// arc1.rs // Make this code compile by filling in a value for `shared_numbers` where the // TODO comment is and create an initial binding for `child_numbers` // somewhere. Try not to create any copies of the `numbers` Vec! // Execute `rustlings hint arc1` for hints :) // I AM NOT DONE use std::sync::Arc; use std::thread; fn main() { let numbers: Vec<_> = (0..100u32).collect(); let shared_numbers = // TODO let mut joinhandles = Vec::new(); for offset in 0..8 { joinhandles.push(thread::spawn(move || { let mut i = offset; let mut sum = 0; while i < child_numbers.len() { sum += child_numbers[i]; i += 5; } println!("Sum of offset {} is {}", offset, sum); })); } for handle in joinhandles.into_iter() { handle.join().unwrap(); } }