-- Makes bundle and min distribution -- Adds local luarocks modules local optpath = "./opt/share/lua/5.4/" package.path = optpath .. "?.lua;" .. package.path -- Adds Lua custom extensions require "dog" -- Makes distribution local function make_dist(name, bundle) -- Chomps file local function chomp(str) str = string.readtext(str):strip() return "\n" .. str .. "\n" end -- Defaults to true bundle = (bundle == nil or bundle == true) -- Variables local dist = pandoc.path.join({"dist", name}) local fnl = chomp(optpath .. "fennel.lua"):gsub("\nreturn mod\n", "\nlocal fnl = mod\n") local dog = chomp(optpath .. "dog.lua") local nat = chomp("src/natural.lua"):gsub("\nreturn nat\n", "") local lit = chomp("src/literate.lua"):gsub("#locale%(%)", ("src/locale.yaml"):readtext()) local pan = chomp("src/pandoc.lua") local license = string.strip([[ Computable Pandoc: (C) 2023 perro hi@perrotuerto.blog License: GPLv3 https://git.cuates.net/perro/computable-pandoc/src/branch/no-masters/LICENSE.txt Source: https://git.cuates.net/perro/computable-pandoc ]]) local extralicense = string.strip([[ Computable Pandoc & Fennel Bundle: A Pandoc filter for literate and natural programming ]] .. license .. "\n" .. [[ Fennel: (C) 2016-2023 Calvin Rose and contributors License: MIT License https://git.sr.ht/~technomancy/fennel/tree/main/item/LICENSE Source: https://sr.ht/~technomancy/fennel or https://github.com/bakpakin/Fennel/issues Website: https://fennel-lang.org ]]) -- Bundles Fennel and Computable Pandoc local file = io.open(dist, "w") if bundle then file:write("--[[\n", extralicense, "\n]]--\n") file:write(fnl, dog, nat) else file:write("--[[\n", license, "\n]]--\n") file:write('\nrequire "fennel"\nrequire "dog"\nrequire "nat"\n') end file:write(lit, pan) file:close() end make_dist("lin.bundle.lua") make_dist("lin.min.lua", false)