2019-03-19 22:25:20 -06:00

45 lines
2.2 KiB

# About
Hi, I am a dog-publisher---what a surprise, right? I am from
Mexico and, as you can see, English is not my first language.
But whatever. My educational background is on Philosophy, specifically
Philosophy of Culture. My grade studies focus on intellectual
property---mainly copyright---, free culture, free software and,
of course, free publishing. If you still want a name, call me
This blog is about publishing and coding. But it _doesn't_ approach
on techniques that makes great code. Actually my programming
skills are kind of narrow. I have the following opinions. (a)
If you use a computer to publish, not matter their output, _publishing
is coding_. (b) Publishing it is not just about developing software
or skills, it is also a tradition, a profession, an art but also
a _method_. (c) To be able to visualize that, we have to talk
about how publishing implies and affects how we do culture. (d)
If we don't criticize and _self-criticize_ our work, we are lost.
In other terms, this blog is about what surrounds and what is
supposed to be the foundations of publishing. Yeah, of course
you are gonna find technical writing. However, it is just because
on these days the spine of publishing talks with zeros and ones.
So, let start to think what is publishing nowadays!
Some last words. I have to admit I don't feel comfortable writing
in English. I find unfair that we, people from non-English spoken
worlds, have to use this language in order to be noticed. It
makes me feel bad that we are constantly translating what other
persons are saying while just a few homies translate from Spanish
to English. So I decided to have at least a bilingual blog. I
write in English while I translate to Spanish, so I can improve
this skill ---also: thanks +++S.O.+++ for help me to improve
the English version xoxo.
That's not enough and it doesn't invite to collaboration. So
this blog uses `po` files for its contents. You can always collaborate
in the translation or edition of any language. Just visit Contact's
page. Or better, create a blog with this code. Just visit Fork's
That's all folks! And don't forget: fuck adds. Fuck spam. And
fuck proprietary culture. Freedom to the moon!