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2021-10-07 14:22:30 -05:00
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# ~ Thanks:
# ~
import re
import unicodedata
from collections import Counter
from functools import wraps
from math import log
def cached_property(f):
""" Property that will replace itself with a calculated value """
name = '__' + f.__name__
def wrapper(self):
if not hasattr(self, name):
setattr(self, name, f(self))
return getattr(self, name)
return property(wrapper)
class PasswordStats(object):
""" PasswordStats allows to calculate statistics on a password.
It considers a password as a unicode string, and all statistics are unicode-based.
def __init__(self, password):
self.password = password
#region Statistics
def alphabet(self):
""" Get alphabet: set of used characters
:rtype: set
return set(self.password)
def alphabet_cardinality(self):
""" Get alphabet cardinality: alphabet length
:rtype: int
return len(self.alphabet)
def char_categories_detailed(self):
""" Character count per unicode category, detailed format.
:returns: Counter( unicode-character-category: count )
:rtype: collections.Counter
return Counter(map(unicodedata.category, self.password))
def char_categories(self):
""" Character count per top-level category
The following top-level categories are defined:
- L: letter
- M: Mark
- N: Number
- P: Punctuation
- S: Symbol
- Z: Separator
- C: Other
:return: Counter(unicode-character-category: count }
:rtype: collections.Counter
c = Counter()
for cat, n in self.char_categories_detailed.items():
c[cat[0]] += n
return c
#region Counters
def length(self):
""" Get password length
:rtype: int
return len(self.password)
def letters(self):
""" Count all letters
:rtype: int
return self.char_categories['L']
def letters_uppercase(self):
""" Count uppercase letters
:rtype: int
return self.char_categories_detailed['Lu']
def letters_lowercase(self):
""" Count lowercase letters
:rtype: int
return self.char_categories_detailed['Ll']
def numbers(self):
""" Count numbers
:rtype: int
return self.char_categories['N']
def count(self, *categories):
""" Count characters of the specified classes only
:param categories: Character categories to count
:type categories: Iterable
:rtype: int
return sum([int(cat_n[0] in categories) * cat_n[1] for cat_n in list(self.char_categories.items())])
def count_except(self, *categories):
""" Count characters of all classes except the specified ones
:param categories: Character categories to exclude from count
:type categories: Iterable
:rtype: int
return sum([int(cat_n1[0] not in categories) * cat_n1[1] for cat_n1 in list(self.char_categories.items())])
def special_characters(self):
""" Count special characters
Special characters is everything that's not a letter or a number
:rtype: int
return self.count_except('L', 'N')
#region Security
def combinations(self):
""" The number of possible combinations with the current alphabet
:rtype: long
return self.alphabet_cardinality ** self.length
def entropy_bits(self):
""" Get information entropy bits: log2 of the number of possible passwords
:rtype: float
return self.length * log(self.alphabet_cardinality, 2)
def entropy_density(self):
""" Get information entropy density factor, ranged {0 .. 1}.
This is ratio of entropy_bits() to max bits a password of this length could have.
E.g. if all characters are unique -- then it's 1.0.
If half of the characters are reused once -- then it's 0.5.
:rtype: float
# Simplifying:
# entropy_bits / (length * log(length, 2)) =
# = log(alphabet_cardinality, 2) / log(length, 2) =
# = log(alphabet_cardinality, length)
return log(self.alphabet_cardinality, self.length)
def strength(self, weak_bits=30):
""" Get password strength as a number normalized to range {0 .. 1}.
Normalization is done in the following fashion:
1. If entropy_bits <= weak_bits -- linear in range{0.0 .. 0.33} (weak)
2. If entropy_bits <= weak_bits*2 -- almost linear in range{0.33 .. 0.66} (medium)
3. If entropy_bits > weak_bits*3 -- asymptotic towards 1.0 (strong)
:param weak_bits: Minimum entropy bits a medium password should have.
:type weak_bits: int
:return: Normalized password strength:
* <0.33 is WEAK
* <0.66 is MEDIUM
* >0.66 is STRONG
:rtype: float
WEAK_MAX = 0.333333333
if self.entropy_bits <= weak_bits:
return WEAK_MAX * self.entropy_bits / weak_bits
HARD_BITS = weak_bits*3
HARD_VAL = 0.950
# Here, we want a function that:
# 1. f(x)=0.333 at x=weak_bits
# 2. f(x)=0.950 at x=weak_bits*3 (great estimation for a perfect password)
# 3. f(x) is almost linear in range{weak_bits .. weak_bits*2}: doubling the bits should double the strength
# 4. f(x) has an asymptote of 1.0 (normalization)
# First, the function:
# f(x) = 1 - (1-WEAK_MAX)*2^( -k*x)
# Now, the equation:
# 1 - (1-WEAK_MAX)*2^( -k*HARD_BITS) = HARD_VAL
# 2^( -k*HARD_BITS) = (1 - HARD_VAL) / (1-WEAK_MAX)
# k = -log2((1 - HARD_VAL) / (1-WEAK_MAX)) / HARD_BITS
k = -log((1 - HARD_VAL) / (1-WEAK_MAX), 2) / HARD_BITS
f = lambda x: 1 - (1-WEAK_MAX)*pow(2, -k*x)
return f(self.entropy_bits - weak_bits) # with offset
#region Detectors
_repeated_patterns_rex = re.compile(r'((.+?)\2+)', re.UNICODE | re.DOTALL | re.IGNORECASE)
def repeated_patterns_length(self):
""" Detect and return the length of repeated patterns.
You will probably be comparing it with the length of the password itself and ban if it's longer than 10%
:rtype: int
length = 0
for substring, pattern in self._repeated_patterns_rex.findall(self.password):
length += len(substring)
return length
_sequences = (
'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' # Alphabet
'qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm' # Keyboard
'~!@#$%^&*()_+-=' # Keyboard special, top row
'01234567890' # Numbers
_sequences = _sequences + _sequences[::-1] # reversed
def sequences_length(self):
""" Detect and return the length of used sequences:
- Alphabet letters: abcd...
- Keyboard letters: qwerty, etc
- Keyboard special characters in the top row: ~!@#$%^&*()_+
- Numbers: 0123456
:return: Total length of character sequences that are subsets of the common sequences
:rtype: int
# FIXME: Optimize this. I'm sure there is a better way!...
sequences_length = 0
# Iterate through the string, with manual variable (to allow skips)
i = 0
while i < len(self.password):
# Slice (since we use it often)
password = self.password[i:]
# Iterate over sequences to find longest common prefix
j = -1
common_length = 1
while True:
# Detect the first match with the current character
# A character may appear multiple times
j = self._sequences.find(password[0], j+1)
if j == -1:
# Find the longest common prefix
common_here = ''
for a, b in zip(password, self._sequences[j:]):
if a != b: break
else: common_here += a
# It it's longer than previous discoveries -- store it
common_length = max(common_length, len(common_here))
# Repeated sequence?
if common_length > 2:
sequences_length += common_length
# Next: skip to the end of the detected sequence
i += common_length
return sequences_length
def weakness_factor(self):
""" Get weakness factor as a float in range {0 .. 1}
This detects the portion of the string that contains:
* repeated patterns
* sequences
E.g. a value of 1.0 means the whole string is weak, and 0.5 means half of the string is weak.
Typical usage:
password_strength = (1 - weakness_factor) * strength
:return: Weakness factor
:rtype: float
return min(1.0, (self.repeated_patterns_length + self.sequences_length) / self.length)