1. ```rust fn main() { let x = String::from("hello, world"); let y = x.clone(); println!("{},{}",x,y); } ``` ```rust fn main() { let x = "hello, world"; let y = x; println!("{},{}",x,y); } ``` ```rust fn main() { let x = &String::from("hello, world"); let y = x; println!("{},{}",x,y); } ``` ```rust fn main() { let x = 10; let y = x; println!("{},{}",x,y); } ``` 2. ```rust // Don't modify code in main! fn main() { let s1 = String::from("hello, world"); let s2 = take_ownership(s1); println!("{}", s2); } // Only modify the code below! fn take_ownership(s: String) -> String { println!("{}", s); s } ``` 3. ```rust fn main() { let s = give_ownership(); println!("{}", s); } // Only modify the code below! fn give_ownership() -> String { let s = String::from("hello, world"); // convert String to Vec let _s = s.as_bytes(); s } ``` ```rust fn main() { let s = give_ownership(); println!("{}", s); } // Only modify the code below! fn give_ownership() -> String { let s = String::from("hello, world"); s } ``` 4. ```rust fn main() { let s = String::from("hello, world"); print_str(s.clone()); println!("{}", s); } fn print_str(s: String) { println!("{}",s) } ``` 5. ```rust fn main() { let x = (1, 2, (), "hello"); let y = x; println!("{:?}, {:?}", x, y); } ``` 6. ```rust fn main() { let s = String::from("hello, "); // modify this line only ! let mut s1 = s; s1.push_str("world") } ``` 7. ```rust fn main() { let x = Box::new(5); let mut y = Box::new(3); // implement this line, dont change other lines! *y = 4; assert_eq!(*x, 5); } ``` 8. ```rust fn main() { let t = (String::from("hello"), String::from("world")); let _s = t.0; // modify this line only, don't use `_s` println!("{:?}", t.1); } ``` 9. ```rust fn main() { let t = (String::from("hello"), String::from("world")); // fill the blanks let (s1, s2) = t.clone(); println!("{:?}, {:?}, {:?}", s1, s2, t); // -> "hello", "world", ("hello", "world") } ```