# Flow control ### If/else 1. 🌟 ```rust,editable // Fill in the blanks fn main() { let n = 5; if n < 0 { println!("{} is negative", n); } __ n > 0 { println!("{} is positive", n); } __ { println!("{} is zero", n); } } ``` 2. 🌟🌟 `If/else` expression can be used in assignments. ```rust,editable // Fix the errors fn main() { let n = 5; let big_n = if n < 10 && n > -10 { println!(", and is a small number, increase ten-fold"); 10 * n } else { println!(", and is a big number, halve the number"); n / 2.0 ; } println!("{} -> {}", n, big_n); } ``` ### For 3. 🌟 The `for in` construct can be used to iterate through an Iterator, e.g a range `a..b`. ```rust,editable fn main() { for n in 1..=100 { // modify this line to make the code work if n == 100 { panic!("NEVER LET THIS RUN") } } println!("Success!"); } ``` 4. 🌟🌟 ```rust,editable // Fix the errors without adding or removing lines fn main() { let names = [String::from("liming"),String::from("hanmeimei")]; for name in names { // Do something with name... } println!("{:?}", names); let numbers = [1, 2, 3]; // The elements in numbers are Copy,so there is no move here for n in numbers { // Do something with name... } println!("{:?}", numbers); } ``` 5. 🌟 ```rust,editable fn main() { let a = [4, 3, 2, 1]; // Iterate the indexing and value in 'a' for (i,v) in a.__ { println!("The {}th element is {}",i+1,v); } } ``` ### While 6. 🌟🌟 The `while` keyword can be used to run a loop when a condition is true. ```rust,editable // Fill in the blanks to make the last println! work ! fn main() { // A counter variable let mut n = 1; // Loop while the condition is true while n __ 10 { if n % 15 == 0 { println!("fizzbuzz"); } else if n % 3 == 0 { println!("fizz"); } else if n % 5 == 0 { println!("buzz"); } else { println!("{}", n); } __; } println!("n reached {}, so loop is over",n); } ``` ### Continue and break 7. 🌟 Use `break` to break the loop. ```rust,editable // Fill in the blank fn main() { let mut n = 0; for i in 0..=100 { if n == 66 { __ } n += 1; } assert_eq!(n, 66); println!("Success!"); } ``` 8. 🌟🌟 `continue` will skip over the remaining code in current iteration and go to the next iteration. ```rust,editable // Fill in the blanks fn main() { let mut n = 0; for i in 0..=100 { if n != 66 { n+=1; __; } __ } assert_eq!(n, 66); println!("Success!"); } ``` ### Loop 9. 🌟🌟 Loop is usually used together with `break` or `continue`. ```rust,editable // Fill in the blanks fn main() { let mut count = 0u32; println!("Let's count until infinity!"); // Infinite loop loop { count += 1; if count == 3 { println!("three"); // Skip the rest of this iteration __; } println!("{}", count); if count == 5 { println!("OK, that's enough"); __; } } assert_eq!(count, 5); println!("Success!"); } ``` 10. 🌟🌟 Loop is an expression, so we can use it with `break` to return a value ```rust,editable // Fill in the blank fn main() { let mut counter = 0; let result = loop { counter += 1; if counter == 10 { __; } }; assert_eq!(result, 20); println!("Success!"); } ``` 11. 🌟🌟🌟 It's possible to break or continue outer loops when dealing with nested loops. In these cases, the loops must be annotated with some 'label, and the label must be passed to the break/continue statement. ```rust,editable // Fill in the blank fn main() { let mut count = 0; 'outer: loop { 'inner1: loop { if count >= 20 { // This would break only the inner1 loop break 'inner1; // `break` is also works. } count += 2; } count += 5; 'inner2: loop { if count >= 30 { // This breaks the outer loop break 'outer; } // This will continue the outer loop continue 'outer; } } assert!(count == __); println!("Success!"); } ``` > You can find the solutions [here](https://github.com/sunface/rust-by-practice)(under the solutions path), but only use it when you need it