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iRedAPD (Postfix Access Policy Daemon) release notes and upgrade tutorials

iRedAPD source code is hosted on BitBucket.

Download the latest iRedAPD stable release.

If you want to develop your own plugin for iRedAPD, please read document in iRedAPD source code.

Upgrade iRedAPD

How to upgrade iRedAPD-1.4.0 or later versions to the latest stable release

Release Notes


  • Improvements:

    • Log non-DUNNO actions in iredadmin database (with setting log_action_in_db = True in iRedAPD config file).

    • plugin/ able to use user@* as white/blacklist sender.

    • plugin/, plugin/ldap_maillist_access_policy: able to use * (all senders from as moderator.

    • plugin/

      • New optional setting ALLOWED_LOGIN_MISMATCH_LIST_MEMBER, used to allow member of mail list/alias to send as mail list/alias. Default is False.

      • Setting ALLOWED_LOGIN_MISMATCH_SENDERS is now optional.

    • Log smtp protocol state in log file.

  • Fixed issues:

    • plugin/ just use the first valid policy (with highest priority) and skip rest.
    • plugin/ not reject email if sender is forged address (sender domain is hosted locally).
    • Not close sql connection explicitly.