
87 lines
3.4 KiB

# Summary
- [Rust By Practice](
- [Variables](
- [Basic Types](basic-types/
- [Numbers](basic-types/
- [Char, Bool and Unit](basic-types/
- [Statements and Expressions](basic-types/
- [Functions](basic-types/
- [Ownership and Borrowing](ownership/
- [Ownership](ownership/
- [Reference and Borrowing](ownership/
- [Compound Types](compound-types/
- [string](compound-types/
- [Array](compound-types/
- [Slice](compound-types/
- [Tuple](compound-types/
- [Struct](compound-types/
- [Enum](compound-types/
- [Flow Control](
- [Pattern Match](pattern-match/
- [match, matches! and if let](pattern-match/
- [Patterns](pattern-match/
- [Method & Associated function](
- [Generics and Traits](generics-traits/
- [Generics](generics-traits/
- [Const Generics](generics-traits/
- [Traits](generics-traits/
- [Trait Object](generics-traits/
- [Advanced Traits](generics-traits/
- [Collection Types](collections/
- [String](collections/
- [Vector](collections/
- [HashMap](collections/
- [Type Conversion](type-conversions/
- [as](type-conversions/
- [From/Into](type-conversions/
- [Others](type-conversions/
- [Result and panic TODO](result-panic/
- [panic!](result-panic/
- [result and ?](result-panic/
- [Crate and module TODO](crate-module/
- [Crate](crate-module/
- [Module](crate-module/
- [use and pub](crate-module/
- [Comments and Docs TODO](
- [Formatted output TODO](
- [Lifetime TODO](lifetime/
- [basic](lifetime/
- [&'static and T: 'static](lifetime/
- [advance](lifetime/
- [Functional programing TODO](functional-programing/
- [Closure](functional-programing/
- [Iterator](functional-programing/
- [newtype and Sized TODO](
- [Smart pointers TODO](smart-pointers/
- [Box](smart-pointers/
- [Deref](smart-pointers/
- [Drop](smart-pointers/
- [Rc and Arc](smart-pointers/
- [Cell and RefCell](smart-pointers/
- [Weak and Circle reference TODO](
- [Self referential TODO](
- [Threads TODO](threads/
- [Basic using](threads/
- [Message passing](threads/
- [Sync](threads/
- [Atomic](threads/
- [Send and Sync](threads/
- [Global variables TODO](
- [Errors TODO](
- [Unsafe doing](unsafe/
- [Inline assembly](unsafe/
- [Macro TODO](
- [Tests TODO](tests/
- [Write Tests](tests/
- [Benchmark](tests/
- [Unit and Integration](tests/
- [Assertions](tests/
- [Async/Await TODO](async/
- [async and await!](async/
- [Future](async/
- [Pin and Unpin](async/
- [Stream](async/
- [Standard Library TODO](std/
- [String](std/