Tools ----- Remember, always import library. .. code-block:: python import easymacro as app Info from PC ^^^^^^^^^^^^ * Operate system .. code-block:: python app.msgbox(app.OS) * Current user .. code-block:: python app.msgbox(app.USER) * Name PC .. code-block:: python app.msgbox(app.PC) * Name desktop, only GNU/Linux .. code-block:: python app.msgbox(app.DESKTOP) * Language .. code-block:: python app.msgbox(app.LANG) * Language with variant .. code-block:: python app.msgbox(app.LANGUAGE) * Application name .. code-block:: python app.msgbox(app.NAME) * Application version .. code-block:: python app.msgbox(app.VERSION) * In Windows .. code-block:: python app.msgbox(app.IS_WIN) * In Mac .. code-block:: python app.msgbox(app.IS_MAC) Message Box ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: python app.msgbox(app.IS_WIN, 'My Macro') Show warning ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: python message = 'Caution, this action is dangerous' title = 'My App' app.warning(message, title) Show error box ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: python message = 'ERROR: Contact technical support' title = 'My App' app.errorbox(message, title) Make question ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: python message = 'Is easy Python?' title = 'My App' result = app.question(message, title) app.msgbox(result) InputBox ^^^^^^^^ * Normal data .. code-block:: python message = 'Type your name' default = '' title = 'My App' result = app.inputbox(message, default, title) app.msgbox(result) * Private data .. code-block:: python message = 'Type your password' default = '' title = 'My App' echochar = "*" result = app.inputbox(message, default, title, echochar) app.msgbox(result) Paths and files ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * Get info path .. code-block:: python path = '/home/mau/myfile.ods' p = app.paths(path) app.debug(p.path) app.debug(p.file_name) app.debug( app.debug(p.ext) app.debug(p.url) Or get information in a tuple .. code-block:: python path = '/home/mau/myfile.ods' p = app.paths(path) app.debug( * Get path home .. code-block:: python path = app.paths.home app.debug(path) * Get path documents .. code-block:: python path = app.paths.documents app.debug(path) * Get path temp .. code-block:: python path = app.paths.temp_dir app.debug(path) Date and times ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * Get today .. code-block:: python app.msgbox( * Get now .. code-block:: python app.msgbox( * Get now only time .. code-block:: python app.msgbox( Thread ^^^^^^ You can execute any macro in thread * Normal execution .. code-block:: python def show_time(seconds): app.sleep(seconds) app.msgbox(app.NAME) return def main(args=None): show_time(5) app.msgbox('Finish...') return * Run in thread .. code-block:: python @app.run_in_thread def show_time(seconds): app.sleep(seconds) app.msgbox(app.NAME) return def main(args=None): show_time(5) app.msgbox('Finish...') return Dictionary <-> properties ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: python args = { 'Hidden': True, 'Password': 'letmein', } properties = app.dict_to_property(args) app.msgbox(properties) data = app.data_to_dict(properties) app.msgbox(data) Tuples or lists to dictionary ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: python tuple_of_tuples = ( ('Hidden', True), ('Password', 'letmein'), ) data = app.data_to_dict(tuple_of_tuples) app.msgbox(data) list_of_lists = [ ['Hidden', True], ['Password', 'letmein'], ] data = app.data_to_dict(list_of_lists) app.msgbox(data) Json ^^^^ .. code-block:: python data = { 'Hidden': True, 'Password': 'letmein', } json = app.json_dumps(data) app.msgbox(json) data = app.json_loads(json) app.msgbox(data) Call Macros ^^^^^^^^^^^ You can any macro, for default call macros Python. .. code-block:: python def show_message(): app.msgbox(app.INFO_DEBUG) return def main(args=None): args = { 'library': 'test', 'name': 'show_message', } app.call_macro(args) return Of course is better call directly if both macros are the same languaje, but, you can call macro in Basic too. .. code-block:: vbnet Sub show_message() MsgBox "Basic from Python" End Sub Call from Python with. .. code-block:: python args = { 'language': 'Basic', 'library': 'Standard', 'module': 'Module1', 'name': 'show_message', } app.call_macro(args) Execute macro in other thread .. code-block:: python app.call_macro(args, True)