Zhang Huangbin ac10f09553 Typo
2021-07-23 16:53:27 +08:00

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iRedAdmin-Pro: Custom (Amavisd) ban rules


Builtin ban rules

iRedMail-1.4.1 ships 4 builtin Amavisd ban rules, they're defined in Amavisd config file like below:

%banned_rules = (
    # Allow all Microsoft Office documents.
    'ALLOW_MS_OFFICE'   => new_RE([qr'.\.(doc|docx|xls|xlsx|ppt|pptx)$'i => 0]),

    # Allow Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint documents separately.
    'ALLOW_MS_WORD'     => new_RE([qr'.\.(doc|docx)$'i => 0]),
    'ALLOW_MS_EXCEL'    => new_RE([qr'.\.(xls|xlsx)$'i => 0]),
    'ALLOW_MS_PPT'      => new_RE([qr'.\.(ppt|pptx)$'i => 0]),

    # Default rule.
    'DEFAULT' => $banned_filename_re,
  • ALLOW_MS_OFFICE: Allow all Microsoft Office documents.
  • ALLOW_MS_WORD: Allow Microsoft Word documents (.doc, .docx).
  • ALLOW_MS_EXCEL: Allow Microsoft Excel documents (.xls, .xlsx).
  • ALLOW_MS_PPT: Allow Microsoft PowerPoint documents (.ppt, .pptx).

Add new ban rules

You're free to add new ban rules inside %banned_rules = (); parameter. For example, let's add new rule BLOCK_COMPRESS to block few compress file formats, and ALLOW_PDF to allow / bypass .pdf files:

%banned_rules = (
    # ... omit other existing rules here ...

    'BLOCK_COMPRESS'    => new_RE([qr'.\.(zip|7z|gz|bz2|tar|rar)$'i]),
    'ALLOW_PDF'         => new_RE([qr'.\.pdf$'i => 0]),

Restarting Amavisd service is required after updated its config file.

If you're running iRedAdmin-Pro, please list your custom rules in its config file /opt/www/iredadmin/ like below, so that you can use them in per-user, per-domain and global Spam Policy page.

# Add this parameter if it doesn't exist.
# The syntax is (Python dictionary):
# {
#   "rule-name-1": "comment-2",
#   "rule-name-2": "comment-2",
# }
    "BLOCK_COMPRESS": "Block compressed files (zip, 7z, gz, bz2, tar, rar)",
    "ALLOW_PDF": "Allow PDF files (.pdf)

Restarting "iredadmin" service is required after updated its config file.

How to use the ban rules

Assign ban rules with iRedAdmin-Pro

With iRedAdmin-Pro, you can easily manage per-user, per-domain and global spam policies, including ban rules.

  • For per-user ban rules, please go to user profile page, tab "Spam Policy".
  • For per-domain ban rules, please go to domain profile page, tab "Spam Policy".
  • For global ban rules, please click "System" on main navigation bar, then choose "Global Spam Policy".

Note: per-user spam policy has the highest priority, and global one has the lowest priority.

Assign ban rules with SQL command line

If you already define per-user, per-domain, or global spam policy with iRedAdmin-Pro or manually, you can now assign these ban rules to them.

For example, if you have spam policy for user, to allow this user to accept Microsoft Word and Excel documents, you can run SQL commands below to achieve it (Note: we use MySQL for example):

USE amavisd;
UPDATE policy SET banned_rulenames="ALLOW_MS_WORD,ALLOW_MS_EXCEL" WHERE policy_name="";

Multiple rule names must be separated by comma.