Paths and files --------------- Remember, always import library. .. code-block:: python import easymacro as app Get info path ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: python path = '/home/mau/myfile.ods' p = app.paths(path) app.debug(p.path) app.debug(p.file_name) app.debug( app.debug(p.ext) app.debug(p.size) app.debug(p.url) Or get information in a tuple .. code-block:: python path = '/home/mau/myfile.ods' p = app.paths(path) app.msgbox( Exists path ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: python path = '/home/mau/test' app.msgbox(app.paths.exists(path)) Path is file ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: python path = '/home/mau/' app.msgbox(app.paths.is_file(path)) Path is dir ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: python path = '/home/mau' app.msgbox(app.paths.is_dir(path)) Get path home ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: python path = app.paths.home app.msgbox(path) Get path documents ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * Configurate in LibreOffice Paths .. code-block:: python path = app.paths.documents app.msgbox(path) Get path temp ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: python path = app.paths.temp_dir app.msgbox(path) Get path from LibreOffice configuration ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * Default get path documents. .. code-block:: python path = app.paths.config() app.msgbox(path) * All options in `API XPathSettings`_ .. code-block:: python path = app.paths.config('Config') app.msgbox(path) Get path executable python ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: python path_python = app.paths.python app.msgbox(path_python) Save and read text data ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * Default encoding is UTF8 .. code-block:: python data = """Do you want to know who you are? Don't ask. Act! Action will delineate and define you. Thomas Jefferson """ path = '/home/mau/temp.txt', data) data = app.msgbox(data) * Change encoding .. code-block:: python, data, 'iso-8859-1') Save and read binary data ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: python data = b'Binary data' path = '/home/mau/temp.bin' app.paths.save_bin(path, data) data = app.paths.read_bin(path) app.msgbox(data) Join paths ^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: python path_home = app.paths.home file_name = 'test.ods' path = app.paths.join(path_home, file_name) app.msgbox(path) Get a temporal path ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: python path_temp = app.paths.tmp() app.msgbox(path_temp) * Get with extension. .. code-block:: python path_temp = app.paths.tmp('.txt') app.msgbox(path_temp) * Save data in a temporal path .. code-block:: python data = """He who receives an idea from me, receives instruction himself without lessening mine; as he who lights his taper at mine, receives light without darkening me. Thomas Jefferson """ path_tmp = app.paths.save_tmp(data) app.msgbox(path_tmp) Get a temporal dir ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * All content and directory is deleted when exit context. .. code-block:: python data = """Do you want to know who you are? Don't ask. Act! Action will delineate and define you. Thomas Jefferson """ with app.paths.dir_tmp() as dt: app.debug(app.paths.exists(dt)) path = app.paths.join(dt, 'test.txt'), data) app.debug(app.paths.exists(dt)) Get path for save ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * Default open in user documents. .. code-block:: python path = app.paths.get() app.msgbox(path) * Open in other path. .. code-block:: python path_tmp = app.paths.temp_dir path = app.paths.get(path_tmp) app.msgbox(path) * Add one filter .. code-block:: python path = app.paths.get(filters='xml') app.msgbox(path) * Add multiple filters .. code-block:: python path = app.paths.get(filters='xml,txt') Select directory ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * Default open in user documents. .. code-block:: python path_dir = app.paths.get_dir() app.msgbox(path_dir) * Open in other path. .. code-block:: python path_tmp = app.paths.temp_dir path_dir = app.paths.get_dir(path_tmp) app.msgbox(path_dir) Get path exists file ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * Default open in user documents. .. code-block:: python path_file = app.paths.get_file() app.msgbox(path_file) * Change init dir. .. code-block:: python path = '/home/mau' path_file = app.paths.get_file(path) app.msgbox(path_file) * Add filter or filters. .. code-block:: python path_file = app.paths.get_file(filters='ods') # or path_file = app.paths.get_file(filters='ods,odt') * Can select multiple files. .. code-block:: python path_file = app.paths.get_file(multiple=True) Replace extension ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: python path = '/home/mau/myFile.ods' path_new = app.paths.replace_ext(path, 'pdf') app.msgbox(path_new) Path in format URL <-> System ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: python path = '/home/mau/myFile.ods' path_url = app.paths.to_url(path) app.msgbox(path_url) path = app.paths.to_system(path_url) app.msgbox(path) Delete files and directories ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ **CAUTION**: Delete files and directories immediately, always confirm this action. .. code-block:: python path = '/home/mau/temp.bin' result = app.paths.kill(path) app.msgbox(result) * Delete directory and all content. .. code-block:: python path = '/home/mau/safe_for_delete' result = app.paths.kill(path) app.msgbox(result) Get files ^^^^^^^^^ This method use library `pathlib` * Get files not recursively .. code-block:: python path = '/home/mau/Documents' files = app.paths.files(path) for f in files: app.debug(f) * Add filter .. code-block:: python files = app.paths.files(path, '*.pdf') * Get from this directory and all subdirectories, recursively .. code-block:: python files = app.paths.files(path, '**/*.pdf') This method use `os.walk` * Get content files recursively .. code-block:: python path = '/home/mau/Documents' files = app.paths.walk(path) for f in files: app.debug(f) * Add filters .. code-block:: python files = app.paths.walk(path, 'ods') # or filters files = app.paths.walk(path, 'ods|odt') Get directories ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This method use library `pathlib` * Get directories in path not recursively .. code-block:: python path = '/home/mau/Documents' folders = app.paths.dirs(path) for f in folders: app.debug(f) This method use `os.walk` * Get directories in path recursively .. code-block:: python path = '/home/mau/Documents' folders = app.paths.walk_dirs(path) for f in folders: app.debug(f) * Get info in a tuple (ID_FOLDER, ID_PARENT, NAME) .. code-block:: python path = '/home/mau/Documents' folders = app.paths.walk_dirs(path, True) for f in folders: app.debug(f) Get install path extension from id ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: python id_ext = 'net.elmau.zaz.EasyMacro' path = app.paths.from_id(id_ext) app.debug(path) .. code-block:: bash 24/06/2021 21:47:29 - DEBUG - /home/mau/.config/libreoffice/4/user/uno_packages/cache/uno_packages/lu20665x29msz.tmp_/ZAZEasyMacro_v0.1.0.oxt Verify if application exists ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: python app_name = 'nosoffice' app.msgbox(app.paths.exists_app(app_name)) app_name = 'soffice' app.msgbox(app.paths.exists_app(app_name)) Open any type file ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Open with default application in OS. .. code-block:: python path = '/home/mau/Downloads/file.pdf' path = '/home/mau/Projects/libre_office/zaz/doc/build/index.html' Save and read json ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: python path = '/home/mau/data.json' data = { 'type': 'calc', 'name': 'myfile.ods', } app.paths.to_json(path, data) data = app.paths.from_json(path) app.msgbox(data) Save and read csv ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ You can used the same way that `python csv`_ .. code-block:: python path = '/home/mau/data.csv' data = ( (1, 'one',, (2, 'two',, (3, 'three',, ) app.paths.to_csv(path, data) data = app.paths.from_csv(path) app.msgbox(data) Zip, unzip ^^^^^^^^^^ For default, save in the same directory with the same name + `.zip` * Zip file .. code-block:: python source = '/home/mau/logo.svg' path_zip = app.debug(path_zip) * Zip directory .. code-block:: python source = '/home/mau/test' path_zip = app.debug(path_zip) * Set target .. code-block:: python source = '/home/mau/logo.svg' target = '/home/mau/' path_zip =, target) app.debug(path_zip) * Read content of zip .. code-block:: python path_zip = '/home/mau/' names = app.paths.zip_content(path_zip) for n in names: app.debug(n) Copy files ^^^^^^^^^^ Copy with the same name .. code-block:: python path = '/home/mau/image.png' target = '/home/mau/Pictures' path_new = app.paths.copy(path, target) app.msgbox(path_new) Copy with other name .. code-block:: python path = '/home/mau/image.png' target = '/home/mau/Pictures' new_name = 'other_name.png' path_new = app.paths.copy(path, target, name) app.msgbox(path_new) .. _API XPathSettings: .. _python csv: