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# Tiempo
A [timetrap](https://github.com/samg/timetrap/) compatible command line time
tracking application. [Read the fine manual](https://tiempo.categulario.xyz).
## Installation
### For Archlinux (and derivatives) users
There are a binary and a source package in the AUR:
* [tiempo-bin](https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/tiempo-bin)
* [tiempo-git](https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/tiempo-git)
### For every other linux users
Go to [gitlab releases page](https://gitlab.com/categulario/tiempo-rs/-/releases)
and grab the latest binary for your linux. There is a `.deb` file for Debian and
Ubuntu as well as a binary for any `x86_64` Linux.
In the case of the tar archive you just need to recursively copy its contents
into `/usr` for it to work. It already has the directory structure needed for
the binary, man page and completions to work.
### For Rust developers
You have `cargo`! you can run:
cargo install tiempo
However that will not install the beautiful man page. Although you can still see
it at https://tiempo.categulario.xyz .
### For everyone else
You need to compile `tiempo` by yourself. But don't worry! It is not that hard.
Just clone [the repository](https://gitlab.com/categulario/tiempo-rs), make sure
you have [rust installed](https://rustup.rs) and run:
cargo build --release
inside the repository. The binary will be named `t` (or `t.exe` if you use
windows) and it is located inside the `target/release` directory that was
created during compilation.
## How to build
You need [rust](https://rustup.rs), then clone the repo and simply run
cargo test
to check that everything is working, and then
cargo build --release
to have a binary at `target/release/t` that you can then move to a
directory in your `PATH` or use it by its absoulte or relative paths.
t --help
to see the options.
### Development database
When developing I prefer not to mess with my own database, so I use this `.env`
export TIMETRAP_CONFIG_FILE=/absolute/path/to/repo/dev_config.toml
PS1="$ "
and when I want to test some commands against such config file I just source it:
source .env
cargo run -- in 'hola'
### Documentation
The docs are written using [sphinx](https://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/master/). To
install the required dependencies enter the `docs` directory and create a virual
virtualenv .venv
then activate it and install the dependencies:
source .venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
To build the docs just do:
make html
for the html version (output located at `docs/build/html`), or
make man
for the man page (output located at `docs/build/man/tiempo.1`). To test the man
page you can do:
man -l build/man/tiempo.1
To get a live-reloaded server with the html docs do:
sphinx-autobuild source/ build/html/
The contents of the man page are located in `docs/source/index.rst`,
formatted as
## Special Thanks
To [timetrap](https://github.com/samg/timetrap) for existing, to
[samg](https://github.com/samg) for creating it. It is the tool I was looking
for and whose design I took as reference, keeping compatibility when possible.
## Release checklist
(mostly to remind myself)
* [ ] Ensure tests pass and that clippy doesn't complain
* [ ] Add documentation about the new features
* [ ] Create an entry in `CHANGELOG.md` with the target version, stage it but
don't commit
* [ ] run `vbump`
* [ ] git push && git push --tags && cargo publish
* [ ] wait for release and then test the releases (aur bin and git and