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<h1 class="article-h1 header">Terms and Conditions of Use</h1>
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<h2 class="h3">1.&nbsp;Welcome to JSTOR</h2>
<p class="text-justify">JSTORs integrated digital platform (the “JSTOR
Platform”) is a trusted digital library providing for long-term
preservation and access to leading academic journals and other scholarly
materials from around the world. JSTOR is part of ITHAKA, a
not-for-profit organization with a mission to help the scholarly
community take advantage of advances in technology, and is supported by
libraries, scholarly societies, publishers, and foundations.</p>
<p>By using JSTOR, you agree to these Terms and Conditions of Use, which
may be subject to an agreement entered into between JSTOR and a users
affiliated institution, such as a users university (“Institutional
Participation Agreement”). If you have questions about your affiliated
institutions participation agreement with JSTOR, please contact your
<h2 class="h3">2.&nbsp;Authorized Users</h2>
<p>Access to content on JSTOR is available for “Authorized Users”, meaning:</p>
<p style="padding-left: 30px;"><strong>(a)</strong> individuals who are
affiliated with an Institutional Licensee, defined as an institution
(such as a college, university, secondary school, public library,
museum, foundation, government agency, research center or corporate and
for-profit organization) that maintains a valid Institutional
Participation Agreement with JSTOR.</p>
<p style="padding-left: 30px;">This includes, as applicable:</p>
<p style="padding-left: 60px;"><strong>i</strong> currently enrolled students (including distance education students);</p>
<p style="padding-left: 60px;"><strong>ii</strong> on an ad hoc basis,
researchers and lecturers affiliated and/or visiting under the terms of
an agreement with the Institutional Licensee;</p>
<p style="padding-left: 60px;"><strong>iii</strong> full and part-time staff;</p>
<p style="padding-left: 60px;"><strong>iv</strong> on-site users physically present and authorized to be on the Institutional Licensees premises (“Walk-In Users”);</p>
<p style="padding-left: 60px;"><strong>v</strong> for public libraries,
off-site users accessing the Licensed Content through a sessions-based
arrangement entered into between JSTOR and the library; and,</p>
<p style="padding-left: 60px;"><strong>vi</strong> for higher education
Institutional Licensees that participate in JSTORs Alumni Access
Program, individuals who have earned a degree, namely a Bachelors,
Masters, Doctorate, medical degree or their equivalent, from the
Institutional Licensee.</p>
<p style="padding-left: 30px;"><strong>(b)</strong> individual members
of scholarly societies that have entered into an agreement with JSTOR
for access to specific Content via the JSTOR Platform (“Individual
Access”); and</p>
<p style="padding-left: 30px;"><strong>(c)</strong> other users of specified Content agreed upon in writing by or on behalf of JSTOR, including users of</p>
<p style="padding-left: 60px;"><strong>i</strong> Data for Research;</p>
<p style="padding-left: 60px;"><strong>ii</strong> the Publisher Sales Service (a service through which JSTOR facilitates users purchase of content from publishers);</p>
<p style="padding-left: 60px;"><strong>iii</strong> individual researchers not affiliated with an Institutional Licensee, publication, or scholarly society;</p>
<p style="padding-left: 60px;"><strong>iv</strong> individual users of Early Journal Content;</p>
<p style="padding-left: 60px;"><strong>v</strong> individuals who have
successfully registered with MyJSTOR or MyPlants but do not otherwise
meet any of the criteria for Authorized Users (“Register Read Users”)
<p style="padding-left: 60px;"><strong>vi</strong> individuals who have
successfully purchased access through JPASS (a service through which
individuals can purchase access to JPASS Content as defined below)
(“JPASS Users”).</p>
<h2 class="h3">3.&nbsp;The Content</h2>
<p>3.1 “Content” means the collective of:</p>
<ul class="w-indent">
<li>“Books”, defined as complete books and/or portions of such books, such as book chapters.</li>
<li>“Early Journal Content”, defined as journal content (as distinct
from pamphlets, manuscripts, monographs or other content) that has been
published prior to 1923 in the United States or prior to 1870 if
initially published internationally.</li>
<li>“GIS Data” is spatial/geographic information systems (“GIS”) data
contained within the Cultural Heritage Sites and Landscapes and
Struggles for Freedom in South Africa Collections.</li>
<li>“Global Plants Content”, defined as plant specimens.</li>
<li>“Journals Hosting Content”, defined as journals licensed by
Institutional Licensees or other Authorized Users directly from the
applicable publisher for access on the JSTOR Platform, such content not
otherwise included in a JSTOR Collection as defined below.</li>
<li>“JSTOR Collections Content”, defined as journal volumes and issues
which have been curated by JSTOR into Archive and Thematic Collections
as well as grey literature, including but not limited to research
reports, white papers, working papers, policy papers, government
documents, and newsletters.</li>
<li>“Open Access Content”, defined as specified items of Content that are labeled “Open Access”.</li>
<li>“Primary Source Materials”, defined as the Cultural Heritage Sites,
Landscapes and Struggles for Freedom in South Africa Collections as well
as any other primary source materials curated by JSTOR into Primary
Source or other collections.</li>
<li>other materials made available by JSTOR.</li>
<p>3.2 “Licensed Content” means the Content for which an Authorized
Users affiliated Institutional Licensee has licensed access, or the
Content available to an Authorized User through Individual Access,
JPASS, the Publisher Sales Service, or other programs. For more
information about the JSTOR material licensed by your affiliated
Institutional Licensee, please contact your librarian.</p>
<p>3.3&nbsp; Authorized Users of Institutional Licensees who subscribe
to the Artstor Digital Library may also encounter on or via the JSTOR
platform content from JSTORs affiliate Artstor.&nbsp; The Artstor
Digital Library content, which will be indicated with <img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-4228" src="jstor2018a%20Archivos/Artstor-banner.jpg" alt="" width="73" height="28">, shall be solely subject to the Artstor Terms and Conditions of Use at <a href=""></a> (or version thereof agreed to by the Authorized Users institution).</p>
<h2 class="h3">4. Permitted Uses of the Content</h2>
<p>4.1 Institutional Licensees and/or Authorized Users may search, view,
reproduce, display, download, print, perform, and distribute Licensed
Content for the following Permitted Uses, provided they abide by the
restrictions in this Section 4, Section 5 and elsewhere in these Terms
and Conditions of Use:</p>
<p style="padding-left: 30px;"><strong>(a)</strong> research activities;</p>
<p style="padding-left: 30px;"><strong>(b)</strong> classroom or organizational instruction and related classroom or organizational activities;</p>
<p style="padding-left: 30px;"><strong>(c)</strong> student assignments;</p>
<p style="padding-left: 30px;"><strong>(d)</strong> as part of a
scholarly, cultural, educational or organizational presentation or
workshop, if such use conforms to the customary and usual practice in
the field;</p>
<p style="padding-left: 30px;"><strong>(e)</strong> authors or other
Content creators may at their discretion incorporate their Content
(other than Books) into unrestricted databases or website with prior
permission from the publisher and other applicable rights holders;</p>
<p style="padding-left: 30px;"><strong>(f)</strong> linking</p>
<p style="padding-left: 30px;"><strong>(g)</strong> Data for Research as defined further in Section 14.3 below.</p>
<p style="padding-left: 30px;">and for Institutional Licensees and/or Authorized Users other than Register &amp; Read Users:</p>
<p style="padding-left: 30px;"><strong>(h)</strong> on an ad hoc basis
and without commercial gain or in a manner that would substitute for
direct access to the Content via services offered by JSTOR, sharing
discrete portions of Content for purposes of collaboration, comment, or
the scholarly exchange of ideas;</p>
<p style="padding-left: 30px;"><strong>(i)</strong> downloading Content
(including certain Book chapters where downloading is made available for
the Book chapters on the JSTOR Platform) to view, use and display
including on a personal digital device (e.g. mobile devices, e-readers,
and personal computers);</p>
<p style="padding-left: 30px;"><strong>(j)</strong> (except for Books)
in research papers or dissertations, including reproductions of the
dissertations, provided such reproductions are only for personal use,
library deposit, and/or use solely within the institution(s) with which
the Authorized User and/or his or her faculty readers are affiliated;
<p style="padding-left: 30px;"><strong>(k)</strong> fair use under
Section 107 of the U.S. Copyright Act, educational exceptions, or other
similar provisions of the copyright laws or other intellectual property
right laws in the United States.</p>
<p>4.2 The portions of Licensed Content that have been downloaded or
printed out by an Authorized User may continue to be used in compliance
with these Terms and Conditions even if such license should later
terminate or expire.</p>
<p>4.3 Additional Permitted Uses of the Early Journal Content. JSTOR
encourages broad use of the Early Journal Content. In addition to all
permitted uses described above, users are free to copy, use, and
redistribute the Early Journal Content in part or in whole for
non-commercial purposes.</p>
<p>JSTOR asks that you acknowledge JSTOR as the source of the Early
Journal Content; if you use material from JSTOR online, we request that
you link directly to the stable URL provided. If you use Early Journal
Content offline, we ask that you credit the source as follows: “Courtesy
of JSTOR.”</p>
<p>Please be considerate of other users and do not use robots or other
devices or coordinate activity to systematically download these works as
this may be disruptive to our systems.</p>
<p>4.4 Use of Open Access Content.&nbsp; Open Access Content may be
subject to different terms of use, such as a Creative Commons license,
as indicated in the copyright statement for the content.&nbsp; If an
Open Access Content item has different terms posted where the content
appears, those terms shall have precedence over these Terms and
Conditions of Use.</p>
<h2 class="h3">5. Prohibited Uses of the Content</h2>
<p>Institutions and users may not:</p>
<p style="padding-left: 30px;"><strong>(a)</strong> use or authorize the
use of the JSTOR Platform or Content for commercial purposes or gains,
including charging a fee-for-service for the use of JSTOR beyond
reasonable printing or administrative costs. For purposes of
clarification, “commercial purposes or gains” shall not include research
whose end-use is commercial in nature.</p>
<p style="padding-left: 30px;"><strong>(b)</strong> except as set forth
above, provide and/or authorize access to the Content available through
Individual Access, the Publisher Sales Service, or other programs to
persons or entities other than Authorized Users;</p>
<p style="padding-left: 30px;"><strong>(c)</strong> attempt to override, circumvent, or disable any encryption features or software protections employed in the JSTOR Platform;</p>
<p style="padding-left: 30px;"><strong>(d)</strong> undertake any
activity such as the use of computer programs that automatically
download or export Content, commonly known as web robots, spiders,
crawlers, wanderers or accelerators that may interfere with, disrupt or
otherwise burden the JSTOR server(s) or any third-party server(s) being
used or accessed in connection with JSTOR; or</p>
<p style="padding-left: 30px;"><strong>(e)</strong> undertake
coordinated or systematic activity between or among two or more
individuals and/or entities that, in the aggregate, constitutes
downloading and/or distributing a significant portion of the Content; or</p>
<p style="padding-left: 30px;"><strong>(f)</strong> make any use, display, performance, reproduction, or distribution that exceeds or violates these Terms and Conditions of Use.</p>
<p style="padding-left: 30px;">Additionally, for Content other than the Early Journal Content, Institutions and users may not:</p>
<p style="padding-left: 30px;"><strong>(g)</strong> modify, obscure, or remove any copyright notice or other attribution included in the Content;</p>
<p style="padding-left: 30px;"><strong>(h)</strong> incorporate Content into an unrestricted database or website, except as provided in 4.1(e) above;</p>
<p style="padding-left: 30px;"><strong>(i)</strong> systematically print out or download Content to stock or replace print holdings;</p>
<p style="padding-left: 30px;"><strong>(j)</strong> download or print,
or attempt to download or print an entire issue of a journal (unless
such entire issue has been purchased through the Publisher Sales
Service) or substantial portions of the entire run of a journal, except
for the specific case in which the complete contents of a journal issue
or a substantial portion of Content (e.g. a series of scholarly essays)
is relevant to the particular research; or</p>
<p style="padding-left: 30px;"><strong>(k)</strong> reproduce or
distribute Content in bulk, such as the inclusion of Content including
portions of Content (e.g., Book chapters, individual articles and/or
journal issues) or Content in course packs, electronic reserves,
repositories, or organizational intranets (but see Section 4.1(f)
<h2 class="h3">6. Linking</h2>
<p>JSTOR encourages the use of links to facilitate access to the Content
by Authorized Users and Institutional Licensees, including but not
limited to links to online syllabi, bibliographies, and reading lists.
All Content has a stable URL that can be found in the Browse and Search
interfaces of JSTORs website as well as on the Article Information page
each discrete Content item. Further information on establishing stable
links to material in JSTOR may be obtained from User Support (<a href=""></a>).</p>
<h2 class="h3">7. Interlibrary Loan</h2>
<p>Institutional Licensees may fulfill requests from other libraries for
textual Content, namely JSTOR Collections Content, Journals Hosting
Content, and Books, a practice commonly called Interlibrary Loan.&nbsp;
Institutional Licensee agrees to fulfill such requests in accordance
with Sections 107 and 108 of the U.S. Copyright Act or in accordance
with other international copyright laws, guidelines, or conventions,
provided that such use is not at a volume that would substitute for a
subscription to the journal or acquisition of access to a Book.&nbsp;
For Books, this shall mean Interlibrary Loan shall be restricted to a
single copy of a Book chapter.&nbsp; Requests may be fulfilled using
secure electronic, paper, or intermediated means.</p>
<h2 class="h3">8. Responsibilities of Users</h2>
<p>8.1 Access. &nbsp;Institutional Licensees shall make reasonable
efforts to ensure that access to the Licensed Content is limited to
Authorized Users and to protect the Licensed Content from unpermitted
use, including but not limited to by issuing and terminating passwords
within its control, verifying the status of Authorized User, providing
lists of valid passwords or set of IP addresses to JSTOR if applicable,
updating such lists on a regular basis and providing any information or
assistance necessary for JSTOR to implement whatever user authentication
processes JSTOR may establish in its sole discretion. Authorized Users
shall be responsible for maintaining the confidentiality and security of
his or her username and/or password (if such are provided), and for all
usage or activity by them of JSTOR and may not provide access to JSTOR
to anyone else.</p>
<p>8.2 Unpermitted Use. &nbsp;Institutional Licensees and Authorized
Users shall notify JSTOR of any such unpermitted use of which they learn
or are notified, including but not limited to any known or suspected
unauthorized use(s) of an individual or institutional account or
unauthorized use of JSTOR, or any known or suspected breach of security,
including loss, theft, or unauthorized disclosure of a username,
password, and/or IP address, and shall work cooperatively with JSTOR to
resolve problems of unpermitted use. In the event of violation of these
Terms and Conditions of Use by an Authorized User, (a) JSTOR may suspend
or terminate, or, where practicable, request that Institutional
Licensee suspend or terminate, such Authorized Users access to the
Licensed Content; (b) JSTOR may suspend or terminate the access of the
Internet Protocol (“IP”) address(es) or other authorization and
authentication mechanisms from which such unauthorized use occurred;
and/or (c) JSTOR may request Institutional Licensee to consider the
imposition of further reasonable restrictions on access to, and
downloading and printing from, the JSTOR Platform. JSTOR shall make
reasonable efforts to contact the Institutional Licensee prior to any
suspension or termination of access and to restore access promptly
following successful resolution of the matter.</p>
<p>8.3 Posted Material. &nbsp;Where Authorized Users are able to submit
material and/or post comments on the JSTOR Platform, they represent and
warrant that they will not upload or otherwise publish through JSTOR any
materials that: (a) are protected by copyright, or other proprietary or
intellectual property rights; (b) are libelous, defamatory, obscene,
pornographic, abusive, or invasive of anothers privacy or hateful; or
(c) contain a virus, spyware, or other harmful component, advertising of
any kind, or false or misleading indications of origin or statements of
fact. Authorized Users acknowledge and agree that any material that
they submit or comments that they post may be edited, removed, modified,
and/or published by JSTOR without notice.</p>
<p>8.4 Hardware and Software. &nbsp;Institutional Licensees understand
and agree that Internet browser software is required to access the JSTOR
Platform and Institutional Licensees and/or Authorized Users are
responsible for providing and maintaining any hardware and Internet
access necessary to provide access to the JSTOR Platform and any and all
costs associated therewith.</p>
<h2 class="h3">9.&nbsp;Intellectual Property Rights</h2>
<p>9.1 General Intellectual Property Rights. The JSTOR Platform and any
trademarks, issued patents and patent applications, copyrights and
copyright registrations and applications, rights in ideas, designs,
works of authorship, derivative works, and all other intellectual
property rights (collectively, “Intellectual Property”) relating to the
JSTOR Platform and its participating libraries, universities,
publishers, scholarly societies, and journals are proprietary to JSTOR
or, as applicable, the aforementioned entities, subject to the rights of
third parties.</p>
<p>9.2 Trademarks. Neither JSTOR nor Institutional Licensee may use the
others name or trademark and Institutional Licensees and users may not
use the name or trademarks of the above-noted entities without approval
except: (i) JSTOR may use Institutional Licensees names and/or the
names of their libraries in brochures or other materials to identify
Institutional Licensees as participants in JSTOR along with other
participants, and (ii) Institutional Licensees are encouraged to use
JSTORs name and logo to announce participation to Authorized Users and
to train Authorized Users on the use of JSTOR.</p>
<h2 class="h3">10.&nbsp;Responsibilities of JSTOR</h2>
<p>10.1 JSTOR will use reasonable efforts to provide continuous
availability of the JSTOR Platform subject to periodic unavailability
due to maintenance and/or updates of the server(s) and platform and
downtime related to equipment or services outside the control of JSTOR
(“Maintenance Downtime”). If JSTOR fails to provide online availability
to the JSTOR Platform for more than 72 hours during any period of 30
consecutive calendar days Institutional Licensee may, upon written
request, (a) be granted its choice of a refund or a credit of a prorated
portion of its annual access fee for each 30-day period so affected or
(b) terminate its agreement by providing written notice to JSTOR. JSTOR
will provide support to Institutional Licensees and Authorized Users in
accordance with the terms set forth <a href=""></a>.</p>
<p>10.2 JSTOR is committed to supporting and working with industry
standards and best practices for online information delivery as these
standards are developed. In furtherance of this commitment, JSTOR shall
use reasonable efforts to ensure that:</p>
<p style="padding-left: 30px;"><strong>(a)</strong> Subject to
constraints imposed by or in agreement with publishers and/or by third
party rights holders, the Content contained in the JSTOR Platform that
is produced by digitizing print material are complete and faithful
replications of the print versions of such Content.</p>
<p style="padding-left: 30px;"><strong>(b)</strong> JSTOR Platform is
compliant with Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act and W3C WAI WCAG
2.0 Level AA except that JSTOR Global Plants and the Primary Source
Materials include a large number of images, maps and other heavily
visual forms of content, and in cases where the magnification feature of
the image viewer does not suffice, JSTOR will only be able to provide
access to metadata regarding images. Subject to constraints imposed by
or in agreement with publishers, third party rights holders, and/or by
digital rights management technology, JSTOR will make good faith efforts
to ensure that the Books contained in the JSTOR Platform meets these
accessibility standards. Register &amp; Read Users who require an
accessible version of certain Content, please contact JSTOR User
Support. For more information on accessibility see <a title="This link opens in a new window" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"></a>.</p>
<p style="padding-left: 30px;"><strong>(c)</strong> the JSTOR Platform meets ANSI/NISO z39.88-2004 OpenURL standards;</p>
<p style="padding-left: 30px;"><strong>(d)</strong> the JSTOR Platform
is compatible with the NISO Metasearch XML Gateway (MXG) protocol in
development, XML and SRU/SRW search interfaces; and</p>
<p style="padding-left: 30px;"><strong>(e)</strong> It makes available to Institutional Licensees COUNTER-compliant usage statistics.</p>
<h2 class="h3">11.&nbsp;Warranty; Disclaimers</h2>
<p>11.1 Authorized Users recognize that JSTOR is an aggregator of
third-party Content, not the creator of the Content. JSTOR represents
and warrants under the laws of United States that to its knowledge use
of the JSTOR Platform and Licensed Content by Authorized Users in
accordance with the terms of this Agreement will not infringe the
copyright of any third party. The foregoing will not apply, however, to
modifications or derivative works of the Content created by
Institutional Licensees, Authorized Users or by any third party, nor
usage of the JSTOR Platform or Content by Institutional Licensees or
Authorized Users in violation of these Terms and Conditions of Use.
Please note that the foregoing further will not apply to certain
collections of Content as further stated in this Section 11.</p>
<p>11.2 JSTOR will not be liable, and Institutional Licensees and
Authorized Users agree that they will not hold JSTOR liable for any
loss, injury, claim, liability, damages, costs, and/or attorneys fees of
any kind that result from the unavailability of the JSTOR Platform or
Content, delays or interruption of the services provided hereunder, or
arising out of or in connection with Institutional Licensees or
Authorized Users use of the JSTOR Platform or Content in violation of
these Terms and Conditions of Use. If the JSTOR Platform fails to
operate in conformance with the terms of this Agreement, Institutional
Licensee will immediately notify JSTOR, and, subject to Section 10.1
above, JSTORs sole obligation will be to repair the nonconformity. In
no event will JSTORs liability to an Institutional Licensee exceed the
fees paid to JSTOR by that Institutional Licensee for the term of the
<p>11.3 The JSTOR Global Plants, Cultural Heritage Sites and Landscapes
and the Primary Source Materials include a wide variety of materials,
including archival materials and historical primary source materials
where in some cases the author rights holders cannot be identified or
located. JSTOR represents and warrants that it has made diligent efforts
to locate and seek permission from the holders of the copyright and any
other applicable rights in the Content. In some cases, JSTOR is relying
on fair use under Section 107 of the U.S. Copyright Act, educational
exceptions, or other similar provisions to the copyright laws or other
intellectual property right laws in the United States or in other
countries. JSTOR agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Institutional
Licensee and its Authorized Users against damages for copyright
infringement (and related legal fees and expenses) arising out of use of
the Content in the JSTOR Global Plants and the Primary Source Materials
(including GIS Data) for its intended purposes in accordance with these
Terms and Conditions of Use and the applicable Participation Agreement
between Institutional Licensee and JSTOR, provided that they notify
JSTOR promptly of any such claim and allow JSTOR to control the defense
and/or settlement of the dispute, and subject to the limitation on
damages described in Section 11.2 of the JSTOR Terms and Conditions of
<p>11.4 Users of Early Journal Content should note that third-party
rights besides copyright (such as rights of publicity and privacy) may
apply, and use of certain images or other materials may require
additional permissions from third parties. Users shall hold JSTOR
harmless and assume sole responsibility for addressing issues of
publicity and privacy and any other third party rights, and obtaining
necessary permissions, as they relate to use of the Early Journal
<h2 class="h3">12.&nbsp;Archiving and Long-Term Access</h2>
<p>12.1 Archiving of JSTOR Collections Content. As an archive serving
the scholarly community, JSTOR provides long term preservation of the
JSTOR Collections Content by pursuing best practices and standards in
the creation and maintenance of the JSTOR Platform and establishing
mirror sites and multiple back up files for all of the materials in the
JSTOR Platform, and for those items of JSTOR Collections Content that
have print editions, establishing a dedicated repository at a
participating institution to house and preserve the print copies under
archival-quality conditions. With the support of Institutional
Licensees, JSTOR is also developing an endowment to ensure the long term
operating viability of the JSTOR Platform. Institutional Licensees
typically pay an Annual Access Fee (a recurring payment for access to
the JSTOR Platform) and an Archive Capital Fee (a one-time fee to ensure
long term preservation, upgrading and enhancements of the scholarly
materials on JSTOR). Should an Institutional Licensee elect to terminate
access to a JSTOR Collection, it may resume access to that collection
and all content subsequently added to that collection at any time in the
future through payment of only the Annual Access Fee (unless the
Institutional Licensee has remaining installments of the Archive Capital
Fee in which case it will also resume paying that fee from the point at
which the Institutional Licensee left).</p>
<p>12.2 Post Cancellation Access for Journals Hosting Content.
Post-cancellation access for Journals Hosting Content shall be provided
by the applicable publisher who shall be responsible for ensuring
Institutional Licensees and Authorized Users receive post-cancellation
access to titles in accordance with the NISO Transfer Code of Practice.</p>
<p>12.3 Perpetual Access for Books. In the event of an Institutions
cancellation or non-renewal of an Institutional Participation Agreement
JSTOR shall provide access to Books through either JSTOR (with possible
limitations on access and functionality) or Portico (many of the Books
which are available on the JSTOR Platform are also part of the Portico
digital preservation service) as selected in JSTORs discretion.</p>
<h2 class="h3">13.&nbsp;DMCA Notifications</h2>
<p>If you believe that content in the Primary Source Materials violates
your copyright or otherwise violates your rights, please send a written
notice to JSTOR directed to the Office of the General Counsel, JSTOR, 2
Rector Street 18th Floor, New York, NY, 10006 or send an email to the
address listed at <a href=";id=3c708725126b8f444e9163396ea939e5">the U.S. Copyright Office DMCA Designated Agent Directory</a>.
Please provide with your notice the following information, consistent
with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act: (a) a physical or electronic
signature of a person authorized to act on behalf of the copyright
owner; (b) identification of the copyrighted work(s) claimed to have
been infringed; (c) identification of the infringing material and
information that will permit JSTOR to locate the material; (d)
information that will permit us to contact you, including an address,
telephone number, and, if available, an electronic mail address at which
you may be contacted; (e) a statement by you that, in your good faith
belief, use of the material in the manner complained of is not
authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law; and (f) a
statement that the information in the notification is accurate, and that
you are authorized to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right
that is allegedly infringed. Upon such notification, or if JSTOR learns
of such a claim from another source, JSTOR may remove such content
pending the resolution of such claim.</p>
<h2 class="h3">14. Additional Terms and Conditions of Use</h2>
<p>14.1 JPASS Users will have access to certain Content for unlimited
read-only access subject to the JPASS Users agreement with JSTOR (the
“JPASS Agreement”) and subject to these Terms and Conditions of Use. A
fixed number of available Content items may be downloaded per month as
further specified in the JPASS Agreement and once the JPASS User has
reached the download limit the JPASS User will no longer be able to
download Content.</p>
<p>14.2 “Register &amp; Read Users will have access to certain Content
on a limited, read-only basis. A fixed number of available Content items
may be placed on an Authorized Users “MyJSTOR shelf” and each item can
only be removed and replaced with other items after a fixed period of
time (the number of items and amount of time to be determined by JSTOR
and the publishers).</p>
<p>14.3 Data for Research is a JSTOR program for research activities
involving computational analysis rather than for purposes of
understanding the intellectual meaning of such content. Data for
Research users will be able to (i) search the JSTOR archive using the
Data for Research search function; (ii) download chart data to view, use
and display as Excel-compatible CSV files; (iii) view document-level
data including word frequencies, citations, key terms and ngrams;
requesting and downloading datasets containing word frequencies,
citations, key terms, or ngrams associated with the Data for Research
selected; and (iv) subject to registration with JSTOR and at JSTORs
discretion, access additional data via a method prescribed by JSTOR. For
the purpose of clarity, Data for Research is not limited to Licensed
Content. Additional use of Data for Research and access to a custom
dataset are subject to JSTORs approval. Please see the Data for
Research registration page for further information <a href=""></a>.&nbsp;&nbsp;The Prohibited Uses described in Section 5 above apply also to uses of Data for Research.</p>
<p>14.4 Institutions in the United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland, and their users please see <a class="newWindow" title="This link opens in a new window" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"></a> for the Ireland Collection.</p>
<p>14.5 Institutions in the United Kingdom and their users please see <a class="newWindow" title="This link opens in a new window" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"></a> for the 19th Century British Pamphlets Collection.</p>
<h2 class="h3">15. Withdrawing Content from JSTOR</h2>
<p>JSTOR may withdraw Content from JSTOR for good cause shown. JSTOR
would endeavor, to the extent practicable, to minimize any inconvenience
to Authorized Users caused by such withdrawal. However, should JSTOR be
unable to avoid such inconvenience, JSTOR in no way will be held liable
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prorated portion of its annual access fee for the Agreement then in
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written notice to JSTOR.</p>
<h2 class="h3">16. Privacy Policy</h2>
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<h2 class="h3">17. Force Majeure</h2>
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<h2 class="h3">18. General</h2>
<p>18.1 These Terms and Conditions of Use are, where applicable, subject
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<p>18.5 The English language version of agreements with JSTOR will be controlling over any other version.</p>
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Institutional Licensees via email of material modifications. Subject to
Section 18.1 above, a modification will become effective for an
Institutional Licensee if it does not object in writing to JSTOR within
60 (sixty) days from the time JSTOR emails notice of the modification.
In the event of such an objection, JSTOR shall make reasonable efforts
to address any concerns or the Institutional Licensee will have the
right to terminate the Agreement on 30 (thirty) days written notice.</p>
<p><em>Last updated on June 27, 2018<br>
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