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Pandoc Literate Programming

Pandoc is world famous as a "swiss-army" document converted. However, this is because Pandoc is also a document parser. Thanks to this capability, this repo is a Pandoc filter for literate programming: evaluate the code written in your documents with Pandoc and Lua.

NOTE: Pandoc has Literate Haskell support, but it doesn't support all input and output formats. This filter tries to support to all of them.


In your terminal, just execute:

sh tests/ FORMAT

Pick one or more FORMAT namespaces, e.g.:

sh tests/ markdown html

You can also use this filter for your documents:1

pandoc --lua-filter literate.lua -t FORMAT YOUR_DOC

Besides your document, you must add the class eval in the fenced code blocks that you want to evaluate. If you also want to replace the code block content with the evaluation result, you also must add the class replace. Check this test if you don't known what I am talking about.

Happy hacking :)


In order to support any markup language,2 the filter:

  • Can't rely in the built-in pandoc code blocks.
  • Requires syntaxis for custom literate programming blocks.

  1. Right now this is only for testing, so only a subset of Lisp function are supported (+, list, first)... The objective is to support any programming language and more! ↩︎

  2. Some markup languages like ORG doesn't support classes for code blocks. ↩︎