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# Install iRedMail on OpenBSD
## System Requirements
__IMPORTANT WARNING__: iRedMail is designed to be deployed on a FRESH server system,
which means your server does __NOT__ have mail related components installed,
e.g. MySQL, OpenLDAP, Postfix, Dovecot, Amavisd, etc. iRedMail will install
and configure them for you automatically. Otherwise it may override your
existing files/configurations althought it will backup files before modifing,
and it may not be working as expected.
To install iRedMail on OpenBSD, you need:
* A __FRESH__, working OpenBSD system. Supported releases are listed on
[Download](../download.html) page.
* `2 GB` of memory is recommended for a low traffic production server.
Spam/Virus scanning will take most system resource.
* Required OpenBSD installation file sets are (replace `[XX]` by the real
OpenBSD release number):
* base[XX].tgz
* etc[XX].tgz
* comp[XX].tgz
* man[XX].tgz
* xbase[XX].tgz
* All binary packages will be installed with command `pkg_add -i`. It will
prompt you to choose different versions of binary packages, please choose
the one described below:
* choose `p5-Mail-SPF`, NOT `p5-Mail-SPF-Query`
* Nginx is used as web server.
* PF is enabled by default, with basic rules for ssh and mail services.
* OpenSMTPd are disabled by default, replaced by Postfix.
## Preparations
### Set a fully qualified domain name (FQDN) hostname on your server
No matter your server is a testing machine or production server, it's strongly
recommended to set a fully qualified domain name (FQDN) hostname.
Enter command `hostname` to view the current hostname:
$ hostname
On OpenBSD, hostname is set in two files: `/etc/myname` and `/etc/hosts`.
* `/etc/myname`: FQDN.
* `/etc/hosts`: static table lookup for hostnames. __Warning__: Please list the
FQDN hostname as first item.
# Part of file: /etc/hosts mx localhost localhost.localdomain
Verify the FQDN hostname. If it wasn't changed after updating above two files,
please reboot server to make it work.
$ hostname
### Choose a nearest mirror site for installing binary packages
iRedMail will install all required binary packages with command `pkg_add -i`,
it will check whether you have mirror site defined in `PKG_PATH` environment
variable, if defined, `pkg_add` will install packages from defined mirror site.
It's recommended to install packages from a mirror site, to reduce server
load on OpenBSD primary servers. Also, installing package from a nearest
mirror site will speed up package installation. You can find mirror list
near you on OpenBSD web site:
[Getting OpenBSD](
Now login to the OpenBSD server as root user, set variable `PKG_PATH` in file
`/root/.profile` like below (use your nearest mirror site instead):
export PKG_PATH="`uname -r`/packages/`machine -a`/"
Install Bash shell, it's required by iRedMail.
# . /root/.profile # <- This steps is required, used to set PKG_PATH without re-login.
# pkg_add bash
### Download the latest release of iRedMail
* Visit [Download page](../download.html) to get the
latest stable release of iRedMail.
* Upload iRedMail to your mail server via ftp or scp or whatever method you
can use, login to the server to install iRedMail. We assume you uploaded
it to `/root/iRedMail-x.y.z.tar.bz2` (replace x.y.z by the real version number).
* Uncompress iRedMail tarball:
# cd /root/
# tar xjf iRedMail-x.y.z.tar.bz2
## Start iRedMail installer
It's now ready to start iRedMail installer, it will ask you several simple
questions, that's all required to setup a full-featured mail server.
> For Chinese users: Our domain name `` is blocked in mainland
> China since Jun 04, 2011, please run below command with a nearest mirror
> site. For example: `IREDMAIL_MIRROR='' bash`.
> * `` is a mirror in mainland China. recommended.
> * `` is a Linode VPS hosted in Tokyo, Japan.
# cd /root/iRedMail-x.y.z/
# bash
## Screenshots of installation:
* Welcome and thanks for your use
* Specify location to store all mailboxes. Default is `/var/vmail/`.
* Choose backend used to store mail accounts. You can manage mail accounts
with iRedAdmin, our web-based iRedMail admin panel.
__IMPORTANT NOTE__: There's no big difference between available backends, so
it's strongly recommended to choose the one you're familiar with for easier
management and maintenance after installation.
* If you choose to store mail accounts in OpenLDAP, iRedMail installer will
ask you two questions about OpenLDAP.
LDAP suffix.
Password of LDAP root dn.
* If you choose to store mail accounts in MySQL/MariaDB/PostgreSQL, iRedMail
installer will generate a random, strong password for you. You can find it in
file ``.
* Add your first mail domain name
* Set password of admin account of your first mail domain.
__Note__: This account is an admin account and a mail user. That means you can
login to webmail and admin panel (iRedAdmin) with this account, login username
is full email address.
* Choose optional components
After answered above questions, iRedMail installer will ask your confirm to
start installation. It will install and configure required packages
automatically. Type `y` or `Y` and press `Enter` to start.
Configuration completed.
**************************** WARNING ***********************************
* *
* Please do remember to *REMOVE* configuration file after installation *
* completed successfully. *
* *
* * /root/iRedMail-x.y.z/config
* *
<<< iRedMail >>> Continue? [Y|n] # <- Type 'Y' or 'y' here, and press 'Enter' to continue
## Important things you __MUST__ know after installation
> The weakest part of a mail server is user's weak password. Spammers don't
> want to hack your server, they just want to send spam from your server.
> Please __ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS__ force users to use a strong password.
* Read file `/root/iRedMail-x.y.z/` first, it contains:
* URLs, usernames and passwords of web-based applications
* Location of mail service related software configuration files. You can
also check this tutorial instead:
[Locations of configuration and log files of major components](./file.locations.html).
* Some other important and sensitive information
* [Setup DNS records for your mail server](./setup.dns.html)
* [How to configure your mail clients](./index.html#configure-mail-client-applications)
* It's highly recommended to purchase a SSL cert to avoid annonying warning
message in web browser or mail clients when accessing mailbox via
HTTPS/IMAPS/POP3/SMTPS. Or, you can use
[free SSL cert offerred by](
We have a document for you to
[use a bought SSL certificate](
* If you need to bulk create mail users, check our document for
[OpenLDAP](./ldap.bulk.create.mail.users.html) and
* If you're running a busy mail server, we have [some suggestions for better
## Access webmail and other web applications
After installation successfully completed, you can access web-based programs
if you choose to install them. Replace `your_server` below by your real server
hostname or IP address.
* __Roundcube webmail__: <https://your_server/mail/>
* __SOGo Groupware__: <https://your_server/SOGo>
* __Web admin panel (iRedAdmin)__: <httpS://your_server/iredadmin/>
* __Awstats__: <httpS://your_server/awstats/> (or `?config=smtp` for SMTP log)
## Get technical support
Please post all issues, feedbacks, feature requests, suggestions in our [online
support forum](, it's more responsible than you