2017-11-17 11:48:44 +08:00

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<title>Upgrade iRedAPD from v1.3.x or earlier versions to latest release</title>
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&nbsp;&nbsp;//&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="./index.html">Document Index</a></div><h1 id="upgrade-iredapd-from-v13x-or-earlier-versions-to-latest-release">Upgrade iRedAPD from v1.3.x or earlier versions to latest release</h1>
<div class="admonition attention">
<p class="admonition-title">Attention</p>
<li>If you're trying to upgrade iRedAPD-1.4.0 or later releases to the latest
iRedAPD, please check this tutorial instead: <a href="./upgrade.iredapd.html">Upgrade iRedAPD</a></li>
<li>We provide remote upgrade service, check
<a href="">the price</a> and
<a href="">contact us</a>.</li>
<p>This tutorial describes how to upgrade iRedAPD from v1.3.x or earlier versions
to the later releases, it's applicable on all Linux/BSD distributions supported
by iRedMail.</p>
<div class="admonition note">
<p class="admonition-title">Important Notes</p>
<li>Since iRedAPD-<code>1.4.0</code>, we use Python source file as config file, not
<code>.ini</code> format anymore.</li>
<li>We don't need second instance <code>iredapd-rr</code> anymore (it listens on port
<code>7778</code>), just one instance, one listen port <code>7777</code> is required.</li>
<p>Steps to upgrade iRedAPD-1.3.x or earlier versions:</p>
<li>Download the latest stable release here: <a href=""></a>
For example, iRedAPD-1.4.4.tar.bz2.</li>
<li>Upload it to your iRedMail server. Assume it's <code>/root/iRedAPD-1.4.4.tar.bz2</code>
on the server.</li>
<li>Extract downloaded package and move to <code>/opt/</code>, set correct owner and permission:</li>
<pre><code># tar xjf /root/iRedAPD-1.4.4.tar.bz2 -C /opt/
# cd /opt
# chown -R iredapd:iredapd iRedAPD-1.4.4
# chmod -R 0700 iRedAPD-1.4.4
<li>Generate new config file from sample file, and set correct file owner and permission.</li>
<pre><code># cd /opt/iRedAPD-1.4.4/
# cp
# chown -R iredapd:iredapd
# chmod -R 0400
<p><strong>WARNING</strong>: Config file <code>/opt/iredapd/</code> contains sensitive infomation
(username, password), please don't make it world-readable. Permission 0400 is
the best.</p>
<p>Open iRedAPD config file <code>/opt/iredapd/</code>, and sync settings with
old iRedAPD config file <code>/opt/iRedAPD-[OLD-VERSION]/etc/iredapd.ini</code>.</p>
<li>In old version, parameters under <code>[ldap]</code> section are now new parameters
start with <code>ldap_</code>.</li>
<li>In old version, all parameters under <code>[sql]</code> (or <code>[mysql]</code>) section are
now new parameters start with <code>sql_</code>.</li>
<p>Remove symbol link of old release:</p>
<pre><code># rm -i /opt/iredapd # &lt;- Don't not end with '/'.
<p>Copy new RC script. We have scripts for different Linux/BSD distributions,
please copy the correct one for your distribution:</p>
<li><code>/opt/iredapd/rc_scripts/iredapd.rhel</code>: For Red Hat, CentOS, Scientific Linux.</li>
<li><code>/opt/iredapd/rc_scripts/iredapd.debian</code>: For Debian and Ubuntu.</li>
<li><code>/opt/iredapd/rc_scripts/iredapd.freebsd</code>: For FreeBSD. Please copy to <code>/usr/local/etc/rc.d/</code>.</li>
<li><code>/opt/iredapd/rc_scripts/iredapd.openbsd</code>: For OpenBSD. Please copy to <code>/etc/rc.d/</code>.</li>
<pre><code># cp /opt/iredapd/rc_scripts/iredapd.rhel /etc/init.d/iredapd
# chmod +x /etc/init.d/iredapd
<li>Create symbol link to the latest release:</li>
<pre><code># cd /opt/
# ln -s iRedAPD-1.4.4 iredapd
<li>Restart iRedAPD service:</li>
# ---- On Linux ----
# /etc/init.d/iredapd restart
# ---- On FreeBSD ----
# /usr/local/etc/rc.d/iredapd restart
# ---- On OpenBSD ----
# /etc/rc.d/iredapd restart
<li>If you don't have file <code>/etc/init.d/iredapd-rr</code> (on Linux), or
<code>/etc/rc.d/iredapd-rr</code> (on OpenBSD), or <code>/usr/local/etc/rc.d/iredapd-rr</code>
(on FreeBSD), it's safe to ignore below steps. But if you have it, please
stop service <code>iredapd-rr</code>, then move all enabled plugin names listed in
<code>/opt/iRedAPD-[OLD_VERSION]/etc/iredapd-rr.ini</code> to new config file
<code>/opt/iredapd/</code>, in parameter <code>plugins =</code>.</li>
<pre><code># /etc/init.d/iredapd-rr stop
# rm /etc/init.d/iredapd-rr
<p>Check whether you have <code>check_policy_service inet:</code> in Postfix
config file <code>/etc/postfix/</code> (Linux/OpenBSD) or
<code>/usr/local/etc/postfix/</code> (FreeBSD), if you have it, please remove it,
then restart Postfix service.</p><div class="footer">
<p style="text-align: center; color: grey;">All documents are available in <a href="">BitBucket repository</a>, and published under <a href="" target="_blank">Creative Commons</a> license. You can <a href="">download the latest version</a> for offline reading. If you found something wrong, please do <a href="">contact us</a> to fix it.</p>
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