# vibreoffice A Vi/Vim Mode Extension for Libreoffice and OpenOffice (Apache OpenOffice, OpenOffice.org) ### Installation Coming soon. ### Features vibreoffice currently supports: - Insert (`i`, `I`, `a`, `A`), Visual (`v`), Normal modes - Movement keys: `hjkl`, `w`, `W`, `b`, `B`, `e`, `$`, `^`, `{}`, `()`, `C-d`, `C-u` - Search movement: `f`, `F`, `t`, `T` - Number modifiers: e.g. `5w`, `4fa` - Deletion: `x`, `d`, `c`, `D`, `C`, `dd`, `cc` - Plus movement and number modifiers: e.g. `5dw`, `c3j`, `2dfe` - Delete a/inner block: e.g. `di(`, `da{`, `ci[`, `ci"`, `ca'`, `dit` - More to come! ### License vibreoffice is released under the MIT License.