2016-04-13 21:19:33 +08:00

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Manage iRedAPD (white/blacklists, greylisting)


!!! note

All iRedAPD features listed in current page can be managed with our
web-based admin panel - [iRedAdmin-Pro](../admin_panel.html).

Introduce iRedAPD

iRedAPD is a simple Postfix policy server, written in Python, with plugin support. it listens on port 7777 by default, and runs as a low-privileged user iredapd.

How to disable iRedAPD service

To disable iRedAPD service:

  1. please remove all check_policy_service inet: in Postfix config file /etc/postfix/ (Linux/OpenBSD) or /usr/local/etc/postfix/ (FreeBSD).
  2. Restart or reload Postfix service.
  3. Disable iredapd service.

How to enable or disable iRedAPD plugins

iRedAPD plugin is Python file under /opt/iredapd/plugins/ directory. To enable a plugin, please find line plugins = in iRedAPD config file /opt/iredapd/, for example:

plugins = ['reject_null_sender', 'amavisd_wblist', 'greylisting', 'throttle']

If you want to enable plugin reject_sender_login_mismatch (file /opt/iredapd/plugins/, please add the plugin name in plugins = like below, and restart iRedAPD service:

plugins = ['reject_null_sender', 'amavisd_wblist', 'greylisting', 'throttle', 'reject_sender_login_mismatch']

The priorities of plugins shipped in iRedAPD are hard-coded, so the order of plugin name in plugins = doesn't matter.

To disable a plugin, just remove the plugin name and restart iRedAPD service.

How to add custom settings

iRedAPD has some default settings in file /opt/iredapd/libs/, but you should never modify it. Instead, you should copy the settings you want to modify from /opt/iredapd/libs/ to /opt/iredapd/, then update it with new values. This way you will keep custom settings after upgrading iRedAPD -- because iRedAPD upgrade tool will copy /opt/iredapd/ to new iRedAPD release during upgrading.


How to disable white/blacklists completely

To disable white/blacklists completely, please remove plugin name amavisd_wblist in iRedAPD config file /opt/iredapd/, parameter plugins =:

plugins = [..., 'amavisd_wblist', ...]

Restarting iRedAPD service is required.

Manage white/blacklists

  • White/blacklisting is available in iRedAPD-1.4.4 and later releases.
  • Script tools/ is available in iRedAPD-1.7.0 and later releases.

White/blacklisting is controlled by plugin amavisd_wblist (file /opt/iredapd/plugins/, you can manage it with script /opt/iredapd/tools/

Available arguments

        Manage white/blacklist for outbound messages.

        If no '--outbound' argument, defaults to manage inbound messages.

    --account account
        Add white/blacklists for specified (local) account. Valid formats:

            - a single user:
            - a single domain:
            - entire domain and all its sub-domains:
            - anyone: @. (the ending dot is required)

        if no '--account' argument, defaults to '@.' (anyone).

        Add white/blacklists for specified (local) account.

        Delete specified white/blacklists for specified (local) account.

        Delete ALL white/blacklists for specified (local) account.

        Show existing white/blacklists for specified (local) account. If no
        account specified, defaults to manage server-wide white/blacklists.

    --whitelist sender1 [sender2 sender3 ...]
        Whitelist specified sender(s). Multiple senders must be separated by a space.

    --blacklist sender1 [sender2 sender3 ...]
        Blacklist specified sender(s). Multiple senders must be separated by a space.

    WARNING: Do not use --list, --add-whitelist, --add-blacklist at the same time.

Sample usages

  • Show and add server-wide whitelists or blacklists:
# python --list --whitelist
# python --list --blacklist
# python --add --whitelist
# python --add --blacklist
  • For per-user or per-domain whitelists and blacklists, please use option --account. for example:
# python --account --add --whitelist
# python --account --add --blacklist

# python --account --list --whitelist
# python --account --list --blacklist


!!! note

Greylisting is available in iRedAPD-1.7.0 and later releases.

For technical details about greylisting, please visit

How to disable greylisting completely

To disable greylisting completely, please remove plugin name greylisting in iRedAPD config file /opt/iredapd/, parameter plugins =:

plugins = [..., 'greylisting', ...]

Restarting iRedAPD service is required.

General settings

There're several settings for greylisting behaviour, default values are defined in /opt/iredapd/libs/ If you want to modify them, please add the settings with custom values in /opt/iredapd/

  • GREYLISTING_MESSAGE: the rejection message which will be sent to sender server. Default is Intentional policy rejection, please try again later.
  • GREYLISTING_BLOCK_EXPIRE: Time (in MINUTES) to wait before client retrying, client will be rejected if retires too soon (in less than specified minutes). Defaults to 15 minutes.
  • GREYLISTING_AUTH_TRIPLET_EXPIRE: Disable greylisting for how long (in DAYS) for clients which passed greylisting (retried and delivered). It's also used to clean up old greylisting tracking records. Defaults to 30 days.
  • GREYLISTING_UNAUTH_TRIPLET_EXPIRE: Time (in DAYS) to keep tracking records if client didn't pass the greylisting, and no further deliver attempts. Defaults to 2 days.

Manage greylisting settings

  • Script tools/ is available in iRedAPD-1.8.0 and later releases.

Greylisting is controlled by plugin greylisting (file /opt/iredapd/plugins/, you can manage it with script /opt/iredapd/tools/

Available arguments

        Show ALL existing greylisting settings.

    --from <from_address>
    --to <to_address>
        Manage greylisting setting from email which is sent from <from_address>
        to <to_address>.
        Valid formats for both <from_address> and <to_address>:

            - a single user:
            - a single domain:
            - entire domain and all its sub-domains:
            - anyone: @. (the ending dot is required)

        if no '--from' or '--to' argument, defaults to '@.' (anyone).

        Explicitly enable greylisting for specified account.

        Explicitly disable greylisting for specified account.

        Delete specified greylisting setting.

Sample usages

  • List all existing greylisting settings
# cd /opt/iredapd/tools/
# python --list
  • Enable greylisting for emails which are sent from anyone to local mail domain
# python --enable --to ''
  • Disable greylisting for emails which are sent from anyone to local mail user
# python --disable --to ''
  • Disable greylisting for emails which are sent from to local mail user
# python --disable --from '' --to ''
  • Delete greylisting setting for emails which are sent from anyone to local domain
# python --delete --to ''

Seems many companies setup their mail servers to re-deliver returned email immediately from another server, this causes trouble with greylisting.

Possible solutions:

  1. Disable greylisting on your server completely.
  2. Whitelist IP addresses/networks of their mail servers.

For solution #2, you can whitelist those mail servers with script /opt/iredapd/tools/

Note: script tools/ is available in iRedAPD-1.8.0 and later releases.

It queries SPF and MX records of specified mail domain names, then store all converted IP addresses/networks defined in SPF/MX records in SQL table iredapd.greylisting_whitelists.

To whitelist IP addresses/networks of some mail domain, for example,,, please run command like below:

# cd /opt/iredapd/tools/
# python

If you want to whitelist more mail domains, just run the command with the domain names like above sample.

Since iRedAPD-1.8.0, we have SQL table iredapd.greylisting_whitelist_domains to store these mail domain names. if you run without any argument, it will fetch all mail domains stored in sql table greylisting_whitelist_domains instead of fetching from command line arguments.

# python

You should setup a cron job to run this script, so that it can keep the IP addresses/networks up to date. iRedMail sets up the cron job to run every 10 minutes, like below:

*/10   *   *   *   *   /usr/bin/python /opt/iredapd/tools/ &>/dev/null