1. ```rust struct Array { data : [T; N] } fn main() { let arrays = [ Array{ data: [1, 2, 3], }, Array { data: [1, 2, 3], }, Array { data: [1, 2,4] } ]; } ``` 2. ```rust fn print_array(arr: [T; N]) { println!("{:?}", arr); } fn main() { let arr = [1, 2, 3]; print_array(arr); let arr = ["hello", "world"]; print_array(arr); } ``` 3. ```rust #![allow(incomplete_features)] #![feature(generic_const_exprs)] fn check_size(val: T) where Assert<{ core::mem::size_of::() < 768 }>: IsTrue, { //... } // fix the errors in main fn main() { check_size([0u8; 767]); check_size([0i32; 191]); check_size(["hello你好"; 47]); // &str is a string reference, containing a pointer and string length in it, so it takes two word long, in x86-64, 1 word = 8 bytes check_size(["hello你好".to_string(); 31]); // String is a smart pointer struct, it has three fields: pointer, length and capacity, each takes 8 bytes check_size(['中'; 191]); // A char takes 4 bytes in Rust } pub enum Assert {} pub trait IsTrue {} impl IsTrue for Assert {} ```