2019-02-04 00:20:03 +08:00

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LDAP: Add a (unsubscribeable) mailing list


!!! warning

The mailing list account mentioned in this tutorial is not subscribealbe.
For subscribeable mailing list, please read tutorial
[Manage subscribeable mailing lists](./manage.subscribeable.mailing.lists.html).

Add mail list with iRedAdmin-Pro

With iRedAdmin-Pro, you can easily add mail list account by click menu: Add -> Mail List in main navigation bar.

Add mail list with phpLDAPadmin

  • Login to phpLDAPadmin (httpS://[your_server]/phpldapadmin/)
  • Expand LDAP tree in left panel, find ou=Groups under your domain dn.
  • Click ou=Groups in left panel, then click Create a child entry in right panel.
  • Choose mailList in ObjectClasses list, then click Proceed.
  • Select mail as RDN, fill necessary values of attributes:
accountStatus: active
cn: demolist
enabledService: mail
enabledService: deliver
enabledService: displayedInGlobalAddressBook
objectClass: mailList

Now switch to ou=Users under you domain LDAP dn in left panel.

  • Expand ou=Users in left panel.
  • Find user account which you want to assign to new mail list we created above.
  • Click user account in left panel.
  • If attribute memberOfGroup exists in right panel:
    • click Add value under it and fill mail address of our new mail list. For example:
    • Click Update Object to save settings.
  • If attribute memberOfGroup doesn't exist in right panel:
    • Click Add new attribute in right panel
    • Choose memberOfGroup in drop-down list.
    • Fill mail address of our new mail list.
    • Click Update Object to save settings.

You can add as many memberOfGroup=xxx as you want, which means this user is assigned to many mail lists.

Here's sample to add external users as mail list members:

accountstatus: active
enabledservice: mail
enabledservice: deliver
objectclass: mailExternalUser

IMPORTANT NOTE: If you don't have any mail list member, Postfix will report error like below:

Aug  1 15:45:42 mail postfix/smtpd[6024]: NOQUEUE: reject: RCPT from unknown[]: 550 5.1.1
<>: Recipient address rejected: User unknown in virtual mailbox table; from=<>
 to=<> proto=ESMTP helo=<[]>

Mail list access policies

You can restrict who can send email to this mailing list by adding LDAP attribute accessPolicy. For example:

accesspolicy: domain

Available access policies are:

  • public: no restrictions.
  • domain: all users under same domain are allowed to send email to this mail list.
  • subdomain: all users under same domain and sub-domains are allowed to send email to this mail list.
  • membersonly: only members of this mail list are allowd.
  • moderatorsonly: only moderators of this mail list are allowed. Moderators are email addresses stored in SQL column alias.moderators. With iRedAPD-1.4.5, it's ok to use * as (one of) moderator for all users under mail domain ''.
  • membersandmoderatorsonly: only members and moderators of this mail list are allowed.

Access restriction is implemented in iRedAPD (a simple Postfix policy server), iRedMail has it enabled by default. You'd better check its config file /opt/iredapd/ to make sure plugin ldap_maillist_access_policy is enabled in parameter plugins = [].

See also