Lang nb_NO added under request of Allan Nordhøy

This commit is contained in:
Nika Zhenya 2019-05-28 21:40:34 -05:00
parent 1866e65159
commit a953de89ab
8 changed files with 867 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: 001_free-publishing 1.0\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: Nika Zhenya <>\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-03-20 13:30-0600\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
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"Language-Team: \n"
"X-Generator: Poedit 2.2.1\n"
"Last-Translator: \n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
"Language: nb_NO\n"
#: content/md/001_free-publishing.js:1
msgid "# From publishing with free software to free publishing"
msgstr ""
#: content/md/001_free-publishing.js:2
msgid ""
"This blog is about “free publishing” but, what does that means? The term "
"“free” it isn't only problematic in English. May be more than in others "
"languages because of the confusion between “free as in beer” and “free as in "
"speech.” But by itself the concept of freedom is so ambiguous than even in "
"Philosophy we are very careful in its use. Even though it is a problem, I "
"like that the term doesn't have a clear definition---at the end, how free "
"could we be if freedom is well defined?"
msgstr ""
#: content/md/001_free-publishing.js:9
msgid ""
"Some years ago, when I started to work hand-in-hand with Programando "
"Libreros and Hacklib I realized that we weren't just doing publishing with "
"free software. We are doing free publishing. So I attempted to defined it in "
"[a post]("
"commons/) but it doesn't convince me anymore."
msgstr ""
#: content/md/001_free-publishing.js:14
msgid ""
"The term was floating around until December, 2018. At Contracorriente---"
"yearly fanzine fair celebrated in Xalapa, Mexico---Hacklib and me were "
"invited to give a talk about publishing and free software. Between all of us "
"we made a poster of everything we talked that day."
msgstr ""
#: content/md/001_free-publishing.js:18
msgid ""
"![Poster made at Contracorriente, nice, isn't it?](../../../img/p001_i001."
msgstr ""
#: content/md/001_free-publishing.js:19
msgid ""
"The poster was very helpful because in a simple Venn diagram we were able to "
"distinguish several intersections of activities that involves our work. Here "
"you have it more readable:"
msgstr ""
#: content/md/001_free-publishing.js:22
msgid ""
"![Venn diagram of publishing, free software and politics](../../../img/"
msgstr ""
#: content/md/001_free-publishing.js:23
msgid ""
"So I'm not gonna define what is publishing, free software or politics---it "
"is my fucking blog so I can write whatever I want xD and you can [duckduckgo]"
"( it without a satisfactory "
"answer. But as you can see, there are at least two very familiar "
"intersections: cultural policies and hacktivism. I dunno how it is in your "
"country, but in Mexico we have very strong cultural policies for "
"publishing---or at least that is what publishers _think_ and are "
"comfortable, not matter that most of the times they go against open access "
"and readers. “Hacktivism” is a fuzzy term, but it could be clear if we "
"realized that code as property is not the only way we can define it. "
"Actually it is very problematic because property isn't a natural right, but "
"one that is produced by our societies and protected by our states---yeah, "
"individuality isn't the foundation of rights and laws, but a construction of "
"the self produced society. So, do I have to mention that property rights "
"isn't as fair as we would want?"
msgstr ""
#: content/md/001_free-publishing.js:37
msgid ""
"Between publishing and free software we get “publishing with free software.” "
"What does that implies? It is the activity of publishing using software that "
"accomplish the famous---infamous?---[four freedoms]("
"wiki/The_Free_Software_Definition). For people that use software as a tool, "
"this means that, firstly, we aren't force to pay anything in order to use "
"software. Secondly, we have access to the code and do whatever we want with "
"it. Thirdly---and for me the most important---we can be part of a community, "
"instead of be treated as a consumer."
msgstr ""
#: content/md/001_free-publishing.js:44
msgid ""
"It sounds great, isn't it? But we have a little problem: the freedom only "
"applies to software. As publisher you can benefit from free software and "
"that doesn't mean you have to free your work. Penguin Random House---the "
"Google of publishing---one day could decided to use TeX or Pandoc, saving "
"tons of money at the same time they keep the monopoly of publishing."
msgstr ""
#: content/md/001_free-publishing.js:49
msgid ""
"Stallman saw that problem with the manuals published by O'Reilly and he "
"proposed the GNU Free Documentation License. But by doing so he trickly "
"distinguished [different kinds of works]("
"copyright-and-globalization.en.html). It is interesting see texts as "
"functionality, matter of opinion or aesthetics but in the publishing "
"industry nobody cares a fuck about that. The distinctions works great "
"between writers and readers, but it doesn't problematize the fact that "
"publishers are the ones who decide the path of almost all our text-centered "
msgstr ""
#: content/md/001_free-publishing.js:57
msgid ""
"In my opinion, that's dangerous at least. So I prefer other tricky "
"distinction. Big publishers and their mimetic branch---the so called “indie” "
"publishing---only cares about two things: sells and reputation. They want to "
"live _well_ and get social recognition from the _good_ books they publish. "
"If one day the software communities develop some desktop publishing or "
"typesetting easy-to-use and suitable for all their _professional_ needs, we "
"would see how “suddenly” publishing industry embraces free software."
msgstr ""
#: content/md/001_free-publishing.js:64
msgid ""
"So, why don't we distinguish published works by their funding and sense of "
"community? If what you publishing has public funding---for your knowledge, "
"in Mexico practically all publishing has this kind of funding---it would be "
"fair to release the files and leave hard copies for sell: we already pay for "
"that. This is a very common argument among supporters of open access in "
"science, but we can go beyond that. Not matter if the work relies on "
"functionality, matter of opinion or aesthetics; if is a science paper, a "
"philosophy essay or a novel and it has public funding, we have pay for the "
"access, come on!"
msgstr ""
#: content/md/001_free-publishing.js:72
msgid ""
"You can still sell publications and go to Messe Frankfurt, Guadalajara "
"International Book Fair or Beijing Book Fair: it is just doing business with "
"the _bare minium_ of social and political awareness. Why do you want more "
"money from us if we already gave it to you?---and you get almost all the "
"profits, leaving the authors with just the satisfaction of seeing her work "
msgstr ""
#: content/md/001_free-publishing.js:77
msgid ""
"The sense of community goes here. In a world where one of the main problems "
"is artificial scarcity---paywalls instead of actual walls---we need to apply "
"[copyleft]( or, even better, "
"[copyfarleft]( "
"licenses in our published works. They aren't the solution, but they are a "
"support to maintain the freedom and the access in publishing."
msgstr ""
#: content/md/001_free-publishing.js:83
msgid ""
"As it goes, we need free tools but also free works. I already have the tools "
"but I lack from permission to publish some books that I really like. I don't "
"want that happen to you with my work. So we need a publishing ecosystem "
"where we have access to all files of a particular edition---our source code "
"and binary files--- and also to the tools---the free software---so we can "
"improve, as a community, the quality and access of the works. Who doesn't "
"want that?"
msgstr ""
#: content/md/001_free-publishing.js:89
msgid ""
"With these politics strains, free software tools and publishing as a way of "
"living as a publisher, writer and reader, free publishing is a pathway. With "
"Programando Libreros and Hacklib we use free software, we invest time in "
"activism and we work in publishing: _we do free publishing, what about you?_ "
msgstr ""

View File

@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: 002_fuck-books 1.0\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: Nika Zhenya <>\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-04-15 11:22-0500\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
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"X-Generator: Poedit 2.2.1\n"
"Last-Translator: \n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
"Language: nb_NO\n"
#: content/md/002_fuck-books.js:1
msgid "# Fuck Books, If and only If…"
msgstr ""
#: content/md/002_fuck-books.js:2
msgid "> @published 2019/04/15, 12:00 {.published}"
msgstr ""
#: content/md/002_fuck-books.js:3
msgid ""
"I always try to be very clear about something: books nowadays, by "
"themselves, are just production leftovers. Yeah, we have built an industry "
"in order to made them. But, would you be able to publish by your own?"
msgstr ""
#: content/md/002_fuck-books.js:7
msgid ""
"Probably not. It is almost sure you lack of something: you don't seize the "
"machines supposedly needed; you don't enjoy the skills; you don't carry the "
"acknowledge or you don't possess the networking. You don't own anything."
msgstr ""
#: content/md/002_fuck-books.js:11
msgid ""
"We have reach the production capacity to publish in a couple hours what in "
"the past took centuries. That is amazing… and scary. What are we publishing "
"now? _Why are we producing that much?_ Our reading capacity haven't improve "
"at the same rhythm ---maybe we have been losing some of that ability."
msgstr ""
#: content/md/002_fuck-books.js:16
msgid ""
"We are more people now, but it is a contemporary supposition that each "
"person needs a book. We have public libraries. They used to be a great idea. "
"Now they are one of the few places where people can go and enjoy without "
"paying a penny. The last standing point of a world before its global "
"monetization. And sometimes not even that, because they are behind a "
"paywall: paid subscriptions or universities ids; or because most of us "
"prefer coffee shops, public libraries are for poor, creepy and old people, "
msgstr ""
#: content/md/002_fuck-books.js:24
msgid ""
"And we are praising books as a holly product of our culture. Even though "
"what we really do is supporting a consumer good. You don't made them, you "
"don't read them: you just buy and put them in a bookshelf. You don't own "
"them, you don't even look what is inside: you just buy and leave them in "
"your Amazon account. You are a consumer and that makes you think yourself as "
"a supporter of our culture."
msgstr ""
#: content/md/002_fuck-books.js:31
msgid ""
"As publishers we made everything about books: fairs, workshops, meetups, "
"study degrees and marketing. As publishers we want to sell you the next best-"
"seller, the newest book format: the future of reading. Even though what we "
"really want is your money. We know you don't read. We know you don't want "
"books that would blow the bubble where you live. We know you just want be "
"entertained. We know you are craving about how much books you have “read.” "
"We just want you to keep buying and buying. Who cares about you."
msgstr ""
#: content/md/002_fuck-books.js:39
msgid ""
"Before all that shit happened to publishing, books were a rare and difficult "
"product to make. From them we could see the complexity of our world: its "
"means of production, its structure and its struggles. Publishers were kill "
"because they wanted to offer you something really important to read. Now "
"publishers are awarded with trips, grants or fancy dinners. Most publishers "
"aren't a treat anymore. Instead, they are the managers of public debate; "
"aka, what we can say, think or feel."
msgstr ""
#: content/md/002_fuck-books.js:47
msgid ""
"Most books nowadays only show how the main bits of our world have been "
"displaced as another good in the marketplace. We see paper, we see ink, we "
"see fonts and we see code. After that first look, we start to realize that "
"our books are mainly a gear of a machinery of global consumption."
msgstr ""
#: content/md/002_fuck-books.js:52
msgid ""
"Only at this point, we can clearly see the chain of exploitation needed to "
"achieve that kind of productivity. _Who or what benefits from it?_ Authors "
"can't made a living anymore. People involved in books production ---"
"printers, proof readers, designers, publishers and so on--- barely earn a "
"living wage. A lot of trees and resources have been use for profits."
msgstr ""
#: content/md/002_fuck-books.js:58
msgid ""
"Again, we have reach the production capacity to publish in a couple hours "
"what in the past took centuries, _where did that wealth go?_ Not to our "
"pockets, we always have to pay in order to produce or own books."
msgstr ""
#: content/md/002_fuck-books.js:62
msgid ""
"So, what makes you love books that probably you won't read? If and only if "
"publishing is what it is now and we don't want to change it, well: fuck "
"books. "
msgstr ""

View File

@ -0,0 +1,322 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: 003_dont_come 1.0\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: Nika Zhenya <>\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-05-05 19:38-0500\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: \n"
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"X-Generator: Poedit 2.2.1\n"
"Last-Translator: \n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
"Language: nb_NO\n"
#: content/md/003_dont_come.js:1
msgid "# Don't come with those tales"
msgstr ""
#: content/md/003_dont_come.js:2
msgid "> @published 2019/05/05, 20:00 {.published}"
msgstr ""
#: content/md/003_dont_come.js:3
msgid ""
"I love books. I love them so much that I even decided to make a living from "
"them---probably a very bad career decision. But I can't idealize that love."
msgstr ""
#: content/md/003_dont_come.js:6
msgid ""
"During school and university I was taught that I should love books. "
"Actually, some teachers made me clear that it was the only way I could get "
"my bachelor's degree. Because books are the main freedom and knowledge "
"device in our shitty world, right? Not loving books is like the will to stay "
"in a cave---hello, Plato. Not celebrating its greatness is just one step to "
"support antidemocratic regimes. And while I was learning to love books, of "
"course I also learn to respect its “creators” and the industry than made it "
msgstr ""
#: content/md/003_dont_come.js:15
msgid ""
"I don't think it is casual that the development of what we mean by book is "
"independent from the developments of capitalism and what we understand by "
"author. Maybe correlation; maybe intersection; but definitely not separates "
msgstr ""
#: content/md/003_dont_come.js:19
msgid ""
"Let's start with a common place: the invention of printing. Yeah, it is an "
"arbitrary and problematic start. We could say that books and authors goes "
"far before that. But what we have in that particularly place in history is "
"the standardization and massification of a practice. It didn't happen from "
"day to night, but little by little all the methodological and technical "
"diversity became more homogeneous. And with that, we were able to made books "
"not as luxury or institutional commodities, but as objects of everyday use."
msgstr ""
#: content/md/003_dont_come.js:28
msgid ""
"And not just books, but printed text in general. Before the invention of "
"printing, we could barely see text in our surroundings. What surprise me "
"about printing it is not the capacity of production that we reached, but how "
"that technology normalized the existence of text in our daily basis."
msgstr ""
#: content/md/003_dont_come.js:33
msgid ""
"Newspapers first and now social media relies on that normalization to "
"generate the idea of an “universal” public debate---I don't know if it is "
"actually “public” if almost all popular newspapers and social media "
"platforms are own by corporations and its criteria; but let's pretend it is "
"a minor issue. And public debate supposedly incentivizes democracy."
msgstr ""
#: content/md/003_dont_come.js:39
msgid ""
"Before Enlightenment the owners of printed text realized its freedom "
"potential. Most churches and kingdoms tried to control it. The Protestant "
"Church first and then the Enlightenment and emerging capitalist enterprises "
"hijacked the control of public debate; specifically who owns the means of "
"printed text production, who decides the languages worthy to print and who "
"sets its main reader."
msgstr ""
#: content/md/003_dont_come.js:46
msgid ""
"Maybe it is a bad analogy but printed text in newspapers, books and journals "
"were so fascinating like nowadays is digital “content” over the Internet. "
"But what I mean is that there were many people who tried to have that "
"control and power. And most of them failed and keep failing."
msgstr ""
#: content/md/003_dont_come.js:51
msgid ""
"So during 18th century books started to have another meaning. They ceased to "
"be mainly devices of God's or authority's word to be _a_ device of freedom "
"of speech. Thanks to the firsts emerging capitalists we got means for "
"secular thinking. Acts of censorship became evident acts of political "
"restriction instead of acts against sinners."
msgstr ""
#: content/md/003_dont_come.js:57
msgid ""
"The invention of printing created so big demand of printed text that it "
"actually generated the publishing industry. Self-publishing to satisfy "
"internal institutional demand opened the place to an industry for new "
"citizens readers. A luxury and religious object became a commodity in the "
"“free” market."
msgstr ""
#: content/md/003_dont_come.js:62
msgid ""
"While printed text surpassed almost all restrictions, freedom of speech "
"rised hand-to-hand freedom of enterprise---the debate between Free Software "
"Movement and Open Source Initiative relies in an old and more general "
"debate: how much freedom can we grant in order to secure freedom? But it "
"also developed other freedom that was fastened by religious or political "
"authorities: the freedom to be identify as an author."
msgstr ""
#: content/md/003_dont_come.js:69
msgid ""
"How we understand authorship in our days depends in a process where the "
"notion of author became more closed to the idea of “creator.” And it is "
"actually a very interesting semantic transfer. _In one way_ the invention of "
"printing mechanized and improved a practice that it was believed to be done "
"with God's help. Trithemius got so horrified that printing wasn't welcome. "
"But with new Spirits---freedoms of enterprise and speech---what was seen "
"even as a demonic invention became one of the main technologies that still "
"defines and reproduces the idea of humanity."
msgstr ""
#: content/md/003_dont_come.js:78
msgid ""
"This opened the opportunity to independent authors. Printed text wasn't "
"anymore a matter of God's or authority's word but a secular and more "
"ephemeral Human's word. The massification of publishing also opened the "
"gates for less relevant and easy-to-read printed texts; but for the "
"incipient publishing industry it didn't matter: it was a way to catch more "
"profits and consumers."
msgstr ""
#: content/md/003_dont_come.js:84
msgid ""
"Not only that, it reproduces the ideas that were around over and over again. "
"Yes, it growth the diversity of ideas but it also repeated speeches that "
"safeguard the state of things. How much books have been a device of freedom "
"and how much they have been a device of ideological reproduction? That is a "
"good question that we have to answer."
msgstr ""
#: content/md/003_dont_come.js:90
msgid ""
"So authors without religious or political authority found a way to sneak "
"their names in printed text. It wasn't yet a function of property---I don't "
"like the word “function,” but I will use it anyways---but a function of "
"attribution: they wanted to publicly be know as the human who wrote those "
"texts. No God, no authority, no institution, but a person of flesh and bone."
msgstr ""
#: content/md/003_dont_come.js:96
msgid ""
"But that also meant regular powerless people. Without backup of God or King, "
"who the fucks are you, little peasant? Publishers---a.k.a. printers in those "
"years---took advantage. The fascination to saw a newspaper article about "
"books you wrote is similar to see a Wikipedia article about you. You don't "
"gain directly anything, only reputation. It relies on you to made it "
msgstr ""
#: content/md/003_dont_come.js:102
msgid ""
"During 18th century, authorship became a function of _individual_ "
"attribution, but not a function of property. So I think that is were the "
"notion of “creator” came out as an ace in the hole. In Germany we can track "
"one of the first robust attempts to empower this new kind of powerless "
"independent author."
msgstr ""
#: content/md/003_dont_come.js:107
msgid ""
"German Romanticism developed something that goes back to the Renaissance: "
"humans can also _create_ things. Sometimes we forget that Christianity has "
"been also a very messy set of beliefs. The attempt to made a consistent, "
"uniform and rationalized set of beliefs goes back in the diversity of "
"religious practices. So you could accept that printing text lost its "
"directly connection to God's word while you could argue some kind of "
"indirectly inspiration beyond our corporeal world. And you don't have to "
"rationalize it: you can't prove it, you just feel it and know it."
msgstr ""
#: content/md/003_dont_come.js:116
msgid ""
"So german writers used that as foundations for independent authorship. No "
"God's or authority's word, no institution, but a person inspired by things "
"beyond our world. The notion of “creation” has a very strong religious and "
"metaphysical backgrounds that we can't just ignore them: act of creation "
"means the capacity to bring to this world something that it didn't belong to "
"it. The relationship between authorship and text turned out so imminent that "
"even nowadays we don't have any fucking idea why we accept as common sense "
"that authors have a superior and inalienable bond to its works."
msgstr ""
#: content/md/003_dont_come.js:126
msgid ""
"But before the expansionism of German Romanticism notion of author, writers "
"were seen more as producers that sold their work to the owners of means of "
"production. So while the invention of printing facilitated a new kind of "
"secular and independent author, _in other hand_ it summoned Authorship Fog: "
"“Whenever you cast another Book spell, if Spirits of Printing is in the "
"command zone or on the battlefield, create a 1/1 white Author creature token "
"with flying and indestructible.” As material as a printed card we made magic "
"to grant authors a creative function: the ability to “produce from nothing” "
"and a bond that never dies or changes."
msgstr ""
#: content/md/003_dont_come.js:136
msgid ""
"Authors as creators is a cool metaphor, who doesn't want to have some divine "
"powers? In the abstract discussion about the relationship between authors, "
"texts and freedom of speech, it is just a perfect fit. You don't have to "
"rely in anything material to grasp all of them as an unique phenomena. But "
"in the concrete facts of printed texts and the publishers abuse to authors "
"you go beyond attribution. You are not just linking an object to a subject. "
"Instead, you are grating property relationships between subject and an "
msgstr ""
#: content/md/003_dont_come.js:145
msgid ""
"And property means nothing if you can't exploit it. At the beginning of "
"publishing industry and during all 18th century, publishers took advantage "
"of this new kind of “property.” The invention of the author as a property "
"function was the rise of new legislation. Germans and French jurists "
"translated this speech to laws."
msgstr ""
#: content/md/003_dont_come.js:150
msgid ""
"I won't talk about the history of moral rights. Instead I want to highlight "
"how this gave a supposedly ethical, political and legal justification of "
"_the individualization_ of cultural commodities. Authorship began to be "
"associated inalienably to individuals and _a_ book started to mean _a_ "
"reader. But not only that, the possibilities of intellectual freedom were "
"reduced to a particular device: printed text."
msgstr ""
#: content/md/003_dont_come.js:157
msgid ""
"More freedom translated to the need of more and more printed material. More "
"freedom implied the requirement of bigger and bigger publishing industry. "
"More freedom entailed the expansionism of cultural capitalism. Books "
"switched to commodities and authors became its owners. Moral rights were "
"never about the freedom of readers, but who was the owner of that "
msgstr ""
#: content/md/003_dont_come.js:163
msgid ""
"Books stopped to be sources of oral and local public debate and became "
"private devices for an “universal” public debate: the Enlightenment. "
"Authorship put attribution in secondary place so individual ownership could "
"become its synonymous. A book for several readers and an author as an id for "
"an intellectual movement or institution became irrelevant against a book as "
"property for a particular reader---as material---and author---as speech."
msgstr ""
#: content/md/003_dont_come.js:170
msgid ""
"And we are sitting here reading all this shit without taking to account that "
"ones of the main wins of our neoliberal world is that we have been talking "
"about objects, individuals and production of wealth. Who the fucks are the "
"subjects who made all this publishing shit possible? Where the fucks are the "
"communities that in several ways make possible the rise of authors? For fuck "
"sake, why aren't we talking about the hidden costs of the maintenance of "
"means of production?"
msgstr ""
#: content/md/003_dont_come.js:178
msgid ""
"We aren't books and we aren't its authors. We aren't those individuals who "
"everybody are gonna relate to the books we are working on and, of course, we "
"lack of sense of community. We aren't the ones who enjoy all that wealth "
"generated by books production but for sure we are the ones who made all that "
"possible. _We are neglecting ourselves_."
msgstr ""
#: content/md/003_dont_come.js:184
msgid ""
"So don't come with those tales about the greatness of books for our culture, "
"the need of authorship to transfer wealth or to give attribution and how "
"important for our lives is the publishing production."
msgstr ""
#: content/md/003_dont_come.js:188
msgid ""
"* Did you know that books have been mainly devices of ideological\n"
" reproduction or at least mainly devices for cultural capitalism---most\n"
" best-selling books aren't critical thinking books that free\n"
" our minds, but text books with its hidden curriculum and\n"
" self-help and erotic books that keep reproducing basic exploitable\n"
" stereotypes?\n"
"* Did you realize that authorship haven't been the best way\n"
" to transfer wealth or give attribution---even now more than\n"
" before authors have to paid in order to be published at the\n"
" same time that in the practice they lose all rights?\n"
"* Did you see how we keep to be worry about production no matter\n"
" what---it doesn't matter that it would imply bigger chains\n"
" of free labor or, as I prefer to say: chains of exploitation\n"
" and “intellectual” slavery, because in order to be an\n"
" scholar you have to embrace publishing industry and maybe\n"
" even cultural capitalism?"
msgstr ""
#: content/md/003_dont_come.js:204
msgid ""
"Please, don't come with those tales, we already reached more fertile fields "
"that can generate way better stories. "
msgstr ""

content/po/nb/_about.po Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: _about 1.0\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: Nika Zhenya <>\n"
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"Language: nb_NO\n"
#: content/md/_about.js:1
msgid "# About"
msgstr ""
#: content/md/_about.js:2
msgid ""
"Hi, I am a dog-publisher---what a surprise, right? I am from Mexico and, as "
"you can see, English is not my first language. But whatever. My educational "
"background is on Philosophy, specifically Philosophy of Culture. My grade "
"studies focus on intellectual property---mainly copyright---, free culture, "
"free software and, of course, publishing. If you still want a name, call me "
"The Dog."
msgstr ""
#: content/md/_about.js:8
msgid ""
"This blog is about publishing and coding. But it _doesn't_ approach on "
"techniques that mades great code. Actually my programming skills are kind of "
"narrow. I have the following opinions. (a) If you use a computer to made "
"publications, not matter their output, _publishing is coding_. (b) "
"Publishing it is not just about developing software or skills, it is also a "
"tradition, a profession, an art but also a _method_. (c) To be able to "
"visualize that, we have to talk about how publishing implies and affects how "
"we do culture. (d) If we don't criticize and _self-criticize_ our work, we "
"are lost."
msgstr ""
#: content/md/_about.js:18
msgid ""
"In other terms, this blog is about what surrounds and what is supposed to be "
"the foundations of publishing. Yeah, of course you are gonna find technical "
"writing. However, it is just because on these days the spine of publishing "
"talks with zeros and ones. So, let start to think what is publishing "
msgstr ""
#: content/md/_about.js:23
msgid ""
"Some last words. I have to admit I don't feel comfortable about writing in "
"English. I find unfair that we, people from non-English spoken world, have "
"to use this language in order to be noticed. It makes me feel bad that we "
"are constantly translating what other persons are saying while just a few "
"homies translate from Spanish to English. So I decided to have at least a "
"bilingual blog. I write in English while I translate to Spanish---so I can "
"improve this skill; also: thanks +++S.O.+++ for help me to improve the "
"English version xoxo."
msgstr ""
#: content/md/_about.js:32
msgid ""
"That's not enough and it doesn't invite to collaboration. So this blog uses "
"`po` files for its contents. You can always collaborate in the translation "
"or edition of any language. Just visit Fork's page."
msgstr ""
#: content/md/_about.js:36
msgid ""
"That's all folks! And don't forget: fuck adds. Fuck spam. And fuck "
"proprietary culture. Freedom to the moon! "
msgstr ""

content/po/nb/_contact.po Normal file
View File

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"Project-Id-Version: _contact 1.0\n"
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"Language: nb_NO\n"
#: content/md/_contact.js:1
msgid "# Contact"
msgstr ""
#: content/md/_contact.js:2
msgid "You can reach me at:"
msgstr ""
#: content/md/_contact.js:3
msgid ""
"* [Mastodon](\n"
"* hi[at]"
msgstr ""
#: content/md/_contact.js:5
msgid "I even reply to the Nigerian Prince… "
msgstr ""

content/po/nb/_donate.po Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: _donate 1.0\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: Nika Zhenya <>\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-03-19 20:18-0600\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
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"Last-Translator: \n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
"Language: nb_NO\n"
#: content/md/_donate.js:1
msgid "# Donate"
msgstr ""
#: content/md/_donate.js:2
msgid ""
"_My server_ is actually an account powered by [Colima Hacklab](https://"
", dawgs, for host my crap!---. Also this blog "
"and all the free publishing events that we organize are done with free labor."
msgstr ""
#: content/md/_donate.js:5
msgid "So, if you can help us to keep working, that would be fucking great!"
msgstr ""
#: content/md/_donate.js:7
msgid ""
"Donate for some tacos with [+++ETH+++]("
"address/0x39b0bf0cf86776060450aba23d1a6b47f5570486). {.no-indent .vertical-"
msgstr ""
#: content/md/_donate.js:9
msgid ""
"Donate for some dog food with [+++DOGE+++]("
"DMbxM4nPLVbzTALv5n8G16TTzK4WDUhC7G). {.no-indent}"
msgstr ""
#: content/md/_donate.js:11
msgid ""
"Donate for some beers with [PayPal]( {.no-"
"indent} "
msgstr ""

content/po/nb/_fork.po Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: _fork 1.0\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: Nika Zhenya <>\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-03-19 21:21-0600\n"
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"Last-Translator: \n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
"Language: nb_NO\n"
#: content/md/_fork.js:1
msgid "# Fork"
msgstr ""
#: content/md/_fork.js:2
msgid ""
"All the content is under Licencia Editorial Abierta y Libre (+++LEAL+++). "
"You can read it [here]("
msgstr ""
#: content/md/_fork.js:4
msgid ""
"“Licencia Editorial Abierta y Libre” is translated to “Open and Free "
"Publishing License.” “+++LEAL+++” is the acronym but also means “loyal” in "
msgstr ""
#: content/md/_fork.js:7
msgid ""
"With +++LEAL+++ you are free to use, copy, reedit, modify, share or sell any "
"of this content under the following conditions:"
msgstr ""
#: content/md/_fork.js:9
msgid ""
"* Anything produced with this content must be under some type of +++LEAL++"
"* All files---editable or final formats---must be on public access.\n"
"* The sale can't be the only way to acquire the final product.\n"
"* The generated surplus value can't be used for exploitation of labor.\n"
"* The content can't be used for +++AI+++ or data mining.\n"
"* The use of the content must not harm any collaborator."
msgstr ""
#: content/md/_fork.js:15
msgid "Now, you can fork this shit:"
msgstr ""
#: content/md/_fork.js:16
msgid ""
"* [GitLab](\n"
"* [GitHub](\n"
"* [My server](\n"
msgstr ""

content/po/nb/_links.po Normal file
View File

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msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: _links 1.0\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: Nika Zhenya <>\n"
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"Last-Translator: \n"
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"Language: nb_NO\n"
#: content/md/_links.js:1
msgid "# Links"
msgstr ""
#: content/md/_links.js:2
msgid ""
"* [Pecas: publishing tools](\n"
"* [+++TED+++: digital publishing workshop](\n"
"* [_Digital Publishing as a Methodology for Global Publishing_](https://ed."
"* [Colima Hacklab](\n"
"* [Mariana Eguaras's blog](\n"
"* [Zinenauta](\n"
"* [In Defense of Free Software](\n"
msgstr ""