Configuration ============= * Create new extension: ``./ -new -t ~/projects -n MyGreatExtension`` * Move to new folder: ``cd ~/projects/MyGreatExtension`` * Edit file ```` ``vim`` Parameters ---------- **Configure correctly this options, before you start code your extension.** Only modify this options. Type extension ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ **TYPE_EXTENSION** The type extension that you want develop. * Integer * 1 = Normal extension * 2 = New components * 3 = Calc addin Example: .. code-block:: python TYPE_EXTENSION = 1 Version ^^^^^^^ **VERSION** * String * The current version of extension, look: `Semantic Versioning`_ Example: .. code-block:: python VERSION = '0.1.0' Name ^^^^ **NAME** * String * Your extension name, not used spaces. Example: .. code-block:: python NAME = 'MyGreatExtension' ID extension ^^^^^^^^^^^^ The internal name for extension. **ID** * String * Should be unique, used URL inverse Example: .. code-block:: python ID = 'org.yourname.extensionname' Locales ^^^^^^^ If your extension will be multi-language (recommended) **USE_LOCALES** * Bool Example: .. code-block:: python USE_LOCALES = True Domain for locales ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The base name for generate files POT **DOMAIN** * String Example: .. code-block:: python DOMAIN = 'base' Path pyGetText ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Absolute path for tool `` for generate POT. **PATH_PYGETTEXT** * String Example: .. code-block:: python PATH_PYGETTEXT = '/usr/lib/python3.9/Tools/i18n/' Author ^^^^^^ Your information like author, one or more languages. This information is displayed in the extension manager. **PUBLISHER** * Dictionary Example: .. code-block:: python PUBLISHER = { 'en': {'text': 'Your name', 'link': ''}, 'es': {'text': 'Tu nombre', 'link': ''}, } Extension icon ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Path relative or absolute to extension logo. Show in extension manager. **ICON** * String Example: .. code-block:: python ICON='images/logo.png' License ^^^^^^^ The license for your extension, please, used free license. **LICENSE** * String Example: .. code-block:: python LICENSE_EN = f"""This file is part of {NAME}. {NAME} is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. {NAME} is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with {NAME}. If not, see . """ LICENSE_ES = LICENSE_EN .. _Semantic Versioning: