
1856 lines
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<title>JabRef references</title>
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// QuickSearch script for JabRef HTML export
// Version: 3.0
// Copyright (c) 2006-2011, Mark Schenk
// This software is distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License
// Features:
// - intuitive find-as-you-type searching
// ~ case insensitive
// ~ ignore diacritics (optional)
// - search with/without Regular Expressions
// - match BibTeX key
// Search settings
var searchAbstract = true; // search in abstract
var searchReview = true; // search in review
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// String containing replacement characters for stripping accents
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// Character is within our table, so we can strip the accent...
var outch=stripstring.charAt(chindex);
// ...unless it was shown as a '.'
return answer;
// NOTE: must escape every \ in the export code because of the JabRef Export...
function escapeRegExp(str) {
return str.replace(/[-\[\]\/\{\}\(\)\*\+\?\.\\\^\$\|]/g, "\\$&");
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// Function written by Arve Bersvendsen
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<span id="searchstat">Matching entries: <span id="stat">0</span></span>
<div id="showsettings" onclick="toggleSettings()">settings...</div>
<div id="settings" class="hidden">
<li><input type="checkbox" class="search_setting" id="opt_searchAbs" onchange="updateSetting(this)"><label for="opt_searchAbs"> include abstract</label></li>
<li><input type="checkbox" class="search_setting" id="opt_searchRev" onchange="updateSetting(this)"><label for="opt_searchRev"> include review</label></li>
<li><input type="checkbox" class="search_setting" id="opt_useRegExp" onchange="updateSetting(this)"><label for="opt_useRegExp"> use RegExp</label></li>
<li><input type="checkbox" class="search_setting" id="opt_noAccents" onchange="updateSetting(this)"><label for="opt_noAccents"> ignore accents</label></li>
<table id="qs_table" border="1">
<tr id="althusser1970a" class="entry">
<td>Althusser L (1970), <i>"Ideología y aparatos ideológicos del Estado"</i>
<p class="infolinks"> [<a href="javascript:toggleInfo('althusser1970a','bibtex')">BibTeX</a>] [<a href="" target="_blank">URL</a>]</p>
<tr id="bib_althusser1970a" class="bibtex noshow">
author = {Althusser, Louis},
title = {Ideología y aparatos ideológicos del Estado},
year = {1970},
url = {;lg_topic=libgen&amp;open=0&amp;view=simple&amp;res=25&amp;phrase=1&amp;column=def}
<tr id="arkaute2008a" class="entry">
<td>Arkaute NR (2008), <i>"Propiedad intelectual, nuevas tecnologías y libre acceso a la cultura"</i> Centro Cultural de España en México — Universidad de las Américas Puebla.
<p class="infolinks"> [<a href="javascript:toggleInfo('arkaute2008a','bibtex')">BibTeX</a>] [<a href="" target="_blank">URL</a>]</p>
<tr id="bib_arkaute2008a" class="bibtex noshow">
author = {Arkaute, Natxo Rodríguez},
editor = {López, Albert and Ramírez, Eduardo},
title = {Propiedad intelectual, nuevas tecnologías y libre acceso a la cultura},
publisher = {Centro Cultural de España en México — Universidad de las Américas Puebla},
year = {2008},
url = {}
<tr id="arteaga2008a" class="entry">
<td>Arteaga C (2008), <i>"Propiedad intelectual, nuevas tecnologías y libre acceso a la cultura"</i> Centro Cultural de España en México — Universidad de las Américas Puebla.
<p class="infolinks"> [<a href="javascript:toggleInfo('arteaga2008a','bibtex')">BibTeX</a>] [<a href="" target="_blank">URL</a>]</p>
<tr id="bib_arteaga2008a" class="bibtex noshow">
author = {Arteaga, Carmen},
editor = {López, Albert and Ramírez, Eduardo},
title = {Propiedad intelectual, nuevas tecnologías y libre acceso a la cultura},
publisher = {Centro Cultural de España en México — Universidad de las Américas Puebla},
year = {2008},
url = {}
<tr id="barlow2016a" class="entry">
<td>Barlow JP (2016), <i>"¿Propiedad intelectual? Una recopilación de ensayos críticos"</i> Perro Triste.
<p class="infolinks"> [<a href="javascript:toggleInfo('barlow2016a','bibtex')">BibTeX</a>] [<a href="" target="_blank">URL</a>]</p>
<tr id="bib_barlow2016a" class="bibtex noshow">
author = {Barlow, John Perry},
title = {¿Propiedad intelectual? Una recopilación de ensayos críticos},
publisher = {Perro Triste},
year = {2016},
url = {}
<tr id="barron2012a" class="entry">
<td>Barron A (2012), <i>"Kant, Copyright and Communicative Freedom"</i>, Law and Philosophy. Vol. 31(1), pp. 1-48.
<p class="infolinks"> [<a href="javascript:toggleInfo('barron2012a','bibtex')">BibTeX</a>] [<a href="*~hmac=dd161f43b747b675a0cd1b99a74a449f45eb77031fe27bdcbde4c5191e6fd9f7" target="_blank">URL</a>]</p>
<tr id="bib_barron2012a" class="bibtex noshow">
author = {Barron, Anne},
title = {Kant, Copyright and Communicative Freedom},
journal = {Law and Philosophy},
year = {2012},
volume = {31},
number = {1},
pages = {1--48},
url = {;token2=exp=1487703458&nbsp;*&nbsp;hmac=dd161f43b747b675a0cd1b99a74a449f45eb77031fe27bdcbde4c5191e6fd9f7}
<tr id="barthes1968a" class="entry">
<td>Barthes R (1968), <i>"La muerte del autor"</i>
<p class="infolinks"> [<a href="javascript:toggleInfo('barthes1968a','bibtex')">BibTeX</a>] [<a href="" target="_blank">URL</a>]</p>
<tr id="bib_barthes1968a" class="bibtex noshow">
author = {Barthes, Roland},
title = {La muerte del autor},
year = {1968},
url = {}
<tr id="boeta2008a" class="entry">
<td>Boeta SA (2008), <i>"Propiedad intelectual, nuevas tecnologías y libre acceso a la cultura"</i> Centro Cultural de España en México — Universidad de las Américas Puebla.
<p class="infolinks"> [<a href="javascript:toggleInfo('boeta2008a','bibtex')">BibTeX</a>] [<a href="" target="_blank">URL</a>]</p>
<tr id="bib_boeta2008a" class="bibtex noshow">
author = {Boeta, Sergio Augusto},
editor = {López, Albert and Ramírez, Eduardo},
title = {Propiedad intelectual, nuevas tecnologías y libre acceso a la cultura},
publisher = {Centro Cultural de España en México — Universidad de las Américas Puebla},
year = {2008},
url = {}
<tr id="bollier2016a" class="entry">
<td>Bollier D (2016), <i>"¿Propiedad intelectual? Una recopilación de ensayos críticos"</i> Perro Triste.
<p class="infolinks"> [<a href="javascript:toggleInfo('bollier2016a','bibtex')">BibTeX</a>] [<a href="" target="_blank">URL</a>]</p>
<tr id="bib_bollier2016a" class="bibtex noshow">
author = {Bollier, David},
title = {¿Propiedad intelectual? Una recopilación de ensayos críticos},
publisher = {Perro Triste},
year = {2016},
url = {}
<tr id="bourdieu2008a" class="entry">
<td>Bourdieu P (2008), <i>"Homo academicus"</i> Siglo XXI.
<p class="infolinks"> [<a href="javascript:toggleInfo('bourdieu2008a','bibtex')">BibTeX</a>] [<a href="" target="_blank">URL</a>]</p>
<tr id="bib_bourdieu2008a" class="bibtex noshow">
author = {Bourdieu, Pierre},
title = {Homo academicus},
publisher = {Siglo XXI},
year = {2008},
url = {}
<tr id="bravo2005a" class="entry">
<td>Bravo Bueno D (2005), <i>"Copia este libro"</i>
<p class="infolinks"> [<a href="javascript:toggleInfo('bravo2005a','bibtex')">BibTeX</a>] [<a href="" target="_blank">URL</a>]</p>
<tr id="bib_bravo2005a" class="bibtex noshow">
author = {Bravo Bueno, David},
title = {Copia este libro},
year = {2005},
url = {}
<tr id="breakey2010a" class="entry">
<td>Breakey H (2010), <i>"Natural Intellectual Property Rights and the Public Domain"</i>, The Modern Law Review. Vol. 73(2), pp. 208-239. [Modern Law Review, Wiley].
<p class="infolinks"> [<a href="javascript:toggleInfo('breakey2010a','bibtex')">BibTeX</a>] [<a href="" target="_blank">URL</a>]</p>
<tr id="bib_breakey2010a" class="bibtex noshow">
author = {Breakey, Hugh},
title = {Natural Intellectual Property Rights and the Public Domain},
journal = {The Modern Law Review},
publisher = {[Modern Law Review, Wiley]},
year = {2010},
volume = {73},
number = {2},
pages = {208--239},
url = {}
<tr id="child1990a" class="entry">
<td>Child JW (1990), <i>"The Moral Foundations of Intangible Property"</i>, The Monist. Vol. 73(4), pp. 578-600. Oxford University Press.
<p class="infolinks"> [<a href="javascript:toggleInfo('child1990a','bibtex')">BibTeX</a>] [<a href="" target="_blank">URL</a>]</p>
<tr id="bib_child1990a" class="bibtex noshow">
author = {Child, James W.},
title = {The Moral Foundations of Intangible Property},
journal = {The Monist},
publisher = {Oxford University Press},
year = {1990},
volume = {73},
number = {4},
pages = {578--600},
url = {}
<tr id="derrida2002a" class="entry">
<td>Derrida J (2002), <i>"Jacques Derrida and the Humanities"</i> , pp. 24-57. Cambridge University Press.
<p class="infolinks"> [<a href="javascript:toggleInfo('derrida2002a','bibtex')">BibTeX</a>] [<a href="" target="_blank">URL</a>]</p>
<tr id="bib_derrida2002a" class="bibtex noshow">
author = {Derrida, Jacques},
editor = {Cohen, Tom},
title = {Jacques Derrida and the Humanities},
publisher = {Cambridge University Press},
year = {2002},
pages = {24--57},
url = {}
<tr id="htec1990a" class="entry">
<td>Derry T and Williams T (1990), <i>"Historia de la tecnología"</i> Vol. 1 Siglo XXI.
<p class="infolinks"> [<a href="javascript:toggleInfo('htec1990a','bibtex')">BibTeX</a>]</p>
<tr id="bib_htec1990a" class="bibtex noshow">
author = {Derry, T.K. and Williams, T.I.},
title = {Historia de la tecnología},
publisher = {Siglo XXI},
year = {1990},
volume = {1}
<tr id="htec1991a" class="entry">
<td>Derry T and Williams T (1991), <i>"Historia de la tecnología"</i> Vol. 2 Siglo XXI.
<p class="infolinks"> [<a href="javascript:toggleInfo('htec1991a','bibtex')">BibTeX</a>]</p>
<tr id="bib_htec1991a" class="bibtex noshow">
author = {Derry, T.K. and Williams, T.I.},
title = {Historia de la tecnología},
publisher = {Siglo XXI},
year = {1991},
volume = {2}
<tr id="htec1991b" class="entry">
<td>Derry T and Williams T (1991), <i>"Historia de la tecnología"</i> Vol. 3 Siglo XXI.
<p class="infolinks"> [<a href="javascript:toggleInfo('htec1991b','bibtex')">BibTeX</a>]</p>
<tr id="bib_htec1991b" class="bibtex noshow">
author = {Derry, T.K. and Williams, T.I.},
title = {Historia de la tecnología},
publisher = {Siglo XXI},
year = {1991},
volume = {3}
<tr id="eff2017a" class="entry">
<td>Doctorow C (2016), <i>"Save Netflix!"</i>
<p class="infolinks"> [<a href="javascript:toggleInfo('eff2017a','bibtex')">BibTeX</a>] [<a href="" target="_blank">URL</a>]</p>
<tr id="bib_eff2017a" class="bibtex noshow">
author = {Doctorow, Cory},
title = {Save Netflix!},
year = {2016},
url = {}
<tr id="drahos1996a" class="entry">
<td>Drahos P (1996), <i>"A Philosophy of Intellectual Property (Applied Legal Philosophy)"</i> Dartmouth Pub Co.
<p class="infolinks"> [<a href="javascript:toggleInfo('drahos1996a','bibtex')">BibTeX</a>] [<a href="" target="_blank">URL</a>]</p>
<tr id="bib_drahos1996a" class="bibtex noshow">
author = {Peter Drahos},
title = {A Philosophy of Intellectual Property (Applied Legal Philosophy)},
publisher = {Dartmouth Pub Co},
year = {1996},
url = {}
<tr id="eco2016a" class="entry">
<td>Eco U (2016), <i>"Obra abierta"</i> epublibre.
<p class="infolinks"> [<a href="javascript:toggleInfo('eco2016a','bibtex')">BibTeX</a>] [<a href="" target="_blank">URL</a>]</p>
<tr id="bib_eco2016a" class="bibtex noshow">
author = {Eco, Umberto},
editor = {FLeCos},
title = {Obra abierta},
publisher = {epublibre},
year = {2016},
url = {}
<tr id="fiormonte2017a" class="entry">
<td>Fiormonte D and Priego E (), <i>"Knowledge Monopolies and Global Academic Publishing"</i>
<p class="infolinks"> [<a href="javascript:toggleInfo('fiormonte2017a','bibtex')">BibTeX</a>] [<a href="" target="_blank">URL</a>]</p>
<tr id="bib_fiormonte2017a" class="bibtex noshow">
author = {Fiormonte, Domenico and Priego, Ernesto},
title = {Knowledge Monopolies and Global Academic Publishing},
url = {}
<tr id="fisher2016a" class="entry">
<td>Fisher W (2016), <i>"¿Propiedad intelectual? Una recopilación de ensayos críticos"</i> Perro Triste.
<p class="infolinks"> [<a href="javascript:toggleInfo('fisher2016a','bibtex')">BibTeX</a>] [<a href="" target="_blank">URL</a>]</p>
<tr id="bib_fisher2016a" class="bibtex noshow">
author = {Fisher, William},
title = {¿Propiedad intelectual? Una recopilación de ensayos críticos},
publisher = {Perro Triste},
year = {2016},
url = {}
<tr id="foucault1999a" class="entry">
<td>Foucault M (1999), <i>"¿Qué es un autor?"</i>
<p class="infolinks"> [<a href="javascript:toggleInfo('foucault1999a','bibtex')">BibTeX</a>] [<a href="" target="_blank">URL</a>]</p>
<tr id="bib_foucault1999a" class="bibtex noshow">
author = {Foucault, Michel},
title = {¿Qué es un autor?},
year = {1999},
url = {}
<tr id="gilmore2004a" class="entry">
<td>Gilmore J (2004), <i>":() :|:&amp; ;: Internet, hackers y software libre"</i> Editora Fantasma.
<p class="infolinks"> [<a href="javascript:toggleInfo('gilmore2004a','bibtex')">BibTeX</a>] [<a href="" target="_blank">URL</a>]</p>
<tr id="bib_gilmore2004a" class="bibtex noshow">
author = {Gilmore, John},
editor = {Gradin, Carlos},
title = {:() :|:&amp; ;: Internet, hackers y software libre},
publisher = {Editora Fantasma},
year = {2004},
url = {}
<tr id="hall2009a" class="entry">
<td>Hall G (2009), <i>"Introduction: Pirate Philosophy"</i>, Culture Machine. Vol. 10, pp. 1-5.
<p class="infolinks"> [<a href="javascript:toggleInfo('hall2009a','bibtex')">BibTeX</a>] [<a href="" target="_blank">URL</a>]</p>
<tr id="bib_hall2009a" class="bibtex noshow">
author = {Hall, Gary},
title = {Introduction: Pirate Philosophy},
journal = {Culture Machine},
year = {2009},
volume = {10},
pages = {1--5},
url = {}
<tr id="hall2009b" class="entry">
<td>Hall G (2009), <i>"Pirate Philosophy (Version 1.0): Open Access, Open Editing, Free Content, Free/Libre/Open Media"</i>, Culture Machine. Vol. 10
<p class="infolinks"> [<a href="javascript:toggleInfo('hall2009b','bibtex')">BibTeX</a>] [<a href="" target="_blank">URL</a>]</p>
<tr id="bib_hall2009b" class="bibtex noshow">
author = {Hall, Gary},
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<p class="infolinks"> [<a href="javascript:toggleInfo('cerlalc2015a','bibtex')">BibTeX</a>] [<a href="" target="_blank">URL</a>]</p>
<tr id="bib_cerlalc2015a" class="bibtex noshow">
author = {VV. AA.},
title = {América Latina: la balanza comercial en propiedad intelectual},
school = {CERLALC},
year = {2015},
url = {}
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<td>VV. AA (1996), <i>"Ley Federal del Derecho de Autor"</i>.
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author = {VV. AA.},
title = {Ley Federal del Derecho de Autor},
year = {1996},
url = {}
<tr id="ompi2015a" class="entry">
<td>VV. AA (2015), <i>"Informe Mundial sobre la Propiedad Intelectual en 2015"</i>. Thesis at: OMPI.
<p class="infolinks"> [<a href="javascript:toggleInfo('ompi2015a','bibtex')">BibTeX</a>] [<a href="" target="_blank">URL</a>]</p>
<tr id="bib_ompi2015a" class="bibtex noshow">
author = {VV. AA.},
title = {Informe Mundial sobre la Propiedad Intelectual en 2015},
school = {OMPI},
year = {2015},
url = {}
<tr id="ompi2016a" class="entry">
<td>VV. AA (2015), <i>"Derechos de autor y derechos conexos"</i>. Thesis at: OMPI.
<p class="infolinks"> [<a href="javascript:toggleInfo('ompi2016a','bibtex')">BibTeX</a>] [<a href="" target="_blank">URL</a>]</p>
<tr id="bib_ompi2016a" class="bibtex noshow">
author = {VV. AA.},
title = {Derechos de autor y derechos conexos},
school = {OMPI},
year = {2015},
note = {Módulo 1},
url = {;lang=es}
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<td>VV. AA (2016), <i>"Budapest Open Access Initiative, XV aniversario"</i>
<p class="infolinks"> [<a href="javascript:toggleInfo('open2016a','bibtex')">BibTeX</a>] [<a href="" target="_blank">URL</a>]</p>
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author = {VV. AA.},
title = {Budapest Open Access Initiative, XV aniversario},
year = {2016},
url = {}
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<td>Wayner P (2000), <i>"Free for All: How Linux and the Free Software Movement Undercut the High-Tech Titans"</i> HarperBusiness.
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author = {Wayner, Peter},
title = {Free for All: How Linux and the Free Software Movement Undercut the High-Tech Titans},
publisher = {HarperBusiness},
year = {2000},
url = {}
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<td>Williams S (2010), <i>"Free as in Freedom (2.0)"</i> Free Software Foundation, Inc.
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author = {Williams, Sam},
title = {Free as in Freedom (2.0)},
publisher = {Free Software Foundation, Inc},
year = {2010},
url = {}
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<td>Williams T (1988), <i>"Historia de la tecnología"</i> Vol. 4 Siglo XXI.
<p class="infolinks"> [<a href="javascript:toggleInfo('htec1988a','bibtex')">BibTeX</a>]</p>
<tr id="bib_htec1988a" class="bibtex noshow">
author = {Williams, T.I.},
title = {Historia de la tecnología},
publisher = {Siglo XXI},
year = {1988},
volume = {4}
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<td>Williams T (1988), <i>"Historia de la tecnología"</i> Vol. 5 Siglo XXI.
<p class="infolinks"> [<a href="javascript:toggleInfo('htec1988b','bibtex')">BibTeX</a>]</p>
<tr id="bib_htec1988b" class="bibtex noshow">
author = {Williams, T.I.},
title = {Historia de la tecnología},
publisher = {Siglo XXI},
year = {1988},
volume = {5}
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<td>Yúdice G (2008), <i>"Propiedad intelectual, nuevas tecnologías y libre acceso a la cultura"</i> Centro Cultural de España en México — Universidad de las Américas Puebla.
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<tr id="bib_yudice2008a" class="bibtex noshow">
author = {Yúdice, George},
editor = {López, Albert and Ramírez, Eduardo},
title = {Propiedad intelectual, nuevas tecnologías y libre acceso a la cultura},
publisher = {Centro Cultural de España en México — Universidad de las Américas Puebla},
year = {2008},
url = {}
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<td> (), <i>"Anulan corazón de “Ley Televisa”"</i>
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title = {Anulan corazón de “Ley Televisa”},
url = {}
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<td> (1787), <i>"Constitución de los Estados Unidos"</i>
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title = {Constitución de los Estados Unidos},
year = {1787},
url = {}
<tr id="gnu2017a" class="entry">
<td> (), <i>"GNU General Public License"</i>
<p class="infolinks"> [<a href="javascript:toggleInfo('gnu2017a','bibtex')">BibTeX</a>] [<a href="" target="_blank">URL</a>]</p>
<tr id="bib_gnu2017a" class="bibtex noshow">
title = {GNU General Public License},
url = {}
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<tr id="bib_publimetro2017a" class="bibtex noshow">
title = {“Ley Döring”, la “Ley SOPA” a la mexicana},
url = {}
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<td> (), <i>"Readium LCP (Licensed Content Protection)"</i>
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title = {Readium LCP (Licensed Content Protection)},
url = {}
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<td> (2013), <i>"Comunicado de la comunidad sobre Ley de Software Libre y Formatos Abiertos en el Estado"</i>
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<tr id="bib_sledu2013a" class="bibtex noshow">
title = {Comunicado de la comunidad sobre Ley de Software Libre y Formatos Abiertos en el Estado},
year = {2013},
url = {}
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