2016-04-20 13:21:43 +08:00

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Setup relayhost


Relay host is a server which can accept your email and sent it out to the final destination for you.

Global relay host

To setup a global relay host in iRedMail, please append below settings in Postfix config file /etc/postfix/ (Linux/OpenBSD) or /usr/local/etc/postfix/ (FreeBSD):

relayhost = [relay_server]:25
smtp_sasl_password_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/sasl_password
smtp_sasl_auth_enable = yes
smtp_sasl_mechanism_filter = login
smtp_sasl_security_options = noanonymous

!!! note

* You should relace `relay_server` above by the real server address. for
  example, `relayhost = []:25`, `relayhost = []:25`.
* For more possible values/formats, please check Postfix document:
  [Postfix transport table format (transport)](

Then write the username and password in /etc/postfix/sasl_password:

relay.server user:password

Run postmap and restart Postfix service:

postmap hash:/etc/postfix/sasl_password
service postfix restart

Sender dependent relay host

!!! note

* Sender dependent relay host is available in iRedMail-0.9.5 or later releases.

Manage with iRedAdmin-Pro

Since iRedAdmin-Pro-SQL-2.4.0 or iRedAdmin-Pro-LDAp-2.6.0, it's able to manage per-domain or per-user sender dependent relay host in domain or user profile page, under tab Relay. Screenshot attached.

Manage with command line tools

MySQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL

For SQL backends, you can manage sender dependent relay host in SQL table mailbox.sender_relayhost. We use MySQL for example below.

  • Per-domain sender dependent relay host:
sql> USE vmail;
sql> INSERT INTO sender_relayhost (account, relayhost) VALUES ('', '[]:25');
  • Per-user sender dependent relay host:
sql> USE vmail;
sql> INSERT INTO sender_relayhost (account, relayhost) VALUES ('', '[]:25');


For OpenLDAP backend:

  • per-domain sender dependent relay host is stored in attribute senderRelayHost of domain account.
  • per-user sender dependent relay host is stored in attribute senderRelayHost of user account.

Sample LDIF data:

  • Per-domain sender dependent relay host
senderRelayHost: []:25
  • Per-user sender dependent relay host
senderRelayHost: []:25

Screenshot of iRedAdmin-Pro

  • iRedAdmin-Pro: Per-domain relay setting:

  • iRedAdmin-Pro: Per-user relay setting: