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# YASD, Yet Another Schema Definition
YASD is a YAML format for human writable XSDs (XML Schema Definition), humans
declare what is indispensable, leaving the machines to do the rest of the
unreadable `<syntaxis who_can_read_this="?" />`.
## CLI Workflow
The following chart is the YASD CLI workflow:
``` mermaid
flowchart LR
direction LR
yasd --- convert
yasd --- check
yasd --- sample
yasd --- document
yasd --- man
convert --- |from| YASD1([YASD])
YASD1 --> |to| XSD([XSD])
check --- |validates| YASD2([YASD])
sample --- |from| YASD3([YASD])
YASD3 --> |to| XML([XML])
document --- |from| YASD4([YASD])
YASD4 --> |to| RST([reStructuredText])
man --- |prints| README
## Example
To better understad what YASD does, see the inputs and outputs:
- Input: human workable schema in [YASD].
- Output: computer processable schema in [XSD].
- Output: human readable documentation in [reStructuredText].
## Table of Contents
## Structure
### General Structure
### Schema (SCHM) Structure
elementFormDefault: qualified|unqualified
targetNamespace: http://a.link
xmlns: http://a.link
schemaLocation: http://a-link-to.xsd
version: 0.1
### Element (ELMT) Structure
name: element_name
description: Element description
type: simple|empty|no_text|no_elements|mixed
datatype: string|integer|decimal|date|time|language|duration|token|boolean|byte|int|double|float|long|short|normalizedString|dateTime|gDay|gMonth|gMonthDay|gYear|gYearMonth|negativeInteger|nonNegativeInteger|nonPositiveInteger|positiveInteger|unsignedLong|unsignedInt|unsignedShort|unsignedByte|anyURI|base64Binary|hexBinary|Name|QName|NCName|ID|IDREF|IDREFS|ENTITY|ENTITIES|NMTOKEN|NMTOKENS|NOTATION
- ref: attribute_name
use: optional|required|prohibited
- group: group_name
children_order: all|choice|sequence
- ref: element_name
maxOccurs: INTEGER|unbounded
minOccurs: INTEGER
- group: group_name
maxOccurs: INTEGER|unbounded
minOccurs: INTEGER
- element_or_attribute_name
### Attribute (ATTR) Structure
name: attribute_name
description: Attribute description
datatype: string|integer|decimal|date|time|language|duration|token|boolean|byte|int|double|float|long|short|normalizedString|dateTime|gDay|gMonth|gMonthDay|gYear|gYearMonth|negativeInteger|nonNegativeInteger|nonPositiveInteger|positiveInteger|unsignedLong|unsignedInt|unsignedShort|unsignedByte|anyURI|base64Binary|hexBinary|Name|QName|NCName|ID|IDREF|IDREFS|ENTITY|ENTITIES|NMTOKEN|NMTOKENS|NOTATION
default: a_value
fixed: a_value
### Group (GRPS) Structure
name: group_name
attribute_group: true|false
children_order: all|choice|sequence
- ref: element_or_attribute_name
maxOccurs: INTEGER|unbounded
minOccurs: INTEGER
## Key Reference
### `attribute_group`
Indicates if group is an attribute group.
Optional; if not present by default is `false`.
Allowed values:
- `true`.
- `false`.
### `attributeElements`
Indicates attributes elements for schema.
### `attributes`
Indicates a list of attributes for an element.
### `children_order`
Indicates order indicators for children elements.
Mandatory in `no_text` or `mixed` elements, and group.
Allowed values:
- `all`. Children elements can occur in any order.
- `choice`. Only one children element can accur.
- `sequence`. Children elements must occur in specified order.
### `children`
Indicates a list of children elements.
Mandatory in `no_text` or `mixed` elements, and group.
### `datatype`
Indicates element or attribute data types.
Only mandatory for 'simple' and 'no_elements' elements, and attributes.
Allowed String Data Types:
- `ENTITY`.  
- `ID`. A string that represents the ID attribute in XML (only used with
schema attributes).
- `IDREF`. A string that represents the IDREF attribute in XML (only used
with schema attributes).
- `language`. A string that contains a valid language id.
- `Name`. A string that contains a valid XML name.
- `NCName`.
- `NMTOKEN`. A string that represents the NMTOKEN attribute in XML (only used
with schema attributes).
- `normalizedString`. A string that does not contain line feeds, carriage
returns, or tabs.
- `QName`.
- `string`. A string.
- `token`. A string that does not contain line feeds, carriage returns, tabs,
leading or trailing spaces, or multiple spaces.
Allowed Date and Time Data Types:
- `date`. Defines a date value.
- `dateTime`. Defines a date and time value.
- `duration`. Defines a time interval.
- `gDay`. Defines a part of a date - the day (DD).
- `gMonth`. Defines a part of a date - the month (MM).
- `gMonthDay`. Defines a part of a date - the month and day (MM-DD).
- `gYear`. Defines a part of a date - the year (YYYY).
- `gYearMonth`. Defines a part of a date - the year and month (YYYY-MM).
- `time`. Defines a time value.
Allowed Numeric Data Types:
- `byte`. A signed 8-bit integer.
- `decimal`. A decimal value.
- `int`. A signed 32-bit integer.
- `integer`. An integer value.
- `long`. A signed 64-bit integer.
- `negativeInteger`. An integer containing only negative values (..,-2,-1).
- `nonNegativeInteger`. An integer containing only non-negative values
- `nonPositiveInteger`. An integer containing only non-positive values
- `positiveInteger`. An integer containing only positive values (1,2,..).
- `short`. A signed 16-bit integer.
- `unsignedLong`. An unsigned 64-bit integer.
- `unsignedInt`. An unsigned 32-bit integer.
- `unsignedShort`. An unsigned 16-bit integer.
- `unsignedByte`. An unsigned 8-bit integer.
Allowed Miscellaneous Data Types:
- `anyURI`.
- `base64Binary`.
- `boolean`.
- `double`.
- `float`.
- `hexBinary`.
- `QName`.
### `default`
Indicates default value when element or attribute is empty.
Only allowed for simple elements or attributes.
### `description`
Indicates element or attribute description in human readable form.
### `elementFormDefault`
Indicates that any elements used by the XML instance document which were
declared in this schema must be namespace qualified.
Optional; if not present by default is `unqualified`.
### `elements`
Indicates elements for schema.
### `fixed`
Indicates fixed value to element or attribute.
Optional; ignored if 'default' is present.
Only allowed for simple elements or attributes.
### `group`
References group name.
### `groups`
Indicates element or attribute groups for schema.
### `maxOccurs`
Indicates max number of times a children element can accur.
Optional; if not present by default is `1`.
Valid values are non negative integer or `unbounded` for unlimited number of
### `minOccurs`
Indicates min number of times a children element can accur.
Optional; if not present by default is `1`.
Valid value is non negative integer.
### `name`
Indicates element, attribute or group name.
For elements, its name is commonly known as tag name.
Naming rules:
- Element names are case-sensitive
- Element names must start with a letter or underscore
- Element names cannot start with the letters xml (or XML, or Xml, etc)
- Element names can contain letters, digits and underscores
- Element names cannot contain spaces or hyphens
### `ref`
References element or attribute by name.
### `remove`
Removes element or attribute from group by name.
### `restriction`
Indicates accepted constrained values for attribute.
Optional; if present, must contain at least one constrain and attribute
`datatype` is ignored.
Allowed constrains:
- `enumeration`. Specifies a list of acceptable values.
- `fractionDigits`. Specifies the maximum number of decimal places allowed;
must be equal to or greater than zero.
- `length`. Specifies the exact number of characters or list items allowed;
must be equal to or greater than zero.
- `maxExclusive`. Specifies the upper bounds for numeric values (the value
must be less than this value).
- `maxInclusive`. Specifies the upper bounds for numeric values (the value
must be less than or equal to this value).
- `maxLength`. Specifies the maximum number of characters or list items
allowed; must be equal to or greater than zero.
- `minExclusive`. Specifies the lower bounds for numeric values (the value
must be greater than this value).
- `minInclusive`. Specifies the lower bounds for numeric values (the value
must be greater than or equal to this value).
- `minLength`. Specifies the minimum number of characters or list items
allowed; must be equal to or greater than zero.
- `pattern`. Defines the exact sequence of characters that are acceptable.
- `totalDigits`. Specifies the exact number of digits allowed; must be
greater than zero.
- `whiteSpace`. Specifies how white space (line feeds, tabs, spaces, and
carriage returns) is handled; accepted values are
### `schema`
Indicates schema general information.
### `schemaLocation`
Indicates the location of the XML schema to use for that namespace.
### `taget_namespace`
Indicates that the elements defined by this schema come from the specified URL
### `type`
Indicates element type.
Allowed types:
- `simple`. Only text node allowed.
- `empty`. Only attributes allowed.
- `no_text`. No children text nodes allowed.
- `no_elements`. No children elements allowed.
- `mixed`. Children elements, text node and attributes allowed.
| type | elements | text | attributes |
| simple | ✗ | ✓ | ✗ |
| empty | ✗ | ✗ | ✓ |
| no_text | ✓ | ✗ | ✓ |
| no_elements | ✗ | ✓ | ✓ |
| mixed | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
> **Note 1**: read "elements" and "text" with "direct children..." as prefix.
> **Note 2**: attributes are never mandatory; they could be zero or more.
### `use`
Indicates that the attribute is required.
Optional; if not present by default is `optional`.
Allowed uses:
- `optional`.
- `required`.
- `prohibited`.
### `version`
Indicates XML schema version.
### `xmlns`
Indicates that the default namespace is the specified URL.
## References
- "XML Schema Reference", [W3ref]
- "XML Schema Tutorial", [W3Schools].
- "XSD Tutorial", [Tutorials Point].
## License
YASD is under GPLv3, check the license terms [here].
## Acknowledgments
YASD is founded by [Mexican Academy of Language].
## License
YASD is under GPLv3, check the license terms \[here\]
[YASD]: https://gitlab.com/amlengua/apal/esquema/-/blob/main/apal.yaml
[XSD]: https://gitlab.com/amlengua/apal/esquema/-/blob/main/apal.xsd
[reStructuredText]: https://gitlab.com/amlengua/apal/esquema/-/blob/main/apal.rst
[W3ref]: https://www.w3schools.com/xml/schema_elements_ref.asp
[W3Schools]: https://www.w3schools.com/xml/schema_intro.asp
[Tutorials Point]: https://www.tutorialspoint.com/xsd/
[here]: https://git.cuates.net/perro/yasd/src/branch/no-masters/LICENSE.md
[Mexican Academy of Language]: https://academia.org.mx