% Encoding: UTF-8 @InCollection{moore2014a, author = {Moore, Adam and Himma, Ken}, title = {Intellectual Property}, booktitle = {The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy}, publisher = {Metaphysics Research Lab, Stanford University}, year = {2014}, editor = {Edward N. Zalta}, edition = {Winter 2014}, file = {:recursos/ipstanford - Intellectual Property.html:URL}, keywords = {propiedad, intelectual, historia, stanford}, leido = {true}, timestamp = {2017-02-19}, url = {https://plato.stanford.edu/archives/win2014/entries/intellectual-property/}, } @Book{eco2016a, title = {Obra abierta}, publisher = {epublibre}, year = {2016}, author = {Eco, Umberto}, editor = {FLeCos}, file = {:recursos/Eco, Umberto - Obra abierta.epub:ePUB}, keywords = {obra, abierta}, leido = {false}, timestamp = {2016-04-15}, url = {https://epublibre.org/libro/detalle/29988}, } @InBook{fisher2016a, chapter = {Teorías de la propiedad intelectual}, title = {¿Propiedad intelectual? Una recopilación de ensayos críticos}, publisher = {Perro Triste}, year = {2016}, author = {Fisher, William}, editor = {Perro Triste}, isbn = {9786079718404}, file = {:recursos/PropiedadIntelectual.epub:ePUB}, leido = {true}, timestamp = {2017-02-19}, url = {https://github.com/ColectivoPerroTriste/Ebooks/blob/master/Colecci%C3%B3n%20Delta/Libros/Propiedad%20intelectual/PropiedadIntelectual.epub}, } @InBook{rangel2016a, chapter = {I. Conceptos fundamentales del derecho intelectual mexicano}, title = {Panorama del derecho mexicano. Derecho intelectual}, publisher = {UNAM}, year = {2016}, author = {Rangel Medina, David}, isbn = {9701019423}, file = {:recursos/conceptos-derecho-intelectual-mexicano.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {derecho, intelectual, mexicano}, timestamp = {2017-02-19}, url = {https://biblio.juridicas.unam.mx/bjv/detalle-libro/1912-panorama-del-derecho-mexicano-derecho-intelectual}, } @Article{stengel2004a, author = {Daniel Stengel}, title = {Intellectual Property in Philosophy}, journal = {ARSP: Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie / Archives for Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy}, year = {2004}, volume = {90}, number = {1}, pages = {20-50}, issn = {00012343}, abstract = {The article deals with the concept of intellectual property and its basis in different philosophical theories. First, the author gives a short historical overview of the development of intellectual property, locating its roots already in pre-historical society. It is followed by an examination of today's features of intellectual property, in contrast to 'regular' property. In the second part, the article analyses the theories of Locke, Kant, Hegel, Servan and Foucault to explain intellectual property, followed by a discussion which of their theories' features are reflected by today's intellectual property law.}, file = {:recursos/Intellectual Property in Philosophy.pdf:PDF}, leido = {true}, publisher = {Franz Steiner Verlag}, url = {http://www.jstor.org/stable/23681627}, } @Book{drahos1996a, title = {A Philosophy of Intellectual Property (Applied Legal Philosophy)}, publisher = {Dartmouth Pub Co}, year = {1996}, author = {Peter Drahos}, isbn = {1855212404,9781855212404}, file = {:recursos/Peter Drahos-A Philosophy of Intellectual Property (Applied Legal Philosophy)-Dartmouth Pub Co (1996).pdf:PDF}, leido = {false}, timestamp = {2017-02-19}, url = {http://gen.lib.rus.ec/book/index.php?md5=A9102DE4142FED0E1E3ACD70BE069EBB}, } @Book{lenk2007a, title = {Ethics and Law of Intellectual Property}, publisher = {Ashgate}, year = {2007}, author = {Lenk, Christian, Hoppe, Nils and Andorno, Roberto}, series = {Applied Legal Philosophy}, isbn = {0754626989,9780754626985,9780754685012}, file = {:recursos/(Applied Legal Philosophy) Christian Lenk, Nils Hoppe and Roberto Andorno, Christian Lenk, Nils Hoppe, roberto Andorno-Ethics and Law of Intellectual Property -Ashgate (2007).pdf:PDF}, leido = {false}, timestamp = {2017-02-19}, url = {http://gen.lib.rus.ec/book/index.php?md5=42A8D0A02740B6063E85AE70BD3CEFBB}, } @Book{lever2012a, title = {New Frontiers in the Philosophy of Intellectual Property}, publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, year = {2012}, author = {Lever, Annabelle}, series = {Cambridge Intellectual Property and Information Law}, isbn = {9781139525879,1139525875,9780511920837,0511920830,1283521946,9781283521949}, file = {:recursos/(Cambridge Intellectual Property and Information Law) Annabelle Lever (ed.)-New Frontiers in the Philosophy of Intellectual Property-Cambridge University Press (2012).pdf:PDF}, leido = {false}, url = {http://gen.lib.rus.ec/book/index.php?md5=94c9b1e4c70c84d18fd3e33cdaf52e0c}, } @Article{child1990a, author = {Child, James W.}, title = {The Moral Foundations of Intangible Property}, journal = {The Monist}, year = {1990}, volume = {73}, number = {4}, pages = {578-600}, issn = {00269662}, file = {:recursos/The moral foundations of intangible property.pdf:PDF}, leido = {false}, publisher = {Oxford University Press}, timestamp = {2017-02-19}, url = {http://www.jstor.org/stable/27903211}, } @Article{breakey2010a, author = {Breakey, Hugh}, title = {Natural Intellectual Property Rights and the Public Domain}, journal = {The Modern Law Review}, year = {2010}, volume = {73}, number = {2}, pages = {208-239}, issn = {00267961, 14682230}, abstract = {No natural rights theory justifies strong intellectual property rights. More specifically, no theory within the entire domain of natural rights thinking — encompassing classical liberalism, libertarianism and left-libertarianism, in all their innumerable variants — coherently supports strengthening current intellectual property rights. Despite their many important différences, all these natural rights theories endorse some set of members of a common family of basic ethical precepts. These commitments include non-interference, fairness, non-worsening, consistency, universalisability, prior consent, self-ownership, self-governance, and the establishment of zones of autonomy. Such commitments have clear applications pertaining to the use and ownership of created ideas. I argue that each of these commitments require intellectual property rights to be substantially limited in scope, strength and duration. In this way the core mechanisms of natural rights thinking ensure a robust public domain and categorically rule out strong intellectual property rights.}, file = {:recursos/Natural Intellectual Property Rights and the Public Domain.pdf:PDF}, leido = {false}, publisher = {[Modern Law Review, Wiley]}, timestamp = {2017-02-19}, url = {http://www.jstor.org/stable/40660697}, } @Article{barron2012a, author = {Barron, Anne}, title = {Kant, Copyright and Communicative Freedom}, journal = {Law and Philosophy}, year = {2012}, volume = {31}, number = {1}, pages = {1--48}, issn = {1573-0522}, abstract = {The rapid recent expansion of copyright law worldwide has sparked efforts to defend the `public domain' of non-propertized information, often on the ground that an expansive public domain is a condition of a `free culture'. Yet questions remain about why the public domain is worth defending, what exactly a free culture is, and what role (if any) authors' rights might play in relation to it. From the standard liberal perspective shared by many critics of copyright expansionism, the protection of individual expression by means of marketable property rights in authors' works serves as an engine of progress towards a fully competitive `marketplace of ideas' -- though only if balanced by an extensive public domain from which users may draw in the exercise of their own expressivity. This article shows that a significantly different, and arguably richer, conception of what a free culture is and how authors' rights underpin it emerges from a direct engagement with the philosophy of Immanuel Kant. For Kant, progress towards a fully emancipated (i.e. a `mature' or `enlightened') culture can only be achieved through the critical intellectual activity that public communication demands: individual expressive freedom is only a condition, not constitutive, of this `freedom to make public use of one's reason in all matters'. The main thesis defended in this article is that when Kant's writings on publicity (critical public debate) are read in relation to his writings on the legal organization of publishing, a necessary connection emerges between authors' rights -- as distinct from copyrights -- and what J{\"u}rgen Habermas and others have named the public sphere. I conclude that it is the public sphere, and not the public domain as such, that should serve as the key reference point in any evaluation of copyright law's role in relation to the possibility of a free culture.}, doi = {10.1007/s10982-011-9114-1}, file = {:recursos/Kant, Copyright and Communicative Freedom.pdf:PDF}, leido = {false}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10982-011-9114-1}, } @Booklet{barthes1968a, title = {La muerte del autor}, author = {Barthes, Roland}, year = {1968}, file = {:recursos/barthes1968a - La muerte del autor.html:URL}, leido = {true}, timestamp = {2017-02-19}, url = {http://www.cubaliteraria.cu/revista/laletradelescriba/n51/articulo-4.html}, } @Book{lessig2009a, title = {El código 2.0}, publisher = {Traficantes de Sueños}, year = {2009}, author = {Lessig, Lawrence}, editor = {Cabello, Florencio}, isbn = {9788496453388}, date = {2009-05-11}, ean = {9788496453388}, file = {:recursos/El código 2.0-TdS.pdf:PDF}, pagetotal = {563}, timestamp = {2017-02-19}, url = {https://www.traficantes.net/libros/el-codigo-20}, } @Book{lessig2011a, title = {Cultura libre}, publisher = {LOM Ediciones}, year = {2011}, author = {Lessig, Lawrence}, isbn = {9562827453}, file = {:recursos/cultura_libre.pdf:PDF}, timestamp = {2017-02-19}, url = {https://derechosdigitales.org/culturalibre/}, } @Book{bravo2005a, title = {Copia este libro}, year = {2005}, author = {Bravo Bueno, David}, file = {:recursos/David-Bravo-Copia-este-libro.pdf:PDF}, timestamp = {2017-02-19}, url = {http://elastico.net/archives/005194.html}, } @Booklet{foucault1999a, title = {¿Qué es un autor?}, author = {Foucault, Michel}, year = {1999}, file = {:recursos/¿Qué es un autor?.pdf:PDF}, leido = {true}, timestamp = {2017-02-19}, url = {http://www.saber.ula.ve/bitstream/123456789/15927/1/davila-autor.pdf}, } @Book{wayner2000a, title = {Free for All: How Linux and the Free Software Movement Undercut the High-Tech Titans}, publisher = {HarperBusiness}, year = {2000}, author = {Wayner, Peter}, isbn = {0066620503}, file = {:recursos/freeforall_4199.pdf:PDF}, timestamp = {2017-02-19}, url = {http://docview1.tlvnimg.com/tailieu/2013/20130123/nguyenhuucanh1212/freeforall_4199.pdf}, } @Book{stallman2010a, title = {Free as in Freedom (2.0)}, publisher = {Free Software Foundation, Inc}, year = {2010}, author = {Williams, Sam}, isbn = {9780983159216}, file = {:recursos/faif-2.0.pdf:PDF}, timestamp = {2017-02-19}, url = {https://sagitter.fedorapeople.org/faif-2.0.pdf}, } @Article{hettinger1989a, author = {Hettinger, Edwin C.}, title = {Justifying Intellectual Property}, journal = {Philosophy \& Public Affairs}, year = {1989}, volume = {18}, number = {1}, pages = {31-52}, issn = {00483915, 10884963}, file = {:recursos/Justifying Intellectual Property.pdf:PDF}, leido = {false}, publisher = {Wiley}, timestamp = {2017-02-19}, url = {http://www.jstor.org/stable/2265190}, } @InBook{shiffrin2007a, chapter = {Intellectual Property}, pages = {653-668}, title = {A Companion to Contemporary Political Philosophy}, publisher = {Blackwell}, year = {2007}, author = {Shiffrin, Seana Valentine}, editor = {Goodin, Robert E., Pettit, Philip and Pogge,Thomas}, isbn = {1405136537}, date = {2007-11-11}, ean = {9781405136532}, file = {:recursos/Intellectual_Property.pdf:PDF}, leido = {true}, pagetotal = {952}, timestamp = {2017-02-19}, url = {https://www.academia.edu/3428807/Intellectual_Property}, } @InBook{stallman2004a, chapter = {¿Por que las escuelas deberian usar solo software libre?}, title = {:(){ :|:\& };: Internet, hackers y software libre}, publisher = {Editora Fantasma}, year = {2004}, author = {Stallman, Richard}, editor = {Gradin, Carlos}, isbn = {9872180806}, file = {:recursos/Varios Autores - Internet hackers y software libre.epub:ePUB}, timestamp = {2017-02-19}, url = {http://www.epubgratis.org/internet-hackers-y-software-libre-carlos-gradin/}, } @Book{lessig2001a, title = {The Future of Ideas: The Fate of the Commons in a Connected World}, publisher = {Random House}, year = {2001}, author = {Lessig, Lawrence}, isbn = {0375505784}, file = {:recursos/lessig_FOI.pdf:PDF}, leido = {false}, timestamp = {2017-02-19}, url = {http://the-future-of-ideas.com/}, } @Misc{indautor1996a, title = {Ley Federal del Derecho de Autor}, year = {1996}, file = {:recursos/leyfederal.pdf:PDF}, timestamp = {2017-02-19}, url = {http://www.indautor.gob.mx/documentos_normas/leyfederal.pdf}, } @Article{palmer1990a, author = {Palmer, Tom G.}, title = {Are Patents and Copyrights Morally Justified? The Philosophy of Property Rights and Ideal Objects}, journal = {Harvard Journal of Law \& Public Policy}, year = {1990}, volume = {13}, number = {3}, pages = {817-865}, file = {:recursos/palmer-morallyjustified-harvard-v13n3.pdf:PDF}, leido = {false}, timestamp = {2017-02-19}, url = {http://tomgpalmer.com/wp-content/uploads/papers/palmer-morallyjustified-harvard-v13n3.pdf}, } @InBook{lopez2008a, chapter = {Los derechos de autor en la era del capitalismo cultural}, title = {Propiedad intelectual, nuevas tecnologías y libre acceso a la cultura}, publisher = {Centro Cultural de España en México — Universidad de las Américas Puebla}, year = {2008}, author = {López, Alberto and Ramírez, Eduardo}, editor = {López, Albert and Ramírez, Eduardo}, isbn = {9786077690}, file = {:recursos/Propiedad_intelectual_nuevas_tecnologias.pdf:PDF}, timestamp = {2017-02-19}, url = {https://www.academia.edu/2057461/Propiedad_intelectual_nuevas_tecnolog%C3%ADas_y_libre_acceso_a_la_cultura_-_Alberto_L%C3%B3pez_Cuenca_Eduardo_Ram%C3%ADrez_Pedrajo_coordinadores_}, } @Book{9788498884548, title = {Remix : cultura de la remezcla y derechos de autor en el entorno digital}, publisher = {Icaria editorial}, year = {2012}, author = {Lessig, Lawrence}, isbn = {9788498884548}, date = {2012-10-11}, ean = {9788498884548}, file = {:recursos/REMIX.pdf:PDF}, leido = {false}, pagetotal = {368}, timestamp = {2017-02-19}, url = {http://icariaeditorial.com/pdf_libros/REMIX.pdf}, } @Book{rose1993a, title = {Authors and Owners: The Invention of Copyright}, publisher = {Harvard University Press}, year = {1993}, author = {Rose, Mark}, isbn = {0674053087}, file = {:recursos/Rose_Mark_Authors_and_Owners_The_Invention_of_Copyright.pdf:PDF}, leido = {false}, timestamp = {2017-02-19}, url = {https://monoskop.org/File:Rose_Mark_Authors_and_Owners_The_Invention_of_Copyright.pdf}, } @Misc{schroeder2004a, author = {Schroeder, Jeanne}, title = {Unnatural Rights: Hegel And Intellectual Propery}, year = {2004}, file = {:recursos/Unnatural Rights\: Hegel And Intellectual Propery.pdf:PDF}, leido = {false}, timestamp = {2017-02-19}, url = {https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=518182}, } @InBook{himma2006a, chapter = {Justifying Intellectual Property Protection: Why the Interests of Content-Creators Usually Wins Over Everyone Else’s}, title = {Information, Technology and Social Justice}, publisher = {Idea Group}, year = {2006}, author = {Himma, Kenneth Einar}, editor = {Rooksby, Emma}, file = {:recursos/Justifying Intellectual Property Protection.pdf:PDF}, leido = {false}, timestamp = {2017-02-19}, url = {https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=840584}, } @InBook{moore2008a, chapter = {Personality-Based, Rule-Utilitarian, and Lockean Justifications of Intellectual Property}, pages = {105-130}, title = {The Handbook of Information and Computer Ethics}, publisher = {John Wiley \& Sons, Inc.}, year = {2008}, author = {Moore, Adam D.}, editor = {Himma, Kenneth Einar}, file = {:recursos/Personality-Based, Rule-Utilitarian, and Lockean Justifications of Intellectual Property.pdf:PDF}, leido = {true}, timestamp = {2017-02-19}, url = {https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=1980852}, } @Article{moore2012a, author = {Moore, Adam D.}, title = {A Lockean Theory of Intellectual Property Revisited}, journal = {San Diego Law Review}, year = {2012}, volume = {50}, file = {:recursos/A Lockean Theory of Intellectual Property Revisited.pdf:PDF}, leido = {false}, timestamp = {2017-02-19}, url = {https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2099073}, } @InBook{kuflik1989a, chapter = {The Moral Foundations of Intellectual Property Rights}, title = {Owning Scientific and Technical Information}, publisher = {Rutgers University Press}, year = {1989}, author = {Kuflik, Arthur}, editor = {Weil, V. and Snapper, J.}, file = {:recursos/ch3MoralFoundations.doc:Word}, leido = {false}, timestamp = {2017-02-19}, url = {http://storm.cis.fordham.edu/~cschweikert/csrv4650/ch3MoralFoundations.doc}, } @Article{hughes1988a, author = {Hughes, Justin}, title = {The Philosophy of Intellectual Property}, journal = {Georgetown Law Journal}, year = {1988}, file = {:recursos/The Philosophy of Intellectual Property.pdf:PDF}, leido = {true}, timestamp = {2017-02-19}, url = {http://www.justinhughes.net/docs/a-ip01.pdf}, } @InBook{locke2006a, chapter = {De la propiedad}, pages = {32-55}, title = {Segundo Tratado sobre el Gobierno Civil}, publisher = {Tecnos}, year = {2006}, author = {Locke, John}, editor = {Mellizo, Carlos}, isbn = {9788430944354}, file = {:recursos/locke-segundo-tratado-sobre-el-gobierno-civil.pdf:PDF}, timestamp = {2017-02-19}, url = {https://dairoorozco.files.wordpress.com/2013/01/locke-segundo-tratado-sobre-el-gobierno-civil.pdf}, } @InBook{hegel2005a, chapter = {La propiedad}, pages = {125-160}, title = {Principios de la filosofía del derecho}, publisher = {Editora y Distribuidora Hispano Americana, S.A. (EDHASA)}, year = {2005}, author = {Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich}, isbn = {843502704X}, date = {2005-05-11}, ean = {9788435027045}, file = {:recursos/[Hegel] Principios-de-la-Filosofia-del-Derecho.pdf:PDF}, leido = {false}, pagetotal = {512}, timestamp = {2017-02-19}, url = {https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=sites&srcid=ZGVmYXVsdGRvbWFpbnxlc3RldGljYXBvbGl0aWNhMjAxNHxneDo0MjUwYjg2MzUwZGY2ZDk1}, } @Book{kant2005a, title = {La metafísica de las costumbres}, publisher = {Editorial Tecnos}, year = {2005}, author = {Kant, Immanuel}, isbn = {9788430943425}, note = {Principalmente «¿Qué es un libro?»}, date = {2005-09-11}, ean = {9788430943425}, file = {:recursos/219559856-Kant-La-Metafisica-de-Las-Costumbres.pdf:PDF}, leido = {false}, pagetotal = {472}, timestamp = {2017-02-19}, url = {https://es.scribd.com/doc/219559856/Kant-La-Metafisica-de-Las-Costumbres}, } @Article{hall2009a, author = {Hall, Gary}, title = {Introduction: Pirate Philosophy}, journal = {Culture Machine}, year = {2009}, volume = {10}, pages = {1-5}, issn = {14654121}, file = {:recursos/Introduction\: Pirate Philosophy.pdf:PDF}, leido = {false}, timestamp = {2017-02-20}, url = {http://www.culturemachine.net/index.php/cm/issue/view/21}, } @Article{mcleod2009a, author = {McLeod, Kembrew}, title = {Crashing the Spectacle: A Forgotten History of Digital Sampling, Infringement, Copyright Liberation and the End of Recorded Music}, journal = {Culture Machine}, year = {2009}, volume = {10}, pages = {114-130}, issn = {14654121}, file = {:recursos/Crashing the Spectacle.pdf:PDF}, leido = {false}, timestamp = {2017-02-20}, url = {http://www.culturemachine.net/index.php/cm/issue/view/21}, } @Book{hall2016a, title = {Pirate Philosophy: For a Digital Posthumanities}, publisher = {MIT Press}, year = {2016}, author = {Hall, Gary}, isbn = {9780262034401}, abstract = {

InPirate Philosophy, Gary Hall considers whether the fight against the neoliberal corporatization of higher education in fact requires scholars to transform their own lives and labor. Is there a way for philosophers and theorists to act not justfororwiththe antiausterity and student protestors -- "graduates without a future" -- butin terms oftheir political struggles? Drawing on such phenomena as peer-to-peer file sharing and anticopyright/pro-piracy movements, Hall explores how those in academia can move beyond finding new ways ofthinkingabout the world to find instead new ways ofbeingtheorists and philosophers in the world.Hall describes the politics of online sharing, the battles against the current intellectual property regime, and the actions of Anonymous, LulzSec, Aaron Swartz, and others, and he explains Creative Commons and the open access, open source, and free software movements. But in the heart of the book he considers how, when it comes to scholarly ways of creating, performing, and sharing knowledge, philosophers and theorists can challenge not just the neoliberal model of the entrepreneurial academic but also the traditional humanist model with its received ideas of proprietorial authorship, the book, originality, fixity, and the finished object. In other words, can scholars and students today become something like pirate philosophers?

}, file = {:recursos/Pirate-Philosophy-For-a-Digital-Posthumanities.pdf:PDF}, leido = {false}, timestamp = {2017-02-20}, url = {https://es.scribd.com/document/317868896/Pirate-Philosophy-For-a-Digital-Posthumanities#}, } @Article{hall2012a, author = {Hall, Gary}, title = {Pirate Radical Philosophy}, journal = {Radical Philosophy}, year = {2012}, number = {173}, pages = {33-40}, file = {:recursos/Pirate_Radical_Philosophy.pdf:PDF}, leido = {false}, timestamp = {2017-02-20}, url = {https://www.academia.edu/11929908/Pirate_Radical_Philosophy}, } @Article{hall2016b, author = {Hall, Gary and Adema, J.}, title = {Posthumanities: The Dark Side of "The Dark Side of the Digital"}, journal = {Journal of Electronic Publishing}, year = {2016}, volume = {19}, number = {2}, file = {:recursos/Posthumanities\: The Dark Side.pdf:PDF}, leido = {false}, timestamp = {2017-02-20}, url = {https://curve.coventry.ac.uk/open/file/71be4277-6fd3-40b4-a704-a8bee58efdfe/1/halldisruptcomb.pdf}, } @Article{hall2009b, author = {Hall, Gary}, title = {Pirate Philosophy (Version 1.0): Open Access, Open Editing, Free Content, Free/Libre/Open Media}, journal = {Culture Machine}, year = {2009}, volume = {10}, file = {:recursos/piratephilosophy.pdf:PDF}, leido = {false}, timestamp = {2017-02-20}, url = {http://aaaaarg.fail/thing/51c584176c3a0ed90bac0700}, } @InBook{stallman2016a, chapter = {El manifiesto de GNU}, title = {¿Propiedad intelectual? Una recopilación de ensayos críticos}, publisher = {Perro Triste}, year = {2016}, author = {Stallman, Richard}, editor = {Perro Triste}, isbn = {9786079718404}, file = {:recursos/PropiedadIntelectual.epub:ePUB}, timestamp = {2017-02-19}, url = {https://github.com/ColectivoPerroTriste/Ebooks/blob/master/Colecci%C3%B3n%20Delta/Libros/Propiedad%20intelectual/PropiedadIntelectual.epub}, } @InBook{ortmann2016a, chapter = {Software libre, géneros y (des)igualdad: expandir los horizontes de la libertad}, title = {¿Propiedad intelectual? Una recopilación de ensayos críticos}, publisher = {Perro Triste}, year = {2016}, author = {Ortmann, Cecilia}, editor = {Perro Triste}, isbn = {9786079718404}, file = {:recursos/PropiedadIntelectual.epub:ePUB}, timestamp = {2017-02-19}, url = {https://github.com/ColectivoPerroTriste/Ebooks/blob/master/Colecci%C3%B3n%20Delta/Libros/Propiedad%20intelectual/PropiedadIntelectual.epub}, } @InBook{raymond2016a, chapter = {La catedral y el bazar}, title = {¿Propiedad intelectual? Una recopilación de ensayos críticos}, publisher = {Perro Triste}, year = {2016}, author = {Raymond, Eric Steven}, editor = {Perro Triste}, isbn = {9786079718404}, file = {:recursos/PropiedadIntelectual.epub:ePUB}, timestamp = {2017-02-19}, url = {https://github.com/ColectivoPerroTriste/Ebooks/blob/master/Colecci%C3%B3n%20Delta/Libros/Propiedad%20intelectual/PropiedadIntelectual.epub}, } @InBook{levy2016a, chapter = {El anillo de oro}, title = {¿Propiedad intelectual? Una recopilación de ensayos críticos}, publisher = {Perro Triste}, year = {2016}, author = {Lévy, Pierre}, editor = {Perro Triste}, isbn = {9786079718404}, file = {:recursos/PropiedadIntelectual.epub:ePUB}, timestamp = {2017-02-19}, url = {https://github.com/ColectivoPerroTriste/Ebooks/blob/master/Colecci%C3%B3n%20Delta/Libros/Propiedad%20intelectual/PropiedadIntelectual.epub}, } @InBook{papatheo2016a, chapter = {Propiedad intelectual, copyright, patentes}, title = {¿Propiedad intelectual? Una recopilación de ensayos críticos}, publisher = {Perro Triste}, year = {2016}, author = {Papathéodorou, Aris}, editor = {Perro Triste}, isbn = {9786079718404}, file = {:recursos/PropiedadIntelectual.epub:ePUB}, timestamp = {2017-02-19}, url = {https://github.com/ColectivoPerroTriste/Ebooks/blob/master/Colecci%C3%B3n%20Delta/Libros/Propiedad%20intelectual/PropiedadIntelectual.epub}, } @InBook{barlow2016a, chapter = {Vender vino sin botellas}, title = {¿Propiedad intelectual? Una recopilación de ensayos críticos}, publisher = {Perro Triste}, year = {2016}, author = {Barlow, John Perry}, editor = {Perro Triste}, isbn = {9786079718404}, file = {:recursos/PropiedadIntelectual.epub:ePUB}, timestamp = {2017-02-19}, url = {https://github.com/ColectivoPerroTriste/Ebooks/blob/master/Colecci%C3%B3n%20Delta/Libros/Propiedad%20intelectual/PropiedadIntelectual.epub}, } @InBook{ming2016a, chapter = {Copyright y maremoto}, title = {¿Propiedad intelectual? Una recopilación de ensayos críticos}, publisher = {Perro Triste}, year = {2016}, author = {Ming, Wu}, editor = {Perro Triste}, isbn = {9786079718404}, file = {:recursos/PropiedadIntelectual.epub:ePUB}, timestamp = {2017-02-19}, url = {https://github.com/ColectivoPerroTriste/Ebooks/blob/master/Colecci%C3%B3n%20Delta/Libros/Propiedad%20intelectual/PropiedadIntelectual.epub}, } @InBook{rendueles2016a, chapter = {Copiar, robar, mandar}, title = {¿Propiedad intelectual? Una recopilación de ensayos críticos}, publisher = {Perro Triste}, year = {2016}, author = {Rendueles, César}, editor = {Perro Triste}, isbn = {9786079718404}, file = {:recursos/PropiedadIntelectual.epub:ePUB}, timestamp = {2017-02-19}, url = {https://github.com/ColectivoPerroTriste/Ebooks/blob/master/Colecci%C3%B3n%20Delta/Libros/Propiedad%20intelectual/PropiedadIntelectual.epub}, } @InBook{bollier2016a, chapter = {El redescubrimiento del procomún}, title = {¿Propiedad intelectual? Una recopilación de ensayos críticos}, publisher = {Perro Triste}, year = {2016}, author = {Bollier, David}, editor = {Perro Triste}, isbn = {9786079718404}, file = {:recursos/PropiedadIntelectual.epub:ePUB}, timestamp = {2017-02-19}, url = {https://github.com/ColectivoPerroTriste/Ebooks/blob/master/Colecci%C3%B3n%20Delta/Libros/Propiedad%20intelectual/PropiedadIntelectual.epub}, } @InBook{sanchez2016a, chapter = {¿Software libre o de élite?}, title = {¿Propiedad intelectual? Una recopilación de ensayos críticos}, publisher = {Perro Triste}, year = {2016}, author = {Sánchez, León Felipe}, editor = {Perro Triste}, isbn = {9786079718404}, file = {:recursos/PropiedadIntelectual.epub:ePUB}, timestamp = {2017-02-19}, url = {https://github.com/ColectivoPerroTriste/Ebooks/blob/master/Colecci%C3%B3n%20Delta/Libros/Propiedad%20intelectual/PropiedadIntelectual.epub}, } @InBook{nivon2016a, chapter = {Propiedad intelectual y política cultural}, title = {¿Propiedad intelectual? Una recopilación de ensayos críticos}, publisher = {Perro Triste}, year = {2016}, author = {Nivón, Eduardo}, editor = {Perro Triste}, isbn = {9786079718404}, file = {:recursos/PropiedadIntelectual.epub:ePUB}, timestamp = {2017-02-19}, url = {https://github.com/ColectivoPerroTriste/Ebooks/blob/master/Colecci%C3%B3n%20Delta/Libros/Propiedad%20intelectual/PropiedadIntelectual.epub}, } @InBook{ringenbach2016a, chapter = {El proyecto Creative Commons en México}, title = {¿Propiedad intelectual? Una recopilación de ensayos críticos}, publisher = {Perro Triste}, year = {2016}, author = {Ringenbach, Jorge}, editor = {Perro Triste}, isbn = {9786079718404}, file = {:recursos/PropiedadIntelectual.epub:ePUB}, timestamp = {2017-02-19}, url = {https://github.com/ColectivoPerroTriste/Ebooks/blob/master/Colecci%C3%B3n%20Delta/Libros/Propiedad%20intelectual/PropiedadIntelectual.epub}, } @InBook{rojo2016a, chapter = {Fundamentos filosóficos de la doctrina del fair use}, title = {¿Propiedad intelectual? Una recopilación de ensayos críticos}, publisher = {Perro Triste}, year = {2016}, author = {Rojo, Facundo}, editor = {Perro Triste}, isbn = {9786079718404}, file = {:recursos/PropiedadIntelectual.epub:ePUB}, timestamp = {2017-02-19}, url = {https://github.com/ColectivoPerroTriste/Ebooks/blob/master/Colecci%C3%B3n%20Delta/Libros/Propiedad%20intelectual/PropiedadIntelectual.epub}, } @InBook{stallman2004b, chapter = {Libertad, ¿o copyright?}, title = {:(){ :|:\& };: Internet, hackers y software libre}, publisher = {Editora Fantasma}, year = {2004}, author = {Stallman, Richard}, editor = {Gradin, Carlos}, isbn = {9872180806}, file = {:recursos/Varios Autores - Internet hackers y software libre.epub:ePUB}, timestamp = {2017-02-19}, url = {http://www.epubgratis.org/internet-hackers-y-software-libre-carlos-gradin/}, } @InBook{stallman2004c, chapter = {La ciencia debe sacarse el copyright de encima}, title = {:(){ :|:\& };: Internet, hackers y software libre}, publisher = {Editora Fantasma}, year = {2004}, author = {Stallman, Richard}, editor = {Gradin, Carlos}, isbn = {9872180806}, file = {:recursos/Varios Autores - Internet hackers y software libre.epub:ePUB}, timestamp = {2017-02-19}, url = {http://www.epubgratis.org/internet-hackers-y-software-libre-carlos-gradin/}, } @InBook{gilmore2004a, chapter = {Privacidad, tecnologia y sociedad abierta}, title = {:(){ :|:\& };: Internet, hackers y software libre}, publisher = {Editora Fantasma}, year = {2004}, author = {Gilmore, John}, editor = {Gradin, Carlos}, isbn = {9872180806}, file = {:recursos/Varios Autores - Internet hackers y software libre.epub:ePUB}, timestamp = {2017-02-19}, url = {http://www.epubgratis.org/internet-hackers-y-software-libre-carlos-gradin/}, } @InBook{boeta2008a, chapter = {¿Limitar legalmente el acceso a la cultura?}, title = {Propiedad intelectual, nuevas tecnologías y libre acceso a la cultura}, publisher = {Centro Cultural de España en México — Universidad de las Américas Puebla}, year = {2008}, author = {Boeta, Sergio Augusto}, editor = {López, Albert and Ramírez, Eduardo}, isbn = {9786077690}, file = {:recursos/Propiedad_intelectual_nuevas_tecnologias.pdf:PDF}, timestamp = {2017-02-19}, url = {https://www.academia.edu/2057461/Propiedad_intelectual_nuevas_tecnolog%C3%ADas_y_libre_acceso_a_la_cultura_-_Alberto_L%C3%B3pez_Cuenca_Eduardo_Ram%C3%ADrez_Pedrajo_coordinadores_}, } @InBook{arkaute2008a, chapter = {Producción artística y copyleft en el nuevo entorno digital}, title = {Propiedad intelectual, nuevas tecnologías y libre acceso a la cultura}, publisher = {Centro Cultural de España en México — Universidad de las Américas Puebla}, year = {2008}, author = {Arkaute, Natxo Rodríguez}, editor = {López, Albert and Ramírez, Eduardo}, isbn = {9786077690}, file = {:recursos/Propiedad_intelectual_nuevas_tecnologias.pdf:PDF}, timestamp = {2017-02-19}, url = {https://www.academia.edu/2057461/Propiedad_intelectual_nuevas_tecnolog%C3%ADas_y_libre_acceso_a_la_cultura_-_Alberto_L%C3%B3pez_Cuenca_Eduardo_Ram%C3%ADrez_Pedrajo_coordinadores_}, } @InBook{jimenez2008a, chapter = {Escuela, arte y nuevas tecnologías}, title = {Propiedad intelectual, nuevas tecnologías y libre acceso a la cultura}, publisher = {Centro Cultural de España en México — Universidad de las Américas Puebla}, year = {2008}, author = {Jiménez, Lucina}, editor = {López, Albert and Ramírez, Eduardo}, isbn = {9786077690}, file = {:recursos/Propiedad_intelectual_nuevas_tecnologias.pdf:PDF}, timestamp = {2017-02-19}, url = {https://www.academia.edu/2057461/Propiedad_intelectual_nuevas_tecnolog%C3%ADas_y_libre_acceso_a_la_cultura_-_Alberto_L%C3%B3pez_Cuenca_Eduardo_Ram%C3%ADrez_Pedrajo_coordinadores_}, } @InBook{yudice2008a, chapter = {El copyright: instrumento de expropiación y resistencia}, title = {Propiedad intelectual, nuevas tecnologías y libre acceso a la cultura}, publisher = {Centro Cultural de España en México — Universidad de las Américas Puebla}, year = {2008}, author = {Yúdice, George}, editor = {López, Albert and Ramírez, Eduardo}, isbn = {9786077690}, file = {:recursos/Propiedad_intelectual_nuevas_tecnologias.pdf:PDF}, timestamp = {2017-02-19}, url = {https://www.academia.edu/2057461/Propiedad_intelectual_nuevas_tecnolog%C3%ADas_y_libre_acceso_a_la_cultura_-_Alberto_L%C3%B3pez_Cuenca_Eduardo_Ram%C3%ADrez_Pedrajo_coordinadores_}, } @InBook{arteaga2008a, chapter = {Marco legal del derecho de autor en México}, title = {Propiedad intelectual, nuevas tecnologías y libre acceso a la cultura}, publisher = {Centro Cultural de España en México — Universidad de las Américas Puebla}, year = {2008}, author = {Arteaga, Carmen}, editor = {López, Albert and Ramírez, Eduardo}, isbn = {9786077690}, file = {:recursos/Propiedad_intelectual_nuevas_tecnologias.pdf:PDF}, timestamp = {2017-02-19}, url = {https://www.academia.edu/2057461/Propiedad_intelectual_nuevas_tecnolog%C3%ADas_y_libre_acceso_a_la_cultura_-_Alberto_L%C3%B3pez_Cuenca_Eduardo_Ram%C3%ADrez_Pedrajo_coordinadores_}, } @Comment{jabref-meta: databaseType:bibtex;}