-- Makes tests -- Adds local luarocks modules package.path = "./opt/share/lua/5.4/?.lua;" .. package.path -- Adds Lua custom extensions require "dog" require "scripts.make_dist" -- Variables local filter = "dist/lin.bundle.lua" local verbose = "" local trace = "" local files = {} local cmds = { ["unix"] = { ["pandoc"] = "pandoc", ["clear"] = "clear", ["ls"] = "ls", }, ["win"] = { ["pandoc"] = "pandoc.exe", ["clear"] = "cls", ["ls"] = "dir", }, } -- Prints help local function help() local cmd = " pandoc lua script/test.lua" print(table.concat({ "Usage:", cmd .. " [OPTIONS] [FILES]", "Options", " -V --verbose Prints verbose debbuging output", " -t --trace Prints diagnostic output tracing parser progress", " -h --help Prints this help", "Examples:", cmd .. " Tests for 'tests/*.*", cmd .. " -V Verbose tests for 'tests/*.*'", cmd .. " -t Tests and tracing for 'tests/*.*'", cmd .. " tests/fail* Tests for 'tests/fail*'", cmd .. " -Vt tests/fail* Verbose tests and tracing for 'tests/fail*'", cmd .. " -h Display this help", }, "\n")) os.exit() end -- Gets command according to OS local function getcmd(str) local system = (os.isunix() and "unix" or "win") return cmds[system][str] end -- Obtains result as "pass" | "fail" | "diff" (AST doesn't match) local function getresult(test) local tmp, name = "tmp.json", pandoc.path.filename(test) local json = pandoc.path.join({"tests", "asts", name .. ".json"}) local ok, out = io.try(getcmd("pandoc"), "-L", filter, verbose, trace, "-t json", "-o", tmp, test) local json1, json2 = tmp:readtext(), json:readtext() os.remove("tmp.json") if (ok and json2 == nil) or (ok and json1 == json2) then return "pass", out:strip() elseif ok and json1 ~= json2 then return "diff", out:strip() else return "fail", out:strip() end end -- Parses args for _, a in ipairs(arg) do if a:match("^-.*h.*") then help() elseif a == "-V" or a == "--verbose" then verbose = "--verbose" elseif a == "-t" or a == "--trace" then trace = "--trace" elseif a == "-Vt" or a == "-tV" then verbose = "--verbose" trace = "--trace" elseif a:match("^-") == nil then table.insert(files, pandoc.path.normalize(a)) end end -- Default files if #files == 0 then for file in io.popen(getcmd("ls") .. " tests"):lines() do if file ~= "asts" then table.insert(files, pandoc.path.join({"tests", file})) end end end -- Clears terminal os.execute(getcmd("clear")) print "🐾 Starting tests" -- Does tests for _, file in ipairs(files) do local expectation = pandoc.path.filename(file):gsub("%W.+$", "") local result, output = getresult(file) print("⚗️ " .. file .. ":") print(" Expect: " .. expectation) print(" Result: " .. result) if #verbose > 0 or #trace > 0 then print(output) end end