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# Cyclical and branched publishing:
from the anteroom to the digital «revolution»
Print publishing has never been easy. Since scribes
until printing it has been necessary to acomplish
several steps. Generally, there are:
1. Edit and proofread.
2. Graphic and layout design.
3. Compare and review.
4. Print.
5. Distribute.
6. Market and business management.
Before the digital «revolution» each step used to
set the rhythm in publishing. It was almost sure that
quality would decrease or an step would have to be
repeated if something went wrong. __The tasks in
traditional publishing had to go step by step and
trying to return as little as possible__.
This rhythm was also constrained to the existent
infrastructure, resources and demand. The rhythm
was consistent and «slow» before printing. After that
publishing processes got faster, costs went down and
demand went up.
Books stopped to being luxury goods and began to be
a common well. We could say that printing wasn't only
a «revolution» but also an «opening» of information.
This revolution created new crafts that specialized
among centuries. Techniques changed and improved over
time but until the middle of +++XX+++ century the
method was the same: __Publishing was an unilateral
progression until book's marketing__.
## In the digital «revolution»