// structs1.rs // Address all the TODOs to make the tests pass! struct ColorClassicStruct { // TODO: Something goes here } struct ColorTupleStruct(/* TODO: Something goes here */); struct ColorUnitStruct; #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; #[test] fn classic_c_structs() { // TODO: Instantiate a classic c struct! // let green = assert_eq!(green.name, "green"); assert_eq!(green.hex, "#00FF00"); } #[test] fn tuple_structs() { // TODO: Instantiate a tuple struct! // For more fun, use the field initialization shorthand. // let green = assert_eq!(green.0, "green"); assert_eq!(green.1, "#00FF00"); } #[test] fn unit_structs() { // TODO: Instantiate a unit struct! // let green = if let ColorUnitStruct = green { assert!(true); } else { assert!(false); } } }