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Password hashes


Password hashes supported by iRedMail

iRedMail configures Postfix to use Dovecot as SASL authenticate server, so all password schemes supported by Dovecot can be used in Postfix. Please refer to Dovecot wiki page Password Schemes for more details.

Below password schemes are supported in iRedAdmin-Pro (which means you can add new mail user with either one):

  1. SSHA512. e.g. {SSHA512}FxgXDhBVYmTqoboW+ibyyzPv/wGG7y4VJtuHWrx+wfqrs/lIH2Qxn2eA0jygXtBhMvRi7GNFmL++6aAZ0kXpcy1fxag=

  2. BCRYPT. e.g. {CRYPT}$2a$05$TKnXV39M3uJ4o.AbY1HbjeAval9bunHbxd0.6Qn782yKoBjTEBXTe

  3. SSHA. e.g. {SSHA}OuCrqL2yWwQIu8a9uvyOQ5V/ZKfL7LJD

  4. MD5 (salted). For example:

    • with a prefix: {CRYPT}$1$GfHYI7OE$vlXqMZSyJOSPXAmbXHq250
    • without a prefix: $1$GfHYI7OE$vlXqMZSyJOSPXAmbXHq250

    Important note: SOGo groupware doesn't support MD5 without a prefix, so if you're going to migrate MD5 password hash from old mail server, please prepend {CRYPT} prefix in password hash.

  5. PLAIN-MD5 (without a salt). e.g. 0d2bf3c712402f428d48fed691850bfc

  6. Plain text. e.g. 123456

WARNING: MD5, PLAIN-MD5 and plain password are weak, please don't use them.


  • BCRYPT is only available on BSD systems, because libc shipped in Linux doesn't support bcrypt.

Default password schemes used in iRedMail

  • For MySQL and PostgreSQL backends:

    • in iRedMail-0.9.0 and later versions: SSHA512
    • in iRedMail-0.8.7 and earlier versions: salted MD5
  • For LDAP backend: SSHA.

    OpenLDAP's builtin password verification doesn't support SHA-2 password hash formats directly, so if you have third-party applications which need OpenLDAP's builtin password verification, you'd better use SSHA hash.

    But if you don't have this concern, it's ok to store SSHA512/BCRYPT hash as mail user password, then set ldap_bind = no in /etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf. SMTP/IMAP/POP3 services work with it, but Apache basic auth doesn't.

How to use different password hashes in iRedMail

For MySQL and PostgreSQL backends

All mail users are stored in SQL table vmail.mailbox, user password is stored in SQL column mailbox.password. For example (Note: you should replace xx@xx with your real email address):

sql> USE vmail;

sql> UPDATE mailbox SET password='$1$GfHYI7OE$vlXqMZSyJOSPXAmbXHq250' WHERE username='xx@xx';
sql> UPDATE mailbox SET password='{SSHA}OuCrqL2yWwQIu8a9uvyOQ5V/ZKfL7LJD' WHERE username='xx@xx';
sql> UPDATE mailbox SET password='{SSHA512}FxgXDhBVYmTqoboW+ibyyzPv/wGG7y4VJtuHWrx+wfqrs/lIH2Qxn2eA0jygXtBhMvRi7GNFmL++6aAZ0kXpcy1fxag=' WHERE username='xx@xx';
  • To store PLAIN-MD5, you have to prepend {PLAIN-MD5} in your password hash:
sql> USE vmail;
sql> UPDATE mailbox SET password='{PLAIN-MD5}0d2bf3c712402f428d48fed691850bfc' WHERE username='xx@xx';
  • To store plain password, you have to prepend {PLAIN}:
sql> USE vmail;
sql> UPDATE mailbox SET password='{PLAIN}123456' WHERE username='xx@xx';

For OpenLDAP backend

User password is stored in attribute userPassword of user object.

  • To store plain password, SSHA, SSHA512 password hash, just store them in original format. For example:
userPassword: 123456
userPassword: {SSHA}OuCrqL2yWwQIu8a9uvyOQ5V/ZKfL7LJD
userPassword: {SSHA512}FxgXDhBVYmTqoboW+ibyyzPv/wGG7y4VJtuHWrx+wfqrs...
  • To store standard MD5 password (salted MD5 hash), please prepend {CRYPT} (case insensitive) in your password hash. For example: userPassword: {CRYPT}$1$GfHYI7OE$vlXqMZSyJOSPXAmbXHq250

IMPORTANT NOTE: If you want to input password hash with phpLDAPadmin, please choose clear in the password hash list, then input password hash.

See also