2021-01-08 22:23:51 +08:00

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Install iRedMail on FreeBSD inside Jail (with ezjail)



  • This tutorial describes how to create a FreeBSD Jail with ezjail, then install the latest iRedMail in Jail.
  • We use hostname and IP address for our Jail server.


  • This tutorial was tested with FreeBSD 10 and the latest ports tree, but it should work on FreeBSD 9 and other releases.
  • All backends available in iRedMail (OpenLDAP, MySQL/MariaDB, PostgreSQL) were tested, work like a charm. :)
  • For more details about ezjail, please check FreeBSD Handbook: Managing Jails with ezjail.

System Requirements

!!! warning

* iRedMail is designed to be deployed on a __FRESH__ server system, which
  means your server does __NOT__ have mail related components installed,
  e.g. MySQL, OpenLDAP, Postfix, Dovecot, Amavisd, etc. iRedMail will install
  and configure them for you automatically. Otherwise it may override your
  existing files/configurations although it will backup files before
  modifying, and it may not be working as expected.
* Many ISPs block port 25 by default, it's used for communication between
  mail servers, it must be open, otherwise your server may be not able to
  receive or / and send emails. Please contact your ISP to make sure it's
  not blocked, or ask them to unblock.

      - Amazon AWS EC2. Request to [remove the throttle on port 25](
      - Google Cloud Platform.
      - Microsoft Azure.
      - Linode. Explained in the [blog post](,
        you can open a support ticket to request the Linode team to open it. If you [sign up to Linode with our reference](, iRedMail Team's Linode account will receive a credit of $15-20.00. Thanks.
      - DigitalOcean. According to [a post in their community](, __SEEMS__ impossible to unblock port 25, that means you can __NOT__ run mail server on DigitalOcean VPS.
  • The latest stable release of iRedMail. You can download it here:
  • Port sysutils/ezjail for FreeBSD.
  • Make sure 3 UID/GID are not used by other user/group: 2000, 2001, 2002.


Install sysutils/ezjail and add required settings

  • Install ezjail with ports tree:
# cd /usr/ports/sysutils/ezjail/
# make install clean
  • Enable ezjail service and sysvipc by appending lines below to /etc/rc.conf:
# Start ezjail while system start up

# Enable sysvipc. Required by PostgreSQL.
  • Add parameter in /etc/sysctl.conf, this is required if you're going to install iRedMail with PostgreSQL backend.
  • Rebooting system is required after changing /etc/rc.conf.
# reboot

Create Jail

  • After server reboot, populate the Jail with FreeBSD-RELEASE
# ezjail-admin install -p
  • Create a new jail

    • hostname
    • bound IP address to network interface em0
    • Jail is placed under /jails/
# ezjail-admin create -r /jails/ 'em0|'
  • Start Jail.
# service ezjail restart
  • List all Jails:
# ezjail-admin list
STA JID  IP               Hostname                          Root Directory
--- ---- ---------------- --------------------------------- ------------------------
DS  1                    /jails/

Install iRedMail

We can now enter this Jail with below command:

# ezjail-admin console
  • In Jail, update /etc/resolv.conf with valid DNS server address(es). For example:
# File: /etc/resolv.conf
  • In Jail, install binary package bash-static, it's required by iRedMail.
# pkg install bash-static

Start iRedMail installer

It's now ready to start iRedMail installer inside Jail, it will ask you several simple questions, that's all required to setup a full-featured mail server.

# bash          # <- start bash shell, REQUIRED
# cd /root/iRedMail/

Screenshots of installation:

  • Welcome and thanks for your use

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  • Specify location to store all mailboxes. Default is /var/vmail/.

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  • Choose backend used to store mail accounts. You can manage mail accounts with iRedAdmin, our web-based iRedMail admin panel.

!!! note

There's no big difference between available backends, so
it's strongly recommended to choose the one you're familiar with for easier
management and maintenance after installation.

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  • If you choose to store mail accounts in OpenLDAP, iRedMail installer will ask to set the LDAP suffix.

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!!! note "To MySQL/MariaDB/PostgreSQL users"

If you choose to store mail accounts in MySQL/MariaDB/PostgreSQL, iRedMail
installer will generate a random, strong password for you. You can find it
in file ``.
  • Add your first mail domain name

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  • Set password of admin account of your first mail domain.

Note: This account is an admin account and a mail user. That means you can login to webmail and admin panel (iRedAdmin) with this account, login username is full email address.

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  • Choose optional components

    !!! attention

      __Which webmail should you choose?__ Roundcube or SOGo?
      - Roundcube is a fast and lightweight webmail, and webmail only.
        If all you need is a webmail to access mailbox and manage mail
        filters, then Roundcube is the best option.
      - SOGo offers webmail, calendar (CalDAV), contacts (CardDAV) and
        ActiveSync. If you need calendar and contacts support, also syncing
        them to mobile or PC mail client applications, then SOGo is the one
        to go. Note: If you have many ActiveSync clients, it requires a lot RAM.
      - It's ok to install both, but you can only manage mail filters with
        Roundcube in this case, because the filter rules generated by
        Roundcube and SOGo are not compatible. You can [force to enable it in
        SOGo](./, but please inform end
        users and ask them to stick to one of them for managing mail filters.

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After answered above questions, iRedMail installer will ask you to review and confirm to start installation. It will install and configure required packages automatically. Type y or Y and press Enter to start.

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Important things you MUST know after installation

!!! warning

The weakest part of a mail server is user's weak password. Spammers don't
want to hack your server, they just want to send spam from your server.
Please __ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS__ force users to use a strong password.

Access webmail and other web applications

After installation successfully completed, you can access web-based programs if you choose to install them. Replace your_server below by your real server hostname or IP address.

Get technical support

Please post all issues, feedbacks, feature requests, suggestions in our online support forum, it's more responsible than you expected.

Some Tips for FreeBSD Jail

Allow ping in Jail

  • Appending below line in /etc/sysctl.conf to allow to use ping command inside Jail:
  • Update /usr/local/etc/ezjail/mx_example_com to allow ping inside Jail:
export jail_mx_example_com_parameters="allow.raw_sockets=1"

Share /usr/ports/distfiles with Jail

To share /usr/ports/distfiles/ with Jail, please append below line in /etc/fstab.mx_example_com:

Jail will set ports tree directory to /var/ports instead of /usr/ports in /jails/ by default, you can either use this default setting or change it to /usr/ports.

# Part of file: /etc/
/usr/ports/distfiles /jails/ nullfs rw 0 0

Create directory /usr/jails/basejail/var/ports/distfiles:

# mkdir /usr/jails/basejail/var/ports/distfiles