2019-12-18 17:06:35 +08:00

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# Enable SRS (Sender Rewriting Scheme) support
!!! attention
If you deploy iRedMail server with the
[iRedMail Easy]( platform, you can
simply enable or disable it by toggling on/off a checkbox on the mail
server profile page, then apply the change.
## What SRS is
It's recommended to read links below to understand what SRS is:
* [WikiPedia: Sender Rewriting Scheme](
* [The original SRS paper (PDF)](
## Upgrade iRedAPD to 2.6 or later release
We implemented SRS support since iRedAPD-2.6, please make sure you're running
2.6 or later release. You can check its version by running command below:
ls -dl /opt/iredapd
To upgrade iRedAPD, please follow this tutorial:
[Upgrade iRedAPD](./upgrade.iredapd.html).
## Enable SRS
SRS is not enabled by default since iRedAPD-3.3, you need to generate a secret string and restart iredapd service to enable it.
* Generate a secret string:
9d3e3fbb52ea136033fc2c40a5340f86 -
* Update parameter `srs_secrets` in `/opt/iredapd/`:
srs_secrets = ["9d3e3fbb52ea136033fc2c40a5340f86"]
* Restart iRedAPD service:
service iredapd restart
iRedAPD will listen to 3 network ports (all on ``) by default:
* `7777`: for general smtp access policy, including greylisting, throttling,
white/blacklisting, etc.
* `7778`: for SRS forward rewriting.
* `7779`: for SRS reverse rewriting.
!!! warning
Server hostname is used as srs domain (the mail domain name in rewritten
addresses) by default, it's configureable by updating parameter
`srs_domain =` in iRedAPD config file `/opt/iredapd/`. You are
free to use a separated (sub-)domain name as srs domain, for example,
if you own domain name ``, you can use `` as
srs domain.
The srs domain must be resolveable by DNS query and pointed to your
iRedMail server. MX type DNS record is the best option, although it works
with just A type DNS record (because MTA falls back to A if no MX record).
## Test SRS
You can use `telnet` or netcat (command `nc`) to test it. We use `nc` for
example here.
Connect to port `7778` first:
nc localhost 7778
Then type command:
Since `` is an external domain, you should get a rewritten address
returned like this:
The placholder `<HOSTNAME>` will be replaced by your server hostname.
Then try with your mail domain name (replace `` below by your real
mail domain name):
You should get this:
500 Domain is a local mail domain, bypassed.
If you get same/similar output, the SRS feature is working fine.
## Enable SRS integration in Postfix
Please add 4 new parameters in Postfix config file `/etc/postfix/` (on
Linux/OpenBSD) or `/usr/local/etc/postfix/` (on FreeBSD):
sender_canonical_maps = tcp:
sender_canonical_classes = envelope_sender
recipient_canonical_maps = tcp:
recipient_canonical_classes= envelope_recipient,header_recipient
Restarting or reloading Postfix service is required. After restarted/reloaded,
please monitor its log file (`/var/log/maillog`) and pay close attention to the
sender address.
## Known issues of SRS support
* Sender addresses will always be rewritten even if the mail is not
forwarded at all, except locally hosted mail domains. This is because
Postfix sends minimal info to iRedAPD via the tcp table lookup, and it
performs address rewritten at the very beginning before any routing
decision is made.
* Postfix will rewrite the address in the `Return-Path:` header, if you
have any sieve rules based on `Return-Path:`, it MAY not work anymore.
In this case, you need to update your sieve rules to match the rewritten
* Postfix logs rewritten addresses in its log file, so it may confuse you
while troubleshooting.
* Amavisd stores rewritten addresses in its SQL database, so the
`Top 10 Senders` and `Top 10 Recipients` in iRedAdmin-Pro Dashboard page
may not work well.