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Force mail user to change password in 90 days


How it works

iRedMail configures Roundcube webmail to store last password change date while user changed password. For MySQL/MariaDB/PostgreSQL backends, it's stored in SQL database vmail, column mailbox.passwordlastchange. For LDAP backends, it's stored in LDAP attribute shadowLastChange of user account. If user didn't change password before, or user account is newly created, the password last change date will be set to 0000-00-00 00:00:00.

iRedAPD has plugin to force mail users to change password before sending email:

  • sql_force_change_password: for SQL backends (MySQL, MariaDB and PostgreSQL).
  • ldap_force_change_password: for LDAP backends (OpenLDAP and OpenBSD built-in LDAP server ldapd(8)).

When user trying to send an email, iRedAPD will invoke this plugin to check password last change date stored in SQL/LDAP and compare it with current date. if password last change date is longer than specified days, this plugin rejects smtp session with specified message.

How to enable iRedAPD plugin

To enable this plugin, please list the plugin name in iRedAPD config file /opt/iredapd/, variable plugins =. For example:

# For SQL backends
plugins = [..., 'sql_force_change_password']

# For LDAP backends:
plugins = [..., 'ldap_force_change_password']

There're three optional settings pre-defined in /opt/iredapd/libs/, if you want to change them, please copy the parameter names and set proper values in /opt/iredapd/

# Force to change password in certain days.

# Reject reason.
# It's recommended to add URL of the web applications which user can login
# to change password in this message. e.g. Roundcube webmail, iRedAdmin-Pro.
CHANGE_PASSWORD_MESSAGE = 'Password expired or never changed, please change your password in webmail before sending email'

# Allow certain users or domains to never change password.
# sample values: ['', '']

Restarting iredapd service is required after changed /opt/iredapd/

Roundcube plugin: force_password_change

There's a third-party Roundcube plugin can force user to change password.

Roundcube will ALWAYS redirect user to Password page (offered by official Roundcube plugin password) until user changed the password.