Matching entries: 0
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  author = {Althusser, Louis},
  title = {Ideología y aparatos ideológicos del Estado},
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Arkaute NR (2008), "Propiedad intelectual, nuevas tecnologías y libre acceso a la cultura" Centro Cultural de España en México — Universidad de las Américas Puebla.
  author = {Arkaute, Natxo Rodríguez},
  editor = {López, Albert and Ramírez, Eduardo},
  title = {Propiedad intelectual, nuevas tecnologías y libre acceso a la cultura},
  publisher = {Centro Cultural de España en México — Universidad de las Américas Puebla},
  year = {2008},
  url = {}
Arteaga C (2008), "Propiedad intelectual, nuevas tecnologías y libre acceso a la cultura" Centro Cultural de España en México — Universidad de las Américas Puebla.
  author = {Arteaga, Carmen},
  editor = {López, Albert and Ramírez, Eduardo},
  title = {Propiedad intelectual, nuevas tecnologías y libre acceso a la cultura},
  publisher = {Centro Cultural de España en México — Universidad de las Américas Puebla},
  year = {2008},
  url = {}
Barlow JP (2016), "¿Propiedad intelectual? Una recopilación de ensayos críticos" Perro Triste.
  author = {Barlow, John Perry},
  title = {¿Propiedad intelectual? Una recopilación de ensayos críticos},
  publisher = {Perro Triste},
  year = {2016},
  url = {}
Barron A (2012), "Kant, Copyright and Communicative Freedom", Law and Philosophy. Vol. 31(1), pp. 1-48.
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  title = {Kant, Copyright and Communicative Freedom},
  journal = {Law and Philosophy},
  year = {2012},
  volume = {31},
  number = {1},
  pages = {1--48},
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Boeta SA (2008), "Propiedad intelectual, nuevas tecnologías y libre acceso a la cultura" Centro Cultural de España en México — Universidad de las Américas Puebla.
  author = {Boeta, Sergio Augusto},
  editor = {López, Albert and Ramírez, Eduardo},
  title = {Propiedad intelectual, nuevas tecnologías y libre acceso a la cultura},
  publisher = {Centro Cultural de España en México — Universidad de las Américas Puebla},
  year = {2008},
  url = {}
Bollier D (2016), "¿Propiedad intelectual? Una recopilación de ensayos críticos" Perro Triste.
  author = {Bollier, David},
  title = {¿Propiedad intelectual? Una recopilación de ensayos críticos},
  publisher = {Perro Triste},
  year = {2016},
  url = {}
Bourdieu P (2008), "Homo academicus" Siglo XXI.
  author = {Bourdieu, Pierre},
  title = {Homo academicus},
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Breakey H (2010), "Natural Intellectual Property Rights and the Public Domain", The Modern Law Review. Vol. 73(2), pp. 208-239. [Modern Law Review, Wiley].
  author = {Breakey, Hugh},
  title = {Natural Intellectual Property Rights and the Public Domain},
  journal = {The Modern Law Review},
  publisher = {[Modern Law Review, Wiley]},
  year = {2010},
  volume = {73},
  number = {2},
  pages = {208--239},
  url = {}
Child JW (1990), "The Moral Foundations of Intangible Property", The Monist. Vol. 73(4), pp. 578-600. Oxford University Press.
  author = {Child, James W.},
  title = {The Moral Foundations of Intangible Property},
  journal = {The Monist},
  publisher = {Oxford University Press},
  year = {1990},
  volume = {73},
  number = {4},
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Derrida J (2002), "Jacques Derrida and the Humanities" , pp. 24-57. Cambridge University Press.
  author = {Derrida, Jacques},
  editor = {Cohen, Tom},
  title = {Jacques Derrida and the Humanities},
  publisher = {Cambridge University Press},
  year = {2002},
  pages = {24--57},
  url = {}
Derry T and Williams T (1990), "Historia de la tecnología" Vol. 1 Siglo XXI.
  author = {Derry, T.K. and Williams, T.I.},
  title = {Historia de la tecnología},
  publisher = {Siglo XXI},
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  author = {Derry, T.K. and Williams, T.I.},
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Drahos P (1996), "A Philosophy of Intellectual Property (Applied Legal Philosophy)" Dartmouth Pub Co.
  author = {Peter Drahos},
  title = {A Philosophy of Intellectual Property (Applied Legal Philosophy)},
  publisher = {Dartmouth Pub Co},
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Eco U (2016), "Obra abierta" epublibre.
  author = {Eco, Umberto},
  editor = {FLeCos},
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  publisher = {epublibre},
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Fiormonte D and Priego E (), "Knowledge Monopolies and Global Academic Publishing"
  author = {Fiormonte, Domenico and Priego, Ernesto},
  title = {Knowledge Monopolies and Global Academic Publishing},
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Fisher W (2016), "¿Propiedad intelectual? Una recopilación de ensayos críticos" Perro Triste.
  author = {Fisher, William},
  title = {¿Propiedad intelectual? Una recopilación de ensayos críticos},
  publisher = {Perro Triste},
  year = {2016},
  url = {}
Foucault M (1999), "¿Qué es un autor?"
  author = {Foucault, Michel},
  title = {¿Qué es un autor?},
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Gilmore J (2004), ":() :|:& ;: Internet, hackers y software libre" Editora Fantasma.
  author = {Gilmore, John},
  editor = {Gradin, Carlos},
  title = {:() :|:& ;: Internet, hackers y software libre},
  publisher = {Editora Fantasma},
  year = {2004},
  url = {}
Hall G (2009), "Introduction: Pirate Philosophy", Culture Machine. Vol. 10, pp. 1-5.
  author = {Hall, Gary},
  title = {Introduction: Pirate Philosophy},
  journal = {Culture Machine},
  year = {2009},
  volume = {10},
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  url = {}
Hall G (2009), "Pirate Philosophy (Version 1.0): Open Access, Open Editing, Free Content, Free/Libre/Open Media", Culture Machine. Vol. 10
  author = {Hall, Gary},
  title = {Pirate Philosophy (Version 1.0): Open Access, Open Editing, Free Content, Free/Libre/Open Media},
  journal = {Culture Machine},
  year = {2009},
  volume = {10},
  url = {}
Hall G (2012), "Pirate Radical Philosophy", Radical Philosophy. (173), pp. 33-40.
  author = {Hall, Gary},
  title = {Pirate Radical Philosophy},
  journal = {Radical Philosophy},
  year = {2012},
  number = {173},
  pages = {33--40},
  url = {}
Hall G (2016), "Pirate Philosophy: For a Digital Posthumanities" MIT Press.
  author = {Hall, Gary},
  title = {Pirate Philosophy: For a Digital Posthumanities},
  publisher = {MIT Press},
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Hall G and Adema J (2016), "Posthumanities: The Dark Side of "The Dark Side of the Digital"", Journal of Electronic Publishing. Vol. 19(2)
  author = {Hall, Gary and Adema, J.},
  title = {Posthumanities: The Dark Side of "The Dark Side of the Digital"},
  journal = {Journal of Electronic Publishing},
  year = {2016},
  volume = {19},
  number = {2},
  url = {}
Hegel GWF (2005), "Principios de la filosofía del derecho", 5, 2005. , pp. 125-160. Editora y Distribuidora Hispano Americana, S.A. (EDHASA).
  author = {Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich},
  title = {Principios de la filosofía del derecho},
  publisher = {Editora y Distribuidora Hispano Americana, S.A. (EDHASA)},
  year = {2005},
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  url = {}
Heidegger M (1994), "Conferencias y artículos" , pp. 9-37. Ediciones del Serbal.
  author = {Heidegger, Martin},
  title = {Conferencias y artículos},
  publisher = {Ediciones del Serbal},
  year = {1994},
  pages = {9--37},
  url = {}
Hettinger EC (1989), "Justifying Intellectual Property", Philosophy & Public Affairs. Vol. 18(1), pp. 31-52. Wiley.
  author = {Hettinger, Edwin C.},
  title = {Justifying Intellectual Property},
  journal = {Philosophy & Public Affairs},
  publisher = {Wiley},
  year = {1989},
  volume = {18},
  number = {1},
  pages = {31--52},
  url = {}
Himma KE (2006), "Information, Technology and Social Justice" Idea Group.
  author = {Himma, Kenneth Einar},
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Hughes J (1988), "The Philosophy of Intellectual Property", Georgetown Law Journal.
  author = {Hughes, Justin},
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Jiménez L (2008), "Propiedad intelectual, nuevas tecnologías y libre acceso a la cultura" Centro Cultural de España en México — Universidad de las Américas Puebla.
  author = {Jiménez, Lucina},
  editor = {López, Albert and Ramírez, Eduardo},
  title = {Propiedad intelectual, nuevas tecnologías y libre acceso a la cultura},
  publisher = {Centro Cultural de España en México — Universidad de las Américas Puebla},
  year = {2008},
  url = {}
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  title = {La metafísica de las costumbres},
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  author = {Kuflik, Arthur},
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  year = {1989},
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Lenk Christian HN and Andorno R (2007), "Ethics and Law of Intellectual Property" Ashgate.
  author = {Lenk, Christian, Hoppe, Nils and Andorno, Roberto},
  title = {Ethics and Law of Intellectual Property},
  publisher = {Ashgate},
  year = {2007},
  url = {}
Lessig L (2001), "The Future of Ideas: The Fate of the Commons in a Connected World" Random House.
  author = {Lessig, Lawrence},
  title = {The Future of Ideas: The Fate of the Commons in a Connected World},
  publisher = {Random House},
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  url = {}
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  author = {Lessig, Lawrence},
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  publisher = {Traficantes de Sueños},
  year = {2009},
  url = {}
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  author = {Lessig, Lawrence},
  title = {Cultura libre},
  publisher = {LOM Ediciones},
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  author = {Lessig, Lawrence},
  title = {Remix : cultura de la remezcla y derechos de autor en el entorno digital},
  publisher = {Icaria editorial},
  year = {2012},
  url = {}
Lever A (2012), "New Frontiers in the Philosophy of Intellectual Property" Cambridge University Press.
  author = {Lever, Annabelle},
  title = {New Frontiers in the Philosophy of Intellectual Property},
  publisher = {Cambridge University Press},
  year = {2012},
  url = {}
Lévy P (2016), "¿Propiedad intelectual? Una recopilación de ensayos críticos" Perro Triste.
  author = {Lévy, Pierre},
  title = {¿Propiedad intelectual? Una recopilación de ensayos críticos},
  publisher = {Perro Triste},
  year = {2016},
  url = {}
Locke J (2006), "Segundo Tratado sobre el Gobierno Civil" , pp. 32-55. Tecnos.
  author = {Locke, John},
  editor = {Mellizo, Carlos},
  title = {Segundo Tratado sobre el Gobierno Civil},
  publisher = {Tecnos},
  year = {2006},
  pages = {32--55},
  url = {}
López A and Ramírez E (2008), "Propiedad intelectual, nuevas tecnologías y libre acceso a la cultura" Centro Cultural de España en México — Universidad de las Américas Puebla.
  author = {López, Alberto and Ramírez, Eduardo},
  editor = {López, Albert and Ramírez, Eduardo},
  title = {Propiedad intelectual, nuevas tecnologías y libre acceso a la cultura},
  publisher = {Centro Cultural de España en México — Universidad de las Américas Puebla},
  year = {2008},
  url = {}
McLeod K (2009), "Crashing the Spectacle: A Forgotten History of Digital Sampling, Infringement, Copyright Liberation and the End of Recorded Music", Culture Machine. Vol. 10, pp. 114-130.
  author = {McLeod, Kembrew},
  title = {Crashing the Spectacle: A Forgotten History of Digital Sampling, Infringement, Copyright Liberation and the End of Recorded Music},
  journal = {Culture Machine},
  year = {2009},
  volume = {10},
  pages = {114--130},
  url = {}
Ming W (2016), "¿Propiedad intelectual? Una recopilación de ensayos críticos" Perro Triste.
  author = {Ming, Wu},
  title = {¿Propiedad intelectual? Una recopilación de ensayos críticos},
  publisher = {Perro Triste},
  year = {2016},
  url = {}
Moore A and Himma K (2014), "Intellectual Property", The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Metaphysics Research Lab, Stanford University.
  author = {Moore, Adam and Himma, Ken},
  editor = {Edward N. Zalta},
  title = {Intellectual Property},
  journal = {The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy},
  publisher = {Metaphysics Research Lab, Stanford University},
  year = {2014},
  edition = {Winter 2014},
  url = {}
Moore AD (2008), "The Handbook of Information and Computer Ethics" , pp. 105-130. John Wiley & Sons, Inc..
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  publisher = {John Wiley & Sons, Inc.},
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Moore AD (2012), "A Lockean Theory of Intellectual Property Revisited", San Diego Law Review. Vol. 50
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  title = {¿Propiedad intelectual? Una recopilación de ensayos críticos},
  publisher = {Perro Triste},
  year = {2016},
  url = {}
Ortmann C (2016), "¿Propiedad intelectual? Una recopilación de ensayos críticos" Perro Triste.
  author = {Ortmann, Cecilia},
  title = {¿Propiedad intelectual? Una recopilación de ensayos críticos},
  publisher = {Perro Triste},
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  url = {}
Palmer TG (1990), "Are Patents and Copyrights Morally Justified? The Philosophy of Property Rights and Ideal Objects", Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy. Vol. 13(3), pp. 817-865.
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  title = {Are Patents and Copyrights Morally Justified? The Philosophy of Property Rights and Ideal Objects},
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  number = {3},
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  publisher = {Perro Triste},
  year = {2016},
  url = {}
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  title = {Panorama del derecho mexicano. Derecho intelectual},
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Raymond ES (2016), "¿Propiedad intelectual? Una recopilación de ensayos críticos" Perro Triste.
  author = {Raymond, Eric Steven},
  title = {¿Propiedad intelectual? Una recopilación de ensayos críticos},
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  publisher = {Perro Triste},
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  url = {}
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  title = {¿Propiedad intelectual? Una recopilación de ensayos críticos},
  publisher = {Perro Triste},
  year = {2016},
  url = {}
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  publisher = {Perro Triste},
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Sánchez LF (2016), "¿Propiedad intelectual? Una recopilación de ensayos críticos" Perro Triste.
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  author = {Yúdice, George},
  editor = {López, Albert and Ramírez, Eduardo},
  title = {Propiedad intelectual, nuevas tecnologías y libre acceso a la cultura},
  publisher = {Centro Cultural de España en México — Universidad de las Américas Puebla},
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