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<select name="taxonomy[3][]" multiple="multiple" class="form-select" id="edit-taxonomy-3"><option value="208">All Girl Hack Night</option><option value="224">ArmadilloCon 2014</option><option value="193">barcamp</option><option value="259">book club</option><option value="126">book reading</option><option value="200">conference</option><option value="28">conventions</option><option value="174">-Apollocon</option><option value="175">--ApolloCon 2007</option><option value="150">--ApolloCon 2009</option><option value="29">-ArmadilloCon</option><option value="31">--ArmadilloCon 2003</option><option value="80">--ArmadilloCon 2004</option><option value="42">--ArmadilloCon 2006</option><option value="50">--ArmadilloCon 2007</option><option value="30">--ArmadilloCon 2008</option><option value="128">--ArmadilloCon 2009</option><option value="143">-Fencon 2008</option><option value="173">-Linucon</option><option value="153">--Linucon 2004</option><option value="160">--Linucon 2005</option><option value="198">discussion</option><option value="134">editing</option><option value="289">fandom</option><option value="189">Flipside</option><option value="290">humor</option><option value="205">lecture</option><option value="215">Lone Star Ruby Conf</option><option value="182">Nebula Awards</option><option value="291">parody</option><option value="216">RailsBridge</option><option value="135">science fiction</option><option value="201">technology conference</option><option value="302">Texas Book Festival</option><option value="288">Women Who Code</option><option value="309">World Fantasy Convention</option><option value="310">World Fantasy Convention 2006</option><option value="136">writing</option><option value="56">writing workshop</option></select>
<div class="description"><p>Everything in the Events vocabulary</p>
"<strong>Events</strong>" is used for: Convention Post, Page, Story.</div>
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<label for="edit-taxonomy-1">People: </label>
<select name="taxonomy[1][]" multiple="multiple" class="form-select" id="edit-taxonomy-1"><option value="274">Aron Ra</option><option value="272">AronRa</option><option value="51">artists</option><option value="96">-John Picacio</option><option value="54">-R. Cat Conrad</option><option value="266">atheists</option><option value="27">authors</option><option value="256">-Ada Palmer</option><option value="3">-Alexis Glynn Latner</option><option value="300">-Anne McCaffrey</option><option value="292">-Barbara Hambly</option><option value="140">-Barbara Winter</option><option value="103">-Bill Crider</option><option value="236">-Bob Mahoney</option><option value="66">-Brad Denton</option><option value="4">-Bruce Sterling</option><option value="18">-C. J. Cherryh</option><option value="87">-C. J. Mills</option><option value="17">-Carol Berg</option><option value="76">-Caroline Spector</option><option value="104">-Charles Stross</option><option value="121">-Chris Nakashima-Brown</option><option value="129">-Chris Roberson</option><option value="105">-Christopher Moore</option><option value="81">-Christopher Vogler</option><option value="183">-Connie Willis</option><option value="12">-Daniel Abraham</option><option value="106">-Dave Duncan</option><option value="19">-Deborah Chester</option><option value="13">-Don Webb</option><option value="94">-Dotti Enderle</option><option value="21">-Elizabeth Moon</option><option value="77">-Gloria Oliver</option><option value="144">-Gregory Benford</option><option value="95">-J. K. Rowling</option><option value="108">-James Morrow</option><option value="43">-James P. Hogan</option><option value="52">-James Stoddard</option><option value="20">-Jane Lindskold</option><option value="251">-Janet Kathleen Cheney</option><option value="82">-Jayme Lynn Blaschke</option><option value="14">-Jess Nevins</option><option value="73">-Jessica Reisman</option><option value="34">-John Scalzi</option><option value="138">-Julia Mandala</option><option value="44">-Julie Czerneda</option><option value="83">-Kay Kenyon</option><option value="35">-Kimberly Frost</option><option value="122">-Lawrence Person</option><option value="90">-Lou Antonelli</option><option value="84">-Louise Marley</option><option value="98">-Lyall Watson</option><option value="78">-Mark Finn</option><option value="99">-Mary Rosenblum</option><option value="36">-Matthew Bey</option><option value="137">-Melanie Miller Fletcher</option><option value="37">-Michael Trice</option><option value="45">-Mikal Trimm</option><option value="109">-Naomi Novik</option><option value="57">-Neal Stephenson</option><option value="133">-Neil Gaiman</option><option value="110">-Patricia McKillip</option><option value="46">-Paul Benjamin</option><option value="116">-Paul Park</option><option value="38">-Phoebe Kitanidis</option><option value="53">-Rachel Caine</option><option value="91">-Rhonda Eudaly</option><option value="79">-Rie Sheridan</option><option value="58">-Robert Heinlein</option><option value="117">-Robin Hobb</option><option value="139">-Rosemary Clement-Moore</option><option value="92">-S. Andrew Swann</option><option value="15">-Sage Walker</option><option value="55">-Samantha Henderson</option><option value="22">-Sarah Zettel</option><option value="100">-Steven Gould</option><option value="59">-Steven Pinker</option><option value="39">-Stina Leicht</option><option value="111">-Terry Pratchett</option><option value="112">-Tim Powers</option><option value="5">-Vernor Vinge</option><option value="88">-Wendy Wheeler</option><option value="151">-Wil McCarthy</option><option value="125">-William Gibson</option><option value="277">Beth Presswood</option><option value="239">Bob Mahoney</option><option value="320">Brian Greene</option><option value="154">costumers</option><option value="155">-Cathy Raymond</option><option value="156">-Jay Maynard</option><option value="168">-The Tron Guy</option><option value="286">Dave Silverman</option><option value="273">Denis Loubet</option><option value="275">Don Baker</option><option value="270">Don Rhoades<
<div class="description"><p>People mentioned in the articles</p>
"<strong>People</strong>" is used for: Page, Convention Post, Story.</div>
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Submitted by elze on Sun, 12/19/2010 - 13:58 </div>
<div class="taxonomy"> in <ul class="links inline"><li class="taxonomy_term_155 first"><a href="" rel="tag" title="">Cathy Raymond</a></li>
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<li class="taxonomy_term_154"><a href="" rel="tag" title="">costumers</a></li>
<li class="taxonomy_term_161"><a href="" rel="tag" title="">Eric Raymond</a></li>
<li class="taxonomy_term_156"><a href="" rel="tag" title="">Jay Maynard</a></li>
<li class="taxonomy_term_164"><a href="" rel="tag" title="">legal</a></li>
<li class="taxonomy_term_160"><a href="" rel="tag" title="">Linucon 2005</a></li>
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<li class="taxonomy_term_163"><a href="" rel="tag" title="">Rob Landley</a></li>
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<li class="taxonomy_term_118"><a href="" rel="tag" title="">technology</a></li>
<li class="taxonomy_term_168 last"><a href="" rel="tag" title="">The Tron Guy</a></li>
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<div class="all-attached-images"><div style="width: 150px" class="image-attach-body"><a href=""><img src="maynard2010a%20Archivos/CIMG0927MaynardCostumeSm.jpg" alt="CIMG0927 Jay Maynard in his alternative Tron costume" title="CIMG0927 Jay Maynard in his alternative Tron costume" class="image image-thumbnail " width="150" height="200"></a></div>
</div><p><b>Synopsis from Linucon program book:</b> "The most popular
open source license, the GPL, inspires controversy to this day. Eric
Raymond recently expressed some ambivalence about it, so he and his
lawyer wife Cathy are moderating this panel, with Jay Maynard, a.k.a. <a href="">The Tron Guy</a> speaking out against the GPL and Rob Landley defending it."</p>
<p>One of Rob Landley's <i>pro</i>-GPL arguments is that it can <a href="">prevent a project from forking</a>. Jay Maynard claims credit for coining the term <a href="">General Public Virus</a>. His <a href="">objection to GPL</a>
lies in its ideological agenda. Rob says GPL keeps companies from
taking open source code, incorporating it into their products and making
money off of someone else's work without giving back to the community.
Jay objects that even if companies did that, the <a href="">good consequences of this action would outweigh the bad</a>. Eric Raymond then <a href="">inserts himself physically and ideologically</a> between these two "nutcase friends" of his. His position is that <a href="">GPL is slowing down the adoption of open source</a>,
because it is often incorrectly perceived that a company that uses open
source software would be obligated to blow open their entire
intellectual property. Furthermore, he says, GPL is based on the
assumption that defecting from the open source community is attractive,
whereas in reality it is <a href="">its own punishment</a>. Both sides use <a href="">Linksys as an example</a> to support their arguments. :-) They briefly debate whether the <a href="">reason BSD did not become as popular as Linux</a> was due to its license, or, as Eric Raymond argues, because they got their social machinery wrong.</p>
<p>Some pictures from this panel can be found in my <a href="">Linucon 2005 photo gallery</a>.</p>
<p><a href="">Read more about The Tron Guy</a> in my blog.</p>
<blockquote><p><b>Note</b>: All the factual errors in this post -- and
there may be a few -- are mine, and not the panelists'. I may have
misunderstood something they've said.</p>
<p>(Parts of conversation where people were talking over one another, or
digressed too much, were paraphrased and put in parentheses, or
condensed to convey the gist, or simply cut out and marked by (...).
Names I didn't catch were paraphrased as "person X" or So-and-so. While
this may deprive potential readers of juicy bits of gossip, it may work
in favor of the panelists, as they won't go on record as having said
certain things about those people. :-)) </p>
<p>However, they said <a href="">Stallman looks more sane with distance!</a></p>
<p><b>Rob Landley</b>. Introductions, starting with Cathy!
</p><p><b>Cathy Raymond</b>. Introductions. Hi, I'm Cathy Raymond. I'm
an attorney who once thought that the open source movement might be a
good excuse for me to move my law practice into licensing. That didn't
work out but it still provided me with some interesting experiences. If
you ask my husband, and please, don't, he will probably tell you that I
am partly to blame for the GPL, because I reviewed and critiqued an
earlier draft of it. I don't remember much about it, but I'll take his
word for it.</p>
<p>I'm also married to this guy. This is Eric S. Raymond of open source
fame, who can probably introduce himself much better than I could.</p>
<p><b>Eric Raymond</b>. Hi, I'm Eric Raymond, I run around making
trouble. One of the pieces of trouble that I have helped create is the
open source initiative, which is a community certification authority for
licenses. Big sites like (something-something) and SourceForge require
an LST-conformant license (?) before they will allow new projects on
their site. We have spent a lot of time thinking about licensing, we are
now engaged in a project to actually crack the number of open source
licenses in use, because there are too many of them, and collisions on
the edges are causing problems. I recently caused a stir by arguing that
we need to reexamine the question of whether the GPL is useful or not,
but we'll talk about it when we get into the panel itself.</p>
<p><b>Rob Landley</b>. I'm Rob Landley. I'm the pro side of the GPL
here. I'm for it. I'm here 'cause we needed someone to give a token
conventional view. I am a programmer, I've done a bunch of other things.
I got familiar with intellectual property issues years ago. I wrote a
week worth (?) of columns for the Motley Fool on intellectual property,
for example. And I've been interested in licensing the GPL. I was
interested in the GPL and in LGPL before I was actually interested in
Linux, because I was following it on gcc, and glibc for OS/2. So, I've
been following it for years and years.</p>
<p><b>Jay Maynard</b>. <a name="virus">And I'm Jay Maynard</a>. One of
my lesser-known projects, I talked about it yesterday morning, is called
Hercules. It's an emulator for IBM mainframes. And it's licensed under
the least PPL-ish <i>(did he mean GPL-ish?)</i> of the open source
licenses: the QPL. That's my most recent involvement in this respect.
But I've been arguing against the GPL and its philosophy for 15 years
now. In a post on Usenet in 1989 I coined the term "General Public
Virus". </p>
<p><b>Eric Raymond</b>. Did you? I didn't know that! </p>
<p><b>Jay Maynard</b>. Yes. That was my invention.</p>
<p><b>Cathy Raymond</b> (apparently addresses Eric): Go update the jargon file.</p>
<p><b>Eric Raymond</b>. I have to put a comment in the jargon file.</p>
<p><b>Jay Maynard</b>. And catch me later, and I will point you to the
Google News copy of that posting. So I have long believed that GPL is
evil incarnate, or next best thing to.</p>
<p><b>Cathy</b>. So, we have the good, the bad and the ugly, or however
you wanna characterize them. Let's have Rob start out with the pro-GPL
<p><b>Rob Landley</b>. OK. The GPL is cool. From a purely pragmatic
perspective, Richard Stallman annoys the hell out of me. But! The GPL is
really cool. To a programmer, having your work co-opted by someone who
won't give you the modifications back really deeply sucks. <a name="fork">Having your project fragment</a>
because people with not social skills can't distinguish between
technical arguments and when people don't actually like them, or can't
forward their technical arguments properly and just don't wanna go
through the whole rigmarole, and decide to fork off a copy, which has
some improvements, and which also has a bunch of things that don't go
back in the mainstream, and after they... They release a few binary
versions, and they don't release the source code for a long time. That's
really annoying.</p>
<p>Projects forking is really annoying. The GPL cannot prevent projects
from forking, but it can seriously discourage it, i you cannot release
even a beta version without a source code. One of the reasons there are
so many BSD forks is that they have about as much friction as Debian
has, and people occasionally go completely nuts like (person X) and
wander off into a cave somewhere, and...</p>
<p><b>Eric Raymond</b>. When (person X) goes nuts, how can you tell? <i>(Laughter)</i></p>
<p><b>Rob Landley</b>. It's a matter of momentum, really. There's (person X) <i>being</i> nuts and there's (person X) <i>going</i> nuts. When he's going nuts, he's moving. And... I've never met the man. I don't know, maybe he's really nice in person.</p>
<p><code>They exchange a few more opinions about X and another person,
Y, comparing their levels of craziness. I didn't catch the names of
those people. Both of them are apparently open source developers.
Eventually Eric Raymond declares this to be a sidetrack.</code></p>
<p><b>Eric Raymond</b>. This is a sidetrack.</p>
<p><b>Rob Landley</b>. This is a sidetrack, but what I wanted to point
out is, (person Y) works on the Linux kernel, and the Linux kernel has
not forked. (Person Y) has no intention of forking the Linux kernel. It
wouldn't come up. (Person X) had the very clear option of just going off
and forking. He never needed to... he could keep it to himself for two
years until he decided that other people were ready to share in the
completed glory of his master vision.</p>
<p>Rather a lot of forks start when somebody decides "I need to go off
into a hermitage for a couple of years and nobody will share in the
completed glory of my master vision. No one will see my source code
until I am ready for them to see it."</p>
<p>And the longer a fork stays separate, the harder it is to integrate.
The classic one of these, that is the reason the GPL evolved, was the <i>emacs</i> / <i>xemacs</i> split, which Eric knows way more about than I do.</p>
<p><b>Eric Raymond</b>. I tried to prevent it. Unsuccessfully.</p>
<p><b>Rob Landley</b>. And basically what happened is both <i>emacs</i> and <i>xemacs</i> are open-sourced now, but during their development they weren't.</p>
<p><b>Eric Raymond</b>. That's not true. <i>emacs</i> was always open-sourced in the modern sense.</p>
<p><b>Somebody else</b>. But <i>xemacs</i> wasn't.</p>
<p><b>Rob Landley</b>. The fork. <i>xemacs</i> was the fork. Might have been Lucent <i>emacs</i> or something like that?</p>
<p><b>Somebody else</b>. Lucid.</p>
<p><b>Eric Raymond</b>. Lucid, that's it.</p>
<p><b>Rob Landley</b>. Yeah. But it was a fork for a while, that was
basically open-sourced upon its death as a closed-source project, which
is fairly common. A lot of things get open-sourced rather than being
abandoned. And we have had so much independent development by that time
so that even though it's open-sourced <i>now</i>, integrating it into <i>emacs</i>
just can't be done. They've tried. It hurts. Their design has just
diverged too much, that their central design philosophy has just skewed
way too much, even though back in the mists of time I'm under the
impression they forked off the same version.</p>
<p><b>Eric Raymond</b>. The GPL wouldn't have done anything about this, though.</p>
<p><b>Rob Landley</b>. The GPL would have prevent Lucid emacs from being
an independent development project for many years without releasing
source code, so that they could have started the integration work of
porting over features much earlier.</p>
<p><b>Eric Raymond</b>. The fork didn't happen until after Lucid (...).
GPL is orthogonal to the causes of this fork. It wasn't the cause, and
it wouldn't have been the cure.</p>
<p><b>Rob Landley</b>. I'll have to look at it.</p>
<p><b>Eric Raymond</b>. I was there.</p>
<p><b>Rob Landley</b>. I'll have to look into that. I read Jamie
(...)-inski's account, I've read a lot of this. But when this happened I
was... what? Fourteen? </p>
<p><b>Eric Raymond</b>. I think I was the last person present at the conversation that both Jamie (...)-inski and Richard Stallman were in.</p>
<p><b>Cathy Raymond</b>. Was there blood on the floor afterward? </p>
<p><b>Eric Raymond</b>. No, but it took a lot of work on my part to prevent it. And nobody did successfully afterwards.</p>
<p><b>Rob Landley</b>. I know from reading the history of the GPL that the <i>emacs</i> license happened because Stallman wanted something to prevent what had been going on at the time.</p>
<p><b>Eric Raymond</b>. The problem is that GPL 1.0 predates the <i>emacs</i> / <i>xemacs</i> fork.</p>
<p><b>Rob Landley</b>. All I really remember about GPL 1.0 is that it was buggy.</p>
<p><b>Eric Raymond</b>. Yeah, it was.</p>
<p><b>Cathy Raymond</b>. So it was.</p>
<p><b>Eric Raymond</b>. It was, but I've got a copy, and you can see the
preoccupations and the basics of the logic that went into 2.0.
Remember, Cathy and I reviewed 2.0. We were there when that transition
was made.</p>
<p><b>Rob Landley</b>. I think I still have your little yellow book that has the early <i>emacs</i> license in it.</p>
<p><b>Cathy Raymond</b>. But in any event, it gives us at least a snapshot of the pro position. Let's give Jay a few minutes on the cons.</p>
<p><b>Jay Maynard</b>. Fundamentally, <a name="jmaynard">the biggest problem with the GPL</a>
is that it is a license designed to advance one political philosophy.
At its root it's not about programming, it's not about sharing per se,
it's not about all things people like to think it's about. It's
political. And to understand it, you need to read the GNU Manifesto.
Hold your nose and read it. It reads very Marxian. It could be boiled
best down to "from each programmer, according to his abilities, to each
user, according to his needs". It advances the proposition that while
programmers should be able to make money for their services, the fruits
of their labor themselves are not what money should be made from. </p>
<p>And the GPL was written and designed explicitly to advance that
philosophy. The idea being that the GNU project would create so much
good software under this license, that people would be drawn to the
software and would be drawn to the license to take advantage of it,
thereby advancing Stallman's political vision, the end goal of which is
nothing less than the destruction of the software industry as we know it
<p><b>Eric Raymond</b>. You say that like it's a bad thing! </p>
<p><b>Jay Maynard</b>. I'm certainly not going to defend Microsoft. I'm
not sure they are defensible. I'm not gonna say I'm here to defend SCO.
However, there are a lot of other software companies out there that do
well and do good. And those too would go straight down the same toilet.</p>
<p><b>Rob Landley</b>. Can I interject a point? When I was learning
about business while writing about it -- which is a really weird way to
go about it -- it does mean that an awful lot of people point out to you
when you're wrong. I had a column read by... I'm told that it's 15
million people through the Yahoo syndication, and I had no idea what I
was doing. And I was very upfront about this. Apparently they just
thought I asked good stupid questions. </p>
<p>But one thing I did learn was: commoditization. Mature markets commoditize. </p>
<p><b>Eric Raymond</b>. What does this have to do with the GPL, though?</p>
<p><b>Rob Landley</b>. What does this have to do with it is: open source
is commoditization of software. And with the GPL is the forced by
license commoditization. This product cannot be made proprietary again
without violating the license terms. </p>
<p><b>Jay Maynard</b>. Unfortunately though, the argument there, you're
trying to make fungible something that is not. You cannot make operating
systems fungible, fundamentally. And I'm not talking about one Linux
versus another. I'm talking about...</p>
<p><b>Rob Landley</b>. What does fungible mean? </p>
<p><b>Eric Raymond</b>. Interchangeable.</p>
<p><b>Jay Maynard</b>. Take bushels of corn in a silo. So you can't
replace Linux with OS/2, for example. Fundamentally that does not work.
So the commoditization argument falls because it's trying to attack the
wrong problem.</p>
<p><b>Rob Landley</b>. Well, no, what they did is they moved
commoditization to a slightly different level. If the implementation is
complex enough that you have to have a common implementation, then you
have to make implementation a commodity.</p>
<p><b>Eric Raymond</b>. This doesn't take us anywhere on the GPL versus non-GPL.</p>
<p><b>Jay Maynard</b>. <a name="tcp_stack">And in fact it raises another issue</a>. And that is, when GPL is applied to things that <i>are</i> standards, it hinders the adoption of those standards.</p>
<p><b>Eric Raymond</b>. Ah! Which is a perfect segue to the position I want to state.</p>
<p><b>Jay Maynard</b>. Let me finish a statement and (...) seamless transition.</p>
<p>The canonical example of this that GPL advocates come up with is the
BSD TCP/IP stack. And they argue that the TCP/IP stack was hijacked by
Microsoft and taken private and Microsoft didn't contribute anything
back to it, and this is a bad thing. I argue that this is a very good
thing. Because when Microsoft did it -- there is reasonably (...) it's
no longer there. But when they did it, they did it mainly to get rid of
their own buggy code. GPL licensing, the TCP/IP stack would not have
resulted in the infection of the single line of Microsoft code with the
GPL. Microsoft would have simply ignored it. And we would today be
condemned to working around Microsoft bugs all over the internet.</p>
<p><b>Eric Raymond</b>. Like we're not.</p>
<p><b>Rob Landley</b>. As opposed to?</p>
<p><b>Jay Maynard</b>. But not at the TCP/IP layer.</p>
<p><b>Rob Landley</b> <i>says something about winsocket</i></p>
<div style="float:left;padding:10px;width:400px"><a href=""><img src="maynard2010a%20Archivos/CIMG0928CathEricRobMaynSm.jpg" alt="Cathy Raymond, Eric Raymond, Rob Landley and Jay Maynard"></a>
<p><code>Left to right: Cathy Raymond, Eric Raymond, Rob Landley and Jay Maynard. More pictures from this panel can be found in my <a href="">Linucon photo gallery</a></code></p>
<p><b>Eric Raymond</b>. <a name="eric_raymond">This is the point at which I insert myself between those two zealots.</a></p>
<p><b>Rob Landley</b>. Right! Let us swap the chairs.</p>
<p><b>Cathy Raymond</b>. Right. Go insert, Eric, and in fact I was going to ask for your position.</p>
<p><code>They swap chairs so that Eric Raymond is now sitting between Rob Landley and Jay Maynard.</code></p>
<p><b>Eric Raymond</b>. I sit somewhere physically and ideologically between these two nutcase friends of mine.</p>
<p><b>Jay Maynard</b>. Which means, both of us attack him! I've known him 15 years, I don't know how long Rob's (known him).</p>
<p><b>Rob Landley</b>. Not that long. Seven? Six?</p>
<p><b>Cathy Raymond</b>. Stop stroking your grey beard (...)</p>
<p><b>Eric Raymond</b>. <a name="GPLhindrance">I question the utility of the GPL</a>,
but not for ideological reasons. Jay is right: it was written to
advance a political agenda. I don't care. And I don't particularly think
anyone else should care.</p>
<p><b>Rob Landley</b>. Yeah, I don't care.</p>
<p><b>Eric Raymond</b>. I don't care (that GPL is quasi-Marxist). What I
care about is the effects of the GPL. And what I think I'm seeing
increasingly is that the GPL is a hindrance rather than a help. And the
reason is that it is slowing down the adoption of open source. There are
too many corporations out there that have no open source policies
because they're afraid that they'll get infected with the copyleft
license and have to suddenly blow open all of their business knowledge,
all of their intellectual property, everything that they think is
fundamental to their business model. </p>
<p>Now, hackers can say: "well, you're wrong about that. It's not as
fundamental to your business model as you think." I make that argument
all the time. Sometimes I even succeed with it.</p>
<p><b>Rob Landley. We also say it doesn't get infected.</b></p>
<p><b>Eric Raymond</b>. I also make that argument too, and sometimes I
succeed. It doesn't matter. The point is that the perception is out
there, it's not going to go away, it's easily exploited by our enemies,
and I think GPL has become a net (?) drag. </p>
<p>Furthermore, <a name="punishment">I don't think it's necessary</a>,
because the GPL was erected on the assumption that open source
cooperation is so fragile, such a sacrifice, such a difficult, painful,
negative thing to do, that you have to protect it with teeth or it will
fall apart.</p>
<p><b>Rob Landley</b>. I don't see that.</p>
<p><b>Eric Raymond</b>. You don't punish behavior unless you think that behavior is attractive.</p>
<p><b>Jay Maynard</b>. And in fact people accuse me when I raise this
argument all the time of wanting to take PPL (?) code and use it for
master evil commercial products.</p>
<p><b>Eric Raymond</b>. Furthermore, you don't punish behavior if you
believe that that behavior is its own punishment. So the GPL was erected
on the assumption that defecting from the open source community is
attractive and is not its own punishment. And what I've come to
understand is that defecting from the open source community is in fact
its own punishment. Here's why.</p>
<p>When you do a proprietary fork of an open source project, here's what
happens. Now you have a small group of programmers who, because of the
nature of non-disclosure agreements and proprietary lockdown, can't get
help from anybody else, and they are competing against the large project
that they defected from. You can't win that game. And in fact,
intelligent IT managers these days don't even try. They go the opposite
<p><b>Rob Landley</b>. Yes, but there are a lot of unintelligent ones. There will never be a shortage of unintelligent IT managers.</p>
<p><b>Eric Raymond</b>. Aha! But the market will punish that decision.</p>
<p><b>Rob Landley</b>. And the next generation will make it all over again.</p>
<p><b>Eric Raymond</b>. And the market will punish that decision, and it
will keep on doing that until the business world learns better. We
don't need to punish defection, it punishes itself.</p>
<p><b>Rob Landley</b>. Actually, you're making an assumption. I do a lot
of stuff in the embedded space. I'm one of the maintainers of the Busy
Box project. I'm currently in charge of the stable fork. I put out 1.01,
I'm gonna be putting out 1.02 after Linucon. I'm trying to get 1.1 to a
release mode. I'm not the project maintainer, but the project
maintainer doesn't make releases, he just like putting more code in CVS
forever. <i>(The panelists cackle.)</i> And somebody has to actually
send him cakes. But that's a long story. I sent him a cake for the one
year anniversary of the uclibc release, which prompted the
release of</p>
<p><a name="linksys">In the embedded space</a> there are all these
products that exist for 2 years. The Linksys router and all the clones
of the Linksys router. The only reason we got the Linksys code open,
which was Linux-based, Busy Box-based, and had uclibc in it, I think,
and a bunch of embedded stuff -- the only reason we got this opened is
that the people writing the embedded stuff, who had these things and
couldn't use them, basically did a polite GPL enforcement thing, saying:
we're the copyright holders of some of the code that you have, and we
would rather like to see the source of your modified version as in the
license terms.</p>
<p>Because of this, the code of the Linksys router -- yeah, there are
some proprietary kernel modules and stuff -- but the source of the
Linksys router is out there, and because of this, there are now
companies... There is that guy who has a complete replacement for the
Linksys firmware...</p>
<p><b>Eric Raymond</b>. Sveasoft.</p>
<p><b>Rob Landley</b>. Yeah, him. Which it might have happened without
that, but it would have happened 5 years later, after we've picked apart
and reverse-engineered it.</p>
<p><b>Eric Raymond</b>. You picked a bad example. There were already open-sourced firmware loads (?) for the Linksys before they threw the code open.</p>
<p><b>Rob Landley</b>. And, they couldn't use the wireless hardware.</p>
<p><b>Jay Maynard</b>. And, what's happened now is Linksys has changed
the hardware and gone to VxWorks-based software load on the thing and
it's closed up again! So the GPL hasn't done a damn thing for the
Linksys users if you weren't lucky enough to get one of the older
versions! </p>
<p><b>Eric Raymond</b>. And this is a perfect example of the GPL retarding acceptance.</p>
<p><b>Rob Landley</b>. Well, I would also like to point out that since
Cisco bought Linksys, their market share went through the toilet for
completely unrelated reasons, cause the hardware started to get really
really crappy and unreliable.</p>
<p><b>Eric Raymond</b>. They fixed that. I actually bought two
Linksys'es that I had to junk just after the Cisco transition because
they had Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. Then I went out and bought
several more functionally similar boxes, and they were so crappy that
with fear and terror in my heart I bought another Linksys, and it's OK.</p>
<p><b>Rob Landley</b>. So after you bought 3 of them, you finally got
one that wasn't crap. And you believe that based on this experience this
means they fixed their production problems due to 30% yield?</p>
<p><b>Eric Raymond</b>. No, because it wasn't a yield problem. It was
the software actually being screwed up. The load I got on the last one
seems to be OK.</p>
<p><b>Jay Maynard</b>. Don't look at me, I run a DI 624.</p>
<p><b>Rob Landley</b>. No, there actually were hardware problems with at least one of them. I remember that the wireless thing went away.</p>
<p><b>Eric Raymond</b>. Yeah, that was after it had been in service for a while. It wasn't Cisco's fault. I've been through a bunch of those boxes.</p>
<p>I didn't know about the VxWorks load, but it's a perfect example of GPL killing off a niche where we were doing OK.</p>
<p><b>Rob Landley</b>. Oh, we are still doing fine in a bunch of the
clones of that thing. The thing is, BusyBox and uClibc maintainer is
Erik Andersen, and his father is a lawyer. And because of that he can
basically get free legal time from his father to send out various
messages to people who are using BusyBox and uClibc in the embedded
space. He has the Hall of Shame, where basically he's got lots and lots
of devices that you can grab the firmware image, decrypt it sometimes,
decompress it, seek into the thing and find the root partition that has
BusyBox in it, or uClibc, and he basically sends out little "cease and
desist" letters saying "You guys are using our stuff in violation of the
license terms. We would like the source code."</p>
<p>He doesn't go after it too hard. He mostly just sends "cease and
desist" letters unless somebody really pisses him off. Mostly they do
<p>There's a guy in Germany who actually got somebody's production
halted, because he has some of the network code in Linux kernel. He runs and he goes after German companies, because that's
where he lives, or companies that do business in Germany. And he's
actually getting very good precedents that GPL is enforceable. He's
gotten restraining orders against companies. You have to stop shipping
until you resolve this issue.</p>
<p>But basically in the embedded space, it's not like these are
people... They don't care one way or the other about shipping source
code. It's that they've outsourced it to cheap Indian or Taiwanese labor
that had a 6-month contract, shipped them a finished tarball; they no
longer have a business relationship with these people; they've shipped a
product that they expect to manufacture for 6-8 months; it will be on
the shelf for 2 years; and then no one will support it at all, because
it was a 40 dollar item. It was cheap, plastic hardware and they have
moved on.</p>
<p>We would rather like the source code to these so that we could
support them ourselves. They're not even worried about clones, because <i>they're</i> not making it anymore.</p>
<p><b>Jay Maynard</b>. And half the time it's not the design so much as implementation of the manufacturer's application note (?)</p>
<p><b>Rob Landley</b>. Half the times the companies we were talking to
are re-shipping a very lightly modified firmware image that they got
from somewhere else. And basically we go through this company that's in
the US; they have to talk to their Taiwanese supplier that doesn't even
speak English. We would never see any of the source that we do get from
these guys, if it wasn't for the GPL. And we already had several people
who... Oh, darn, Glen McGrath is an Australian developer...</p>
<p><b>Eric Raymond</b>. Taking everything you've said as a given, we
would never see any of the source code without the GPL. What worries me
is the second order effects of GPL enforcement are worse than the gains
we're collecting.</p>
<p><b>Jay Maynard</b>. Yes. And I think I see where you're actually
going with this position I happen to agree with, and that is that sure,
these guys are winning access to source code for...</p>
<p><b>Eric Raymond</b>. I'm afraid it's winning us battles and losing us the war.</p>
<p><b>Jay Maynard</b>. Yeah, they're winning access and what will happen
is manufacturers will simply do like Linksys did in the case of RT54G
(?): they will put out new versions and simply not use open source
software. So the overall effect will not be a gain in the open source
access to firmware at all. The net effect will be that people will
simply stop using the code.</p>
<p><b>Rob Landley</b>. I actually don't mind this. If these are people
who don't wanna play by these terms, they shouldn't have been using it
in the first place. And one of the interesting things about this is that
<p>You're acting like forking is a temporary thing that would just go
away once we have a sufficient market share, and I'm point out that
there's never gonna be a shortage of stupid people.</p>
<p><b>Cathy Raymond</b>. I see an audience question.</p>
<p><b>A guy from the audience (Big O)</b>. Let me point something out.
The reason why, these manufacturers use these library components was
that it shortened their development cycle, so it has some value to them.
If they wanted to not use it, they should have developed their own and
not (...)</p>
<p><b>Rob Landley</b>. You notice that Linksys didn't go to VxWorks,
Cisco went to VxWorks, which is a much, much larger company with money
to license anything they darn well please, that it already integrated
this into a different business unit.</p>
<p><b>Jay Maynard</b>. You are assuming, though, that that decision was made at the Cisco corporate level and not the Linksys division one.</p>
<p><b>Rob Landley</b>. The Linksys division had its management swapped
out with Cisco management, so Linksys isn't making decisions anymore,
they're drooling.</p>
<p><b>Jay Maynard</b>. But the same comment applies. You're not going to
convince Cisco to produce things to which the source can be obtained.
It's not going to happen. You're not gonna get Microsoft do it, you're
not gonna get Cisco do it, you're not gonna get IBM to do it, outside of
very few cases, and IBM is a special case.</p>
<p><b>Eric Raymond</b>. The question is, are the minor battles we're
winning by forcing this tiny pieces of code open worth the long-term bad
effects of scaring lots of corporations and technology vendors away
from open source? And I'm increasingly thinking not.</p>
<p><b>Rob Landley</b>. 99% of the time nobody actually fights these
battles, because we either convince people to cleanly use the stuff and
release the source code, or not use it. We only really go after the
people who probably would have released the source code if they could
have been bothered; or like Harald Welte, people who are like, look, you
really shouldn't be using Linux if you don't want release the source
code; we'd rather you didn't ship, and then (?) you ship with something
else. </p>
<p>The thing is, most of these niches, there's dozens of players in any
of these niches. I think it's WindRiver systems, the people who bought
the corpse of, and they sort of had Slackware for a while, and
spun it off, and had Free BSD for a while and spun it off... Those guys
were one of the big players in the embedded space. And they still sort
of are. But they had to switch over to Linux recently just because it
was undercutting their margins.</p>
<p><b>Eric Raymond</b>. So instead of threatening people with lawsuits,
we should simply stand back and let the market do its thing. Help
commodity software win. That way we win, and we don't slow the adoption
curve by scaring people with GPL! </p>
<p><b>Jay Maynard</b>. I need to say at this point that I am not at all
philosophically opposed to the concept of open source software. What I
am opposed to is the concept that it should be in any manner, in any
way, by any person, under any circumstances, mandated in any form.</p>
<p><b>Eric Raymond</b>. Because no one wants to be forced to be virtuous.</p>
<p><b>Jay Maynard</b>. Correct.</p>
<p><b>Rob Landley</b>. And that seems to be the common objection. I'd like to point out that both of you are fairly radical libertarians, correct? </p>
<p><b>Jay Maynard</b>. He would argue that...</p>
<p><b>Eric Raymond</b>. No, I'm a radical libertarian. He (Jay Maynard) is a conservative.</p>
<p><b>Jay Maynard</b>. I consider myself a conservative with libertarian leanings.</p>
<p><b>Rob Landley</b>. <a name="bsd">I'd like to point out that Free BSD</a> has been out for, like, six months less than Linux. And it has had basically every opportunity that Linux has.</p>
<p><b>Jay Maynard</b>. No, it hasn't.</p>
<p><b>Eric Raymond</b>. Their failure was due to two main causes that
have nothing to do with the GPL/BSD distinction. One was they lost a
critical window of opportunity in the AT&amp;T vs BSD lawsuit. If it
haven't been for that, the BSD people are well aware, and in fact Linus
is well aware -- I had this conversation with him -- that BSD would
probably rule the world now. I've been on stage with Linus when he
admitted this publicly.</p>
<p><b>Rob Landley</b>. Yeah, I've heard he said that. He said that <i>he</i> would have worked on BSD had it been out at the time.</p>
<p><b>Eric Raymond</b>. That was problem number one. Problem number two is: the BSD people got their social organization wrong. </p>
<p><b>Rob Landley</b>. Still is.</p>
<p><b>Eric Raymond</b>. Yea, yea, yea, yea! The fundamental problem with
BSD is there is a whole unitary distribution. You can't change any
piece of policy without forking the entire project model. They're very
proud of their single make system: you type "make" at the top level and
it builds everything: kernel, utilities, the whole nine yards. They're
very proud of that. The problem is, it introduces fatal social
rigidities. It means that any time you disagree with even the smallest
little piece of the distribution decision, your only option is to do (as
the person X did). That's the problem with BSD.</p>
<p><b>Jay Maynard</b>. And in fact, consider a Gentoo BSD, which would
provide the same thing, except not mandate the distribution decision.
You think that would have made a significant difference?</p>
<p><b>Eric Raymond</b>. Oh, yeah! The problem is, the people -- and I
say this as a person who comes form that world myself -- the people who
founded the BSD project were excessively old school. They were still
thinking in terms of the traditional software engineering, and toward
(?) the critical points of organization, they thought you had to have
one. And that's what screwed them up. It wasn't GPL versus BSD. They got
their social machinery wrong.</p>
<p><b>Rob Landley</b>. So why hasn't it recovered if the GPL is dragging Linux so badly?</p>
<p><b>Cathy Raymond</b>. Cause they still don't have their social machinery right? </p>
<p><b>Eric Raymond</b>. Heh heh heh. Well, for one thing, the relative
size of their developer communities. Who wants to go play in an
environment as authoritarian as, say, Free BSD? </p>
<p><b>Rob Landley</b>. One interesting thing about the GPL is that it
appeals to developers because GPL is designed to protect the interests
of developers. So people who write open source code have a huge
<p><b>Cathy Raymond</b>. Slow down. Let's slow down. I see a couple of questions that I'd like to get to. The gentleman way there in the back?</p>
<p><b>The gentleman in the back</b> <i>says something about how MacOS uses BSD and is now competing with BSD. That causes Rob Landley to segue into this:</i></p>
<p><b>Rob Landley</b>. There would be a Microsoft version of Linux
today, if there was a BSD license, or at least they would have
incorporated huge quantities of code, and they would have embraced and
extended it so that it wouldn't...</p>
<p><b>Eric Raymond</b>. If that were happening, we would be winning, because they'd have to use our networking stacks, our file protocols...</p>
<p><b>Rob Landley</b>. And we'd have to buy it from them if we wanted to (...) We still wouldn't have 3-D drivers.</p>
<p><b>Eric Raymond</b>. No, no, no! We'd still own the basic projects
they were taking code from. If Microsoft tried to embrace and extend us,
this would be a good thing.</p>
<p><b>Jay Maynard</b> <i>apparently addresses the guy in the audience who said Apple was competing with BSD</i>.
And I have to argue with one fundamental assertion that you made in it.
Apple did not steal Free BSD! Get that thought out of your mind right
<p><b>Somebody</b> (maybe the same guy who mentioned Apple). I'm sorry. You're right.</p>
<p><b>Rob Landley</b>. They hired several developers.</p>
<p><b>Jay Maynard</b>. One of the fundamental philosophies of BSDs
plural is that people like Apple should be able to take that code and
freely use it and freely build on it, and not be beholden to do a damn
thing because of it. </p>
<p><b>Cathy Raymond</b>. Why? No, seriously, why? I'm interested in this because... Well, I'll get to my own opinion (in a minute).</p>
<p><b>Jay Maynard</b>. It comes down to the fundamental definition of
freedom. And true freedom must absolutely, necessarily include the
freedom to do something that pisses other people off, as long as you
don't actually harm them.</p>
<p><b>Cathy Raymond</b>. Right, like promulgating your software under the GPL.</p>
<p><b>Rob Landley</b>. Nobody's forcing anybody to use the GPL.</p>
<p><b>Jay Maynard</b>. Hang on, hang on. The fundamental difference here
is that the BSD types realize that allowing somebody like Apple to take
their software and release the modifications without source, or release
add-ons without source, etc. is going to piss off people. But there is
no actual harm there. And so in order to maximize freedom for everybody
you must grant them that freedom. If, as the GPL advocates claim, you
must restrict freedom in order to maximize freedom...</p>
<p><b>Eric Raymond</b>. Ignorance is slavery! War is peace! </p>
<p><b>Jay Maynard</b>. ... that is like the canonical example, fucking for virginity.</p>
<p><b>Rob Landley</b>. I'd like to point out the that Bill of Rights is a list of things, of restrictions that people should not be doing (...)</p>
<p><b>Eric Raymond</b>. No, that the government must not do. (...)</p>
<p><b>Rob Landley</b>. So, laws against killing people: we'd be better off without them.</p>
<p><b>Eric Raymond</b>. You stepped over a line. There's actual harm involved.</p>
<p><b>Jay Maynard. So, Cathy, speak up. You...</b></p>
<p><b>Cathy Raymond</b>. I was first going to find out what Mr. Big O wanted to say, if he still remembers it.</p>
<p><b>Big O</b>. I don't.</p>
<p><b>Cathy Raymond</b>. OK. So let me start with my own recap of what I'm hearing here.</p>
<p>Rob is a programmer and he sees the GPL as important, because it's a way for a programmer...</p>
<p><b>Rob Landley</b>. Useful.</p>
<p><b>Cathy Raymond</b>. Useful. Whatever. It's a way for a programmer,
as it were, to protect his ability to develop his code. Jay is looking
at... Jay recognizes that there's also a political agenda which can be
used in the GPL. And he finds it offensive because he thinks that it
interferes with commerce, with the ability to freely trade...</p>
<p><b>Jay Maynard</b>. I'm a naked capitalist.</p>
<p><b>Eric Raymond</b>. If you're gonna talk the freedom talk, walk the freedom walk. He argues that FSF isn't doing that.</p>
<p><b>Cathy Raymond</b>. Eric is a visionary. Eric has this dream for
open source, and he has looked at the GPL, and he thinks that at this
point GPL is doing more harm than good to the vision. </p>
<p>I'm a lawyer. To me, a license, any kind of license is a tool. The
purpose of a tool is to help somebody to get something done. When a tool
is a license, the purpose is to effectuate the goals of whoever owns
the thing that's being licensed. You write a program, you own it. You
have a right to set terms under which it can be bought, sold,
distributed, whatever. That's part of what a license is supposed to do
for you. If you want to use your distribution of your code as means to
push a political agenda, you can do that. It's a free country. You will
piss people off, but you can do that.</p>
<p>What I'm hearing here is not so much that GPL is ineffective, but
that the GPL is, in a sense, too effective, notwithstanding that there
isn't a court in America that has yet said it's an enforceable license.
What I'm hearing is people saying that they disagree with the different
agendas that are being discussed. And that's very interesting to me. </p>
<p>I think that whether those agendas are good, bad or evil, may be a
slightly different panel, but we can certainly go into that in the
remaining five minutes.</p>
<p><b>Rob Landley</b>. Can I clarify one thing?</p>
<p><b>Cathy Raymond</b>. Please.</p>
<p><b>Rob Landley</b>. I'd like to clarify one thing. I really don't
care about the political agenda of the Free Software Foundation. I
consider them largely to be foaming loonies. They may be right in some
things but that doesn't stop them from being foaming loonies about an
awful lot of it.<br>
Most of the BSD people who object to GPL because it's not "real"
freedom, it's Nutra-freedom (panelists emit shrieks of laughter) -- I
consider them to be just as zealous as people who say there should be no
software that is not GPL'ed. I use BSD-licensed code, I just don't
write it. As a developer, I use the GPL because it's the license I want
on the code I write in my spare time that I'm not paid to write. I will
not release BSD-licensed code without a darn good reason, unless I am
paid to write it. It's not what I do for fun.</p>
<p><a name="stallman">The elephant in the room is that Linux is GPL'ed right now</a>,
and the license is not changing, because there are way too many
stakeholders. The license on most of the GPL'ed software out there --
you're not gonna get it re-licensed. You're either arguing that new
software should not be GPL'ed, which, I admit... I admit that GPL 3.0 is
somewhat scary, because, well, Stallman is involved in doing it, and to
me he seems more sane with distance. The longer ago he said stuff, the
<p><b>Eric Raymond</b>. The less crazy it seems.</p>
<p><b>Rob Landley</b>. The less crazy it seems. I don't know if this is
history proving him right, or the fact that he used to be more sane. I
don't know.</p>
<p><b>Eric Raymond</b>. I've known him long enough to answer that question. He used to be more sane.</p>
<p><b>Jay Maynard</b>. I'm going to object to one thing there, and that
is, that talking about freedom makes me a zealot. What was it
(So-and-so) said? Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice?
Freedom is so thoroughly important a concept, it's so central to what we
are as a society, it's so vital to what we want to become, that
polluting it by discussing freedom in a manner that FSF is doing, is
actively harmful to the concept of maximizing freedom in our society.</p>
<p><b>Eric Raymond</b>. And I will say... I will make my closing
statement. I will start by saying, no, I will not concede that he is a
zealot about freedom. If he were a zealot about freedom, he wouldn't be a
conservative, he'd be a libertarian. <i>(Everybody laughs.)</i></p>
<p>But my closing statement about the GPL is the thought I wanna leave
you all with, is that I think the GPL was fundamentally a confession of
(...) weakness. That it was written at a time when we saw open source
and free software development as a fragile, endangered phenomenon that
was surrounded by predators much more powerful than us. What I want to
point out is that it's 2005, we don't live in that world anymore.</p>
<p><b>Rob Landley</b>. Yes, Microsoft imploded years ago, they (...) They admit they haven't shipped anything (?) <i>(Everybody laughs.)</i></p>
<p><b>Eric Raymond</b>. We don't live in that world anymore, and I don't
think it's possible, I think that open source is a superior development
method. We will win in the market place. And I don't think it's
possible to both believe that and believe that the GPL is necessary.</p>
<p><b>Rob Landley</b>. I'd like to live to see it. DCSS, binary-only
Nvidia drivers, 802.11g was a huge fight, we still have problems and I
don't think even if we had a lot of market share, someone who had an
end-all, be-all graphics card that was still a monopoly piece of
hardware, you know, because it was just so much cooler that anything
else out there, they would love to have a binary-only driver, they would
love to dictate the terms to the rest of the world. That's what
monopolies do.</p>
<p><b>Eric Raymond</b>. Yeah, well, and you know what markets eventually
do to monopolies, unless there's a government propping them up. They
kill them.</p>
<p><b>Rob Landley</b>. And it can take 60 years.</p>
<p><b>Eric Raymond</b>. No, actually, the half-life of monopolies is about 12 years.</p>
<p><b>Cathy Raymond</b>. When did Microsoft become a monopoly, again?</p>
<p><b>Jay Maynard</b>. In 1995.</p>
<p><b>Rob Landley</b>. More or less since the release of Windows 3.1. It was more like '92.</p>
<p><b>Eric Raymond</b>. The half-life of monopolies is about 12 years.
This is very hard number, derived from studying monopoly market shares,
and location on the (...) over the last 150 years.</p>
<p><b>Rob Landley</b>. That is an interesting argument, and I'd like
more information on that, because my main objection is, you know, it's
like, yay BSD, it can be stable once it's dominant and it's not stable
when it's not dominant.</p>
<p><b>Eric Raymond</b>. There is one exception. If you get government to
prop you up the way (so-and-so) did with the AT&amp;T monopoly, then
you get to exceed the 12-year half-life. Unless government a silent
partner -- 12 year half-life. It's a rule.</p>
<p><b>Rob Landley</b>. How long did Henry Ford last?</p>
<p><b>Cathy Raymond</b>. Well, back then it wasn't called a monopoly. It was...</p>
<p><b>Eric Raymond</b>, <i>addressing a member of the audience</i>. Back there! We'll finish up with this guy's question.</p>
<p><b>A guy in the audience</b>. (If a company can run away with
commercially viable open source software, they will.) And the only thing
that's stopping them from running away with all the stuff that is
Linux, and keeping them...</p>
<p><b>Eric Raymond</b>. And running a small development group competing with the large group?</p>
<p><b>Jay Maynard</b>. You are making a fundamental assumption that
makes my blood boil. And that is... The assumption you are making is
that by doing so, they will make the original code that they are
starting from unavailable. And that is flat 100% wrong of any OSD
licence. BSD, QPL, GPL, no matter what, you cannot take existing code
<p><b>Rob Landley</b>. You can just render it irrelevant.</p>
<p><b>Eric Raymond</b>. When has that ever...</p>
<p><b>Rob Landley</b>. You can also hire the developers away.</p>
<p><b>Eric Raymond</b>. When has "render it irrelevant" ever been accomplished, even once? Give me even one example.</p>
<p><b>Rob Landley</b>. I remember a number under OS/2, but (...)</p>
<p><b>Jay Maynard</b>. If that could be done, we wouldn't have BSD today, cause Sun would have taken it private.</p>
<p><b>Rob Landley</b>. Yeah. Well, Sun hired away Bill Joy, and then... it didn't stop it, it just cost them five years.</p>
<p><b>Cathy Raymond</b>. I think we will all have to agree to disagree.
It's 3 o'clock, I am expected at another panel, if there is no one else
in the room after this, you're welcome to continue the debate.</p>
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