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Anna's Spanish Books: Gotta Catch ‘Em All!
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Descarga el diccionario oficial de la Federación Internacional de Scrabble® en Español
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Make Scrabble wordlists from text files
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🔥 Book Metadata Tool ⚒️
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Extension for install and admin Python Pip in LibreOffice.
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Proceso de renderizado por partes en Blender desde la línea de comandos.
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Análisis de datos y elaboración de gráficas de datos de demografía de la violencia en México.
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Mini Proyecto para calcular el ISR Subdisio IMSS de un sueldo de empleado.
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Mini ERP Empresa Libre
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Libro de tutorial/taller para aprender LibreOffice Base. Traducción al español del original, creado en inglés por Mariano Casanova.
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Lua extensions for lazy dogs
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Learning Rust By Practice, narrowing the gap between beginner and skilled-dev through challenging examples, exercises and projects.
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A command line time tracking application. Docs at https://tiempo.categulario.xyz
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Plantilla para portadas de libros alojados en wiki.cuates.net
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Yet Another Schema Definition
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Evaluate the code written in your documents with Pandoc and Lua
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Small exercises to get you used to reading and writing Rust code
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Ejercicios de «Learn More Python 3 the Hard Way»
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