoming more clear that technology isn't just a broker that can be used or "
"abused. Technology, or at least its development, is a kind of political "
"praxis. The inability of legislation for law enforcement and the possibility "
"of new technologies to hold and help the _statu quo_ express this political "
"capacity of information and communications technologies."
#: content/md/006_copyleft-pandemic.js:308
msgid ""
"So as copyleft hacked copyright law, with copyfarleft we could help "
"disarticulate structural power or we could induce civil disobedience. By "
"prohibiting our work from being used by military, police or oligarchic "
"institutions, we could force them to stop _taking advantage_ and increase "
"their maintenance costs. They could even reach a point where they couldn't "
"operate anymore or at least they couldn't be as affective as our communities."
msgstr ""
"So as copyleft hacked copyright law, with copyfarleft we could help "
"disarticulate structural power or we could induce civil disobedience. By "
"prohibiting our work from being used by military, police or oligarchic "
"institutions, we could force them to stop _taking advantage_ and increase "
"their maintenance costs. They could even reach a point where they couldn't "
"operate anymore or at least they couldn't be as affective as our communities."
#: content/md/006_copyleft-pandemic.js:315
msgid ""
"I know it sounds like a utopia because in practice we need the effort of a "
"lot of people involved in technology development. But we already did it "
"once: we used copyright law against itself and we introduced a new model of "
"workforce distribution and means of production. We could again use copyright "
"for our benefit, but now against the structures of power that surveils, "
"exploits and kills people. These institutions need our “brainpower,” we can "
"try by refusing their use. Some explorations could be software licenses that "
"explicitly ban surveillance, exploitation or murder."
msgstr ""
"I know it sounds like a utopia because in practice we need the effort of a "
"lot of people involved in technology development. But we already did it "
"once: we used copyright law against itself and we introduced a new model of "
"workforce distribution and means of production. We could again use copyright "
"for our benefit, but now against the structures of power that surveils, "
"exploits and kills people. These institutions need our “brainpower,” we can "
"try by refusing their _use_. Some explorations could be software licenses "
"that explicitly ban surveillance, exploitation or murder."
#: content/md/006_copyleft-pandemic.js:324
msgid ""
"We could also make it difficult for them to thieve our technology "
"development and deny access to our communication networks. Nowadays +++FOSS++"
"+ distribution models have confused open economy with gift economy. Another "
"think tank---Centre of Economics and Foreign Policy Studies---published a "
"report---_Digital Open Source Intelligence Security: A Primer_---where it "
"states that open sources constitutes “at least 90%” of all intelligence "
"activities. That includes our published open production and the open "
"standards we develop for transparency. It is why end-to-end encryption is "
"important and why we should extend its use instead of allowing governments "
"to ban it."
msgstr ""
"We could also make it difficult for them to thieve our technology "
"development and deny access to our communication networks. Nowadays +++FOSS++"
"+ distribution models have confused open economy with gift economy. Another "
"think tank---Centre of Economics and Foreign Policy Studies---published a "
"report---_Digital Open Source Intelligence Security: A Primer_---where it "
"states that open sources constitutes “at least 90%” of all intelligence "
"activities. That includes our published open production and the open "
"standards we develop for transparency. It is why end-to-end encryption is "
"important and why we should extend its use instead of allowing governments "
"to ban it."
#: content/md/006_copyleft-pandemic.js:335
msgid ""
"Copyleft could be a global pandemic if we don't go against its incorporation "
"inside virulent technologies of destruction. We need more organization so "
"that the software we are developing is free as in “social freedom,” not only "
"as in “free individual.” "
msgstr ""
"Copyleft could be a global pandemic if we don't go against its incorporation "
"inside virulent technologies of destruction. We need more organization so "
"that the software we are developing is “free as in social freedom, not only "
"as in free individual.” "

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#: content/md/_about.js:1
msgid "# About"
msgstr "# About"
#: content/md/_about.js:2
msgid ""
"Hi, I am a dog-publisher---what a surprise, right? I am from Mexico and, as "
"you can see, English is not my first language. But whatever. My educational "
"background is on Philosophy, specifically Philosophy of Culture. My grade "
"studies focus on intellectual property---mainly copyright---, free culture, "
"free software and, of course, free publishing. If you still want a name, call "
"me Dog."
msgstr ""
"Hi, I am a _perro_-publisher---what a surprise, right? I am from Mexico and, "
"as you can see, English is not my first language. But whatever. My "
"educational background is in Philosophy, specifically Philosophy of Culture. "
"My studies focus on intellectual property---mainly copyright---, free "
"culture, free software and, of course, free publishing. If you still need a "
"name, call me Perro."
#: content/md/_about.js:9
msgid ""
"This blog is about publishing and coding. But it _doesn't_ approach on "
"techniques that makes great code. Actually my programming skills are kind of "
"narrow. I have the following opinions. (a) If you use a computer to publish, "
"not matter their output, _publishing is coding_. (b) Publishing it is not "
"just about developing software or skills, it is also a tradition, a "
"profession, an art but also a _method_. (c) To be able to visualize that, we "
"have to talk about how publishing implies and affects how we do culture. (d) "
"If we don't criticize and _self-criticize_ our work, we are lost."
msgstr ""
"This blog is about publishing and coding. But its approach _isn't_ on "
"techniques that makes great code. Actually my programming skills are kind of "
"narrow. I have the following opinions. (a) If you use a computer to publish, "
"no matter their output, _publishing is coding_. (b) Publishing it is not just "
"about developing software or skills, it is also a tradition, a profession, an "
"art but also a _method_. (c) To be able to visualize that, we have to talk "
"about how publishing implies and affects how we do culture. (d) If we don't "
"criticize and _self-criticize_ our work, we are lost."
#: content/md/_about.js:18
msgid ""
"In other terms, this blog is about what surrounds and what is supposed to be "
"the foundations of publishing. Yeah, of course you are gonna find technical "
"writing. However, it is just because on these days the spine of publishing "
"talks with zeros and ones. So, let start to think what is publishing nowadays!"
msgstr ""
"In other terms, this blog is about what surrounds and what the foundations of "
"publishing are supposed to be. Yeah, of course you are gonna find technical "
"writing. However, it is just because in these days the spine of publishing "
"talks with zeros and ones. So, let's start to think about what publishing is "
#: content/md/_about.js:23
msgid ""
"Some last words. I have to admit I don't feel comfortable writing in English. "
"I find unfair that we, people from non-English spoken worlds, have to use "
"this language in order to be noticed. It makes me feel bad that we are "
"constantly translating what other persons are saying while just a few homies "
"translate from Spanish to English. So I decided to have at least a bilingual "
"blog. I write in English while I translate to Spanish, so I can improve this "
"skill ---also: thanks +++S.O.+++ for help me to improve the English version "
msgstr ""
"Some last words. I have to admit I don't feel comfortable writing in English. "
"I find it unfair that we, people from non-English spoken worlds, have to use "
"this language in order to be noticed. It makes me feel bad that we are "
"constantly translating what other people are saying while just a few homies "
"translate Spanish to English. So I at least decided to have a bilingual "
"blog. Sometimes I write in English while I translate to Spanish, so I can "
"improve this skill ---also: thanks +++S.O.+++ for helping me improve the "
"English version xoxo."
#: content/md/_about.js:32
msgid ""
"That's not enough and it doesn't invite to collaboration. So this blog uses "
"`po` files for its contents and [Pecas Markdown](https://pecas.perrotuerto."
"blog/html/md.html) for its syntax. You can always collaborate in the "
"translation or edition of any language. ~~The easiest way is through [Weblate]"
"( "
"Don't you want to use that?~~ Just contact me."
msgstr ""
"That's not enough and it doesn't invite collaboration. So this blog uses `po` "
"files for its contents and [Pecas Markdown]("
"html/md.html) for its syntax. You can always collaborate in the translation "
"or edition of any language. ~~[The easiest way is through Weblate. Don't you "
"want to use that?]("
"html#weblate)~~ Just contact me."
#: content/md/_about.js:37
msgid ""
"That's all folks! And don't forget: fuck adds. Fuck spam. And fuck "
"proprietary culture. Freedom to the moon! "
msgstr ""
"That's all folks! And don't forget: fuck adds. Fuck spam. And fuck "
"proprietary culture. Freedom to the moon! "

View File

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: _contact 1.0\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: Nika Zhenya <>\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-03-19 20:44-0600\n"
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"X-Generator: Poedit 2.2.1\n"
#: content/md/_contact.js:1
msgid "# Contact"
msgstr "# Contact"
#: content/md/_contact.js:2
msgid "You can reach me at:"
msgstr "You can reach me at:"
#: content/md/_contact.js:3
msgid ""
"* [Mastodon](\n"
"* hi[at]"
msgstr ""
"* [Mastodon](\n"
"* hi[at]"
#: content/md/_contact.js:5
msgid "I even reply to the Nigerian Prince… "
msgstr "I even reply to the Nigerian Prince… "

View File

@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: _donate 1.0\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: Nika Zhenya <>\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-03-19 20:17-0600\n"
"Last-Translator: Automatically generated\n"
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"Language: en\n"
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"X-Generator: Poedit 2.2.1\n"
#: content/md/_donate.js:1
msgid "# Donate"
msgstr "# Donate"
#: content/md/_donate.js:2
msgid ""
"_My server_ is actually an account powered by [Colima Hacklab](https://"
", dawgs, for host my crap!---. Also this blog "
"and all the free publishing events that we organize are done with free labor."
msgstr ""
"_My server_ is actually an account powered by [Colima Hacklab](https://"
", dawgs, for hosting my crap! Also this blog "
"and all the free publishing events that we organize are done with free labor."
#: content/md/_donate.js:5
msgid "So, if you can help us to keep working, that would be fucking great!"
msgstr "So, if you can help us to keep working, that would be fucking great!"
#: content/md/_donate.js:7
msgid ""
"Donate for some tacos with [+++ETH+++]("
"address/0x39b0bf0cf86776060450aba23d1a6b47f5570486). {.no-indent .vertical-"
msgstr ""
"Donate for some tacos with [+++ETH+++]("
"address/0x39b0bf0cf86776060450aba23d1a6b47f5570486). {.no-indent .vertical-"
#: content/md/_donate.js:9
msgid ""
"Donate for some dog food with [+++DOGE+++]("
"DMbxM4nPLVbzTALv5n8G16TTzK4WDUhC7G). {.no-indent}"
msgstr ""
"Donate for some dog food with [+++DOGE+++]("
"DMbxM4nPLVbzTALv5n8G16TTzK4WDUhC7G). {.no-indent}"
#: content/md/_donate.js:11
msgid ""
"Donate for some beers with [PayPal]( {.no-"
"indent} "
msgstr ""
"Donate for some beers with [PayPal]( {.no-"
"indent} "

View File

@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: _fork 1.0\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: Nika Zhenya <>\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-03-19 21:21-0600\n"
"Last-Translator: Automatically generated\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-02-16 07:27-0600\n"
"Language-Team: none\n"
"Language: en\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
"X-Generator: Poedit 2.3\n"
#: content/md/_fork.js:1
msgid "# Fork"
msgstr "# Fork"
#: content/md/_fork.js:2
msgid ""
"All the content is under Licencia Editorial Abierta y Libre (+++LEAL+++). "
"You can read it [here]("
msgstr ""
"The texts and the images are under Licencia Editorial Abierta y Libre (++"
"+LEAL+++). You can read it [here]("
#: content/md/_fork.js:4
msgid ""
"“Licencia Editorial Abierta y Libre” is translated to “Open and Free "
"Publishing License.” “+++LEAL+++” is the acronym but also means “loyal” in "
msgstr ""
"“Licencia Editorial Abierta y Libre” is translated to “Open and Free "
"Publishing License.” “+++LEAL+++” is the acronym but also means “loyal” in "
#: content/md/_fork.js:7
msgid ""
"With +++LEAL+++ you are free to use, copy, reedit, modify, share or sell any "
"of this content under the following conditions:"
msgstr ""
"With +++LEAL+++ you are free to use, copy, reedit, modify, share or sell any "
"of this content under the following conditions:"
#: content/md/_fork.js:9
msgid ""
"* Anything produced with this content must be under some type of +++LEAL++"
"* All files---editable or final formats---must be on public access.\n"
"* The sale can't be the only way to acquire the final product.\n"
"* The generated surplus value can't be used for exploitation of labor.\n"
"* The content can't be used for +++AI+++ or data mining.\n"
"* The use of the content must not harm any collaborator."
msgstr ""
"* Anything produced with this content must be under some type of +++LEAL++"
"* All files---editable or final formats---must be public access.\n"
"* The content usage cannot imply defamation, exploitation or survillance."
#: content/md/_fork.js:15
msgid "Now, you can fork this shit:"
msgstr ""
"Finally, the code is under [GPLv3]( "
"Now, you can fork this shit:"
#: content/md/_fork.js:16
msgid ""
"* [GitLab](\n"
"* [GitHub](\n"
"* [My server](\n"
msgstr ""
"* [0xacab](\n"
"* [GitLab](\n"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: _links 1.0\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: Nika Zhenya <>\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-03-20 15:35-0600\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-08-18 23:28-0500\n"
"Last-Translator: Nika Zhenya <>\n"
"Language-Team: English <"
"Language: en\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n"
"X-Generator: Poedit 2.2.1\n"
#: content/md/_links.js:1
msgid "# Links"
msgstr "# Links"
#: content/md/_links.js:2
msgid ""
"* [Pecas: publishing tools](\n"
"* [+++TED+++: digital publishing workshop](\n"
"* [_Digital Publishing as a Methodology for Global Publishing_](https://ed."
"* [Colima Hacklab](\n"
"* [Mariana Eguaras's blog](\n"
"* [Zinenauta](\n"
"* [In Defense of Free Software](\n"
msgstr ""
"* [Pecas: publishing tools](\n"
"* [+++TED+++: digital publishing workshop](\n"
"* [_Digital Publishing as a Methodology for Global Publishing_](https://ed."
"* [Colima Hacklab](\n"
"* [Mariana Eguaras's blog](\n"
"* [Zinenauta](\n"
"* [In Defense of Free Software](\n"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,294 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: 001_free-publishing 1.0\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: Nika Zhenya <>\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-03-20 13:30-0600\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-02-13 18:32-0600\n"
"Last-Translator: Adolfo Jayme Barrientos <>\n"
"Language-Team: Spanish <"
"Language: es\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Generator: Poedit 2.3\n"
#: content/md/001_free-publishing.js:1
msgid "# From publishing with free software to free publishing"
msgstr ""
"# De la edición con _software_ libre a la edición libre\n"
"> @published 2019/03/20, 13:00 | [+++PDF+++]("
"pdf/001_free-publishing.pdf) | [+++Folleto+++]("
"pdf/001_free-publishing_imposition.pdf) {.published}"
#: content/md/001_free-publishing.js:2
msgid ""
"This blog is about “free publishing” but, what does that means? The term "
"“free” it isn't only problematic in English. May be more than in others "
"languages because of the confusion between “free as in beer” and “free as in "
"speech.” But by itself the concept of freedom is so ambiguous than even in "
"Philosophy we are very careful in its use. Even though it is a problem, I "
"like that the term doesn't have a clear definition---at the end, how free "
"could we be if freedom is well defined?"
msgstr ""
"Este _blog_ es acerca de «edición libre» pero ¿qué quiere decir eso? El "
"término «libre» no es tan problemático en nuestra lengua como en el inglés. "
"En ese idioma existe una confusión entre «_free_» como «barra libre» y como "
"«libre discurso». Sin embargo, eso no elimina el hecho de que el concepto de "
"libertad es tan ambiguo que incluso en Filosofía tratamos de usarlo con "
"cuidado. Aunque sea un problema, prefiero que el término no tenga una "
"definición clara; al final, ¿qué tan libres podríamos ser si la libertad "
"fuese bien definida?"
#: content/md/001_free-publishing.js:9
msgid ""
"Some years ago, when I started to work hand-in-hand with Programando "
"Libreros and Hacklib I realized that we weren't just doing publishing with "
"free software. We are doing free publishing. So I attempted to defined it in "
"[a post]("
"commons/) but it doesn't convince me anymore."
msgstr ""
"Hace unos años, cuando empecé a trabajar codo a codo con Programando "
"Libreros y Hacklib, me di cuenta que no solo estábamos editando con "
"_software_ libre. Estamos haciendo edición libre. Así que intenté definirla "
"en [una publicación]("
"creative-commons/) que ya no me convence."
#: content/md/001_free-publishing.js:14
msgid ""
"The term was floating around until December, 2018. At Contracorriente---"
"yearly fanzine fair celebrated in Xalapa, Mexico---Hacklib and me were "
"invited to give a talk about publishing and free software. Between all of us "
"we made a poster of everything we talked that day."
msgstr ""
"El término siguió flotando alrededor hasta diciembre del 2018. Durante el "
"Contracorriente ---feria anual de _fanzine_ celebrado en Xalapa, México--- "
"Hacklib y yo fuimos invitados a dar una charla sobre edición y _software_ "
"libre. Entre todos hicimos una cartulina de lo que hablamos aquel día."
#: content/md/001_free-publishing.js:18
msgid ""
"![Poster made at Contracorriente, nice, isn't it?](../../../img/p001_i001."
msgstr ""
"![Cartulina hecha en el Contracorriente, ¿chigona, cierto?](../../../img/"
#: content/md/001_free-publishing.js:19
msgid ""
"The poster was very helpful because in a simple Venn diagram we were able to "
"distinguish several intersections of activities that involves our work. Here "
"you have it more readable:"
msgstr ""
"La cartulina nos fue de mucha ayuda porque con un simple diagrama de Venn "
"pudimos distinguir varias intersecciones de actividades que implican nuestro "
"trabajo. Aquí está una versión más legible:"
#: content/md/001_free-publishing.js:22
msgid ""
"![Venn diagram of publishing, free software and politics](../../../img/"
msgstr ""
"![Diagrama de Venn sobre edición, _software_ libre y política.](../../../img/"
#: content/md/001_free-publishing.js:23
msgid ""
"So I'm not gonna define what is publishing, free software or politics---it "
"is my fucking blog so I can write whatever I want xD and you can [duckduckgo]"
"( it without a satisfactory "
"answer. But as you can see, there are at least two very familiar "
"intersections: cultural policies and hacktivism. I dunno how it is in your "
"country, but in Mexico we have very strong cultural policies for "
"publishing---or at least that is what publishers _think_ and are "
"comfortable, not matter that most of the times they go against open access "
"and readers. “Hacktivism” is a fuzzy term, but it could be clear if we "
"realized that code as property is not the only way we can define it. "
"Actually it is very problematic because property isn't a natural right, but "
"one that is produced by our societies and protected by our states---yeah, "
"individuality isn't the foundation of rights and laws, but a construction of "
"the self produced society. So, do I have to mention that property rights "
"isn't as fair as we would want?"
msgstr ""
"Así que no voy a definir qué es la edición, el _software_ libre o la "
"política ---es mi perro _blog_ así que puedo escribir lo que quiera xD y "
"siempre puedes usar [el pato]( "
"aunque sin respuesta satisfactoria---. Como puedes ver, existen al menos dos "
"intersecciones muy familiares: las políticas culturales y el hacktivismo. No "
"sé cómo sea en tu país pero en México tenemos fuertes políticas en pos de la "
"publicación ---o al menos eso es lo que los editores _piensan_ y están "
"cómodos con ello, sin importar que la mayoría del tiempo es en detrimento "
"del acceso abierto y de los derechos de los lectores---.\n"
"«Hacktivismo» es un término difuso, pero es un poco más claro si nos damos "
"cuenta que el código como propiedad no es la única forma en el que podemos "
"definirlo. En realidad es una cuestión muy problemática porque la propiedad "
"no es un derecho natural, sino uno producido en nuestras sociedades y "
"resguardado por los Estados ---sí, la individualidad no es el fundamento de "
"los derechos y las leyes, sino una construcción de la sociedad que a su vez "
"se produce a sí misma---. Entonces, ¿tengo que mencionar que los derechos de "
"propiedad no son tan justos como nos gustarían?"
#: content/md/001_free-publishing.js:37
msgid ""
"Between publishing and free software we get “publishing with free software.” "
"What does that implies? It is the activity of publishing using software that "
"accomplish the famous---infamous?---[four freedoms]("
"wiki/The_Free_Software_Definition). For people that use software as a tool, "
"this means that, firstly, we aren't force to pay anything in order to use "
"software. Secondly, we have access to the code and do whatever we want with "
"it. Thirdly---and for me the most important---we can be part of a community, "
"instead of be treated as a consumer."
msgstr ""
"Entre la edición y el _software_ libre tenemos la «edición con _software_ "
"libre». ¿Qué implica esto? Se trata de la acción de publicar usando "
"_software_ que cumple con las famosas ---¿infames?--- [cuatro libertades]"
"( Para las "
"personas que usan al _software_ como herramienta esto quiere decir que, en "
"primer lugar, no estamos forzados a pagar para poder usarlo. Segundo, "
"tenemos acceso al código para poder hacer lo que queramos con él. Tercero ---"
"y lo más importante para mí---, podemos ser parte de una comunidad en lugar "
"de ser tratados como un consumidor."
#: content/md/001_free-publishing.js:44
msgid ""
"It sounds great, isn't it? But we have a little problem: the freedom only "
"applies to software. As publisher you can benefit from free software and "
"that doesn't mean you have to free your work. Penguin Random House---the "
"Google of publishing---one day could decided to use TeX or Pandoc, saving "
"tons of money at the same time they keep the monopoly of publishing."
msgstr ""
"¿Suena fantástico, cierto? Pero tenemos un problemita: la libertad solo "
"aplica al _software_. Como editor puedes beneficiarte del _software_ libre "
"sin tener que liberar tu trabajo. Penguin Random House ---el Google de la "
"edición--- un día podría decidir usar TeX o Pandoc con lo que se ahorraría "
"un montón de dinero al mismo tiempo que mantiene el monopolio en la edición."
#: content/md/001_free-publishing.js:49
msgid ""
"Stallman saw that problem with the manuals published by O'Reilly and he "
"proposed the GNU Free Documentation License. But by doing so he trickly "
"distinguished [different kinds of works]("
"copyright-and-globalization.en.html). It is interesting see texts as "
"functionality, matter of opinion or aesthetics but in the publishing "
"industry nobody cares a fuck about that. The distinctions works great "
"between writers and readers, but it doesn't problematize the fact that "
"publishers are the ones who decide the path of almost all our text-centered "
msgstr ""
"Stallman vio este problema con los manuales publicados por O'Reilly y "
"propuso la Licencia de documentación libre de +++GNU+++. Pero al hacerlo de "
"manera truculenta distinguió [diferentes tipos de obra]("
"philosophy/ Es interesante ver al texto "
"como función, cuestión de opinión o estética, pero en la industria editorial "
"a todos les vale un comino. La distinción es muy buena entre escritores y "
"lectores, pero no problematiza el hecho de que son los editores quienes "
"deciden el rumbo de casi toda nuestra cultura texto-céntrica."
#: content/md/001_free-publishing.js:57
msgid ""
"In my opinion, that's dangerous at least. So I prefer other tricky "
"distinction. Big publishers and their mimetic branch---the so called “indie” "
"publishing---only cares about two things: sells and reputation. They want to "
"live _well_ and get social recognition from the _good_ books they publish. "
"If one day the software communities develop some desktop publishing or "
"typesetting easy-to-use and suitable for all their _professional_ needs, we "
"would see how “suddenly” publishing industry embraces free software."
msgstr ""
"En mi opinión, esto es al menos peligroso. Así que prefiero otra distinción "
"truculenta. Las grandes editoriales y su rama mimética ---autodenominados "
"edición «independiente»--- solo les importan dos cosas: la venta y la "
"reputación. Quieren vivir _bien_ y obtener el reconocimiento social por "
"haber publicado _buenos_ libros. Si un día las comunidades de _software_ "
"libre desarrollan maquetadores o sistemas de composición tipográfica fáciles "
"de usar y aptos para sus necesidades profesionales, vamos a ver una "
"«repentina» migración de la industria editorial al _software_ libre."
#: content/md/001_free-publishing.js:64
msgid ""
"So, why don't we distinguish published works by their funding and sense of "
"community? If what you publishing has public funding---for your knowledge, "
"in Mexico practically all publishing has this kind of funding---it would be "
"fair to release the files and leave hard copies for sell: we already pay for "
"that. This is a very common argument among supporters of open access in "
"science, but we can go beyond that. Not matter if the work relies on "
"functionality, matter of opinion or aesthetics; if is a science paper, a "
"philosophy essay or a novel and it has public funding, we have pay for the "
"access, come on!"
msgstr ""
"Así que, ¿por qué no distinguimos las obras publicadas según su "
"financiamiento y sentido de comunidad? Si tu publicas con recursos públicos "
"---para tu conocimiento, en México casi todo lo que se publica tiene ese "
"tipo de financiamiento---, sería justo que liberaras los archivos y dejaras "
"los impresos para la venta: ya pagamos por ellos. Este es un argumento muy "
"común entre los que defienden el acceso abierto en la ciencia, pero podemos "
"ir más lejos. No importa que tu trabajo se sustente en la funcionalidad, la "
"opinión o la estética; si es un artículo científico, un ensayo filosófico o "
"una novela y tiene financiamiento público, ¡venga!, ya hemos pagado por su "
#: content/md/001_free-publishing.js:72
msgid ""
"You can still sell publications and go to Messe Frankfurt, Guadalajara "
"International Book Fair or Beijing Book Fair: it is just doing business with "
"the _bare minium_ of social and political awareness. Why do you want more "
"money from us if we already gave it to you?---and you get almost all the "
"profits, leaving the authors with just the satisfaction of seeing her work "
msgstr ""
"Todavía puedes vender publicaciones e ir a la Feria de Fráncfort, la Feria "
"Internacional del Libro de Guadalajara o la Feria del Libro de Beijing: es "
"solo hacer negocios con un _mínimo_ de conciencia social y política. ¿Por "
"que quieres más dinero de nosotros si ya te lo dimos? ---y además te llevas "
"casi todas las ganancias y dejas a las autoras con la mera satisfacción de "
"ver publicada su obra---…"
#: content/md/001_free-publishing.js:77
msgid ""
"The sense of community goes here. In a world where one of the main problems "
"is artificial scarcity---paywalls instead of actual walls---we need to apply "
"[copyleft]( or, even better, "
"[copyfarleft]( "
"licenses in our published works. They aren't the solution, but they are a "
"support to maintain the freedom and the access in publishing."
msgstr ""
"Aquí cabe el sentido de comunidad. En un mundo donde uno de los principales "
"problemas es la escasez artificial ---muros de pago en lugar de paredes "
"reales---, nuestros trabajos publicados necesitan licencias de [_copyleft_]"
"( o, mejor aún, de "
"[_copyfarleft_]( "
"No son la solución, pero es un soporte que ayuda a mantener la libertad y el "
"acceso en la edición."
#: content/md/001_free-publishing.js:83
msgid ""
"As it goes, we need free tools but also free works. I already have the tools "
"but I lack from permission to publish some books that I really like. I don't "
"want that happen to you with my work. So we need a publishing ecosystem "
"where we have access to all files of a particular edition---our source code "
"and binary files--- and also to the tools---the free software---so we can "
"improve, as a community, the quality and access of the works. Who doesn't "
"want that?"
msgstr ""
"Con ese estado de las cosas, necesitamos herramientas libres pero también "
"ediciones libres. Ya cuento con las herramientas pero carezco del permiso de "
"publicar algunos libros que me gustan mucho. No quiero que te pase eso con "
"mi trabajo. Por eso necesitamos un ecosistema donde tengamos acceso a todos "
"los archivos de una edición ---nuestro «código abierto» y «binarios»--- y a "
"las herramientas ---el _software_ libre--- para poder mejorar, como "
"comunidad, la calidad y el acceso de las obras y las habilidades necesarias. "
"¿Quién no quiere eso?"
#: content/md/001_free-publishing.js:89
msgid ""
"With these politics strains, free software tools and publishing as a way of "
"living as a publisher, writer and reader, free publishing is a pathway. With "
"Programando Libreros and Hacklib we use free software, we invest time in "
"activism and we work in publishing: _we do free publishing, what about you?_ "
msgstr ""
"Con estas tensiones políticas, las herramientas que nos provee el _software_ "
"libre y la edición como sustento de vida como editor, escritor y lector, la "
"edición libre es un camino. Con Programando Libreros y Hacklib usamos "
"_software_ libre, invertimos tiempo en activismo así como trabajamos en la "
"edición: _hacemos edición libre, ¿y tú?_ "

View File

@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: 002_fuck-books 1.0\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: Nika Zhenya <>\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-04-15 11:22-0500\n"
"Last-Translator: Automatically generated\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
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"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-02-13 18:36-0600\n"
"Language-Team: none\n"
"Language: es\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
"X-Generator: Poedit 2.3\n"
#: content/md/002_fuck-books.js:1
msgid "# Fuck Books, If and only If…"
msgstr "# A la mierda los libros, si y solo si…"
#: content/md/002_fuck-books.js:2
msgid "> @published 2019/04/15, 12:00 {.published}"
msgstr ""
"> @published 2019/04/15, 12:00 | [+++PDF+++]("
"pdf/002_fuck-books.pdf) | [+++Folleto+++]("
"pdf/002_fuck-books_imposition.pdf) {.published}"
#: content/md/002_fuck-books.js:3
msgid ""
"I always try to be very clear about something: books nowadays, by "
"themselves, are just production leftovers. Yeah, we have built an industry "
"in order to made them. But, would you be able to publish by your own?"
msgstr ""
"Siempre intento ser muy claro acerca de algo: los libros en nuestros días, "
"por sí mismos, solo son un producto de sobra. Sí, hemos construido una "
"industria para hacerlos. Pero ¿tienes la capacidad de publicar con tus "
"propios medios?"
#: content/md/002_fuck-books.js:7
msgid ""
"Probably not. It is almost sure you lack of something: you don't seize the "
"machines supposedly needed; you don't enjoy the skills; you don't carry the "
"acknowledge or you don't possess the networking. You don't own anything."
msgstr ""
"Lo más probable es que no. Casi seguro es que te falta algo: no son tuyas "
"las máquinas que según se requieren; no cuentas con las habilidades; no "
"tienes el conocimiento o no posees los contactos. Nada te pertenece."
#: content/md/002_fuck-books.js:11
msgid ""
"We have reach the production capacity to publish in a couple hours what in "
"the past took centuries. That is amazing… and scary. What are we publishing "
"now? _Why are we producing that much?_ Our reading capacity haven't improve "
"at the same rhythm ---maybe we have been losing some of that ability."
msgstr ""
"Hemos alcanzado la capacidad de producción para publicar en un par de horas "
"lo que en el pasado tomó siglos. Eso es sorprendente… y espeluznante. ¿Qué "
"estamos publicando ahora? _¿Por qué estamos produciendo tanto?_ Nuestra "
"capacidad de lectura no ha mejorado al mismo ritmo ---quizá hemos estado "
"perdiendo esa habilidad---."
#: content/md/002_fuck-books.js:16
msgid ""
"We are more people now, but it is a contemporary supposition that each "
"person needs a book. We have public libraries. They used to be a great idea. "
"Now they are one of the few places where people can go and enjoy without "
"paying a penny. The last standing point of a world before its global "
"monetization. And sometimes not even that, because they are behind a "
"paywall: paid subscriptions or universities ids; or because most of us "
"prefer coffee shops, public libraries are for poor, creepy and old people, "
msgstr ""
"Ahora somos más personas, pero es una suposición contemporánea que cada "
"persona requiere un ejemplar. Tenemos librerías públicas. Estas solían ser "
"una gran idea. Ahora es de los pocos espacios donde las personas pueden ir y "
"disfrutar sin tener que pagar un centavo. El último bastión de un mundo "
"antes de su monetización global. Y algunas veces ni siquiera eso, debido a "
"que están detrás de un muro: pago de suscripciones o credenciales "
"universitarias; o porque la mayoría de nosotros preferimos las cafeterías, "
"las bibliotecas públicas son para personas pobres, raras o viejas, ¿cierto?"
#: content/md/002_fuck-books.js:24
msgid ""
"And we are praising books as a holly product of our culture. Even though "
"what we really do is supporting a consumer good. You don't made them, you "
"don't read them: you just buy and put them in a bookshelf. You don't own "
"them, you don't even look what is inside: you just buy and leave them in "
"your Amazon account. You are a consumer and that makes you think yourself as "
"a supporter of our culture."
msgstr ""
"Y nos la pasamos alabando los libros cual si fueran sagrados productos de "
"nuestra cultura. Aunque en realidad lo que hacemos es apoyar un bien de "
"consumo. Tú no los haces, tú no los lees: solo los compras y los pones en un "
"librero. Tú no eres su propietario ni siquiera miras lo que hay adentro: "
"solo compras y los dejas en tu cuenta de Amazon. Eres un consumidor y eso "
"hace pensarte a ti mismo como alguien que apoya a nuestra cultura."
#: content/md/002_fuck-books.js:31
msgid ""
"As publishers we made everything about books: fairs, workshops, meetups, "
"study degrees and marketing. As publishers we want to sell you the next best-"
"seller, the newest book format: the future of reading. Even though what we "
"really want is your money. We know you don't read. We know you don't want "
"books that would blow the bubble where you live. We know you just want be "
"entertained. We know you are craving about how much books you have “read.” "
"We just want you to keep buying and buying. Who cares about you."
msgstr ""
"Como editores hacemos del libro el centro de todo: ferias, talleres, "
"reuniones, grados universitarios y publicidad. Como editores queremos "
"venderte el siguiente _best-seller_, el formato de libro más reciente: «el "
"futuro de la lectura». Aunque en realidad lo que queremos es tu dinero. "
"Nosotros sabemos que no lees. Nosotros estamos al tanto de que no quieres "
"libros que van a explotar la burbuja en la que vives. Nosotros tenemos "
"conocimiento de que solo quieres entretenerte. Nosotros entendemos que "
"ansías decir cuántos libros has «leído». Solo queremos que nos estés "
"comprando y comprando. No nos importas."
#: content/md/002_fuck-books.js:39
msgid ""
"Before all that shit happened to publishing, books were a rare and difficult "
"product to make. From them we could see the complexity of our world: its "
"means of production, its structure and its struggles. Publishers were kill "
"because they wanted to offer you something really important to read. Now "
"publishers are awarded with trips, grants or fancy dinners. Most publishers "
"aren't a treat anymore. Instead, they are the managers of public debate; "
"aka, what we can say, think or feel."
msgstr ""
"Antes de que pasara toda esta mierda en la edición, los libros eran un "
"producto raro y de difícil producción. A partir de ellos podíamos ver la "
"complejidad de nuestro mundo: sus medios de producción, su estructura y sus "
"conflictos. Editores fueron asesinados porque quisieron ofrecerte algo muy "
"importante que leer. Ahora los editores son premiados con viajes, apoyos "
"económicos o cenas pomposas. La mayoría de los editores dejaron de ser una "
"amenaza. En su lugar, son los gerentes del debate público; es decir, lo que "
"puedes decir, pensar o sentir."
#: content/md/002_fuck-books.js:47
msgid ""
"Most books nowadays only show how the main bits of our world have been "
"displaced as another good in the marketplace. We see paper, we see ink, we "
"see fonts and we see code. After that first look, we start to realize that "
"our books are mainly a gear of a machinery of global consumption."
msgstr ""
"En nuestros días la mayoría de los libros solo muestran cómo los pilares de "
"nuestro mundo han sido desplazados como otro bien a disposición del mercado. "
"Vemos el papel, vemos la tinta, vemos las fuentes y vemos el código. Y "
"después de esta primera mirada, empezamos a darnos cuenta que nuestros "
"libros son principalmente un engrane de la maquinaria del consumo global."
#: content/md/002_fuck-books.js:52
msgid ""
"Only at this point, we can clearly see the chain of exploitation needed to "
"achieve that kind of productivity. _Who or what benefits from it?_ Authors "
"can't made a living anymore. People involved in books production ---"
"printers, proof readers, designers, publishers and so on--- barely earn a "
"living wage. A lot of trees and resources have been use for profits."
msgstr ""
"Solo hasta este punto de manera clara podemos observar la cadena de "
"explotación necesaria para alcanzar este tipo de productividad. _¿Quién o "
"qué se beneficia de ello?_ Los autores ya no pueden vivir de eso. Las "
"personas involucradas en la producción de libros ---impresores, correctores "
"de pruebas, diseñadores, editores y más--- con trabajos ganan un salario "
"mínimo. Muchos árboles y recursos han sido utilizados para obtener ganancias."
#: content/md/002_fuck-books.js:58
msgid ""
"Again, we have reach the production capacity to publish in a couple hours "
"what in the past took centuries, _where did that wealth go?_ Not to our "
"pockets, we always have to pay in order to produce or own books."
msgstr ""
"De nuevo, hemos alcanzado la capacidad de producción para publicar en un par "
"de horas lo que en el pasado tomó siglos, _¿dónde quedó toda esa riqueza?_ "
"En nuestros bolsillos no, siempre hemos tenido que pagar para poder producir "
"libros o tenerlos."
#: content/md/002_fuck-books.js:62
msgid ""
"So, what makes you love books that probably you won't read? If and only if "
"publishing is what it is now and we don't want to change it, well: fuck "
"books. "
msgstr ""
"Entonces, ¿qué hace que quieras los libros que tal vez nunca leerás? Si y "
"solo si la edición es lo que ahora es y no queremos hacer nada para "
"cambiarlo, bueno: a la mierda los libros."

View File

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msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: 003_dont_come 1.0\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: Nika Zhenya <>\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-05-05 19:38-0500\n"
"Last-Translator: Automatically generated\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
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"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-02-13 18:37-0600\n"
"Language-Team: none\n"
"Language: es\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
"X-Generator: Poedit 2.3\n"
#: content/md/003_dont_come.js:1
msgid "# Don't come with those tales"
msgstr "# No vengas con esos cuentos"
#: content/md/003_dont_come.js:2
msgid "> @published 2019/05/05, 20:00 {.published}"
msgstr ""
"> @published 2019/05/05, 20:00 | [+++PDF+++]("
"pdf/003_dont-come.pdf) | [+++Folleto+++]("
"pdf/003_dont-come_imposition.pdf) {.published}"
#: content/md/003_dont_come.js:3
msgid ""
"I love books. I love them so much that I even decided to make a living from "
"them---probably a very bad career decision. But I can't idealize that love."
msgstr ""
"Amo los libros. Los amo tanto que incluso decidí dedicarme a ello ---quizá "
"fue una pésima decisión profesional---. Pero no puedo idealizar ese amor."
#: content/md/003_dont_come.js:6
msgid ""
"During school and university I was taught that I should love books. "
"Actually, some teachers made me clear that it was the only way I could get "
"my bachelor's degree. Because books are the main freedom and knowledge "
"device in our shitty world, right? Not loving books is like the will to stay "
"in a cave---hello, Plato. Not celebrating its greatness is just one step to "
"support antidemocratic regimes. And while I was learning to love books, of "
"course I also learn to respect its “creators” and the industry than made it "
msgstr ""
"Durante la escuela y la universidad me enseñaron que debía amar los libros. "
"De hecho, algunos maestros me dejaron muy en claro que era el único medio "
"para obtener mi grado. Porque los libros son el principal dispositivo de "
"liberación y conocimiento en este mundo de mierda, ¿cierto? No amar los "
"libros es como de manera voluntaria permanecer en una cueva ---hola, "
"Platón---. No celebrar su magnificencia es solo un paso para apoyar "
"regímenes totalitarios. Y mientras aprendí a amar los libros, por supuesto "
"también aprendí a respetar a sus «creadores» y la industria que los hace "
#: content/md/003_dont_come.js:15
msgid ""
"I don't think it is casual that the development of what we mean by book is "
"independent from the developments of capitalism and what we understand by "
"author. Maybe correlation; maybe intersection; but definitely not separates "
msgstr ""
"No pienso que sea casualidad que la gestación de lo que ahora son los libros "
"para nosotros sea independiente de los desarrollos del capitalismo y de lo "
"que entendemos por autor. Quizá correlación; quizá intersección; pero en "
"definitiva no se trata de historias independientes."
#: content/md/003_dont_come.js:19
msgid ""
"Let's start with a common place: the invention of printing. Yeah, it is an "
"arbitrary and problematic start. We could say that books and authors goes "
"far before that. But what we have in that particularly place in history is "
"the standardization and massification of a practice. It didn't happen from "
"day to night, but little by little all the methodological and technical "
"diversity became more homogeneous. And with that, we were able to made books "
"not as luxury or institutional commodities, but as objects of everyday use."
msgstr ""
"Empecemos con un lugar común: la invención de la imprenta. Sí, es un "
"comienzo arbitrario y problemático. Podríamos decir que los libros y los "
"autores datan mucho antes que eso. Pero lo que tenemos en este momento "
"particular de la historia es la estandarización y la masificación de una "
"práctica. No pasó de la noche a la mañana, sino que poco a poco toda la "
"diversidad metodológica y técnica se homogenizó. Y con ello fuimos capaces "
"de hacer libros no como un bien de lujo o institucional sino como un objeto "
#: content/md/003_dont_come.js:28
msgid ""
"And not just books, but printed text in general. Before the invention of "
"printing, we could barely see text in our surroundings. What surprise me "
"about printing it is not the capacity of production that we reached, but how "
"that technology normalized the existence of text in our daily basis."
msgstr ""
"Y no solo libros, sino en general el texto impreso. Antes de la invención de "
"la imprenta con trabajos podíamos ver texto a nuestro alrededor. Lo que me "
"sorprende acerca de la imprenta no es la capacidad de producción que ha "
"alcanzado, sino cómo esta tecnología normalizó la existencia del texto en "
"nuestra cotidianidad."
#: content/md/003_dont_come.js:33
msgid ""
"Newspapers first and now social media relies on that normalization to "
"generate the idea of an “universal” public debate---I don't know if it is "
"actually “public” if almost all popular newspapers and social media "
"platforms are own by corporations and its criteria; but let's pretend it is "
"a minor issue. And public debate supposedly incentivizes democracy."
msgstr ""
"Primero los periódicos y ahora las redes sociales dependen de esta "
"normalización que genera la idea de un debate público «universal» ---no sé "
"si en realidad es «público» cuando casi todos los periódicos y redes "
"sociales populares son propiedad de corporaciones y sus criterios; pero "
"pretendamos que es un problema menor---. Y el debate público supuestamente "
"incentiva la democracia."
#: content/md/003_dont_come.js:39
msgid ""
"Before Enlightenment the owners of printed text realized its freedom "
"potential. Most churches and kingdoms tried to control it. The Protestant "
"Church first and then the Enlightenment and emerging capitalist enterprises "
"hijacked the control of public debate; specifically who owns the means of "
"printed text production, who decides the languages worthy to print and who "
"sets its main reader."
msgstr ""
"Antes de la Ilustración los propietarios del texto impreso se dieron cuenta "
"de su potencial de liberación. La mayoría de las iglesias y reinos trataron "
"de controlarlo. Primero la iglesia protestante y luego la Ilustración y las "
"emergentes empresas capitalistas despojaron el control del debate público; "
"en específico quién es el propietario de los medios de producción de texto "
"impreso, quién decide las lenguas que valen la pena imprimir y quién decide "
"su principal público lector."
#: content/md/003_dont_come.js:46
msgid ""
"Maybe it is a bad analogy but printed text in newspapers, books and journals "
"were so fascinating like nowadays is digital “content” over the Internet. "
"But what I mean is that there were many people who tried to have that "
"control and power. And most of them failed and keep failing."
msgstr ""
"A lo mejor es una mala analogía pero el texto impreso en periódicos, libros "
"y revistas era tan fascinante como en nuestros días es el «contenido» "
"digital en internet. A lo que me refiero es que hubo muchas personas que "
"intentaron tener ese control y poder. Y la mayoría fallaron y continúan "
#: content/md/003_dont_come.js:51
msgid ""
"So during 18th century books started to have another meaning. They ceased to "
"be mainly devices of God's or authority's word to be _a_ device of freedom "
"of speech. Thanks to the firsts emerging capitalists we got means for "
"secular thinking. Acts of censorship became evident acts of political "
"restriction instead of acts against sinners."
msgstr ""
"Así que durante el siglo +++XVIII+++ los libros empezaron a tener otro "
"significado. Estos cesaron de ser los principales dispositivos para la "
"palabra de Dios o de la autoridad para ser _un_ dispositivo para la libertad "
"de expresión. Gracias a los primeros capitalistas emergentes obtuvimos los "
"medios para un pensamiento secular. Los actos de censura se convirtieron en "
"evidentes actos de coacción política en lugar de acciones en contra de "
#: content/md/003_dont_come.js:57
msgid ""
"The invention of printing created so big demand of printed text that it "
"actually generated the publishing industry. Self-publishing to satisfy "
"internal institutional demand opened the place to an industry for new "
"citizens readers. A luxury and religious object became a commodity in the "
"“free” market."
msgstr ""
"La invención de la imprenta creó una gran demanda de texto impreso hasta el "
"punto de generar la industria editorial. La autopublicación que satisfacía "
"la demanda interna institucional abrió su lugar a una industria para el "
"nuevo ciudadano lector. Un objeto de lujo y religioso pasó a ser un bien en "
"el «libre» mercado."
#: content/md/003_dont_come.js:62
msgid ""
"While printed text surpassed almost all restrictions, freedom of speech "
"rised hand-to-hand freedom of enterprise---the debate between Free Software "
"Movement and Open Source Initiative relies in an old and more general "
"debate: how much freedom can we grant in order to secure freedom? But it "
"also developed other freedom that was fastened by religious or political "
"authorities: the freedom to be identify as an author."
msgstr ""
"Mientras que el texto impreso superó casi todas las restricciones, la "
"libertad de expresión emergió codo a codo con la libertad de empresa ---el "
"debate entre el movimiento del _software_ libre y la iniciativa del código "
"abierto yace en un viejo y más general debate: ¿cuánta libertad podemos "
"garantizar con el fin de resguardarla?---. Pero también desarrolló otra "
"libertad que se encontraba sujeta a las autoridades religiosas y políticas: "
"la libertad de ser identificado como un autor."
#: content/md/003_dont_come.js:69
msgid ""
"How we understand authorship in our days depends in a process where the "
"notion of author became more closed to the idea of “creator.” And it is "
"actually a very interesting semantic transfer. _In one way_ the invention of "
"printing mechanized and improved a practice that it was believed to be done "
"with God's help. Trithemius got so horrified that printing wasn't welcome. "
"But with new Spirits---freedoms of enterprise and speech---what was seen "
"even as a demonic invention became one of the main technologies that still "
"defines and reproduces the idea of humanity."
msgstr ""
"La manera en como ahora entendemos la autoría depende de un proceso donde la "
"noción de autor se aproximó a la idea de «creador». De hecho es un "
"interesante traslado semántico. _Por un lado_ la invención de la imprenta "
"mecanizó y mejoró una practica que se creía ser hecha con la ayuda de Dios. "
"Trithemius se horrorizó a tal grado que la imprenta no fue bienvenida. Pero "
"con nuevos espíritus ---las libertades de empresa y de expresión--- lo que "
"antes se veía como una invención demoniaca se tornó en una de las "
"principales tecnologías que todavía define y reproduce la idea de humanidad."
#: content/md/003_dont_come.js:78
msgid ""
"This opened the opportunity to independent authors. Printed text wasn't "
"anymore a matter of God's or authority's word but a secular and more "
"ephemeral Human's word. The massification of publishing also opened the "
"gates for less relevant and easy-to-read printed texts; but for the "
"incipient publishing industry it didn't matter: it was a way to catch more "
"profits and consumers."
msgstr ""
"Esto abrió la oportunidad para los autores independientes. El texto impreso "
"ya no era un asunto de la palabra de Dios o de la autoridad sino una secular "
"y efímera palabra humana. La masificación de la publicación también abrió "
"las puertas para textos impresos menos relevantes y de fácil lectura; sin "
"embargo, esto no importó para la incipiente industria editorial: era una "
"manera de obtener más ganancias y consumidores."
#: content/md/003_dont_come.js:84
msgid ""
"Not only that, it reproduces the ideas that were around over and over again. "
"Yes, it growth the diversity of ideas but it also repeated speeches that "
"safeguard the state of things. How much books have been a device of freedom "
"and how much they have been a device of ideological reproduction? That is a "
"good question that we have to answer."
msgstr ""
"Y no solo eso, una y otra vez reprodujo ideas que estaban alrededor. Sí, "
"aumentó la diversidad de ideas pero también repitió discursos que "
"salvaguardan el estado de las cosas. ¿Cuántos libros han sido un dispositivo "
"de liberación y cuántos han sido un dispositivo de reproducción ideológica? "
"Es una buena pregunta que tenemos que contestar."
#: content/md/003_dont_come.js:90
msgid ""
"So authors without religious or political authority found a way to sneak "
"their names in printed text. It wasn't yet a function of property---I don't "
"like the word “function,” but I will use it anyways---but a function of "
"attribution: they wanted to publicly be know as the human who wrote those "
"texts. No God, no authority, no institution, but a person of flesh and bone."
msgstr ""
"Así que los autores sin autoridad religiosa o política encontraron una "
"manera de colar sus nombres en el texto impreso. Aún no era una función de "
"propiedad ---no me gusta la palabra «función», pero de todas maneras la "
"emplearé--- sino una función de atribución: ellos querían que públicamente "
"se les reconociera como el humano que escribió esos textos. No Dios, no una "
"autoridad, no una institución, sino una persona de carne y hueso."
#: content/md/003_dont_come.js:96
msgid ""
"But that also meant regular powerless people. Without backup of God or King, "
"who the fucks are you, little peasant? Publishers---a.k.a. printers in those "
"years---took advantage. The fascination to saw a newspaper article about "
"books you wrote is similar to see a Wikipedia article about you. You don't "
"gain directly anything, only reputation. It relies on you to made it "
msgstr ""
"No obstante, también significó que personas promedio y sin poder empezaron a "
"ser autores. Sin el apoyo de Dios o el rey, ¿quién chingados eres tú, pinche "
"peón? Los editores ---conocidos en ese tiempo como impresores--- tomaron "
"ventaja. La fascinación de ver un artículo de periódico sobre tu libro era "
"similar a ver un artículo de la Wikipedia sobre ti. De manera directa no "
"obtienes nada, solo reputación. Dependerá de ti que lo hagas rentable."
#: content/md/003_dont_come.js:102
msgid ""
"During 18th century, authorship became a function of _individual_ "
"attribution, but not a function of property. So I think that is were the "
"notion of “creator” came out as an ace in the hole. In Germany we can track "
"one of the first robust attempts to empower this new kind of powerless "
"independent author."
msgstr ""
"Durante el siglo +++XVIII+++ la autoría se convirtió en una función de "
"atribución _individual_, pero no una función de propiedad. Así que pienso "
"que la noción de «autor» vino como un as bajo la manga. En Alemania podemos "
"rastrear uno de los primeros intentos robustos de empoderar a este nuevo y "
"frágil tipo de autor independiente."
#: content/md/003_dont_come.js:107
msgid ""
"German Romanticism developed something that goes back to the Renaissance: "
"humans can also _create_ things. Sometimes we forget that Christianity has "
"been also a very messy set of beliefs. The attempt to made a consistent, "
"uniform and rationalized set of beliefs goes back in the diversity of "
"religious practices. So you could accept that printing text lost its "
"directly connection to God's word while you could argue some kind of "
"indirectly inspiration beyond our corporeal world. And you don't have to "
"rationalize it: you can't prove it, you just feel it and know it."
msgstr ""
"El Romanticismo alemán desarrolló algo que data del Renacimiento: los "
"humanos también pueden _crear_ cosas. A veces olvidamos que el cristianismo "
"ha sido una maraña de creencias. El intento de hacer un conjunto de "
"creencias consistente, uniforme y racionalizado se debe a la diversidad de "
"prácticas religiosas. Por eso uno podía aceptar que el texto impreso perdió "
"su conexión directa con la palabra de Dios al mismo tiempo que se podía "
"argumentar alguna especie de inspiración que va más allá de nuestro mundo. Y "
"no hay por qué racionalizarlo: no se puede comprobar, solo sentirlo y "
#: content/md/003_dont_come.js:116
msgid ""
"So german writers used that as foundations for independent authorship. No "
"God's or authority's word, no institution, but a person inspired by things "
"beyond our world. The notion of “creation” has a very strong religious and "
"metaphysical backgrounds that we can't just ignore them: act of creation "
"means the capacity to bring to this world something that it didn't belong to "
"it. The relationship between authorship and text turned out so imminent that "
"even nowadays we don't have any fucking idea why we accept as common sense "
"that authors have a superior and inalienable bond to its works."
msgstr ""
"Así que los escritores alemanes usaron esto para fundamentar la autoría "
"independiente. No más la palabra de Dios o de la autoridad, no más "
"institución, sino una persona inspirada por cosas que trascienden este "
"mundo. La noción de «creación» tiene fuertes connotaciones religiosas y "
"metafísicas que no podemos ignorar: el acto de creación significa la "
"capacidad de traer a este mundo algo que no le pertenece. La relación entra "
"la autoría y el texto se hizo tan inmanente que incluso en nuestro días no "
"tenemos pinche idea del porqué aceptamos como sentido común que los autores "
"tengan un vínculo superior e inalienable con su trabajo."
#: content/md/003_dont_come.js:126
msgid ""
"But before the expansionism of German Romanticism notion of author, writers "
"were seen more as producers that sold their work to the owners of means of "
"production. So while the invention of printing facilitated a new kind of "
"secular and independent author, _in other hand_ it summoned Authorship Fog: "
"“Whenever you cast another Book spell, if Spirits of Printing is in the "
"command zone or on the battlefield, create a 1/1 white Author creature token "
"with flying and indestructible.” As material as a printed card we made magic "
"to grant authors a creative function: the ability to “produce from nothing” "
"and a bond that never dies or changes."
msgstr ""
"Antes de la expansión de la noción de autor del Romanticismo alemán, los "
"escritores eran vistos como productores que vendían su trabajo a los "
"propietarios de los medios de producción. Así que mientras la invención de "
"la imprenta facilitó un nuevo tipo de autor secular e independiente, _por "
"otro lado_ invocó la Niebla Autoral: «Siempre que lances otro hechizo de "
"Libro, si los Espíritus de la Imprenta están en la zona de mando o en el "
"campo de batalla, crea una ficha de criatura indestructible Autor blanca 1/1 "
"con la habilidad de volar». Tan material como una carta, hicimos magia para "
"garantizarle a los autores una función creativa: la habilidad de «producir "
"de la nada» y un vínculo que nunca cambia o muere."
#: content/md/003_dont_come.js:136
msgid ""
"Authors as creators is a cool metaphor, who doesn't want to have some divine "
"powers? In the abstract discussion about the relationship between authors, "
"texts and freedom of speech, it is just a perfect fit. You don't have to "
"rely in anything material to grasp all of them as an unique phenomena. But "
"in the concrete facts of printed texts and the publishers abuse to authors "
"you go beyond attribution. You are not just linking an object to a subject. "
"Instead, you are grating property relationships between subject and an "
msgstr ""
"Los autores como creadores es una metáfora chida, ¿quién no quiere tener "
"algunos poderes divinos? Calza a la perfección en la discusión abstracta "
"acerca de la relación entre autores, textos y libertad de expresión. No se "
"tiene que depender de nada material para cogerlos como un único fenómeno. "
"Pero en los hechos concretos de la impresión de textos y los abusos por "
"parte de los editores hacia los autores se va más allá de la atribución. No "
"solo se está haciendo un nexo entre un objeto y un sujeto. En su lugar, se "
"garantiza una relación de propiedad entre un sujeto y un objeto."
#: content/md/003_dont_come.js:145
msgid ""
"And property means nothing if you can't exploit it. At the beginning of "
"publishing industry and during all 18th century, publishers took advantage "
"of this new kind of “property.” The invention of the author as a property "
"function was the rise of new legislation. Germans and French jurists "
"translated this speech to laws."
msgstr ""
"Y la propiedad no significa nada si no puede explotarse. Al inicio de la "
"industria editorial y durante todo el siglo +++XVIII+++, los editores "
"tomaron ventaja de este nuevo tipo de «propiedad». La invención del autor "
"como una función de propiedad fue el surgimiento de una nueva legislación. "
"Juristas alemanes y franceses tradujeron este discurso a leyes."
#: content/md/003_dont_come.js:150
msgid ""
"I won't talk about the history of moral rights. Instead I want to highlight "
"how this gave a supposedly ethical, political and legal justification of "
"_the individualization_ of cultural commodities. Authorship began to be "
"associated inalienably to individuals and _a_ book started to mean _a_ "
"reader. But not only that, the possibilities of intellectual freedom were "
"reduced to a particular device: printed text."
msgstr ""
"No voy a hablar sobre la historia de los derechos morales. En su lugar "
"quiero resaltar cómo esto concedió una supuesta justificación ética, "
"política y jurídica a la _individualización_ de los bienes culturales. La "
"autoría empezó a ser asociada de manera inalienable a individuos y _un_ "
"libro empezó a entenderse como _un_ lector. Y no solo eso, las posibilidades "
"de liberación intelectual fueron reducidas a _un_ dispositivo en particular: "
"el texto impreso."
#: content/md/003_dont_come.js:157
msgid ""
"More freedom translated to the need of more and more printed material. More "
"freedom implied the requirement of bigger and bigger publishing industry. "
"More freedom entailed the expansionism of cultural capitalism. Books "
"switched to commodities and authors became its owners. Moral rights were "
"never about the freedom of readers, but who was the owner of that "
msgstr ""
"Una mayor libertad se tradujo en la necesidad de más y más material impreso. "
"Una mayor libertad implicó la necesidad de una industria editorial cada vez "
"más grande. Una mayor libertad supuso la expansión del capitalismo cultural. "
"Los libros se convirtieron en bienes y los autores en sus propietarios. Los "
"derechos morales nunca fueron para la libertad de los lectores sino para ver "
"quién era el propietario de esos bienes."
#: content/md/003_dont_come.js:163
msgid ""
"Books stopped to be sources of oral and local public debate and became "
"private devices for an “universal” public debate: the Enlightenment. "
"Authorship put attribution in secondary place so individual ownership could "
"become its synonymous. A book for several readers and an author as an id for "
"an intellectual movement or institution became irrelevant against a book as "
"property for a particular reader---as material---and author---as speech."
msgstr ""
"Los libros dejaron de ser una fuente oral y local del debate público para "
"tornarse en dispositivos privados para el debate público «universal»: la "
"Ilustración. La autoría puso la atribución en un segundo plano para que la "
"apropiación individual fuese su sinónimo. Un libro para varios lectores y un "
"autor para identificar movimientos intelectuales o instituciones se "
"volvieron irrelevantes a comparación de los libros como una propiedad para "
"lectores ---como materia--- o autores ---como discurso--- en particular."
#: content/md/003_dont_come.js:170
msgid ""
"And we are sitting here reading all this shit without taking to account that "
"ones of the main wins of our neoliberal world is that we have been talking "
"about objects, individuals and production of wealth. Who the fucks are the "
"subjects who made all this publishing shit possible? Where the fucks are the "
"communities that in several ways make possible the rise of authors? For fuck "
"sake, why aren't we talking about the hidden costs of the maintenance of "
"means of production?"
msgstr ""
"Y aquí estamos sentados leyendo toda esta mierda sin ni siquiera tomar en "
"cuenta que uno de los principales triunfos de nuestro mundo neoliberal es "
"que hemos estado hablando de objetos, individuos y producción de riqueza. ¿A "
"quién chingados le importan los sujetos que hicieron posible toda esta "
"mierda editorial? ¿Dónde chingados están las comunidades que de muchas "
"maneras posibilitaron el surgimiento de los autores? Chingado, ¿por qué no "
"estamos hablando de los costos ocultos que implica el mantenimiento de los "
"modos de producción?"
#: content/md/003_dont_come.js:178
msgid ""
"We aren't books and we aren't its authors. We aren't those individuals who "
"everybody are gonna relate to the books we are working on and, of course, we "
"lack of sense of community. We aren't the ones who enjoy all that wealth "
"generated by books production but for sure we are the ones who made all that "
"possible. _We are neglecting ourselves_."
msgstr ""
"No somos libros ni sus autores. No somos aquellos individuos que todo mundo "
"va a relacionar con los libros que estamos trabajando y, por supuesto, "
"carecemos de sentido de comunidad. No somos los que disfrutamos la riqueza "
"generada por la producción de libros pero seguro somos los que hacemos todo "
"eso posible. _Nos estamos negando a nosotros mismos_."
#: content/md/003_dont_come.js:184
msgid ""
"So don't come with those tales about the greatness of books for our culture, "
"the need of authorship to transfer wealth or to give attribution and how "
"important for our lives is the publishing production."
msgstr ""
"Así que no vengas con esos cuentos sobre la grandeza de los libros para "
"nuestra cultura, la necesidad de la autoría para transferir la riqueza o dar "
"atribución y cuán importante es para nuestras vidas la producción de "
#: content/md/003_dont_come.js:188
msgid ""
"* Did you know that books have been mainly devices of ideological\n"
" reproduction or at least mainly devices for cultural capitalism---most\n"
" best-selling books aren't critical thinking books that free\n"
" our minds, but text books with its hidden curriculum and\n"
" self-help and erotic books that keep reproducing basic exploitable\n"
" stereotypes?\n"
"* Did you realize that authorship haven't been the best way\n"
" to transfer wealth or give attribution---even now more than\n"
" before authors have to paid in order to be published at the\n"
" same time that in the practice they lose all rights?\n"
"* Did you see how we keep to be worry about production no matter\n"
" what---it doesn't matter that it would imply bigger chains\n"
" of free labor or, as I prefer to say: chains of exploitation\n"
" and “intellectual” slavery, because in order to be an\n"
" scholar you have to embrace publishing industry and maybe\n"
" even cultural capitalism?"
msgstr ""
"* ¿Sabías que los libros han sido principalmente dispositivos de\n"
" reproducción ideológica o al menos el principal dispositivo del "
"capitalismo cultural\n"
" ---la mayoría de los libros que se venden no son de pensamiento crítico "
" liberan nuestras mentes, sino libros de texto con su currículo oculto y\n"
" libros de autoayuda o eróticos que continúan reproduciendo básicos "
" explotables---?\n"
"* ¿No te das cuenta que la autoría no ha sido el mejor medio para\n"
" transferir la riqueza o dar atribución ---incluso peor que antes\n"
" ahora los autores tienen que pagar para poder ser publicados mientras que\n"
" en la práctica han perdido todos sus derechos---?\n"
"* ¿No ves que nos seguimos preocupando por la producción sin importar\n"
" qué ---no importa que pueda implicar mayores cadenas de trabajo\n"
" gratuito o, como prefiero decirlo: cadenas de explotación y de\n"
" esclavitud «intelectual», porque para poder ser académico o escritor\n"
" tienes que abrazar a la industria editorial y quizá incluso al\n"
" capitalismo cultural---?"
#: content/md/003_dont_come.js:204
msgid ""
"Please, don't come with those tales, we already reached more fertile fields "
"that can generate way better stories. "
msgstr ""
"Por favor, no vengas con esos cuentos, ya hemos llegado a campos más "
"fértiles que pueden producir mejores historias. "

View File

@ -0,0 +1,509 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: 004_backup 1.0\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: Nika Zhenya <>\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-07-04 07:49-0500\n"
"Last-Translator: Automatically generated\n"
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"X-Generator: Poedit 2.3\n"
#: content/md/004_backup.js:1
msgid "# Who Backup Whom?"
msgstr "# ¿Quién respalda a quién?"
#: content/md/004_backup.js:2
msgid "> @published 2019/07/04, 10:00 {.published}"
msgstr ""
"> @published 2019/07/04, 11:00 | [+++PDF+++]("
"pdf/004_backup.pdf) | [+++Folleto+++]("
"pdf/004_backup_imposition.pdf) {.published}"
#: content/md/004_backup.js:3
msgid ""
"Among publishers and readers is common to heard about “digital copies.” This "
"implies that ebooks tend to be seen as backups of printed books. How the "
"former became a copy of the original---even tough you first need a digital "
"file in order to print---goes something like this:"
msgstr ""
"Entre editores y lectores es común escuchar sobre las «copias digitales». "
"Esto implica que los libros electrónicos tienden a verse como respaldos de "
"los libros impresos. La manera en como el primero se convierte en una copia "
"del original ---aunque primero necesites un archivo digital para poder "
"imprimir--- es algo similar a lo siguiente:"
#: content/md/004_backup.js:8
msgid ""
"1. Digital files (+++DF+++s) with appropriate maintenance could\n"
" have higher probabilities to last longer that its material\n"
" peer.\n"
"2. Physical files (+++PF+++s) are limited due geopolitical\n"
" issues, like cultural policies updates, or due random events,\n"
" like environment changes or accidents.\n"
"3. _Therefore_, +++DF+++s are backups of +++PF+++s because _in\n"
" theory_ its dependence is just technical."
msgstr ""
"1. Los archivos digitales (+++AD+++) con un apropiado mantenimiento\n"
" pueden tener mayores probabilidades de durar más que su correlato\n"
" material.\n"
"2. Los archivos físicos (+++AF+++) están constreñidos por cuestiones\n"
" geopolíticas, como las modificaciones en las políticas culturales, o por "
" aleatorios, como los cambios en el medio ambiente o los accidentes.\n"
"3. _Por lo tanto_, los +++AD+++ son el respaldo de los +++AF+++ porque\n"
" _en teoría_ su dependencia solo es técnica."
#: content/md/004_backup.js:16
msgid ""
"The famous digital copies arise as a right of private copy. What if one day "
"our printed books get ban or burn? Or maybe some rain or coffee spill could "
"fuck our books collection. Who knows, +++DF+++s seem more reliable."
msgstr ""
"La famosa copia digital emerge como un derecho a la copia privada. ¿Qué tal "
"si un día nuestros impresos son censurados o quemados? O quizá una lluvia o "
"un derrame de café puede chingar nuestra colección de libros. Quién sabe, "
"los +++AD+++ parecen ser más confiables."
#: content/md/004_backup.js:20
msgid ""
"But there are a couple suppositions in this argument. (1) The technology "
"behind +++DF+++s in one way or the other will always make data flow. Maybe "
"this is because (2) one characteristic---part of its “nature”---of "
"information is that nobody can stop its spread. This could also implies that "
"(3) hackers can always destroy any kind of digital rights management system."
msgstr ""
"Pero hay un par de suposiciones en este argumento. (1) La tecnología detrás "
"de los +++AD+++ de una manera u otra siempre hará que los datos fluyan. Tal "
"vez esto se debe a que (2) una característica ---parte de su «naturaleza»--- "
"de la información es que nadie puede detener su propagación. Esto puede "
"implicar que (3) los _hackers_ siempre pueden destruir cualquier tipo de "
"sistema de gestión de derechos digitales."
#: content/md/004_backup.js:26
msgid ""
"Certainly some dudes are gonna be able to hack the locks but at a high cost: "
"every time each [cipher]( is revealed, "
"another more complex is on the way---_Barlow [dixit](https://www.wired."
"com/1994/03/economy-ideas/)_. We cannot trust that our digital "
"infrastructure would be designed with the idea of free share in mind… Also, "
"how can we probe information wants to be free without relying in its "
"“nature” or making it some kind of autonomous subject?"
msgstr ""
"Sin duda algunas personas van a poder _hackear_ las cerraduras pero a un "
"costo muy alto: cada vez que un [algoritmo criptográfico](https://es."
" es revelado, otro más "
"complejo ya viene en camino ---*Barlow [dixit](https://biblioweb.sindominio."
"net/telematica/barlow.html)*---. No podemos confiar en la idea de que "
"nuestra infraestructura digital será diseñada para compartir libremente… "
"Además, ¿cómo se puede probar que la información quiere ser libre sin recaer "
"en su «naturaleza» o tornarla en alguna clase de sujeto autónomo?"
#: content/md/004_backup.js:33
msgid ""
"Besides those issues, the dynamic between copies and originals creates an "
"hierarchical order. Every +++DF+++ is in a secondary position because it is "
"a copy. In a world full of things, materiality is and important feature for "
"commons and goods; for several people +++PF+++s are gonna be preferred "
"because, well, you can grasp them."
msgstr ""
"Por otra parte, la dinámica entre las copias y los originales genera un "
"orden jerárquico. Cada +++AD+++ se encuentra en una posición secundaria "
"porque es una copia. En un mundo lleno de cosas, la materialidad es una "
"característica relevante para los bienes comunes y las mercancías; muchas "
"personas van a preferir los +++AF+++ ya que, bueno, puedes asirlos."
#: content/md/004_backup.js:39
msgid ""
"Ebook market shows that the hierarchy is at least shading. For some readers +"
"++DF+++s are now in the top of the pyramid. We could say so by the follow "
msgstr ""
"El mercado de los libros electrónicos muestra que esta jerarquía al menos se "
"está matizando. Para ciertos lectores los +++AD+++ ahora están en la cúspide "
"de la pirámide. Se puede señalar este fenómeno con el siguiente argumento:"
#: content/md/004_backup.js:42
msgid ""
"1. +++DF+++s are way more flexible and easy to share.\n"
"2. +++PF+++s are very static and not easy to access.\n"
"3. _Therefore_, +++DF+++s are more suitable for use than +++PF+++s."
msgstr ""
"1. Los +++AD+++ son mucho más flexibles y sencillos de compartir.\n"
"2. Los +++AF+++ son muy rígidos y no hay facilidad para su acceso.\n"
"3. _Por lo tanto_, los +++AD+++ son más convenientes que los +++AF+++."
#: content/md/004_backup.js:45
msgid ""
"Suddenly, +++PF+++s become hard copies that are gonna store data as it was "
"published. Its information is in disposition to be extracted and processed "
"if need it."
msgstr ""
"De repente los +++AF+++ mutan en las copias duras donde los datos serán "
"guardados tal cual fueron publicados. Si se requiere, su información está a "
"disposición para la extracción y el procesamiento."
#: content/md/004_backup.js:48
msgid ""
"Yeah, we also have a couple assumptions here. Again (1) we rely on the "
"stability of our digital infrastructure that it would allow us to have "
"access to +++DF+++s no matter how old they are. (2) Reader's priorities are "
"over files use---if not merely consumption---not on its preservation and "
"reproduction (+++P&R+++). (3) The argument presume that backups are "
"motionless information, where bookshelves are fridges for later-to-use books."
msgstr ""
"Sí, aquí también tenemos un par de suposiciones. De nuevo (1) confiamos en "
"la estabilidad de nuestra infraestructura digital que nos permitirá tener "
"acceso a nuestros +++AD+++ sin importar que tan viejos estén. (2) La "
"prioridad de los lectores es sobre el uso de los archivos ---si no su mero "
"consumo--- y no su preservación y reproducción (+++P&R+++). (3) El argumento "
"asume que los respaldos son información inmóvil, donde los estantes son "
"refrigeradores para los libros que después se usarán."
#: content/md/004_backup.js:55
msgid ""
"The optimism about our digital infrastructure is too damn high. Commonly we "
"see it as a technology that give us access to zillions of files and not as a "
"+++P&R+++ machinery. This could be problematic because some times file "
"formats intended for use aren't the most suitable for +++P&R+++. For "
"example, the use of +++PDF+++s as some kind of ebook. Giving to much "
"importance to reader's priorities could lead us to a situation where the "
"only way to process data is by extracting it again from hard copies. When we "
"do that we also have another headache: fixes on the content have to be add "
"to the last available hard copy edition. But, can you guess where are all "
"the fixes? Probably not. Maybe we should start to think about backups as "
"some sort of _rolling update_."
msgstr ""
"El optimismo respecto a nuestra infraestructura digital es muy alto. Por lo "
"general la vemos como una tecnología que nos da acceso a chorrocientos "
"archivos y no como una maquinaria para la +++P&R+++. Esto puede ser "
"problemático porque en ciertos casos los formatos de archivos que fueron "
"diseñados para su uso común no son los más adecuados para su +++P&R+++. Como "
"ejemplo tenemos el uso de +++PDF+++ a modo de libros electrónicos. Si le "
"damos mucha importancia a la prioridad de los lectores, como consecuencia "
"podemos llegar a una situación donde la única manera de procesar los datos "
"es el retorno a su extracción a partir de las copias duras. Cuando lo "
"llevamos a cabo de esa manera tenemos otro dolor de cabeza: las correcciones "
"del contenido tienen que ser añadidas a la última edición disponible en "
"copia dura. Pero ¿puedes adivinar dónde están todas estas correcciones? Lo "
"más seguro es que no. A lo mejor deberíamos por empezar a pensar los "
"respaldos como algún tipo de _actualización continua_."
#: content/md/004_backup.js:67
msgid ""
"![Programando Libreros while she scans books which +++DF+++s are not "
"suitable for +++P&R+++ or are simply nonexistent; can you see how it is not "
"necessary to have a fucking nice scanner?](../../../img/p004_i001.jpg)"
msgstr ""
"![Programando Libreros mientras escanea libros cuyos +++AD+++ no son aptos "
"para la +++P&R+++ o simplemente no existen; ¿ves cómo no es necesario tener "
"un pinche escáner bueno?](../../../img/p004_i001.jpg)"
#: content/md/004_backup.js:70
msgid ""
"As we imagine---and started to live in---scenarios of highly controlled data "
"transfer, we have to picture a situation where for some reason our electric "
"power is off or running low. In that context all the strengths of +++DF+++s "
"become pointless. They may not be accessible. They may not spread. Right now "
"for us is hard to imagine. Generation after generation the storaged +++DF++"
"+s in +++HDD+++s would be inherit with the hope of being used again. But "
"over time those devices with our cultural heritage would become rare objects "
"without any apparent utility."
msgstr ""
"Tal como imaginas ---y comenzamos a vivir en--- escenarios con un alto "
"control en la transferencia de datos, podemos fantasear con una situación "
"donde por alguna razón nuestras fuentes de energía eléctrica no están "
"disponibles o tienen poco abastecimiento. En este contexto todas las "
"fortalezas de los +++AD+++ pierden sentido. A lo mejor no serán accesibles. "
"Quizá no podrán propagarse. Por el momento es difícil de concebir. "
"Generación tras generación los +++AD+++ guardados en discos duros mutarán en "
"una herencia que hace patente la esperanza de volver a usarlos de nuevo. "
"Pero con el tiempo estos dispositivos, que contienen nuestro patrimonio "
"cultural, se convertirán en objetos extraños sin utilidad aparente."
#: content/md/004_backup.js:79
msgid ""
"The aspects of +++DF+++s that made us see the fragility of +++PF+++s would "
"disappear in its concealment. Can we still talk about information if it is "
"potential information---we know the data is there, but it is inaccessible "
"because we don't have the means for view them? Or does information already "
"implies the technical resources for its access---i.e. there is not "
"information without a subject with technical skills to extract, process and "
"use the data?"
msgstr ""
"Las características de los +++AD+++ que nos hacen ver la fragilidad de los ++"
"+AF+++ van a desaparecer en su ocultamiento. ¿Aún podemos hablar de "
"información si esta es potencial ---sabemos que los datos están ahí, pero "
"son inaccesibles ya que no tenemos los medios para verlos---? ¿O acaso la "
"información ya implica los recursos técnicos para su acceso ---es decir, no "
"existe la información sin un sujeto con las capacidades técnicas para "
"extraer, procesar y usar los datos---?"
#: content/md/004_backup.js:86
msgid ""
"When we usually talk about information we already suppose is there, but many "
"times is not accessible. So the idea of potential information could be "
"counterintuitive. If the information isn't actual we just consider that it "
"doesn't exist, not that it is on some potential stage."
msgstr ""
"Cuando por lo común hablamos sobre la información, ya suponemos que está ahí "
"pero en varias ocasiones no es accesible. Así que la idea de información "
"potencial podría ser contraintuitiva. Si la información no está en acto, de "
"manera llana consideramos que es inexistente, no que se encuentra en algún "
"estado potencial."
#: content/md/004_backup.js:91
msgid ""
"As our technology is developing we assume that we would always have _the "
"possibility_ of better ways to extract or understand data. Thus, that there "
"are bigger chances to get new kinds of information---and take a profit from "
"it. Preservation of data relies between those possibilities, as we usually "
"backup files with the idea that we could need to go back again."
msgstr ""
"A la par que nuestra tecnología está en desarrollo, nosotros asumimos que "
"siempre habrá _la posibilidad_ de dar con mejores maneras para extraer e "
"interpretar los datos; y, por ello, que existen más oportunidades de "
"cosechar nuevos tipos de información ---y de obtener ganancias con ello---. "
"La preservación de los datos yace entre estas posibilidades debido a que "
"casi siempre respaldamos archivos con la idea de que los podríamos necesitar "
"de nuevo."
#: content/md/004_backup.js:97
msgid ""
"Our world become more complex by new things forthcoming to us, most of the "
"times as new characteristics of things we already know. Preservation "
"policies implies an epistemic optimism and not only a desire to keep alive "
"or incorrupt our heritage. We wouldn't backup data if we don't already "
"believe we could need it in a future where we can still use it."
msgstr ""
"Nuestro mundo se vuelve más complejo por las nuevas cosas que están a "
"nuestra disposición, en muchos casos como nuevas características de cosas "
"que ya conocemos. Las políticas de preservación implican un optimismo "
"epistémico y no solo un anhelo de mantener nuestro patrimonio vivo o "
"incorrupto. No respaldaríamos datos si antes no creyéramos que podríamos "
"necesitarlos en un futuro donde aún podemos utilizarlos."
#: content/md/004_backup.js:103
msgid ""
"With this exercise could be clear a potentially paradox of +++DF+++s. More "
"accessibility tends to require more technical infrastructure. This could "
"imply major technical dependence that subordinate accessibility of "
"information to the disposition of technical means. _Therefore_, we achieve a "
"situation where more accessibility is equal to more technical infrastructure "
"and---as we experience nowadays---dependence."
msgstr ""
"Con este ejercicio se puede ver con claridad una posible paradoja de los ++"
"+AD+++. Para tener más acceso se tiende a requerir una mayor infraestructura "
"técnica. Esto puede implicar una mayor dependencia tecnológica que subordina "
"la accesibilidad de la información a la disposición de los medios técnicos. "
"_Por lo tanto_, nos encontramos con una situación donde una mayor "
"accesibilidad es proporcional a una mayor infraestructura tecnológica y ---"
"tal como lo vemos en nuestros días--- dependencia."
#: content/md/004_backup.js:110
msgid ""
"Open access to knowledge involves at least some minimum technical means. "
"Without that, we can't really talk about accessibility of information. "
"Contemporary open access possibilities are restricted to an already "
"technical dependence because we give a lot of attention in the flexibility "
"that +++DF+++s offer us for _its use_. In a world without electric power, "
"this kind of accessibility becomes narrow and an useless effort."
msgstr ""
"El acceso abierto al conocimiento supone al menos unos requerimientos "
"técnicos mínimos. Sin ello no podemos en realidad hablar de accesibilidad de "
"la información. Las posibilidades del acceso abierto contemporáneo están "
"restringidas a una dependencia tecnológica ya existente porque le prestamos "
"más atención a la flexibilidad que los +++AD+++ nos ofrecen para _su uso_. "
"En un mundo sin fuentes de energía eléctrica este tipo de acceso se vuelve "
"estrecho y un esfuerzo inútil."
#: content/md/004_backup.js:117
msgid ""
"![Programando Libreros and Hacklib while they work on a project intended to +"
"++P&R+++ old Latin American SciFi books; sometimes a V-shape scanner is "
"required when books are very fragile.](../../../img/p004_i002.jpg)"
msgstr ""
"![Programando Libreros y Hacklib mientras trabajan en un proyecto cuyo "
"objetivo es la +++P&R+++ de libros viejos de ciencia ficción "
"latinoamericana; en ciertas ocasiones un escáner en forma de V es necesario "
"cuando los libros son muy frágiles.](../../../img/p004_i002.jpg)"
#: content/md/004_backup.js:120
msgid ""
"So, _who backup whom?_ In our actual world, where geopolitics and technical "
"means restricts flow of data and people at the same time it defends internet "
"access as a human right---some sort of neo-Enlightenment discourse---+++DF++"
"+s are lifesavers in a condition where we don't have more ways to move "
"around or scape---not only from border to border, but also on cyberspace: it "
"is becoming a common place the need to sign up and give your identity in "
"order to use web services. Let's not forget that open access of data can be "
"a course of action to improve as community but also a method to perpetuate "
"social conditions."
msgstr ""
"Así que, _¿quién respalda a quién?_ En nuestro mundo, donde la geopolítica y "
"los medios técnicos restringen el flujo de los datos y las personas al mismo "
"tiempo que defiende al acceso a internet como un derecho humano ---un tipo "
"de discurso neoilustrado---, los +++AD+++ son el salvavidas en una situación "
"donde no tenemos otras formas de movernos alrededor o de escapar ---no solo "
"de frontera en frontera, sino también en el ciberespacio: se está volviendo "
"un lugar común la necesidad de inscripción y de cesión de tu identidad con "
"el fin de usar servicios _web_---. Vale la pena recordar que el acceso "
"abierto a los datos puede ser un camino para mejorar como comunidad pero "
"también podría constituirse en un método para perpetuar las condiciones "
#: content/md/004_backup.js:130
msgid ""
"Not a lot of people are as privilege as us when we talk about access to "
"technical means. Even more concerning, they are hommies with disabilities "
"that made very hard for them to access information albeit they have those "
"means. Isn't it funny that our ideas as file contents can move more “freely” "
"than us---your memes can reach web platform where you are not allow to sign "
msgstr ""
"No muchas personas tienen el privilegio que gozamos cuando hablamos sobre el "
"acceso a los medios técnicos. Incluso de manera más desconcertante hay "
"compas con incapacidades que les complican el acceso a la información aunque "
"cuenten con los medios. ¿Acaso no es gracioso que nuestras ideas vertidas en "
"un archivo puedan moverse de manera más «libre» que nosotros ---tus memes "
"pueden llegar a plataformas _web_ donde tu presencia no está autorizada---?"
#: content/md/004_backup.js:136
msgid ""
"I desire more technological developments for freedom of +++P&R+++ and not "
"just for use as enjoyment---no matter is for intellectual or consumption "
"purposes. I want us to be free. But sometimes use of data, +++P&R+++ of "
"information and people mobility freedoms don't get along."
msgstr ""
"Deseo más desarrollos tecnológicos en pos de la libertad de la +++P&R+++ y "
"no solo de su uso como goce ---no importa si es con fines intelectuales o de "
"consumo---. Quiero que seamos libres. Pero en algunos casos las libertades "
"sobre el uso de datos, la +++P&R+++ de la información y la movilidad de las "
"personas no se llevan bien."
#: content/md/004_backup.js:141
msgid ""
"With +++DF+++s we achieve more independence in file use because once it is "
"save, it could spread. It doesn't matter we have religious or political "
"barriers; the battle take place mainly in technical grounds. But this "
"doesn't made +++DF+++s more autonomous in its +++P&R+++. Neither implies we "
"can archive personal or community freedoms. They are objects. _They are "
"tools_ and whoever use them better, whoever owns them, would have more power."
msgstr ""
"Con los +++AD+++ obtenemos una mayor independencia en el uso de los archivos "
"porque una vez que han sido guardados, pueden propagarse. No importan las "
"barreras políticas o religiosas; la batalla toma lugar principalmente en el "
"campo técnico. Pero esto no le da a los +++AD+++ una mayor autonomía en su ++"
"+P&R+++. Tampoco implica que podamos obtener libertades personales o "
"comunitarias. Los +++AD+++ son objetos. _Los +++AD+++ son herramientas_ y "
"cualquiera que los use mejor, cualquiera que sea su dueño, tendrá más poder."
#: content/md/004_backup.js:148
msgid ""
"With +++PF+++s we can have more +++P&R+++ accessibility. We can do whatever "
"we want with them: extract their data, process it and let it free. But only "
"if we are their owners. Often that is not the case, so +++PF+++s tend to "
"have more restricted access for its use. And, again, this doesn't mean we "
"can be free. There is not any cause and effect between what object made "
"possible and how subjects want to be free. They are tools, they are not "
"master or slaves, just means for whoever use them… but for which ends?"
msgstr ""
"Con los +++AF+++ cabe la oportunidad de que tengamos más libertad para su ++"
"+P&R+++. Podemos hacer cualquier cosa que queramos con ellos: extraer sus "
"datos, procesarlos y liberarlos. Pero solo si somos sus propietarios. En "
"muchos casos no es el caso, así que los +++AF+++ tienden a tener un acceso "
"más restringido para su uso. Y, de nueva cuenta, esto no implica que podamos "
"ser libres. No existe una relación causa y efecto entre lo que un objeto "
"hace posible y la manera en como un sujeto quiere ser libre. Los +++AF+++ "
"son herramientas, no son amos ni esclavos, solo un medio para cualquiera que "
"los use… pero ¿con qué fines?"
#: content/md/004_backup.js:157
msgid ""
"We need +++DF+++s and +++PF+++s as backups and as everyday objects of use. "
"The act of backup is a dynamic category. Backed up files are not inert and "
"they aren't only a substrate waiting to be use. Sometimes we are going to "
"use +++PF+++s because +++DF+++s have been corrupted or its technical "
"infrastructure has been shut down. In other occasions we would use +++DF+++s "
"when +++PF+++s have been destroyed or restricted."
msgstr ""
"Necesitamos los +++AD+++ y a los +++AF+++ como respaldos y como objetos de "
"uso diario. El acto de respaldar es una categoría dinámica. Los archivos "
"respaldados no son inertes ni son sustratos que esperan ser usados. En "
"algunos casos vamos a usar los +++AF+++ porque los +++AD+++ han sido "
"corrompidos o su infraestructura tecnológica ha sido suspendida. En otras "
"ocasiones vamos a usar los +++AD+++ cuando los +++AF+++ han sido destruidos "
"o restringidos."
#: content/md/004_backup.js:164
msgid ""
"![Due restricted access to +++PF+++s, sometimes it is necessary a portable V-"
"shape scanner; this model allows us to handle damaged books while we can "
"also storage it in a backpack.](../../../img/p004_i003.jpg)"
msgstr ""
"![Debido a la restricción en el acceso a los +++AF+++, a veces es necesario "
"un escáner portable en forma de V; este modelo nos permite manejar libros "
"deteriorados así como podemos guardarlo en una mochila.](../../../img/"
#: content/md/004_backup.js:167
msgid ""
"So the struggle about backups---and all that shit about “freedom” on +++FOSS+"
"++ communities---it is not only around the “incorporeal” realm of "
"information. Nor on the technical means that made digital data possible. "
"Neither in the laws that transform production into property. We have others "
"battle fronts against the monopoly of the cyberspace---or as Lingel [says]"
"( "
"the gentrification of the internet."
msgstr ""
"Así que la lucha en relación con los respaldos ---y a toda esa mierda acerca "
"de la «libertad» en las comunidades del _software_ libre y del código "
"abierto--- no es solo en torno al reino «incorpóreo» de la información. "
"Tampoco sobre los medios técnicos que posibilitan los datos digitales. Ni "
"mucho menos respecto a las leyes que transforman la producción en propiedad. "
"Tenemos otros frentes de batalla en contra del monopolio del ciberespacio ---"
"o como Lingel [dice]("
"of-the-internet/): la gentrificación del internet."
#: content/md/004_backup.js:174
msgid ""
"It is not just about software, hardware, privacy, information or laws. It is "
"about us: how we build communities and how technology constitutes us as "
"subjects. _We need more theory_. But a very diversified one because being on "
"internet it is not the same for an scholar, a publisher, a woman, a kid, a "
"refugee, a non-white, a poor or an old person. This space it is not neutral, "
"homogeneous and two-dimensional. It has wires, it has servers, it has "
"exploited employees, it has buildings, _it has power_ and it has, well, all "
"that things the “real world” has. Not because you use a device to access "
"means that you can always decide if you are online or not: you are always "
"online as an user as a consumer or as data."
msgstr ""
"No es solo acera del _software_, del _hardware_, de la privacidad, de la "
"información o de las leyes. Se trata de nosotros: sobre cómo construimos "
"comunidades y cómo la tecnología nos constituye como sujetos. _Necesitamos "
"más teoría_. Pero una diversificada porque estar en internet no es lo mismo "
"para un académico, un editor, una mujer, un niño, un refugiado, una persona "
"no-blanca, un pobre o una anciana. Este espacio no es neutral ni homogéneo "
"ni bidimensional. Se compone de cables, posee servidores, implica la "
"explotación laboral, se conserva en edificios, _tiene poder_ y, bueno, goza "
"de todas las cosas del «mundo real». Que uses un dispositivo para su acceso "
"no significa que en cualquier momento puedes decidir si estás conectado o "
"no: siempre estás en línea sea como usuario, como consumidor o como dato."
#: content/md/004_backup.js:186
msgid ""
"_Who backup whom?_ As internet is changing us as printed text did, backed up "
"files it isn't the storage of data, but _the memory of our world_. Is it "
"still a good idea to leave the work of +++P&R+++ to a couple of hardware and "
"software companies? Are we now allow to say that the act of backup implies "
"files but something else too? "
msgstr ""
"_¿Quién respalda a quién?_ Así como el internet nos está cambiando tal cual "
"lo hizo la imprenta, lo archivos respaldados no son datos guardados sino _la "
"memoria de nuestro mundo_. ¿Aún es buena idea dejar el trabajo de su +++P&R++"
"+ a un par de compañías de _hardware_ y de _software_? ¿Podemos ya decir que "
"el acto de respaldar implica archivos pero también algo más? "

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msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: 006_copyleft-pandemic 1.0\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: Nika Zhenya <>\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-04-08 00:02-0500\n"
"Last-Translator: Automatically generated\n"
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"X-Generator: Poedit 2.3\n"
#: content/md/006_copyleft-pandemic.js:1
msgid "# The Copyleft Pandemic"
msgstr ""
"# La pandemia del _copyleft_\n"
"> @published 2020/04/08, 6:00 {.published}"
#: content/md/006_copyleft-pandemic.js:2
msgid ""
"It seems that we needed a global pandemic for publishers to finally give "
"open access. I guess we should say… thanks?"
msgstr ""
"Al parecer necesitábamos una pandemia global para que finalmente los "
"editores otorgaran acceso abierto a obras. Supongo que deberíamos decir… "
#: content/md/006_copyleft-pandemic.js:4
msgid ""
"In my opinion it was a good +++PR+++ maneuver, who doesn't like companies "
"when they do _good_? This pandemic has shown its capacity to fortify public "
"and private institutions, no matter how poorly they have done their job and "
"how these new policies are normalizing surveillance. But who cares, I can "
"barely make a living publishing books and I have never been involved in "
"government work."
msgstr ""
"En mi opinión fue una buena maniobra de relaciones públicas, ¿a quién no le "
"agradan las compañías cuando hacen _el bien_? Esta pandemia ha evidenciado "
"su capacidad para fortalecer instituciones públicas o privadas, sin importar "
"qué tan pobre han realizado su trabajo o cómo estas nuevas políticas están "
"normalizando la vigilancia. Pero qué importa, con trabajos puedo vivir de la "
"edición de libros y nunca he estado involucrado en trabajo gubernamental."
#: content/md/006_copyleft-pandemic.js:10
msgid ""
"An interesting side effect about this “kind” and _temporal_ openness is "
"about authorship. One of the most relevant arguments in favor of "
"intellectual property (+++IP+++) is the defense of authors' rights to make a "
"living with their work. The utilitarian and labor justifications of +++IP+++ "
"are very clear in that sense. For the former, +++IP+++ laws confer an "
"incentive for cultural production and, thus, for the so-called creation of "
"wealth. For the latter, author's “labour of his body, and the work of his "
"hands, we may say, are properly his.”"
msgstr ""
"Un interesante efecto secundario de esta «amable» y _temporal_ apertura es "
"en torno a la autoría. Uno de los argumentos más relevantes a favor de la "
"propiedad intelectual (+++PI+++) es la defensa de los derechos de los "
"autores a vivir de su trabajo. Las justificaciones utilitaristas o "
"laboristas de la +++PI+++ son muy claras en este sentido. Para la primera, "
"las leyes de +++PI+++ confieren un incentivo para la producción cultural y, "
"por tanto, para la así llamada generación de riqueza. Para la última, los "
"autores y «[e]l trabajo de su cuerpo y la labor producida por sus manos "
"podemos decir que son suyos»."
#: content/md/006_copyleft-pandemic.js:19
msgid ""
"But also in personal-based justifications the author is a primordial subject "
"for +++IP+++ laws. Actually, this justification wouldn't exist if the author "
"didn't have an intimate and qualitatively distinctive relationship with her "
"own work. Without some metaphysics or theological conceptions about cultural "
"production, this special relation is difficult to prove---but that is "
"another story."
msgstr ""
"Pero para las justificaciones personalistas también el autor es el sujeto "
"primordial para las leyes de +++PI+++. De hecho, esta justificación no "
"existiría si la autoría no tuviera una relación íntima y cualitativamente "
"distinta con su trabajo. Sin algunas concepciones metafísicas o teológicas "
"sobre la producción cultural, esta relación especial sería difícil de probar "
"---pero esa es otra historia---."
#: content/md/006_copyleft-pandemic.js:25
msgid ""
"![Locke and Hegel drinking tea while discussing several topics on "
msgstr ""
"![Locke y Hegel bebiendo el té mientras discuten diversos temas en "
#: content/md/006_copyleft-pandemic.js:26
msgid ""
"From copyfight, copyleft and copyfarleft movements, a lot of people have "
"argued that this argument hides the fact that most authors can't make a "
"living, whereas publishers and distributors profit a lot. Some critics claim "
"governments should give more power to “creators” instead of allowing "
"“reproducers” to do whatever they want. I am not a fan of this way of doing "
"things because I don't think anyone should have more power, including "
"authors, and also because in my world government is synonymous with "
"corruption and death. But diversity of opinions is important, I just hope "
"not all governments are like that."
msgstr ""
"Desde los movimientos del _copyfight_, _copyleft_ y _copyfarleft_, mucha "
"gente ha discutido que este argumento oculta el hecho de que la mayoría de "
"los autores no pueden vivir de su trabajo, mientras que los editores y los "
"distribuidores ganan bastante. Algunos críticos demandan que los gobiernos "
"deberían dar más poder a los «creadores» en lugar de permitir que los "
"«reproductores» hagan lo que quieran. No soy fan de esa manera de hacer las "
"cosas porque no pienso que nadie debiera tener más poder ---incluyendo a los "
"autores--- sino distribuirlo, así como en mi mundo el gobierno es sinónimo "
"de corrupción y muerte. Pero la diversidad de opiniones es importante, solo "
"espero que no todos los gobiernos sean así."
#: content/md/006_copyleft-pandemic.js:36
msgid ""
"So between copyright, copyfight, copyleft and copyfarleft defenders there is "
"usually a mysterious assent about producer relevance. The disagreement comes "
"with how this overview about cultural production is or should translate into "
"policies and legislation."
msgstr ""
"Así que entre los defensores del _copyright_, _copyfight_, _copyleft_ y "
"_copyfarleft_ de manera usual hay un misterioso consentimiento acerca de la "
"relevancia del productor. El desacuerdo subyace en cómo este panorama sobre "
"la producción cultural se traduce o debería verterse en políticas, "
"legislaciones u organización política."
#: content/md/006_copyleft-pandemic.js:40
msgid ""
"In times of emergency and crisis we are seeing how easily it is to “pause” "
"those discussions and laws---or fast track [other ones](https://www."
"against-end-to-end-encryption). On the side of governments this again shows "
"how copyright and authors' rights aren't natural laws nor are they grounded "
"beyond our political and economic systems. From the side of copyright "
"defenders, this phenomena makes it clear that authorship is an argument that "
"doesn't rely on the actual producers, cultural phenomena or world issues… "
"And it also shows that there are [librarians](https://blog.archive."
"emergency-library) and [researchers]("
"story/2020-03-03/covid-19-open-science) fighting in favor of public "
"interests; +++AKA+++, how important libraries and open access are today and "
"how they can't be replaced by (online) bookstores or subscription-based "
msgstr ""
"En tiempos de emergencia y de crisis estamos viendo qué tan fácil es hacer "
"una «pausa» sobre estas discusiones y leyes ---o acelerar [otras](https://"
"shot-against-end-to-end-encryption)---. Del lado de los gobiernos de nuevo "
"se muestra cómo el _copyright_ y los derechos de autor no son leyes "
"naturales ni se apoyan más allá de los sistemas políticos y económicos. Del "
"lado de los defensores de estos derechos, el fenómeno pone en claro que la "
"autoría es un argumento que no depende de los productores de carne y hueso, "
"el fenómeno cultural y cuestiones globales… Y también evidencia que hay "
"responds-why-we-released-the-national-emergency-library) e [investigadores]"
"( "
"luchando a favor de intereses públicos; es decir, cuán importantes hoy en "
"día son las bibliotecas y el acceso abierto y cómo no pueden ser resplazados "
"por las librerías (en línea) o la investigación por suscripción."
#: content/md/006_copyleft-pandemic.js:53
msgid ""
"I would find it very pretentious if [some authors](https://www.authorsguild."
"org/industry-advocacy/internet-archives-uncontrolled-digital-lending) and "
"[some publishers]("
"ceo-maria-pallante-on-the-internet-archives-national-emergency-library) "
"didn't agree with this _temporal_ openness of their work. But let's not miss "
"the point: this global pandemic has shown how easily it is for publishers "
"and distributors to opt for openness or paywalls---who cares about the "
"authors?… So next time you defend copyright as authors' rights to make a "
"living, think twice, only few have been able to earn a livelihood, and while "
"you think you are helping them, you are actually making third parties richer."
msgstr ""
"Me parece muy pretencioso que ciertos [autores]("
"industry-advocacy/internet-archives-uncontrolled-digital-lending) y "
"maria-pallante-on-the-internet-archives-national-emergency-library) no "
"estuvieran de acuerdo con esta apertura _temporal_ de su trabajo. Pero no "
"perdamos el punto: esta pandemia global ha demostrado qué tan sencillo es "
"para los editores y los distribuidores optar por la apertura o los muros de "
"pago ---¿a quién le importa los autores?---… Así que la próxima ves que "
"defiendas el _copyright_ o los derechos de los autores a vivir de su "
"trabajo, piénsalo dos veces, solo unos pocos han sido capaces de tener un "
"sustento de vida y, mientras piensas que los estás ayudando, en realidad "
"estás haciendo más ricos a terceros."
#: content/md/006_copyleft-pandemic.js:62
msgid ""
"In the end the copyright holders are not the only ones who defend their "
"interests by addressing the importance of people---in their case the "
"authors, but more generally and secularly the producers. The copyleft "
"holders---a kind of cool copyright holder that hacked copyright laws---also "
"defends their interest in a similar way, but instead of authors, they talk "
"about users and instead of profits, they supposedly defend freedom."
msgstr ""
"Al final los titulares de los derechos reservados no son los únicos que "
"defienden sus intereses al hablar de la importancia de la gente ---en su "
"caso los autores, pero de manera más general y secular sobre los "
"productores---. Los titulares de obras con _copyleft_ ---una versión «chida» "
"de titulares de derechos que hackearon las leyes de _copyright_--- también "
"defienden sus intereses de manera similar pero, en lugar de autores, hablan "
"sobre los usuarios y, en lugar de ganancias, ellos supuestamente defienden "
"la libertad."
#: content/md/006_copyleft-pandemic.js:69
msgid ""
"There is a huge difference between each of them, but I just want to denote "
"how they talk about people in order to defend their interests. I wouldn't "
"put them in the same sack if it wasn't because of these two issues."
msgstr ""
"Existe una enorme diferencia entre cada posición, pero solo quiero denotar "
"cómo hablan de la gente para defender sus intereses. No los pondría en el "
"mismo saco si no fuera por dos cuestiones."
#: content/md/006_copyleft-pandemic.js:73
msgid ""
"Some copyleft holders were so annoying in defending Stallman. _Dudes_, at "
"least from here we don't reduce the free software movement to one person, no "
"matter if he's the founder or how smart or important he is or was. "
"Criticizing his actions wasn't synonymous with throwing away what this "
"movement has done---what we have done!---, as a lot of you tried to mitigate "
"the issue: “Oh, but he is not the movement, we shouldn't have made a big "
"issue about that.” His and your attitude is the fucking issue. Together you "
"have made it very clear how narrow both views are. Stallman fucked it up and "
"was behaving very immaturely by thinking the movement is or was thanks to "
"him---we also have our own stories about his behavior---, why don't we just "
"accept that?"
msgstr ""
"Algunos titulares de _copyleft_ fueron muy fastidiosos al defender a "
"Stallman. _Weyes_, al menos desde aquí no reducimos el movimiento del "
"_software_ libre a una persona, sin importar si es el fundador o cuán "
"inteligente o importante ha sido o alguna vez fue. La crítica a sus acciones "
"no es sinónimo de tirar a la basura lo que este movimiento ha hecho ---¡lo "
"que hemos logrado!---, como muchos de ustedes trataron de mitigar el asunto "
"al indicar: «Oh, pero él no es el movimiento, no deberíamos hacer un gran "
"problema sobre ello». Su actitud y la tuya son el pinche problema. Ambas "
"dejan en claro lo estrecho de sus miras. Stallman la cagó y se estaba "
"comportando de una manera muy inmadura al pensar que el movimiento es "
"gracias a él o que alguna vez lo fue ---nosotros también tenemos nuestras "
"propias historias sobre su comportamiento---, ¿por qué simplemente no lo "
#: content/md/006_copyleft-pandemic.js:85
msgid ""
"But I don't really care about him. For me and the people I work with, the "
"free software movement is a wildcard that joins efforts related to "
"technology, politics and culture for better worlds. Nevertheless, the +++FSF+"
"++, the +++OSI+++, +++CC+++, and other big copyleft institutions don't seem "
"to realize that a plurality of worlds implies a diversity of conceptions "
"about freedom. And even worse, they have made a very common mistake when we "
"talk about freedom: they forgot that “freedom wants to be free.”"
msgstr ""
"Pero en realidad no me importa. Para mí y las personas con las que trabajo, "
"el movimiento del _software_ libre es un comodín en donde se reúnen los "
"esfuerzos relativos a la tecnología, política y cultura para mejores mundos. "
"Sin embargo, la +++FSF+++, la +++OSI+++, +++CC+++ y otras instituciones "
"grandes dentro del _copyleft_ no parecen darse cuenta que una pluralidad de "
"mundos implica una diversidad de concepciones acerca de la libertad. O peor "
"aún, han cometido el común error cuando hablamos acerca de la libertad: "
"olvidan que «la libertad quiere ser libre»."
#: content/md/006_copyleft-pandemic.js:93
msgid ""
"Instead, they have tried to give formal definitions of software freedom. "
"Don't get me wrong, definitions are a good way to plan and understand a "
"phenomenon. But besides its formality, it is problematic to bind others to "
"your own definitions, mainly when you say the movement is about and for them."
msgstr ""
"En su lugar, han tratado de dar definiciones formales a la libertad del "
"_software_. No lo tomes a mal, las definiciones son un buen camino para "
"planear y entender un fenómeno. Pero además de su formalización, es "
"problemático atar a otros a tus propias definiciones, principalmente cuando "
"dices que el movimiento es acerca de ellos y para sus necesidades."
#: content/md/006_copyleft-pandemic.js:98
msgid ""
"Among all concepts, freedom is actually very tricky to define. How can you "
"delimit a concept in a definition when the concept itself claims the "
"inability of, perhaps, any restraint? It is not that freedom can't be "
"defined---I am actually assuming a definition of freedom---, but about how "
"general and static it could be. If the world changes, if people change, if "
"the world is actually an array of worlds and if people sometimes behave one "
"way or the other, of course the notion of freedom is gonna vary."
msgstr ""
"Entre todos los conceptos, la libertad es muy truculenta de definir. ¿Cómo "
"puedes delimitar una idea en una definición cuando el concepto en sí llama a "
"la incapacidad, quizá, de cualquier atadura? No es que la libertad no pueda "
"ser definida ---de hecho estoy asumiendo una definición de esta---, sino "
"cuán general y estática puede ser. Si el mundo muta, si las personas "
"cambian, si el mundo es en realidad un conjunto de mundos y si la gente se "
"comporta de una manera y a veces de otra, por supuesto que la noción de "
"libertad va a variar."
#: content/md/006_copyleft-pandemic.js:107
msgid ""
"With freedom's different meanings we could try to reduce its diversity so it "
"could be embedded in any context or we could try something else. I dunno, "
"maybe we could make software freedom an interoperable concept that fits each "
"of our worlds or we could just stop trying to get a common principle."
msgstr ""
"Podríamos intentar reducir la diversidad de los diferentes significados de "
"la libertad para que pueda ser empotrado en cualquier contexto o podríamos "
"intentar otra cosa. No lo sé, tal vez podríamos hacer de la libertad del "
"_software_ un concepto interoperativo que se adecúe a cada uno de nuestros "
"mundos o simplemente podríamos dejar de intentar tener un mismo principio."
#: content/md/006_copyleft-pandemic.js:112
msgid ""
"The copyleft institutions I mentioned and many other companies that are "
"proud to support the copyleft movement tend to be blind about this. I am "
"talking from my experiences, my battles and my struggles when I decided to "
"use copyfarleft licenses in most parts of my work. Instead of receiving "
"support from institutional representatives, I first received warnings: “That "
"freedom you are talking about isn't freedom.” Afterwards, when I sought "
"infrastructure support, I got refusals: “You are invited to use our code in "
"your server, but we can't provide you hosting because your licenses aren't "
"free.” Dawgs, if I could, I wouldn't look for your help in the first place, "
msgstr ""
"Las instituciones del _copyleft_ que mencioné y demás compañías que se "
"enorgullecen de apoyar al movimiento tienden a no ver esto. Hablo desde mis "
"experiencias, mis luchas y mis angustias cuando decidí usar licencias "
"_copyfarleft_ en la mayoría de mi trabajo. En lugar de recibir apoyo de los "
"representantes de estas instituciones, primero recibí advertencias: «La "
"libertad de la que hablas no es libertad». Después, cuando busqué su apoyo "
"para infraestructura, obtuve rechazos: «Estás invitado a usar nuestro código "
"en tu servidor, pero no podemos hospedarte porque tus licencias no son "
"libres». Compas, no hubiera buscado su ayuda en primer lugar si pudiera, dah."
#: content/md/006_copyleft-pandemic.js:123
msgid ""
"Thanks to a lot of Latin American hackers and pirates, I am little by little "
"building my and our own infrastructure. But I know this help is actually a "
"privilege: for many years I couldn't execute many projects or ideas only "
"because I didn't have access to the technology or tuition. And even worse, I "
"wasn't able to look to a wider and more complex horizon without all this "
msgstr ""
"Gracias a muchos hackers y piratas latinoamericanos, poco a poco estoy "
"construyendo mi infraestructura junto con las suyas. Pero sé que esta ayuda "
"es más bien un privilegio: por muchos años no pude ejecutar proyectos o "
"ideas solo porque no tenía acceso a la tecnología o a tutores. Y peor aún, "
"no tenía capacidad de observar desde un horizonte más amplio y complejo sin "
"todo este aprendizaje."
#: content/md/006_copyleft-pandemic.js:129
msgid ""
"(There is a pedagogical deficiency in the free software movement that makes "
"people think that writing documentation and praising self-taught learning is "
"enough. From my point of view, it is more about the production of a self-"
"image in how a hacker or a pirate _should be_. Plus, it's fucking scary when "
"you realize how manly, hierarchical and meritocratic this movement tends to "
msgstr ""
"(Existe una deficiencia pedagógica en el movimiento del _software_ libre que "
"induce a las personas a pensar que es suficiente con escribir documentación "
"y elogiar el aprendizaje autodidacta. Desde mi punto de vista, es más bien "
"la producción de una autoimagen sobre cómo _debe ser_ un hacker o pirata. "
"Además, da mucho pinche miedo cuando te das cuenta que tan masculino, "
"jerárquico y meritocrático puede llegar a ser este movimiento)."
#: content/md/006_copyleft-pandemic.js:136
msgid ""
"According to copyleft folks, my notion of software freedom isn't free "
"because copyfarleft licenses prevents _people_ from using software. This is "
"a very common criticism of any copyfarleft license. And it is also a very "
"paradoxical one."
msgstr ""
"Según los compas del _copyleft_, mi noción de libertad del _software_ no es "
"libre porque las licencias _copyfarleft_ impiden a _las personas_ usar el "
"_software_. Esta es una crítica común para cualquier licencia _copyfarleft_. "
"Y también es una muy paradójica."
#: content/md/006_copyleft-pandemic.js:140
msgid ""
"Between the free software movement and open source initiative, there has "
"been a disagreement about who ought to inherit the same type of license, "
"like the General Public License. For the free software movement, this clause "
"ensures that software will always be free. According to the open source "
"initiative, this clause is actually a counter-freedom because it doesn't "
"allow people to decide which license to use and it also isn't very "
"attractive for enterprise entrepreneurship. Let's not forget that both sides "
"agree that the market is are essential for technology development."
msgstr ""
"Entre el movimiento del _software_ libre y la iniciativa del código abierto "
"ha existido un desacuerdo acerca de si se debería heredar el mismo tipo de "
"licencia, como la Licencia Pública General. Para el movimiento del "
"_software_ libre esta cláusula asegura que el _software_ siempre será libre. "
"Según la iniciativa del código abierto esta cláusula en realidad es una "
"contralibertad porque no permite a las personas decidir el tipo de licencia "
"a usar y debido a que es poco atractiva para el emprendimiento empresarial. "
"No olvidemos que las instituciones de ambos lados asienten con el carácter "
"esencial del mercado para el desarrollo tecnológico."
#: content/md/006_copyleft-pandemic.js:150
msgid ""
"Free software supporters tend to vanish the discussion by declaring that "
"open source defenders don't understand the social implication of this "
"hereditary clause or that they have different interests and ways to change "
"technology development. So it's kind of paradoxical that these folks see the "
"anti-capitalist clause of copyfarleft licenses as a counter-freedom. Or they "
"don't understand its implications or perceive that copyfarleft doesn't talk "
"about technology development in its insolation, but in its relationship with "
"politics, society and economy."
msgstr ""
"Las personas que apoyan el movimiento del _software_ libre tienden a "
"desvanecer la discusión al declarar que los defensores del código abierto no "
"entienden las implicaciones sociales de la cláusula hereditaria o que tienen "
"diferentes intereses y maneras de cambiar el desarrollo tecnológico. Así que "
"es un tanto paradójico que estos compas vean la cláusula anticapitalista de "
"las licencias _copyfarleft_ como una contralibertad. O no entienden sus "
"implicaciones o no perciben que el _copyfarleft_ no habla del desarrollo "
"tecnológico en su insolación, sino en sus relaciones políticas, sociales y "
#: content/md/006_copyleft-pandemic.js:160
msgid ""
"I won't defend copyfarleft against those criticisms. First, I don't think I "
"should defend anything because I am not saying everyone should grasp our "
"notion of freedom. Second, I have a strong opinion against the usual legal "
"reductionism among this debate. Third, I think we should focus on the ways "
"we can work together, instead of paying attention to what could divide us. "
"Finally, I don't think these criticisms are wrong, but incomplete: the "
"definition of software freedom has inherited the philosophical problem of "
"how we define and what the definition of freedom implies."
msgstr ""
"No voy a defender al _copyfarleft_ de este criticismo. Primero, no pienso "
"que he de hacer una defensa porque no estoy diciendo que deberían asir esta "
"noción de libertad. Segundo, tengo una dura opinión en contra del usual "
"reduccionismo jurídico sobre este debate. Tercero, pienso que deberíamos "
"enfocarnos en las maneras en como podemos trabajar en conjunto, en lugar de "
"poner atención a lo que nos divide. Por último, no pienso que esta crítica "
"sea incorrecta sino incompleta: la definición de la libertad del _software_ "
"ha heredado el problema filosófico de cómo definir la libertad y lo que esta "
"definición implica."
#: content/md/006_copyleft-pandemic.js:169
msgid ""
"That doesn't mean I don't care about this discussion. Actually, it's a topic "
"I'm very familiar with. Copyright has locked me out with paywalls for "
"technology and knowledge access, copyleft has kept me away with "
"“licensewalls” with the same effects. So let's take a moment to see how free "
"the freedom is that the copyleft institutions are preaching."
msgstr ""
"Esto no quiere decir que me desinteresa esta discusión. Se trata de un tema "
"que me es familiar. El _copyright_ me ha bloqueado el acceso a la tecnología "
"y el conocimiento con sus muros de pago, mientras que el _copyleft_ con los "
"mismos efectos me ha puesto un embargo con sus «muros de licencias». Así que "
"tomemos un momento para ver qué tan libre es la libertad que predican las "
"instituciones del _copyleft_."
#: content/md/006_copyleft-pandemic.js:175
msgid ""
"According to _Open Source Software & The Department of Defense_ (+++DoD+++), "
"The +++U.S. DoD+++ is one of the biggest consumers of open source. To put it "
"in perspective, all tactical vehicles of the +++U.S.+++ Army employs at "
"least one piece of open source software in its programming. Other examples "
"are _the use_ of Android to direct airstrikes or _the use_ of Linux for the "
"ground stations that operates military drones like the Predator and Reaper."
msgstr ""
"Según _Open Source Software & The Department of Defense_ (_Programas de "
"código abierto y el Departamento de Defensa_; +++DoD+++ por sus siglas en "
"inglés), el +++DoD+++ estadunidense es uno de los más grandes consumidores "
"de código abierto. Para ponerlo en perspectiva, todos los vehículos tácticos "
"del ejército estadunidense usa al menos un pedazo de _software_ de código "
"abierto en su programación. Otros ejemplos pueden ser _el uso_ de Android "
"para dirigir ataques aéreos o _el uso_ de Linux en las estaciones terrestres "
"que operan los drones militares como el Predator o el Reaper ---«_predator_» "
"de «predador» y «_reaper_» también quiere decir «parca» en inglés---."
#: content/md/006_copyleft-pandemic.js:183
msgid ""
"![A Reaper drone [incorrectly bombarding]("
"news/2019/nov/18/killer-drones-how-many-uav-predator-reaper) civilians in "
"Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Syria and Yemen in order to deliver +++U.S. DoD+"
"++ notion of freedom.](../../../img/p006_i002.png)"
msgstr ""
"![Drones Reaper bombardeando de manera incorrecta a civiles en Afganistán, "
"Irak, Pakistán, Siria y Yemen para repartir la noción de libertad del "
"Departamento de Defensa de Estados Unidos.](../../../img/p006_i002_es.png)"
#: content/md/006_copyleft-pandemic.js:184
msgid ""
"Before you argue that this is a problem about open source software and not "
"free software, you should check out the +++DoD+++ [+++FAQ+++ section]"
"( There, they define "
"open source software as “software for which the human-readable source code "
"is available for use, study, re-use, modification, enhancement, and re-"
"distribution by the users of that software.” Does that sound familiar? Of "
"course!, they include +++GPL+++ as an open software license and they even "
"rule that “an open source software license must also meet the +++GNU+++ Free "
"Software Definition.”"
msgstr ""
"Antes de que argumentes que este es un problema del _software_ de código "
"abierto y no del _software_ libre, deberías revisar la [sección de preguntas "
"frecuentes]( del +++DoD++"
"+ estadunidense. Ahí ellos definen al _software_ de código abierto como «un "
"programa cuyo código fuente legible por humanos está disponible para su uso, "
"estudio, reuso, modificación, mejoramiento y redistribución por los usuarios "
"de ese programa». ¿Acaso te suena familiar? ¡Por supuesto!, ellos incluyen "
"la +++GPL+++ como una licencia de _software_ abierto y hasta establecen que "
"«un programa de código abierto también debe satisfacer la definición de "
"_software_ libre del proyecto +++GNU+++»."
#: content/md/006_copyleft-pandemic.js:194
msgid ""
"This report was published in 2016 by the Center for a New American Security "
"(+++CNAS+++), a right-wing think tank which [mission and agenda](https://www."
" is “designed to shape the choices of leaders in the +++U.S."
"+++ government, the private sector, and society to advance +++U.S.+++ "
"interests and strategy.”"
msgstr ""
"Este reporte fue publicado en 2016 por el Centro para una Nueva Seguridad "
"Americana (+++CNAS+++, por sus siglas en inglés), un instituto de "
"investigación de derecha cuya [misión y agenda]("
"mission) está «diseñada para dar forma a las decisiones de los líderes del "
"gobierno estadunidense, el sector privado y la sociedad en pos de los "
"intereses y estrategia de Estados Unidos»."
#: content/md/006_copyleft-pandemic.js:199
msgid ""
"I found this report after I read about how the [+++U.S.+++ Army scrapped one "
"billion dollars for its “Iron Dome” after Israel refused to share code]"
"israel-refuses-to-provide-key-codes). I found it interesting that even the "
"so-called most powerful army in the world was disabled by copyright laws---a "
"potential resource for asymmetric warfare. To my surprise, this isn't an "
msgstr ""
"Encontré este reporte después de leer sobre cómo el ejército estadunidense "
"[dio un pasó atrás]("
"hierro-defensa) al acuerdo por un millardo de dólares para la adquisición de "
"la «Cúpula de Hierro» después de que Israel se rehusó a compartir su código "
"([fuente en inglés]("
"dome-project-after-israel-refuses-to-provide-key-codes)). Me pareció "
"interesante que incluso el autodenominado ejército más poderoso del mundo "
"quedó deshabilitado por cuestiones de leyes de _copyright_ ---un potencial "
"recurso para guerras asimétricas---. Para mi sorpresa, esta no es una "
#: content/md/006_copyleft-pandemic.js:206
msgid ""
"The intention of +++CNAS+++ report is to convince +++DoD+++ to adopt more "
"open source software because its “generally better than their proprietary "
"counterparts […] because they can _take advantage_ of the brainpower of "
"larger teams, which leads to faster innovation, higher quality, and superior "
"security for _a fraction of the cost_.” This report has its origins by the "
"“justifiably” concern “about the erosion of +++U.S.+++ military technical "
msgstr ""
"La intención del reporte hecho por el +++CNAS+++ es convencer al +++DoD+++ "
"estadunidense ha adoptar más _software_ de código abierto porque «de manera "
"general es mejor que su contraparte propietaria […] debido a que se puede "
"_tomar ventaja_ del _poder mental_ de grandes equipos, lo que conlleva a una "
"innovación más rápida, a una mejor calidad y a una superior seguridad por "
"_una fracción del costo_». Este reporte tiene sus orígenes en la "
"«justificada» preocupación «acerca de la erosión de la superioridad técnica "
"del ejército de Estados Unidos»."
#: content/md/006_copyleft-pandemic.js:214
msgid ""
"Who would think that this could happen to +++FOSS+++? Well, all of us from "
"this part of the world have been saying that the type of freedom endorsed by "
"many copyleft institutions is too wide, counterproductive for its own "
"objectives and, of course, inapplicable for our context because that liberal "
"notion of software freedom relies on strong institutions and the capacity of "
"own property or capitalize knowledge. The same ones which have been trying "
"to explain that the economic models they try to “teach” us don't work or we "
"doubt them because of their side effects. Crowdfunding isn't easy here "
"because our cultural production is heavily dependent on government aids and "
"policies, instead of the private or public sectors. And donations aren't a "
"good idea because of the hidden interests they could have and the economic "
"dependence they generate."
msgstr ""
"¿Quién habría de pensar que esto le podría ocurrir al _software_ libre o de "
"código abierto (+++FOSS+++, por sus siglas en inglés)? Bueno, a todos "
"nosotros que desde esta parte del mundo hemos estado diciendo que el tipo de "
"libertad avalada por muchas instituciones del _copyleft_ es muy amplia, "
"contraproducente para sus propios objetivos y, por supuesto, inaplicable "
"para nuestro contexto, porque esa noción liberal de la libertad del "
"_software_ depende de instituciones con legitimidad y de la capacidad de que "
"cada quien tenga propiedad o pueda capitalizar su conocimiento. Ellos son "
"los mismos que han tratado de explicarnos los modelos económicos que tratan "
"de «enseñarnos» pero que no funcionan aquí o de los que dudamos debido a sus "
"efectos secundarios. El micromecenazgo no es fácil de llevar a cabo aquí "
"porque nuestra producción cultural depende demasiado de apoyos "
"gubernamentales y sus políticas, en lugar de vincularse con los sectores "
"privado o público. Y las donaciones no son buena idea por los intereses "
"ocultos que pueden tener, así como la dependencia económica que generan."
#: content/md/006_copyleft-pandemic.js:227
msgid ""
"But I guess it has to burst their bubble in order to get the point across. "
"For example, the Epstein controversial donations to +++MIT+++ Media Lab and "
"his friendship with some folks of +++CC+++; or the use of open source "
"software by the +++U.S.+++ Immigration and Customs Enforcement. While for "
"decades +++FOSS+++ has been a mechanism to facilitate the murder of “Global "
"South” citizens; a tool for Chinese labor exploitation denounced by the "
"anti-996 movement; a licensewall for technological and knowledge access for "
"people who can't afford infrastructure and the learning it triggers, even "
"though the code is “free” _to use_; or a police of software freedom that "
"denies Latin America and other regions their right to self-determinate its "
"freedom, its software policies and its economic models."
msgstr ""
"Pero supongo que su burbuja tiene que rasgarse para que entiendan el punto. "
"Por ejemplo, las donaciones controversiales realizadas por Epstein al +++MIT+"
"++ Media Lab o su amistad con algunas personas de +++CC+++; o el uso del "
"_software_ de código abierto por el Servicio de Inmigración y Control de "
"Aduanas de los Estados Unidos. Mientras que por décadas el +++FOSS+++ ha "
"sido un mecanismo que facilita el asesinato de los ciudadanos del «sur "
"global»; una herramienta para la explotación laboral china denunciada por el "
"movimiento anti-996; un muro de licencias para el acceso a la tecnología y "
"el conocimiento de personas que no pueden costearse infraestructura y el "
"aprendizaje que desata, sin importar que el código es «libre» _de usar_, o "
"la policía de la libertad del _software_ que niega a América Latina y otras "
"regiones su derecho a autodeterminar su libertad, sus políticas sobre el "
"_software_ y sus modelos económicos."
#: content/md/006_copyleft-pandemic.js:240
msgid ""
"Those copyleft institutions that care so much about “user freedoms” actually "
"haven't been explicit about how +++FOSS+++ is helping shape a world where a "
"lot of us don't fit in. It had to be right-wing think tanks, the ones that "
"declare the relevance of +++FOSS+++ for warfare, intelligence, security and "
"authoritarian regimes, while these institutions have been making many "
"efforts in justifying its way of understanding cultural production as a "
"commodification of its political capacity. They have shown that in their "
"pursuit of government and corporate adoption of +++FOSS+++, when it favors "
"their interests, they talk about “software user freedoms” but actually refer "
"to “freedom of use software”, no matter who the user is or what it has been "
"used for."
msgstr ""
"Esas instituciones del _copyleft_ que tanto les importan las «libertades de "
"los usuarios» en realidad no han sido explícitas acerca de cómo el +++FOSS++"
"+ está ayudando a dar forma a un mundo donde muchos de nosotros no tenemos "
"cabida. Tuvieron que ser centros de investigación de derecha los que "
"declararon la relevancia del +++FOSS+++ para el arte de la guerra, la "
"inteligencia, la seguridad y los regímenes autoritarios, mientras que estas "
"instituciones se han esforzado en justificar su comprensión de la producción "
"cultural como la mercantilización de su capacidad política. En su búsqueda "
"para que gobiernos y corporaciones adopten el +++FOSS+++ han hecho evidente "
"que, cuando favorece a sus intereses, hablan de «libertad de los usuarios de "
"_software_» aunque más bien se refieran a la «libertad de uso del "
"_software_», sin importar quién es su usuario ni para qué ha sido usado."
#: content/md/006_copyleft-pandemic.js:252
msgid ""
"There is a sort of cognitive dissonance that influences many copyleft "
"supporters to treat others harshly, those who just want some aid in the "
"argument over which license or product is free or not. But in the meantime, "
"they don't defy, and some of them even embrace the adoption of +++FOSS+++ "
"for any kind of corporation, it doesn't matter if it exploits its employees, "
"surveils its users, helps to undermine democratic institutions or is part of "
"a killing machine."
msgstr ""
"Existe una disonancia cognitiva entre quienes apoyan el _copyleft_ que los "
"hace ser muy duros con otros ---los que solo quieren alguna ayuda--- bajo el "
"argumento sobre si una licencia o un producto es libre o no. Mientras tanto, "
"no desafían la adopción del +++FOSS+++ hecha por cualquier corporación, e "
"incluso las acogen, sin importar que explote a sus empleados, vigile a sus "
"usuarios, ayude a dinamitar instituciones democráticas o forme parte de una "
"máquina para matar."
#: content/md/006_copyleft-pandemic.js:260
msgid ""
"In my opinion, the term “use” is one of the key concepts that dilutes "
"political capacity of +++FOSS+++ into the aestheticization of its activity. "
"The spine of software freedom relies in its four freedoms: the freedoms of "
"_run_, _study_, _redistribute_ and _improve_ the program. Even though "
"Stallman, his followers, the +++FSF+++, the +++OSI+++, +++CC+++ and so on "
"always indicate the relevance of “user freedoms,” these four freedoms aren't "
"directly related to users. Instead, they are four different use cases."
msgstr ""
"En mi opinión el término «uso» es uno de los conceptos centrales que diluye "
"la capacidad política del +++FOSS+++ hacia una estetización de su actividad. "
"La espina de las libertades del _software_ recaen en sus cuatro libertades: "
"las de _ejecución_, _estudio_, _redistribución_ y _mejora_ del programa de "
"cómputo. Aunque Stallman, sus pupilos, la +++FSF+++, la +++OSI+++, +++CC+++ "
"y más siempre indiquen la relevancia de las «libertades del usuario», estas "
"cuatro libertades no están directamente relacionadas a sus usuarios. En su "
"lugar, estas son cuatro distintos casos de uso."
#: content/md/006_copyleft-pandemic.js:269
msgid ""
"The difference isn't a minor thing. A _use case_ neutralizes and reifies the "
"subject of the action. In its dilution the interest of the subject becomes "
"irrelevant. The four freedoms don't ban the use of a program for selfish, "
"slayer or authoritarian uses. Neither do they encourage them. By the "
"romantic idea of a common good, it is easy to think that the freedoms of "
"run, study, redistribute and improve a program are synonymous with a "
"mechanism that improves welfare and democracy. But because these four "
"freedoms don't relate to any user interest and instead talk about the "
"interest of using software and the adoption of an “open” cultural "
"production, it hides the fact that the freedom of use sometimes goes against "
"and uses subjects."
msgstr ""
"La diferencia no es minúscula. Un _caso de uso_ neutraliza y reifica al "
"sujeto de su acción. Cuando se diluyen sus intereses, el sujeto se vuelve "
"irrelevante. Las cuatro libertades no prohíben que un programa se use de "
"manera egoísta, asesina o autoritaria. Aunque tampoco fomentan esos usos. "
"Mediante la idea romantizada de un bien común es fácil pensar que las "
"libertades de ejecución, estudio, redistribución o mejora de un programa son "
"sinónimos de un mecanismo que aumenta el bienestar y la democracia. Pero "
"debido a que estas cuatro libertades no se relacionan a ningún interés del "
"usuario y en su lugar hablan sobre los intereses de uso de _software_ y la "
"adopción de una producción cultural «abierta», esta oculta el hecho de que "
"la libertad de uso en ciertas ocasiones va en contra de los sujetos, incluso "
"hasta utilizarlos."
#: content/md/006_copyleft-pandemic.js:281
msgid ""
"So the argument that copyfarleft denies people the use of software only "
"makes sense between two misconceptions. First, the personification of "
"institutions---like the ones that feed authoritarian regimes, perpetuate "
"labor exploitation or surveil its users---with their policies sometimes "
"restricting freedom or access _to people_. Second, the assumption that "
"freedoms over software use cases is equal to the freedom of its users."
msgstr ""
"Entonces, el argumento que señala cómo el _copyfarleft_ niega a las personas "
"el uso de _software_ solo tiene sentido entre dos equívocos. Primero, la "
"personificación de las instituciones ---como aquelas que alimentan regímenes "
"autoritarios, perpetúan la explotación laboral o vigilan a sus usuarios--- y "
"sus términos de uso que en ocasiones constriñen la libertad de _las "
"personas_ o el acceso a su tecnología. Segundo, el supuesto de que las "
"libertades sobre los casos de uso es igual a la libertad de sus usuarios."
#: content/md/006_copyleft-pandemic.js:288
msgid ""
"Actually, if your “open” economic model requires software use cases freedoms "
"over users freedoms, we are far beyond the typical discussions about "
"cultural production. I find it very hard to defend my support of freedom if "
"my work enables some uses that could go against others' freedoms. This is of "
"course the freedom dilemma about the [paradox of tolerance](https://en."
" But my main conflict is when "
"copyleft supporters boast about their defense of users freedoms while they "
"micromanage others' software freedom definitions and, in the meantime, they "
"turn their backs to the gray, dark or red areas of what is implicit in the "
"freedom they safeguard. Or they don't care about us or their privileges "
"don't allow them to have empathy."
msgstr ""
"Más bien, si tu modelo económico «abierto» requiere de las libertades de los "
"casos de uso del _software_ en lugar de las libertades de sus usuarios, "
"estamos ya muy lejos de la típica discusión sobre la producción cultural. Me "
"parece muy difícil defender mi apuesta por la libertad si mi trabajo permite "
"ciertos usos que podrían ir en contra de la libertad de otros. Por supuesto "
"este es un dilema de la libertad relativa a la [paradoja de la tolerancia]"
"( Pero mi principal "
"conflicto es cuando las personas que apoyan el _copyleft_ se jactan sobre su "
"defensa a la libertad de los usuarios mientras hacen _micromanagement_ en "
"torno a las definiciones de la libertad del _software_ de otros y, al mismo "
"tiempo, dan su espalda a las zonas grises, oscuras o rojas sobre las "
"implicaciones de la libertad que tanto procuran. O no les importamos o sus "
"privilegios les impiden tener empatía."
#: content/md/006_copyleft-pandemic.js:300
msgid ""
"Since the _+++GNU+++ Manifesto_ the relevance of industry among software "
"developers is clear. I don't have a reply that could calm them down. It is "
"becoming more clear that technology isn't just a broker that can be used or "
"abused. Technology, or at least its development, is a kind of political "
"praxis. The inability of legislation for law enforcement and the possibility "
"of new technologies to hold and help the _statu quo_ express this political "
"capacity of information and communications technologies."
msgstr ""
"Desde _El manifiesto de +++GNU+++_ queda clara la relevancia que tiene la "
"industria entre los desarrolladores de _software_. No cuento con una "
"respuesta que podría tranquilizarlos. Cada vez se está volviendo más claro "
"que la tecnología no es un mero instrumento que pueda ser usado o abusado. "
"La tecnología, o al menos su desarrollo, es un tipo de praxis política. La "
"incapacidad de la legislación para hacer valer las leyes mientras que las "
"posibilidades de las nuevas tecnologías permiten mantener al _statu quo_, "
"así como recurren a su auxilio, expresan la capacidad política que tienen "
"estas tecnologías de la comunicación y la información."
#: content/md/006_copyleft-pandemic.js:308
msgid ""
"So as copyleft hacked copyright law, with copyfarleft we could help "
"disarticulate structural power or we could induce civil disobedience. By "
"prohibiting our work from being used by military, police or oligarchic "
"institutions, we could force them to stop _taking advantage_ and increase "
"their maintenance costs. They could even reach a point where they couldn't "
"operate anymore or at least they couldn't be as affective as our communities."
msgstr ""
"Así como el _copyleft_ hackeó la ley de _copyright_, con el _copyfarleft_ "
"podríamos ayudar a desarticular las estructuras del poder o podríamos "
"inducir a la desobediencia civil. Al prohibir que nuestro trabajo sea usado "
"con fines militares, policiacos u oligárquicos, podríamos forzarlos a que "
"dejen de _tomar ventaja_ y a aumentar sus costos de mantenimiento. Estas "
"instituciones podrían incluso alcanzar el punto donde no puedan operar más o "
"les sea imposible ser tan efectivas como nuestras comunidades."
#: content/md/006_copyleft-pandemic.js:315
msgid ""
"I know it sounds like a utopia because in practice we need the effort of a "
"lot of people involved in technology development. But we already did it "
"once: we used copyright law against itself and we introduced a new model of "
"workforce distribution and means of production. We could again use copyright "
"for our benefit, but now against the structures of power that surveils, "
"exploits and kills people. These institutions need our “brainpower,” we can "
"try by refusing their use. Some explorations could be software licenses that "
"explicitly ban surveillance, exploitation or murder."
msgstr ""
"Sé que suena como a una utopía porque en la práctica necesitamos el esfuerzo "
"de muchas personas involucradas en el desarrollo tecnológico. Pero ya lo "
"hicimos una vez: usamos la ley de _copyright_ en contra de sí misma e "
"introducimos un nuevo modelo de distribución de la fuerza de trabajo y los "
"medios de producción. De nueva cuenta podríamos usar el _copyright_ para "
"nuestro beneficio, pero ahora en contra de las estructuras de poder que "
"vigilan, explotan o matan personas. Estas instituciones necesitan nuestro "
"«poder mental», podemos intentar con rehusárselo. Algunas exploraciones "
"podrían ser licencias de _software_ que de manera explícita prohíban la "
"vigilancia, la explotación o el asesinato."
#: content/md/006_copyleft-pandemic.js:324
msgid ""
"We could also make it difficult for them to thieve our technology "
"development and deny access to our communication networks. Nowadays +++FOSS++"
"+ distribution models have confused open economy with gift economy. Another "
"think tank---Centre of Economics and Foreign Policy Studies---published a "
"report---_Digital Open Source Intelligence Security: A Primer_---where it "
"states that open sources constitutes “at least 90%” of all intelligence "
"activities. That includes our published open production and the open "
"standards we develop for transparency. It is why end-to-end encryption is "
"important and why we should extend its use instead of allowing governments "
"to ban it."
msgstr ""
"También podríamos dificultarles el robo de nuestro desarrollo tecnológico y "
"negarles el acceso a nuestras redes de comunicación. Hoy en día los modelos "
"de distribución del +++FOSS+++ han confundido la economía abierta con la "
"economía del regalo. Otro instituto ---el Centro de Investigación de "
"Economía y Política Exterior (+++EDAM+++, por sus siglas en inglés)--- "
"publicó un reporte ---_Digital Open Source Intelligence Security: A Primer_ "
"(_Inteligencia de seguridad digital con fuentes abiertas: una "
"introducción_)--- donde indica que las fuentes abiertas constituyen «al "
"menos un 90%» de todas las actividades de inteligencia. Esto incluye nuestra "
"producción publicada de manera abierta y los estándares abiertos que "
"desarrollamos en pos de la transparencia. Por este motivo la encriptación "
"punto a punto es importante y por eso deberíamos extender su uso en lugar de "
"permitir que los gobiernos la prohíban."
#: content/md/006_copyleft-pandemic.js:335
msgid ""
"Copyleft could be a global pandemic if we don't go against its incorporation "
"inside virulent technologies of destruction. We need more organization so "
"that the software we are developing is free as in “social freedom,” not only "
"as in “free individual.” "
msgstr ""
"El _copyleft_ podría ser una pandemia global si no hacemos algo en contra de "
"su incorporación dentro de las virulentas tecnologías de la destrucción. "
"Necesitamos una mayor organización para que el _software_ que desarrollamos "
"sea «libre como en libertad social y no solo como individuo libre». "

old/content/po/es/_about.po Normal file
View File

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"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-05-28 22:04-0500\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-02-13 18:21-0600\n"
"Last-Translator: Allan Nordhøy <>\n"
"Language-Team: Spanish <"
"Language: es\n"
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#: content/md/_about.js:1
msgid "# About"
msgstr "# Acerca"
#: content/md/_about.js:2
msgid ""
"Hi, I am a dog-publisher---what a surprise, right? I am from Mexico and, as "
"you can see, English is not my first language. But whatever. My educational "
"background is on Philosophy, specifically Philosophy of Culture. My grade "
"studies focus on intellectual property---mainly copyright---, free culture, "
"free software and, of course, free publishing. If you still want a name, call "
"me Dog."
msgstr ""
"Hola, soy un perro editor ---vaya sorpresa, ¿cierto?---. México es mi lugar "
"de nacimiento. Mi formación académica es en Filosofía, de manera específica "
"en Filosofía de la Cultura. Mis estudios se centran en la propiedad "
"intelectual---principalmente derechos de autor---, la cultura, el _software_ "
"y, por supuesto, la edición libres. Si todavía quieres un nombre, llámame "
#: content/md/_about.js:9
msgid ""
"This blog is about publishing and coding. But it _doesn't_ approach on "
"techniques that makes great code. Actually my programming skills are kind of "
"narrow. I have the following opinions. (a) If you use a computer to publish, "
"not matter their output, _publishing is coding_. (b) Publishing it is not "
"just about developing software or skills, it is also a tradition, a "
"profession, an art but also a _method_. (c) To be able to visualize that, we "
"have to talk about how publishing implies and affects how we do culture. (d) "
"If we don't criticize and _self-criticize_ our work, we are lost."
msgstr ""
"Este _blog_ es acerca de edición y código. Pero _no_ se enfoca en las "
"técnicas que hacen posible hacer buen código. En realidad mis habilidades en "
"programación son muy escasas. Tengo las siguientes opiniones. (a) Si estás "
"usando una computadora para hacer publicaciones, sin importar su salida, "
"_editar es programar_. (b) La edición no solo trata de _software_ y "
"habilidades, también es una tradición, una profesión, un arte así como un "
"_método_. (c) Para notarlo, tenemos que hablar sobre cómo la edición implica "
"y afecta cómo hacemos cultura. (d) Si no criticamos y _autocriticamos_ "
"nuestra labor, estamos perdidos."
#: content/md/_about.js:18
msgid ""
"In other terms, this blog is about what surrounds and what is supposed to be "
"the foundations of publishing. Yeah, of course you are gonna find technical "
"writing. However, it is just because on these days the spine of publishing "
"talks with zeros and ones. So, let start to think what is publishing nowadays!"
msgstr ""
"Es decir, este _blog_ es acerca de lo que rodea y lo que se supone que son "
"los fundamentos de la edición. Sí, claro que vas a encontrar tecnicismos. "
"Como sea, es solo porque en estos días la espina dorsal de la edición habla "
"con ceros y unos. Así que ¡empecemos a pensar qué es ahora la edición!"
#: content/md/_about.js:23
msgid ""
"Some last words. I have to admit I don't feel comfortable writing in English. "
"I find unfair that we, people from non-English spoken worlds, have to use "
"this language in order to be noticed. It makes me feel bad that we are "
"constantly translating what other persons are saying while just a few homies "
"translate from Spanish to English. So I decided to have at least a bilingual "
"blog. I write in English while I translate to Spanish, so I can improve this "
"skill ---also: thanks +++S.O.+++ for help me to improve the English version "
msgstr ""
"Unas últimas palabras. Este _blog_ está escrito originalmente en inglés y "
"admito que no me siento cómodo al respecto. Me parece injusto que nosotros, "
"personas de mundos no angloparlantes, tenemos que emplear este idioma para "
"ser escuchados por ellos. Me entristece que de manera constante estamos "
"traduciendo lo que otras personas dicen y solo un par de compas traducen del "
"español al inglés. Así que decidí que este _blog_ al menos será bilingüe. A "
"veces lo traduzco del inglés al español, así puedo mejorar esta habilidad ---"
"aprovecho para darle gracias a mi pareja por ayudarme a mejorar la versión "
"inglesa xoxo---."
#: content/md/_about.js:32
msgid ""
"That's not enough and it doesn't invite to collaboration. So this blog uses "
"`po` files for its contents and [Pecas Markdown](https://pecas.perrotuerto."
"blog/html/md.html) for its syntax. You can always collaborate in the "
"translation or edition of any language. ~~The easiest way is through [Weblate]"
"( "
"Don't you want to use that?~~ Just contact me."
msgstr ""
"Esto no es suficiente y no llama a la colaboración. Así que este blog usa "
"archivos `po` para los textos y [Pecas Markdown](https://pecas.perrotuerto."
"blog/html/md.html) para su sintaxis. Siempre puedes colaborar en la "
"traducción o en la edición de cualquier lenguaje. ~~[La manera más sencilla "
"es a través de Weblate. ¿No quieres usarlo?]("
"html/es/005_hiim-master.html#weblate)~~ Solo contáctame."
#: content/md/_about.js:37
msgid ""
"That's all folks! And don't forget: fuck adds. Fuck spam. And fuck "
"proprietary culture. Freedom to the moon! "
msgstr ""
"¡Eso es todo, compas! Y no lo olviden: a la mierda la publicidad. A la mierda "
"el _spam_. A la mierda la cultura propietaria. ¡Libertad hasta la luna! "

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#: content/md/_contact.js:1
msgid "# Contact"
msgstr "# Contacto"
#: content/md/_contact.js:2
msgid "You can reach me at:"
msgstr "Puedes encontrarme en:"
#: content/md/_contact.js:3
msgid ""
"* [Mastodon](\n"
"* hi[at]"
msgstr ""
"* [Mastodon](\n"
"* hi[at]"
#: content/md/_contact.js:5
msgid "I even reply to the Nigerian Prince… "
msgstr "Incluso le contesto al príncipe nigeriano… "

View File

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msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: _donate 1.0\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: Nika Zhenya <>\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-03-19 20:17-0600\n"
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"X-Generator: Poedit 2.2.1\n"
#: content/md/_donate.js:1
msgid "# Donate"
msgstr "# Dona"
#: content/md/_donate.js:2
msgid ""
"_My server_ is actually an account powered by [Colima Hacklab](https://"
", dawgs, for host my crap!---. Also this blog "
"and all the free publishing events that we organize are done with free labor."
msgstr ""
"_Mi servidor_ en realidad es una cuenta auspiciada por [Colima Hacklab]"
"( ---¡gracias, cabrones, por hospedar esta "
"cochinada!---. Además este _blog_ y todos los eventos que organizamos sobre "
"edición libre son hechos con trabajo libre."
#: content/md/_donate.js:5
msgid "So, if you can help us to keep working, that would be fucking great!"
msgstr ""
"Así que si nos puedes ayudar a seguir trabajando, ¡eso estaría chingón!"
#: content/md/_donate.js:7
msgid ""
"Donate for some tacos with [+++ETH+++]("
"address/0x39b0bf0cf86776060450aba23d1a6b47f5570486). {.no-indent .vertical-"
msgstr ""
"Dona para unos tacos con [+++ETH+++]("
"address/0x39b0bf0cf86776060450aba23d1a6b47f5570486). {.no-indent .vertical-"
#: content/md/_donate.js:9
msgid ""
"Donate for some dog food with [+++DOGE+++]("
"DMbxM4nPLVbzTALv5n8G16TTzK4WDUhC7G). {.no-indent}"
msgstr ""
"Dona para unas croquetas con [+++DOGE+++]("
"DMbxM4nPLVbzTALv5n8G16TTzK4WDUhC7G). {.no-indent}"
#: content/md/_donate.js:11
msgid ""
"Donate for some beers with [PayPal]( {.no-"
"indent} "
msgstr ""
"Dona para unas cervezas con [PayPal]( {."
"no-indent} "

View File

@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: _fork 1.0\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: Nika Zhenya <>\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-03-19 21:21-0600\n"
"Last-Translator: Automatically generated\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
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"X-Generator: Poedit 2.3\n"
#: content/md/_fork.js:1
msgid "# Fork"
msgstr "# Bifurca"
#: content/md/_fork.js:2
msgid ""
"All the content is under Licencia Editorial Abierta y Libre (+++LEAL+++). "
"You can read it [here]("
msgstr ""
"Los textos y las imágenes están bajo Licencia Editorial Abierta y Libre (++"
"+LEAL+++). Puedes leerla [aquí]("
#: content/md/_fork.js:4
msgid ""
"“Licencia Editorial Abierta y Libre” is translated to “Open and Free "
"Publishing License.” “+++LEAL+++” is the acronym but also means “loyal” in "
msgstr ""
"Para cualquier lengua prefiero emplear el acrónimo «+++LEAL+++» para "
"mantener el significado que tiene en español y para denotar su procedencia."
#: content/md/_fork.js:7
msgid ""
"With +++LEAL+++ you are free to use, copy, reedit, modify, share or sell any "
"of this content under the following conditions:"
msgstr ""
"Con +++LEAL+++ eres libre de usar, copiar, reeditar, modificar, distribuir o "
"comercializar bajo las siguientes condiciones:"
#: content/md/_fork.js:9
msgid ""
"* Anything produced with this content must be under some type of +++LEAL++"
"* All files---editable or final formats---must be on public access.\n"
"* The sale can't be the only way to acquire the final product.\n"
"* The generated surplus value can't be used for exploitation of labor.\n"
"* The content can't be used for +++AI+++ or data mining.\n"
"* The use of the content must not harm any collaborator."
msgstr ""
"* Los productos derivados o modificados han de heredar algún tipo de +++LEAL+"
"* Los archivos editables y finales habrán de ser de acceso público.\n"
"* El contenido no puede implicar difamación, explotación o vigilancia."
#: content/md/_fork.js:15
msgid "Now, you can fork this shit:"
msgstr ""
"Para terminar, el código está bajo [GPLv3]("
"html). Ya puedes bifurcar esta mierda:"
#: content/md/_fork.js:16
msgid ""
"* [GitLab](\n"
"* [GitHub](\n"
"* [My server](\n"
msgstr ""
"* [0xacab](\n"
"* [GitLab](\n"

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"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: Nika Zhenya <>\n"
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#: content/md/_links.js:1
msgid "# Links"
msgstr "# Enlaces"
#: content/md/_links.js:2
msgid ""
"* [Pecas: publishing tools](\n"
"* [+++TED+++: digital publishing workshop](\n"
"* [_Digital Publishing as a Methodology for Global Publishing_](https://ed."
"* [Colima Hacklab](\n"
"* [Mariana Eguaras's blog](\n"
"* [Zinenauta](\n"
"* [In Defense of Free Software](\n"
msgstr ""
"* [Pecas: herramientas editoriales](\n"
"* [+++TED+++: taller de edición digital](\n"
"* [_Edición digital como metodología para una edición global_](https://ed."
"* [Colima Hacklab](\n"
"* [Blog de Mariana Eguaras](\n"
"* [Zinenauta](\n"
"* [En defensa del _software_ libre](\n"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: 001_free-publishing 1.0\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: Nika Zhenya <>\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-03-20 13:30-0600\n"
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#: content/md/001_free-publishing.js:1
msgid "# From publishing with free software to free publishing"
msgstr ""
#: content/md/001_free-publishing.js:2
msgid ""
"This blog is about “free publishing” but, what does that means? The term "
"“free” it isn't only problematic in English. May be more than in others "
"languages because of the confusion between “free as in beer” and “free as in "
"speech.” But by itself the concept of freedom is so ambiguous than even in "
"Philosophy we are very careful in its use. Even though it is a problem, I "
"like that the term doesn't have a clear definition---at the end, how free "
"could we be if freedom is well defined?"
msgstr ""
#: content/md/001_free-publishing.js:9
msgid ""
"Some years ago, when I started to work hand-in-hand with Programando "
"Libreros and Hacklib I realized that we weren't just doing publishing with "
"free software. We are doing free publishing. So I attempted to defined it in "
"[a post]("
"commons/) but it doesn't convince me anymore."
msgstr ""
#: content/md/001_free-publishing.js:14
msgid ""
"The term was floating around until December, 2018. At Contracorriente---"
"yearly fanzine fair celebrated in Xalapa, Mexico---Hacklib and me were "
"invited to give a talk about publishing and free software. Between all of us "
"we made a poster of everything we talked that day."
msgstr ""
#: content/md/001_free-publishing.js:18
msgid ""
"![Poster made at Contracorriente, nice, isn't it?](../../../img/p001_i001."
msgstr ""
#: content/md/001_free-publishing.js:19
msgid ""
"The poster was very helpful because in a simple Venn diagram we were able to "
"distinguish several intersections of activities that involves our work. Here "
"you have it more readable:"
msgstr ""
#: content/md/001_free-publishing.js:22
msgid ""
"![Venn diagram of publishing, free software and politics](../../../img/"
msgstr ""
#: content/md/001_free-publishing.js:23
msgid ""
"So I'm not gonna define what is publishing, free software or politics---it "
"is my fucking blog so I can write whatever I want xD and you can [duckduckgo]"
"( it without a satisfactory "
"answer. But as you can see, there are at least two very familiar "
"intersections: cultural policies and hacktivism. I dunno how it is in your "
"country, but in Mexico we have very strong cultural policies for "
"publishing---or at least that is what publishers _think_ and are "
"comfortable, not matter that most of the times they go against open access "
"and readers. “Hacktivism” is a fuzzy term, but it could be clear if we "
"realized that code as property is not the only way we can define it. "
"Actually it is very problematic because property isn't a natural right, but "
"one that is produced by our societies and protected by our states---yeah, "
"individuality isn't the foundation of rights and laws, but a construction of "
"the self produced society. So, do I have to mention that property rights "
"isn't as fair as we would want?"
msgstr ""
#: content/md/001_free-publishing.js:37
msgid ""
"Between publishing and free software we get “publishing with free software.” "
"What does that implies? It is the activity of publishing using software that "
"accomplish the famous---infamous?---[four freedoms]("
"wiki/The_Free_Software_Definition). For people that use software as a tool, "
"this means that, firstly, we aren't force to pay anything in order to use "
"software. Secondly, we have access to the code and do whatever we want with "
"it. Thirdly---and for me the most important---we can be part of a community, "
"instead of be treated as a consumer."
msgstr ""
#: content/md/001_free-publishing.js:44
msgid ""
"It sounds great, isn't it? But we have a little problem: the freedom only "
"applies to software. As publisher you can benefit from free software and "
"that doesn't mean you have to free your work. Penguin Random House---the "
"Google of publishing---one day could decided to use TeX or Pandoc, saving "
"tons of money at the same time they keep the monopoly of publishing."
msgstr ""
#: content/md/001_free-publishing.js:49
msgid ""
"Stallman saw that problem with the manuals published by O'Reilly and he "
"proposed the GNU Free Documentation License. But by doing so he trickly "
"distinguished [different kinds of works]("
"copyright-and-globalization.en.html). It is interesting see texts as "
"functionality, matter of opinion or aesthetics but in the publishing "
"industry nobody cares a fuck about that. The distinctions works great "
"between writers and readers, but it doesn't problematize the fact that "
"publishers are the ones who decide the path of almost all our text-centered "
msgstr ""
#: content/md/001_free-publishing.js:57
msgid ""
"In my opinion, that's dangerous at least. So I prefer other tricky "
"distinction. Big publishers and their mimetic branch---the so called “indie” "
"publishing---only cares about two things: sells and reputation. They want to "
"live _well_ and get social recognition from the _good_ books they publish. "
"If one day the software communities develop some desktop publishing or "
"typesetting easy-to-use and suitable for all their _professional_ needs, we "
"would see how “suddenly” publishing industry embraces free software."
msgstr ""
#: content/md/001_free-publishing.js:64
msgid ""
"So, why don't we distinguish published works by their funding and sense of "
"community? If what you publishing has public funding---for your knowledge, "
"in Mexico practically all publishing has this kind of funding---it would be "
"fair to release the files and leave hard copies for sell: we already pay for "
"that. This is a very common argument among supporters of open access in "
"science, but we can go beyond that. Not matter if the work relies on "
"functionality, matter of opinion or aesthetics; if is a science paper, a "
"philosophy essay or a novel and it has public funding, we have pay for the "
"access, come on!"
msgstr ""
#: content/md/001_free-publishing.js:72
msgid ""
"You can still sell publications and go to Messe Frankfurt, Guadalajara "
"International Book Fair or Beijing Book Fair: it is just doing business with "
"the _bare minium_ of social and political awareness. Why do you want more "
"money from us if we already gave it to you?---and you get almost all the "
"profits, leaving the authors with just the satisfaction of seeing her work "
msgstr ""
#: content/md/001_free-publishing.js:77
msgid ""
"The sense of community goes here. In a world where one of the main problems "
"is artificial scarcity---paywalls instead of actual walls---we need to apply "
"[copyleft]( or, even better, "
"[copyfarleft]( "
"licenses in our published works. They aren't the solution, but they are a "
"support to maintain the freedom and the access in publishing."
msgstr ""
#: content/md/001_free-publishing.js:83
msgid ""
"As it goes, we need free tools but also free works. I already have the tools "
"but I lack from permission to publish some books that I really like. I don't "
"want that happen to you with my work. So we need a publishing ecosystem "
"where we have access to all files of a particular edition---our source code "
"and binary files--- and also to the tools---the free software---so we can "
"improve, as a community, the quality and access of the works. Who doesn't "
"want that?"
msgstr ""
#: content/md/001_free-publishing.js:89
msgid ""
"With these politics strains, free software tools and publishing as a way of "
"living as a publisher, writer and reader, free publishing is a pathway. With "
"Programando Libreros and Hacklib we use free software, we invest time in "
"activism and we work in publishing: _we do free publishing, what about you?_ "
msgstr ""

View File

@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
#, fuzzy
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"Project-Id-Version: 002_fuck-books 1.0\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: Nika Zhenya <>\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-04-15 11:22-0500\n"
"Last-Translator: Nika Zhenya <>\n"
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#: content/md/002_fuck-books.js:1
msgid "# Fuck Books, If and only If…"
msgstr ""
#: content/md/002_fuck-books.js:2
msgid "> @published 2019/04/15, 12:00 {.published}"
msgstr ""
#: content/md/002_fuck-books.js:3
msgid ""
"I always try to be very clear about something: books nowadays, by "
"themselves, are just production leftovers. Yeah, we have built an industry "
"in order to made them. But, would you be able to publish by your own?"
msgstr ""
#: content/md/002_fuck-books.js:7
msgid ""
"Probably not. It is almost sure you lack of something: you don't seize the "
"machines supposedly needed; you don't enjoy the skills; you don't carry the "
"acknowledge or you don't possess the networking. You don't own anything."
msgstr ""
#: content/md/002_fuck-books.js:11
msgid ""
"We have reach the production capacity to publish in a couple hours what in "
"the past took centuries. That is amazing… and scary. What are we publishing "
"now? _Why are we producing that much?_ Our reading capacity haven't improve "
"at the same rhythm ---maybe we have been losing some of that ability."
msgstr ""
#: content/md/002_fuck-books.js:16
msgid ""
"We are more people now, but it is a contemporary supposition that each "
"person needs a book. We have public libraries. They used to be a great idea. "
"Now they are one of the few places where people can go and enjoy without "
"paying a penny. The last standing point of a world before its global "
"monetization. And sometimes not even that, because they are behind a "
"paywall: paid subscriptions or universities ids; or because most of us "
"prefer coffee shops, public libraries are for poor, creepy and old people, "
msgstr ""
#: content/md/002_fuck-books.js:24
msgid ""
"And we are praising books as a holly product of our culture. Even though "
"what we really do is supporting a consumer good. You don't made them, you "
"don't read them: you just buy and put them in a bookshelf. You don't own "
"them, you don't even look what is inside: you just buy and leave them in "
"your Amazon account. You are a consumer and that makes you think yourself as "
"a supporter of our culture."
msgstr ""
#: content/md/002_fuck-books.js:31
msgid ""
"As publishers we made everything about books: fairs, workshops, meetups, "
"study degrees and marketing. As publishers we want to sell you the next best-"
"seller, the newest book format: the future of reading. Even though what we "
"really want is your money. We know you don't read. We know you don't want "
"books that would blow the bubble where you live. We know you just want be "
"entertained. We know you are craving about how much books you have “read.” "
"We just want you to keep buying and buying. Who cares about you."
msgstr ""
#: content/md/002_fuck-books.js:39
msgid ""
"Before all that shit happened to publishing, books were a rare and difficult "
"product to make. From them we could see the complexity of our world: its "
"means of production, its structure and its struggles. Publishers were kill "
"because they wanted to offer you something really important to read. Now "
"publishers are awarded with trips, grants or fancy dinners. Most publishers "
"aren't a treat anymore. Instead, they are the managers of public debate; "
"aka, what we can say, think or feel."
msgstr ""
#: content/md/002_fuck-books.js:47
msgid ""
"Most books nowadays only show how the main bits of our world have been "
"displaced as another good in the marketplace. We see paper, we see ink, we "
"see fonts and we see code. After that first look, we start to realize that "
"our books are mainly a gear of a machinery of global consumption."
msgstr ""
#: content/md/002_fuck-books.js:52
msgid ""
"Only at this point, we can clearly see the chain of exploitation needed to "
"achieve that kind of productivity. _Who or what benefits from it?_ Authors "
"can't made a living anymore. People involved in books production ---"
"printers, proof readers, designers, publishers and so on--- barely earn a "
"living wage. A lot of trees and resources have been use for profits."
msgstr ""
#: content/md/002_fuck-books.js:58
msgid ""
"Again, we have reach the production capacity to publish in a couple hours "
"what in the past took centuries, _where did that wealth go?_ Not to our "
"pockets, we always have to pay in order to produce or own books."
msgstr ""
#: content/md/002_fuck-books.js:62
msgid ""
"So, what makes you love books that probably you won't read? If and only if "
"publishing is what it is now and we don't want to change it, well: fuck "
"books. "
msgstr ""

View File

@ -0,0 +1,318 @@
#, fuzzy
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"Project-Id-Version: 003_dont_come 1.0\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: Nika Zhenya <>\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-05-05 19:38-0500\n"
"Last-Translator: Nika Zhenya <>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
#: content/md/003_dont_come.js:1
msgid "# Don't come with those tales"
msgstr ""
#: content/md/003_dont_come.js:2
msgid "> @published 2019/05/05, 20:00 {.published}"
msgstr ""
#: content/md/003_dont_come.js:3
msgid ""
"I love books. I love them so much that I even decided to make a living from "
"them---probably a very bad career decision. But I can't idealize that love."
msgstr ""
#: content/md/003_dont_come.js:6
msgid ""
"During school and university I was taught that I should love books. "
"Actually, some teachers made me clear that it was the only way I could get "
"my bachelor's degree. Because books are the main freedom and knowledge "
"device in our shitty world, right? Not loving books is like the will to stay "
"in a cave---hello, Plato. Not celebrating its greatness is just one step to "
"support antidemocratic regimes. And while I was learning to love books, of "
"course I also learn to respect its “creators” and the industry than made it "
msgstr ""
#: content/md/003_dont_come.js:15
msgid ""
"I don't think it is casual that the development of what we mean by book is "
"independent from the developments of capitalism and what we understand by "
"author. Maybe correlation; maybe intersection; but definitely not separates "
msgstr ""
#: content/md/003_dont_come.js:19
msgid ""
"Let's start with a common place: the invention of printing. Yeah, it is an "
"arbitrary and problematic start. We could say that books and authors goes "
"far before that. But what we have in that particularly place in history is "
"the standardization and massification of a practice. It didn't happen from "
"day to night, but little by little all the methodological and technical "
"diversity became more homogeneous. And with that, we were able to made books "
"not as luxury or institutional commodities, but as objects of everyday use."
msgstr ""
#: content/md/003_dont_come.js:28
msgid ""
"And not just books, but printed text in general. Before the invention of "
"printing, we could barely see text in our surroundings. What surprise me "
"about printing it is not the capacity of production that we reached, but how "
"that technology normalized the existence of text in our daily basis."
msgstr ""
#: content/md/003_dont_come.js:33
msgid ""
"Newspapers first and now social media relies on that normalization to "
"generate the idea of an “universal” public debate---I don't know if it is "
"actually “public” if almost all popular newspapers and social media "
"platforms are own by corporations and its criteria; but let's pretend it is "
"a minor issue. And public debate supposedly incentivizes democracy."
msgstr ""
#: content/md/003_dont_come.js:39
msgid ""
"Before Enlightenment the owners of printed text realized its freedom "
"potential. Most churches and kingdoms tried to control it. The Protestant "
"Church first and then the Enlightenment and emerging capitalist enterprises "
"hijacked the control of public debate; specifically who owns the means of "
"printed text production, who decides the languages worthy to print and who "
"sets its main reader."
msgstr ""
#: content/md/003_dont_come.js:46
msgid ""
"Maybe it is a bad analogy but printed text in newspapers, books and journals "
"were so fascinating like nowadays is digital “content” over the Internet. "
"But what I mean is that there were many people who tried to have that "
"control and power. And most of them failed and keep failing."
msgstr ""
#: content/md/003_dont_come.js:51
msgid ""
"So during 18th century books started to have another meaning. They ceased to "
"be mainly devices of God's or authority's word to be _a_ device of freedom "
"of speech. Thanks to the firsts emerging capitalists we got means for "
"secular thinking. Acts of censorship became evident acts of political "
"restriction instead of acts against sinners."
msgstr ""
#: content/md/003_dont_come.js:57
msgid ""
"The invention of printing created so big demand of printed text that it "
"actually generated the publishing industry. Self-publishing to satisfy "
"internal institutional demand opened the place to an industry for new "
"citizens readers. A luxury and religious object became a commodity in the "
"“free” market."
msgstr ""
#: content/md/003_dont_come.js:62
msgid ""
"While printed text surpassed almost all restrictions, freedom of speech "
"rised hand-to-hand freedom of enterprise---the debate between Free Software "
"Movement and Open Source Initiative relies in an old and more general "
"debate: how much freedom can we grant in order to secure freedom? But it "
"also developed other freedom that was fastened by religious or political "
"authorities: the freedom to be identify as an author."
msgstr ""
#: content/md/003_dont_come.js:69
msgid ""
"How we understand authorship in our days depends in a process where the "
"notion of author became more closed to the idea of “creator.” And it is "
"actually a very interesting semantic transfer. _In one way_ the invention of "
"printing mechanized and improved a practice that it was believed to be done "
"with God's help. Trithemius got so horrified that printing wasn't welcome. "
"But with new Spirits---freedoms of enterprise and speech---what was seen "
"even as a demonic invention became one of the main technologies that still "
"defines and reproduces the idea of humanity."
msgstr ""
#: content/md/003_dont_come.js:78
msgid ""
"This opened the opportunity to independent authors. Printed text wasn't "
"anymore a matter of God's or authority's word but a secular and more "
"ephemeral Human's word. The massification of publishing also opened the "
"gates for less relevant and easy-to-read printed texts; but for the "
"incipient publishing industry it didn't matter: it was a way to catch more "
"profits and consumers."
msgstr ""
#: content/md/003_dont_come.js:84
msgid ""
"Not only that, it reproduces the ideas that were around over and over again. "
"Yes, it growth the diversity of ideas but it also repeated speeches that "
"safeguard the state of things. How much books have been a device of freedom "
"and how much they have been a device of ideological reproduction? That is a "
"good question that we have to answer."
msgstr ""
#: content/md/003_dont_come.js:90
msgid ""
"So authors without religious or political authority found a way to sneak "
"their names in printed text. It wasn't yet a function of property---I don't "
"like the word “function,” but I will use it anyways---but a function of "
"attribution: they wanted to publicly be know as the human who wrote those "
"texts. No God, no authority, no institution, but a person of flesh and bone."
msgstr ""
#: content/md/003_dont_come.js:96
msgid ""
"But that also meant regular powerless people. Without backup of God or King, "
"who the fucks are you, little peasant? Publishers---a.k.a. printers in those "
"years---took advantage. The fascination to saw a newspaper article about "
"books you wrote is similar to see a Wikipedia article about you. You don't "
"gain directly anything, only reputation. It relies on you to made it "
msgstr ""
#: content/md/003_dont_come.js:102
msgid ""
"During 18th century, authorship became a function of _individual_ "
"attribution, but not a function of property. So I think that is were the "
"notion of “creator” came out as an ace in the hole. In Germany we can track "
"one of the first robust attempts to empower this new kind of powerless "
"independent author."
msgstr ""
#: content/md/003_dont_come.js:107
msgid ""
"German Romanticism developed something that goes back to the Renaissance: "
"humans can also _create_ things. Sometimes we forget that Christianity has "
"been also a very messy set of beliefs. The attempt to made a consistent, "
"uniform and rationalized set of beliefs goes back in the diversity of "
"religious practices. So you could accept that printing text lost its "
"directly connection to God's word while you could argue some kind of "
"indirectly inspiration beyond our corporeal world. And you don't have to "
"rationalize it: you can't prove it, you just feel it and know it."
msgstr ""
#: content/md/003_dont_come.js:116
msgid ""
"So german writers used that as foundations for independent authorship. No "
"God's or authority's word, no institution, but a person inspired by things "
"beyond our world. The notion of “creation” has a very strong religious and "
"metaphysical backgrounds that we can't just ignore them: act of creation "
"means the capacity to bring to this world something that it didn't belong to "
"it. The relationship between authorship and text turned out so imminent that "
"even nowadays we don't have any fucking idea why we accept as common sense "
"that authors have a superior and inalienable bond to its works."
msgstr ""
#: content/md/003_dont_come.js:126
msgid ""
"But before the expansionism of German Romanticism notion of author, writers "
"were seen more as producers that sold their work to the owners of means of "
"production. So while the invention of printing facilitated a new kind of "
"secular and independent author, _in other hand_ it summoned Authorship Fog: "
"“Whenever you cast another Book spell, if Spirits of Printing is in the "
"command zone or on the battlefield, create a 1/1 white Author creature token "
"with flying and indestructible.” As material as a printed card we made magic "
"to grant authors a creative function: the ability to “produce from nothing” "
"and a bond that never dies or changes."
msgstr ""
#: content/md/003_dont_come.js:136
msgid ""
"Authors as creators is a cool metaphor, who doesn't want to have some divine "
"powers? In the abstract discussion about the relationship between authors, "
"texts and freedom of speech, it is just a perfect fit. You don't have to "
"rely in anything material to grasp all of them as an unique phenomena. But "
"in the concrete facts of printed texts and the publishers abuse to authors "
"you go beyond attribution. You are not just linking an object to a subject. "
"Instead, you are grating property relationships between subject and an "
msgstr ""
#: content/md/003_dont_come.js:145
msgid ""
"And property means nothing if you can't exploit it. At the beginning of "
"publishing industry and during all 18th century, publishers took advantage "
"of this new kind of “property.” The invention of the author as a property "
"function was the rise of new legislation. Germans and French jurists "
"translated this speech to laws."
msgstr ""
#: content/md/003_dont_come.js:150
msgid ""
"I won't talk about the history of moral rights. Instead I want to highlight "
"how this gave a supposedly ethical, political and legal justification of "
"_the individualization_ of cultural commodities. Authorship began to be "
"associated inalienably to individuals and _a_ book started to mean _a_ "
"reader. But not only that, the possibilities of intellectual freedom were "
"reduced to a particular device: printed text."
msgstr ""
#: content/md/003_dont_come.js:157
msgid ""
"More freedom translated to the need of more and more printed material. More "
"freedom implied the requirement of bigger and bigger publishing industry. "
"More freedom entailed the expansionism of cultural capitalism. Books "
"switched to commodities and authors became its owners. Moral rights were "
"never about the freedom of readers, but who was the owner of that "
msgstr ""
#: content/md/003_dont_come.js:163
msgid ""
"Books stopped to be sources of oral and local public debate and became "
"private devices for an “universal” public debate: the Enlightenment. "
"Authorship put attribution in secondary place so individual ownership could "
"become its synonymous. A book for several readers and an author as an id for "
"an intellectual movement or institution became irrelevant against a book as "
"property for a particular reader---as material---and author---as speech."
msgstr ""
#: content/md/003_dont_come.js:170
msgid ""
"And we are sitting here reading all this shit without taking to account that "
"ones of the main wins of our neoliberal world is that we have been talking "
"about objects, individuals and production of wealth. Who the fucks are the "
"subjects who made all this publishing shit possible? Where the fucks are the "
"communities that in several ways make possible the rise of authors? For fuck "
"sake, why aren't we talking about the hidden costs of the maintenance of "
"means of production?"
msgstr ""
#: content/md/003_dont_come.js:178
msgid ""
"We aren't books and we aren't its authors. We aren't those individuals who "
"everybody are gonna relate to the books we are working on and, of course, we "
"lack of sense of community. We aren't the ones who enjoy all that wealth "
"generated by books production but for sure we are the ones who made all that "
"possible. _We are neglecting ourselves_."
msgstr ""
#: content/md/003_dont_come.js:184
msgid ""
"So don't come with those tales about the greatness of books for our culture, "
"the need of authorship to transfer wealth or to give attribution and how "
"important for our lives is the publishing production."
msgstr ""
#: content/md/003_dont_come.js:188
msgid ""
"* Did you know that books have been mainly devices of ideological\n"
" reproduction or at least mainly devices for cultural capitalism---most\n"
" best-selling books aren't critical thinking books that free\n"
" our minds, but text books with its hidden curriculum and\n"
" self-help and erotic books that keep reproducing basic exploitable\n"
" stereotypes?\n"
"* Did you realize that authorship haven't been the best way\n"
" to transfer wealth or give attribution---even now more than\n"
" before authors have to paid in order to be published at the\n"
" same time that in the practice they lose all rights?\n"
"* Did you see how we keep to be worry about production no matter\n"
" what---it doesn't matter that it would imply bigger chains\n"
" of free labor or, as I prefer to say: chains of exploitation\n"
" and “intellectual” slavery, because in order to be an\n"
" scholar you have to embrace publishing industry and maybe\n"
" even cultural capitalism?"
msgstr ""
#: content/md/003_dont_come.js:204
msgid ""
"Please, don't come with those tales, we already reached more fertile fields "
"that can generate way better stories. "
msgstr ""

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"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: Nika Zhenya <>\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-07-04 07:49-0500\n"
"Last-Translator: Nika Zhenya <>\n"
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"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
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#: content/md/004_backup.js:1
msgid "# Who Backup Whom?"
msgstr ""
#: content/md/004_backup.js:2
msgid "> @published 2019/07/04, 10:00 {.published}"
msgstr ""
#: content/md/004_backup.js:3
msgid ""
"Among publishers and readers is common to heard about “digital copies.” This "
"implies that ebooks tend to be seen as backups of printed books. How the "
"former became a copy of the original---even tough you first need a digital "
"file in order to print---goes something like this:"
msgstr ""
#: content/md/004_backup.js:8
msgid ""
"1. Digital files (+++DF+++s) with appropriate maintenance could\n"
" have higher probabilities to last longer that its material\n"
" peer.\n"
"2. Physical files (+++PF+++s) are limited due geopolitical\n"
" issues, like cultural policies updates, or due random events,\n"
" like environment changes or accidents.\n"
"3. _Therefore_, +++DF+++s are backups of +++PF+++s because _in\n"
" theory_ its dependence is just technical."
msgstr ""
#: content/md/004_backup.js:16
msgid ""
"The famous digital copies arise as a right of private copy. What if one day "
"our printed books get ban or burn? Or maybe some rain or coffee spill could "
"fuck our books collection. Who knows, +++DF+++s seem more reliable."
msgstr ""
#: content/md/004_backup.js:20
msgid ""
"But there are a couple suppositions in this argument. (1) The technology "
"behind +++DF+++s in one way or the other will always make data flow. Maybe "
"this is because (2) one characteristic---part of its “nature”---of "
"information is that nobody can stop its spread. This could also implies that "
"(3) hackers can always destroy any kind of digital rights management system."
msgstr ""
#: content/md/004_backup.js:26
msgid ""
"Certainly some dudes are gonna be able to hack the locks but at a high cost: "
"every time each [cipher]( is revealed, "
"another more complex is on the way---_Barlow [dixit](https://www.wired."
"com/1994/03/economy-ideas/)_. We cannot trust that our digital "
"infrastructure would be designed with the idea of free share in mind… Also, "
"how can we probe information wants to be free without relying in its "
"“nature” or making it some kind of autonomous subject?"
msgstr ""
#: content/md/004_backup.js:33
msgid ""
"Besides those issues, the dynamic between copies and originals creates an "
"hierarchical order. Every +++DF+++ is in a secondary position because it is "
"a copy. In a world full of things, materiality is and important feature for "
"commons and goods; for several people +++PF+++s are gonna be preferred "
"because, well, you can grasp them."
msgstr ""
#: content/md/004_backup.js:39
msgid ""
"Ebook market shows that the hierarchy is at least shading. For some readers +"
"++DF+++s are now in the top of the pyramid. We could say so by the follow "
msgstr ""
#: content/md/004_backup.js:42
msgid ""
"1. +++DF+++s are way more flexible and easy to share.\n"
"2. +++PF+++s are very static and not easy to access.\n"
"3. _Therefore_, +++DF+++s are more suitable for use than +++PF+++s."
msgstr ""
#: content/md/004_backup.js:45
msgid ""
"Suddenly, +++PF+++s become hard copies that are gonna store data as it was "
"published. Its information is in disposition to be extracted and processed "
"if need it."
msgstr ""
#: content/md/004_backup.js:48
msgid ""
"Yeah, we also have a couple assumptions here. Again (1) we rely on the "
"stability of our digital infrastructure that it would allow us to have "
"access to +++DF+++s no matter how old they are. (2) Reader's priorities are "
"over files use---if not merely consumption---not on its preservation and "
"reproduction (+++P&R+++). (3) The argument presume that backups are "
"motionless information, where bookshelves are fridges for later-to-use books."
msgstr ""
#: content/md/004_backup.js:55
msgid ""
"The optimism about our digital infrastructure is too damn high. Commonly we "
"see it as a technology that give us access to zillions of files and not as a "
"+++P&R+++ machinery. This could be problematic because some times file "
"formats intended for use aren't the most suitable for +++P&R+++. For "
"example, the use of +++PDF+++s as some kind of ebook. Giving to much "
"importance to reader's priorities could lead us to a situation where the "
"only way to process data is by extracting it again from hard copies. When we "
"do that we also have another headache: fixes on the content have to be add "
"to the last available hard copy edition. But, can you guess where are all "
"the fixes? Probably not. Maybe we should start to think about backups as "
"some sort of _rolling update_."
msgstr ""
#: content/md/004_backup.js:67
msgid ""
"![Programando Libreros while she scans books which +++DF+++s are not "
"suitable for +++P&R+++ or are simply nonexistent; can you see how it is not "
"necessary to have a fucking nice scanner?](../../../img/p004_i001.jpg)"
msgstr ""
#: content/md/004_backup.js:70
msgid ""
"As we imagine---and started to live in---scenarios of highly controlled data "
"transfer, we have to picture a situation where for some reason our electric "
"power is off or running low. In that context all the strengths of +++DF+++s "
"become pointless. They may not be accessible. They may not spread. Right now "
"for us is hard to imagine. Generation after generation the storaged +++DF++"
"+s in +++HDD+++s would be inherit with the hope of being used again. But "
"over time those devices with our cultural heritage would become rare objects "
"without any apparent utility."
msgstr ""
#: content/md/004_backup.js:79
msgid ""
"The aspects of +++DF+++s that made us see the fragility of +++PF+++s would "
"disappear in its concealment. Can we still talk about information if it is "
"potential information---we know the data is there, but it is inaccessible "
"because we don't have the means for view them? Or does information already "
"implies the technical resources for its access---i.e. there is not "
"information without a subject with technical skills to extract, process and "
"use the data?"
msgstr ""
#: content/md/004_backup.js:86
msgid ""
"When we usually talk about information we already suppose is there, but many "
"times is not accessible. So the idea of potential information could be "
"counterintuitive. If the information isn't actual we just consider that it "
"doesn't exist, not that it is on some potential stage."
msgstr ""
#: content/md/004_backup.js:91
msgid ""
"As our technology is developing we assume that we would always have _the "
"possibility_ of better ways to extract or understand data. Thus, that there "
"are bigger chances to get new kinds of information---and take a profit from "
"it. Preservation of data relies between those possibilities, as we usually "
"backup files with the idea that we could need to go back again."
msgstr ""
#: content/md/004_backup.js:97
msgid ""
"Our world become more complex by new things forthcoming to us, most of the "
"times as new characteristics of things we already know. Preservation "
"policies implies an epistemic optimism and not only a desire to keep alive "
"or incorrupt our heritage. We wouldn't backup data if we don't already "
"believe we could need it in a future where we can still use it."
msgstr ""
#: content/md/004_backup.js:103
msgid ""
"With this exercise could be clear a potentially paradox of +++DF+++s. More "
"accessibility tends to require more technical infrastructure. This could "
"imply major technical dependence that subordinate accessibility of "
"information to the disposition of technical means. _Therefore_, we achieve a "
"situation where more accessibility is equal to more technical infrastructure "
"and---as we experience nowadays---dependence."
msgstr ""
#: content/md/004_backup.js:110
msgid ""
"Open access to knowledge involves at least some minimum technical means. "
"Without that, we can't really talk about accessibility of information. "
"Contemporary open access possibilities are restricted to an already "
"technical dependence because we give a lot of attention in the flexibility "
"that +++DF+++s offer us for _its use_. In a world without electric power, "
"this kind of accessibility becomes narrow and an useless effort."
msgstr ""
#: content/md/004_backup.js:117
msgid ""
"![Programando Libreros and Hacklib while they work on a project intended to +"
"++P&R+++ old Latin American SciFi books; sometimes a V-shape scanner is "
"required when books are very fragile.](../../../img/p004_i002.jpg)"
msgstr ""
#: content/md/004_backup.js:120
msgid ""
"So, _who backup whom?_ In our actual world, where geopolitics and technical "
"means restricts flow of data and people at the same time it defends internet "
"access as a human right---some sort of neo-Enlightenment discourse---+++DF++"
"+s are lifesavers in a condition where we don't have more ways to move "
"around or scape---not only from border to border, but also on cyberspace: it "
"is becoming a common place the need to sign up and give your identity in "
"order to use web services. Let's not forget that open access of data can be "
"a course of action to improve as community but also a method to perpetuate "
"social conditions."
msgstr ""
#: content/md/004_backup.js:130
msgid ""
"Not a lot of people are as privilege as us when we talk about access to "
"technical means. Even more concerning, they are hommies with disabilities "
"that made very hard for them to access information albeit they have those "
"means. Isn't it funny that our ideas as file contents can move more “freely” "
"than us---your memes can reach web platform where you are not allow to sign "
msgstr ""
#: content/md/004_backup.js:136
msgid ""
"I desire more technological developments for freedom of +++P&R+++ and not "
"just for use as enjoyment---no matter is for intellectual or consumption "
"purposes. I want us to be free. But sometimes use of data, +++P&R+++ of "
"information and people mobility freedoms don't get along."
msgstr ""
#: content/md/004_backup.js:141
msgid ""
"With +++DF+++s we achieve more independence in file use because once it is "
"save, it could spread. It doesn't matter we have religious or political "
"barriers; the battle take place mainly in technical grounds. But this "
"doesn't made +++DF+++s more autonomous in its +++P&R+++. Neither implies we "
"can archive personal or community freedoms. They are objects. _They are "
"tools_ and whoever use them better, whoever owns them, would have more power."
msgstr ""
#: content/md/004_backup.js:148
msgid ""
"With +++PF+++s we can have more +++P&R+++ accessibility. We can do whatever "
"we want with them: extract their data, process it and let it free. But only "
"if we are their owners. Often that is not the case, so +++PF+++s tend to "
"have more restricted access for its use. And, again, this doesn't mean we "
"can be free. There is not any cause and effect between what object made "
"possible and how subjects want to be free. They are tools, they are not "
"master or slaves, just means for whoever use them… but for which ends?"
msgstr ""
#: content/md/004_backup.js:157
msgid ""
"We need +++DF+++s and +++PF+++s as backups and as everyday objects of use. "
"The act of backup is a dynamic category. Backed up files are not inert and "
"they aren't only a substrate waiting to be use. Sometimes we are going to "
"use +++PF+++s because +++DF+++s have been corrupted or its technical "
"infrastructure has been shut down. In other occasions we would use +++DF+++s "
"when +++PF+++s have been destroyed or restricted."
msgstr ""
#: content/md/004_backup.js:164
msgid ""
"![Due restricted access to +++PF+++s, sometimes it is necessary a portable V-"
"shape scanner; this model allows us to handle damaged books while we can "
"also storage it in a backpack.](../../../img/p004_i003.jpg)"
msgstr ""
#: content/md/004_backup.js:167
msgid ""
"So the struggle about backups---and all that shit about “freedom” on +++FOSS+"
"++ communities---it is not only around the “incorporeal” realm of "
"information. Nor on the technical means that made digital data possible. "
"Neither in the laws that transform production into property. We have others "
"battle fronts against the monopoly of the cyberspace---or as Lingel [says]"
"( "
"the gentrification of the internet."
msgstr ""
#: content/md/004_backup.js:174
msgid ""
"It is not just about software, hardware, privacy, information or laws. It is "
"about us: how we build communities and how technology constitutes us as "
"subjects. _We need more theory_. But a very diversified one because being on "
"internet it is not the same for an scholar, a publisher, a woman, a kid, a "
"refugee, a non-white, a poor or an old person. This space it is not neutral, "
"homogeneous and two-dimensional. It has wires, it has servers, it has "
"exploited employees, it has buildings, _it has power_ and it has, well, all "
"that things the “real world” has. Not because you use a device to access "
"means that you can always decide if you are online or not: you are always "
"online as an user as a consumer or as data."
msgstr ""
#: content/md/004_backup.js:186
msgid ""
"_Who backup whom?_ As internet is changing us as printed text did, backed up "
"files it isn't the storage of data, but _the memory of our world_. Is it "
"still a good idea to leave the work of +++P&R+++ to a couple of hardware and "
"software companies? Are we now allow to say that the act of backup implies "
"files but something else too? "
msgstr ""

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msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: 006_copyleft-pandemic 1.0\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: Nika Zhenya <>\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-04-08 00:02-0500\n"
"Last-Translator: Nika Zhenya <>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
#: content/md/006_copyleft-pandemic.js:1
msgid "# The Copyleft Pandemic"
msgstr ""
#: content/md/006_copyleft-pandemic.js:2
msgid ""
"It seems that we needed a global pandemic for publishers to finally give "
"open access. I guess we should say… thanks?"
msgstr ""
#: content/md/006_copyleft-pandemic.js:4
msgid ""
"In my opinion it was a good +++PR+++ maneuver, who doesn't like companies "
"when they do _good_? This pandemic has shown its capacity to fortify public "
"and private institutions, no matter how poorly they have done their job and "
"how these new policies are normalizing surveillance. But who cares, I can "
"barely make a living publishing books and I have never been involved in "
"government work."
msgstr ""
#: content/md/006_copyleft-pandemic.js:10
msgid ""
"An interesting side effect about this “kind” and _temporal_ openness is "
"about authorship. One of the most relevant arguments in favor of "
"intellectual property (+++IP+++) is the defense of authors' rights to make a "
"living with their work. The utilitarian and labor justifications of +++IP+++ "
"are very clear in that sense. For the former, +++IP+++ laws confer an "
"incentive for cultural production and, thus, for the so-called creation of "
"wealth. For the latter, author's “labour of his body, and the work of his "
"hands, we may say, are properly his.”"
msgstr ""
#: content/md/006_copyleft-pandemic.js:19
msgid ""
"But also in personal-based justifications the author is a primordial subject "
"for +++IP+++ laws. Actually, this justification wouldn't exist if the author "
"didn't have an intimate and qualitatively distinctive relationship with her "
"own work. Without some metaphysics or theological conceptions about cultural "
"production, this special relation is difficult to prove---but that is "
"another story."
msgstr ""
#: content/md/006_copyleft-pandemic.js:25
msgid ""
"![Locke and Hegel drinking tea while discussing several topics on "
msgstr ""
#: content/md/006_copyleft-pandemic.js:26
msgid ""
"From copyfight, copyleft and copyfarleft movements, a lot of people have "
"argued that this argument hides the fact that most authors can't make a "
"living, whereas publishers and distributors profit a lot. Some critics claim "
"governments should give more power to “creators” instead of allowing "
"“reproducers” to do whatever they want. I am not a fan of this way of doing "
"things because I don't think anyone should have more power, including "
"authors, and also because in my world government is synonymous with "
"corruption and death. But diversity of opinions is important, I just hope "
"not all governments are like that."
msgstr ""
#: content/md/006_copyleft-pandemic.js:36
msgid ""
"So between copyright, copyfight, copyleft and copyfarleft defenders there is "
"usually a mysterious assent about producer relevance. The disagreement comes "
"with how this overview about cultural production is or should translate into "
"policies and legislation."
msgstr ""
#: content/md/006_copyleft-pandemic.js:40
msgid ""
"In times of emergency and crisis we are seeing how easily it is to “pause” "
"those discussions and laws---or fast track [other ones](https://www."
"against-end-to-end-encryption). On the side of governments this again shows "
"how copyright and authors' rights aren't natural laws nor are they grounded "
"beyond our political and economic systems. From the side of copyright "
"defenders, this phenomena makes it clear that authorship is an argument that "
"doesn't rely on the actual producers, cultural phenomena or world issues… "
"And it also shows that there are [librarians](https://blog.archive."
"emergency-library) and [researchers]("
"story/2020-03-03/covid-19-open-science) fighting in favor of public "
"interests; +++AKA+++, how important libraries and open access are today and "
"how they can't be replaced by (online) bookstores or subscription-based "
msgstr ""
#: content/md/006_copyleft-pandemic.js:53
msgid ""
"I would find it very pretentious if [some authors](https://www.authorsguild."
"org/industry-advocacy/internet-archives-uncontrolled-digital-lending) and "
"[some publishers]("
"ceo-maria-pallante-on-the-internet-archives-national-emergency-library) "
"didn't agree with this _temporal_ openness of their work. But let's not miss "
"the point: this global pandemic has shown how easily it is for publishers "
"and distributors to opt for openness or paywalls---who cares about the "
"authors?… So next time you defend copyright as authors' rights to make a "
"living, think twice, only few have been able to earn a livelihood, and while "
"you think you are helping them, you are actually making third parties richer."
msgstr ""
#: content/md/006_copyleft-pandemic.js:62
msgid ""
"In the end the copyright holders are not the only ones who defend their "
"interests by addressing the importance of people---in their case the "
"authors, but more generally and secularly the producers. The copyleft "
"holders---a kind of cool copyright holder that hacked copyright laws---also "
"defends their interest in a similar way, but instead of authors, they talk "
"about users and instead of profits, they supposedly defend freedom."
msgstr ""
#: content/md/006_copyleft-pandemic.js:69
msgid ""
"There is a huge difference between each of them, but I just want to denote "
"how they talk about people in order to defend their interests. I wouldn't "
"put them in the same sack if it wasn't because of these two issues."
msgstr ""
#: content/md/006_copyleft-pandemic.js:73
msgid ""
"Some copyleft holders were so annoying in defending Stallman. _Dudes_, at "
"least from here we don't reduce the free software movement to one person, no "
"matter if he's the founder or how smart or important he is or was. "
"Criticizing his actions wasn't synonymous with throwing away what this "
"movement has done---what we have done!---, as a lot of you tried to mitigate "
"the issue: “Oh, but he is not the movement, we shouldn't have made a big "
"issue about that.” His and your attitude is the fucking issue. Together you "
"have made it very clear how narrow both views are. Stallman fucked it up and "
"was behaving very immaturely by thinking the movement is or was thanks to "
"him---we also have our own stories about his behavior---, why don't we just "
"accept that?"
msgstr ""
#: content/md/006_copyleft-pandemic.js:85
msgid ""
"But I don't really care about him. For me and the people I work with, the "
"free software movement is a wildcard that joins efforts related to "
"technology, politics and culture for better worlds. Nevertheless, the +++FSF+"
"++, the +++OSI+++, +++CC+++, and other big copyleft institutions don't seem "
"to realize that a plurality of worlds implies a diversity of conceptions "
"about freedom. And even worse, they have made a very common mistake when we "
"talk about freedom: they forgot that “freedom wants to be free.”"
msgstr ""
#: content/md/006_copyleft-pandemic.js:93
msgid ""
"Instead, they have tried to give formal definitions of software freedom. "
"Don't get me wrong, definitions are a good way to plan and understand a "
"phenomenon. But besides its formality, it is problematic to bind others to "
"your own definitions, mainly when you say the movement is about and for them."
msgstr ""
#: content/md/006_copyleft-pandemic.js:98
msgid ""
"Among all concepts, freedom is actually very tricky to define. How can you "
"delimit a concept in a definition when the concept itself claims the "
"inability of, perhaps, any restraint? It is not that freedom can't be "
"defined---I am actually assuming a definition of freedom---, but about how "
"general and static it could be. If the world changes, if people change, if "
"the world is actually an array of worlds and if people sometimes behave one "
"way or the other, of course the notion of freedom is gonna vary."
msgstr ""
#: content/md/006_copyleft-pandemic.js:107
msgid ""
"With freedom's different meanings we could try to reduce its diversity so it "
"could be embedded in any context or we could try something else. I dunno, "
"maybe we could make software freedom an interoperable concept that fits each "
"of our worlds or we could just stop trying to get a common principle."
msgstr ""
#: content/md/006_copyleft-pandemic.js:112
msgid ""
"The copyleft institutions I mentioned and many other companies that are "
"proud to support the copyleft movement tend to be blind about this. I am "
"talking from my experiences, my battles and my struggles when I decided to "
"use copyfarleft licenses in most parts of my work. Instead of receiving "
"support from institutional representatives, I first received warnings: “That "
"freedom you are talking about isn't freedom.” Afterwards, when I sought "
"infrastructure support, I got refusals: “You are invited to use our code in "
"your server, but we can't provide you hosting because your licenses aren't "
"free.” Dawgs, if I could, I wouldn't look for your help in the first place, "
msgstr ""
#: content/md/006_copyleft-pandemic.js:123
msgid ""
"Thanks to a lot of Latin American hackers and pirates, I am little by little "
"building my and our own infrastructure. But I know this help is actually a "
"privilege: for many years I couldn't execute many projects or ideas only "
"because I didn't have access to the technology or tuition. And even worse, I "
"wasn't able to look to a wider and more complex horizon without all this "
msgstr ""
#: content/md/006_copyleft-pandemic.js:129
msgid ""
"(There is a pedagogical deficiency in the free software movement that makes "
"people think that writing documentation and praising self-taught learning is "
"enough. From my point of view, it is more about the production of a self-"
"image in how a hacker or a pirate _should be_. Plus, it's fucking scary when "
"you realize how manly, hierarchical and meritocratic this movement tends to "
msgstr ""
#: content/md/006_copyleft-pandemic.js:136
msgid ""
"According to copyleft folks, my notion of software freedom isn't free "
"because copyfarleft licenses prevents _people_ from using software. This is "
"a very common criticism of any copyfarleft license. And it is also a very "
"paradoxical one."
msgstr ""
#: content/md/006_copyleft-pandemic.js:140
msgid ""
"Between the free software movement and open source initiative, there has "
"been a disagreement about who ought to inherit the same type of license, "
"like the General Public License. For the free software movement, this clause "
"ensures that software will always be free. According to the open source "
"initiative, this clause is actually a counter-freedom because it doesn't "
"allow people to decide which license to use and it also isn't very "
"attractive for enterprise entrepreneurship. Let's not forget that both sides "
"agree that the market is are essential for technology development."
msgstr ""
#: content/md/006_copyleft-pandemic.js:150
msgid ""
"Free software supporters tend to vanish the discussion by declaring that "
"open source defenders don't understand the social implication of this "
"hereditary clause or that they have different interests and ways to change "
"technology development. So it's kind of paradoxical that these folks see the "
"anti-capitalist clause of copyfarleft licenses as a counter-freedom. Or they "
"don't understand its implications or perceive that copyfarleft doesn't talk "
"about technology development in its insolation, but in its relationship with "
"politics, society and economy."
msgstr ""
#: content/md/006_copyleft-pandemic.js:160
msgid ""
"I won't defend copyfarleft against those criticisms. First, I don't think I "
"should defend anything because I am not saying everyone should grasp our "
"notion of freedom. Second, I have a strong opinion against the usual legal "
"reductionism among this debate. Third, I think we should focus on the ways "
"we can work together, instead of paying attention to what could divide us. "
"Finally, I don't think these criticisms are wrong, but incomplete: the "
"definition of software freedom has inherited the philosophical problem of "
"how we define and what the definition of freedom implies."
msgstr ""
#: content/md/006_copyleft-pandemic.js:169
msgid ""
"That doesn't mean I don't care about this discussion. Actually, it's a topic "
"I'm very familiar with. Copyright has locked me out with paywalls for "
"technology and knowledge access, copyleft has kept me away with "
"“licensewalls” with the same effects. So let's take a moment to see how free "
"the freedom is that the copyleft institutions are preaching."
msgstr ""
#: content/md/006_copyleft-pandemic.js:175
msgid ""
"According to _Open Source Software & The Department of Defense_ (+++DoD+++), "
"The +++U.S. DoD+++ is one of the biggest consumers of open source. To put it "
"in perspective, all tactical vehicles of the +++U.S.+++ Army employs at "
"least one piece of open source software in its programming. Other examples "
"are _the use_ of Android to direct airstrikes or _the use_ of Linux for the "
"ground stations that operates military drones like the Predator and Reaper."
msgstr ""
#: content/md/006_copyleft-pandemic.js:183
msgid ""
"![A Reaper drone [incorrectly bombarding]("
"news/2019/nov/18/killer-drones-how-many-uav-predator-reaper) civilians in "
"Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Syria and Yemen in order to deliver +++U.S. DoD+"
"++ notion of freedom.](../../../img/p006_i002.png)"
msgstr ""
#: content/md/006_copyleft-pandemic.js:184
msgid ""
"Before you argue that this is a problem about open source software and not "
"free software, you should check out the +++DoD+++ [+++FAQ+++ section]"
"( There, they define "
"open source software as “software for which the human-readable source code "
"is available for use, study, re-use, modification, enhancement, and re-"
"distribution by the users of that software.” Does that sound familiar? Of "
"course!, they include +++GPL+++ as an open software license and they even "
"rule that “an open source software license must also meet the +++GNU+++ Free "
"Software Definition.”"
msgstr ""
#: content/md/006_copyleft-pandemic.js:194
msgid ""
"This report was published in 2016 by the Center for a New American Security "
"(+++CNAS+++), a right-wing think tank which [mission and agenda](https://www."
" is “designed to shape the choices of leaders in the +++U.S."
"+++ government, the private sector, and society to advance +++U.S.+++ "
"interests and strategy.”"
msgstr ""
#: content/md/006_copyleft-pandemic.js:199
msgid ""
"I found this report after I read about how the [+++U.S.+++ Army scrapped one "
"billion dollars for its “Iron Dome” after Israel refused to share code]"
"israel-refuses-to-provide-key-codes). I found it interesting that even the "
"so-called most powerful army in the world was disabled by copyright laws---a "
"potential resource for asymmetric warfare. To my surprise, this isn't an "
msgstr ""
#: content/md/006_copyleft-pandemic.js:206
msgid ""
"The intention of +++CNAS+++ report is to convince +++DoD+++ to adopt more "
"open source software because its “generally better than their proprietary "
"counterparts […] because they can _take advantage_ of the brainpower of "
"larger teams, which leads to faster innovation, higher quality, and superior "
"security for _a fraction of the cost_.” This report has its origins by the "
"“justifiably” concern “about the erosion of +++U.S.+++ military technical "
msgstr ""
#: content/md/006_copyleft-pandemic.js:214
msgid ""
"Who would think that this could happen to +++FOSS+++? Well, all of us from "
"this part of the world have been saying that the type of freedom endorsed by "
"many copyleft institutions is too wide, counterproductive for its own "
"objectives and, of course, inapplicable for our context because that liberal "
"notion of software freedom relies on strong institutions and the capacity of "
"own property or capitalize knowledge. The same ones which have been trying "
"to explain that the economic models they try to “teach” us don't work or we "
"doubt them because of their side effects. Crowdfunding isn't easy here "
"because our cultural production is heavily dependent on government aids and "
"policies, instead of the private or public sectors. And donations aren't a "
"good idea because of the hidden interests they could have and the economic "
"dependence they generate."
msgstr ""
#: content/md/006_copyleft-pandemic.js:227
msgid ""
"But I guess it has to burst their bubble in order to get the point across. "
"For example, the Epstein controversial donations to +++MIT+++ Media Lab and "
"his friendship with some folks of +++CC+++; or the use of open source "
"software by the +++U.S.+++ Immigration and Customs Enforcement. While for "
"decades +++FOSS+++ has been a mechanism to facilitate the murder of “Global "
"South” citizens; a tool for Chinese labor exploitation denounced by the "
"anti-996 movement; a licensewall for technological and knowledge access for "
"people who can't afford infrastructure and the learning it triggers, even "
"though the code is “free” _to use_; or a police of software freedom that "
"denies Latin America and other regions their right to self-determinate its "
"freedom, its software policies and its economic models."
msgstr ""
#: content/md/006_copyleft-pandemic.js:240
msgid ""
"Those copyleft institutions that care so much about “user freedoms” actually "
"haven't been explicit about how +++FOSS+++ is helping shape a world where a "
"lot of us don't fit in. It had to be right-wing think tanks, the ones that "
"declare the relevance of +++FOSS+++ for warfare, intelligence, security and "
"authoritarian regimes, while these institutions have been making many "
"efforts in justifying its way of understanding cultural production as a "
"commodification of its political capacity. They have shown that in their "
"pursuit of government and corporate adoption of +++FOSS+++, when it favors "
"their interests, they talk about “software user freedoms” but actually refer "
"to “freedom of use software”, no matter who the user is or what it has been "
"used for."
msgstr ""
#: content/md/006_copyleft-pandemic.js:252
msgid ""
"There is a sort of cognitive dissonance that influences many copyleft "
"supporters to treat others harshly, those who just want some aid in the "
"argument over which license or product is free or not. But in the meantime, "
"they don't defy, and some of them even embrace the adoption of +++FOSS+++ "
"for any kind of corporation, it doesn't matter if it exploits its employees, "
"surveils its users, helps to undermine democratic institutions or is part of "
"a killing machine."
msgstr ""
#: content/md/006_copyleft-pandemic.js:260
msgid ""
"In my opinion, the term “use” is one of the key concepts that dilutes "
"political capacity of +++FOSS+++ into the aestheticization of its activity. "
"The spine of software freedom relies in its four freedoms: the freedoms of "
"_run_, _study_, _redistribute_ and _improve_ the program. Even though "
"Stallman, his followers, the +++FSF+++, the +++OSI+++, +++CC+++ and so on "
"always indicate the relevance of “user freedoms,” these four freedoms aren't "
"directly related to users. Instead, they are four different use cases."
msgstr ""
#: content/md/006_copyleft-pandemic.js:269
msgid ""
"The difference isn't a minor thing. A _use case_ neutralizes and reifies the "
"subject of the action. In its dilution the interest of the subject becomes "
"irrelevant. The four freedoms don't ban the use of a program for selfish, "
"slayer or authoritarian uses. Neither do they encourage them. By the "
"romantic idea of a common good, it is easy to think that the freedoms of "
"run, study, redistribute and improve a program are synonymous with a "
"mechanism that improves welfare and democracy. But because these four "
"freedoms don't relate to any user interest and instead talk about the "
"interest of using software and the adoption of an “open” cultural "
"production, it hides the fact that the freedom of use sometimes goes against "
"and uses subjects."
msgstr ""
#: content/md/006_copyleft-pandemic.js:281
msgid ""
"So the argument that copyfarleft denies people the use of software only "
"makes sense between two misconceptions. First, the personification of "
"institutions---like the ones that feed authoritarian regimes, perpetuate "
"labor exploitation or surveil its users---with their policies sometimes "
"restricting freedom or access _to people_. Second, the assumption that "
"freedoms over software use cases is equal to the freedom of its users."
msgstr ""
#: content/md/006_copyleft-pandemic.js:288
msgid ""
"Actually, if your “open” economic model requires software use cases freedoms "
"over users freedoms, we are far beyond the typical discussions about "
"cultural production. I find it very hard to defend my support of freedom if "
"my work enables some uses that could go against others' freedoms. This is of "
"course the freedom dilemma about the [paradox of tolerance](https://en."
" But my main conflict is when "
"copyleft supporters boast about their defense of users freedoms while they "
"micromanage others' software freedom definitions and, in the meantime, they "
"turn their backs to the gray, dark or red areas of what is implicit in the "
"freedom they safeguard. Or they don't care about us or their privileges "
"don't allow them to have empathy."
msgstr ""
#: content/md/006_copyleft-pandemic.js:300
msgid ""
"Since the _+++GNU+++ Manifesto_ the relevance of industry among software "
"developers is clear. I don't have a reply that could calm them down. It is "
"becoming more clear that technology isn't just a broker that can be used or "
"abused. Technology, or at least its development, is a kind of political "
"praxis. The inability of legislation for law enforcement and the possibility "
"of new technologies to hold and help the _statu quo_ express this political "
"capacity of information and communications technologies."
msgstr ""
#: content/md/006_copyleft-pandemic.js:308
msgid ""
"So as copyleft hacked copyright law, with copyfarleft we could help "
"disarticulate structural power or we could induce civil disobedience. By "
"prohibiting our work from being used by military, police or oligarchic "
"institutions, we could force them to stop _taking advantage_ and increase "
"their maintenance costs. They could even reach a point where they couldn't "
"operate anymore or at least they couldn't be as affective as our communities."
msgstr ""
#: content/md/006_copyleft-pandemic.js:315
msgid ""
"I know it sounds like a utopia because in practice we need the effort of a "
"lot of people involved in technology development. But we already did it "
"once: we used copyright law against itself and we introduced a new model of "
"workforce distribution and means of production. We could again use copyright "
"for our benefit, but now against the structures of power that surveils, "
"exploits and kills people. These institutions need our “brainpower,” we can "
"try by refusing their use. Some explorations could be software licenses that "
"explicitly ban surveillance, exploitation or murder."
msgstr ""
#: content/md/006_copyleft-pandemic.js:324
msgid ""
"We could also make it difficult for them to thieve our technology "
"development and deny access to our communication networks. Nowadays +++FOSS++"
"+ distribution models have confused open economy with gift economy. Another "
"think tank---Centre of Economics and Foreign Policy Studies---published a "
"report---_Digital Open Source Intelligence Security: A Primer_---where it "
"states that open sources constitutes “at least 90%” of all intelligence "
"activities. That includes our published open production and the open "
"standards we develop for transparency. It is why end-to-end encryption is "
"important and why we should extend its use instead of allowing governments "
"to ban it."
msgstr ""
#: content/md/006_copyleft-pandemic.js:335
msgid ""
"Copyleft could be a global pandemic if we don't go against its incorporation "
"inside virulent technologies of destruction. We need more organization so "
"that the software we are developing is free as in “social freedom,” not only "
"as in “free individual.” "
msgstr ""

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@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: _about 1.0\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: Nika Zhenya <>\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-05-28 22:04-0500\n"
"Last-Translator: Nika Zhenya <>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
#: content/md/_about.js:1
msgid "# About"
msgstr ""
#: content/md/_about.js:2
msgid ""
"Hi, I am a dog-publisher---what a surprise, right? I am from Mexico and, as "
"you can see, English is not my first language. But whatever. My educational "
"background is on Philosophy, specifically Philosophy of Culture. My grade "
"studies focus on intellectual property---mainly copyright---, free culture, "
"free software and, of course, free publishing. If you still want a name, "
"call me Dog."
msgstr ""
#: content/md/_about.js:9
msgid ""
"This blog is about publishing and coding. But it _doesn't_ approach on "
"techniques that makes great code. Actually my programming skills are kind of "
"narrow. I have the following opinions. (a) If you use a computer to publish, "
"not matter their output, _publishing is coding_. (b) Publishing it is not "
"just about developing software or skills, it is also a tradition, a "
"profession, an art but also a _method_. (c) To be able to visualize that, we "
"have to talk about how publishing implies and affects how we do culture. (d) "
"If we don't criticize and _self-criticize_ our work, we are lost."
msgstr ""
#: content/md/_about.js:18
msgid ""
"In other terms, this blog is about what surrounds and what is supposed to be "
"the foundations of publishing. Yeah, of course you are gonna find technical "
"writing. However, it is just because on these days the spine of publishing "
"talks with zeros and ones. So, let start to think what is publishing "
msgstr ""
#: content/md/_about.js:23
msgid ""
"Some last words. I have to admit I don't feel comfortable writing in "
"English. I find unfair that we, people from non-English spoken worlds, have "
"to use this language in order to be noticed. It makes me feel bad that we "
"are constantly translating what other persons are saying while just a few "
"homies translate from Spanish to English. So I decided to have at least a "
"bilingual blog. I write in English while I translate to Spanish, so I can "
"improve this skill ---also: thanks +++S.O.+++ for help me to improve the "
"English version xoxo."
msgstr ""
#: content/md/_about.js:32
msgid ""
"That's not enough and it doesn't invite to collaboration. So this blog uses "
"`po` files for its contents and [Pecas Markdown](https://pecas.perrotuerto."
"blog/html/md.html) for its syntax. You can always collaborate in the "
"translation or edition of any language. The easiest way is through [Weblate]"
"( "
"Don't you want to use that? Just contact me."
msgstr ""
#: content/md/_about.js:37
msgid ""
"That's all folks! And don't forget: fuck adds. Fuck spam. And fuck "
"proprietary culture. Freedom to the moon! "
msgstr ""

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#, fuzzy
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msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: _contact 1.0\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: Nika Zhenya <>\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-03-19 20:44-0600\n"
"Last-Translator: Nika Zhenya <>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
#: content/md/_contact.js:1
msgid "# Contact"
msgstr ""
#: content/md/_contact.js:2
msgid "You can reach me at:"
msgstr ""
#: content/md/_contact.js:3
msgid ""
"* [Mastodon](\n"
"* hi[at]"
msgstr ""
#: content/md/_contact.js:5
msgid "I even reply to the Nigerian Prince… "
msgstr ""

View File

@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
#, fuzzy
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msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: _donate 1.0\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: Nika Zhenya <>\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-03-19 20:18-0600\n"
"Last-Translator: Nika Zhenya <>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
#: content/md/_donate.js:1
msgid "# Donate"
msgstr ""
#: content/md/_donate.js:2
msgid ""
"_My server_ is actually an account powered by [Colima Hacklab](https://"
", dawgs, for host my crap!---. Also this blog "
"and all the free publishing events that we organize are done with free labor."
msgstr ""
#: content/md/_donate.js:5
msgid "So, if you can help us to keep working, that would be fucking great!"
msgstr ""
#: content/md/_donate.js:7
msgid ""
"Donate for some tacos with [+++ETH+++]("
"address/0x39b0bf0cf86776060450aba23d1a6b47f5570486). {.no-indent .vertical-"
msgstr ""
#: content/md/_donate.js:9
msgid ""
"Donate for some dog food with [+++DOGE+++]("
"DMbxM4nPLVbzTALv5n8G16TTzK4WDUhC7G). {.no-indent}"
msgstr ""
#: content/md/_donate.js:11
msgid ""
"Donate for some beers with [PayPal]( {.no-"
"indent} "
msgstr ""

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#, fuzzy
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msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: _fork 1.0\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: Nika Zhenya <>\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-03-19 21:21-0600\n"
"Last-Translator: Nika Zhenya <>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
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msgid "# Fork"
msgstr ""
#: content/md/_fork.js:2
msgid ""
"All the content is under Licencia Editorial Abierta y Libre (+++LEAL+++). "
"You can read it [here]("
msgstr ""
#: content/md/_fork.js:4
msgid ""
"“Licencia Editorial Abierta y Libre” is translated to “Open and Free "
"Publishing License.” “+++LEAL+++” is the acronym but also means “loyal” in "
msgstr ""
#: content/md/_fork.js:7
msgid ""
"With +++LEAL+++ you are free to use, copy, reedit, modify, share or sell any "
"of this content under the following conditions:"
msgstr ""
#: content/md/_fork.js:9
msgid ""
"* Anything produced with this content must be under some type of +++LEAL++"
"* All files---editable or final formats---must be on public access.\n"
"* The sale can't be the only way to acquire the final product.\n"
"* The generated surplus value can't be used for exploitation of labor.\n"
"* The content can't be used for +++AI+++ or data mining.\n"
"* The use of the content must not harm any collaborator."
msgstr ""
#: content/md/_fork.js:15
msgid "Now, you can fork this shit:"
msgstr ""
#: content/md/_fork.js:16
msgid ""
"* [GitLab](\n"
"* [GitHub](\n"
"* [My server](\n"
msgstr ""

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msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: _links 1.0\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: Nika Zhenya <>\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-03-20 15:35-0600\n"
"Last-Translator: Nika Zhenya <>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
#: content/md/_links.js:1
msgid "# Links"
msgstr ""
#: content/md/_links.js:2
msgid ""
"* [Pecas: publishing tools](\n"
"* [+++TED+++: digital publishing workshop](\n"
"* [_Digital Publishing as a Methodology for Global Publishing_](https://ed."
"* [Colima Hacklab](\n"
"* [Mariana Eguaras's blog](\n"
"* [Zinenauta](\n"
"* [In Defense of Free Software](\n"
msgstr ""

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font-style: italic;
h6 {
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font-weight: bold;
h1.title, h1.titulo {
margin-top: 4em;
margin-bottom: 0;
font-size: 2em;
h2.subtitle, h2.subtitulo {
margin-top: .5em;
margin-bottom: 3em;
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/* Paragraphs / Párrafos */
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text-align: left !important;
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text-align: center !important;
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text-indent: -1.5em;
text-align: left !important;
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margin-top: 1em;
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text-indent: -1.5em;
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hyphens: none !important;
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display: none;
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display: block;
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b, strong {
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i > b, b > i,
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i > strong, strong > i,
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display: block;
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max-width: 100%;
/* Links / Enlaces */
a, a:link, a:visited {
text-decoration: none;
/* Lists / Listas */
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ul {
list-style-type: disc;
ol ol, ol ul,
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margin: 0 0 -1.25em -2em;
ul.dash > li:before {
content: "-";
ul.en-dash > li:before {
content: "";
ul.em-dash > li:before {
content: "—";
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list-style-type: none;
} {
content: none !important;
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display: block;
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margin-bottom: -1.25em;
li > .li-manual {
margin: 0 0 0 1.5em;
/* Images / Imágenes */
img { /* It helps if the source doesn't exist / Ayuda a detectarlos si no existe el recurso */
color: #0000EE;
width: 100%;
figure {
margin: 2em auto;
figcaption {
font-family: "Alegreya Regular", Georgia, "Palatino Linotype", "Book Antiqua", Palatino, serif;
margin-top: .5em;
font-size: .9em;
figure + figure {
margin-top: 0;
p + img {
margin-left: -1.5em;
margin-top: 2em;
margin-bottom: 2em;
.caption, .leyenda {
font-size: .9em;
margin-top: -1.5em;
margin-bottom: 2em;
.caption + img, .leyenda + img {
margin-top: 0;
img + .caption, img + .leyenda {
margin-top: .5em;
.caption + p, .leyenda + p {
text-indent: 0;
p > img {
display: inline;
height: 1.5em;
width: auto;
/* Superscript and subscripts / Superíndices y subíndices */
sup, sub {
font-size: .75em;
vertical-align: super;
sub {
vertical-align: sub;
/* Code / Código (inspirados en*/
code {
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pre code {
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/* Glosses / Glosas */
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margin-right: 7em;
span.gloss, span.glosa {
width: 6em; /* No son 7 porque se resta uno del margen añadido a continuación */
margin-right: -8em; /* No son -7 porque se añade 1 de margen */
float: right;
text-indent: 0;
text-align: left;
font-size: .75em;
/* Poetry / Poesía: <p class="poetry">Verse 1<br />verse 2<br />verse 3.</p>*/
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margin: 1em 1.5em;
text-indent: 0;
-moz-hyphens: none;
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-o-hyphens: none;
-ms-hyphens: none;
hyphens: none;
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margin-left: 3em;
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padding-left: 6em;
text-transform: uppercase;
section.script h3, section.guion h3 {
padding-left: 3em;
section.script > p, section.guion > p {
margin-top: 1em;
section.script blockquote + blockquote > p,
section.guion blockquote + blockquote > p {
text-indent: 1.5em;
/* Special contents / Contenidos especiales */
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margin-top: 3em;
margin-left: 0;
font-size: 2em;
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margin-top: -1.25em;
margin-bottom: 3em;
margin-left: 0;
.author, .autor {
width: 250px; /* Avoids 100% width in author image / Se añade a la imagen del autor para que no abarque el 100% */
.contributor + p, .contribuidor + p {
text-indent: 0;
h1 + .contributor, h1 + .contribuidor {
margin-top: -6em !important;
margin-bottom: 6em;
.copyright, .legal * {
text-indent: 0;
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font-size: .9em;
text-align: right;
line-height: 1.65em;
margin-left: 40%;
body > .epigraph:first-child, body > .epigrafe:first-child {
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margin-top: 3em !important;
.space, .espacio {
white-space: pre-wrap;
/* Footnotes / Notas al pie */
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font-weight: normal;
.n-note-hr {
margin-top: 2em;
width: 25%;
margin-left: 0;
border: 1px solid blue;
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display: block;
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content: "]";
color: #0000EE;
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font-size: .9em;
text-indent: 0;
* + .n-note-p {
margin-top: 1em;
text-indent: 0;
.n-note-p2 {
margin-top: 0;
text-indent: 1.5em;
/* Indexes / Índices analíticos */
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margin-top: .5em !important;
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/* For print / Para impresión */
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/* Styles for this edition / Estilos de esta edición */

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<title>6. The Copyleft Pandemic</title>
<pubDate>Wed, 8 Apr 2020 06:00:00 -0500</pubDate>
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<title>5. How It Is Made: Master Research Thesis</title>
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<pubDate>Thu, 4 Jul 2019 11:00:00 -0500</pubDate>
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<title>2. Fuck Books, If and only If…</title>
<pubDate>Mon, 15 Apr 2019 12:00:00 -0500</pubDate>
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<title>1. From Publishing with Free Software to Free Publishing</title>
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<lastBuildDate>Wed, 8 Apr 2020 05:55:00 -0500</lastBuildDate>
<title>Publishing is Coding: Change My Mind</title>
<title>6. La pandemia del <i>copyleft</i></title>
<pubDate>Wed, 8 Apr 2020 06:00:00 -0500</pubDate>
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<title>5. Cómo está hecha: tesis de Maestría</title>
<pubDate>Sat, 15 Feb 2020 13:00:00 -0500</pubDate>
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<title>4. ¿Quién respalda a quién?</title>
<pubDate>Thu, 4 Jul 2019 11:00:00 -0500</pubDate>
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<title>1. De la edición con <i>software</i> libre a la edición libre</title>
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