1、 ```rust fn main() { let v: &str = "hello"; need_static(v); println!("Success!") } fn need_static(r : &'static str) { assert_eq!(r, "hello"); } ``` ```rust fn main() { const v: &str = "hello"; need_static(v); println!("Success!") } fn need_static(r : &'static str) { assert_eq!(r, "hello"); } ``` 2、 ```rust #[derive(Debug)] struct Config { a: String, b: String, } static mut config: Option<&mut Config> = None; fn init() -> Option<&'static mut Config> { let c = Box::new(Config { a: "A".to_string(), b: "B".to_string(), }); Some(Box::leak(c)) } fn main() { unsafe { config = init(); println!("{:?}",config) } } ``` 3、 ```rust fn main() { // Make a `string` literal and print it: let static_string = "I'm in read-only memory"; println!("static_string: {}", static_string); println!("static_string reference remains alive: {}", static_string); } ``` 5、 ```rust use std::fmt::Debug; fn print_it( input: T) { println!( "'static value passed in is: {:?}", input ); } fn print_it1( input: impl Debug + 'static ) { println!( "'static value passed in is: {:?}", input ); } fn print_it2( input: &T) { println!( "'static value passed in is: {:?}", input ); } fn main() { // i is owned and contains no references, thus it's 'static: const i:i32 = 5; print_it(i); // oops, &i only has the lifetime defined by the scope of // main(), so it's not 'static: print_it(&i); print_it1(&i); // but this one WORKS ! print_it2(&i); } ```