#!/usr/bin/env python3 # ~ This file is part of ZAZ. # ~ ZAZ is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # ~ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # ~ the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # ~ (at your option) any later version. # ~ ZAZ is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # ~ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # ~ MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # ~ GNU General Public License for more details. # ~ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # ~ along with ZAZ. If not, see . import logging # ~ Type extension: # ~ 1 = normal extension # ~ 2 = new component # ~ 3 = Calc addin TYPE_EXTENSION = 1 # ~ https://semver.org/ VERSION = '0.1.0' # ~ Your great extension name, not used spaces NAME = 'TestMacro' # ~ Should be unique, used URL inverse ID = 'org.myextension.test' PUBLISHER = { 'en': {'text': 'El Mau', 'link': 'https://elmau.net'}, 'es': {'text': 'El Mau', 'link': 'https://elmau.net'}, } # ~ Name in this folder for copy ICON = 'images/logo.png' # ~ Name inside extensions ICON_EXT = f'{NAME.lower()}.png' # ~ For example # ~ DEPENDENCIES_MINIMAL = '6.0' DEPENDENCIES_MINIMAL = '' LICENSE_ACCEPT_BY = 'user' # or admin LICENSE_SUPPRESS_ON_UPDATE = True # ~ Change for you favorite license LICENSE_EN = f"""This file is part of {NAME}. {NAME} is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. {NAME} is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with {NAME}. If not, see . """ LICENSE_ES = LICENSE_EN INFO = { 'en': { 'display_name': 'Test Macro', 'description': 'My great extension', 'license': LICENSE_EN, }, 'es': { 'display_name': 'Macro de Prueba', 'description': 'Mi gran extensión', 'license': LICENSE_ES, }, } CONTEXT = { 'calc': 'com.sun.star.sheet.SpreadsheetDocument', } # ~ Menus, only for TYPE_EXTENSION = 1 # ~ Parent can be: AddonMenu or OfficeMenuBar # ~ For icons con name: NAME_16.bmp, used only NAME # ~ PARENT = 'AddonMenu' # ~ MENU_MAIN = '' PARENT = 'OfficeMenuBar' MENU_MAIN = { 'en': 'My Extension', 'es': 'Mi Extensión', } MENUS = ( { 'title': {'en': 'Option 1', 'es': 'Opción 1'}, 'argument': 'option1', 'context': '', 'icon': 'icon', 'toolbar': True, }, ) # ~ Functions, only for TYPE_EXTENSION = 3 FUNCTIONS = { 'test': { 'displayname': {'en': 'test', 'es': 'prueba'}, 'description': {'en': 'My test', 'es': 'Mi prueba'}, 'parameters': { 'value': { 'displayname': {'en': 'value', 'es': 'valor'}, 'description': {'en': 'The value', 'es': 'El valor'}, }, }, }, } # ~ FUNCTIONS = {} EXTENSION = { 'version': VERSION, 'name': NAME, 'id': ID, 'icon': (ICON, ICON_EXT), } # ~ If used more libraries set python path in True and copy inside # ~ If used easymacro pythonpath always is True DIRS = { 'meta': 'META-INF', 'source': 'source', 'description': 'description', 'images': 'images', 'registration': 'registration', 'files': 'files', 'pythonpath': False, } FILES = { 'oxt': f'{NAME}_v{VERSION}.oxt', 'py': f'{NAME}.py', 'ext_desc': 'desc_{}.txt', 'manifest': 'manifest.xml', 'description': 'description.xml', 'idl': f'X{NAME}.idl', 'addons': 'Addons.xcu', 'urd': f'X{NAME}.urd', 'rdb': f'X{NAME}.rdb', 'update': f'{NAME.lower()}.update.xml', 'addin': 'CalcAddIn.xcu', 'easymacro': True, } # ~ URLs for update for example # ~ URL_XML_UPDATE = 'https://gitlab.com/USER/PROYECT/raw/BRANCH/FOLDERs/FILE_NAME' URL_XML_UPDATE = '' URL_OXT = '' # ~ If used user profile for develop # ~ PATH_DEV = '-env:UserInstallation=file:///home/mau/.temp/develop' # ~ unopkg not support (or I not know how) other user profile PATH_DEV = '' PATHS = { 'idlc': '/usr/lib/libreoffice/sdk/bin/idlc', 'include': '/usr/share/idl/libreoffice', 'regmerge': '/usr/lib/libreoffice/program/regmerge', 'soffice': ('soffice', '--calc'), 'install': ('unopkg', 'add', '-v', '-f', '-s'), } SERVICES = { 'job': "('com.sun.star.task.Job',)", 'addin': "('com.sun.star.sheet.AddIn',)", } FORMAT = '%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s' DATE = '%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S' LEVEL_ERROR = logging.getLevelName(logging.ERROR) LEVEL_INFO = logging.getLevelName(logging.INFO) logging.addLevelName(logging.ERROR, f'\033[1;41m{LEVEL_ERROR}\033[1;0m') logging.addLevelName(logging.INFO, f'\x1b[32m{LEVEL_INFO}\033[1;0m') logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG, format=FORMAT, datefmt=DATE) log = logging.getLogger(NAME) def _methods(): template = """ def {0}(self, {1}): print({1}) return 'ok'\n""" functions = '' for k, v in FUNCTIONS.items(): args = ','.join(v['parameters'].keys()) functions += template.format(k, args) return functions SRV = SERVICES['job'] XSRV = 'XJobExecutor' SRV_IMPORT = f'from com.sun.star.task import {XSRV}' METHODS = """ def trigger(self, args='pyUNO'): print('Hello World', args) return\n""" if TYPE_EXTENSION > 1: MENUS = () XSRV = f'X{NAME}' SRV_IMPORT = f'from {ID} import {XSRV}' if TYPE_EXTENSION == 2: SRV = f"('{ID}',)" METHODS = """ def test(self, args='pyUNO'): print('Hello World', args) return\n""" elif TYPE_EXTENSION == 3: SRV = SERVICES['addin'] METHODS = _methods() FILE_PY = f"""import uno import unohelper {SRV_IMPORT} ID_EXTENSION = '{ID}' SERVICE = {SRV} class {NAME}(unohelper.Base, {XSRV}): def __init__(self, ctx): self.ctx = ctx {METHODS} g_ImplementationHelper = unohelper.ImplementationHelper() g_ImplementationHelper.addImplementation({NAME}, ID_EXTENSION, SERVICE) """ tmp = ' {}' node = [tmp.format(k, v['display_name']) for k, v in INFO.items()] NODE_DISPLAY_NAME = '\n'.join(node) tmp = ' ' node = [tmp.format(k) for k, v in INFO.items()] NODE_EXTENSION_DESCRIPTION = '\n'.join(node) NODE_ICON = '' if ICON: NODE_ICON = f' ' NODE_PUBLISHER = '' if PUBLISHER: tmp = ' {}' node = [tmp.format(v['link'], k, v['text']) for k, v in PUBLISHER.items()] NODE_PUBLISHER = '\n'.join(node) NODE_DEPENDENCIES_MINIMAL = '' if DEPENDENCIES_MINIMAL: NODE_DEPENDENCIES_MINIMAL = f"""\n """ tmp = ' ' node = [tmp.format(DIRS['registration'], k) for k in INFO.keys()] NODE_LICENSE = '\n'.join(node) NODE_UPDATE = '' if URL_XML_UPDATE: NODE_UPDATE = f""" """ FILE_DESCRIPTION = f""" {NODE_DISPLAY_NAME} {NODE_EXTENSION_DESCRIPTION} {NODE_ICON} {NODE_PUBLISHER} {NODE_LICENSE} {NODE_DEPENDENCIES_MINIMAL}{NODE_UPDATE} """ NODE_MENU = """ {titles} service:{id}?{argument} _self {context} %origin%/{folder}/{icon} """ opt = 'fuse' if PARENT == 'OfficeMenuBar': opt = 'replace' menus = [] toolbar = [] tmp = ' {}' for i, m in enumerate(MENUS): titles = [tmp.format(k, v) for k, v in m['title'].items()] values = { 'id': ID, 'index': i+101, 'opt': opt, 'titles': '\n'.join(titles), 'argument': m['argument'], 'context': m['context'], 'folder': DIRS['images'], 'icon': m['icon'], } menus.append(NODE_MENU.format(**values)) if m['toolbar']: values['index'] = f't{i+1}' toolbar.append(NODE_MENU.format(**values)) NODE_TOOLBAR = '' if PARENT == 'AddonMenu': NODE_MENUS = '\n'.join(menus) else: tmp = ' {}' titles = '\n'.join([tmp.format(k, v) for k, v in MENU_MAIN.items()]) SUBMENUS = '\n ' + '\n'.join(menus) + '\n ' NODE_MENUS = f""" {titles} _self {SUBMENUS} """ if toolbar: node_toolbars = '\n'.join(toolbar) NODE_TOOLBAR = f""" {node_toolbars} """ FILE_ADDONS = f""" {NODE_MENUS} {NODE_TOOLBAR} """ NODE_ADDONS = '\n ' if TYPE_EXTENSION > 1: NODE_ADDONS = f'\n ' if TYPE_EXTENSION == 3: NODE_ADDONS += '\n ' FILE_MANIFEST = f""" {NODE_ADDONS} """ FILE_UPDATE = '' if URL_XML_UPDATE: FILE_UPDATE = f""" """ def _functions(): a = '[in] any {}' t = ' any {}({});' f = '' for k, v in FUNCTIONS.items(): args = ','.join([a.format(k) for k, v in v['parameters'].items()]) f += t.format(k, args) return f FILE_IDL = '' if TYPE_EXTENSION > 1: id_ext = ID.replace('.', '_') interface = f'X{NAME}' module = '' for i, P in enumerate(ID.split('.')): module += f'module {P} {{ ' close_module = '}; ' * (i + 1) functions = ' void test([in] any argument);' if TYPE_EXTENSION == 3: functions = _functions() FILE_IDL = f"""#ifndef __{id_ext}_idl__ #define __{id_ext}_idl__ #include {module} interface {interface} : com::sun::star::uno::XInterface {{ {functions} }}; service {P} {{ interface {interface}; }}; {close_module} #endif """ def _parameters(args): NODE = """ {displayname} {description} """ line = '{}{}' node = '' for k, v in args.items(): displayname = '\n'.join( [line.format(' ' * 16, k, v) for k, v in v['displayname'].items()]) description = '\n'.join( [line.format(' ' * 16, k, v) for k, v in v['description'].items()]) values = { 'name': k, 'displayname': displayname, 'description': description, } node += NODE.format(**values) return node NODE_FUNCTIONS = '' if TYPE_EXTENSION == 3: tmp = '{}{}' NODE_FUNCTION = """ {displayname} {description} Add-In AutoAddIn.{name} {parameters} """ for k, v in FUNCTIONS.items(): displayname = '\n'.join( [tmp.format(' ' * 12, k, v) for k, v in v['displayname'].items()]) description = '\n'.join( [tmp.format(' ' * 12, k, v) for k, v in v['description'].items()]) parameters = _parameters(v['parameters']) values = { 'name': k, 'displayname': displayname, 'description': description, 'parameters': parameters, } NODE_FUNCTIONS += NODE_FUNCTION.format(**values) FILE_ADDIN = f""" {NODE_FUNCTIONS} """ DATA = { 'py': FILE_PY, 'manifest': FILE_MANIFEST, 'description': FILE_DESCRIPTION, 'addons': FILE_ADDONS, 'update': FILE_UPDATE, 'idl': FILE_IDL, 'addin': FILE_ADDIN, }