
This commit is contained in:
sunface 2022-03-03 17:13:21 +08:00
parent 7ea642691e
commit a8f251fd2a
6 changed files with 202 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
struct A; // Concrete type `A`.
struct S(A); // Concrete type `S`.
struct SGen<T>(T); // Generic type `SGen`.
fn reg_fn(_s: S) {}
fn gen_spec_t(_s: SGen<A>) {}
fn gen_spec_i32(_s: SGen<i32>) {}
fn generic<T>(_s: SGen<T>) {}
fn main() {
// Using the non-generic functions
reg_fn(S(A)); // Concrete type.
gen_spec_t(SGen(A)); // Implicitly specified type parameter `A`.
gen_spec_i32(SGen(6)); // Implicitly specified type parameter `i32`.
// Explicitly specified type parameter `char` to `generic()`.
// Implicitly specified type parameter `char` to `generic()`.
fn sum<T:std::ops::Add<Output = T>>(x: T, y: T) -> T {
x + y
fn main() {
assert_eq!(5, sum(2i8, 3i8));
assert_eq!(50, sum(20, 30));
assert_eq!(2.46, sum(1.23, 1.23));
struct Point<T> {
x: T,
y: T,
fn main() {
let integer = Point { x: 5, y: 10 };
let float = Point { x: 1.0, y: 4.0 };
// modify this struct to make the code work
struct Point<T, U> {
x: T,
y: U,
fn main() {
// DON'T modify here
let p = Point{x: 5, y : "hello".to_string()};
struct Val<T> {
val: T,
impl<T> Val<T> {
fn value(&self) -> &T {
fn main() {
let x = Val{ val: 3.0 };
let y = Val{ val: "hello".to_string()};
println!("{}, {}", x.value(), y.value());

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@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
- [match, matches! and if let](pattern-match/
- [Patterns](pattern-match/
- [Method & Associated function](
- [Generics and Traits todo](generics-traits/
- [Generics and Traits](generics-traits/
- [Generics](generics-traits/
- [Traits](generics-traits/
- [Trait Object](generics-traits/

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@ -1 +1,98 @@
# Generics
### Functions
1. 🌟🌟🌟
// fill in the blanks to make it work
struct A; // Concrete type `A`.
struct S(A); // Concrete type `S`.
struct SGen<T>(T); // Generic type `SGen`.
fn reg_fn(_s: S) {}
fn gen_spec_t(_s: SGen<A>) {}
fn gen_spec_i32(_s: SGen<i32>) {}
fn generic<T>(_s: SGen<T>) {}
fn main() {
// Using the non-generic functions
reg_fn(__); // Concrete type.
gen_spec_t(__); // Implicitly specified type parameter `A`.
gen_spec_i32(__); // Implicitly specified type parameter `i32`.
// Explicitly specified type parameter `char` to `generic()`.
// Implicitly specified type parameter `char` to `generic()`.
2. 🌟🌟 A function call with explicitly specified type parameters looks like: `fun::<A, B, ...>()`.
// implement a generic function
fn sum
fn main() {
assert_eq!(5, sum(2i8, 3i8));
assert_eq!(50, sum(20, 30));
assert_eq!(2.46, sum(1.23, 1.23));
### Struct and `impl`
3. 🌟
// implement struct Point to make it work
fn main() {
let integer = Point { x: 5, y: 10 };
let float = Point { x: 1.0, y: 4.0 };
4. 🌟🌟
// modify this struct to make the code work
struct Point<T> {
x: T,
y: T,
fn main() {
// DON'T modify here
let p = Point{x: 5, y : "hello".to_string()};
5. 🌟🌟
// add generic for Val to make the code work, DON'T modify the code in `main`
struct Val {
val: f64,
impl Val {
fn value(&self) -> &f64 {
fn main() {
let x = Val{ val: 3.0 };
let y = Val{ val: "hello".to_string()};
println!("{}, {}", x.value(), y.value());
> You can find the solutions [here]( the solutions path), but only use it when you need it

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@ -1 +1,6 @@
# Generics and Traits
Learning resources:
- English: [Rust Book 10.1, 10.2](
- 简体中文: [Rust语言圣经 - 模式匹配](

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@ -1 +1,8 @@
# Traits
fn main() {
assert_eq!(5, sum(2i8, 3u8));
assert_eq!(50, sum(20, 30.1));

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@ -259,4 +259,7 @@ fn main() {
## Practice
> You can find the solutions [here]( the solutions path), but only use it when you need it