# Fork All the content is under Licencia Editorial Abierta y Libre (+++LEAL+++). You can read it [here](https://gitlab.com/NikaZhenya/licencia-editorial-abierta-y-libre). “Licencia Editorial Abierta y Libre” is translated to “Open and Free Publishing License.” “+++LEAL+++” is the acronym but also means “loyal” in Spanish. With +++LEAL+++ you are free to use, copy, reedit, modify, share or sell any of this content under the following conditions: * Anything produced with this content must be under some type of +++LEAL+++. * All files---editable or final formats---must be on public access. * The sale can't be the only way to acquire the final product. * The generated surplus value can't be used for exploitation of labor. * The content can't be used for +++AI+++ or data mining. * The use of the content must not harm any collaborator. Now, you can fork this shit: * [GitLab](https://gitlab.com/NikaZhenya/publishing-is-coding) * [GitHub](https://github.com/NikaZhenya/publishing-is-coding) * [My server](http://git.cliteratu.re/publishing-is-coding/)