2018-12-23 21:32:50 +08:00

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# Getting start with iRedMail Easy - the deployment and support platform
!!! warning
__iRedMail Easy__ does __NOT__ (yet) support upgrading existing server
which was deployed with any downloadable iRedMail installer (e.g.
iRedMail-0.9.9, iRedMail-0.9.8 and earlier releases).
## Summary
__iRedMail Easy__ is a web-based deployment and support platform. With this
platform, it's easy to deploy and keep the iRedMail server up to date, easy to
get the fast and professional technical support from iRedMail team.
We encourage all users to deploy new iRedMail servers with this platform and
keep the servers up to date.
* Please also read [Best Practice](./ to
understand how to achieve fearless one-click with iRedMail Easy.
* Read [Release Notes](./iredmail-easy.release.notes.html) to track changes in
each release.
If you prefer classic downloadable iRedMail installer, you can find the
installation guides here: [Install iRedMail](./index.html#install).
## System Requirements
!!! warning
* iRedMail is designed to be deployed on a dedicated server, which means you
can not have other network services running on the server __BEFORE__
iRedMail installation.
* iRedMail will install and configure all required softwares automatically.
### Supported Linux and BSD distribution releases
Linux/BSD distribution releases supported by __iRedMail Easy__:
Distribution | Release Versions
--- |---
CentOS | 7
Debian | 9
Ubuntu | 16.04, 18.04
OpenBSD | 6.4
If you need to install iRedMail on FreeBSD, please follow the installation
guide below:
* [Install iRedMail on FreeBSD](./install.iredmail.on.freebsd.html)
* [Install iRedMail on FreeBSD inside Jail (with ezjail)](./install.iredmail.on.freebsd.with.jail.html)
### Hardware Requirements
* iRedMail requires at least `2 GB` memory for a low traffic production server.
* If you plan to run SOGo Groupware (which offers webmail, calendar (CalDAV),
contacts (CardDAV) and ActiveSync), you need a lot more memory. Consider 16
GB memory to support 500 ActiveSync clients.
## Sign up and login
To deploy a mail server, you need to sign up and login with a valid email
address first:
* [Sign Up or Login:](
We will send you an email to confirm you're the owner of the email address,
please click the link in the email to confirm, then login.
After signed up, you get one-month trial to evaluate this web deployment
platform, if you don't like or need it, feel free to remove your own account in
`Profile` page after login.
Screenshots of login and sign up web pages:
![](./images/iredmail-easy/installation/login.png){: width="350px" }
![](./images/iredmail-easy/installation/signup.png){: width="350px" }
## Add a new mail server
After login, you will be redirected to the `Dashboard` page, please click the
`Add a mail server` button to add a new mail server.
![](./images/iredmail-easy/installation/add_mailserver.png){: width="600px" }
Explanation of the form fields:
* `Hostname (FQDN)`: This is the server hostname you want to set for the mail server.
* It must be a fully qualified domain name (FQDN), for example,
``, ``.
* This hostname can __NOT__ be used as a virtual mail domain (used in email
address like ``) because it's used to accept email sent
to Linux/BSD system account like `root` user.
* `IP Address`: Public or private IP address of your mail server.
If this mail server is in internal network and can not be accessed directly
from external network, you need a Jump Server (or, Bastion Server) so that
our deployment server can connect to your mail server. For more details
about Jump Server, please read this short tutorial: [What is SSH jump
* `SSH Port`: SSH service port number. Defaults to 22.
* `SSH User`: The login username for ssh secure connection. Defaults to `root`.
If you use a non-root user, `sudo` on Linux or `doas` on OpenBSD is
required to gain root privilege.
* `SSH Key`: The SSH key used to login to your mail server.
If you choose option `Generate one for me`, after submitted this form,
our system will generate a strong (4096 bits) SSH key for you.
* `OS`: Choose the Linux/BSD distribution and release version of your mail
* `Deployment Server`: Please choose one deployment server from the list.
A deployment server connects to your mail server to deploy or upgrade,
please choose the nearest one for faster network connection.
If your mail server sits behind a firewall, please whitelist the IP address
of selected deployment server.
* `Comment`: Add some text to help you identify this mail server.
Click the button to create mail server, after created, page will be redirected
to mail server profile page. You're free to update profile here.
![](./images/iredmail-easy/installation/added_mailserver.png){: width="600px" }
## Choose preferred backend
Tab `Backend` on the mail server profile page.
A backend is a SQL or LDAP database used to store mail domains and
accounts. We suggest you choose the one you're familiar with for easier
![](./images/iredmail-easy/installation/backends.png){: width="700px" }
## Choose components you want to deploy
Tab `Components` on the mail server profile page.
A component is a software (or software group) used by mail service. On this
page you can choose the components you want to deploy on your mail server.
![](./images/iredmail-easy/installation/components.png){: width="700px" }
## Component settings
Tab `Settings` on the mail server profile page.
Depends on the components you selected, the settings on this page may be
different. Please fill all required form fields on this page.
Fields with red asterisk are required, others are optional.
![](./images/iredmail-easy/installation/settings.png){: width="700px" }
## Deploy
Tab `Deployment` on the mail server profile page.
The selected deployment server will run Ansible to connect to your mail server
via secure ssh connection, without a password. Please download the prepared
script and upload it to the mail server, then run it with command below. it
will help add ssh public key and set correct file permission. If ssh login user
is not root, it will help setup `sudo` (on Linux) or `doas` (on OpenBSD) also.
If your mail server sits behind a firewall, please make sure the selected
deployment server is whitelisted in your firewall.
Now click the button `Perform Full Deployment` to start the deployment.
Depends on the components you selected, and network connection speed, it may
take few minutes or even longer to finish. Please be patient.
It will refresh the page every 5 seconds and show you the latest output of
Ansible task, you can watch and (hopefully) have some fun. :)
![](./images/iredmail-easy/installation/deployment.png){: width="700px" }
## Get techinical support through the ticket system
If you have any question or issue, feel free to open a new support ticket,
clearly explain the question or issue, support team will try to reply as soon
as possible.
![](./images/iredmail-easy/installation/support.png){: width="400px" }
## Update account profile
You can update your name, time zone, password on the `Profile` page. If you
do not like this platform, you're free to remove your account here too.
![](./images/iredmail-easy/installation/account_profile.png){: width="800px" }
## See Also
* [Best Practice](./
* [Setup DNS records for your iRedMail server](./setup.dns.html)
* [Request a free cert from Let's Encrypt](./letsencrypt.html)
* [Configure mail client applications](./index.html#mua)