""" Project: Strong Password Detection Page 186 """ import re tests = [ "", "a", "aaaaaaaa", "AAAAAAAA", "11111111", "aAaAaAaA", "a1a1a1a1", "A1A1A1A1", "aA1aA1aA1", ] def check_pass(string): withupper = True if re.match(r".*[A-Z]", string) else False withlower = True if re.match(r".*[a-z]", string) else False withdigit = True if re.match(r".*\d", string) else False if len(string) >= 8 and withupper and withlower and withdigit: print(f"'{string}' is a strong pass") else: print(f"'{string}' is NOT a strong pass") for test in tests: check_pass(test)