---------------------------------- LITERATE ---------------------------------- -- Variable for all literate stuff local lit = {} -- Status indicator lit.status = true -- Valid metadata structure lit.metastruct = { ["mandatory"] = { -- Value as table == whole patterns to match ["id"] = {"%a[_%w]*"}, }, ["optional"] = { ["lang"] = {"lua", "fennel", "python", "js", "ruby", "lisp", "graphviz"}, ["cmd"] = {".+"}, -- Value as string == type to match ["args"] = "table", ["shift"] = "boolean", ["wipe"] = "boolean", ["typed"] = "boolean", ["link"] = "path", ["img"] = "path", ["alt"] = "string", ["dump"] = "path", ["quote"] = "boolean", }, } -- Grammars function lit.g(name) -- Lexical elements local newline = lpeg.P"\r"^-1 * lpeg.P"\n" local space = lpeg.S" \t" local anyspace = lpeg.S" \t\r\n" local spot = (1 - anyspace) local any = (spot + space) local yamlheader = space^0 * lpeg.P"---" * space^0 * newline local yamlfooter = space^0 * lpeg.P"..." * space^0 * newline^-1 local yamlbody = -yamlfooter * any^0 * newline -- Still not used local id = lpeg.R("az", "AZ") * lpeg.R("az", "AZ", "09")^0 local ref = lpeg.P"#" * id local grammars = { -- Block grammar ["block"] = lpeg.P { "Block"; Block = lpeg.Ct(lpeg.V"YAML" * lpeg.V"Code", "name"); YAML = lpeg.C(yamlheader * yamlbody^0 * yamlfooter); Code = lpeg.C((any + newline)^0); }, } return grammars[name] end -- Prints located messages function lit.puts(key, ...) -- Returns debug level as number local function debuglevel(str) if str == "ERROR" then lit.status = false return 2 elseif str == "WARNING" then return 1 else return 0 end end -- Gets located message local function getmsg(key, ...) local msg = pandoc.metatotable(pandoc.read([[#locale()]]).meta) local levelname, level, lang = "INFO", 0, os.lang() for mtype, msgs in pairs(msg) do if msgs[key] ~= nil then key = (msgs[key][lang] ~= nil and msgs[key][lang] or msgs[key]["en"]) for i, str in ipairs({...}) do key = key:gsub("#" .. i, str) end levelname, level = mtype, debuglevel(mtype) break end end return key, levelname, level end local verbosity = debuglevel(PANDOC_STATE.verbosity) local msg, levelname, level = getmsg(key, ...) if level >= verbosity then print("[" .. levelname .. "] [LIT] " .. msg) end end -- Examinates (parses and evaluates) document function lit.exam(doc) -- Evaluates code block -- Evals Lisp code --[[ local function eval(code) local is_passed, out = pcall ( function () return fennel.eval(code) end, function (e) return e end ) local lua = "" local out = tostring(out) local preview = out:gsub("\n.*", "") if is_passed then lua = fennel.compileString(code) end return {is_passed = is_passed, preview = preview, out = out, lua = lua} end ]]-- -- Parses code block local function parse(codeblock) -- Checks code block local function check(parsed) -- Checks for extra and unwanted metadata local function checkextra(meta) for key, val in pairs(meta) do local missing1 = lit.metastruct["mandatory"][key] == nil local missing2 = lit.metastruct["optional"][key] == nil if missing1 and missing2 then lit.puts("invalid_key", key) end end end -- Checks for valid metadata local function checkmeta(meta, kind) -- Checks for valid metadata type local function checktype(type1, meta, key) local val = meta[key] local type2 = type(val) if type1 ~= type2 then if type1 == "path" then if not(pandoc.path.directory(val):isdir()) then lit.puts("invalid_path", val, key) end else lit.puts("invalid_type", type2, key) end end end -- Checks for valid metadata pattern local function checkpattern(table, meta, key) local val = tostring(meta[key]) local err = key for _, pattern in pairs(table) do if val:match("^" .. pattern .. "$") then err = "" break end end if not(err:isempty()) then lit.puts("invalid_value", val, err) end end for key, val in pairs(lit.metastruct[kind]) do if meta[key] == nil and kind == "mandatory" then lit.puts("no_key", key) elseif meta[key] and type(val) == "table" then checkpattern(val, meta, key) elseif meta[key] then checktype(val, meta, key) end end end -- Parses metadata local function parsemeta(yaml) local isok, res = pcall(pandoc.read, yaml) local meta = {} if isok and not(pandoc.utils.stringify(res.meta):isempty()) then meta = pandoc.metatotable(res.meta) checkmeta(meta, "mandatory") checkmeta(meta, "optional") checkextra(meta) -- TODO: checks for duplicates elseif isok and pandoc.utils.stringify(res.meta):isempty() then lit.puts("meta_empty") else lit.puts("meta_invalid") end return meta end lit.puts("checking", table.concat(parsed, ""):indent()) local meta = parsemeta(parsed[1]) -- TODO: -- meta["code"] = checkcode(parsed[2], meta) -- return meta return meta end local parsed = lpeg.match(lit.g("block"), codeblock.text) local checked = (parsed ~= nil and check(parsed) or parsed) -- TODO: -- evaluated = eval(checked) -- return evaluated return codeblock end -- TODO -- Evals and inserts inline code local function insert(code) return code end -- Asserts literate status local function assert() if not(lit.status) then lit.puts("aborted") os.exit(1) end end return doc:walk { CodeBlock = function(block) return parse(block) end } :walk { Code = function(inline) return insert(inline) end } :walk { Pandoc = function(_) assert() end } end return lit