
549 B


-- fn1(x)
#x + 2 + 3

Invalid Declarations

-- fn0 not declared: fn3(x)
#fn0 * #x

-- infinite loop: fn3(x)
#fn3(1) * #x

Invalid Calls

  • fn1(1, $stdout: "true") has invalid rkwarg value
  • fn1(1, $act: "return") has invalid rkwarg
  • fn1(1, $eval: "/path/does/not/exists") has invalid path
  • fn1(1, $code: "/path/does/not/exists") has invalid path
  • fn1(1, $lua: "/path/does/not/exists") has invalid path
  • fn1(fn4()); fn4() is not declared

Invalid calls and declarations generate and collects errors.