
964 B

+++ title = "Installation" weight = 1 +++

Clone repository

Clone repository in your favorite folder projects.

git clone https://git.cuates.net/elmau/easymacro

and copy library into pythonpath in your macros.


or used hard link. Replace ABSOLUTE_PATH for absolute path in your system and USER for your real name user.

ln ABSOLUTE_PATH/easymacro/source/easymacro.py /home/USER/.config/libreoffice/4/user/Scripts/python/pythonpath/


In your favorite macros file, for example mymacros.py:

vim /home/USER/.config/libreoffice/4/user/Scripts/python/mymacros.py

copy this code:

import easymacro as app

def main():

and execute from LibreOffice, if you see similar next info, great!

Test instalation

you are ready for develop with easymacro.

Happy develop!