# Rust By Practice This book was designed for easily diving into Rust,and it's very easy to use: All you need to do is to make each exercise comipile without ERRORS and Panics ! ## Features - There are three parts in each chapter: examples, exercises and practices - Covering nearly all aspects of Rust, such as **async/await, threads, sync primitives, optimizing and stand libraries** etc - Solutions - Difficulty from easy to super hard: easy 🌟 medium 🌟🌟 hard 🌟🌟🌟 super hard 🌟🌟🌟🌟 - Both [English](https://practice.rs) and [Chinsese](https://zh.practice.rs) are supported ## ToC - [Variables](src/variables.md) - [Basic Types](src/basic-types/intro.md) - [Numbers](src/basic-types/numbers.md) - [Char, Bool and Unit](src/basic-types/char-bool-unit.md) - [Statements and Expressions](src/basic-types/statements-expressions.md) - [Functions](src/basic-types/functions.md) - [Ownership and Borrowing](src/ownership/intro.md) - [Ownership](src/ownership/ownership.md) - [Reference and Borrowing](src/ownership/borrowing.md) - [Compound Types](src/compound-types/intro.md) - [string](src/compound-types/string.md) - [Array](src/compound-types/array.md) - [Slice](src/compound-types/slice.md) - [Tuple](src/compound-types/tuple.md) - [Struct](src/compound-types/struct.md) - [Enum](src/compound-types/enum.md) - [Flow Control](src/flow-control.md) - [Pattern Match](src/pattern-match/intro.md) - [match, matches! and if let](src/pattern-match/match-iflet.md) - [Patterns](src/pattern-match/patterns.md)