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# How to
* [ Allow user to send email without authentication
* [ Amavisd + SpamAssassin not working, no mail header (X-Spam-*) inserted.](src/default/4-howto/
* [ Completely disable Amavisd + ClamAV + SpamAssassin](src/default/4-howto/
* [ Configure Thunderbird as mail client (IMAP, SMTP and global ldap address book)](src/default/4-howto/
* [ Disable spam virus scanning for outgoing mails](src/default/4-howto/
* [ Enable SMTPS service (SMTP over SSL, port 465)](src/default/4-howto/
* [ LDAP: Add an alias domain
* [ LDAP: Add a mail alias account
* [ LDAP: Add a mail list account
* [ LDAP: User mail forwarding.
* [ Pipe incoming email for certain user to external script ](src/default/4-howto/
* [ Quarantine clean mail into SQL database](src/default/4-howto/
* [ Force Dovecot to recalculate mailbox quota
* [ Store SpamAssassin bayes in SQL](src/default/4-howto/
* [ Perform silent/unattended iRedMail installation](src/default/4-howto/
# Third-party integrations.
* [ How to install SOGo on CentOS 6 with iRedMail (MySQL backend)](src/default/5-integrations/
# Backup and Restore
* [How to migrate old iRedMail server to the latest stable release](src/default/7-backup-restore/
# Troubleshooting and Debug
* [ Turn on debug mode in Amavisd
* [ Turn on debug mode in Dovecot](src/default/9-troubleshooting/
* [ Turn on debug mode in OpenLDAP
# Frequently Asked Questions
* [ Password hashes](src/default/99-faq/
* [ Why append timestamp in maildir path](src/default/99-faq/