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Upgrade iRedAPD

iRedAPD source code is hosted on BitBucket.

Release Notes are available here: iRedAPD Release Notes.

This tutorial describes how to upgrade iRedAPD from 1.4.0 or later releases to the latest stable release. It's applicable on all Linux/BSD distributions supported by iRedMail.

  • Download the latest stable release here: For example, iRedAPD-1.4.4.tar.bz2.
  • Upload it to your iRedMail server. Assume it's /root/iRedAPD-1.4.4.tar.bz2.
  • Extract downloaded package and execute upgrade script:
# cd /root
# tar xjf iRedAPD-1.4.4.tar.bz2
# cd iRedAPD-1.4.4/tools/
# bash

That's all.

Important notes:

  • It's recommended to enable plugin reject_null_sender in iRedAPD-1.4.4 or newer releases to prevent authenticated user sending spam as null sender.

  • Plugin amavisd_wblist and amavisd_message_size_limit requires access to Amavisd SQL database, if you're upgrading iRedAPD from iRedAPD-1.4.3 or older releases, don't forget to copy amavisd_db_* settings from sample config file and set correct values:

# For Amavisd policy lookup
amavisd_db_server = ''
amavisd_db_port = '3306'
amavisd_db_name = 'amavisd'
amavisd_db_user = 'amavisd'
amavisd_db_password = 'password'
  • Plugin amavisd_wblist is required if you manage white/blacklists with iRedAdmin-Pro.

  • Since version 1.4.4, iRedAPD supports other Postfix smtp protocol states, e.g. END-OF-MESSAGE, so you can enable iRedAPD in Postfix setting smtpd_end_of_data_restrictions like below:

    smtpd_end_of_data_restrictions = check_policy_service inet:, ...

    Currently, only plugin amavisd_message_size_limit works in END-OF-MESSAGE state, other plugins work in RCPT state.