2019-09-19 12:30:03 +08:00

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iRedMail Easy: Setup sudo for deployment


What is sudo (Linux) and doas (OpenBSD)

From wikipedia:

sudo is a program for Unix-like computer operating systems that allows users to run programs with the security privileges of another user, by default the superuser root. It originally stood for "superuser do" as the older versions of sudo were designed to run commands only as the superuser. However, the later versions added support for running commands not only as the superuser but also as other (restricted) users, ...

Unlike the similar command su, users must, by default, supply their own password for authentication, rather than the password of the target user. After authentication, and if the configuration file, which is typically located at /etc/sudoers, permits the user access, the system invokes the requested command. The configuration file offers detailed access permissions, including enabling commands only from the invoking terminal; requiring a password per user or group; requiring re-entry of a password every time or never requiring a password at all for a particular command line. It can also be configured to permit passing arguments or multiple commands.

OpenBSD uses its own sudo-like program for this purpose, it's called doas which means execute commands as another user.

With the iRedMail Easy, you can deploy iRedMail by connecting to target server (via ssh) as a non-privileged user (e.g. user iredmail) which is allowed to run command as root with sudo.

Linux: Setup sudo

Let's say you're going to connect as user iredmail:

  • Run command visudo as root user.

    Although you can edit sudo config file /etc/sudoers with your favourite text editor, but visudo will help check syntax while saving changes. this is helpful to avoid some mistakes like misspelled username, or any other keyword.

  • Add lines below at the end, save your changes and quit visudo.

# Allow user `iredmail` to run all commands without typing its own password.

# We're going to connect without a real tty, below setting will speed up the
# iRedMail deployment process.
Defaults:iredmail !requiretty

To verify the sudo configuration, please login as user iredmail first, then run command:

sudo ls /root/

If sudo is correctly configured, it will show you list of files under /root directory.

OpenBSD: Setup doas

Let's say you're going to connect as user iredmail.

Append line below to file /etc/doas.conf (if this file doesn't exist, please create it manually):

permit nopass iredmail as root

To verify the sudo configuration, please login as user iredmail first, then run command:

doas ls /root/

If sudo is correctly configured, it will show you list of files under /root directory.
